saModSimpleHist::DCA_FVTX(SingleMuonContainer * smc, DiMuonContainer * dmc)

//  T->SetAlias("SingleMuons_arm", "1*(SingleMuons.pz>0)");
//  T->SetAlias("SingleMuons_arm_sign", "1*sign(SingleMuons.pz)");
//  T->SetAlias("disp_x_kalman",
//      "SingleMuons.x0_fvtxmutr + SingleMuons.px_fvtxmutr/SingleMuons.pz_fvtxmutr*(vertex_z - SingleMuons.z0_fvtxmutr) - vertex_x");
//  T->SetAlias("disp_y_kalman",
//      "SingleMuons.y0_fvtxmutr + SingleMuons.py_fvtxmutr/SingleMuons.pz_fvtxmutr*(vertex_z - SingleMuons.z0_fvtxmutr) - vertex_y");
//  T->SetAlias("phi",
//      "1*atan2(SingleMuons.py_fvtxmutr,SingleMuons.px_fvtxmutr)");
//  T->SetAlias("disp_pt_vtx_kalman",
//      "disp_x_kalman * cos(phi) + disp_y_kalman * sin(phi)");
//  T->SetAlias("disp_lateral_vtx_kalman",
//      "disp_x_kalman * cos(phi+pi/2) + disp_y_kalman * sin(phi+pi/2)");
//  // DCA corrections - FVTX workshop Oct 2012
//  T->SetAlias("disp_pt_vtx_kalman_cor",
//      "disp_pt_vtx_kalman + 0.1201 * disp_lateral_vtx_kalman * disp_lateral_vtx_kalman");

  const double vertex_z = _event_vertex[2];

  const double vertex_x = _event_vertex[0];
  const double vertex_y = _event_vertex[1];

  const double pi = TMath::Pi();

  if (isnan(vertex_z) || abs(vertex_z) > 15 || vertex_x == 0 || vertex_y == 0)

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < smc->get_nSingleMuons(); i++)
      SingleMuon * sm = smc->get_SingleMuon(i);

      double invmass = 0;
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dmc->get_nDiMuons(); j++)
          DiMuon* dm = dmc->get_DiMuon(j);

          if (dm->get_charge() != 0)

          if (abs(dm->get_Tr0_pz() - sm->get_pz()) < .1
              || abs(dm->get_Tr1_pz() - sm->get_pz()) < .1)
            invmass = dm->get_mass();
      if (sm->get_dr_fvtx() <= 0)
      if ((sm->get_hit_pattern() & 0xFF00) != 0 && _usv_svx_only == 0)
      if ((sm->get_hit_pattern() & 0xFF00) == 0 && _usv_svx_only > 0)
      if (sm->get_x0_fvtx() == 0 && sm->get_y0_fvtx() == 0)

      const double SingleMuons_arm = 1 * (sm->get_pz() > 0);
//      const double SingleMuons_arm_sign = sign<float>(sm->get_pz());

      const double disp_x_kalman = sm->get_x0_fvtx()
          + sm->get_px_fvtx() / sm->get_pz_fvtx()
              * (vertex_z - sm->get_z0_fvtx()) - vertex_x;
      const double disp_y_kalman = sm->get_y0_fvtx()
          + sm->get_py_fvtx() / sm->get_pz_fvtx()
              * (vertex_z - sm->get_z0_fvtx()) - vertex_y;
      const double phi = atan2(sm->get_py_fvtx(), sm->get_px_fvtx());

      const double disp_pt_vtx_kalman = disp_x_kalman * cos(phi)
          + disp_y_kalman * sin(phi);
      const double disp_lateral_vtx_kalman = disp_x_kalman * cos(phi + pi / 2)
          + disp_y_kalman * sin(phi + pi / 2);

      // DCA corrections - FVTX workshop Oct 2012
      const double disp_pt_vtx_kalman_cor = disp_pt_vtx_kalman
          + 0.1201 * disp_lateral_vtx_kalman * disp_lateral_vtx_kalman;

      if (abs(invmass - 3.11) < .2)
        if ((sm->get_lastgap()) >= 4 && sm->get_DG0() < 20
            && sm->get_DDG0() < 9)
                abs(sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()), SingleMuons_arm);
                abs(sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()), SingleMuons_arm + 2);

      if (abs(sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()) > 3)
          _h_fvtx_DCA_Phi_Arm->Fill(disp_pt_vtx_kalman_cor, phi,
          _h_fvtx_DCA_Phi_Arm->Fill(disp_lateral_vtx_kalman, phi,
              SingleMuons_arm + 2);

//! event method
saModuleSngmuonMing::event(PHCompositeNode *topNode, sa_hist_mangager_ptr hm)

  SingleMuonContainer* sngmuons = findNode::getClass<SingleMuonContainer>(topNode,
  if (!sngmuons)
      cout << "saModuleSngmuonMing:: SngMuonContainer - ERROR - not in Node Tree"
          << endl;
      return ABORTRUN;

  const saEventProperty * ep = findNode::getClass<saEventProperty>(topNode,
  if (!ep)
      cout << "saModuleSngmuonMing::event - ERROR  - Cannot find EventProperty node in Top Node"
          << endl;
      return ABORTRUN;

  //  int fill_number = ep->get_fill_number();
  int run_number  = ep->get_run_number();

  // good run12pp510 run # = 366283 - 366059
  // good run13pp510 run # = 386773 - 397990

  bool run12pp510 = false;
  bool run13pp510 = false;

  if (run_number > 360000 && run_number < 370000) run12pp510 = true;
  if (run_number > 380000 && run_number < 400000) run13pp510 = true;

  RpcSingleMuonContainer* rpcsngmuons = findNode::getClass<RpcSingleMuonContainer>(topNode,

  if (!rpcsngmuons)
	cout << "saModuleSngmuonMing:: RpcSingelMuonContainer - ERROR - not in Node Tree"
	     << endl;
	return ABORTRUN;
      else {
	cout << "this is <run12 pp510>, NO RpcSingleMuonContainer !" << endl;

  if (Verbosity() >= 2)
      cout << "saModuleSngmuonMing::event - INFO  - ";

  // --- 
  saFlagC *flag = findNode::getClass<saFlagC>(topNode, "SngmuonFlag");
  if (!flag)
      cout << "saModuleSngmuonMing::event - SngmuonFlag not in Node Tree"
          << endl;
      return ABORTRUN;

  // syncronizely set the cut flag with the SingleMuonContainer

  // save the event for DST files?
  //  int return_code = dimuons->get_nDiMuons() >0 ? EVENT_OK : DISCARDEVENT;

  // determine this event's primary VTX      
  double Evt_fvtxX = sngmuons->get_Evt_fvtxX();
  double Evt_fvtxY = sngmuons->get_Evt_fvtxY();
  double Evt_fvtxZ = sngmuons->get_Evt_fvtxZ();

  double Evt_fvtxX2 = sngmuons->get_Evt_fvtxX2();
  double Evt_fvtxY2 = sngmuons->get_Evt_fvtxY2();
  double Evt_fvtxZ2 = sngmuons->get_Evt_fvtxZ2();

  double Evt_bbcZ = sngmuons->get_Evt_fvtxZ();

  double Evt_X0 =  -999;   // the primary z-vtx associated with muon candidate
  double Evt_Y0 =  -999;   // the primary z-vtx associated with muon candidate
  double Evt_Z0 =  -999;   // the primary z-vtx associated with muon candidate
  if ( fabs(Evt_bbcZ) > 100) {

    return DISCARDEVENT;

  if ( fabs(Evt_fvtxZ) > 100 && fabs(Evt_fvtxZ2) > 100 ) {

    return DISCARDEVENT;

  if ( sqrt(Evt_fvtxX*Evt_fvtxX + Evt_fvtxY*Evt_fvtxY) > 5 && sqrt(Evt_fvtxX2*Evt_fvtxX2 + Evt_fvtxY2*Evt_fvtxY2) > 5 ) {
    return DISCARDEVENT;

  bool fill_ok = false;  // output this event to ooutput pdst file if "true"

  for (unsigned int imuon = 0; imuon < sngmuons->get_nSingleMuons(); imuon++)
      SingleMuon* sngmuon = sngmuons->get_SingleMuon(imuon);

      // get RPC information for Run13 pp510
      RpcSingleMuon* rpcsngmuon = NULL;
      if (run13pp510) {
        rpcsngmuon = rpcsngmuons->get_RpcSingleMuon(imuon);

      int charge = 0;

      charge = 2*sngmuon->get_charge() -1 ;   // charge in pdst = 1 for Q+ and 0 for Q-

      int arm = (sngmuon->get_pz() > 0) ? 1 : 0;
      double pX = sngmuon->get_px();
      double pY = sngmuon->get_py();
      double pZ = sngmuon->get_pz();

      double pT = sqrt(pX*pX +  pY*pY); 

      double pTot =  sqrt(pT*pT + pZ*pZ);

      double pX1 = sngmuon->get_st1px();
      double pY1 = sngmuon->get_st1py();
      double pZ1 = sngmuon->get_st1pz();

      double X1 = sngmuon->get_xst1();
      double Y1 = sngmuon->get_yst1();
      //      double Z1 = sngmuon->get_zst1();
      double Z1 = 0;

      if (run13pp510){
	Z1 = rpcsngmuon->get_zst1();
      else {
	if (pZ >0){
	  Z1 = 189.1;   // <Z1> = 189.1 cm in run13pp510 data
	else {
	  Z1 =  -189.1;

      double X2 = sngmuon->get_xst2();
      double Y2 = sngmuon->get_yst2();

      double X3 = sngmuon->get_xst3();
      double Y3 = sngmuon->get_yst3();

      double phi_1 = atan2(Y1,X1);
      double phi_2 = atan2(Y2,X2);
      double phi_3 = atan2(Y3,X3);

      double phi_13 = phi_3 - phi_1;
      double phi_23 = phi_3 - phi_2;

      //      double phi_13 = acos( (X1*X3 + Y1*Y3)/sqrt(X1*X1+Y1*Y1)/sqrt(X3*X3 + Y3*Y3) );    
      //      double phi_23 = acos( (X2*X3 + Y2*Y3)/sqrt(X2*X2+Y2*Y2)/sqrt(X3*X3 + Y3*Y3) );    

      double dA01 = -99;  // normalized multiple scattering angle VTX-ST1 vector x St1P 

      double eta     = sngmuon->get_rapidity();
      double lastGap = sngmuon->get_lastgap();
      double DG0 = sngmuon->get_DG0();
      double DDG0 = sngmuon->get_DDG0();

      double ntrhits = sngmuon->get_ntrhits();
      double nidhits = sngmuon->get_nidhits();

      double trchi2 = sngmuon->get_trchi2();
      double idchi2 = sngmuon->get_trchi2();

      double dca_z = sngmuon->get_dca_z();
      double dca_r = sngmuon->get_dca_r();

      double dphi_fvtx = sngmuon->get_dphi_fvtx();
      double dtheta_fvtx = sngmuon->get_dtheta_fvtx();
      double dr_fvtx = sngmuon->get_dr_fvtx();

      double Rpc3DCA =  -999;
      double Rpc1DCA =  -999;

      if (run12pp510){
	//      double Rpc3time = sngmuon->get_Rpctime();
	Rpc3DCA = sngmuon->get_RpcDCA();

	//      double Rpc1time = sngmuon->get_Rpc1time();
	Rpc1DCA = sngmuon->get_Rpc1DCA();
      if (run13pp510){
	Rpc3DCA = rpcsngmuon->get_Rpc3St3DCA();
	Rpc1DCA = rpcsngmuon->get_Rpc1St1DCA();

      //--- basic event and track selections ---

      if (fabs(pZ)  < 3.0 or fabs(pZ) > 500) continue;

      if (pT < 1 || pT > 100) continue;

      if (fabs(DG0) > 10.0) continue; 
      if (fabs(DDG0) > 10.0) continue; 

      if (fabs(ntrhits) < 10.0) continue; 
      if (fabs(nidhits) < 6.0) continue; 

      if (fabs(trchi2) > 10.0) continue; 
      if (fabs(idchi2) > 5.0) continue; 

      if (fabs(dca_z) > 100.0) continue;   // not cut 
      if (fabs(dca_r) > 5.0) continue; 

      if (fabs(dphi_fvtx) > 20.0) continue;   // D= -99
      if (fabs(dtheta_fvtx) > 20.0) continue; // D= -99
      if (fabs(dr_fvtx) > 20.0) continue;     // D= -99

      // --- RPC timing cut --- effectively seltected "deep muons" ------ 1H and 1D are different 
      //      if (fabs(Rpc3DCA) > 50.0 && fabs(Rpc1DCA) > 10.0 ) continue;   // D = -9999

      // using the 1st absorber multiple-scattrering to reject fake soft "high pT" tracks

      // determine the primary vtx as the one closest to the Evt_bbcZ (or better muon track candidate)
      // at least one of them are close to the muon track z
      if (fabs(Evt_fvtxZ - Evt_bbcZ) > 100 && fabs(Evt_fvtxZ2 - Evt_bbcZ) > 100) continue ; 

      //select the primary vtx with FVTX, need to use "muon's DCA or Chi2 fit"
      if (fabs(Evt_fvtxZ - Evt_bbcZ) < fabs(Evt_fvtxZ2 - Evt_bbcZ) ){
	Evt_X0 = Evt_fvtxX;
	Evt_Y0 = Evt_fvtxY;
	Evt_Z0 = Evt_fvtxZ;
      if (fabs(Evt_fvtxZ - Evt_bbcZ) > fabs(Evt_fvtxZ2 - Evt_bbcZ) ){
	Evt_X0 = Evt_fvtxX2;
	Evt_Y0 = Evt_fvtxY2;
	Evt_Z0 = Evt_fvtxZ2;

      //calcualte VTX-ST1: dTheta and dPhi; need th eprimary vtx infor

      double v1  = (X1 - Evt_X0)*pX1 + (Y1 - Evt_Y0)*pY1 + (Z1 - Evt_Z0)*pZ1;
      double v2a = sqrt( (X1 - Evt_X0)*(X1 - Evt_X0)  + (Y1 - Evt_Y0)*(Y1 - Evt_Y0) + (Z1 - Evt_Z0)*(Z1 - Evt_Z0) );
      double v2b = sqrt( pX1*pX1 + pY1*pY1 + pZ1*pZ1 );

      dA01 = pZ*acos(v1/v2a/v2b)*sqrt(pTot/abs(pZ));     // singed according to arms 
      if (fabs(dA01)>0.5) continue ;

      //calcualte VTX-ST1-ST3: dTheta and dPhi

      // -- comparision ---
      double dw23 = sin(phi_23)*pT*(pT/pTot) ;

      // this is an event used to fill the histogram
      flag->flags[imuon] = 1;   

      //--- end of event and track selections ---

      fill_ok = true;   // output this event for later analysis 

      //---- fill general event and track properties ---

      _h_dA->Fill(ep, dA01);

      _h2_dA->Fill(ep, pZ, fabs(dA01) );

      if (pZ > 0) {
      else {
	_h_Rpc1DCA_S->Fill(ep, Rpc1DCA);
	_h_Rpc3DCA_S->Fill(ep, Rpc3DCA);

      // MuTr phi angles 
      if (pZ > 0) {




      else if (pZ < 0){





      //  --- now for spin asymmetry stuff ---

      // --- deep muon pT dependent asymetry  ----

      if ( (fabs(Rpc3DCA) < 50.0 || fabs(Rpc1DCA) < 10.0) && lastGap > 3 ) {   // D = -9999

	// all sngmuons Q(+,-)      
	_h_pT->Fill(ep, pT);
	if (arm ==1){      // north
	  _h_pT_n->Fill(ep, pT);
	if (arm ==0){      // south
	  _h_pT_s->Fill(ep, pT);
	// sngmuons Q(+)
	if (charge >0 and arm ==1){      // north
	  _h_pT_p->Fill(ep, pT);
	  _h_pT_p_n->Fill(ep, pT);
	if (charge <0 and arm ==0){      // south
	  _h_pT_m->Fill(ep, pT);
	  _h_pT_m_s->Fill(ep, pT);
	// sngmuons Q(-)
	if (charge >0 and arm ==1){      // north
	  _h_pT_p->Fill(ep, pT);
	  _h_pT_p_n->Fill(ep, pT);
	if (charge <0 and arm ==0){      // south
	  _h_pT_m->Fill(ep, pT);
	  _h_pT_m_s->Fill(ep, pT);
      } //  --- en dof deep muon + RPCs

      // --- stopped hadron pT dependent asymetry  ----

      if ( (fabs(Rpc1DCA) < 10.0) && lastGap < 4 ) {   // D = -9999

	// all sngmuons Q(+,-)      
	_h_pTH->Fill(ep, pT);
	if (arm ==1){      // north
	  _h_pTH_n->Fill(ep, pT);
	if (arm ==0){      // south
	  _h_pTH_s->Fill(ep, pT);
	// sngmuons Q(+)
	if (charge >0 and arm ==1){      // north
	  _h_pTH_p->Fill(ep, pT);
	  _h_pTH_p_n->Fill(ep, pT);
	if (charge <0 and arm ==0){      // south
	  _h_pTH_p->Fill(ep, pT);
	  _h_pTH_p_s->Fill(ep, pT);
	// sngmuons Q(-)
	if (charge <0 and arm ==1){      // north
	  _h_pTH_m->Fill(ep, pT);
	  _h_pTH_m_n->Fill(ep, pT);
	if (charge <0 and arm ==0){      // south
	  _h_pTH_m->Fill(ep, pT);
	  _h_pTH_m_s->Fill(ep, pT);
      } // --- end of hadron selection lastGap < 4 & RPC1 

      // -- repidity dependance --- W analysis "deep muon" + RPCs

      // -- hadron background ---
      if ( (fabs(Rpc1DCA) < 10.0) && lastGap < 4 ) {   // D = -9999

	// sngmuons stopped hadrons -> mu +/-
	if (charge >0 and lastGap < 4){     
	  _h_etaH->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_etaH_p->Fill(ep, eta);
	if (charge < 0 and lastGap < 4 ){
	  _h_etaH->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_etaH_m->Fill(ep, eta);
      }  // -- hadrons -- 

      // -- deep muons ---
      if ( (fabs(Rpc3DCA) < 50.0 || fabs(Rpc1DCA) < 10.0) && lastGap > 3 ) {   // D = -9999
	// sngmuons heavy -> mu +/-
	if (charge >0 and lastGap > 3){     
	  _h_eta->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_eta_p->Fill(ep, eta);

	  if (pZ > 0) {
	    _h_dw23N_p->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  else if (pZ < 0) {
	    _h_dw23S_p->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  } //

	if (charge < 0 and lastGap >3 ){
	  _h_eta->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_eta_m->Fill(ep, eta);

	  if (pZ > 0) {
	    _h_dw23N_m->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  else if (pZ < 0) {
	    _h_dw23S_m->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  } //


	// sngmuons W -> mu +/-, pT>10
	if (charge >0 and lastGap >3 and pT > 10){            // W->mu+
	  _h_etaW10->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_etaW10_p->Fill(ep, eta);

	  if (pZ > 0) {
	    _h_dw23N_PT10_p->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  else if (pZ < 0) {
	    _h_dw23S_PT10_p->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  } //


	if  (charge <0 and lastGap >3 and pT > 10){      // W->mu-
	  _h_etaW10->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_etaW10_m->Fill(ep, eta);

	  if (pZ > 0) {
	    _h_dw23N_PT10_m->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  else if (pZ < 0) {
	    _h_dw23S_PT10_m->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  } //


	// sngmuons W -> mu +/-, pT>15
	if (charge >0 and lastGap >3 and pT > 15){            // W->mu+
	  _h_etaW15->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_etaW15_p->Fill(ep, eta);

	  if (pZ > 0) {
	    _h_dw23N_PT15_p->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  else if (pZ < 0) {
	    _h_dw23S_PT15_p->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  } //

	if  (charge <0 and lastGap >3 and pT > 15){      // W->mu-
	  _h_etaW15->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_etaW15_m->Fill(ep, eta);

	  if (pZ > 0) {
	    _h_dw23N_PT15_m->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  else if (pZ < 0) {
	    _h_dw23S_PT15_m->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  } //


	// sngmuons W -> mu +/-, pT>20
	if (charge >0 and lastGap >3 and pT > 20){            // W->mu+
	  _h_etaW20->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_etaW20_p->Fill(ep, eta);

	  if (pZ > 0) {
	    _h_dw23N_PT20_p->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  else if (pZ < 0) {
	    _h_dw23S_PT20_p->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  } //

	if  (charge <0 and lastGap >3 and pT > 20){      // W->mu-
	  _h_etaW20->Fill(ep, eta);
	  _h_etaW20_m->Fill(ep, eta);

	  if (pZ > 0) {
	    _h_dw23N_PT20_m->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  else if (pZ < 0) {
	    _h_dw23S_PT20_m->Fill(ep, dw23);
	  } //


      } // -- end of deep muon + RPCs 
      //      fill_ok = true;


  return fill_ok? EVENT_OK : DISCARDEVENT;
saModSimpleHist::DCA(SingleMuonContainer * smc, DiMuonContainer * dmc)

//  T->SetAlias("SingleMuons_arm", "1*(SingleMuons.pz>0)");
//  T->SetAlias("SingleMuons_arm_sign", "1*sign(SingleMuons.pz)");
//  T->SetAlias("disp_x_kalman",
//      "SingleMuons.x0_fvtxmutr + SingleMuons.px_fvtxmutr/SingleMuons.pz_fvtxmutr*(vertex_z - SingleMuons.z0_fvtxmutr) - vertex_x");
//  T->SetAlias("disp_y_kalman",
//      "SingleMuons.y0_fvtxmutr + SingleMuons.py_fvtxmutr/SingleMuons.pz_fvtxmutr*(vertex_z - SingleMuons.z0_fvtxmutr) - vertex_y");
//  T->SetAlias("phi",
//      "1*atan2(SingleMuons.py_fvtxmutr,SingleMuons.px_fvtxmutr)");
//  T->SetAlias("disp_pt_vtx_kalman",
//      "disp_x_kalman * cos(phi) + disp_y_kalman * sin(phi)");
//  T->SetAlias("disp_lateral_vtx_kalman",
//      "disp_x_kalman * cos(phi+pi/2) + disp_y_kalman * sin(phi+pi/2)");
//  // DCA corrections - FVTX workshop Oct 2012
//  T->SetAlias("disp_pt_vtx_kalman_cor",
//      "disp_pt_vtx_kalman + 0.1201 * disp_lateral_vtx_kalman * disp_lateral_vtx_kalman");

  //  const double vertex_x = smc->get_Evt_vtxX();
  //  const double vertex_y = smc->get_Evt_vtxY();
  const double vertex_z = _event_vertex[2];

  const double vertex_x = _event_vertex[0];
  const double vertex_y = _event_vertex[1];

  const double pi = TMath::Pi();

  if (isnan(vertex_z) || abs(vertex_z) > 15 || vertex_x == 0 || vertex_y == 0)

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < smc->get_nSingleMuons(); i++)
      SingleMuon * sm = smc->get_SingleMuon(i);

      // quality cuts
      const bool good_muID_muon = fabs(sm->get_DG0()) < 15
          and fabs(sm->get_DDG0()) < 10 and sm->get_lastgap() >= 4
          and sm->get_nidhits() > 5;

      double invmass = 0;
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dmc->get_nDiMuons(); j++)
          DiMuon* dm = dmc->get_DiMuon(j);

          if (dm->get_charge() != 0)

          if (abs(dm->get_Tr0_pz() - sm->get_pz()) < .1
              || abs(dm->get_Tr1_pz() - sm->get_pz()) < .1)
            invmass = dm->get_mass();

      if (sm->get_dr_fvtx() <= 0)
      if ((sm->get_hit_pattern() & 0xFF00) != 0 && _usv_svx_only == 0)
      if ((sm->get_hit_pattern() & 0xFF00) == 0 && _usv_svx_only > 0)

      const double SingleMuons_arm = 1 * (sm->get_pz() > 0);
//      const double SingleMuons_arm_sign = sign<float>(sm->get_pz());

//      const double proj_z = sm->get_pz() > 0 ? 30 : -30;
      const double proj_z = sm->get_pz() > 0 ? 40 : -40;

      const double disp_x_kalman = sm->get_x0_fvtxmutr()
          + sm->get_px_fvtxmutr() / sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()
              * (vertex_z - sm->get_z0_fvtxmutr()) - vertex_x;
      const double disp_y_kalman = sm->get_y0_fvtxmutr()
          + sm->get_py_fvtxmutr() / sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()
              * (vertex_z - sm->get_z0_fvtxmutr()) - vertex_y;

      const double proj_x_kalman = sm->get_x0_fvtxmutr()
          + sm->get_px_fvtxmutr() / sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()
              * (proj_z - sm->get_z0_fvtxmutr());
      const double proj_y_kalman = sm->get_y0_fvtxmutr()
          + sm->get_py_fvtxmutr() / sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()
              * (proj_z - sm->get_z0_fvtxmutr());

      const double phi = atan2(proj_y_kalman, proj_x_kalman);

      const double disp_pt_vtx_kalman = disp_x_kalman * cos(phi)
          + disp_y_kalman * sin(phi);
      const double disp_lateral_vtx_kalman = disp_x_kalman * cos(phi + pi / 2)
          + disp_y_kalman * sin(phi + pi / 2);

      // DCA corrections - FVTX workshop Oct 2012
//      const double disp_pt_vtx_kalman_cor = disp_pt_vtx_kalman
//          + 0.1201 * disp_lateral_vtx_kalman * disp_lateral_vtx_kalman;

      if (abs(invmass - 3.11) < .3)

          _h_Normalization -> Fill(4);

          if (good_muID_muon)

              _h_Normalization -> Fill(5);

              // JPsi muons
                  abs(sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()), SingleMuons_arm);
                  abs(sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()), SingleMuons_arm + 2);

              if (SingleMuons_arm == 0)
                  _h_DCA_Phi_z_Arm0->Fill(disp_pt_vtx_kalman, phi, vertex_z);
                  _h_DCA_Phi_z_Arm1->Fill(disp_pt_vtx_kalman, phi, vertex_z);

              if (abs(sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()) > 3)
                  _h_DCA_Phi_Arm->Fill(disp_pt_vtx_kalman, phi, SingleMuons_arm);
                  _h_DCA_Phi_Arm->Fill(disp_lateral_vtx_kalman, phi,
                      SingleMuons_arm + 2);


      if (good_muID_muon and abs(sm->get_pz_fvtxmutr()) > 6)

          _h_Normalization -> Fill(6);
          if (SingleMuons_arm == 0)
              _h_DCA_Phi_z_Arm0->Fill(disp_pt_vtx_kalman, phi, vertex_z);
              _h_DCA_Phi_z_Arm1->Fill(disp_pt_vtx_kalman, phi, vertex_z);


