DOMSVGAnimatedLengthList::InternalBaseValListWillChangeTo(const SVGLengthList& aNewValue)
  // When the number of items in our internal counterpart's baseVal changes,
  // we MUST keep our baseVal in sync. If we don't, script will either see a
  // list that is too short and be unable to access indexes that should be
  // valid, or else, MUCH WORSE, script will see a list that is too long and be
  // able to access "items" at indexes that are out of bounds (read/write to
  // bad memory)!!

  nsRefPtr<DOMSVGAnimatedLengthList> kungFuDeathGrip;
  if (mBaseVal) {
    if (aNewValue.Length() < mBaseVal->Length()) {
      // InternalListLengthWillChange might clear last reference to |this|.
      // Retain a temporary reference to keep from dying before returning.
      kungFuDeathGrip = this;

  // If our attribute is not animating, then our animVal mirrors our baseVal
  // and we must sync its length too. (If our attribute is animating, then the
  // SMIL engine takes care of calling InternalAnimValListWillChangeTo() if
  // necessary.)

  if (!IsAnimating()) {
DOMSVGAnimatedLengthList::InternalAnimValListWillChangeTo(const SVGLengthList& aNewValue)
  if (mAnimVal) {
SVGLengthList::CopyFrom(const SVGLengthList& rhs)
  if (!mLengths.SetCapacity(rhs.Length())) {
    // Yes, we do want fallible alloc here
  mLengths = rhs.mLengths;
  return NS_OK;
bool SVGLengthList::operator==(const SVGLengthList& rhs) const {
  if (Length() != rhs.Length()) {
    return false;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Length(); ++i) {
    if (!(mLengths[i] == rhs.mLengths[i])) {
      return false;
  return true;
SVGLengthList::operator==(const SVGLengthList& rhs) const
  if (Length() != rhs.Length()) {
    return PR_FALSE;
  for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < Length(); ++i) {
    if (!(mLengths[i] == rhs.mLengths[i])) {
      return PR_FALSE;
  return PR_TRUE;
DOMSVGAnimatedLengthList::InternalBaseValListWillChangeTo(const SVGLengthList& aNewValue)
  // When the number of items in our internal counterpart's baseVal changes,
  // we MUST keep our baseVal in sync. If we don't, script will either see a
  // list that is too short and be unable to access indexes that should be
  // valid, or else, MUCH WORSE, script will see a list that is too long and be
  // able to access "items" at indexes that are out of bounds (read/write to
  // bad memory)!!

  if (mBaseVal) {

  // If our attribute is not animating, then our animVal mirrors our baseVal
  // and we must sync its length too. (If our attribute is animating, then the
  // SMIL engine takes care of calling InternalAnimValListWillChangeTo() if
  // necessary.)

  if (!IsAnimating()) {