void SiconosVector::toBlock(SiconosVector& vOut, unsigned int sizeB, unsigned int startIn, unsigned int startOut) const
  // To copy a subBlock of the vector (from position startIn to startIn+sizeB) into vOut (from pos. startOut to startOut+sizeB).
  // Check dim ...
  assert(startIn < size() && "vector toBlock(v1,v2,...): start position in input vector is out of range.");

  assert(startOut < vOut.size() && "vector toBlock(v1,v2,...): start position in output vector is out of range.");

  assert(startIn + sizeB <= size() && "vector toBlock(v1,v2,...): end position in input vector is out of range.");
  assert(startOut + sizeB <= vOut.size() && "vector toBlock(v1,v2,...): end position in output vector is out of range.");

  unsigned int endOut = startOut + sizeB;
  unsigned int numIn = num();
  unsigned int numOut = vOut.num();

  if (numIn == numOut)
    if (numIn == 1) // vIn / vOut are Dense
      noalias(ublas::subrange(*vOut.dense(), startOut, endOut)) = ublas::subrange(*vect.Dense, startIn, startIn + sizeB);
    else // if(numIn == 4)// vIn / vOut are Sparse
      noalias(ublas::subrange(*vOut.sparse(), startOut, endOut)) = ublas::subrange(*vect.Sparse, startIn, startIn + sizeB);
  else // vIn and vout of different types ...
    if (numIn == 1) // vIn Dense
      noalias(ublas::subrange(*vOut.sparse(), startOut, endOut)) = ublas::subrange(*vect.Dense, startIn, startIn + sizeB);
    else // if(numIn == 4)// vIn Sparse
      noalias(ublas::subrange(*vOut.dense(), startOut, endOut)) = ublas::subrange(*vect.Sparse, startIn, startIn + sizeB);
void SiconosVector::subBlock(unsigned int index, const SiconosVector& vIn)
  // Add vIn from the current vector, starting from position "index".
  // vIn may be a BlockVector.

  //  if ( num != 1 ) SiconosVectorException::selfThrow("SiconosVector::subBlock : vector should be dense");

  unsigned int end = vIn.size();
  if ((index + end) > size()) SiconosVectorException::selfThrow("SiconosVector::subBlock : invalid ranges");

  unsigned int numVin = vIn.num();
  if (numVin != num()) SiconosVectorException::selfThrow("SiconosVector::subBlock : inconsistent types.");

  if (_dense)
    noalias(ublas::subrange(*vect.Dense, index, index + end)) -= *vIn.dense();
    noalias(ublas::subrange(*vect.Sparse, index, index + end)) -= *vIn.sparse();
void SiconosVector::setBlock(unsigned int index, const SiconosVector& vIn)
  // Set current vector elements, starting from position "index", to the values of vector vIn

  // Exceptions ...
  assert(&vIn != this && "SiconosVector::this->setBlock(pos,vIn): vIn = this.");

  assert(index < size() && "SiconosVector::setBlock : invalid ranges");

  unsigned int end = vIn.size() + index;
  assert(end <= size() && "SiconosVector::setBlock : invalid ranges");

  assert (vIn.num() == num() && "SiconosVector::setBlock: inconsistent types.");

  if (_dense)
    noalias(ublas::subrange(*vect.Dense, index, end)) = *vIn.dense();
    noalias(ublas::subrange(*vect.Sparse, index, end)) = *vIn.sparse();