CPPImperialOpConstDefinition::CPPImperialOpConstDefinition (
    SgExprListExp * parameters)
  using boost::lexical_cast;
  using std::string;

      = isSgIntVal (parameters->get_expressions ()[indexDimenson])->get_value ();

  SgAddressOfOp * addressOfOperator = isSgAddressOfOp (
      parameters->get_expressions ()[indexData]);

  if (addressOfOperator != NULL)
    SgVarRefExp * operandExpression = isSgVarRefExp (
        addressOfOperator->get_operand ());

    ROSE_ASSERT (operandExpression != NULL);

    variableName = operandExpression->get_symbol ()->get_name ().getString ();
        = isSgVarRefExp (parameters->get_expressions ()[indexData])->get_symbol ()->get_name ().getString ();

  ROSE_ASSERT (dimension > 0);
  ROSE_ASSERT (variableName.empty () == false);

  Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Found an OP_CONST declaration: '"
      + variableName + "' Its dimension is "
      + lexical_cast <string> (dimension), Debug::FUNCTION_LEVEL, __FILE__,
main(int argc, char* argv[])
     SgProject* project = frontend(argc, argv);

     std::vector<SgIfStmt*> ifs = SageInterface::querySubTree<SgIfStmt>(project, V_SgIfStmt);
     BOOST_FOREACH(SgIfStmt* if_stmt, ifs)
          if (SgExpression *se = isSgExprStatement(if_stmt->get_conditional())->get_expression())
               cout << "--->" << se->unparseToString() << "<---" << endl;

               Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> variableList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(se, V_SgVarRefExp);
               for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator i = variableList.begin(), end = variableList.end(); i != end; i++)
                    SgVarRefExp *varRef = isSgVarRefExp(*i);
                    SgVariableSymbol *currSym = varRef->get_symbol();
                    cout << "Looking at: --|" << currSym->get_name().str() << "|--" << endl;

                    SgDeclarationStatement *decl = currSym->get_declaration()->get_declaration();

                    cout << "declaration: " << decl->unparseToString() << endl;

                    SgConstVolatileModifier cvm = decl->get_declarationModifier().get_typeModifier().get_constVolatileModifier();
                    bool constness = cvm.isConst();

                    cout << "constness via isConst(): " << constness << endl;
                    cout << cvm.displayString() << endl;

     return 0;
 * Case to handle interleaveArrayOption
 * C = interleaveAcrossArrays(A,B);
 * i/p = A,B ; o/p = C ; operation = interleaveAcrossArrays
void specificationTraversal::handleInterLeaveAcrossArrays(SgFunctionCallExp* funcCallExp) {
	ROSE_ASSERT(isSgFunctionCallExp(funcCallExp) != NULL);

	SgExpressionPtrList& args = funcCallExp->get_args()->get_expressions();

	vector < string > inputArgs;
	vector < string > outputArgs;

	// Extract the argument and put it into the input list
	for (SgExpressionPtrList::iterator expr = args.begin(); expr != args.end(); expr++) {
		SgVarRefExp* varRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(*expr);
		ROSE_ASSERT(varRefExp != NULL);

		string argName = varRefExp->get_symbol()->get_declaration()->get_name().getString();

		cout << " Input Arg: " << argName << endl;

	// Extract the output
	SgAssignOp* assignOp = isSgAssignOp(funcCallExp->get_parent());
	SgVarRefExp* outputVarRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(assignOp->get_lhs_operand());
	ROSE_ASSERT(outputVarRefExp != NULL);
	string outputName = outputVarRefExp->get_symbol()->get_declaration()->get_name().getString();

	cout << " Output Arg: " << outputName << endl;

	// Add to worklist
	transformationWorklist.addToWorklist(LayoutOptions::InterleaveAcrossArrays, inputArgs, outputArgs);
// Within sc, is the variable toCheck modified between the declaration of
// lifetime and its last use?  This is used to determine whether, whenever
// toCheck and lifetime are equal, one can be used as a substitute for the
// other.
bool isPotentiallyModifiedDuringLifeOf(SgBasicBlock* sc,
                                       SgInitializedName* toCheck,
                                       SgInitializedName* lifetime) {
    SgStatementPtrList& stmts = sc->get_statements();
    bool inLiveRange = false;
    for (SgStatementPtrList::reverse_iterator i = stmts.rbegin();
            i != stmts.rend(); ++i) {
        if (containsVariableReference(*i, lifetime))
            inLiveRange = true;
        SgVariableSymbol* toCheckSym = new SgVariableSymbol(toCheck);
        SgVarRefExp* toCheckVr = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, toCheckSym);

        bool result = false;
        if (inLiveRange && isPotentiallyModified(toCheckVr, *i)) {
            result = true;
        delete toCheckSym;
        toCheckSym = NULL;
        delete toCheckVr;
        toCheckVr = NULL;
        if (result) return true;

        if (isSgVariableDeclaration(*i) &&
                isDeclarationOf(isSgVariableDeclaration(*i), lifetime))
            return false; // This must be last
    return false;
// Check if this is an A++ Array Reference
bool isAPPArray(SgNode *astNode) {

	SgVarRefExp* varRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(astNode);

	if (varRefExp == NULL)
		return false;

	SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbol = varRefExp->get_symbol();
	ROSE_ASSERT(variableSymbol != NULL);
	SgInitializedName* initializedName = variableSymbol->get_declaration();
	ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName != NULL);
	SgName variableName = initializedName->get_name();

	// Now compute the offset to the index objects (form a special query for this???)

	SgType* type = variableSymbol->get_type();

	string typeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(type);
	ROSE_ASSERT(typeName.c_str() != NULL);

	// Recognize only these types at present
	if (typeName == "intArray" || typeName == "floatArray" || typeName == "doubleArray") {
		return true;

	return false;
// Are any variables in syms modified anywhere within n, or is n a declaration
// of one of them?
// FIXME: move to inliner
bool anyOfListPotentiallyModifiedIn(const vector<SgVariableSymbol*>& syms,
                                    SgNode* n) {
    bool modified = false;
    for (vector<SgVariableSymbol*>::const_iterator j = syms.begin();
            j != syms.end(); ++j) {
        SgVarRefExp* vr = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, *j);
        if (isPotentiallyModified(vr, n)) {
            modified = true;
        delete vr;
        if (modified) break;
        if (isSgVariableDeclaration(n)) {
            SgVariableDeclaration* decl = isSgVariableDeclaration(n);
            for (SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator i =
                    i != decl->get_variables().end(); ++i) {
                if (*i == (*j)->get_declaration()) {
                    modified = true;
        if (modified) break;
    return modified;
int BasicProgmemTransform::getBuffersizeNeededForFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration *func) {
	int maxSize = 0;
	Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *> funcCalls = NodeQuery::querySubTree(func, V_SgFunctionCallExp);
	for(auto &funcCall: funcCalls) {
		SgFunctionCallExp *fcall = isSgFunctionCallExp(funcCall);
		Function callee(fcall);
//		printf("function called: %s\n", callee.get_name().str());
		if(isArduinoProgmemSafeFunction(callee)) {
		param_pos_list ignoredPositions = getPositionsToIgnore(callee.get_name().getString());
		SgExpressionPtrList params = fcall->get_args()->get_expressions();
		int size = 0;
		for(int pos = 0; pos < params.size(); pos++) {
			if(ignoredPositions.find(pos) != ignoredPositions.end()) {
			SgVarRefExp* var = isSgVarRefExp(params[pos]);
			if(var) {
				SgInitializedName *initName = var->get_symbol()->get_declaration();
				if(isVarDeclToRemove(initName)) {
					SgExpression *rhs = getRHSOfVarDecl(initName);
					if(rhs && isSgStringVal(rhs)) {
						size += isSgStringVal(rhs)->get_value().size() + 1;
		if(size > maxSize) {
			maxSize = size;
	return maxSize;
 *  Fix op structure calls and inject debug names
void OPSource::fixOpFunctions(SgNode *n)
  SgName var_name;
  SgFunctionCallExp *fn = isSgFunctionCallExp(n);
  if(fn != NULL)
    string fn_name = fn->getAssociatedFunctionDeclaration()->get_name().getString();
      SgExprListExp* exprList = fn->get_args();
      SgExpressionPtrList &exprs = exprList->get_expressions();
      if( isSgStringVal(exprs.back()) == NULL )
        SgVarRefExp* varExp = isSgVarRefExp(exprs[1]);
          varExp = isSgVarRefExp(isSgAddressOfOp(exprs[1])->get_operand_i());

          var_name = varExp->get_symbol()->get_name();
        cout << "---Injecting Debug Name for const: " << var_name.getString() << "---" << endl;
文件: sizeOfPointer.C 项目: 8l/rose
visit(SgNode* node)
     int starCount;
     SgSizeOfOp *szOf = isSgSizeOfOp(node);
     if(!szOf) return;
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> pointers = NodeQuery::querySubTree(node,V_SgPointerType);
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> deRefs = NodeQuery::querySubTree(node,V_SgPointerDerefExp);
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> varRefs = NodeQuery::querySubTree(node,V_SgVarRefExp);
     for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *>::iterator i = varRefs.begin(); i != varRefs.end(); i++)
         SgVarRefExp *vRef = isSgVarRefExp((*i));
         if (!vRef) return;
         SgType *t = vRef->get_type();
         std::string typeName = t->unparseToString();
         //std::cout << countStars(typeName) <<   std::endl;
         starCount = countStars(typeName);
         if (!starCount or
             (starCount == pointers.size() and 
              deRefs.size() == (starCount - 1)))
             //std::cout << "IT'S OK!" << std::endl;
     output->addOutput(new CheckerOutput(node));
} //End of the visit function.
static void
run(Compass::Parameters parameters, Compass::OutputObject* output)
      // We only care about source code in the user's space, not,
      // for example, Boost or system files.
      string target_directory =
      // Use the pre-built ROSE AST
      SgProject* sageProject = Compass::projectPrerequisite.getProject();
      // perform AST matching here
      AstMatching match_functions;
      MatchResult result_functions =
	match_functions.performMatching("$r = SgFunctionCallExp(SgFunctionRefExp,SgExprListExp(_,_,_))", sageProject);
      BOOST_FOREACH(SingleMatchVarBindings match, result_functions)
	  SgFunctionCallExp* function_call = (SgFunctionCallExp*)match["$r"];
	  AstMatching match_vars;
	  MatchResult result_vars;
	  if ("memcmp" == function_call->getAssociatedFunctionDeclaration()->get_name().getString())
	    result_vars = match_vars.performMatching("$s = SgVarRefExp", function_call);
	  bool struct_used = false;
	  BOOST_FOREACH(SingleMatchVarBindings var_match, result_vars)
	      SgVarRefExp* var = (SgVarRefExp*)var_match["$s"];
	      if (isSgClassType(var->get_type()->findBaseType()) != NULL)
		struct_used = true;
 virtual void visit(SgNode* n) {
   SgVarRefExp* vr = isSgVarRefExp(n);
   if (!vr) return;
   SgInitializedName* in = vr->get_symbol()->get_declaration();
   paramMapType::const_iterator iter = paramMap.find(in);
   if (iter == paramMap.end()) return; // This is not a parameter use
 virtual void visit(SgNode* n) {
   if (isSgThisExp(n)) {
     SgVarRefExp* vr = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, sym);
       replace_expression(isSgExpression(n), vr);
    virtual void visit(SgNode* n) {
        if (isSgBasicBlock(n)) {
            SgBasicBlock* bb = isSgBasicBlock(n);
            SgStatementPtrList& stmts = bb->get_statements();
            size_t initi;
            for (size_t decli = 0; decli < stmts.size(); ++decli) {
                if (isSgVariableDeclaration(stmts[decli])) {
                    SgVariableDeclaration* decl = isSgVariableDeclaration(stmts[decli]);
                    SgInitializedNamePtrList& vars = decl->get_variables();
                    for (size_t vari = 0; vari != vars.size(); ++vari) {
                        SgInitializedName* in = vars[vari];
                        if (in->get_initializer() == 0) {
                            bool used = false;
                            for (initi = decli + 1; initi < stmts.size();
                                    used |= containsVariableReference(stmts[initi], in),
                                    ++initi) {
                                SgExprStatement* initExprStmt = isSgExprStatement(stmts[initi]);
                                if (initExprStmt) {
                                    SgExpression* top = initExprStmt->get_expression();
                                    if (isSgAssignOp(top)) {
                                        SgVarRefExp* vr = isSgVarRefExp(isSgAssignOp(top)->get_lhs_operand());
                                        ROSE_ASSERT(isSgAssignOp(top) != NULL);
                                        SgExpression* newinit = isSgAssignOp(top)->get_rhs_operand();
                                        if (!used && vr && vr->get_symbol()->get_declaration() == in) {
                                            ROSE_ASSERT(newinit != NULL);
                                            // printf ("MoveDeclarationsToFirstUseVisitor::visit(): newinit = %p = %s \n",newinit,newinit->class_name().c_str());
                                            ROSE_ASSERT(newinit->get_type() != NULL);
                                            SgAssignInitializer* i = new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE,newinit,newinit->get_type());
                                            // printf ("Built a SgAssignInitializer #1 \n");
                                            stmts[initi] = decl;

                                            // DQ (6/23/2006): Set the parent and file_info pointers
                                            // printf ("Setting parent of i = %p = %s to parent = %p = %s \n",i,i->class_name().c_str(),in,in->class_name().c_str());
                                            ROSE_ASSERT(i->get_parent() != NULL);

                                            i->set_file_info(new Sg_File_Info(*(newinit->get_file_info())));
                                            ROSE_ASSERT(i->get_file_info() != NULL);

                                            // Assumes only one var per declaration FIXME
                                            ROSE_ASSERT (vars.size() == 1);
                                            stmts.erase(stmts.begin() + decli);
                                            --decli; // To counteract ++decli in loop header
                                            break; // To get out of initi loop
BugSeeding::evaluateInheritedAttribute (
     SgNode* astNode,
     InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute )
  // Use this if we only want to seed bugs in loops
     bool isLoop = inheritedAttribute.isLoop           ||
                   (isSgForStatement(astNode) != NULL) ||
                   (isSgWhileStmt(astNode) != NULL)    ||
                   (isSgDoWhileStmt(astNode) != NULL);
  // Add Fortran support
     isLoop = isLoop || (isSgFortranDo(astNode) != NULL);

  // Mark future noes in this subtree as being part of a loop
     inheritedAttribute.isLoop = isLoop;

  // To test this on simple codes, optionally allow it to be applied everywhere
     bool applyEveryWhere = true;

     if (isLoop == true || applyEveryWhere == true)
       // The inherited attribute is true iff we are inside a loop and this is a SgPntrArrRefExp.
          SgPntrArrRefExp *arrayReference = isSgPntrArrRefExp(astNode);
          if (arrayReference != NULL)
            // Mark as a vulnerability
               inheritedAttribute.isVulnerability = true;

            // Now change the array index (to seed the buffer overflow bug)
               SgVarRefExp* arrayVarRef = isSgVarRefExp(arrayReference->get_lhs_operand());
               ROSE_ASSERT(arrayVarRef != NULL);
               ROSE_ASSERT(arrayVarRef->get_symbol() != NULL);
               SgInitializedName* arrayName = isSgInitializedName(arrayVarRef->get_symbol()->get_declaration());
               ROSE_ASSERT(arrayName != NULL);
               SgArrayType* arrayType = isSgArrayType(arrayName->get_type());
               ROSE_ASSERT(arrayType != NULL);
               SgExpression* arraySize = arrayType->get_index();

               SgTreeCopy copyHelp;
            // Make a copy of the expression used to hold the array size in the array declaration.
               SgExpression* arraySizeCopy = isSgExpression(arraySize->copy(copyHelp));
               ROSE_ASSERT(arraySizeCopy != NULL);

            // This is the existing index expression
               SgExpression* indexExpression = arrayReference->get_rhs_operand();
               ROSE_ASSERT(indexExpression != NULL);

            // Build a new expression: "array[n]" --> "array[n+arraySizeCopy]", where the arraySizeCopy is a size of "array"
               SgExpression* newIndexExpression = buildAddOp(indexExpression,arraySizeCopy);

            // Substitute the new expression for the old expression

     return inheritedAttribute;
// Propagate definitions of a variable to its uses.
// Assumptions: var is only assigned at the top level of body
//              nothing var depends on is assigned within body
// Very simple algorithm designed to only handle simplest cases
void simpleUndoFiniteDifferencingOne(SgBasicBlock* body, SgExpression* var)
     SgExpression* value = 0;
     SgStatementPtrList& stmts = body->get_statements();
     vector<SgStatement*> stmts_to_remove;

     for (SgStatementPtrList::iterator i = stmts.begin(); i != stmts.end(); ++i)
       // cout << "Next statement: value = " << (value ? value->unparseToString() : "(null)") << endl;
       // cout << (*i)->unparseToString() << endl;
          if (isSgExprStatement(*i) && isSgAssignOp(isSgExprStatement(*i)->get_expression()))
               SgAssignOp* assignment = isSgAssignOp(isSgExprStatement(*i)->get_expression());
            // cout << "In assignment statement " << assignment->unparseToString() << endl;
               if (value)
                    replaceCopiesOfExpression(var, value, assignment->get_rhs_operand());
               if (isSgVarRefExp(assignment->get_lhs_operand()) && isSgVarRefExp(var))
                    SgVarRefExp* vr = isSgVarRefExp(assignment->get_lhs_operand());
                    if (vr->get_symbol()->get_declaration() == isSgVarRefExp(var)->get_symbol()->get_declaration())
                         value = assignment->get_rhs_operand();
               if (value)
                    replaceCopiesOfExpression(var, value, *i);

     for (vector<SgStatement*>::iterator i = stmts_to_remove.begin(); i != stmts_to_remove.end(); ++i) {
          stmts.erase(std::find(stmts.begin(), stmts.end(), *i));

     if (value)
       // DQ (12/17/2006): Separate out the construction of the SgAssignOp from the SgExprStatement to support debugging and testing.
       // stmts.push_back(new SgExprStatement(SgNULL_FILE, new SgAssignOp(SgNULL_FILE, var, value)));
          SgAssignOp* assignmentOperator = new SgAssignOp(SgNULL_FILE, var, value);

          printf ("In simpleUndoFiniteDifferencingOne(): assignmentOperator = %p \n",assignmentOperator);

       // DQ: Note that the parent of the SgExprStatement will be set in AST post-processing (or it should be).
          SgExprStatement* es = new SgExprStatement(SgNULL_FILE, assignmentOperator);
void HaloRefSearch::visit(SgNode * node)
   switch (node->variantT()) {
   case V_SgVarRefExp:
      SgVarRefExp * var = isSgVarRefExp(node);
      if (var->get_symbol()->getAttribute("halo_attr") != NULL) {
         found = true;
 virtual void visit(SgNode* n) {
     if (isSgVarRefExp(n)) {
         SgVarRefExp* vr = isSgVarRefExp(n);
         assert (vr->get_symbol());
         if (vr->get_symbol()->get_declaration() == initname) {
             if (inSimpleContext(vr) || !needSimpleContext) {
                 SgTreeCopy tc;
                     vr, isSgExpression(initexpr->copy(tc)));
FortranOpSetDefinition::FortranOpSetDefinition (SgExprListExp * parameters)
   * ======================================================
   * Get name of OP_SET dimension variable
   * ======================================================

  if (isSgPntrArrRefExp (
      parameters->get_expressions ()[index_setCardinalityName]) != NULL)
        = isSgPntrArrRefExp (
            parameters->get_expressions ()[index_setCardinalityName])->unparseToString ();
        = isSgVarRefExp (
            parameters->get_expressions ()[index_setCardinalityName])->get_symbol ()->get_name ().getString ();

   * ======================================================
   * Get name of OP_SET
   * ======================================================

  SgVarRefExp * opSetVariableReference;

  if (isSgDotExp (parameters->get_expressions ()[index_OpSetName]) != NULL)
    opSetVariableReference = isSgVarRefExp (isSgDotExp (
        parameters->get_expressions ()[index_OpSetName])->get_rhs_operand ());
    opSetVariableReference = isSgVarRefExp (
        parameters->get_expressions ()[index_OpSetName]);

      = opSetVariableReference->get_symbol ()->get_name ().getString ();

  ROSE_ASSERT (dimensionName.empty () == false);
  ROSE_ASSERT (variableName.empty () == false);

  Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Found an OP_SET definition: '"
      + variableName + "'. Its dimension is contained in '" + dimensionName
      + "'", Debug::FUNCTION_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
 * Create LHS of a loop dependent statement
void createFirstLoop(SgExprStatement* exprStatement,
		ArrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedAttributeType & arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData,
		OperandDataBaseType & operandDataBase) {
	//transformArrayRefAPP(exprStatement, arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData, operandDataBase);

	// Change the LHS, it will the first PntrArrayRef
	SgScopeStatement* scope = exprStatement->get_scope();

	// Figure out the dimensionality of the statement globally
	vector<SgExpression*> parameters;
	int maxNumberOfIndexOffsets = 6; // default value for A++/P++ arrays
	ROSE_ASSERT(arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.arrayStatementDimensionDefined == TRUE);
	if (arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.arrayStatementDimensionDefined == TRUE) {
		// The the globally computed array dimension from the arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData
		maxNumberOfIndexOffsets = arrayAssignmentStatementQueryInheritedData.arrayStatementDimension;

	// Then we want the minimum of all the dimensions accesses (or is it the maximum?)
	for (int n = 0; n < maxNumberOfIndexOffsets; n++) {
		parameters.push_back(buildVarRefExp("_" + StringUtility::numberToString(n + 1), scope));

	vector<SgVarRefExp*> varRefList = querySubTree<SgVarRefExp> (exprStatement, V_SgVarRefExp);

	ROSE_ASSERT(varRefList.size() > 0);

	SgVarRefExp* lhsVarRefExp = (*varRefList.begin()); // LHS should be the first ref

	SgExpression* replaceExp;
		replaceExp = isSgFunctionCallExp(lhsVarRefExp->get_parent()->get_parent());
		replaceExp = lhsVarRefExp;

	SgVarRefExp* newVarRefExp = buildVarRefExp("__T_pointer", scope);
	string functionName = "SC_"+lhsVarRefExp->get_symbol()->get_declaration()->get_name();
	SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExp = buildFunctionCallExp(functionName, buildIntType(),
			buildExprListExp(parameters), scope);
	SgPntrArrRefExp* pntrArrRefExp2 = buildPntrArrRefExp(newVarRefExp, functionCallExp);

	ROSE_ASSERT(replaceExp != NULL);
	replaceExpression(replaceExp, pntrArrRefExp2);

 * Matches assignment statements (including pointer association)
void FortranAnalysis::visit(SgExprStatement * expr_stmt)
   if (matchRegionAssignment(expr_stmt)) {
      SgBinaryOp * bin_op = isSgBinaryOp(expr_stmt->get_expression());
      SgVarRefExp * var = isSgVarRefExp(bin_op->get_lhs_operand());
      if (var == NULL) return;
      var->get_symbol()->setAttribute("halo_attr", new AstTextAttribute("HALO_VAR"));
      printf("FortranAnalysis:: adding halo attr to %s\n",
   else if (HaloRefSearch::findHaloRef(expr_stmt)) {
      expr_stmt->setAttribute("halo_ref", new AstTextAttribute("HAS_HALO_REF"));
      printf("FortranAnalysis:: adding halo attr to statement\n");
 *  get the InitName for a sgNode
std::string DefUseAnalysis::getInitName(SgNode* sgNode){
  SgInitializedName* initName = NULL;
  string name = "none";
  if (isSgVarRefExp(sgNode)) {
    SgVarRefExp* varRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(sgNode);
    initName = varRefExp->get_symbol()->get_declaration();
    name = initName->get_qualified_name().str();
  else if (isSgInitializedName(sgNode)) {
    initName =isSgInitializedName(sgNode);
    name = initName->get_qualified_name().str();
  else {
    name = sgNode->class_name();
  return name;
void FortranAnalysis::visit(SgFunctionCallExp * fcall)
   SgFunctionRefExp  * fref  = isSgFunctionRefExp(fcall->get_function());

   if (fref != NULL) {
      SgExpressionPtrList::iterator it = fcall->get_args()->get_expressions().begin();
      std::string name = fref->get_symbol()->get_name().getString();

      if (name == "interior" && it != fcall->get_args()->get_expressions().end()) {
         SgVarRefExp * var = isSgVarRefExp(*it);
         SgSymbol * sym = var->get_symbol();
         sym->setAttribute("halo_attr", new AstTextAttribute("HALO_VAR"));
         debug("SgFunctionCallExp: adding halo attribute to %s\n",
TaintAnalysis::magic_tainted(SgNode *node, FiniteVarsExprsProductLattice *prodLat) {
    if (isSgInitializedName(node)) {
        SgInitializedName *iname = isSgInitializedName(node);
        std::string vname = iname->get_name().getString();
        TaintLattice *tlat = dynamic_cast<TaintLattice*>(prodLat->getVarLattice(varID(iname)));
        if (tlat && 0==vname.compare(0, 7, "TAINTED")) {
            bool modified = tlat->set_vertex(TaintLattice::VERTEX_TAINTED);
            if (debug) {
                *debug <<"TaintAnalysis::magic_tainted: lattice is magically " <<tlat->to_string()
                       <<(modified?" (modified)":" (not modified)") <<"\n";
            return modified;
    } else if (isSgVarRefExp(node)) {
        SgVarRefExp *vref = isSgVarRefExp(node);
        std::string vname = vref->get_symbol()->get_name().getString();
        TaintLattice *tlat = dynamic_cast<TaintLattice*>(prodLat->getVarLattice(varID(vref)));
        if (tlat && 0==vname.compare(0, 7, "TAINTED")) {
            bool modified = tlat->set_vertex(TaintLattice::VERTEX_TAINTED);
            if (debug) {
                *debug <<"TaintAnalysis::magic_tainted: lattice is magically " <<tlat->to_string()
                       <<(modified?" (modified)":" (not modified)") <<"\n";
            return modified;
    } else if (isSgVariableDeclaration(node)) {
        SgVariableDeclaration *vdecl = isSgVariableDeclaration(node);
        const SgInitializedNamePtrList &inames = vdecl->get_variables();
        for (size_t i=0; i<inames.size(); ++i) {
            std::string vname = inames[i]->get_name().getString();
            TaintLattice *tlat = dynamic_cast<TaintLattice*>(prodLat->getVarLattice(varID(inames[i])));
            if (tlat && 0==vname.compare(0, 7, "TAINTED")) {
                bool modified = tlat->set_vertex(TaintLattice::VERTEX_TAINTED);
                if (debug) {
                    *debug <<"TaintAnalysis::magic_tainted: lattice is magically " <<tlat->to_string()
                           <<(modified?" (modified)":" (not modified)") <<"\n";
                return modified;

    return false;
void BasicProgmemTransform::transformCharArrayInitialization(SgFunctionDeclaration *func) {
	/* *
	 * Translates statements of the form:
	 * char arr[n] = "some string"; to:
	 * char arr[n];
	 * strcpy_P(arr, <progmem placeholder>);
	 * */
	Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *> initNames = NodeQuery::querySubTree(func, V_SgInitializedName);
	for(auto &item: initNames) {
		SgInitializedName *initName = isSgInitializedName(item);
		if(initName->get_initializer() == NULL) {
		SgVariableDeclaration * varDecl = isSgVariableDeclaration(initName->get_declaration());
		if(varDecl == NULL) {
		SgAssignInitializer *assignInit = isSgAssignInitializer(initName->get_initializer());
		if(assignInit == NULL) {
		SgType *type = initName->get_type();
		SgType *eleType = SageInterface::getElementType(type);
		if(isSgArrayType(type) && eleType != NULL && isSgTypeChar(eleType)) {
			SgStringVal* strVal = isSgStringVal(assignInit->get_operand());
			std::string str = strVal->get_value();
			int arrSize = getDeclaredArraySize(isSgArrayType(type));
			if(arrSize == 0) {
				//char arr[] = "something";
				int size = str.length() + 1;
				SgArrayType *type = SageBuilder::buildArrayType(SageBuilder::buildCharType(), SageBuilder::buildIntVal(size));
			SgVariableDeclaration *placeholder = getVariableDeclPlaceholderForString(str);
			SgVarRefExp *ref = SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(placeholder);
			std::stringstream instr;
			instr << "\n strcpy_P(" << initName->get_name().getString();
			instr <<  ", " << ref->get_symbol()->get_name().getString() << ");\n";
			SageInterface::attachComment(varDecl, instr.str(), PreprocessingInfo::after);
			printf("transformed %s\n", initName->unparseToString().c_str());

std::set<varID> BasicProgmemTransform::getVarsBoundToNonPlaceholderPointers() {
	std::set<varID> results;
	Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *> varRefs = NodeQuery::querySubTree(project, V_SgVarRefExp);
	for(auto &ref: varRefs) {
		SgVarRefExp *var = isSgVarRefExp(ref);
		varID varRef = SgExpr2Var(var);
		if(varRef.str().find(STRING_LITERAL_PREFIX) == std::string::npos) {
			std::set<varID> aliases = aliasAnalysis->getAliasesForVariableAtNode(var, varRef);
			if(aliases.size() == 0) {
			results.insert(aliases.begin(), aliases.end());
	return results;
// Same as doSubexpressionExpansion, but requires exactly one use of
// initname, and this use must be in a simple context
void doSubexpressionExpansionSmart(SgInitializedName* initname) {
    SgNode* root = initname->get_parent()->get_parent();
    assert (root);
    int count = countVariableReferences(root, initname);
    // cout << "Initname " << initname->get_name().str() << " was used " << count << " time(s)" << endl;
    if (count != 1) return;
    bool doExpansion = true;
    SgVariableSymbol* initnameSym = new SgVariableSymbol(initname);
    SgVarRefExp* initnameVr = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, initnameSym);
    if (isPotentiallyModified(initnameVr, root)) {
        doExpansion = false;
    delete initnameSym;
    initnameSym = NULL;
    delete initnameVr;
    initnameVr = NULL;
    if (doExpansion) {
        doSubexpressionExpansion(initname, true);
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  SgProject *project = frontend (argc, argv);
  SgFunctionDeclaration* func_decl = SageInterface::findDeclarationStatement<SgFunctionDeclaration> 
     (project, "foo", NULL, true);
  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(func_decl->get_definition(), V_SgVarRefExp);
  for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *>::iterator i = nodeList.begin(); i != nodeList.end(); i++)
    SgVarRefExp *vRef = isSgVarRefExp((*i));
    cout<<"varRefExp: "<< vRef->unparseToString()<<endl;

  // We expect two references 
  // from input_ompVariableCollecting.C
  if (nodeList.size() !=2)
    cerr<<"Error. We should find exactly two variable references."<<endl;
  ROSE_ASSERT (nodeList.size() ==2);

  return backend(project);
bool FortranAnalysis::matchRegionAssignment(SgExprStatement * expr_stmt)
   SgBinaryOp * bin_op = isSgBinaryOp(expr_stmt->get_expression());
   if (bin_op == NULL) return false;

   SgFunctionCallExp * fcall = isSgFunctionCallExp(bin_op->get_rhs_operand());
   if (fcall == NULL) return false;

   SgFunctionRefExp * fref = isSgFunctionRefExp(fcall->get_function());
   if (fref == NULL) return false;

   SgExpressionPtrList::iterator it = fcall->get_args()->get_expressions().begin();
   std::string name = fref->get_symbol()->get_name().getString();
   if (name == "interior" && it != fcall->get_args()->get_expressions().end()) {
      SgVarRefExp * var = isSgVarRefExp(*it);
      if (var == NULL) return false;
      AstTextAttribute * attr = (AstTextAttribute *) var->get_symbol()->getAttribute("dummy_attr");
      if (attr == NULL) return false;
      if (attr->toString() != "DUMMY_ARRAY_ARG") return false;
   return true;
	foreach(SgAssignOp* op, assigns)
		SgVarRefExp* var = isSgVarRefExp(op->get_lhs_operand());
		SgInitializedName* decl = var->get_symbol()->get_declaration();
		std::cout << "Found assignment to " << var->get_symbol()->get_name().str();
		if (decl->get_protected_declaration())
			std::cout << ", which is protected.";
		std::cout << "\t\t" << op->unparseToString();
		std::cout << std::endl;
		SgNode* assign_scope = SageInterface::getScope(op);
		SgNode* var_scope = decl->get_scope();
		if (SageInterface::isAncestor(var_scope, assign_scope))
			std::cout << "\tAnd both are in the same scope.\n";
			std::cout << "\tIn different scopes.\n";
buildListOfVariableReferenceExpressionsUsingGlobalVariables ( SgNode* node )
  // This function builds a list of "uses" of variables (SgVarRefExp IR nodes) within the AST.

  // return variable
     Rose_STL_Container<SgVarRefExp*> globalVariableUseList;

  // list of all variables (then select out the global variables by testing the scope)
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree ( node, V_SgVarRefExp );

     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator i = nodeList.begin();
     while(i != nodeList.end())
          SgVarRefExp *variableReferenceExpression = isSgVarRefExp(*i);
          assert(variableReferenceExpression != NULL);

          assert(variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol() != NULL);
          assert(variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol()->get_declaration() != NULL);
          assert(variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol()->get_declaration()->get_scope() != NULL);

       // Note that variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol()->get_declaration() returns the 
       // SgInitializedName (not the SgVariableDeclaration where it was declared)!
          SgInitializedName* variable = variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol()->get_declaration();

          SgScopeStatement* variableScope = variable->get_scope();

       // Check if this is a variable declared in global scope, if so, then save it
          if (isSgGlobal(variableScope) != NULL)

     return globalVariableUseList;