ExportOptionsDlg::ExportOptionsDlg(ExporterResource& pExporter, QWidget* pParent) : QDialog(pParent), mpExporter(pExporter), mpTabWidget(NULL), mpSubsetPage(NULL), mpExporterPage(NULL) { // Options widget QStackedWidget* pStack = new QStackedWidget(this); // Subset page RasterElement* pRasterElement = dynamic_cast<RasterElement*>(mpExporter->getItem()); RasterFileDescriptor* pRasterWholeCubeFileDescriptor = NULL; RasterDataDescriptor* pRasterOrgDataDescriptor = NULL; if (pRasterElement != NULL) { pRasterOrgDataDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pRasterElement->getDataDescriptor()); if (pRasterOrgDataDescriptor != NULL) { // we are creating a file descriptor for export from the original cube, because the SubsetWidget // uses DimensionDescriptor::operator= compare's to determine selection which dictate that on-disk, // original and active numbers need to be identical, this guarantees that DimensionDescriptors will // compare correctly. pRasterWholeCubeFileDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterFileDescriptor*>( RasterUtilities::generateFileDescriptorForExport(pRasterOrgDataDescriptor, "foobar")); } } RasterFileDescriptor* pRasterFileDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterFileDescriptor*>(mpExporter->getFileDescriptor()); if ((pRasterFileDescriptor != NULL) && (pRasterWholeCubeFileDescriptor != NULL) && (pRasterOrgDataDescriptor != NULL)) { mpSubsetPage = new SubsetWidget(); mpSubsetPage->setExportMode(true); // Rows const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& orgRows = pRasterWholeCubeFileDescriptor->getRows(); const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& selectedRows = pRasterFileDescriptor->getRows(); mpSubsetPage->setRows(orgRows, selectedRows); // Columns const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& orgColumns = pRasterWholeCubeFileDescriptor->getColumns(); const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& selectedColumns = pRasterFileDescriptor->getColumns(); mpSubsetPage->setColumns(orgColumns, selectedColumns); // Bands const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& orgBands = pRasterWholeCubeFileDescriptor->getBands(); const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& selectedBands = pRasterFileDescriptor->getBands(); vector<string> bandNames = RasterUtilities::getBandNames(pRasterOrgDataDescriptor); mpSubsetPage->setBands(orgBands, bandNames, selectedBands); // Initial bad band file directory QString strDirectory; string filename = pRasterFileDescriptor->getFilename(); if (filename.empty() == false) { QFileInfo fileInfo(QString::fromStdString(filename)); strDirectory = fileInfo.absolutePath(); } mpSubsetPage->setBadBandFileDirectory(strDirectory); } // Exporter page if (mpExporter->getPlugIn() != NULL) { mpExporterPage = mpExporter->getExportOptionsWidget(); } // Horizontal line QFrame* pLine = new QFrame(this); pLine->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken); // Buttons QDialogButtonBox* pButtonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, this); // Layout QVBoxLayout* pLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); pLayout->setMargin(10); pLayout->setSpacing(10); pLayout->addWidget(pStack, 10); pLayout->addWidget(pLine); pLayout->addWidget(pButtonBox); // Initialization QString strWindowTitle = "Export Options"; SessionItem* pSessionItem = mpExporter->getItem(); if (pSessionItem != NULL) { string name = pSessionItem->getDisplayName(); if (name.empty() == true) { name = pSessionItem->getName(); } if (name.empty() == false) { strWindowTitle += ": " + QString::fromStdString(name); } } setWindowTitle(strWindowTitle); setModal(true); if ((mpSubsetPage != NULL) || (mpExporterPage != NULL)) { QWidget* pSubsetWidget = NULL; if (mpSubsetPage != NULL) { pSubsetWidget = new QWidget(); mpSubsetPage->setParent(pSubsetWidget); QVBoxLayout* pSubsetLayout = new QVBoxLayout(pSubsetWidget); if (mpExporterPage != NULL) { pSubsetLayout->setMargin(10); } else { pSubsetLayout->setMargin(0); } pSubsetLayout->setSpacing(10); pSubsetLayout->addWidget(mpSubsetPage); } QWidget* pExporterWidget = NULL; if (mpExporterPage != NULL) { pExporterWidget = new QWidget(); mpExporterPage->setParent(pExporterWidget); QVBoxLayout* pExporterLayout = new QVBoxLayout(pExporterWidget); if (mpSubsetPage != NULL) { pExporterLayout->setMargin(10); } else { pExporterLayout->setMargin(0); } pExporterLayout->setSpacing(10); pExporterLayout->addWidget(mpExporterPage); } if ((pSubsetWidget != NULL) && (pExporterWidget != NULL)) { QString strExporterCaption = mpExporterPage->windowTitle(); if (strExporterCaption.isEmpty() == true) { PlugIn* pPlugIn = mpExporter->getPlugIn(); if (pPlugIn != NULL) { strExporterCaption = QString::fromStdString(pPlugIn->getName()); } if (strExporterCaption.isEmpty() == true) { strExporterCaption = "Exporter"; } } mpTabWidget = new QTabWidget(this); mpTabWidget->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::North); mpTabWidget->addTab(pSubsetWidget, "Subset"); mpTabWidget->addTab(pExporterWidget, strExporterCaption); pStack->addWidget(mpTabWidget); } else if (pSubsetWidget != NULL) { pStack->addWidget(pSubsetWidget); pButtonBox->setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); } else if (pExporterWidget != NULL) { pStack->addWidget(pExporterWidget); } } if (pStack->count() == 0) { QLabel* pNoOptionsLabel = new QLabel("No options are available", this); pNoOptionsLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); pNoOptionsLabel->setMinimumSize(250, 100); pStack->addWidget(pNoOptionsLabel); } // Connections VERIFYNR(connect(pButtonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()))); VERIFYNR(connect(pButtonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()))); }
QVariant SessionItemModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { if (index.isValid() == false) { return QVariant(); } SessionItemWrapper* pWrapper = reinterpret_cast<SessionItemWrapper*>(index.internalPointer()); if (pWrapper != NULL) { SessionItem* pItem = pWrapper->getSessionItem(); if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole) { if (flags(index) & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable) { Qt::CheckState checkState = pWrapper->getCheckState(); return QVariant(checkState); } } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { if (pItem != NULL) { const QIcon& itemIcon = pItem->getIcon(); return QVariant(itemIcon); } } else if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole) { QString strItemName = pWrapper->getDisplayName(); if ((strItemName.isEmpty() == true) && (pItem != NULL)) { string itemName = pItem->getDisplayName(); if (itemName.empty() == true) { itemName = pItem->getName(); } strItemName = QString::fromStdString(itemName); } if (strItemName.isEmpty() == false) { return QVariant(strItemName); } } else if (role == Qt::FontRole) { QFont itemFont = pWrapper->getDisplayFont(); return QVariant(itemFont); } else if (role == Qt::ForegroundRole) { QColor itemColor = pWrapper->getDisplayColor(); return QVariant(itemColor); } else if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole) { QColor itemColor = pWrapper->getBackgroundColor(); return QVariant(itemColor); } else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) { if (pItem != NULL) { const string& displayText = pItem->getDisplayText(); if (displayText.empty() == false) { return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(displayText)); } } } else if (role == SessionItemModel::SessionItemRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(pItem); } } return QVariant(); }