SCH_BASE_FRAME::COMPONENT_SELECTION SCH_BASE_FRAME::SelectComponentFromLibTree( const SCHLIB_FILTER* aFilter, std::vector<COMPONENT_SELECTION>& aHistoryList, bool aAllowBrowser, int aUnit, int aConvert, bool aShowFootprints, const LIB_ID* aHighlight, bool aAllowFields ) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> dialogLock( DIALOG_CHOOSE_COMPONENT::g_Mutex, std::defer_lock ); wxString dialogTitle; SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE* libs = Prj().SchSymbolLibTable(); // One CHOOSE_COMPONENT dialog at a time. User probaby can't handle more anyway. if( !dialogLock.try_lock() ) return COMPONENT_SELECTION(); auto adapterPtr( SYMBOL_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER::Create( libs ) ); auto adapter = static_cast<SYMBOL_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER*>( adapterPtr.get() ); bool loaded = false; if( aFilter ) { const wxArrayString& liblist = aFilter->GetAllowedLibList(); for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < liblist.GetCount(); ii++ ) { if( libs->HasLibrary( liblist[ii], true ) ) { loaded = true; adapter->AddLibrary( liblist[ii] ); } } adapter->AssignIntrinsicRanks(); if( aFilter->GetFilterPowerParts() ) adapter->SetFilter( SYMBOL_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER::CMP_FILTER_POWER ); } std::vector< LIB_TREE_ITEM* > history_list; for( auto const& i : aHistoryList ) { LIB_ALIAS* alias = GetLibAlias( i.LibId ); if( alias ) history_list.push_back( alias ); } adapter->DoAddLibrary( "-- " + _( "Recently Used" ) + " --", wxEmptyString, history_list, true ); if( !aHistoryList.empty() ) adapter->SetPreselectNode( aHistoryList[0].LibId, aHistoryList[0].Unit ); const std::vector< wxString > libNicknames = libs->GetLogicalLibs(); if( !loaded ) adapter->AddLibraries( libNicknames, this ); if( aHighlight && aHighlight->IsValid() ) adapter->SetPreselectNode( *aHighlight, /* aUnit */ 0 ); if( adapter->GetFilter() == SYMBOL_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER::CMP_FILTER_POWER ) dialogTitle.Printf( _( "Choose Power Symbol (%d items loaded)" ), adapter->GetItemCount() ); else dialogTitle.Printf( _( "Choose Symbol (%d items loaded)" ), adapter->GetItemCount() ); DIALOG_CHOOSE_COMPONENT dlg( this, dialogTitle, adapterPtr, aConvert, aAllowFields, aShowFootprints, aAllowBrowser ); if( dlg.ShowQuasiModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return COMPONENT_SELECTION(); COMPONENT_SELECTION sel; LIB_ID id = dlg.GetSelectedLibId( &sel.Unit ); if( dlg.IsExternalBrowserSelected() ) // User requested component browser. { sel = SelectComponentFromLibBrowser( this, aFilter, id, sel.Unit, sel.Convert ); id = sel.LibId; } if( !id.IsValid() ) // Dialog closed by OK button, // or the selection by lib browser was requested, // but no symbol selected return COMPONENT_SELECTION(); if( sel.Unit == 0 ) sel.Unit = 1; sel.Fields = dlg.GetFields(); sel.LibId = id; if( sel.LibId.IsValid() ) { aHistoryList.erase( std::remove_if( aHistoryList.begin(), aHistoryList.end(), [ &sel ]( COMPONENT_SELECTION const& i ){ return i.LibId == sel.LibId; } ), aHistoryList.end() ); aHistoryList.insert( aHistoryList.begin(), sel ); } return sel; }
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::savePartAs() { LIB_ID old_lib_id = getTargetLibId(); wxString old_name = old_lib_id.GetLibItemName(); wxString old_lib = old_lib_id.GetLibNickname(); LIB_PART* part = m_libMgr->GetBufferedPart( old_name, old_lib ); if( part ) { SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE* tbl = Prj().SchSymbolLibTable(); wxArrayString headers; std::vector< wxArrayString > itemsToDisplay; std::vector< wxString > libNicknames = tbl->GetLogicalLibs(); headers.Add( _( "Nickname" ) ); headers.Add( _( "Description" ) ); for( const auto& name : libNicknames ) { wxArrayString item; item.Add( name ); item.Add( tbl->GetDescription( name ) ); itemsToDisplay.push_back( item ); } EDA_LIST_DIALOG dlg( this, _( "Save Copy of Symbol" ), headers, itemsToDisplay, old_lib, nullptr, nullptr, /* sort */ false, /* show headers */ false ); dlg.SetListLabel( _( "Save in library:" ) ); dlg.SetOKLabel( _( "Save" ) ); wxBoxSizer* bNameSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ); wxStaticText* label = new wxStaticText( &dlg, wxID_ANY, _( "Name:" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 ); bNameSizer->Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT, 5 ); wxTextCtrl* nameTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( &dlg, wxID_ANY, old_name, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 ); bNameSizer->Add( nameTextCtrl, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5 ); wxSizer* mainSizer = dlg.GetSizer(); mainSizer->Prepend( bNameSizer, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, 5 ); // Move nameTextCtrl to the head of the tab-order if( dlg.GetChildren().DeleteObject( nameTextCtrl ) ) dlg.GetChildren().Insert( nameTextCtrl ); dlg.SetInitialFocus( nameTextCtrl ); dlg.Layout(); mainSizer->Fit( &dlg ); if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; // canceled by user wxString new_lib = dlg.GetTextSelection(); if( new_lib.IsEmpty() ) { DisplayError( NULL, _( "No library specified. Symbol could not be saved." ) ); return; } wxString new_name = nameTextCtrl->GetValue(); new_name.Trim( true ); new_name.Trim( false ); new_name.Replace( " ", "_" ); if( new_name.IsEmpty() ) { DisplayError( NULL, _( "No symbol name specified. Symbol could not be saved." ) ); return; } // Test if there is a component with this name already. if( m_libMgr->PartExists( new_name, new_lib ) ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Symbol \"%s\" already exists in library \"%s\"" ), new_name, new_lib ); DisplayError( this, msg ); return; } LIB_PART new_part( *part ); new_part.SetName( new_name ); fixDuplicateAliases( &new_part, new_lib ); m_libMgr->UpdatePart( &new_part, new_lib ); SyncLibraries( false ); m_treePane->GetLibTree()->SelectLibId( LIB_ID( new_lib, new_part.GetName() ) ); if( isCurrentPart( old_lib_id ) ) loadPart( new_name, new_lib, m_unit ); } }