static int l_set_inner_widget(lua_State *l) { Scroller *s = LuaObject<UI::Scroller>::CheckFromLua(1); Context *c = s->GetContext(); Widget *w = UI::Lua::CheckWidget(c, l, 2); s->SetInnerWidget(w); lua_pushvalue(l, 1); return 1; }
// SetScrollSource // // Sets a new scroll source. Notifies the old and the new source // of the change if necessary . void Scrollable::SetScrollSource(Scroller* source) { Scroller* oldSource = fScrollSource; if (oldSource != source) { fScrollSource = NULL; // Notify the old source, if it doesn't know about the change. if (oldSource && oldSource->ScrollTarget() == this) fScrollSource->SetScrollTarget(NULL); fScrollSource = source; // Notify the new source, if it doesn't know about the change. if (source && source->ScrollTarget() != this) source->SetScrollTarget(this); // Notify ourselves. ScrollSourceChanged(oldSource, fScrollSource); } }
int Program::main(const std::vector<CL_String> &args) { try { // Initialize ClanLib base components CL_SetupCore setup_core; // Initialize the ClanLib display component CL_SetupDisplay setup_display; #ifdef USE_SOFTWARE_RENDERER CL_SetupSWRender setup_swrender; #endif #ifdef USE_OPENGL_1 CL_SetupGL1 setup_gl1; #endif #ifdef USE_OPENGL_2 CL_SetupGL setup_gl; #endif // Start the Application Scroller app; int retval = app.start(args); return retval; } catch(CL_Exception &exception) { // Create a console window for text-output if not available CL_ConsoleWindow console("Console", 80, 160); CL_Console::write_line("Exception caught: " + exception.get_message_and_stack_trace()); console.display_close_message(); return -1; } }
void List::onValueChanged(Scroller& scroller) { setOffset((uint) scroller.value()); }
static int l_attr_inner_widget(lua_State *l) { Scroller *s = LuaObject<UI::Scroller>::CheckFromLua(1); LuaObject<UI::Widget>::PushToLua(s->GetInnerWidget()); return 1; }
static int l_remove_inner_widget(lua_State *l) { Scroller *s = LuaObject<UI::Scroller>::CheckFromLua(1); s->RemoveInnerWidget(); return 0; }
void test_entry_scolled (void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) { Button *bt = NULL; Entry *en = NULL; Scroller *sc = NULL; Window *win = Window::factory ("entry-scrolled", ELM_WIN_BASIC); win->setTitle ("Entry Scrolled"); win->setAutoDel (true); Background *bg = Background::factory (*win); win->addObjectResize (*bg); bg->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); bg->show (); Box *bx = Box::factory (*win); bx->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); win->addObjectResize (*bx); bx->show (); sc = Scroller::factory (*win); sc->limitMinContent (false, true); sc->setPolicy (ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF); sc->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); sc->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); bx->packEnd (*sc); en = Entry::factory (*win); en->setSingleLine (true); en->setText ("This is a single line"); en->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); en->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.5); en->selectAll (); sc->setContent (*en); en->show (); sc->show (); sc = Scroller::factory (*win); sc->limitMinContent (false, true); sc->setPolicy (ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_OFF); sc->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); sc->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); bx->packEnd (*sc); en = Entry::factory (*win); en->setPassword (true); en->setText ("Password here"); en->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); en->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, 0.0); en->selectAll (); sc->setContent (*en); en->show (); sc->show (); sc = Scroller::factory (*win); sc->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); sc->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); sc->setPolicy (ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_ON, ELM_SCROLLER_POLICY_ON); bx->packEnd (*sc); en = Entry::factory (*win); en->setText ("This is an entry widget in this window that<br>" "uses markup <b>like this</> for styling and<br>" "formatting <em>like this</>, as well as<br>" "<a href=X><link>links in the text</></a>, so enter text<br>" "in here to edit it. By the way, links are<br>" "called <a href=anc-02>Anchors</a> so you will need<br>" "to refer to them this way. At the end here is a really long line to test line wrapping to see if it works. But just in case this line is not long enough I will add more here to really test it out, as Elementary really needs some good testing to see if entry widgets work as advertised."); en->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND); en->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); sc->setContent (*en); en->show (); sc->show (); Box *bx2 = Box::factory (*win); bx2->setOrientation (Box::Horizontal); bx2->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); bx2->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); bt = Button::factory (*win); bt->setLabel ("Clear"); bt->getEventSignal ("clicked")->connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&my_entry_bt_1), en)); bt->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); bt->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); bx2->packEnd (*bt); bt->show (); bt = Button::factory (*win); bt->setLabel ("Print"); bt->getEventSignal ("clicked")->connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&my_entry_bt_2), en)); bt->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); bt->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); bx2->packEnd (*bt); bt->show (); bt = Button::factory (*win); bt->setLabel ("Selection"); bt->getEventSignal ("clicked")->connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&my_entry_bt_3), en)); bt->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); bt->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); bx2->packEnd (*bt); bt->show (); bt = Button::factory (*win); bt->setLabel ("Insert"); bt->getEventSignal ("clicked")->connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&my_entry_bt_4), en)); bt->setAlignHintSize (EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL); bt->setWeightHintSize (EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, 0.0); bx2->packEnd (*bt); bt->show (); bx->packEnd (*bx2); bx2->show (); win->resize (size320x320); win->setFocus (true); win->show (); }
void update(Control* p) { Scroller* scroller = dynamic_cast<Scroller*>(p); assert(scroller); delta = scroller->get_delta(); notify_parent(); }
int OnEvent(Event* e) { _scroller.OnEvent(e); switch (e->Type) { case Event::OpenApp: { Graphics.Clear(0xFFFF); const char* name = (const char*)e->Data; _file.Init(); _file.Open(name); strcpy(_name,name); _height = 320; const char* ext = name; while (*ext && *ext != '.') ext++; // Determine file type _type = UNKNOWN; if (ext[0] == '.') { if (ext[1] == 'I' && ext[2] == 'M' && ext[3] == '2') _type = IM2; else if (ext[1] == 'B' && ext[2] == 'L' && ext[3] == 'B') _type = BLB; //else if (ext[1] == 'J' && ext[2] == 'P' && ext[3] == 'G') // _type = JPG; } switch (_type) { case IM2: OpenIM2(); break; default:; } // Init scroller, do initial draw _scroller.Init(_height,OnDraw,this,Scroller::PageScroll); } break; case Event::TouchDown: { TouchData* t = e->Touch; if (t->y >= 320) return -1; // touched black bar quit } break; case Event::TouchMove: break; case Event::TouchUp: break; case Event::None: break; default:; } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { Application elmApp (argc, argv); Window *elmWin = Window::factory ("window1", ELM_WIN_BASIC); elmWin->getEventSignal ("delete,request")->connect (sigc::ptr_fun (&my_win_del)); Background *bg = Background::factory (*elmWin); //Evas *e = evas_object_evas_get(bg->obj ()); /* Evasxx::Canvas ec (e); Evasxx::Image ei (ec); ei.setFile (searchPixmapFile ("elementaryxx/plant_01.jpg")); ei.setGeometry (Rect (100,100, 100, 100)); ();*/ Button *elmButton = Button::factory (*elmWin); Clock *elmClock = Clock::factory (*elmWin); //elmWin->addMember (ei); //Toggle *elmToggle = Toggle::factory (*elmWin); Scroller *elmScroller = Scroller::factory (*elmWin); Entry *elmEntry = Entry::factory (*elmWin); Slider *elmSlider = Slider::factory (*elmWin); bg->setWeightHintSize (1.0, 1.0); elmWin->addObjectResize (*bg); /* set size hints. a minimum size for the bg. this should propagate back * to the window thus limiting its size based off the bg as the bg is one * of the window's resize objects. */ bg->setMinHintSize (Size (160, 160)); /* and set a maximum size. not needed very often. normally used together * with evas_object_size_hint_min_set() at the same size to make a * window not resizable */ bg->setMaxHintSize (Size (640, 640)); elmWin->resize (Size (500, 500)); elmButton->resize (Size (100, 50)); elmClock->setGeometry (Rect (100, 50, 200, 50)); //elmToggle->setGeometry (Rect (150, 80, 100, 50)); elmScroller->setGeometry (Rect (250, 120, 200, 200)); elmEntry->setGeometry (Rect (150, 200, 100, 50)); elmSlider->setGeometry (Rect (200, 200, 100, 50)); elmWin->setTitle ("Elementaryxx Simple Example"); elmButton->setText ("Text"); elmClock->setEdit (true); elmWin->setAutoDel (true); //elmToggle->getEventSignal ("sub-object-del")->connect (sigc::ptr_fun (&testFunc)); elmWin->show (); bg->show (); elmButton->show (); elmClock->show (); //elmToggle->show (); elmScroller->show (); elmEntry->show (); elmSlider->show (); (); }