void AGActivityGenHandler::parseStreets(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { try { SUMOReal pop = 0; SUMOReal work = 0; if (attrs.hasAttribute(AGEN_ATTR_POPULATION)) { pop = attrs.getFloat(AGEN_ATTR_POPULATION); } if (attrs.hasAttribute(AGEN_ATTR_OUT_WORKPOSITION)) { work = attrs.getFloat(AGEN_ATTR_OUT_WORKPOSITION); } std::string eid = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_EDGE); AGStreet* street = dynamic_cast<AGStreet*>(net->getEdge(eid)); if (street == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Edge '" + eid + "' is not known."); return; } street->setPopulation(pop * street->getLength()); street->setWorkplaceNumber(work * street->getLength()); myCity.streets.push_back(street); } catch (const std::exception& e) { WRITE_ERROR("Error while parsing the element " + SUMOXMLDefinitions::Tags.getString(AGEN_TAG_STREET) + ": " + e.what()); throw ProcessError(); } }
void TrajectoriesHandler::myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; switch (element) { case SUMO_TAG_TRAJECTORIES: myStepSize = attrs.getFloat("timeStepSize") / 1000.; break; case SUMO_TAG_TIMESTEP: myCurrentTime = attrs.getSUMOTimeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TIME, 0, ok); break; case SUMO_TAG_VEHICLE: if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED)) { SUMOReal v = attrs.getFloat(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED); SUMOReal a = INVALID_VALUE; SUMOReal s = INVALID_VALUE; writeEmissions(std::cout, attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_ID), myDefaultClass, STEPS2TIME(myCurrentTime), v, a, s); } else { const std::string acId = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_ACTORCONFIG); const std::string id = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_ID); if (myEmissionClassByType.count(acId) == 0) { WRITE_WARNING("Unknown actor configuration '" + acId + "' for vehicle '" + id + "'!"); } else { myEmissionClassByVehicle[id] = myEmissionClassByType.count(acId) > 0 ? myEmissionClassByType[acId] : myDefaultClass; } } break; case SUMO_TAG_ACTORCONFIG: { const std::string id = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_ID); const std::string vClass = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_VEHICLECLASS); const std::string fuel = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_FUEL); const std::string eClass = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_EMISSIONCLASS); const SUMOReal weight = attrs.getOpt<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_WEIGHT, id.c_str(), ok, 0.) * 10.; myEmissionClassByType[id] = PollutantsInterface::getClass(myDefaultClass, vClass, fuel, eClass, weight); break; } case SUMO_TAG_MOTIONSTATE: { const std::string id = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_VEHICLE); if (myEmissionClassByVehicle.count(id) == 0) { WRITE_WARNING("Motion state for unknown vehicle '" + id + "'!"); myEmissionClassByVehicle[id] = myDefaultClass; } const SUMOEmissionClass c = myEmissionClassByVehicle[id]; SUMOReal v = attrs.getFloat(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED) / 100.; SUMOReal a = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_ACCELERATION) ? attrs.get<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_ACCELERATION, id.c_str(), ok) / 1000. : INVALID_VALUE; SUMOReal s = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SLOPE) ? RAD2DEG(asin(attrs.get<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_SLOPE, id.c_str(), ok) / 10000.)) : INVALID_VALUE; const SUMOTime time = attrs.getOpt<int>(SUMO_ATTR_TIME, id.c_str(), ok, INVALID_VALUE); if (myXMLOut != 0) { writeXMLEmissions(id, c, time, v, a, s); } if (myStdOut != 0) { writeEmissions(*myStdOut, id, c, STEPS2TIME(time), v, a, s); } break; } default: break; } }
void AGActivityGenHandler::parseCityGates(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { try { string edge = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_EDGE); SUMOReal positionOnEdge = attrs.getFloat(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION); AGPosition posi(myCity.getStreet(edge), positionOnEdge); myCity.statData.incoming[(int)myCity.cityGates.size()] = attrs.getFloat(AGEN_ATTR_INCOMING); myCity.statData.outgoing[(int)myCity.cityGates.size()] = attrs.getFloat(AGEN_ATTR_OUTGOING); myCity.cityGates.push_back(posi); } catch (const exception& e) { WRITE_ERROR("Error while parsing the element " + SUMOXMLDefinitions::Tags.getString(AGEN_TAG_CITYGATES) + ": " + e.what()); throw ProcessError(); } }
void AGActivityGenHandler::parseClosingHour(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { if (myCurrentObject == "workHours") { try { myCity.statData.endWorkHours[attrs.getInt(AGEN_ATTR_HOUR)] = attrs.getFloat(AGEN_ATTR_PROP); } catch (const exception& e) { WRITE_ERROR("Error while parsing the element " + SUMOXMLDefinitions::Tags.getString(AGEN_TAG_CLOSING) + ": " + e.what()); throw ProcessError(); } } }
void AGActivityGenHandler::parseStreets(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { try { SUMOReal pop = 0; SUMOReal work = 0; if (attrs.hasAttribute(AGEN_ATTR_POPULATION)) { pop = attrs.getFloat(AGEN_ATTR_POPULATION); } if (attrs.hasAttribute(AGEN_ATTR_OUT_WORKPOSITION)) { work = attrs.getFloat(AGEN_ATTR_OUT_WORKPOSITION); } AGStreet str(net->getEdge(attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_EDGE)), pop, work); myCity.streets.push_back(str); } catch (const exception& e) { WRITE_ERROR("Error while parsing the element " + SUMOXMLDefinitions::Tags.getString(AGEN_TAG_STREET) + ": " + e.what()); throw ProcessError(); } }
void SAXWeightsHandler::tryParse(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs, bool isEdge) { // !!!! no error handling! std::vector<ToRetrieveDefinition*>::iterator i; if (isEdge) { // process all that want values directly from the edge for (i = myDefinitions.begin(); i != myDefinitions.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->myAmEdgeBased) { if (attrs.hasAttribute((*i)->myAttributeName)) { (*i)->myAggValue = attrs.getFloat((*i)->myAttributeName); (*i)->myNoLanes = 1; (*i)->myHadAttribute = true; } else { (*i)->myHadAttribute = false; } } else { (*i)->myAggValue = 0; (*i)->myNoLanes = 0; } } } else { // process the current lane values for (i = myDefinitions.begin(); i != myDefinitions.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->myAmEdgeBased) { try { (*i)->myAggValue += attrs.getFloat((*i)->myAttributeName); ++((*i)->myNoLanes); (*i)->myHadAttribute = true; } catch (EmptyData&) { WRITE_ERROR("Missing value '" + (*i)->myAttributeName + "' in edge '" + myCurrentEdgeID + "'."); } catch (NumberFormatException&) { WRITE_ERROR("The value should be numeric, but is not.\n In edge '" + myCurrentEdgeID + "' at time step " + toString(myCurrentTimeBeg) + "."); } } } } }
void AGActivityGenHandler::parseBusStation(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { try { string edge = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_EDGE); SUMOReal positionOnEdge = attrs.getFloat(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION); int id = attrs.getInt(SUMO_ATTR_ID); AGPosition posi(myCity.getStreet(edge), positionOnEdge); myCity.statData.busStations.insert(std::pair<int, AGPosition>(id, posi)); } catch (const exception& e) { WRITE_ERROR("Error while parsing the element " + SUMOXMLDefinitions::Tags.getString(AGEN_TAG_BUSSTATION) + ": " + e.what()); throw ProcessError(); } }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addLane(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; std::string id = attrs.get<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (!ok) { return; } if (!myCurrentEdge) { WRITE_ERROR("Found lane '" + id + "' not within edge element"); return; } if (attrs.getOpt<bool>(SUMO_ATTR_CUSTOMSHAPE, 0, ok, false)) { const std::string nodeID = NBNode::getNodeIDFromInternalLane(id); myCustomShapeMaps[nodeID][id] = attrs.get<PositionVector>(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, id.c_str(), ok); } myCurrentLane = new LaneAttrs; if (myCurrentEdge->func == EDGEFUNC_CROSSING) { // save the width and the lane id of the crossing but don't do anything else std::vector<Crossing>& crossings = myPedestrianCrossings[SUMOXMLDefinitions::getJunctionIDFromInternalEdge(myCurrentEdge->id)]; assert(crossings.size() > 0); crossings.back().width = attrs.get<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, id.c_str(), ok); return; } else if (myCurrentEdge->func == EDGEFUNC_INTERNAL || myCurrentEdge->func == EDGEFUNC_WALKINGAREA) { myHaveSeenInternalEdge = true; return; // skip internal lanes } if (attrs.hasAttribute("maxspeed")) { // !!! deprecated myCurrentLane->maxSpeed = attrs.getFloat("maxspeed"); } else { myCurrentLane->maxSpeed = attrs.get<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, id.c_str(), ok); } try { myCurrentLane->allow = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_ALLOW, id.c_str(), ok, "", false); } catch (EmptyData e) { // !!! deprecated myCurrentLane->allow = ""; } myCurrentLane->disallow = attrs.getOpt<std::string>(SUMO_ATTR_DISALLOW, id.c_str(), ok, ""); myCurrentLane->width = attrs.getOpt<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, id.c_str(), ok, (SUMOReal) NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH); myCurrentLane->endOffset = attrs.getOpt<SUMOReal>(SUMO_ATTR_ENDOFFSET, id.c_str(), ok, (SUMOReal) NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET); myCurrentLane->shape = attrs.get<PositionVector>(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, id.c_str(), ok); // lane coordinates are derived (via lane spread) do not include them in convex boundary NBNetBuilder::transformCoordinates(myCurrentLane->shape, false, myLocation); }
void AGActivityGenHandler::parseSchool(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { try { string edge = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_EDGE); SUMOReal positionOnEdge = attrs.getFloat(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION); AGPosition posi(myCity.getStreet(edge), positionOnEdge); int beginAge = attrs.getInt(AGEN_ATTR_BEGINAGE); int endAge = attrs.getInt(AGEN_ATTR_ENDAGE); int capacity = attrs.getInt(AGEN_ATTR_CAPACITY); int openingHour = attrs.getInt(AGEN_ATTR_OPENING); int closingHour = attrs.getInt(AGEN_ATTR_CLOSING); AGSchool sch(capacity, posi, beginAge, endAge, openingHour, closingHour); myCity.schools.push_back(sch); } catch (const exception& e) { WRITE_ERROR("Error while parsing the element " + SUMOXMLDefinitions::Tags.getString(AGEN_TAG_SCHOOL) + ": " + e.what()); throw ProcessError(); } }
void MSStateHandler::myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { MSVehicleControl& vc = MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl(); switch (element) { case SUMO_TAG_SNAPSHOT: { myTime = attrs.getInt(SUMO_ATTR_TIME); const std::string& version = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_VERSION); if (version != VERSION_STRING) { WRITE_WARNING("State was written with sumo version " + version + " (present: " + VERSION_STRING + ")!"); } break; } case SUMO_TAG_DELAY: { vc.setState(attrs.getInt(SUMO_ATTR_NUMBER), attrs.getInt(SUMO_ATTR_END), attrs.getFloat(SUMO_ATTR_DEPART), attrs.getFloat(SUMO_ATTR_TIME)); break; } case SUMO_TAG_ROUTE: { const std::string id = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_ID); if (MSRoute::dictionary(id) == 0) { MSEdgeVector edges; MSEdge::parseEdgesList(attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES), edges, id); MSRoute* r = new MSRoute(id, edges, attrs.getBool(SUMO_ATTR_STATE), 0, std::vector<SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop>()); MSRoute::dictionary(id, r); } break; } case SUMO_TAG_ROUTE_DISTRIBUTION: { const std::string id = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_ID); if (MSRoute::dictionary(id) == 0) { RandomDistributor<const MSRoute*>* dist = new RandomDistributor<const MSRoute*>(); std::vector<std::string> routeIDs; std::istringstream iss(attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_PROBS)); SUMOSAXAttributes::parseStringVector(attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_ROUTES), routeIDs); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = routeIDs.begin(); it != routeIDs.end(); ++it) { SUMOReal prob; iss >> prob; const MSRoute* r = MSRoute::dictionary(*it); assert(r != 0); dist->add(prob, r, false); r->addReference(); } MSRoute::dictionary(id, dist, attrs.getBool(SUMO_ATTR_STATE)); } break; } case SUMO_TAG_VTYPE: { myCurrentVType = SUMOVehicleParserHelper::beginVTypeParsing(attrs, getFileName()); break; } case SUMO_TAG_VTYPE_DISTRIBUTION: { const std::string id = attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_ID); if (vc.getVType(id) == 0) { RandomDistributor<MSVehicleType*>* dist = new RandomDistributor<MSVehicleType*>(); std::vector<std::string> typeIDs; std::istringstream iss(attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_PROBS)); SUMOSAXAttributes::parseStringVector(attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES), typeIDs); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = typeIDs.begin(); it != typeIDs.end(); ++it) { SUMOReal prob; iss >> prob; MSVehicleType* t = vc.getVType(*it); assert(t != 0); dist->add(prob, t, false); } vc.addVTypeDistribution(id, dist); } break; }