SExpr* ProtoInterpreter::expand_macro(MacroOperator* m, SE_List* call) {
  Env m_env(this);
  // bind variables to SExprs
    return sexp_err(call,"Wrong number of arguments for macro "+m->name);
  int i=1; // start after macro name
  for(int j=0;j<m->signature->required_inputs.size();j++) {
    ProtoSymbol* var
      = &dynamic_cast<ProtoSymbol &>(*m->signature->required_inputs[j]);
  for(int j=0;j<m->signature->optional_inputs.size() && i<call->len();j++) {
    ProtoSymbol* var
      = &dynamic_cast<ProtoSymbol &>(*m->signature->optional_inputs[j]);
  if(m->signature->rest_input) { // sweep all else into rest argument
    ProtoSymbol* var
      = &dynamic_cast<ProtoSymbol &>(*m->signature->rest_input);
    SE_List *rest = new SE_List(); rest->inherit_attributes(m);
    for(; i<call->len(); ) { rest->add((*call)[i++]); }
  // then substitute the pattern
  V3 << "Expand macro call:\n"; V3 << call->to_str() << endl;
  SExpr* expanded = macro_substitute(m->pattern,&m_env);
  V3 << "Macro expanded into:\n"; V3 << expanded->to_str() << endl;
  return expanded;
// Parse the extra arguments of a primitive into attributes
void parse_primitive_attributes(SE_List_iter* li,Primitive* p) {
  while(li->has_next()) {
    SExpr* v = li->get_next();
    if(!v->isKeyword()) {compile_error(v,v->to_str()+" not a keyword"); return;}
    const string &name = dynamic_cast<SE_Symbol &>(*v).name;
      compile_warn("Primitive "+p->name+" overriding duplicate '"
                   +name+"' attribute");
    if(li->has_next() && !li->peek_next()->isKeyword()) {
      p->attributes[name]=new SExprAttribute(li->get_next());
    } else {
      p->attributes[name]=new MarkerAttribute(true);
// returns the output field
Field* ProtoInterpreter::sexp_to_graph(SExpr* s, AM* space, Env *env) {
  V3 << "Interpret: " << ce2s(s) << " in " << ce2s(space) << endl;
  if(s->isSymbol()) {
    // All other symbols are looked up in the environment
    CompilationElement* elt = env->lookup(dynamic_cast<SE_Symbol &>(*s).name);
    if(elt==NULL) { 
      V4 << "Symbolic literal?\n";
      ProtoType* val = symbolic_literal(dynamic_cast<SE_Symbol &>(*s).name);
      if(val) { V4 << "- Yes\n"; return dfg->add_literal(val,space,s); }
      return field_err(s,space,"Couldn't find definition of "+s->to_str());
    } else if(elt->isA("Field")) { 
      V4 << "Found field: " << ce2s(elt) << endl;
      Field* f = &dynamic_cast<Field &>(*elt);
      if(f->domain==space) { return f;
      } if(f->domain->child_of(space)) {
        ierror(s,"Direct reference to child space in parent:"+ce2s(s));
      } else { // implicit restriction
        OI *oi = new OperatorInstance(s,Env::core_op("restrict"),space);
        if(space->selector) oi->add_input(space->selector); 
        return oi->output;
    } else if(elt->isA("Operator")) {
      V4 << "Lambda literal: " << ce2s(elt) << endl;
      return dfg->add_literal(new ProtoLambda(&dynamic_cast<Operator &>(*elt)),
          space, s);
    } else if(elt->isA("MacroSymbol")) {
      V4 << "Macro: " << ce2s(elt) << endl;
        sexp_to_graph(dynamic_cast<MacroSymbol &>(*elt).pattern,space,env);
    } else return field_err(s,space,"Can't interpret "+elt->type_of()+" "+
                            s->to_str()+" as field");
  } else if(s->isScalar()) { // Numbers are literals
    V4 << "Numeric literal.\n";
      dfg->add_literal(new ProtoScalar(dynamic_cast<SE_Scalar &>(*s).value),
  } else { // it must be a list
    // Lists are special forms or function applicatios
    SE_List* sl = &dynamic_cast<SE_List &>(*s);
    if(sl->len()==0) return field_err(sl,space,"Expression has no members"); 
    if(sl->op()->isSymbol()) { 
      // check if it's a special form
      string opname = dynamic_cast<SE_Symbol &>(*sl->op()).name;
      if(opname=="let") { return let_to_graph(sl,space,env,false);
      } else if(opname=="let*") { return let_to_graph(sl,space,env,true);
      } else if(opname=="all") { // evaluate children, returning last field
        Field* last=NULL;
        V4 << "Found 'all' construct\n";
        for(int j=1;j<sl->len();j++) last = sexp_to_graph((*sl)[j],space,env);
        return last;
      } else if(opname=="restrict"){ 
        return restrict_to_graph(sl,space,env);
      } else if(opname=="def" && sl->len()==3) { // variable definition
        SExpr *def=(*sl)[1], *exp=(*sl)[2];
          return field_err(sl,space,"def name not a symbol: "+def->to_str());
        Field* f = sexp_to_graph(exp,space,env);
        env->force_bind(dynamic_cast<SE_Symbol &>(*def).name,f);
        V4 << "Defined variable: " << ce2s(f) << endl;
        return f;
      } else if(opname=="def" || opname=="primitive" || 
                opname=="lambda" || opname=="fun") {
        Operator* op = sexp_to_op(s,env);
        if(!(opname=="lambda" || opname=="fun")) return NULL;
        return dfg->add_literal(new ProtoLambda(op),space,s);
      } else if(opname=="annotate") {
        SE_List_iter li(sl); li.get_next(); // make iterator, discard op
        string name = li.get_token("operator name");
        CE* p = env->lookup(name);
        if(p==NULL) {
          compile_error(sl,"Can't find primitve '"+name+"' to annotate");
        } else if(!p->isA("Primitive")) {
          compile_error(sl,"Can't annotate '"+name+"': not a primitive");
        } else {
          // add in attributes
          parse_primitive_attributes(&li, &dynamic_cast<Primitive &>(*p));
        return NULL; // annotations are like primitives: nothing returned
      } else if(opname=="letfed" || opname=="letfed+") {
        return letfed_to_graph(sl,space,env,opname=="letfed");
      } else if(opname=="macro") {
        V4 << "Defining macro\n";
        return NULL;
      } else if(opname=="include") {
        for(int j=1;j<sl->len();j++) {
          SExpr *ex = (*sl)[j];
          V4 << "Including file: "<<ce2s(ex)<<endl;
            interpret_file(dynamic_cast<SE_Symbol &>(*ex).name);
          else compile_error(ex,"File name "+ex->to_str()+" is not a symbol");
        return NULL;
      } else if(opname=="quote") {
          return field_err(sl,space,"Quote requires an argument: "+s->to_str());
        V4 << "Creating quote literal\n";
        return dfg->add_literal(quote_to_literal_type((*sl)[1]),space,s);
      } else if(opname=="quasiquote") {
        return field_err(sl,space,"Quasiquote only allowed in macros: "+sl->to_str());
      // check if it's a macro
      CompilationElement* ce = env->lookup(opname);
      if(ce && ce->isA("Macro")) {
        V4 << "Applying macro\n";
        SExpr* new_expr;
        if(ce->isA("MacroOperator")) {
          new_expr = expand_macro(&dynamic_cast<MacroOperator &>(*ce),sl);
          if(new_expr->attributes.count("DUMMY")) // Mark of a failure
            return field_err(s,space,"Macro expansion failed on "+s->to_str());
        } else { // it's a MacroSymbol
          new_expr = sl->copy();
          dynamic_cast<SE_List &>(*new_expr).children[0]
            = dynamic_cast<Macro &>(*ce).pattern;
        return sexp_to_graph(new_expr,space,env);
    // if we didn't return yet, it's an ordinary composite expression
    Operator *op = sexp_to_op(sl->op(),env);
      compile_warn(op,"operator '"+op->name+"' not intended for direct use.");
    OperatorInstance *oi = new OperatorInstance(s,op,space);
    for(vector<SExpr*>::iterator it=sl->args(); it!=sl->children.end(); it++) {
      Field* sub = sexp_to_graph(*it,space,env);
      // operator defs, primitives, and macros return null & are ignored
      if(sub) oi->add_input(sub);
    if(!op->signature->legal_length(oi->inputs.size())) {
      compile_error(s,"Called "+ce2s(op)+" with "+i2s(oi->inputs.size())+
                    " arguments; it requires "+op->signature->num_arg_str());
    V4 << "Added operator "<<ce2s(oi)<<endl;
    return oi->output;
  ierror("Fell through sexp_to_graph w/o returning for: "+s->to_str());
Field *
ProtoInterpreter::letfed_to_graph(SE_List *s, AM *space, Env *env,
    bool init)
  // Parse the input with the beautiful pattern matching language that
  // C++ affords us.
  if (! ((s->len() >= 3) & (*s)[1]->isList()))
    return field_err(s, space, "Malformed letfed expression: " + s->to_str());

  vector<SExpr *>::const_iterator iterator = s->args();
  SE_List *bindings = &dynamic_cast<SE_List &>(*(*iterator++));
  size_t n = bindings->len();

  vector<SExpr *> patterns;
  vector<SExpr *> initial_expressions;
  vector<SExpr *> update_expressions;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    SExpr *binding = (*bindings)[i];
    if (!binding->isList())
      compile_error(binding, "Malformed letfed binding: " + binding->to_str());
    SE_List *binding_list = &dynamic_cast<SE_List &>(*binding);
    if (binding_list->len() != 3)
      compile_error(binding, "Malformed letfed binding: " + binding->to_str());
    SExpr *pattern = (*binding_list)[0];
    if (!letfed_pattern_p(pattern))
      compile_error(pattern, "Malformed letfed pattern: " + pattern->to_str());

  // Create the environments, conditional OIs, and subspaces.
  Env *body_env = new Env(env), *update_env = new Env(env);
  OI *true_if_change, *false_if_change;
  AM *initial_space, *update_space;

  if (init) {
    true_if_change = new OI(s, Env::core_op("dchange"), space);
    false_if_change = new OI(s, Env::core_op("not"), space);
    initial_space = new AM(s, space, true_if_change->output);
    update_space = new AM(s, space, false_if_change->output);
  } else {
    true_if_change = false_if_change = 0;
    initial_space = 0;
    update_space = space;

  // Evaluate the initial expressions.
  vector<OI *> ois;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    SExpr *binding = (*bindings)[i];
    SExpr *pattern = patterns[i];
    SExpr *initial_expression = initial_expressions[i];

    OI *delay = new OI(binding, Env::core_op("delay"), update_space);

    if (init) {
      OI *mux = new OI(binding, Env::core_op("mux"), space);
      mux->attributes["LETFED-MUX"] = new MarkerAttribute(true);
      mux->add_input(sexp_to_graph(initial_expression, initial_space, env));
    } else {
      delay->output->range = sexp_to_type(initial_expression);

    // Bind the pattern variables to the delayed fields in the
    // environment for the update expression.
    bind_letfed_pattern(pattern, delay->output, update_space, update_env);

  // Evaluate the update expressions.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    SExpr *binding = (*bindings)[i];
    SExpr *pattern = patterns[i];
    SExpr *update_expression = update_expressions[i];

    Field *update = sexp_to_graph(update_expression, update_space, update_env);
    Field *field;

    if (init)
      field = ois[i]->output;
      field = update;

    // Bind the pattern variables to the actual field in the body.
    bind_letfed_pattern(pattern, field, space, body_env);

    // Feed the update field back into the mux/delay OI.

  // Evaluate the body.
  Field *field = 0;
  while (iterator != s->children.end())
    field = sexp_to_graph(*iterator++, space, body_env);

  return field;