void Node::removeSFNodes() { SceneGraph *sg = getSceneGraph(); if (sg) { for (ScriptNode *script = sg->findScriptNode(); script; script=script->nextTraversal()) { for (int n=0; n<script->getNFields(); n++) { Field *field = script->getField(n); if (field->getType() == fieldTypeSFNode) { SFNode *sfnode = (SFNode *)field; if (sfnode->getValue() == this) sfnode->setValue((Node *)NULL); } } } } }
void H3DViewerPopupMenus::OnTreeViewAddChildNode( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxTreeItemId id = treeview_dialog->TreeViewTree->GetSelection(); H3DViewerTreeViewDialog::TreeIdMap::iterator ni = treeview_dialog->node_map.find( id.m_pItem ); if( ni == treeview_dialog->node_map.end() ) { wxMessageBox( wxT("Selected tree item is not a node"), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } vector< wxString > node_fields; Node *selected_node = (*ni).second.get(); H3DNodeDatabase *db = H3DNodeDatabase::lookupNodeInstance( selected_node ); for( H3DNodeDatabase::FieldDBConstIterator i = db->fieldDBBegin(); db->fieldDBEnd() != i; ++i ) { Field *f = i.getField( selected_node ); if( SFNode *sfnode = dynamic_cast< SFNode * >( f ) ) { if( sfnode->getAccessType() == Field::INPUT_ONLY || sfnode->getAccessType() == Field::INPUT_OUTPUT ) { node_fields.push_back( wxString(sfnode->getName().c_str(),wxConvUTF8) ); } } else if( MFNode *mfnode = dynamic_cast< MFNode * >( f ) ) { if( mfnode->getAccessType() == Field::INPUT_ONLY || mfnode->getAccessType() == Field::INPUT_OUTPUT ) { node_fields.push_back( wxString(mfnode->getName().c_str(), wxConvUTF8) ); } } } if( node_fields.empty() ) { wxMessageBox( wxT("Selected node does not have a SFNode or MFNode field."), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } string field_to_change; if( node_fields.size() > 1 ) { wxString *choices = new wxString[ node_fields.size() ]; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < node_fields.size(); ++i ) { choices[i] = node_fields[i]; } wxSingleChoiceDialog *choice_dialog = new wxSingleChoiceDialog ( this, wxT("Add/replace node in which field.."), wxT(""), node_fields.size(), choices ); delete [] choices; if (choice_dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { field_to_change = std::string( node_fields[ choice_dialog->GetSelection() ].mb_str() ); } else { return; } } wxTextEntryDialog *node_name_dialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(this, wxT("Enter the name of the node type you want to use" ), wxT("Add/replace node" ) ); if (node_name_dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { Node *new_node = H3DNodeDatabase::createNode( std::string(node_name_dialog->GetValue().mb_str()) ); if( !new_node ) { wxMessageBox( wxT("No such node type exists: " + node_name_dialog->GetValue()), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } else { Field *f = selected_node->getField( field_to_change ); SFNode *sfnode = dynamic_cast< SFNode * >( f ); MFNode *mfnode = dynamic_cast< MFNode * >( f ); if( sfnode ) { AutoRef< Node > old_node( sfnode->getValue() ); try { sfnode->setValue( new_node ); } catch (...) { sfnode->setValue( old_node.get() ); wxMessageBox( wxT("Invalid node type for field"), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } } else if( mfnode ) { try { mfnode->push_back( new_node ); } catch (...) { wxMessageBox( wxT("Invalid node type for field"), wxT("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); } } } } }