// Using the method of sbrel2cart3() but with 6 J*v multiplies, this gives
// the full 6xnu "Frame Jacobian" for one body for a specified frame on that
// body (only the origin, not the orientation, matters).
// This should produce the same result as the built-in calcFrameJacobian()
// method.
void sbrel2cart4(const State& state,
              const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter,
              MobilizedBodyIndex            bodyIx,
              const Vec3&                   p_BS, // point in body frame
              RowVector_<SpatialVec>&       dVdu) // V is [w,v] in G
    const int nu = state.getNU();
    const int nb = matter.getNumBodies(); // includes ground

    const MobilizedBody& mobod = matter.getMobilizedBody(bodyIx);
    const Vec3 p_BS_G = mobod.expressVectorInGroundFrame(state, p_BS);

    // Calculate J=dVdu where V is spatial velocity of p_BS.
    // (This is six rows of J.)

    Vector_<SpatialVec> F(nb, SpatialVec(Vec3(0)));
    SpatialVec& Fb = F[bodyIx]; // the only one we'll change
    Vector col(nu); // temporary to hold column of J^T
    // Rotational part.
    for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) {
        Fb[0][i] = 1;
        for (int r=0; r < nu; ++r) dVdu[r][0][i] = col[r]; 
        Fb[0][i] = 0;
    // Translational part.
    for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) {
        Fb[1][i] = 1;
        Fb[0] = p_BS_G % Fb[1]; // r X F
        for (int r=0; r < nu; ++r) dVdu[r][1][i] = col[r]; 
        Fb[1][i] = 0;
// This is an imitation of SD/FAST's sdrel2cart() subroutine. We
// are given a station point S fixed to a body B. S is given by
// the constant vector p_BS from B's origin Bo to point S, expressed 
// in B's frame. Denote the position of S in the ground frame G
// p_GS = p_GB + p_BS_G, where p_BS_G=R_GB*p_BS is the vector p_BS
// reexpressed in G. The velocity of S in G is v_GS = d/dt p_GS, taken
// in G. So v_GS = v_GB + w_GB X p_BS_G = v_GB - p_BS_G % w_GB.
// We would like to obtain the partial velocity of S with respect to each of 
// the generalized speeds u, taken in the Ground frame, that is, 
// JS=d v_GS / du. (JS is a 3xnu matrix, or a single row of Vec3s.) We have 
// a method that can calculate J=d V_GB / du where V_GB=[w_GB;v_GB] is the 
// spatial velocity of B at its origin. So we need to calculate
//        d v_GS   d v_GS   d V_GB
//   JS = ------ = ------ * ------ = 
//          du     d V_GB     du
//               = [ -px | eye(3) ] * J
// where px is the cross product matrix of p_BS_G and eye(3) is a 3x3
// identity matrix.
// This function should produce the same result as the SimbodyMatterSubsystem
// method calcStationJacobian().
void sbrel2cart(const State& state,
                const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter,
                MobilizedBodyIndex            bodyIx,
                const Vec3&                   p_BS, // point in body frame
                RowVector_<Vec3>&             dvdu) // v is dS/dt in G
    const int nu = state.getNU();

    const MobilizedBody& mobod = matter.getMobilizedBody(bodyIx);
    const Vec3 p_BS_G = mobod.expressVectorInGroundFrame(state, p_BS);

    // Calculate J=dVdu where V is spatial velocity of body origin.
    Vector_<SpatialVec> J(nu);
    J = SpatialVec(Vec3(0), Vec3(0)); // or J.setToZero();

    Vector u(nu); u = 0;
    Vector_<SpatialVec> Ju(nu); // d allV / d ui 
    for (int i=0; i < nu; ++i) {
        u[i] = 1;
        u[i] = 0;
        J[i] = Ju[bodyIx]; // pick out the body of interest

    Row<2,Mat33> dvdV( -crossMat(p_BS_G), Mat33(1) );
    for (int i=0; i < nu; ++i)
        dvdu[i] = dvdV * J[i]; // or J[i][0] % p_BS_G + J[i][1]
// Another way to calculate exactly what sbrel2cart() does -- can we do it
// faster using f=J^T*F rather than V=J*u?
void sbrel2cart2(const State& state,
                 const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter,
                 MobilizedBodyIndex            bodyIx,
                 const Vec3&                   p_BS, // point in body frame
                 RowVector_<Vec3>&             dvdu) // v is dS/dt in G
    const int nu = state.getNU();
    const int nb = matter.getNumBodies(); // includes ground

    const MobilizedBody& mobod = matter.getMobilizedBody(bodyIx);
    const Vec3 p_BS_G = mobod.expressVectorInGroundFrame(state, p_BS);

    // Calculate J=dVdu where V is spatial velocity of body origin.
    // (This is one row of J.)
    Matrix Jt(nu, 6); // a column of Jt but with scalar elements

    Vector_<SpatialVec> F(nb, SpatialVec(Vec3(0)));
    SpatialVec& Fb = F[bodyIx]; // the only one we'll change
    for (int which=0; which < 2; ++which) { // moment, force   
        for (int i=0; i < 3; ++i) {
            Fb[which][i] = 1;
            VectorView col = Jt(3*which + i);
            Fb[which][i] = 0;

    Row<2,Mat33> dvdV( -crossMat(p_BS_G), Mat33(1) );
    for (int i=0; i < nu; ++i) {
        const RowVectorView r = Jt[i]; 
        SpatialVec V(Vec3::getAs(&r[0]), Vec3::getAs(&r[3]));
        dvdu[i] = dvdV * V; // or J[i][0] % p_BS_G + J[i][1]
void ObservedPointFitter::findUpstreamBodies(MobilizedBodyIndex currentBodyIx, const Array_<int> numStations, const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter, Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex>& bodyIxs, int requiredStations) {
    const MobilizedBody& currentBody = matter.getMobilizedBody(currentBodyIx);
    if (currentBody.isGround())
    MobilizedBodyIndex parentIx = currentBody.getParentMobilizedBody().getMobilizedBodyIndex();
    requiredStations -= numStations[parentIx];
    if (requiredStations > 0)
        findUpstreamBodies(parentIx, numStations, matter, bodyIxs, requiredStations);