// Duplicate mono signal in left/right channels.
void FmDecoder::mono_to_left_right(const SampleVector& samples_mono,
                                   SampleVector& audio)
    unsigned int n = samples_mono.size();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        Sample m = samples_mono[i];
        audio[2*i]   = m;
        audio[2*i+1] = m;
// Demodulate stereo L-R signal.
void FmDecoder::demod_stereo(const SampleVector& samples_baseband,
                             SampleVector& samples_rawstereo)
    // Just multiply the baseband signal with the double-frequency pilot.
    // And multiply by 1.17 to get the full amplitude.
    // That's all.

    unsigned int n = samples_baseband.size();
    assert(n == samples_rawstereo.size());

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        samples_rawstereo[i] *= 1.17 * samples_baseband[i];
// Extract left/right channels from (L+R) / (L-R) signals.
void FmDecoder::stereo_to_left_right(const SampleVector& samples_mono,
                                     const SampleVector& samples_stereo,
                                     SampleVector& audio)
    unsigned int n = samples_mono.size();
    assert(n == samples_stereo.size());

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        Sample m = samples_mono[i];
        Sample s = samples_stereo[i];
        audio[2*i]   = m + s;
        audio[2*i+1] = m - s;
// Process samples.
void PhaseDiscriminator::process(const IQSampleVector& samples_in,
                                 SampleVector& samples_out)
    unsigned int n = samples_in.size();
    IQSample s0 = m_last1_sample;


    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        IQSample s1(samples_in[i]);
        IQSample d(conj(s0) * s1);
        //Sample w = atan2(d.imag(), d.real());
        Sample w = fastatan2(d.imag(), d.real()); // fast approximation of atan2
        samples_out[i] = w * m_freq_scale_factor;
        s0 = s1;

    m_last2_sample = m_last1_sample;
    m_last1_sample = s0;
// Process samples.
void PilotPhaseLock::process(const SampleVector& samples_in,
                             SampleVector& samples_out)
    unsigned int n = samples_in.size();


    bool was_locked = (m_lock_cnt >= m_lock_delay);

    if (n > 0)
        m_pilot_level = 1000.0;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        // Generate locked pilot tone.
        Sample psin = sin(m_phase);
        Sample pcos = cos(m_phase);

        // Generate double-frequency output.
        // sin(2*x) = 2 * sin(x) * cos(x)
        samples_out[i] = 2 * psin * pcos;

        // Multiply locked tone with input.
        Sample x = samples_in[i];
        Sample phasor_i = psin * x;
        Sample phasor_q = pcos * x;

        // Run IQ phase error through low-pass filter.
        phasor_i = m_phasor_b0 * phasor_i
                   - m_phasor_a1 * m_phasor_i1
                   - m_phasor_a2 * m_phasor_i2;
        phasor_q = m_phasor_b0 * phasor_q
                   - m_phasor_a1 * m_phasor_q1
                   - m_phasor_a2 * m_phasor_q2;
        m_phasor_i2 = m_phasor_i1;
        m_phasor_i1 = phasor_i;
        m_phasor_q2 = m_phasor_q1;
        m_phasor_q1 = phasor_q;

        // Convert I/Q ratio to estimate of phase error.
        Sample phase_err;
        if (phasor_i > abs(phasor_q)) {
            // We are within +/- 45 degrees from lock.
            // Use simple linear approximation of arctan.
            phase_err = phasor_q / phasor_i;
        } else if (phasor_q > 0) {
            // We are lagging more than 45 degrees behind the input.
            phase_err = 1;
        } else {
            // We are more than 45 degrees ahead of the input.
            phase_err = -1;

        // Detect pilot level (conservative).
        m_pilot_level = std::min(m_pilot_level, phasor_i);

        // Run phase error through loop filter and update frequency estimate.
        m_freq += m_loopfilter_b0 * phase_err
                  + m_loopfilter_b1 * m_loopfilter_x1;
        m_loopfilter_x1 = phase_err;

        // Limit frequency to allowable range.
        m_freq = std::max(m_minfreq, std::min(m_maxfreq, m_freq));

        // Update locked phase.
        m_phase += m_freq;
        if (m_phase > 2.0 * M_PI) {
            m_phase -= 2.0 * M_PI;

            // Generate pulse-per-second.
            if (m_pilot_periods == pilot_frequency) {
                m_pilot_periods = 0;
                if (was_locked) {
                    struct PpsEvent ev;
                    ev.pps_index      = m_pps_cnt;
                    ev.sample_index   = m_sample_cnt + i;
                    ev.block_position = double(i) / double(n);

    // Update lock status.
    if (2 * m_pilot_level > m_minsignal) {
        if (m_lock_cnt < m_lock_delay)
            m_lock_cnt += n;
    } else {
        m_lock_cnt = 0;

    // Drop PPS events when pilot not locked.
    if (m_lock_cnt < m_lock_delay) {
        m_pilot_periods = 0;
        m_pps_cnt = 0;

    // Update sample counter.
    m_sample_cnt += n;
 const SampleType pickRandomSample(const SampleVector& samples)
     boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> index(0, samples.size() -1);
     return samples[index(m_rng)];