BOOL8 test_underline(                   //look for underlines
    BOOL8 testing_on,  //< drawing blob
    C_BLOB *blob,      //< blob to test
    inT16 baseline,    //< coords of baseline
    inT16 xheight      //< height of line
) {
    inT16 occ;
    inT16 blob_width;              //width of blob
    TBOX blob_box;                  //bounding box
    inT32 desc_occ;
    inT32 x_occ;
    inT32 asc_occ;
    STATS projection;

    blob_box = blob->bounding_box ();
    blob_width = blob->bounding_box ().width ();
    projection.set_range (blob_box.bottom (), blob_box.top () + 1);
    if (testing_on) {
        //              blob->plot(to_win,GOLDENROD,GOLDENROD);
        //              line_color_index(to_win,GOLDENROD);
        //              move2d(to_win,blob_box.left(),baseline);
        //              draw2d(to_win,blob_box.right(),baseline);
        //              move2d(to_win,blob_box.left(),baseline+xheight);
        //              draw2d(to_win,blob_box.right(),baseline+xheight);
        ("Testing underline on blob at (%d,%d)->(%d,%d), base=%d\nOccs:",
         blob->bounding_box ().left (), blob->bounding_box ().bottom (),
         blob->bounding_box ().right (), blob->bounding_box ().top (),
    horizontal_cblob_projection(blob, &projection);
    desc_occ = 0;
    for (occ = blob_box.bottom (); occ < baseline; occ++)
        if (occ <= blob_box.top () && projection.pile_count (occ) > desc_occ)
            //max in region
            desc_occ = projection.pile_count (occ);
    x_occ = 0;
    for (occ = baseline; occ <= baseline + xheight; occ++)
        if (occ >= blob_box.bottom () && occ <= blob_box.top ()
                && projection.pile_count (occ) > x_occ)
            //max in region
            x_occ = projection.pile_count (occ);
    asc_occ = 0;
    for (occ = baseline + xheight + 1; occ <= blob_box.top (); occ++)
        if (occ >= blob_box.bottom () && projection.pile_count (occ) > asc_occ)
            asc_occ = projection.pile_count (occ);
    if (testing_on) {
        tprintf ("%d %d %d\n", desc_occ, x_occ, asc_occ);
    if (desc_occ == 0 && x_occ == 0 && asc_occ == 0) {
        tprintf ("Bottom=%d, top=%d, base=%d, x=%d\n",
                 blob_box.bottom (), blob_box.top (), baseline, xheight);
        projection.print (stdout, TRUE);
    if (desc_occ > x_occ + x_occ
            && desc_occ > blob_width * textord_underline_threshold)
        return TRUE;                 //real underline
    if (asc_occ > x_occ + x_occ
            && asc_occ > blob_width * textord_underline_threshold)
        return TRUE;                 //overline
    return FALSE;                  //neither