bool RepositoryBrowserCommand::Execute() { CString url; SVN svn; if (!cmdLinePath.IsEmpty()) { if (cmdLinePath.GetSVNPathString().Left(4).CompareNoCase(_T("svn:"))==0) { // If the path starts with "svn:" and there is another protocol // found in the path (a "://" found after the "svn:") then // remove "svn:" from the beginning of the path. if (cmdLinePath.GetSVNPathString().Find(_T("://"), 4)>=0) cmdLinePath.SetFromSVN(cmdLinePath.GetSVNPathString().Mid(4)); } url = svn.GetURLFromPath(cmdLinePath); if (url.IsEmpty()) { if (SVN::PathIsURL(cmdLinePath)) url = cmdLinePath.GetSVNPathString(); else if (svn.IsRepository(cmdLinePath)) { // The path points to a local repository. // Add 'file:///' so the repository browser recognizes // it as an URL to the local repository. if (cmdLinePath.GetWinPathString().GetAt(0) == '\\') // starts with '\' means an UNC path { CString p = cmdLinePath.GetWinPathString(); p.TrimLeft('\\'); url = _T("file://")+p; } else url = _T("file:///")+cmdLinePath.GetWinPathString(); url.Replace('\\', '/'); } } } if (cmdLinePath.GetUIPathString().Left(7).CompareNoCase(_T("file://"))==0) { cmdLinePath.SetFromUnknown(cmdLinePath.GetUIPathString().Mid(7)); } if (url.IsEmpty()) { CURLDlg urldlg; if (urldlg.DoModal() != IDOK) { return false; } url = urldlg.m_url; cmdLinePath = CTSVNPath(url); } CString val = parser.GetVal(_T("rev")); SVNRev rev(val); CRepositoryBrowser dlg(url, rev); if (!cmdLinePath.IsUrl()) dlg.m_ProjectProperties.ReadProps(cmdLinePath); else { if (parser.HasVal(_T("projectpropertiespath"))) { dlg.m_ProjectProperties.ReadProps(CTSVNPath(parser.GetVal(_T("projectpropertiespath")))); } } if (parser.HasKey(L"sparse")) { if (SVN::PathIsURL(cmdLinePath)) dlg.SetSparseCheckoutMode(CTSVNPath()); else dlg.SetSparseCheckoutMode(cmdLinePath); } dlg.m_path = cmdLinePath; dlg.DoModal(); if (parser.HasVal(L"outfile")) { CString sText = dlg.GetPath(); sText += L"\n"; sText += dlg.GetRevision().ToString(); CStringUtils::WriteStringToTextFile(parser.GetVal(L"outfile"), (LPCTSTR)sText, true); } return true; }
bool CheckoutCommand::Execute() { bool bRet = false; // Get the directory supplied in the command line. If there isn't // one then we should use first the default checkout path // specified in the settings dialog, and fall back to the current // working directory instead if no such path was specified. CTSVNPath checkoutDirectory; CRegString regDefCheckoutPath(_T("Software\\TortoiseSVN\\DefaultCheckoutPath")); if (cmdLinePath.IsEmpty()) { if (CString(regDefCheckoutPath).IsEmpty()) { checkoutDirectory.SetFromWin(sOrigCWD, true); DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(0, NULL); std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> tszPath(new TCHAR[len]); ::GetTempPath(len, tszPath.get()); if (_tcsncicmp(checkoutDirectory.GetWinPath(), tszPath.get(), len-2 /* \\ and \0 */) == 0) { // if the current directory is set to a temp directory, // we don't use that but leave it empty instead. checkoutDirectory.Reset(); } } else { checkoutDirectory.SetFromWin(CString(regDefCheckoutPath)); } } else { checkoutDirectory = cmdLinePath; } CCheckoutDlg dlg; dlg.m_URLs.LoadFromAsteriskSeparatedString (parser.GetVal(_T("url"))); if (dlg.m_URLs.GetCount()==0) { SVN svn; if (svn.IsRepository(cmdLinePath)) { CString url; // The path points to a local repository. // Add 'file:///' so the repository browser recognizes // it as an URL to the local repository. if (cmdLinePath.GetWinPathString().GetAt(0) == '\\') // starts with '\' means an UNC path { CString p = cmdLinePath.GetWinPathString(); p.TrimLeft('\\'); url = _T("file://")+p; } else url = _T("file:///")+cmdLinePath.GetWinPathString(); url.Replace('\\', '/'); dlg.m_URLs.AddPath(CTSVNPath(url)); checkoutDirectory.AppendRawString(L"wc"); } } dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory = checkoutDirectory.GetWinPathString(); // if there is no url specified on the command line, check if there's one // specified in the settings dialog to use as the default and use that CRegString regDefCheckoutUrl(_T("Software\\TortoiseSVN\\DefaultCheckoutUrl")); if (!CString(regDefCheckoutUrl).IsEmpty()) { // if the URL specified is a child of the default URL, we also // adjust the default checkout path // e.g. // Url specified on command line: // Url specified as default : // checkout path specified : c:\work\project // --> // checkout path adjusted : c:\work\project\folder CTSVNPath clurl = dlg.m_URLs.GetCommonDirectory(); CTSVNPath defurl = CTSVNPath(CString(regDefCheckoutUrl)); if (defurl.IsAncestorOf(clurl)) { // the default url is the parent of the specified url if (CTSVNPath::CheckChild(CTSVNPath(CString(regDefCheckoutPath)), CTSVNPath(dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory))) { dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory = CString(regDefCheckoutPath) + clurl.GetWinPathString().Mid(defurl.GetWinPathString().GetLength()); dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory.Replace(_T("\\\\"), _T("\\")); } } if (dlg.m_URLs.GetCount() == 0) dlg.m_URLs.AddPath (defurl); } for (int i = 0; i < dlg.m_URLs.GetCount(); ++i) { CString pathString = dlg.m_URLs[i].GetWinPathString(); if (pathString.Left(5).Compare(_T("tsvn:"))==0) { pathString = pathString.Mid(5); if (pathString.Find('?') >= 0) { dlg.Revision = SVNRev(pathString.Mid(pathString.Find('?')+1)); pathString = pathString.Left(pathString.Find('?')); } } dlg.m_URLs[i].SetFromWin (pathString); } if (parser.HasKey(_T("revision"))) { SVNRev Rev = SVNRev(parser.GetVal(_T("revision"))); dlg.Revision = Rev; } dlg.m_blockPathAdjustments = parser.HasKey(L"blockpathadjustments"); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { checkoutDirectory.SetFromWin(dlg.m_strCheckoutDirectory, true); CSVNProgressDlg progDlg; theApp.m_pMainWnd = &progDlg; bool useStandardCheckout = dlg.m_standardCheckout || ((dlg.m_URLs.GetCount() > 1) && dlg.m_bIndependentWCs); progDlg.SetCommand (useStandardCheckout ? dlg.m_checkoutDepths.size() ? CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_SparseCheckout : CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_Checkout : dlg.m_parentExists && (dlg.m_URLs.GetCount() == 1) ? CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_Update : CSVNProgressDlg::SVNProgress_SingleFileCheckout); if (dlg.m_checkoutDepths.size()) progDlg.SetPathDepths(dlg.m_checkoutDepths); progDlg.SetAutoClose (parser); progDlg.SetOptions(dlg.m_bNoExternals ? ProgOptIgnoreExternals : ProgOptNone); progDlg.SetPathList(CTSVNPathList(checkoutDirectory)); progDlg.SetUrl(dlg.m_URLs.CreateAsteriskSeparatedString()); progDlg.SetRevision(dlg.Revision); progDlg.SetDepth(dlg.m_depth); progDlg.DoModal(); bRet = !progDlg.DidErrorsOccur(); } return bRet; }