void GBufferConditionerGLSL::processPix(  Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                          const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   // sanity
   AssertFatal( fd.features[MFT_EyeSpaceDepthOut], "No depth-out feature enabled! Bad news!" );

   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

   // grab connector normal
   ShaderConnector *connectComp = dynamic_cast<ShaderConnector *>( componentList[C_CONNECTOR] );
   Var *gbNormal = (Var*) LangElement::find( "gbNormal" );
   if( !gbNormal )
      gbNormal = connectComp->getElement( RT_TEXCOORD );
      gbNormal->setName( "gbNormal" );
      gbNormal->setType( "vec3" );
      gbNormal->mapsToSampler = false;
      gbNormal->uniform = false;

   // find depth
   ShaderFeature *depthFeat = FEATUREMGR->getByType( MFT_EyeSpaceDepthOut );
   AssertFatal( depthFeat != NULL, "No eye space depth feature found!" );

   Var *depth = (Var*) LangElement::find(depthFeat->getOutputVarName());
   AssertFatal( depth, "Something went bad with ShaderGen. The depth should be already generated by the EyeSpaceDepthOut feature." );

   Var *unconditionedOut = new Var;

   LangElement *outputDecl = new DecOp( unconditionedOut );

   // NOTE: We renormalize the normal here as they
   // will not stay normalized during interpolation.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp("   @ = @;", outputDecl, new GenOp( "vec4(normalize(@), @)", gbNormal, depth ) ) );
   meta->addStatement( assignOutput( unconditionedOut ) );

   output = meta;
void GBufferConditionerGLSL::processPix(  Vector<ShaderComponent*> &componentList, 
                                          const MaterialFeatureData &fd )
   // sanity
   AssertFatal( fd.features[MFT_EyeSpaceDepthOut], "No depth-out feature enabled! Bad news!" );

   MultiLine *meta = new MultiLine;

   // grab connector normal
   ShaderConnector *connectComp = dynamic_cast<ShaderConnector *>( componentList[C_CONNECTOR] );
   Var *gbNormal = (Var*) LangElement::find( "gbNormal" );
   if( !gbNormal )
      gbNormal = connectComp->getElement( RT_TEXCOORD );
      gbNormal->setName( "gbNormal" );
      gbNormal->setStructName( "IN" );
      gbNormal->setType( "float3" );
      gbNormal->mapsToSampler = false;
      gbNormal->uniform = false;

   // find depth
   ShaderFeature *depthFeat = FEATUREMGR->getByType( MFT_EyeSpaceDepthOut );
   AssertFatal( depthFeat != NULL, "No eye space depth feature found!" );

   Var *depth = (Var*) LangElement::find(depthFeat->getOutputVarName());
   AssertFatal( depth, "Something went bad with ShaderGen. The depth should be already generated by the EyeSpaceDepthOut feature." );

   Var *unconditionedOut = new Var;

   LangElement *outputDecl = new DecOp( unconditionedOut );

   // If we're doing prepass blending then we need 
   // to steal away the alpha channel before the 
   // conditioner stomps on it.
   Var *alphaVal = NULL;
   if ( fd.features[ MFT_IsTranslucentZWrite ] )
      alphaVal = new Var( "outAlpha", "float" );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @ = col.a; // MFT_IsTranslucentZWrite\r\n", new DecOp( alphaVal ) ) );

   // If using interlaced normals, invert the normal
      // NOTE: Its safe to not call ShaderFeatureGLSL::addOutVpos() in the vertex
      // shader as for SM 3.0 nothing is needed there.
      Var *Vpos = (Var*) LangElement::find( "gl_Position" ); //Var *Vpos = ShaderFeatureGLSL::getInVpos( meta, componentList );

      Var *iGBNormal = new Var( "interlacedGBNormal", "float3" );
      meta->addStatement(new GenOp("   @ = (frac(@.y * 0.5) < 0.1 ? reflect(@, float3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0)) : @);\r\n", new DecOp(iGBNormal), Vpos, gbNormal, gbNormal));
      gbNormal = iGBNormal;

   // NOTE: We renormalize the normal here as they
   // will not stay normalized during interpolation.
   meta->addStatement( new GenOp("   @ = @;", outputDecl, new GenOp( "float4(normalize(@), @)", gbNormal, depth ) ) );
   meta->addStatement( assignOutput( unconditionedOut ) );

   // If we have an alpha var then we're doing prepass lerp blending.
   if ( alphaVal )
      Var *outColor = (Var*)LangElement::find( getOutputTargetVarName( DefaultTarget ) );
      meta->addStatement( new GenOp( "   @.ba = float2( 0, @ ); // MFT_IsTranslucentZWrite\r\n", outColor, alphaVal ) );

   output = meta;