void GraphicsWindow::MakeUnselected(Selection *stog, bool coincidentPointTrick){
    if(stog->IsEmpty()) return;

    Selection *s;

    // If an item was selected, then we just un-select it.
    bool wasSelected = false;
    for(s = selection.First(); s; s = selection.NextAfter(s)) {
        if(s->Equals(stog)) {
            s->tag = 1;
    // If two points are coincident, then it's impossible to hover one of
    // them. But make sure to deselect both, to avoid mysterious seeming
    // inability to deselect if the bottom one did somehow get selected.
    if(stog->entity.v && coincidentPointTrick) {
        Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(stog->entity);
        if(e->IsPoint()) {
            Vector ep = e->PointGetNum();
            for(s = selection.First(); s; s = selection.NextAfter(s)) {
                if(!s->entity.v) continue;
                if(s->entity.v == stog->entity.v) continue;
                Entity *se = SK.GetEntity(s->entity);
                if(!se->IsPoint()) continue;
                if(ep.Equals(se->PointGetNum())) {
                    s->tag = 1;
void GraphicsWindow::HitTestMakeSelection(Point2d mp) {
    int i;
    double d, dmin = 1e12;
    Selection s;

    // Always do the entities; we might be dragging something that should
    // be auto-constrained, and we need the hover for that.
    for(i = 0; i < SK.entity.n; i++) {
        Entity *e = &(SK.entity.elem[i]);
        // Don't hover whatever's being dragged.
        if(e->h.request().v == pending.point.request().v) {
            // The one exception is when we're creating a new cubic; we
            // want to be able to hover the first point, because that's
            // how we turn it into a periodic spline.
            if(!e->IsPoint()) continue;
            if(!e->h.isFromRequest()) continue;
            Request *r = SK.GetRequest(e->h.request());
            if(r->type != Request::CUBIC) continue;
            if(r->extraPoints < 2) continue;
            if(e->h.v != r->h.entity(1).v) continue;

        d = e->GetDistance(mp);
        if(d < 10 && d < dmin) {
            memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
            s.entity = e->h;
            dmin = d;

    // The constraints and faces happen only when nothing's in progress.
    if(pending.operation == 0) {
        // Constraints
        for(i = 0; i < SK.constraint.n; i++) {
            d = SK.constraint.elem[i].GetDistance(mp);
            if(d < 10 && d < dmin) {
                memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
                s.constraint = SK.constraint.elem[i].h;
                dmin = d;

        // Faces, from the triangle mesh; these are lowest priority
        if(s.constraint.v == 0 && s.entity.v == 0 && showShaded && showFaces) {
            Group *g = SK.GetGroup(activeGroup);
            SMesh *m = &(g->displayMesh);

            uint32_t v = m->FirstIntersectionWith(mp);
            if(v) {
                s.entity.v = v;

    if(!s.Equals(&hover)) {
        hover = s;
bool GraphicsWindow::IsSelected(Selection *st) {
    Selection *s;
    for(s = selection.First(); s; s = selection.NextAfter(s)) {
        if(s->Equals(st)) {
            return true;
    return false;