/// Actual model
  GolombRuler(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : IntMinimizeScript(opt),
        (opt.size() < 31) ? (1 << (opt.size()-1))-1 : Int::Limits::max) {

    // Assume first mark to be zero
    rel(*this, m[0], IRT_EQ, 0);

    // Order marks
    rel(*this, m, IRT_LE);

    // Number of marks and differences
    const int n = m.size();
    const int n_d = (n*n-n)/2;

    // Array of differences
    IntVarArgs d(n_d);

    // Setup difference constraints
    for (int k=0, i=0; i<n-1; i++)
      for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++, k++)
        // d[k] is m[j]-m[i] and must be at least sum of first j-i integers
        rel(*this, d[k] = expr(*this, m[j]-m[i]),
                   IRT_GQ, (j-i)*(j-i+1)/2);

    distinct(*this, d, opt.icl());

    // Symmetry breaking
    if (n > 2)
      rel(*this, d[0], IRT_LE, d[n_d-1]);

    branch(*this, m, INT_VAR_NONE(), INT_VAL_MIN());
  /// Actual model
  Photo(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    spec(opt.size() == 0 ? p_small : p_large),
    pos(*this,spec.n_names, 0, spec.n_names-1),
    // Map preferences to violation
    BoolVarArgs viol(spec.n_prefs);
    for (int i=0; i<spec.n_prefs; i++) {
      int pa = spec.prefs[2*i+0];
      int pb = spec.prefs[2*i+1];
      viol[i] = expr(*this, abs(pos[pa]-pos[pb]) > 1);
    rel(*this, violations == sum(viol));

    distinct(*this, pos, opt.icl());

    // Break some symmetries
    rel(*this, pos[0] < pos[1]);

    if (opt.branching() == BRANCH_NONE) {
      branch(*this, pos, INT_VAR_NONE(), INT_VAL_MIN());
    } else {
      branch(*this, pos, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(),INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN()),
文件: sudoku.cpp 项目: zhezha/Sudoku
	Sudoku(const SizeOptions& opt) : x(*this, 9 * 9, 1, 9) {

		Matrix<IntVarArray> m(x, 9, 9);

		for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
			distinct(*this, m.row(i), opt.icl());
			distinct(*this, m.col(i), opt.icl());

		for (int i = 0; i < 9; i += 3) {
			for (int j = 0; j < 9; j += 3) {
				distinct(*this, m.slice(i, i + 3, j, j + 3), opt.icl());

		for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
				if (int v = sudokuField(board, i, j)) {
					//Here the m(i, j) is the element in colomn i and row j.
					rel(*this, m(i, j), IRT_EQ, v);

		branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_NONE(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
  Coins3(const SizeOptions& opt) 
    x(*this, n, 0, 99),
    num_coins(*this, 0, 99)

    // values of the coins
    int _variables[] = {1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50}; 
    IntArgs variables(n, _variables); 

    // sum the number of coins
    linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, num_coins, opt.icl());

    // This is the "main loop":
    // Checks that all changes from 1 to 99 can be made
    for(int j = 0; j < 99; j++) {
      IntVarArray tmp(*this, n, 0, 99);
      linear(*this, variables, tmp, IRT_EQ, j, opt.icl());
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        rel(*this, tmp[i] <= x[i], opt.icl());

    // set the number of coins (via opt.size())
    // don't forget 
    //  -search dfs
    if (num_coins_val) {
      rel(*this, num_coins == num_coins_val, opt.icl());

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN()); 

  /// Constructor
  QueenArmies(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    U(*this, IntSet::empty, IntSet(0, n*n)),
    W(*this, IntSet::empty, IntSet(0, n*n)),
    w(*this, n*n, 0, 1),
    b(*this, n*n, 0, 1),
    q(*this, 0, n*n)
    // Basic rules of the model
    for (int i = n*n; i--; ) {
      // w[i] means that no blacks are allowed on A[i]
      rel(*this, w[i] == (U || A[i]));
      // Make sure blacks and whites are disjoint.
      rel(*this, !w[i] || !b[i]);
      // If i in U, then b[i] has a piece.
      rel(*this, b[i] == (singleton(i) <= U));

    // Connect optimization variable to number of pieces
    linear(*this, w, IRT_EQ, q);
    linear(*this, b, IRT_GQ, q);

    // Connect cardinality of U to the number of black pieces.
    IntVar unknowns = expr(*this, cardinality(U));
    rel(*this, q <= unknowns);
    linear(*this, b, IRT_EQ, unknowns);

    if (opt.branching() == BRANCH_NAIVE) {
      branch(*this, w, INT_VAR_NONE, INT_VAL_MAX);
      branch(*this, b, INT_VAR_NONE, INT_VAL_MAX);
    } else {
      assign(*this, b, INT_ASSIGN_MAX);
  /// Actual model
  TSP(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : p(ps[opt.size()]),
      succ(*this, p.size(), 0, p.size()-1),
      total(*this, 0, p.max()) {
    int n = p.size();

    // Cost matrix
    IntArgs c(n*n, p.d());

    for (int i=n; i--; )
      for (int j=n; j--; )
        if (p.d(i,j) == 0)
          rel(*this, succ[i], IRT_NQ, j);

    // Cost of each edge
    IntVarArgs costs(*this, n, Int::Limits::min, Int::Limits::max);

    // Enforce that the succesors yield a tour with appropriate costs
    circuit(*this, c, succ, costs, total, opt.icl());

    // Just assume that the circle starts forwards
      IntVar p0(*this, 0, n-1);
      element(*this, succ, p0, 0);
      rel(*this, p0, IRT_LE, succ[0]);

    // First enumerate cost values, prefer those that maximize cost reduction
    branch(*this, costs, INT_VAR_REGRET_MAX_MAX(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());

    // Then fix the remaining successors
    branch(*this, succ,  INT_VAR_MIN_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
  SetCovering(const SizeOptions& opt) 
    x(*this, num_alternatives, 0, 1),
    z(*this, 0, 999999)

    // costs per alternative
    int _costs[] = {19, 16, 18, 13, 15, 19, 15, 17, 16, 15};
    IntArgs costs(num_alternatives, _costs);

    // the alternatives and the objects they contain
    int _a[] = {
   // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  the objects 
      1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,  // alternative 1
      0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,  // alternative 2
      1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,  // alternative 3
      0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,  // alternative 4
      0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,  // alternative 5
      0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,  // alternative 6
      0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,  // alternative 7
      0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,  // alternative 8
      0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,  // alternative 9
      1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,  // alternative 10
    IntArgs a(num_alternatives*num_objects, _a);

    for(int j = 0; j < num_objects; j++) {
      IntVarArgs tmp; 
      for(int i = 0; i < num_alternatives; i++) {
        tmp << expr(*this, x[i]*a[i*num_objects+j]);
      if (opt.size() == 0) {
        // set partition problem:
        // objects must be covered _exactly_ once
        rel(*this, sum(tmp) == 1);
      } else {
        // set covering problem
        // all objects must be covered _at least_ once
        rel(*this, sum(tmp) >= 1);

    if (opt.search() == SEARCH_DFS) {
      if (opt.size() == 0) {
        rel(*this, z <= 49);
      } else {
        rel(*this, z <= 45);
    linear(*this, costs, x, IRT_EQ, z);

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_NONE(), INT_VAL_MIN()); 

  /// The actual problem
  OpenShop(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : spec(examples[opt.size()]),
      b(*this, (spec.n+spec.m-2)*spec.n*spec.m/2, 0,1),
      makespan(*this, 0, Int::Limits::max),
      _start(*this, spec.m*spec.n, 0, Int::Limits::max) {

    Matrix<IntVarArray> start(_start, spec.m, spec.n);
    IntArgs _dur(spec.m*spec.n, spec.p);
    Matrix<IntArgs> dur(_dur, spec.m, spec.n);

    int minmakespan;
    int maxmakespan;
    crosh(dur, minmakespan, maxmakespan);
    rel(*this, makespan <= maxmakespan);
    rel(*this, makespan >= minmakespan);

    int k=0;
    for (int m=0; m<spec.m; m++)
      for (int j0=0; j0<spec.n-1; j0++)
        for (int j1=j0+1; j1<spec.n; j1++) {
          // The tasks on machine m of jobs j0 and j1 must be disjoint
              b[k] == (start(m,j0) + dur(m,j0) <= start(m,j1)));
              b[k++] == (start(m,j1) + dur(m,j1) > start(m,j0)));
    for (int j=0; j<spec.n; j++)
      for (int m0=0; m0<spec.m-1; m0++)
        for (int m1=m0+1; m1<spec.m; m1++) {
          // The tasks in job j on machine m0 and m1 must be disjoint
              b[k] == (start(m0,j) + dur(m0,j) <= start(m1,j)));
              b[k++] == (start(m1,j) + dur(m1,j) > start(m0,j)));

    // The makespan is greater than the end time of the latest job
    for (int m=0; m<spec.m; m++) {
      for (int j=0; j<spec.n; j++) {
        rel(*this, start(m,j) + dur(m,j) <= makespan);

    // First branch over the precedences
    branch(*this, b, INT_VAR_AFC_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MAX());
    // When the precedences are fixed, simply assign the start times
    assign(*this, _start, INT_ASSIGN_MIN());
    // When the start times are fixed, use the tightest makespan
    assign(*this, makespan, INT_ASSIGN_MIN());
 /// Post a distinct-linear constraint on variables \a x with sum \a c
 void distinctlinear(Cache& dc, const IntVarArgs& x, int c,
                     const SizeOptions& opt) {
   int n=x.size();
   if (opt.model() == MODEL_DECOMPOSE) {
     if (n < 8)
       linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, c, opt.icl());
     else if (n == 8)
       rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, 9*(9+1)/2 - c);
     distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
   } else {
     switch (n) {
     case 0:
     case 1:
       rel(*this, x[0], IRT_EQ, c);
     case 8:
       // Prune the single missing digit
       rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, 9*(9+1)/2 - c);
     case 9:
       if (c == n*(n+1)/2) {
         // sum has unique decomposition: 1 + ... + n
         rel(*this, x, IRT_LQ, n);
       } else if (c == n*(n+1)/2 + 1) {
         // sum has unique decomposition: 1 + ... + n-1 + n+1
         rel(*this, x, IRT_LQ, n+1);
         rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, n);
       } else if (c == 9*(9+1)/2 - (9-n)*(9-n+1)/2) {
         // sum has unique decomposition: (9-n+1) + (9-n+2) + ... + 9
         rel(*this, x, IRT_GQ, 9-n+1);
       } else if (c == 9*(9+1)/2 - (9-n)*(9-n+1)/2 + 1) {
         // sum has unique decomposition: (9-n) + (9-n+2) + ... + 9
         rel(*this, x, IRT_GQ, 9-n);
         rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, 9-n+1);
       } else {
         extensional(*this, x, dc.get(n,c));
     distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
  /// Actual model
  AllInterval(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    x(*this, opt.size(), 0, opt.size()-1),
    d(*this, opt.size()-1, 1, opt.size()-1) {
    const int n = x.size();

    // Set up variables for distance
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
      rel(*this, d[i] == abs(x[i+1]-x[i]), opt.icl());

    distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
    distinct(*this, d, opt.icl());

    // Break mirror symmetry
    rel(*this, x[0], IRT_LE, x[1]);
    // Break symmetry of dual solution
    rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
  // Actual model
  AllEqual(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, n, 0, 6)

    all_equal(*this, x, n, opt.icl());
    // branching
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
  LatinSquares(const SizeOptions& opt) 
    x(*this, n*n, 1, n) {

    // Matrix wrapper for the x grid
    Matrix<IntVarArray> m(x, n, n);

    latin_square(*this, m, opt.icl());

    // Symmetry breaking. 0 is upper left column
    if (opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_MIN) {
      rel(*this, x[0] == 1, opt.icl());

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_RANGE_MAX());

  /// Actual model
  WordSquare(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : w_l(opt.size()), letters(*this, w_l*w_l) {

    // Initialize letters
    Matrix<IntVarArray> ml(letters, w_l, w_l);
    for (int i=0; i<w_l; i++)
      for (int j=i; j<w_l; j++)
        ml(i,j) = ml(j,i) = IntVar(*this, 'a','z');
    // Number of words with that length
    const int n_w = dict.words(w_l);

    // Initialize word array
    IntVarArgs words(*this, w_l, 0, n_w-1);

    // All words must be different
    distinct(*this, words);

    // Link words with letters
    for (int i=0; i<w_l; i++) {
      // Map each word to i-th letter in that word
      IntSharedArray w2l(n_w);
      for (int n=n_w; n--; )
      for (int j=0; j<w_l; j++)
        element(*this, w2l, words[j], ml(i,j));

    // Symmetry breaking: the last word must be later in the wordlist
    rel(*this, words[0], IRT_LE, words[w_l-1]);

    switch (opt.branching()) {
    case BRANCH_WORDS:
      // Branch by assigning words
      branch(*this, words, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
      // Branch by assigning letters
      branch(*this, letters, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN());
  /// Actual model
  Partition(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : x(*this,opt.size(),1,2*opt.size()),
      y(*this,opt.size(),1,2*opt.size()) {
    const int n = opt.size();

    // Break symmetries by ordering numbers in each group
    rel(*this, x, IRT_LE);
    rel(*this, y, IRT_LE);

    rel(*this, x[0], IRT_LE, y[0]);

    IntVarArgs xy(2*n);
    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      xy[i] = x[i]; xy[n+i] = y[i];
    distinct(*this, xy, opt.icl());

    IntArgs c(2*n);
    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      c[i] = 1; c[n+i] = -1;
    linear(*this, c, xy, IRT_EQ, 0);

    // Array of products
    IntVarArgs sxy(2*n), sx(n), sy(n);

    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      sx[i] = sxy[i] =   expr(*this, sqr(x[i]));
      sy[i] = sxy[n+i] = expr(*this, sqr(y[i]));
    linear(*this, c, sxy, IRT_EQ, 0);

    // Redundant constraints
    linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, 2*n*(2*n+1)/4);
    linear(*this, y, IRT_EQ, 2*n*(2*n+1)/4);
    linear(*this, sx, IRT_EQ, 2*n*(2*n+1)*(4*n+1)/12);
    linear(*this, sy, IRT_EQ, 2*n*(2*n+1)*(4*n+1)/12);

    branch(*this, xy, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN());
  SetCovering(const SizeOptions& opt) 
    x(*this, num_cities, 0, 1),
    z(*this, 0, num_cities)

    // distance between the cities
    int distance[] =
       10, 0,25,35,20,10,
       20,25, 0,15,30,20,
       30,35,15, 0,15,25,
       30,20,30,15, 0,14,
       20,10,20,25,14, 0

    // z = sum of placed fire stations
    linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, z, opt.icl());

    // ensure that all cities are covered by at least one fire station
    for(int i = 0; i < num_cities; i++) {

      IntArgs in_distance(num_cities);  // the cities within the distance
      for(int j = 0; j < num_cities; j++) {
        if (distance[i*num_cities+j] <= min_distance) {
          in_distance[j] = 1;
        } else {
          in_distance[j] = 0;

      linear(*this, in_distance, x, IRT_GQ, 1, opt.icl());
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN()); 

  /// The actual model
  GraphColor(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : g(opt.size() == 1 ? g2 : g1),
      m(*this,0,g.n_v) {
    rel(*this, v, IRT_LQ, m);
    for (int i = 0; g.e[i] != -1; i += 2)
      rel(*this, v[g.e[i]], IRT_NQ, v[g.e[i+1]]);

    const int* c = g.c;
    for (int i = *c++; i--; c++)
      rel(*this, v[*c], IRT_EQ, i);
    while (*c != -1) {
      int n = *c;
      IntVarArgs x(n); c++;
      for (int i = n; i--; c++)
        x[i] = v[*c];
      distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
      if (opt.model() == MODEL_CLIQUE)
        rel(*this, m, IRT_GQ, n-1);
    branch(*this, m, INT_VAL_MIN);
    switch (opt.branching()) {
    case BRANCH_SIZE:
      branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, INT_VAL_MIN);
      branch(*this, v, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX,INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN),
      branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_DEGREE_MIN, INT_VAL_MIN);
      branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_AFC_MIN, INT_VAL_MIN);
  /// The actual problem
  Kakuro(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : w(examples[opt.size()][0]),  h(examples[opt.size()][1]),
      f(*this,w*h) {
    IntVar black(*this,0,0);
    // Initialize all fields as black (unused). Only if a field
    // is actually used in a constraint, create a fresh variable
    // for it (done via init).
    for (int i=w*h; i--; )
      f[i] = black;

    // Cache of already computed tuple sets
    Cache cache;

    // Matrix for accessing board fields
    Matrix<IntVarArray> b(f,w,h);
    // Access to hints
    const int* k = &examples[opt.size()][2];

    // Process vertical hints
    while (*k >= 0) {
      int x=*k++; int y=*k++; int n=*k++; int s=*k++;
      IntVarArgs col(n);
      for (int i=n; i--; )

    // Process horizontal hints
    while (*k >= 0) {
      int x=*k++; int y=*k++; int n=*k++; int s=*k++;
      IntVarArgs row(n);
      for (int i=n; i--; )
    branch(*this, f, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
  /// Actual model
  AllInterval(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    x(*this, opt.size(), 0, opt.size() - 1) {
    const int n = x.size();

    IntVarArgs d(n-1);

    // Set up variables for distance
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
      d[i] = expr(*this, abs(x[i+1]-x[i]), opt.icl());

    // Constrain them to be between 1 and n-1
    dom(*this, d, 1, n-1);

    distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
    distinct(*this, d, opt.icl());

    // Break mirror symmetry
    rel(*this, x[0], IRT_LE, x[1]);
    // Break symmetry of dual solution
    rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN);
  /// Post constraints
  MagicSquare(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : n(opt.size()), x(*this,n*n,1,n*n) {
    // Number of fields on square
    const int nn = n*n;

    // Sum of all a row, column, or diagonal
    const int s  = nn*(nn+1) / (2*n);

    // Matrix-wrapper for the square
    Matrix<IntVarArray> m(x, n, n);

    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      linear(*this, m.row(i), IRT_EQ, s, opt.icl());
      linear(*this, m.col(i), IRT_EQ, s, opt.icl());
    // Both diagonals must have sum s
      IntVarArgs d1y(n);
      IntVarArgs d2y(n);
      for (int i = n; i--; ) {
        d1y[i] = m(i,i);
        d2y[i] = m(n-i-1,i);
      linear(*this, d1y, IRT_EQ, s, opt.icl());
      linear(*this, d2y, IRT_EQ, s, opt.icl());

    // All fields must be distinct
    distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());

    // Break some (few) symmetries
    rel(*this, m(0,0), IRT_GR, m(0,n-1));
    rel(*this, m(0,0), IRT_GR, m(n-1,0));

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN);
  /// Actual model
  OrthoLatinSquare(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : Script(opt),
      x1(*this,n*n,1,n), x2(*this,n*n,1,n) {
    const int nn = n*n;
    IntVarArgs z(*this,nn,0,n*n-1);

    distinct(*this, z, opt.icl());
    // Connect
      IntArgs mod(n*n);
      IntArgs div(n*n);
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
          mod[i*n+j] = j+1;
          div[i*n+j] = i+1;
      for (int i = nn; i--; ) {
        element(*this, div, z[i], x2[i]);
        element(*this, mod, z[i], x1[i]);

    // Rows
    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      IntVarArgs ry(n);
      for (int j = n; j--; )
        ry[j] = y1(i,j);
      distinct(*this, ry, opt.icl());
      for (int j = n; j--; )
        ry[j] = y2(i,j);
      distinct(*this, ry, opt.icl());
    for (int j = n; j--; ) {
      IntVarArgs cy(n);
      for (int i = n; i--; )
        cy[i] = y1(i,j);
      distinct(*this, cy, opt.icl());
      for (int i = n; i--; )
        cy[i] = y2(i,j);
      distinct(*this, cy, opt.icl());

    for (int i = 1; i<n; i++) {
      IntVarArgs ry1(n);
      IntVarArgs ry2(n);
      for (int j = n; j--; ) {
        ry1[j] = y1(i-1,j);
        ry2[j] = y2(i,j);
      rel(*this, ry1, IRT_GQ, ry2);

    branch(*this, z, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
  // Actual model
  AlldifferentCst(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, n, 1, 9),
    cst(*this, n, 0, 9)

    int _cst1[] = {0,1,0,4};
    IntArgs cst1(n, _cst1);
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      rel(*this, cst[i] == cst1[i]);

    alldifferent_cst(*this, x, cst, n, opt.icl());

    // branching
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
文件: queens.cpp 项目: SteveLTN/CPAss
 /// The actual problem
 Queens(const SizeOptions& opt)
   : q(*this,opt.size(),0,opt.size()-1) {
   const int n = q.size();
   switch (opt.propagation()) {
   case PROP_BINARY:
     for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
       for (int j = i+1; j<n; j++) {
         rel(*this, q[i] != q[j]);
         rel(*this, q[i]+i != q[j]+j);
         rel(*this, q[i]-i != q[j]-j);
   case PROP_MIXED:
     for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
       for (int j = i+1; j<n; j++) {
         rel(*this, q[i]+i != q[j]+j);
         rel(*this, q[i]-i != q[j]-j);
     distinct(*this, q, opt.icl());
     distinct(*this, IntArgs::create(n,0,1), q, opt.icl());
     distinct(*this, IntArgs::create(n,0,-1), q, opt.icl());
     distinct(*this, q, opt.icl());
   switch(opt.branching()) {
   case BRANCH_MIN:
       branch(*this, q, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
   case BRANCH_MID:
     branch(*this, q, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
     branch(*this, q, INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN());
     branch(*this, q, INT_VAR_MIN_MIN(), INT_VAL_MED());
  // Actual model
  AlldifferentModulo(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, n, 1, 25),
    m(*this, 1, 5)

    int _tmp[] = {25,1,14,3};
    IntArgs tmp(n, _tmp);
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      rel(*this, x[i] == tmp[i]);

    alldifferent_modulo(*this, x, n, m, opt.icl());
    // rel(*this, m==5);

    // branching
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
    branch(*this, m, INT_VAL_MIN());
    /// Actual model
    MineSweeper(const SizeOptions& opt)
        : spec(specs[opt.size()]),
          b(*this,size*size,0,1) {
        Matrix<BoolVarArray> m(b, size, size);

        // Initialize matrix and post constraints
        for (int h=0; h<size; h++)
            for (int w=0; w<size; w++) {
                int v = mineField(spec, size, h, w);
                if (v != -1) {
                    rel(*this, m(w, h), IRT_EQ, 0);
                    linear(*this, fieldsAround(m, w, h), IRT_EQ, v);

        // Install branching
        branch(*this, b, INT_VAR_NONE(), INT_VAL_MAX());
  /// The actual problem
  DominatingQueens(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : IntMinimizeScript(opt),
      n(opt.size()), b(*this,n*n,0,n*n-1), q(*this,1,n) {

    // Constrain field to the fields that can attack a field
    for (int i=0; i<n*n; i++)
      dom(*this, b[i], attacked(i));

    // At most q queens can be placed
    nvalues(*this, b, IRT_LQ, q);

     * According to: P. R. J. Östergard and W. D. Weakley, Values
     * of Domination Numbers of the Queen's Graph, Electronic Journal
     * of Combinatorics, 8:1-19, 2001, for n <= 120, the minimal number
     * of queens is either ceil(n/2) or ceil(n/2 + 1).
    if (n <= 120)
      dom(*this, q, (n+1)/2, (n+1)/2 + 1);

    branch(*this, b, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
    // Try the easier solution first
    branch(*this, q, INT_VAL_MAX());
  // Actual model
  AlldifferentOnIntersection(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, m, 1, 9),
    y(*this, n, 1, 9)

    int _xtmp[] = {5,9,1,5};
    IntArgs xtmp(m, _xtmp);
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      rel(*this, x[i] == xtmp[i]);

    int _ytmp[] = {2, 1, 6, 9, 6, 2};
    IntArgs ytmp(n, _ytmp);
    for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      rel(*this, y[j] == ytmp[j]);

    alldifferent_on_intersection(*this, x, m, y, n, opt.icl());

    // branching
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
    branch(*this, y, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
	SUSHI_EQUATION(const SizeOptions& opt)
	: n_x(*this, 1, wordlength),
    n_y(*this, 1, wordlength),
    n_z(*this, 1, wordlength),
    n_t(*this, opt.size()+1, opt.size()+1),
	  X(*this, wordlength , val_dom_min, val_dom_max),
    Y(*this, wordlength , val_dom_min, val_dom_max),
    Z(*this, wordlength , val_dom_min, val_dom_max),
    T(*this, opt.size()+1 , val_dom_min, val_dom_max){

      int n = opt.size();
		gecode_find_solution = false;

		REG r_a(1);
    REG r_b(2);
		REG dum(dummy_sym);
		REG reg_z = r_b(n,n) + r_a + r_b(n,n);
    if (opt.propagation() == PROP_PAD) {
      reg_z += (*dum);

	  DFA myDFA_z(reg_z);

    // T = "a" . Y[0,n]
    rel(*this, T[0]==1);
    for (int i = 0; (i < n) && (i+1 < T.size()); i++){
      T[i+1] = Y[i];
    rel(*this, n_y >= n);
      case PROP_OPEN:
        extensional(*this, Z, myDFA_z, n_z);
  	    //concat(*this, X, n_x, T, n_t, Z, n_z, ICL_BND);
        rel(*this, n_z == (n_x+n_t));
        for(int i=0; i<wordlength; i++)
          rel(*this, (i<n_x) >> (X[i]==Z[i]));
          BoolVar b = expr(*this, i==n_x);
          for(int j=0; (i+j)<wordlength; j++)
            rel(*this, (b&&(j<n_t)) >> (T[j]==Z[i+j]));
      case PROP_CLOSED:
        extensional(*this, Z, myDFA_z);
        rel(*this, n_z == (n_x+n_t));
        rel(*this, n_y == wordlength);
  	    for(int i=0; i<wordlength; i++)
  	    	rel(*this, (i<n_x) >> (X[i]==Z[i]));

  	    	BoolVar b = expr(*this, i==n_x);

  	    	for(int j=0; (j < T.size()) && ((i+j)<wordlength); j++)
  	    		rel(*this, (b&&(j<n_t)) >> (T[j]==Z[i+j]));
      case PROP_PAD:
        extensional(*this, Z, myDFA_z);
  	    for(int i=0; i<wordlength; i++)
  	    	rel(*this, (Z[i]==dummy_sym) == (n_z<=i));
  	    	rel(*this, (Y[i]==dummy_sym) == (n_y<=i));
  	    	rel(*this, (X[i]==dummy_sym) == (n_x<=i));

  	    rel(*this, n_z == (n_x+n_t));

  	    for(int i=0; i<wordlength; i++)
  	    	rel(*this, (i<n_x) >> (X[i]==Z[i]));

  	    	BoolVar b = expr(*this, i==n_x);

  	    	for(int j=0; (j < T.size()) && ((i+j)<wordlength); j++)
  	    		rel(*this, (b&&(j<n_t)) >> (T[j]==Z[i+j]));
    IntVarArgs lengths;
		lengths << n_z << n_x << n_y;
    case BRANCH_N_A:
      branch(*this, lengths, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
      branch(*this, Z, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
		  branch(*this, X, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
      branch(*this, Y, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
    case BRANCH_A_N:
      branch(*this, Z, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
	    branch(*this, X, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
      branch(*this, Y, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
      branch(*this, lengths, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
    case BRANCH_BOUND:
      boundednone(*this, Z, n_z);
      boundednone(*this, X, n_x);
      boundednone(*this, Y, n_y);
  /// Actual model
  AllInterval(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    x(*this, opt.size(), 0, 66) { // 66 or opt.size() - 1
		const int n = x.size();
		IntVarArgs d(n-1);
		IntVarArgs dd(66);
		IntVarArgs xx_(n); // pitch class for AllInterval Chords 
		IntVar douze;
        Rnd r(1U);
	if ((opt.model() == MODEL_SET) || (opt.model() == MODEL_SET_CHORD) || (opt.model() == MODEL_SSET_CHORD) ||(opt.model() == MODEL_SYMMETRIC_SET)) // Modele original : serie
			// Set up variables for distance
			for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
				d[i] = expr(*this, abs(x[i+1]-x[i]), opt.ipl());
			// Constrain them to be between 1 and n-1
			dom(*this, d, 1, n-1); 
			dom(*this, x, 0, n-1); 
			if((opt.model() == MODEL_SET_CHORD) || (opt.model() == MODEL_SSET_CHORD))
				// Set up variables for distance
				for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
					 expr(*this, dd[i+1] == (dd[i]+d[i])%12, opt.icl());
				// Constrain them to be between 1 and n-1
				dom(*this, dd,0, n-1); 
				distinct(*this, dd, opt.icl());
				rel(*this, abs(x[0]-x[n-1]) == 6, opt.ipl());
				// Break mirror symmetry (renversement)
				rel(*this, x[0], IRT_LE, x[1]);
				// Break symmetry of dual solution (retrograde de la serie) -> 1928 solutions pour accords de 12 sons
				rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);
			//series symetriques
			if ((opt.model() == MODEL_SYMMETRIC_SET)|| (opt.model() == MODEL_SSET_CHORD))
				rel (*this, d[n/2 - 1] == 6); // pivot = triton
				for (int i=0; i<(n/2)-2; i++)
			for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
				xx_[j] = expr(*this, x[j] % 12);
			dom(*this, xx_, 0, 11);
			distinct(*this, xx_, opt.ipl());
			for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
				d[i] =  expr(*this,x[i+1] - x[i],opt.ipl());
			dom(*this, d, 1, n-1); 
			dom(*this, x, 0, n * (n - 1) / 2.); 
			//d'autres choses dont on est certain (contraintes redondantes) :
			rel(*this, x[0] == 0);
			rel(*this, x[n-1] ==  n * (n - 1) / 2.);
			//  break symmetry of dual solution (renversement de l'accord) 
				rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);
			//accords symetriques
			if (opt.model() == MODEL_SYMMETRIC_CHORD)
				rel (*this, d[n/2 - 1] == 6); // pivot = triton
				for (int i=0; i<(n/2)-2; i++)
			if (opt.model() == MODEL_PARALLEL_CHORD)
				rel (*this, d[n/2 - 1] == 6); // pivot = triton
				for (int i=0; i<(n/2)-2; i++)
					rel(*this,d[i]+d[n/2 + i]==12);

		distinct(*this, x, opt.ipl());
		distinct(*this, d, opt.ipl());
#if 0		
		IntVarArray counter(*this,12,0,250);
		IntVar testcounter(*this,0,250);
		for (int i=1; i<11; i++) {
			count(*this, d, i,IRT_EQ,testcounter,opt.icl()); // OK
		count(*this, d, counter,opt.icl()); // OK
		if(opt.branching() == 0)
			branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
			branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_RND(r), INT_VAL_RND(r));		
  // Actual model
  Speakers(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, n, 1, n)

    // available slots:

    // First solution: populate from a integer array 
    // where the first number represents the number of items
    int __available[] = {
    // size: available  // Reasoning. Step# : reason
      4,  3,4,5,6,      // #2: the only one with 6 after speaker F -> 1
      2,  3,4,          // #5: 3 or 4
      4,  2,3,4,5,      // #3: only with 5 after F -> 1 and A -> 6
      3,  2,3,4,        // #4: only with 2 after C -> 5 and F -> 1 
      2,  3,4,          // #5: 3 or 4
      6,  1,2,3,4,5,6   // #1: the only with 1

    // convert to IntSet
    IntSet _available[n];
    int s = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      int num = __available[s++];
      IntArgs tmp;
      for(int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
        tmp << __available[s++];
      _available[i] = IntSet(tmp);
    // and then to IntSetArgs
    IntSetArgs available(n, _available);

    // Oh, this is much easier, at least for this small example
    IntSetArgs available(n);
    available[0] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6 );
    available[1] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 3 << 4 );
    available[2] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 );
    available[3] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 2 << 3 << 4 );
    available[4] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 3 << 4 );
    available[5] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6 );

    distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      // From Modeling and Programming in Gecode, 
      // section 5.2.2, Relation constraints:
      // """
      // If x is a set variable and y is an integer variable, then
      //     rel(home, x, SRT_SUP, y);
      // constrains x to be a superset of the singleton set {y}, 
      // which means that y must be an element of x.
      // """
      // corresponds to: forall(i in 1..n) (x[i] in available[i])
      // rel(*this, SetVar(*this, available[i],available[i]), SRT_SUP, x[i]);
      // this is easier:
      rel(*this, singleton(x[i]) <= available[i]);

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
  /// The actual model
  GraphColor(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : IntMinimizeScript(opt),
      g(opt.size() == 1 ? g2 : g1),
      m(*this,0,g.n_v-1) {
    rel(*this, v, IRT_LQ, m);
    for (int i = 0; g.e[i] != -1; i += 2)
      rel(*this, v[g.e[i]], IRT_NQ, v[g.e[i+1]]);

    const int* c = g.c;
    for (int i = *c++; i--; c++)
      rel(*this, v[*c], IRT_EQ, i);
    while (*c != -1) {
      int n = *c;
      IntVarArgs x(n); c++;
      for (int i = n; i--; c++)
        x[i] = v[*c];
      distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
      if (opt.model() == MODEL_CLIQUE)
        rel(*this, m, IRT_GQ, n-1);
    /// Branching on the number of colors
    branch(*this, m, INT_VAL_MIN());
    if (opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_NONE) {
       /// Branching without symmetry breaking
       switch (opt.branching()) {
          case BRANCH_SIZE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
          case BRANCH_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(),INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN()),
          case BRANCH_SIZE_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_DEGREE_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN());
          case BRANCH_SIZE_AFC:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN());
          case BRANCH_SIZE_ACTIVITY:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_ACTIVITY_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN());
    } else { // opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_LDSB
       /// Branching while considering value symmetry breaking
       /// (every permutation of color values gives equivalent solutions)
       Symmetries syms;
       syms << ValueSymmetry(IntArgs::create(g.n_v,0));
       switch (opt.branching()) {
          case BRANCH_SIZE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(),INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN()),
                   INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_SIZE_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_DEGREE_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_SIZE_AFC:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_SIZE_ACTIVITY:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_ACTIVITY_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);