void BuiltinSchedulerPlugin::slotFinished( SchedulerThread *job ) { ScheduleManager *sm = job->mainManager(); Project *mp = job->mainProject(); qDebug()<<"BuiltinSchedulerPlugin::slotFinished:"<<mp<<sm<<job->isStopped(); if ( job->isStopped() ) { sm->setCalculationResult( ScheduleManager::CalculationCanceled ); } else { updateLog( job ); Project *tp = static_cast<KPlatoScheduler*>( job )->project(); ScheduleManager *tm = static_cast<KPlatoScheduler*>( job )->manager(); updateProject( tp, tm, mp, sm ); sm->setCalculationResult( ScheduleManager::CalculationDone ); } sm->setScheduling( false ); m_jobs.removeAt( m_jobs.indexOf( job ) ); if ( m_jobs.isEmpty() ) { m_synctimer.stop(); } emit sigCalculationFinished( mp, sm ); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sigCalculationStarted(Project*, ScheduleManager*)), mp, SIGNAL(sigCalculationStarted(Project*, ScheduleManager*))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sigCalculationFinished(Project*, ScheduleManager*)), mp, SIGNAL(sigCalculationFinished(Project*, ScheduleManager* ))); job->deleteLater(); qDebug()<<"BuiltinSchedulerPlugin::slotFinished: <<<"; }
void ResourceModelTester::internalAppointments() { ScheduleManager *sm = m_project->createScheduleManager( "Test Plan" ); m_project->addScheduleManager( sm ); sm->createSchedules(); m_project->calculate( *sm ); long id = sm->scheduleId(); m_model.setScheduleManager( sm ); //printDebug( sm->scheduleId() ); QModelIndex idx; // resource group int rows = m_model.rowCount( idx ); QCOMPARE( rows, 1 ); QModelIndex gidx = m_model.index( 0, 0, idx ); QVERIFY( gidx.isValid() ); // reosurce rows = m_model.rowCount( gidx ); QCOMPARE( rows, 1 ); QModelIndex ridx = m_model.index( 0, 0, gidx ); QCOMPARE( m_resource->name(), m_model.data( ridx ).toString() ); ridx = m_model.index( m_resource ); QVERIFY( ridx.isValid() ); // appointment rows = m_model.rowCount( ridx ); QCOMPARE( rows, m_resource->numAppointments( id ) ); QCOMPARE( rows, 1 ); QModelIndex aidx = m_model.index( 0, 0, ridx ); // first appointment QVERIFY( aidx.isValid() ); rows = m_model.rowCount( aidx ); // num intervals QCOMPARE( rows, 1 ); // interval QModelIndex iidx = m_model.index( 0, 0, aidx ); // first interval QVERIFY( iidx.isValid() ); rows = m_model.rowCount( iidx ); // intervals don't have children QCOMPARE( rows, 0 ); // appointment idx = m_model.parent( iidx ); QCOMPARE( idx, aidx ); // resource idx = m_model.parent( aidx ); QCOMPARE( idx, ridx ); // resource group idx = m_model.parent( ridx ); QCOMPARE( idx, gidx ); // top idx = m_model.parent( gidx ); QVERIFY( ! idx.isValid() ); }
void ResourceModelTester::printSchedulingLog( const ScheduleManager &sm ) const { qDebug()<<"Scheduling log ---------------------------------"; foreach ( const QString &s, sm.expected()->logMessages() ) { qDebug()<<s; } }
void ProjectTester::startNotEarlier() { Project project; project.setId( project.uniqueNodeId() ); project.registerNodeId( &project ); project.setConstraintStartTime( DateTime::fromString( "2011-01-01T00:00:00" ) ); project.setConstraintEndTime( DateTime::fromString( "2011-01-12T00:00:00" ) ); createCalendar( project ); ResourceGroup *g = createWorkResources( project, 1 ); Task *t = project.createTask(); t->setName( "T1" ); project.addTask( t, &project ); t->estimate()->setUnit( Duration::Unit_h ); t->estimate()->setExpectedEstimate( 1.0 ); t->estimate()->setType( Estimate::Type_Effort ); createRequest( t, g->resourceAt( 0 ) ); t->setConstraint( Node::StartNotEarlier ); t->setConstraintStartTime( DateTime::fromString( "2011-01-02T11:00:00" ) ); ScheduleManager *sm = project.createScheduleManager( "Test Plan" ); project.addScheduleManager( sm ); QString s = "Calculate forward, Task: StartNotEarlier ------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; Debug::print( t, s ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( &project, s ); Debug::print( t, s ); QVERIFY( t->startTime() >= t->constraintStartTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 1, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate forward, 2 Tasks ------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; Task *t2 = project.createTask(); t2->setName( "T2" ); project.addTask( t2, &project ); t2->estimate()->setUnit( Duration::Unit_d ); t2->estimate()->setExpectedEstimate( 7.0 ); t2->estimate()->setType( Estimate::Type_Effort ); createRequest( t2, g->resourceAt( 0 ) ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( &project, s ); Debug::print( t, s ); Debug::print( t2, s ); QVERIFY( t->startTime() >= t->constraintStartTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 1, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate backward, 2 Tasks ------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; sm->setSchedulingDirection( true ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( &project, s ); Debug::print( t, s ); Debug::print( t2, s ); Debug::printSchedulingLog( *sm, s ); QVERIFY( t->startTime() >= t->constraintStartTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 1, 0 ) ); }
void ProjectTester::team() { Project project; project.setName( "P1" ); project.setId( project.uniqueNodeId() ); project.registerNodeId( &project ); DateTime targetstart = DateTime( QDate( 2010, 5, 1 ), QTime(0,0,0) ); DateTime targetend = DateTime( targetstart.addDays( 7 ) ); project.setConstraintStartTime( targetstart ); project.setConstraintEndTime( targetend); Calendar *c = new Calendar("Test"); QTime t1(8,0,0); int length = 8*60*60*1000; // 8 hours for ( int i = 1; i <= 7; ++i ) { CalendarDay *wd1 = c->weekday(i); wd1->setState(CalendarDay::Working); wd1->addInterval(TimeInterval(t1, length)); } project.addCalendar( c ); Task *task1 = project.createTask(); task1->setName( "T1" ); project.addTask( task1, &project ); task1->estimate()->setUnit( Duration::Unit_d ); task1->estimate()->setExpectedEstimate( 2.0 ); task1->estimate()->setType( Estimate::Type_Effort ); QString s = "One team with one resource --------"; qDebug()<<endl<<"Testing:"<<s; ResourceGroup *g = new ResourceGroup(); project.addResourceGroup( g ); Resource *r1 = new Resource(); r1->setName( "R1" ); r1->setCalendar( c ); project.addResource( g, r1 ); Resource *r2 = new Resource(); r2->setName( "Team member" ); r2->setCalendar( c ); project.addResource( g, r2 ); Resource *team = new Resource(); team->setType( Resource::Type_Team ); team->setName( "Team" ); team->addTeamMemberId( r2->id() ); project.addResource( g, team ); ResourceGroupRequest *gr = new ResourceGroupRequest( g ); task1->addRequest( gr ); ResourceRequest *tr = new ResourceRequest( team, 100 ); gr->addResourceRequest( tr ); ScheduleManager *sm = project.createScheduleManager( "Team" ); project.addScheduleManager( sm ); sm->createSchedules(); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } // Debug::print( r1, s); // Debug::print( r2, s); Debug::print( team, s, false); Debug::print( &project, task1, s); // Debug::printSchedulingLog( *sm, s ); DateTime expectedEndTime = targetstart + Duration( 1, 16, 0 ); QCOMPARE( task1->endTime(), expectedEndTime ); s = "One team with one resource + one resource --------"; qDebug()<<endl<<"Testing:"<<s; ResourceRequest *rr1 = new ResourceRequest( r1, 100 ); gr->addResourceRequest( rr1 ); sm = project.createScheduleManager( "Team + Resource" ); project.addScheduleManager( sm ); sm->createSchedules(); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } // Debug::print( r1, s); // Debug::print( r2, s); Debug::print( team, s, false); Debug::print( &project, task1, s); // Debug::printSchedulingLog( *sm, s ); expectedEndTime = targetstart + Duration( 0, 16, 0 ); QCOMPARE( task1->endTime(), expectedEndTime ); s = "One team with one resource + one resource, resource available too late --------"; qDebug()<<endl<<"Testing:"<<s; r1->setAvailableFrom( targetend ); r1->setAvailableUntil( targetend.addDays( 7 ) ); sm = project.createScheduleManager( "Team + Resource not available" ); project.addScheduleManager( sm ); sm->createSchedules(); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( r1, s); // Debug::print( r2, s); Debug::print( team, s, false); Debug::print( &project, task1, s); Debug::printSchedulingLog( *sm, s ); expectedEndTime = targetstart + Duration( 1, 16, 0 ); QCOMPARE( task1->endTime(), expectedEndTime ); s = "One team with two resources --------"; qDebug()<<endl<<"Testing:"<<s; r1->removeRequests(); team->addTeamMemberId( r1->id() ); r1->setAvailableFrom( targetstart ); r1->setAvailableUntil( targetend ); sm = project.createScheduleManager( "Team with 2 resources" ); project.addScheduleManager( sm ); sm->createSchedules(); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } // Debug::print( r1, s); // Debug::print( r2, s); Debug::print( team, s, false); Debug::print( &project, task1, s); Debug::printSchedulingLog( *sm, s ); expectedEndTime = targetstart + Duration( 0, 16, 0 ); QCOMPARE( task1->endTime(), expectedEndTime ); s = "One team with two resources, one resource unavailable --------"; qDebug()<<endl<<"Testing:"<<s; r1->setAvailableFrom( targetend ); r1->setAvailableUntil( targetend.addDays( 2 ) ); sm = project.createScheduleManager( "Team, one unavailable resource" ); project.addScheduleManager( sm ); sm->createSchedules(); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( r1, s); // Debug::print( r2, s); Debug::print( team, s, false); Debug::print( &project, task1, s); Debug::printSchedulingLog( *sm, s ); expectedEndTime = targetstart + Duration( 1, 16, 0 ); QCOMPARE( task1->endTime(), expectedEndTime ); }
void ProjectTester::oneTask() { QDate today = QDate::fromString( "2012-02-01", Qt::ISODate ); QDate tomorrow = today.addDays( 1 ); QDate yesterday = today.addDays( -1 ); QTime t1( 9, 0, 0 ); QTime t2 ( 17, 0, 0 ); int length = t1.msecsTo( t2 ); Task *t = m_project->createTask(); t->setName( "T1" ); m_project->addTask( t, m_project ); t->estimate()->setUnit( Duration::Unit_d ); t->estimate()->setExpectedEstimate( 1.0 ); t->estimate()->setType( Estimate::Type_Duration ); ScheduleManager *sm = m_project->createScheduleManager( "Test Plan" ); m_project->addScheduleManager( sm ); QString s = "Calculate forward, Task: Fixed duration ------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::printSchedulingLog( *sm, s ); Debug::print( m_project, s ); Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), m_project->startTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), DateTime(t->startTime().addDays( 1 )) ); s = "Calculate forward, Task: Length --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; t->estimate()->setCalendar( m_calendar ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( m_calendar, s ); Debug::print( m_project, s, true ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), m_calendar->firstAvailableAfter( m_project->startTime(), m_project->endTime() ) ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), DateTime( t->startTime().addMSecs( length ) ) ); s = "Calculate forward, Task: Effort --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; ResourceGroup *g = new ResourceGroup(); m_project->addResourceGroup( g ); Resource *r = new Resource(); r->setAvailableFrom( QDateTime( yesterday, QTime(), Qt::LocalTime ) ); r->setCalendar( m_calendar ); m_project->addResource( g, r ); ResourceGroupRequest *gr = new ResourceGroupRequest( g ); t->addRequest( gr ); ResourceRequest *rr = new ResourceRequest( r, 100 ); gr->addResourceRequest( rr ); t->estimate()->setType( Estimate::Type_Effort ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), m_calendar->firstAvailableAfter( m_project->startTime(), m_project->endTime() ) ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), DateTime( t->startTime().addMSecs( length ) ) ); s = "Calculate forward, Task: MustStartOn --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; t->setConstraint( Node::MustStartOn ); t->setConstraintStartTime( DateTime( tomorrow, t1 ) ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), t->constraintStartTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 8, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate backward, Task: MustStartOn --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; sm->setSchedulingDirection( true ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); Debug::printSchedulingLog( *sm, s ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), t->constraintStartTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 8, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate backward, Task: StartNotEarlier --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; t->setConstraint( Node::StartNotEarlier ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), t->constraintStartTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 8, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate forward, Task: StartNotEarlier --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; sm->setSchedulingDirection( false ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), t->constraintStartTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 8, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate forward, Task: MustFinishOn --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; t->setConstraint( Node::MustFinishOn ); t->setConstraintEndTime( DateTime( tomorrow, t2 ) ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->constraintEndTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 8, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate backward, Task: MustFinishOn --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; sm->setSchedulingDirection( true ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->constraintEndTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 8, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate backward, Task: FinishNotLater --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; t->setConstraint( Node::FinishNotLater ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->constraintEndTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 8, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate forward, Task: FinishNotLater --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; sm->setSchedulingDirection( false ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( m_project, s, true ); QVERIFY( t->endTime() <= t->constraintEndTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 8, 0 ) ); s = "Calculate forward, Task: FixedInterval --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; t->setConstraint( Node ::FixedInterval ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), t->constraintStartTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->constraintEndTime() ); s = "Calculate backward, Task: FixedInterval --------------------------------------"; qDebug()<<s; sm->setSchedulingDirection( true ); { KPlatoRCPSPlugin rcps( 0, QVariantList() ); rcps.calculate( *m_project, sm, true/*nothread*/ ); } Debug::print( t, s ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), t->constraintStartTime() ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->constraintEndTime() ); }
void ResourceModelTester::externalOverbook() { DateTime targetstart = m_project->constraintStartTime(); DateTime targetend = m_project->constraintEndTime(); Task *t = m_task; Resource *r = m_resource; r->addExternalAppointment( "Ext-1", "External project 1", targetstart, targetstart.addDays( 1 ), 100 ); r->addExternalAppointment( "Ext-1", "External project 1", targetend.addDays( -1 ), targetend, 100 ); ScheduleManager *sm = m_project->createScheduleManager( "Test Plan" ); m_project->addScheduleManager( sm ); sm->setAllowOverbooking( true ); sm->createSchedules(); m_project->calculate( *sm ); long id = sm->scheduleId(); m_model.setScheduleManager( sm ); //printSchedulingLog( *sm ); //printDebug( id ); // resource group QModelIndex idx; int rows = m_model.rowCount( idx ); QCOMPARE( rows, 1 ); idx = m_model.index( 0, 0, idx ); QVERIFY( idx.isValid() ); // resource rows = m_model.rowCount( idx ); QCOMPARE( rows, 1 ); idx = m_model.index( 0, 0, idx ); QCOMPARE( m_resource->name(), m_model.data( idx ).toString() ); idx = m_model.index( m_resource ); QVERIFY( idx.isValid() ); // appointments rows = m_model.rowCount( idx ); QCOMPARE( rows, m_resource->numAppointments( id ) + m_resource->numExternalAppointments() ); QCOMPARE( rows, 2 ); // one internal, one external // internal appointment QModelIndex aidx = m_model.index( 0, 0, idx ); // first appointment (internal) QVERIFY( aidx.isValid() ); rows = m_model.rowCount( aidx ); // num intervals QCOMPARE( rows, 1 ); QModelIndex iidx = m_model.index( 0, 0, aidx ); // first interval QVERIFY( iidx.isValid() ); rows = m_model.rowCount( iidx ); // intervals don't have children QCOMPARE( rows, 0 ); // external appointment aidx = m_model.index( 1, 0, idx ); // second appointment (external) QVERIFY( aidx.isValid() ); rows = m_model.rowCount( aidx ); // num intervals QCOMPARE( rows, 2 ); iidx = m_model.index( 0, 0, aidx ); // first interval QVERIFY( iidx.isValid() ); rows = m_model.rowCount( iidx ); // intervals don't have children QCOMPARE( rows, 0 ); iidx = m_model.index( 1, 0, aidx ); // second interval QVERIFY( iidx.isValid() ); rows = m_model.rowCount( iidx ); // intervals don't have children QCOMPARE( rows, 0 ); QCOMPARE( t->startTime(), m_calendar->firstAvailableAfter( targetstart, t->endTime() ) ); QCOMPARE( t->endTime(), t->startTime() + Duration( 0, 8, 0 ) ); }