void VisualClusterTree::SetNodeColorStyle(const QString& style, const QColor& color)

	if(!m_activeSystem || !m_tree)

	if(style == "Single colour")
		m_nodeColorStyle = VisualNode::SINGLE_COLOR;
	else if(style == "Propogate continuous")
		m_nodeColorStyle = VisualNode::PROPOGATE_CONTINUOUS_COLOR;
	else if(style == "Propogate weighted")
		m_nodeColorStyle = VisualNode::PROPOGATE_WEIGHTED_COLOR;
	else if(style == "Propogate discrete")
		m_nodeColorStyle = VisualNode::PROPOGATE_DISCRETE_COLOR;

	// set node colors
	QList<VisualNode*> postOrderNodes = m_tree->PostOrder();
	if(postOrderNodes.size() == 1)
		return;	// there is only a root node

	foreach(VisualNode* node, postOrderNodes)
		QColor nodeColor;
			// set color of node based on legend
			Sample sample;
			if(!m_activeSystem->GetSamples()->GetSample(node->GetName(), sample))
				Log::Inst().Error("Invalid sample specified setting node colour: " + node->GetName());

			nodeColor = sample.GetColor();
			// set color of node based on color of children
			QList<VisualNode*> children = node->GetChildren();
			if(m_nodeColorStyle == VisualNode::PROPOGATE_DISCRETE_COLOR)
				nodeColor = children.at(0)->GetColor();
				for(int j = 0; j < children.size(); ++j)
					if(children.at(j)->GetColor() != nodeColor)
						nodeColor = Qt::black;
			else if(m_nodeColorStyle == VisualNode::PROPOGATE_CONTINUOUS_COLOR)
				float red = 0.0f, green = 0.0f, blue = 0.0f;
				for(int j = 0; j < children.size(); ++j)
					QColor color = children.at(j)->GetColor();
					red += color.redF();
					green += color.greenF();
					blue += color.blueF();

				nodeColor.setRedF(red / children.size());
				nodeColor.setGreenF(green / children.size());
				nodeColor.setBlueF(blue / children.size());
			else // m_nodeColorStyle == VisualNode::PROPOGATE_WEIGHTED_COLOR
				float red = 0.0f, green = 0.0f, blue = 0.0f;
				uint totalWeight = 0;
				for(int j = 0; j < children.size(); ++j)
					uint weight = children.at(j)->GetWeightedNumberOfSeqs();
					totalWeight += weight;

					QColor color = children.at(j)->GetColor();
					red += color.redF() * weight;
					green += color.greenF() * weight;
					blue += color.blueF() * weight;

				nodeColor.setRedF(red / totalWeight);
				nodeColor.setGreenF(green / totalWeight);
				nodeColor.setBlueF(blue / totalWeight);
