ARThread::OnPreflight( const SignalProperties& Input,
                             SignalProperties& Output ) const
  if( Input.Elements() < Parameter( "ModelOrder" ) )
    bcierr << "WindowLength parameter must be large enough"
           << " for the number of samples to exceed the model order"
           << endl;

  if( Parameter( "OutputType" ) == Coefficients )
    Output = Input;
    Output.SetName( "AR Coefficients" );
    Output.SetElements( Parameter( "ModelOrder" ) );
    Output.ElementUnit().SetSymbol( "" )
                        .SetOffset( 0 )
                        .SetGain( 1 )
                        .SetRawMin( 0 )
                        .SetRawMax( Output.Elements() - 1 );
    SpectrumThread::OnPreflight( Input, Output );
    Output.SetName( "AR " + Output.Name() );
WindowingThread::OnPreflight( const SignalProperties& Input,
                                    SignalProperties& Output ) const
  Output = Input;
  double windowLength = Parameter( "WindowLength" ).InSampleBlocks();
  int numSamples = static_cast<int>( windowLength * Input.Elements() );
  if( numSamples < 0 )
    bcierr << "WindowLength parameter must be >= 0" << endl;
    numSamples = 0;
  Output.SetElements( numSamples )
        .SetIsStream( false )
        .ElementUnit().SetRawMin( 0 )
                      .SetRawMax( Output.Elements() - 1 );
ARFilter::Preflight( const SignalProperties& Input,
                           SignalProperties& Output ) const
  // Parameter consistency checks.
  float windowLength = MeasurementUnits::ReadAsTime( Parameter( "WindowLength" ) );
  int samplesInWindow = windowLength * Parameter( "SampleBlockSize" );
  if( samplesInWindow < Parameter( "ModelOrder" ) )
    bcierr << "WindowLength parameter must be large enough"
           << " for the number of samples to exceed the model order"
           << endl;

  Output = Input;
  switch( int( Parameter( "OutputType" ) ) )
    case SpectralAmplitude:
    case SpectralPower:
      float firstBinCenter = MeasurementUnits::ReadAsFreq( Parameter( "FirstBinCenter" ) ),
            lastBinCenter = MeasurementUnits::ReadAsFreq( Parameter( "LastBinCenter" ) ),
            binWidth = MeasurementUnits::ReadAsFreq( Parameter( "BinWidth" ) );

      if( firstBinCenter > 0.5 || firstBinCenter < 0
          || lastBinCenter > 0.5 || lastBinCenter < 0 )
        bcierr << "FirstBinCenter and LastBinCenter must be greater zero and"
               << " less than half the sampling rate"
               << endl;
      if( firstBinCenter >= lastBinCenter )
        bcierr << "FirstBinCenter must be less than LastBinCenter" << endl;
      if( binWidth <= 0 )
        bcierr << "BinWidth must be greater zero" << endl;
        int numBins = ::floor( ( lastBinCenter - firstBinCenter + eps ) / binWidth + 1 );
        Output.SetElements( numBins );
      Output.ElementUnit().SetOffset( firstBinCenter / binWidth )
                          .SetGain( binWidth * Parameter( "SamplingRate" ) )
                          .SetSymbol( "Hz" );
      Output.ValueUnit().SetRawMin( 0 );
      float inputAmplitude = Input.ValueUnit().RawMax() - Input.ValueUnit().RawMin(),
            whiteNoisePowerPerBin = inputAmplitude * inputAmplitude / binWidth / 10;
      switch( int( Parameter( "OutputType" ) ) )
        case SpectralAmplitude:
          Output.SetName( "AR Amplitude Spectrum" );
          Output.ValueUnit().SetOffset( 0 )
                            .SetGain( 1e-6 )
                            .SetSymbol( "V/sqrt(Hz)" )
                            .SetRawMax( ::sqrt( whiteNoisePowerPerBin ) );

        case SpectralPower:
          Output.SetName( "AR Power Spectrum" );
          Output.ValueUnit().SetOffset( 0 )
                            .SetGain( 1 )
                            .SetSymbol( "(muV)^2/Hz" )
                            .SetRawMax( whiteNoisePowerPerBin );
        } break;
    } break;

    case ARCoefficients:
      Output.SetName( "AR Coefficients" );
      Output.SetElements( Parameter( "ModelOrder" ) );
      Output.ElementUnit().SetOffset( 0 )
                          .SetGain( 1 )
                          .SetSymbol( "" );
      Output.ValueUnit().SetOffset( 0 )
                        .SetGain( 1 )
                        .SetSymbol( "" )
                        .SetRawMin( -1 )
                        .SetRawMax( 1 );

      bcierr << "Unknown OutputType" << endl;
  Output.ElementUnit().SetRawMin( 0 )
                      .SetRawMax( Output.Elements() - 1 );