文件: PruneEH.cpp 项目: crabtw/llvm
static bool runImpl(CallGraphSCC &SCC, CallGraph &CG) {
  SmallPtrSet<CallGraphNode *, 8> SCCNodes;
  bool MadeChange = false;

  // Fill SCCNodes with the elements of the SCC.  Used for quickly
  // looking up whether a given CallGraphNode is in this SCC.
  for (CallGraphNode *I : SCC)

  // First pass, scan all of the functions in the SCC, simplifying them
  // according to what we know.
  for (CallGraphNode *I : SCC)
    if (Function *F = I->getFunction())
      MadeChange |= SimplifyFunction(F, CG);

  // Next, check to see if any callees might throw or if there are any external
  // functions in this SCC: if so, we cannot prune any functions in this SCC.
  // Definitions that are weak and not declared non-throwing might be 
  // overridden at linktime with something that throws, so assume that.
  // If this SCC includes the unwind instruction, we KNOW it throws, so
  // obviously the SCC might throw.
  bool SCCMightUnwind = false, SCCMightReturn = false;
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); 
       (!SCCMightUnwind || !SCCMightReturn) && I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();
    if (!F) {
      SCCMightUnwind = true;
      SCCMightReturn = true;
    } else if (!F->hasExactDefinition()) {
      SCCMightUnwind |= !F->doesNotThrow();
      SCCMightReturn |= !F->doesNotReturn();
    } else {
      bool CheckUnwind = !SCCMightUnwind && !F->doesNotThrow();
      bool CheckReturn = !SCCMightReturn && !F->doesNotReturn();
      // Determine if we should scan for InlineAsm in a naked function as it
      // is the only way to return without a ReturnInst.  Only do this for
      // no-inline functions as functions which may be inlined cannot
      // meaningfully return via assembly.
      bool CheckReturnViaAsm = CheckReturn &&
                               F->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::Naked) &&

      if (!CheckUnwind && !CheckReturn)

      for (const BasicBlock &BB : *F) {
        const TerminatorInst *TI = BB.getTerminator();
        if (CheckUnwind && TI->mayThrow()) {
          SCCMightUnwind = true;
        } else if (CheckReturn && isa<ReturnInst>(TI)) {
          SCCMightReturn = true;

        for (const Instruction &I : BB) {
          if ((!CheckUnwind || SCCMightUnwind) &&
              (!CheckReturnViaAsm || SCCMightReturn))

          // Check to see if this function performs an unwind or calls an
          // unwinding function.
          if (CheckUnwind && !SCCMightUnwind && I.mayThrow()) {
            bool InstMightUnwind = true;
            if (const auto *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I)) {
              if (Function *Callee = CI->getCalledFunction()) {
                CallGraphNode *CalleeNode = CG[Callee];
                // If the callee is outside our current SCC then we may throw
                // because it might.  If it is inside, do nothing.
                if (SCCNodes.count(CalleeNode) > 0)
                  InstMightUnwind = false;
            SCCMightUnwind |= InstMightUnwind;
          if (CheckReturnViaAsm && !SCCMightReturn)
            if (auto ICS = ImmutableCallSite(&I))
              if (const auto *IA = dyn_cast<InlineAsm>(ICS.getCalledValue()))
                if (IA->hasSideEffects())
                  SCCMightReturn = true;

        if (SCCMightUnwind && SCCMightReturn)

  // If the SCC doesn't unwind or doesn't throw, note this fact.
  if (!SCCMightUnwind || !SCCMightReturn)
    for (CallGraphNode *I : SCC) {
      Function *F = I->getFunction();

      if (!SCCMightUnwind && !F->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoUnwind)) {
        MadeChange = true;

      if (!SCCMightReturn && !F->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoReturn)) {
        MadeChange = true;

  for (CallGraphNode *I : SCC) {
    // Convert any invoke instructions to non-throwing functions in this node
    // into call instructions with a branch.  This makes the exception blocks
    // dead.
    if (Function *F = I->getFunction())
      MadeChange |= SimplifyFunction(F, CG);

  return MadeChange;
/// processImplicitDefs - Process IMPLICIT_DEF instructions and make sure
/// there is one implicit_def for each use. Add isUndef marker to
/// implicit_def defs and their uses.
bool ProcessImplicitDefs::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &fn) {

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "********** PROCESS IMPLICIT DEFS **********\n"
               << "********** Function: "
               << ((Value*)fn.getFunction())->getName() << '\n');

  bool Changed = false;

  TII = fn.getTarget().getInstrInfo();
  TRI = fn.getTarget().getRegisterInfo();
  MRI = &fn.getRegInfo();
  LV = &getAnalysis<LiveVariables>();

  SmallSet<unsigned, 8> ImpDefRegs;
  SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 8> ImpDefMIs;
  SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 4> RUses;
  SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock*,16> Visited;
  SmallPtrSet<MachineInstr*, 8> ModInsts;

  MachineBasicBlock *Entry = fn.begin();
  for (df_ext_iterator<MachineBasicBlock*, SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock*,16> >
         DFI = df_ext_begin(Entry, Visited), E = df_ext_end(Entry, Visited);
       DFI != E; ++DFI) {
    MachineBasicBlock *MBB = *DFI;
    for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = MBB->begin(), E = MBB->end();
         I != E; ) {
      MachineInstr *MI = &*I;
      if (MI->isImplicitDef()) {
        // Is this a sub-register read-modify-write?
        if (MI->getOperand(0).readsReg())
        unsigned Reg = MI->getOperand(0).getReg();
        if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Reg)) {
          for (const unsigned *SS = TRI->getSubRegisters(Reg); *SS; ++SS)

      // Eliminate %reg1032:sub<def> = COPY undef.
      if (MI->isCopy() && MI->getOperand(0).readsReg()) {
        MachineOperand &MO = MI->getOperand(1);
        if (MO.isUndef() || ImpDefRegs.count(MO.getReg())) {
          if (MO.isKill()) {
            LiveVariables::VarInfo& vi = LV->getVarInfo(MO.getReg());
          unsigned Reg = MI->getOperand(0).getReg();
          Changed = true;

          // A REG_SEQUENCE may have been expanded into partial definitions.
          // If this was the last one, mark Reg as implicitly defined.
          if (TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(Reg) && MRI->def_empty(Reg))

      bool ChangedToImpDef = false;
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = MI->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
        MachineOperand& MO = MI->getOperand(i);
        if (!MO.isReg() || !MO.readsReg())
        unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
        if (!Reg)
        if (!ImpDefRegs.count(Reg))
        // Use is a copy, just turn it into an implicit_def.
        if (CanTurnIntoImplicitDef(MI, Reg, i, ImpDefRegs)) {
          bool isKill = MO.isKill();
          for (int j = MI->getNumOperands() - 1, ee = 0; j > ee; --j)
          if (isKill) {
            LiveVariables::VarInfo& vi = LV->getVarInfo(Reg);
          ChangedToImpDef = true;
          Changed = true;

        Changed = true;
        // This is a partial register redef of an implicit def.
        // Make sure the whole register is defined by the instruction.
        if (MO.isDef()) {
        if (MO.isKill() || MI->isRegTiedToDefOperand(i)) {
          // Make sure other reads of Reg are also marked <undef>.
          for (unsigned j = i+1; j != e; ++j) {
            MachineOperand &MOJ = MI->getOperand(j);
            if (MOJ.isReg() && MOJ.getReg() == Reg && MOJ.readsReg())

      if (ChangedToImpDef) {
        // Backtrack to process this new implicit_def.
      } else {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i != MI->getNumOperands(); ++i) {
          MachineOperand& MO = MI->getOperand(i);
          if (!MO.isReg() || !MO.isDef())

    // Any outstanding liveout implicit_def's?
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ImpDefMIs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      MachineInstr *MI = ImpDefMIs[i];
      unsigned Reg = MI->getOperand(0).getReg();
      if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Reg) ||
          !ImpDefRegs.count(Reg)) {
        // Delete all "local" implicit_def's. That include those which define
        // physical registers since they cannot be liveout.
        Changed = true;

      // If there are multiple defs of the same register and at least one
      // is not an implicit_def, do not insert implicit_def's before the
      // uses.
      bool Skip = false;
      SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 4> DeadImpDefs;
      for (MachineRegisterInfo::def_iterator DI = MRI->def_begin(Reg),
             DE = MRI->def_end(); DI != DE; ++DI) {
        MachineInstr *DeadImpDef = &*DI;
        if (!DeadImpDef->isImplicitDef()) {
          Skip = true;
      if (Skip)

      // The only implicit_def which we want to keep are those that are live
      // out of its block.
      for (unsigned j = 0, ee = DeadImpDefs.size(); j != ee; ++j)
      Changed = true;

      // Process each use instruction once.
      for (MachineRegisterInfo::use_iterator UI = MRI->use_begin(Reg),
             UE = MRI->use_end(); UI != UE; ++UI) {
        if (UI.getOperand().isUndef())
        MachineInstr *RMI = &*UI;
        if (ModInsts.insert(RMI))

      for (unsigned i = 0, e = RUses.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        MachineInstr *RMI = RUses[i];

        // Turn a copy use into an implicit_def.
        if (isUndefCopy(RMI, Reg, ImpDefRegs)) {

          bool isKill = false;
          SmallVector<unsigned, 4> Ops;
          for (unsigned j = 0, ee = RMI->getNumOperands(); j != ee; ++j) {
            MachineOperand &RRMO = RMI->getOperand(j);
            if (RRMO.isReg() && RRMO.getReg() == Reg) {
              if (RRMO.isKill())
                isKill = true;
          // Leave the other operands along.
          for (unsigned j = 0, ee = Ops.size(); j != ee; ++j) {
            unsigned OpIdx = Ops[j];

          // Update LiveVariables varinfo if the instruction is a kill.
          if (isKill) {
            LiveVariables::VarInfo& vi = LV->getVarInfo(Reg);

        // Replace Reg with a new vreg that's marked implicit.
        const TargetRegisterClass* RC = MRI->getRegClass(Reg);
        unsigned NewVReg = MRI->createVirtualRegister(RC);
        bool isKill = true;
        for (unsigned j = 0, ee = RMI->getNumOperands(); j != ee; ++j) {
          MachineOperand &RRMO = RMI->getOperand(j);
          if (RRMO.isReg() && RRMO.getReg() == Reg) {
            if (isKill) {
              // Only the first operand of NewVReg is marked kill.
              isKill = false;

  return Changed;
/// At this point, we're committed to promoting the alloca using IDF's, and the
/// standard SSA construction algorithm.  Determine which blocks need phi nodes
/// and see if we can optimize out some work by avoiding insertion of dead phi
/// nodes.
void PromoteMem2Reg::DetermineInsertionPoint(AllocaInst *AI, unsigned AllocaNum,
                                             AllocaInfo &Info) {
  // Unique the set of defining blocks for efficient lookup.
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 32> DefBlocks;
  DefBlocks.insert(Info.DefiningBlocks.begin(), Info.DefiningBlocks.end());

  // Determine which blocks the value is live in.  These are blocks which lead
  // to uses.
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 32> LiveInBlocks;
  ComputeLiveInBlocks(AI, Info, DefBlocks, LiveInBlocks);

  // Use a priority queue keyed on dominator tree level so that inserted nodes
  // are handled from the bottom of the dominator tree upwards.
  typedef std::pair<DomTreeNode *, unsigned> DomTreeNodePair;
  typedef std::priority_queue<DomTreeNodePair, SmallVector<DomTreeNodePair, 32>,
                              less_second> IDFPriorityQueue;
  IDFPriorityQueue PQ;

  for (SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 32>::const_iterator I = DefBlocks.begin(),
                                                     E = DefBlocks.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (DomTreeNode *Node = DT.getNode(*I))
      PQ.push(std::make_pair(Node, DomLevels[Node]));

  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, BasicBlock *>, 32> DFBlocks;
  SmallPtrSet<DomTreeNode *, 32> Visited;
  SmallVector<DomTreeNode *, 32> Worklist;
  while (!PQ.empty()) {
    DomTreeNodePair RootPair = PQ.top();
    DomTreeNode *Root = RootPair.first;
    unsigned RootLevel = RootPair.second;

    // Walk all dominator tree children of Root, inspecting their CFG edges with
    // targets elsewhere on the dominator tree. Only targets whose level is at
    // most Root's level are added to the iterated dominance frontier of the
    // definition set.


    while (!Worklist.empty()) {
      DomTreeNode *Node = Worklist.pop_back_val();
      BasicBlock *BB = Node->getBlock();

      for (succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(BB), SE = succ_end(BB); SI != SE;
           ++SI) {
        DomTreeNode *SuccNode = DT.getNode(*SI);

        // Quickly skip all CFG edges that are also dominator tree edges instead
        // of catching them below.
        if (SuccNode->getIDom() == Node)

        unsigned SuccLevel = DomLevels[SuccNode];
        if (SuccLevel > RootLevel)

        if (!Visited.insert(SuccNode))

        BasicBlock *SuccBB = SuccNode->getBlock();
        if (!LiveInBlocks.count(SuccBB))

        DFBlocks.push_back(std::make_pair(BBNumbers[SuccBB], SuccBB));
        if (!DefBlocks.count(SuccBB))
          PQ.push(std::make_pair(SuccNode, SuccLevel));

      for (DomTreeNode::iterator CI = Node->begin(), CE = Node->end(); CI != CE;
           ++CI) {
        if (!Visited.count(*CI))

  if (DFBlocks.size() > 1)
    std::sort(DFBlocks.begin(), DFBlocks.end());

  unsigned CurrentVersion = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = DFBlocks.size(); i != e; ++i)
    QueuePhiNode(DFBlocks[i].second, AllocaNum, CurrentVersion);
文件: Inliner.cpp 项目: jckarter/llvm
/// InlineCallIfPossible - If it is possible to inline the specified call site,
/// do so and update the CallGraph for this operation.
/// This function also does some basic book-keeping to update the IR.  The
/// InlinedArrayAllocas map keeps track of any allocas that are already
/// available from other  functions inlined into the caller.  If we are able to
/// inline this call site we attempt to reuse already available allocas or add
/// any new allocas to the set if not possible.
static bool InlineCallIfPossible(CallSite CS, InlineFunctionInfo &IFI,
                                 InlinedArrayAllocasTy &InlinedArrayAllocas,
                                 int InlineHistory, bool InsertLifetime) {
  Function *Callee = CS.getCalledFunction();
  Function *Caller = CS.getCaller();

  // Try to inline the function.  Get the list of static allocas that were
  // inlined.
  if (!InlineFunction(CS, IFI, InsertLifetime))
    return false;

  // If the inlined function had a higher stack protection level than the
  // calling function, then bump up the caller's stack protection level.
  if (Callee->hasFnAttr(Attribute::StackProtectReq))
  else if (Callee->hasFnAttr(Attribute::StackProtect) &&

  // Look at all of the allocas that we inlined through this call site.  If we
  // have already inlined other allocas through other calls into this function,
  // then we know that they have disjoint lifetimes and that we can merge them.
  // There are many heuristics possible for merging these allocas, and the
  // different options have different tradeoffs.  One thing that we *really*
  // don't want to hurt is SRoA: once inlining happens, often allocas are no
  // longer address taken and so they can be promoted.
  // Our "solution" for that is to only merge allocas whose outermost type is an
  // array type.  These are usually not promoted because someone is using a
  // variable index into them.  These are also often the most important ones to
  // merge.
  // A better solution would be to have real memory lifetime markers in the IR
  // and not have the inliner do any merging of allocas at all.  This would
  // allow the backend to do proper stack slot coloring of all allocas that
  // *actually make it to the backend*, which is really what we want.
  // Because we don't have this information, we do this simple and useful hack.
  SmallPtrSet<AllocaInst*, 16> UsedAllocas;
  // When processing our SCC, check to see if CS was inlined from some other
  // call site.  For example, if we're processing "A" in this code:
  //   A() { B() }
  //   B() { x = alloca ... C() }
  //   C() { y = alloca ... }
  // Assume that C was not inlined into B initially, and so we're processing A
  // and decide to inline B into A.  Doing this makes an alloca available for
  // reuse and makes a callsite (C) available for inlining.  When we process
  // the C call site we don't want to do any alloca merging between X and Y
  // because their scopes are not disjoint.  We could make this smarter by
  // keeping track of the inline history for each alloca in the
  // InlinedArrayAllocas but this isn't likely to be a significant win.
  if (InlineHistory != -1)  // Only do merging for top-level call sites in SCC.
    return true;
  // Loop over all the allocas we have so far and see if they can be merged with
  // a previously inlined alloca.  If not, remember that we had it.
  for (unsigned AllocaNo = 0, e = IFI.StaticAllocas.size();
       AllocaNo != e; ++AllocaNo) {
    AllocaInst *AI = IFI.StaticAllocas[AllocaNo];
    // Don't bother trying to merge array allocations (they will usually be
    // canonicalized to be an allocation *of* an array), or allocations whose
    // type is not itself an array (because we're afraid of pessimizing SRoA).
    ArrayType *ATy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(AI->getAllocatedType());
    if (ATy == 0 || AI->isArrayAllocation())
    // Get the list of all available allocas for this array type.
    std::vector<AllocaInst*> &AllocasForType = InlinedArrayAllocas[ATy];
    // Loop over the allocas in AllocasForType to see if we can reuse one.  Note
    // that we have to be careful not to reuse the same "available" alloca for
    // multiple different allocas that we just inlined, we use the 'UsedAllocas'
    // set to keep track of which "available" allocas are being used by this
    // function.  Also, AllocasForType can be empty of course!
    bool MergedAwayAlloca = false;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = AllocasForType.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      AllocaInst *AvailableAlloca = AllocasForType[i];
      // The available alloca has to be in the right function, not in some other
      // function in this SCC.
      if (AvailableAlloca->getParent() != AI->getParent())
      // If the inlined function already uses this alloca then we can't reuse
      // it.
      if (!UsedAllocas.insert(AvailableAlloca))
      // Otherwise, we *can* reuse it, RAUW AI into AvailableAlloca and declare
      // success!
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "    ***MERGED ALLOCA: " << *AI << "\n\t\tINTO: "
                   << *AvailableAlloca << '\n');
      MergedAwayAlloca = true;
      IFI.StaticAllocas[AllocaNo] = 0;

    // If we already nuked the alloca, we're done with it.
    if (MergedAwayAlloca)
    // If we were unable to merge away the alloca either because there are no
    // allocas of the right type available or because we reused them all
    // already, remember that this alloca came from an inlined function and mark
    // it used so we don't reuse it for other allocas from this inline
    // operation.
  return true;
bool PruneEH::runOnSCC(CallGraphSCC &SCC) {
  SmallPtrSet<CallGraphNode *, 8> SCCNodes;
  CallGraph &CG = getAnalysis<CallGraph>();
  bool MadeChange = false;

  // Fill SCCNodes with the elements of the SCC.  Used for quickly
  // looking up whether a given CallGraphNode is in this SCC.
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I)

  // First pass, scan all of the functions in the SCC, simplifying them
  // according to what we know.
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (Function *F = (*I)->getFunction())
      MadeChange |= SimplifyFunction(F);

  // Next, check to see if any callees might throw or if there are any external
  // functions in this SCC: if so, we cannot prune any functions in this SCC.
  // Definitions that are weak and not declared non-throwing might be 
  // overridden at linktime with something that throws, so assume that.
  // If this SCC includes the unwind instruction, we KNOW it throws, so
  // obviously the SCC might throw.
  bool SCCMightUnwind = false, SCCMightReturn = false;
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); 
       (!SCCMightUnwind || !SCCMightReturn) && I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();
    if (F == 0) {
      SCCMightUnwind = true;
      SCCMightReturn = true;
    } else if (F->isDeclaration() || F->mayBeOverridden()) {
      SCCMightUnwind |= !F->doesNotThrow();
      SCCMightReturn |= !F->doesNotReturn();
    } else {
      bool CheckUnwind = !SCCMightUnwind && !F->doesNotThrow();
      bool CheckReturn = !SCCMightReturn && !F->doesNotReturn();

      if (!CheckUnwind && !CheckReturn)

      // Check to see if this function performs an unwind or calls an
      // unwinding function.
      for (Function::iterator BB = F->begin(), E = F->end(); BB != E; ++BB) {
        if (CheckUnwind && isa<ResumeInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {
          // Uses unwind / resume!
          SCCMightUnwind = true;
        } else if (CheckReturn && isa<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {
          SCCMightReturn = true;

        // Invoke instructions don't allow unwinding to continue, so we are
        // only interested in call instructions.
        if (CheckUnwind && !SCCMightUnwind)
          for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
            if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
              if (CI->doesNotThrow()) {
                // This call cannot throw.
              } else if (Function *Callee = CI->getCalledFunction()) {
                CallGraphNode *CalleeNode = CG[Callee];
                // If the callee is outside our current SCC then we may
                // throw because it might.
                if (!SCCNodes.count(CalleeNode)) {
                  SCCMightUnwind = true;
              } else {
                // Indirect call, it might throw.
                SCCMightUnwind = true;
        if (SCCMightUnwind && SCCMightReturn) break;

  // If the SCC doesn't unwind or doesn't throw, note this fact.
  if (!SCCMightUnwind || !SCCMightReturn)
    for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
      AttrBuilder NewAttributes;

      if (!SCCMightUnwind)
      if (!SCCMightReturn)

      Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();
      const AttributeSet &PAL = F->getAttributes();
      const AttributeSet &NPAL =
      if (PAL != NPAL) {
        MadeChange = true;

  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    // Convert any invoke instructions to non-throwing functions in this node
    // into call instructions with a branch.  This makes the exception blocks
    // dead.
    if (Function *F = (*I)->getFunction())
      MadeChange |= SimplifyFunction(F);

  return MadeChange;
/// OptimizeMemoryInst - Load and Store Instructions often have
/// addressing modes that can do significant amounts of computation.  As such,
/// instruction selection will try to get the load or store to do as much
/// computation as possible for the program.  The problem is that isel can only
/// see within a single block.  As such, we sink as much legal addressing mode
/// stuff into the block as possible.
/// This method is used to optimize both load/store and inline asms with memory
/// operands.
bool CodeGenPrepare::OptimizeMemoryInst(Instruction *MemoryInst, Value *Addr,
                                        Type *AccessTy) {
  Value *Repl = Addr;
  // Try to collapse single-value PHI nodes.  This is necessary to undo 
  // unprofitable PRE transformations.
  SmallVector<Value*, 8> worklist;
  SmallPtrSet<Value*, 16> Visited;
  // Use a worklist to iteratively look through PHI nodes, and ensure that
  // the addressing mode obtained from the non-PHI roots of the graph
  // are equivalent.
  Value *Consensus = 0;
  unsigned NumUsesConsensus = 0;
  bool IsNumUsesConsensusValid = false;
  SmallVector<Instruction*, 16> AddrModeInsts;
  ExtAddrMode AddrMode;
  while (!worklist.empty()) {
    Value *V = worklist.back();
    // Break use-def graph loops.
    if (!Visited.insert(V)) {
      Consensus = 0;
    // For a PHI node, push all of its incoming values.
    if (PHINode *P = dyn_cast<PHINode>(V)) {
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = P->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
    // For non-PHIs, determine the addressing mode being computed.
    SmallVector<Instruction*, 16> NewAddrModeInsts;
    ExtAddrMode NewAddrMode =
      AddressingModeMatcher::Match(V, AccessTy, MemoryInst,
                                   NewAddrModeInsts, *TLI);

    // This check is broken into two cases with very similar code to avoid using
    // getNumUses() as much as possible. Some values have a lot of uses, so
    // calling getNumUses() unconditionally caused a significant compile-time
    // regression.
    if (!Consensus) {
      Consensus = V;
      AddrMode = NewAddrMode;
      AddrModeInsts = NewAddrModeInsts;
    } else if (NewAddrMode == AddrMode) {
      if (!IsNumUsesConsensusValid) {
        NumUsesConsensus = Consensus->getNumUses();
        IsNumUsesConsensusValid = true;

      // Ensure that the obtained addressing mode is equivalent to that obtained
      // for all other roots of the PHI traversal.  Also, when choosing one
      // such root as representative, select the one with the most uses in order
      // to keep the cost modeling heuristics in AddressingModeMatcher
      // applicable.
      unsigned NumUses = V->getNumUses();
      if (NumUses > NumUsesConsensus) {
        Consensus = V;
        NumUsesConsensus = NumUses;
        AddrModeInsts = NewAddrModeInsts;
    Consensus = 0;
  // If the addressing mode couldn't be determined, or if multiple different
  // ones were determined, bail out now.
  if (!Consensus) return false;
  // Check to see if any of the instructions supersumed by this addr mode are
  // non-local to I's BB.
  bool AnyNonLocal = false;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = AddrModeInsts.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    if (IsNonLocalValue(AddrModeInsts[i], MemoryInst->getParent())) {
      AnyNonLocal = true;

  // If all the instructions matched are already in this BB, don't do anything.
  if (!AnyNonLocal) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "CGP: Found      local addrmode: " << AddrMode << "\n");
    return false;

  // Insert this computation right after this user.  Since our caller is
  // scanning from the top of the BB to the bottom, reuse of the expr are
  // guaranteed to happen later.
  IRBuilder<> Builder(MemoryInst);

  // Now that we determined the addressing expression we want to use and know
  // that we have to sink it into this block.  Check to see if we have already
  // done this for some other load/store instr in this block.  If so, reuse the
  // computation.
  Value *&SunkAddr = SunkAddrs[Addr];
  if (SunkAddr) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "CGP: Reusing nonlocal addrmode: " << AddrMode << " for "
                 << *MemoryInst);
    if (SunkAddr->getType() != Addr->getType())
      SunkAddr = Builder.CreateBitCast(SunkAddr, Addr->getType());
  } else {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "CGP: SINKING nonlocal addrmode: " << AddrMode << " for "
                 << *MemoryInst);
    Type *IntPtrTy =

    Value *Result = 0;

    // Start with the base register. Do this first so that subsequent address
    // matching finds it last, which will prevent it from trying to match it
    // as the scaled value in case it happens to be a mul. That would be
    // problematic if we've sunk a different mul for the scale, because then
    // we'd end up sinking both muls.
    if (AddrMode.BaseReg) {
      Value *V = AddrMode.BaseReg;
      if (V->getType()->isPointerTy())
        V = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(V, IntPtrTy, "sunkaddr");
      if (V->getType() != IntPtrTy)
        V = Builder.CreateIntCast(V, IntPtrTy, /*isSigned=*/true, "sunkaddr");
      Result = V;

    // Add the scale value.
    if (AddrMode.Scale) {
      Value *V = AddrMode.ScaledReg;
      if (V->getType() == IntPtrTy) {
        // done.
      } else if (V->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
        V = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(V, IntPtrTy, "sunkaddr");
      } else if (cast<IntegerType>(IntPtrTy)->getBitWidth() <
                 cast<IntegerType>(V->getType())->getBitWidth()) {
        V = Builder.CreateTrunc(V, IntPtrTy, "sunkaddr");
      } else {
        V = Builder.CreateSExt(V, IntPtrTy, "sunkaddr");
      if (AddrMode.Scale != 1)
        V = Builder.CreateMul(V, ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, AddrMode.Scale),
      if (Result)
        Result = Builder.CreateAdd(Result, V, "sunkaddr");
        Result = V;

    // Add in the BaseGV if present.
    if (AddrMode.BaseGV) {
      Value *V = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(AddrMode.BaseGV, IntPtrTy, "sunkaddr");
      if (Result)
        Result = Builder.CreateAdd(Result, V, "sunkaddr");
        Result = V;

    // Add in the Base Offset if present.
    if (AddrMode.BaseOffs) {
      Value *V = ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, AddrMode.BaseOffs);
      if (Result)
        Result = Builder.CreateAdd(Result, V, "sunkaddr");
        Result = V;

    if (Result == 0)
      SunkAddr = Constant::getNullValue(Addr->getType());
      SunkAddr = Builder.CreateIntToPtr(Result, Addr->getType(), "sunkaddr");

  MemoryInst->replaceUsesOfWith(Repl, SunkAddr);

  // If we have no uses, recursively delete the value and all dead instructions
  // using it.
  if (Repl->use_empty()) {
    // This can cause recursive deletion, which can invalidate our iterator.
    // Use a WeakVH to hold onto it in case this happens.
    WeakVH IterHandle(CurInstIterator);
    BasicBlock *BB = CurInstIterator->getParent();

    if (IterHandle != CurInstIterator) {
      // If the iterator instruction was recursively deleted, start over at the
      // start of the block.
      CurInstIterator = BB->begin();
    } else {
      // This address is now available for reassignment, so erase the table
      // entry; we don't want to match some completely different instruction.
      SunkAddrs[Addr] = 0;
  return true;
bool LoopInstSimplify::runOnLoop(Loop *L, LPPassManager &LPM) {
  DominatorTree *DT = getAnalysisIfAvailable<DominatorTree>();
  LoopInfo *LI = &getAnalysis<LoopInfo>();
  const DataLayout *TD = getAnalysisIfAvailable<DataLayout>();
  const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI = &getAnalysis<TargetLibraryInfo>();

  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 8> ExitBlocks;
  array_pod_sort(ExitBlocks.begin(), ExitBlocks.end());

  SmallPtrSet<const Instruction*, 8> S1, S2, *ToSimplify = &S1, *Next = &S2;

  // The bit we are stealing from the pointer represents whether this basic
  // block is the header of a subloop, in which case we only process its phis.
  typedef PointerIntPair<BasicBlock*, 1> WorklistItem;
  SmallVector<WorklistItem, 16> VisitStack;
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 32> Visited;

  bool Changed = false;
  bool LocalChanged;
  do {
    LocalChanged = false;


    VisitStack.push_back(WorklistItem(L->getHeader(), false));

    while (!VisitStack.empty()) {
      WorklistItem Item = VisitStack.pop_back_val();
      BasicBlock *BB = Item.getPointer();
      bool IsSubloopHeader = Item.getInt();

      // Simplify instructions in the current basic block.
      for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB->begin(), BE = BB->end(); BI != BE;) {
        Instruction *I = BI++;

        // The first time through the loop ToSimplify is empty and we try to
        // simplify all instructions. On later iterations ToSimplify is not
        // empty and we only bother simplifying instructions that are in it.
        if (!ToSimplify->empty() && !ToSimplify->count(I))

        // Don't bother simplifying unused instructions.
        if (!I->use_empty()) {
          Value *V = SimplifyInstruction(I, TD, TLI, DT);
          if (V && LI->replacementPreservesLCSSAForm(I, V)) {
            // Mark all uses for resimplification next time round the loop.
            for (Value::use_iterator UI = I->use_begin(), UE = I->use_end();
                 UI != UE; ++UI)

            LocalChanged = true;
        LocalChanged |= RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(I, TLI);

        if (IsSubloopHeader && !isa<PHINode>(I))

      // Add all successors to the worklist, except for loop exit blocks and the
      // bodies of subloops. We visit the headers of loops so that we can process
      // their phis, but we contract the rest of the subloop body and only follow
      // edges leading back to the original loop.
      for (succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(BB), SE = succ_end(BB); SI != SE;
           ++SI) {
        BasicBlock *SuccBB = *SI;
        if (!Visited.insert(SuccBB))

        const Loop *SuccLoop = LI->getLoopFor(SuccBB);
        if (SuccLoop && SuccLoop->getHeader() == SuccBB
                     && L->contains(SuccLoop)) {
          VisitStack.push_back(WorklistItem(SuccBB, true));

          SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 8> SubLoopExitBlocks;

          for (unsigned i = 0; i < SubLoopExitBlocks.size(); ++i) {
            BasicBlock *ExitBB = SubLoopExitBlocks[i];
            if (LI->getLoopFor(ExitBB) == L && Visited.insert(ExitBB))
              VisitStack.push_back(WorklistItem(ExitBB, false));


        bool IsExitBlock = std::binary_search(ExitBlocks.begin(),
                                              ExitBlocks.end(), SuccBB);
        if (IsExitBlock)

        VisitStack.push_back(WorklistItem(SuccBB, false));

    // Place the list of instructions to simplify on the next loop iteration
    // into ToSimplify.
    std::swap(ToSimplify, Next);

    Changed |= LocalChanged;
  } while (LocalChanged);

  return Changed;
/// PromoteValuesInLoop - Try to promote memory values to scalars by sinking
/// stores out of the loop and moving loads to before the loop.  We do this by
/// looping over the stores in the loop, looking for stores to Must pointers
/// which are loop invariant.  We promote these memory locations to use allocas
/// instead.  These allocas can easily be raised to register values by the
/// PromoteMem2Reg functionality.
void LICM::PromoteValuesInLoop() {
  // PromotedValues - List of values that are promoted out of the loop.  Each
  // value has an alloca instruction for it, and a canonical version of the
  // pointer.
  std::vector<std::pair<AllocaInst*, Value*> > PromotedValues;
  std::map<Value*, AllocaInst*> ValueToAllocaMap; // Map of ptr to alloca

  FindPromotableValuesInLoop(PromotedValues, ValueToAllocaMap);
  if (ValueToAllocaMap.empty()) return;   // If there are values to promote.

  Changed = true;
  NumPromoted += PromotedValues.size();

  std::vector<Value*> PointerValueNumbers;

  // Emit a copy from the value into the alloca'd value in the loop preheader
  TerminatorInst *LoopPredInst = Preheader->getTerminator();
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = PromotedValues.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Value *Ptr = PromotedValues[i].second;

    // If we are promoting a pointer value, update alias information for the
    // inserted load.
    Value *LoadValue = 0;
    if (cast<PointerType>(Ptr->getType())->getElementType()->isPointerTy()) {
      // Locate a load or store through the pointer, and assign the same value
      // to LI as we are loading or storing.  Since we know that the value is
      // stored in this loop, this will always succeed.
      for (Value::use_iterator UI = Ptr->use_begin(), E = Ptr->use_end();
           UI != E; ++UI) {
        User *U = *UI;
        if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(U)) {
          LoadValue = LI;
        } else if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(U)) {
          if (SI->getOperand(1) == Ptr) {
            LoadValue = SI->getOperand(0);
      assert(LoadValue && "No store through the pointer found!");
      PointerValueNumbers.push_back(LoadValue);  // Remember this for later.

    // Load from the memory we are promoting.
    LoadInst *LI = new LoadInst(Ptr, Ptr->getName()+".promoted", LoopPredInst);

    if (LoadValue) CurAST->copyValue(LoadValue, LI);

    // Store into the temporary alloca.
    new StoreInst(LI, PromotedValues[i].first, LoopPredInst);

  // Scan the basic blocks in the loop, replacing uses of our pointers with
  // uses of the allocas in question.
  for (Loop::block_iterator I = CurLoop->block_begin(),
         E = CurLoop->block_end(); I != E; ++I) {
    BasicBlock *BB = *I;
    // Rewrite all loads and stores in the block of the pointer...
    for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); II != E; ++II) {
      if (LoadInst *L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(II)) {
        std::map<Value*, AllocaInst*>::iterator
          I = ValueToAllocaMap.find(L->getOperand(0));
        if (I != ValueToAllocaMap.end())
          L->setOperand(0, I->second);    // Rewrite load instruction...
      } else if (StoreInst *S = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(II)) {
        std::map<Value*, AllocaInst*>::iterator
          I = ValueToAllocaMap.find(S->getOperand(1));
        if (I != ValueToAllocaMap.end())
          S->setOperand(1, I->second);    // Rewrite store instruction...

  // Now that the body of the loop uses the allocas instead of the original
  // memory locations, insert code to copy the alloca value back into the
  // original memory location on all exits from the loop.  Note that we only
  // want to insert one copy of the code in each exit block, though the loop may
  // exit to the same block more than once.
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 16> ProcessedBlocks;

  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 8> ExitBlocks;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = ExitBlocks.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    if (!ProcessedBlocks.insert(ExitBlocks[i]))
    // Copy all of the allocas into their memory locations.
    BasicBlock::iterator BI = ExitBlocks[i]->getFirstNonPHI();
    Instruction *InsertPos = BI;
    unsigned PVN = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = PromotedValues.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      // Load from the alloca.
      LoadInst *LI = new LoadInst(PromotedValues[i].first, "", InsertPos);

      // If this is a pointer type, update alias info appropriately.
      if (LI->getType()->isPointerTy())
        CurAST->copyValue(PointerValueNumbers[PVN++], LI);

      // Store into the memory we promoted.
      new StoreInst(LI, PromotedValues[i].second, InsertPos);

  // Now that we have done the deed, use the mem2reg functionality to promote
  // all of the new allocas we just created into real SSA registers.
  std::vector<AllocaInst*> PromotedAllocas;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = PromotedValues.size(); i != e; ++i)
  PromoteMemToReg(PromotedAllocas, *DT, *DF, CurAST);
/// PromoteArguments - This method checks the specified function to see if there
/// are any promotable arguments and if it is safe to promote the function (for
/// example, all callers are direct).  If safe to promote some arguments, it
/// calls the DoPromotion method.
CallGraphNode *ArgPromotion::PromoteArguments(CallGraphNode *CGN) {
  Function *F = CGN->getFunction();

  // Make sure that it is local to this module.
  if (!F || !F->hasLocalLinkage()) return 0;

  // First check: see if there are any pointer arguments!  If not, quick exit.
  SmallVector<std::pair<Argument*, unsigned>, 16> PointerArgs;
  unsigned ArgNo = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
       I != E; ++I, ++ArgNo)
    if (I->getType()->isPointerTy())
      PointerArgs.push_back(std::pair<Argument*, unsigned>(I, ArgNo));
  if (PointerArgs.empty()) return 0;

  // Second check: make sure that all callers are direct callers.  We can't
  // transform functions that have indirect callers.  Also see if the function
  // is self-recursive.
  bool isSelfRecursive = false;
  for (Value::use_iterator UI = F->use_begin(), E = F->use_end();
       UI != E; ++UI) {
    CallSite CS(*UI);
    // Must be a direct call.
    if (CS.getInstruction() == 0 || !CS.isCallee(UI)) return 0;
    if (CS.getInstruction()->getParent()->getParent() == F)
      isSelfRecursive = true;
  // Check to see which arguments are promotable.  If an argument is promotable,
  // add it to ArgsToPromote.
  SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> ArgsToPromote;
  SmallPtrSet<Argument*, 8> ByValArgsToTransform;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i != PointerArgs.size(); ++i) {
    bool isByVal = F->paramHasAttr(PointerArgs[i].second+1, Attribute::ByVal);
    Argument *PtrArg = PointerArgs[i].first;
    Type *AgTy = cast<PointerType>(PtrArg->getType())->getElementType();

    // If this is a byval argument, and if the aggregate type is small, just
    // pass the elements, which is always safe.
    if (isByVal) {
      if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(AgTy)) {
        if (maxElements > 0 && STy->getNumElements() > maxElements) {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "argpromotion disable promoting argument '"
                << PtrArg->getName() << "' because it would require adding more"
                << " than " << maxElements << " arguments to the function.\n");
        // If all the elements are single-value types, we can promote it.
        bool AllSimple = true;
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
          if (!STy->getElementType(i)->isSingleValueType()) {
            AllSimple = false;

        // Safe to transform, don't even bother trying to "promote" it.
        // Passing the elements as a scalar will allow scalarrepl to hack on
        // the new alloca we introduce.
        if (AllSimple) {

    // If the argument is a recursive type and we're in a recursive
    // function, we could end up infinitely peeling the function argument.
    if (isSelfRecursive) {
      if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(AgTy)) {
        bool RecursiveType = false;
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
          if (STy->getElementType(i) == PtrArg->getType()) {
            RecursiveType = true;
        if (RecursiveType)
    // Otherwise, see if we can promote the pointer to its value.
    if (isSafeToPromoteArgument(PtrArg, isByVal))

  // No promotable pointer arguments.
  if (ArgsToPromote.empty() && ByValArgsToTransform.empty()) 
    return 0;

  return DoPromotion(F, ArgsToPromote, ByValArgsToTransform);
/// ClusterNeighboringLoads - Force nearby loads together by "gluing" them.
/// This function finds loads of the same base and different offsets. If the
/// offsets are not far apart (target specific), it add MVT::Glue inputs and
/// outputs to ensure they are scheduled together and in order. This
/// optimization may benefit some targets by improving cache locality.
void ScheduleDAGSDNodes::ClusterNeighboringLoads(SDNode *Node) {
  SDNode *Chain = nullptr;
  unsigned NumOps = Node->getNumOperands();
  if (Node->getOperand(NumOps-1).getValueType() == MVT::Other)
    Chain = Node->getOperand(NumOps-1).getNode();
  if (!Chain)

  // Look for other loads of the same chain. Find loads that are loading from
  // the same base pointer and different offsets.
  SmallPtrSet<SDNode*, 16> Visited;
  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> Offsets;
  DenseMap<long long, SDNode*> O2SMap;  // Map from offset to SDNode.
  bool Cluster = false;
  SDNode *Base = Node;
  // This algorithm requires a reasonably low use count before finding a match
  // to avoid uselessly blowing up compile time in large blocks.
  unsigned UseCount = 0;
  for (SDNode::use_iterator I = Chain->use_begin(), E = Chain->use_end();
       I != E && UseCount < 100; ++I, ++UseCount) {
    SDNode *User = *I;
    if (User == Node || !Visited.insert(User))
    int64_t Offset1, Offset2;
    if (!TII->areLoadsFromSameBasePtr(Base, User, Offset1, Offset2) ||
        Offset1 == Offset2)
      // FIXME: Should be ok if they addresses are identical. But earlier
      // optimizations really should have eliminated one of the loads.
    if (O2SMap.insert(std::make_pair(Offset1, Base)).second)
    O2SMap.insert(std::make_pair(Offset2, User));
    if (Offset2 < Offset1)
      Base = User;
    Cluster = true;
    // Reset UseCount to allow more matches.
    UseCount = 0;

  if (!Cluster)

  // Sort them in increasing order.
  std::sort(Offsets.begin(), Offsets.end());

  // Check if the loads are close enough.
  SmallVector<SDNode*, 4> Loads;
  unsigned NumLoads = 0;
  int64_t BaseOff = Offsets[0];
  SDNode *BaseLoad = O2SMap[BaseOff];
  for (unsigned i = 1, e = Offsets.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    int64_t Offset = Offsets[i];
    SDNode *Load = O2SMap[Offset];
    if (!TII->shouldScheduleLoadsNear(BaseLoad, Load, BaseOff, Offset,NumLoads))
      break; // Stop right here. Ignore loads that are further away.

  if (NumLoads == 0)

  // Cluster loads by adding MVT::Glue outputs and inputs. This also
  // ensure they are scheduled in order of increasing addresses.
  SDNode *Lead = Loads[0];
  SDValue InGlue = SDValue(nullptr, 0);
  if (AddGlue(Lead, InGlue, true, DAG))
    InGlue = SDValue(Lead, Lead->getNumValues() - 1);
  for (unsigned I = 1, E = Loads.size(); I != E; ++I) {
    bool OutGlue = I < E - 1;
    SDNode *Load = Loads[I];

    // If AddGlue fails, we could leave an unsused glue value. This should not
    // cause any
    if (AddGlue(Load, InGlue, OutGlue, DAG)) {
      if (OutGlue)
        InGlue = SDValue(Load, Load->getNumValues() - 1);

    else if (!OutGlue && InGlue.getNode())
      RemoveUnusedGlue(InGlue.getNode(), DAG);
void ScheduleDAGSDNodes::BuildSchedUnits() {
  // During scheduling, the NodeId field of SDNode is used to map SDNodes
  // to their associated SUnits by holding SUnits table indices. A value
  // of -1 means the SDNode does not yet have an associated SUnit.
  unsigned NumNodes = 0;
  for (SelectionDAG::allnodes_iterator NI = DAG->allnodes_begin(),
       E = DAG->allnodes_end(); NI != E; ++NI) {

  // Reserve entries in the vector for each of the SUnits we are creating.  This
  // ensure that reallocation of the vector won't happen, so SUnit*'s won't get
  // invalidated.
  // FIXME: Multiply by 2 because we may clone nodes during scheduling.
  // This is a temporary workaround.
  SUnits.reserve(NumNodes * 2);

  // Add all nodes in depth first order.
  SmallVector<SDNode*, 64> Worklist;
  SmallPtrSet<SDNode*, 64> Visited;

  SmallVector<SUnit*, 8> CallSUnits;
  while (!Worklist.empty()) {
    SDNode *NI = Worklist.pop_back_val();

    // Add all operands to the worklist unless they've already been added.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = NI->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
      if (Visited.insert(NI->getOperand(i).getNode()))

    if (isPassiveNode(NI))  // Leaf node, e.g. a TargetImmediate.

    // If this node has already been processed, stop now.
    if (NI->getNodeId() != -1) continue;

    SUnit *NodeSUnit = newSUnit(NI);

    // See if anything is glued to this node, if so, add them to glued
    // nodes.  Nodes can have at most one glue input and one glue output.  Glue
    // is required to be the last operand and result of a node.

    // Scan up to find glued preds.
    SDNode *N = NI;
    while (N->getNumOperands() &&
           N->getOperand(N->getNumOperands()-1).getValueType() == MVT::Glue) {
      N = N->getOperand(N->getNumOperands()-1).getNode();
      assert(N->getNodeId() == -1 && "Node already inserted!");
      if (N->isMachineOpcode() && TII->get(N->getMachineOpcode()).isCall())
        NodeSUnit->isCall = true;

    // Scan down to find any glued succs.
    N = NI;
    while (N->getValueType(N->getNumValues()-1) == MVT::Glue) {
      SDValue GlueVal(N, N->getNumValues()-1);

      // There are either zero or one users of the Glue result.
      bool HasGlueUse = false;
      for (SDNode::use_iterator UI = N->use_begin(), E = N->use_end();
           UI != E; ++UI)
        if (GlueVal.isOperandOf(*UI)) {
          HasGlueUse = true;
          assert(N->getNodeId() == -1 && "Node already inserted!");
          N = *UI;
          if (N->isMachineOpcode() && TII->get(N->getMachineOpcode()).isCall())
            NodeSUnit->isCall = true;
      if (!HasGlueUse) break;

    if (NodeSUnit->isCall)

    // Schedule zero-latency TokenFactor below any nodes that may increase the
    // schedule height. Otherwise, ancestors of the TokenFactor may appear to
    // have false stalls.
    if (NI->getOpcode() == ISD::TokenFactor)
      NodeSUnit->isScheduleLow = true;

    // If there are glue operands involved, N is now the bottom-most node
    // of the sequence of nodes that are glued together.
    // Update the SUnit.
    assert(N->getNodeId() == -1 && "Node already inserted!");

    // Compute NumRegDefsLeft. This must be done before AddSchedEdges.

    // Assign the Latency field of NodeSUnit using target-provided information.

  // Find all call operands.
  while (!CallSUnits.empty()) {
    SUnit *SU = CallSUnits.pop_back_val();
    for (const SDNode *SUNode = SU->getNode(); SUNode;
         SUNode = SUNode->getGluedNode()) {
      if (SUNode->getOpcode() != ISD::CopyToReg)
      SDNode *SrcN = SUNode->getOperand(2).getNode();
      if (isPassiveNode(SrcN)) continue;   // Not scheduled.
      SUnit *SrcSU = &SUnits[SrcN->getNodeId()];
      SrcSU->isCallOp = true;
/// Deduce nocapture attributes for the SCC.
static bool addArgumentAttrs(const SCCNodeSet &SCCNodes) {
  bool Changed = false;

  ArgumentGraph AG;

  AttrBuilder B;

  // Check each function in turn, determining which pointer arguments are not
  // captured.
  for (Function *F : SCCNodes) {
    // We can infer and propagate function attributes only when we know that the
    // definition we'll get at link time is *exactly* the definition we see now.
    // For more details, see GlobalValue::mayBeDerefined.
    if (!F->hasExactDefinition())

    // Functions that are readonly (or readnone) and nounwind and don't return
    // a value can't capture arguments. Don't analyze them.
    if (F->onlyReadsMemory() && F->doesNotThrow() &&
        F->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
      for (Function::arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); A != E;
           ++A) {
        if (A->getType()->isPointerTy() && !A->hasNoCaptureAttr()) {
          A->addAttr(AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), A->getArgNo() + 1, B));
          Changed = true;

    for (Function::arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); A != E;
         ++A) {
      if (!A->getType()->isPointerTy())
      bool HasNonLocalUses = false;
      if (!A->hasNoCaptureAttr()) {
        ArgumentUsesTracker Tracker(SCCNodes);
        PointerMayBeCaptured(&*A, &Tracker);
        if (!Tracker.Captured) {
          if (Tracker.Uses.empty()) {
            // If it's trivially not captured, mark it nocapture now.
                AttributeSet::get(F->getContext(), A->getArgNo() + 1, B));
            Changed = true;
          } else {
            // If it's not trivially captured and not trivially not captured,
            // then it must be calling into another function in our SCC. Save
            // its particulars for Argument-SCC analysis later.
            ArgumentGraphNode *Node = AG[&*A];
            for (SmallVectorImpl<Argument *>::iterator
                     UI = Tracker.Uses.begin(),
                     UE = Tracker.Uses.end();
                 UI != UE; ++UI) {
              if (*UI != &*A)
                HasNonLocalUses = true;
        // Otherwise, it's captured. Don't bother doing SCC analysis on it.
      if (!HasNonLocalUses && !A->onlyReadsMemory()) {
        // Can we determine that it's readonly/readnone without doing an SCC?
        // Note that we don't allow any calls at all here, or else our result
        // will be dependent on the iteration order through the functions in the
        // SCC.
        SmallPtrSet<Argument *, 8> Self;
        Attribute::AttrKind R = determinePointerReadAttrs(&*A, Self);
        if (R != Attribute::None) {
          AttrBuilder B;
          A->addAttr(AttributeSet::get(A->getContext(), A->getArgNo() + 1, B));
          Changed = true;
          R == Attribute::ReadOnly ? ++NumReadOnlyArg : ++NumReadNoneArg;

  // The graph we've collected is partial because we stopped scanning for
  // argument uses once we solved the argument trivially. These partial nodes
  // show up as ArgumentGraphNode objects with an empty Uses list, and for
  // these nodes the final decision about whether they capture has already been
  // made.  If the definition doesn't have a 'nocapture' attribute by now, it
  // captures.

  for (scc_iterator<ArgumentGraph *> I = scc_begin(&AG); !I.isAtEnd(); ++I) {
    const std::vector<ArgumentGraphNode *> &ArgumentSCC = *I;
    if (ArgumentSCC.size() == 1) {
      if (!ArgumentSCC[0]->Definition)
        continue; // synthetic root node

      // eg. "void f(int* x) { if (...) f(x); }"
      if (ArgumentSCC[0]->Uses.size() == 1 &&
          ArgumentSCC[0]->Uses[0] == ArgumentSCC[0]) {
        Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[0]->Definition;
        A->addAttr(AttributeSet::get(A->getContext(), A->getArgNo() + 1, B));
        Changed = true;

    bool SCCCaptured = false;
    for (auto I = ArgumentSCC.begin(), E = ArgumentSCC.end();
         I != E && !SCCCaptured; ++I) {
      ArgumentGraphNode *Node = *I;
      if (Node->Uses.empty()) {
        if (!Node->Definition->hasNoCaptureAttr())
          SCCCaptured = true;
    if (SCCCaptured)

    SmallPtrSet<Argument *, 8> ArgumentSCCNodes;
    // Fill ArgumentSCCNodes with the elements of the ArgumentSCC.  Used for
    // quickly looking up whether a given Argument is in this ArgumentSCC.
    for (auto I = ArgumentSCC.begin(), E = ArgumentSCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {

    for (auto I = ArgumentSCC.begin(), E = ArgumentSCC.end();
         I != E && !SCCCaptured; ++I) {
      ArgumentGraphNode *N = *I;
      for (SmallVectorImpl<ArgumentGraphNode *>::iterator UI = N->Uses.begin(),
                                                          UE = N->Uses.end();
           UI != UE; ++UI) {
        Argument *A = (*UI)->Definition;
        if (A->hasNoCaptureAttr() || ArgumentSCCNodes.count(A))
        SCCCaptured = true;
    if (SCCCaptured)

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgumentSCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[i]->Definition;
      A->addAttr(AttributeSet::get(A->getContext(), A->getArgNo() + 1, B));
      Changed = true;

    // We also want to compute readonly/readnone. With a small number of false
    // negatives, we can assume that any pointer which is captured isn't going
    // to be provably readonly or readnone, since by definition we can't
    // analyze all uses of a captured pointer.
    // The false negatives happen when the pointer is captured by a function
    // that promises readonly/readnone behaviour on the pointer, then the
    // pointer's lifetime ends before anything that writes to arbitrary memory.
    // Also, a readonly/readnone pointer may be returned, but returning a
    // pointer is capturing it.

    Attribute::AttrKind ReadAttr = Attribute::ReadNone;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgumentSCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[i]->Definition;
      Attribute::AttrKind K = determinePointerReadAttrs(A, ArgumentSCCNodes);
      if (K == Attribute::ReadNone)
      if (K == Attribute::ReadOnly) {
        ReadAttr = Attribute::ReadOnly;
      ReadAttr = K;

    if (ReadAttr != Attribute::None) {
      AttrBuilder B, R;
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = ArgumentSCC.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        Argument *A = ArgumentSCC[i]->Definition;
        // Clear out existing readonly/readnone attributes
        A->removeAttr(AttributeSet::get(A->getContext(), A->getArgNo() + 1, R));
        A->addAttr(AttributeSet::get(A->getContext(), A->getArgNo() + 1, B));
        ReadAttr == Attribute::ReadOnly ? ++NumReadOnlyArg : ++NumReadNoneArg;
        Changed = true;

  return Changed;
static bool markAliveBlocks(BasicBlock *BB,
                            SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 128> &Reachable) {

  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 128> Worklist;
  bool Changed = false;
  do {
    BB = Worklist.pop_back_val();

    if (!Reachable.insert(BB))

    // Do a quick scan of the basic block, turning any obviously unreachable
    // instructions into LLVM unreachable insts.  The instruction combining pass
    // canonicalizes unreachable insts into stores to null or undef.
    for (BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); BBI != E;++BBI){
      if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(BBI)) {
        if (CI->doesNotReturn()) {
          // If we found a call to a no-return function, insert an unreachable
          // instruction after it.  Make sure there isn't *already* one there
          // though.
          if (!isa<UnreachableInst>(BBI)) {
            // Don't insert a call to llvm.trap right before the unreachable.
            changeToUnreachable(BBI, false);
            Changed = true;

      // Store to undef and store to null are undefined and used to signal that
      // they should be changed to unreachable by passes that can't modify the
      // CFG.
      if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(BBI)) {
        // Don't touch volatile stores.
        if (SI->isVolatile()) continue;

        Value *Ptr = SI->getOperand(1);

        if (isa<UndefValue>(Ptr) ||
            (isa<ConstantPointerNull>(Ptr) &&
             SI->getPointerAddressSpace() == 0)) {
          changeToUnreachable(SI, true);
          Changed = true;

    // Turn invokes that call 'nounwind' functions into ordinary calls.
    if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(BB->getTerminator())) {
      Value *Callee = II->getCalledValue();
      if (isa<ConstantPointerNull>(Callee) || isa<UndefValue>(Callee)) {
        changeToUnreachable(II, true);
        Changed = true;
      } else if (II->doesNotThrow()) {
        if (II->use_empty() && II->onlyReadsMemory()) {
          // jump to the normal destination branch.
          BranchInst::Create(II->getNormalDest(), II);
        } else
        Changed = true;

    Changed |= ConstantFoldTerminator(BB, true);
    for (succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(BB), SE = succ_end(BB); SI != SE; ++SI)
  } while (!Worklist.empty());
  return Changed;
/// findValueImpl - Implementation helper for findValue.
Value *Lint::findValueImpl(Value *V, bool OffsetOk,
                           SmallPtrSet<Value *, 4> &Visited) const {
  // Detect self-referential values.
  if (!Visited.insert(V))
    return UndefValue::get(V->getType());

  // TODO: Look through sext or zext cast, when the result is known to
  // be interpreted as signed or unsigned, respectively.
  // TODO: Look through eliminable cast pairs.
  // TODO: Look through calls with unique return values.
  // TODO: Look through vector insert/extract/shuffle.
  V = OffsetOk ? V->getUnderlyingObject() : V->stripPointerCasts();
  if (LoadInst *L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(V)) {
    BasicBlock::iterator BBI = L;
    BasicBlock *BB = L->getParent();
    SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 4> VisitedBlocks;
    for (;;) {
      if (!VisitedBlocks.insert(BB)) break;
      if (Value *U = FindAvailableLoadedValue(L->getPointerOperand(),
                                              BB, BBI, 6, AA))
        return findValueImpl(U, OffsetOk, Visited);
      if (BBI != BB->begin()) break;
      BB = BB->getUniquePredecessor();
      if (!BB) break;
      BBI = BB->end();
  } else if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(V)) {
    if (Value *W = PN->hasConstantValue())
      if (W != V)
        return findValueImpl(W, OffsetOk, Visited);
  } else if (CastInst *CI = dyn_cast<CastInst>(V)) {
    if (CI->isNoopCast(TD ? TD->getIntPtrType(V->getContext()) :
      return findValueImpl(CI->getOperand(0), OffsetOk, Visited);
  } else if (ExtractValueInst *Ex = dyn_cast<ExtractValueInst>(V)) {
    if (Value *W = FindInsertedValue(Ex->getAggregateOperand(),
      if (W != V)
        return findValueImpl(W, OffsetOk, Visited);
  } else if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(V)) {
    // Same as above, but for ConstantExpr instead of Instruction.
    if (Instruction::isCast(CE->getOpcode())) {
      if (CastInst::isNoopCast(Instruction::CastOps(CE->getOpcode()),
                               TD ? TD->getIntPtrType(V->getContext()) :
        return findValueImpl(CE->getOperand(0), OffsetOk, Visited);
    } else if (CE->getOpcode() == Instruction::ExtractValue) {
      const SmallVector<unsigned, 4> &Indices = CE->getIndices();
      if (Value *W = FindInsertedValue(CE->getOperand(0),
        if (W != V)
          return findValueImpl(W, OffsetOk, Visited);

  // As a last resort, try SimplifyInstruction or constant folding.
  if (Instruction *Inst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
    if (Value *W = SimplifyInstruction(Inst, TD, DT))
      return findValueImpl(W, OffsetOk, Visited);
  } else if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(V)) {
    if (Value *W = ConstantFoldConstantExpression(CE, TD))
      if (W != V)
        return findValueImpl(W, OffsetOk, Visited);

  return V;
/// CanMergeBlocks - Return true if we can merge BB into DestBB if there is a
/// single uncond branch between them, and BB contains no other non-phi
/// instructions.
bool CodeGenPrepare::CanMergeBlocks(const BasicBlock *BB,
                                    const BasicBlock *DestBB) const {
  // We only want to eliminate blocks whose phi nodes are used by phi nodes in
  // the successor.  If there are more complex condition (e.g. preheaders),
  // don't mess around with them.
  BasicBlock::const_iterator BBI = BB->begin();
  while (const PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BBI++)) {
    for (Value::const_use_iterator UI = PN->use_begin(), E = PN->use_end();
         UI != E; ++UI) {
      const Instruction *User = cast<Instruction>(*UI);
      if (User->getParent() != DestBB || !isa<PHINode>(User))
        return false;
      // If User is inside DestBB block and it is a PHINode then check
      // incoming value. If incoming value is not from BB then this is
      // a complex condition (e.g. preheaders) we want to avoid here.
      if (User->getParent() == DestBB) {
        if (const PHINode *UPN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(User))
          for (unsigned I = 0, E = UPN->getNumIncomingValues(); I != E; ++I) {
            Instruction *Insn = dyn_cast<Instruction>(UPN->getIncomingValue(I));
            if (Insn && Insn->getParent() == BB &&
                Insn->getParent() != UPN->getIncomingBlock(I))
              return false;

  // If BB and DestBB contain any common predecessors, then the phi nodes in BB
  // and DestBB may have conflicting incoming values for the block.  If so, we
  // can't merge the block.
  const PHINode *DestBBPN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(DestBB->begin());
  if (!DestBBPN) return true;  // no conflict.

  // Collect the preds of BB.
  SmallPtrSet<const BasicBlock*, 16> BBPreds;
  if (const PHINode *BBPN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BB->begin())) {
    // It is faster to get preds from a PHI than with pred_iterator.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = BBPN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
  } else {
    BBPreds.insert(pred_begin(BB), pred_end(BB));

  // Walk the preds of DestBB.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = DestBBPN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i) {
    BasicBlock *Pred = DestBBPN->getIncomingBlock(i);
    if (BBPreds.count(Pred)) {   // Common predecessor?
      BBI = DestBB->begin();
      while (const PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BBI++)) {
        const Value *V1 = PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(Pred);
        const Value *V2 = PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(BB);

        // If V2 is a phi node in BB, look up what the mapped value will be.
        if (const PHINode *V2PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(V2))
          if (V2PN->getParent() == BB)
            V2 = V2PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(Pred);

        // If there is a conflict, bail out.
        if (V1 != V2) return false;

  return true;
bool ReduceCrashingBlocks::TestBlocks(std::vector<const BasicBlock*> &BBs) {
  // Clone the program to try hacking it apart...
  ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
  Module *M = CloneModule(BD.getProgram(), VMap).release();

  // Convert list to set for fast lookup...
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 8> Blocks;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = BBs.size(); i != e; ++i)

  outs() << "Checking for crash with only these blocks:";
  unsigned NumPrint = Blocks.size();
  if (NumPrint > 10) NumPrint = 10;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumPrint; i != e; ++i)
    outs() << " " << BBs[i]->getName();
  if (NumPrint < Blocks.size())
    outs() << "... <" << Blocks.size() << " total>";
  outs() << ": ";

  // Loop over and delete any hack up any blocks that are not listed...
  for (Module::iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
    for (Function::iterator BB = I->begin(), E = I->end(); BB != E; ++BB)
      if (!Blocks.count(&*BB) && BB->getTerminator()->getNumSuccessors()) {
        // Loop over all of the successors of this block, deleting any PHI nodes
        // that might include it.
        for (succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(&*BB), E = succ_end(&*BB); SI != E;

        TerminatorInst *BBTerm = BB->getTerminator();
        if (BBTerm->isEHPad())
        if (!BBTerm->getType()->isVoidTy() && !BBTerm->getType()->isTokenTy())

        // Replace the old terminator instruction.
        new UnreachableInst(BB->getContext(), &*BB);

  // The CFG Simplifier pass may delete one of the basic blocks we are
  // interested in.  If it does we need to take the block out of the list.  Make
  // a "persistent mapping" by turning basic blocks into <function, name> pairs.
  // This won't work well if blocks are unnamed, but that is just the risk we
  // have to take.
  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > BlockInfo;

  for (BasicBlock *BB : Blocks)
    BlockInfo.emplace_back(BB->getParent()->getName(), BB->getName());

  // Now run the CFG simplify pass on the function...
  std::vector<std::string> Passes;
  std::unique_ptr<Module> New = BD.runPassesOn(M, Passes);
  delete M;
  if (!New) {
    errs() << "simplifycfg failed!\n";
  M = New.release();

  // Try running on the hacked up program...
  if (TestFn(BD, M)) {
    BD.setNewProgram(M);      // It crashed, keep the trimmed version...

    // Make sure to use basic block pointers that point into the now-current
    // module, and that they don't include any deleted blocks.
    const ValueSymbolTable &GST = M->getValueSymbolTable();
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = BlockInfo.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      Function *F = cast<Function>(GST.lookup(BlockInfo[i].first));
      ValueSymbolTable &ST = F->getValueSymbolTable();
      Value* V = ST.lookup(BlockInfo[i].second);
      if (V && V->getType() == Type::getLabelTy(V->getContext()))
    return true;
  delete M;  // It didn't crash, try something else.
  return false;
/// DupRetToEnableTailCallOpts - Look for opportunities to duplicate return
/// instructions to the predecessor to enable tail call optimizations. The
/// case it is currently looking for is:
/// bb0:
///   %tmp0 = tail call i32 @f0()
///   br label %return
/// bb1:
///   %tmp1 = tail call i32 @f1()
///   br label %return
/// bb2:
///   %tmp2 = tail call i32 @f2()
///   br label %return
/// return:
///   %retval = phi i32 [ %tmp0, %bb0 ], [ %tmp1, %bb1 ], [ %tmp2, %bb2 ]
///   ret i32 %retval
/// =>
/// bb0:
///   %tmp0 = tail call i32 @f0()
///   ret i32 %tmp0
/// bb1:
///   %tmp1 = tail call i32 @f1()
///   ret i32 %tmp1
/// bb2:
///   %tmp2 = tail call i32 @f2()
///   ret i32 %tmp2
bool CodeGenPrepare::DupRetToEnableTailCallOpts(ReturnInst *RI) {
  if (!TLI)
    return false;

  Value *V = RI->getReturnValue();
  PHINode *PN = V ? dyn_cast<PHINode>(V) : NULL;
  if (V && !PN)
    return false;

  BasicBlock *BB = RI->getParent();
  if (PN && PN->getParent() != BB)
    return false;

  // It's not safe to eliminate the sign / zero extension of the return value.
  // See llvm::isInTailCallPosition().
  const Function *F = BB->getParent();
  Attributes CallerRetAttr = F->getAttributes().getRetAttributes();
  if ((CallerRetAttr & Attribute::ZExt) || (CallerRetAttr & Attribute::SExt))
    return false;

  // Make sure there are no instructions between the PHI and return, or that the
  // return is the first instruction in the block.
  if (PN) {
    BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB->begin();
    do { ++BI; } while (isa<DbgInfoIntrinsic>(BI));
    if (&*BI != RI)
      return false;
  } else {
    BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB->begin();
    while (isa<DbgInfoIntrinsic>(BI)) ++BI;
    if (&*BI != RI)
      return false;

  /// Only dup the ReturnInst if the CallInst is likely to be emitted as a tail
  /// call.
  SmallVector<CallInst*, 4> TailCalls;
  if (PN) {
    for (unsigned I = 0, E = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); I != E; ++I) {
      CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(PN->getIncomingValue(I));
      // Make sure the phi value is indeed produced by the tail call.
      if (CI && CI->hasOneUse() && CI->getParent() == PN->getIncomingBlock(I) &&
  } else {
    SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 4> VisitedBBs;
    for (pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(BB), PE = pred_end(BB); PI != PE; ++PI) {
      if (!VisitedBBs.insert(*PI))

      BasicBlock::InstListType &InstList = (*PI)->getInstList();
      BasicBlock::InstListType::reverse_iterator RI = InstList.rbegin();
      BasicBlock::InstListType::reverse_iterator RE = InstList.rend();
      do { ++RI; } while (RI != RE && isa<DbgInfoIntrinsic>(&*RI));
      if (RI == RE)

      CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&*RI);
      if (CI && CI->use_empty() && TLI->mayBeEmittedAsTailCall(CI))

  bool Changed = false;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = TailCalls.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    CallInst *CI = TailCalls[i];
    CallSite CS(CI);

    // Conservatively require the attributes of the call to match those of the
    // return. Ignore noalias because it doesn't affect the call sequence.
    Attributes CalleeRetAttr = CS.getAttributes().getRetAttributes();
    if ((CalleeRetAttr ^ CallerRetAttr) & ~Attribute::NoAlias)

    // Make sure the call instruction is followed by an unconditional branch to
    // the return block.
    BasicBlock *CallBB = CI->getParent();
    BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(CallBB->getTerminator());
    if (!BI || !BI->isUnconditional() || BI->getSuccessor(0) != BB)

    // Duplicate the return into CallBB.
    (void)FoldReturnIntoUncondBranch(RI, BB, CallBB);
    ModifiedDT = Changed = true;

  // If we eliminated all predecessors of the block, delete the block now.
  if (Changed && pred_begin(BB) == pred_end(BB))

  return Changed;
/// ComputeLiveInBlocks - Determine which blocks the value is live in.  These
/// are blocks which lead to uses.  Knowing this allows us to avoid inserting
/// PHI nodes into blocks which don't lead to uses (thus, the inserted phi nodes
/// would be dead).
void PromoteMem2Reg::
ComputeLiveInBlocks(AllocaInst *AI, AllocaInfo &Info,
                    const SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 32> &DefBlocks,
                    SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 32> &LiveInBlocks) {

    // To determine liveness, we must iterate through the predecessors of blocks
    // where the def is live.  Blocks are added to the worklist if we need to
    // check their predecessors.  Start with all the using blocks.
    SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 64> LiveInBlockWorklist;
                               Info.UsingBlocks.begin(), Info.UsingBlocks.end());

    // If any of the using blocks is also a definition block, check to see if the
    // definition occurs before or after the use.  If it happens before the use,
    // the value isn't really live-in.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = LiveInBlockWorklist.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        BasicBlock *BB = LiveInBlockWorklist[i];
        if (!DefBlocks.count(BB)) continue;

        // Okay, this is a block that both uses and defines the value.  If the first
        // reference to the alloca is a def (store), then we know it isn't live-in.
        for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(); ; ++I) {
            if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I)) {
                if (SI->getOperand(1) != AI) continue;

                // We found a store to the alloca before a load.  The alloca is not
                // actually live-in here.
                LiveInBlockWorklist[i] = LiveInBlockWorklist.back();
                --i, --e;

            if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I)) {
                if (LI->getOperand(0) != AI) continue;

                // Okay, we found a load before a store to the alloca.  It is actually
                // live into this block.

    // Now that we have a set of blocks where the phi is live-in, recursively add
    // their predecessors until we find the full region the value is live.
    while (!LiveInBlockWorklist.empty()) {
        BasicBlock *BB = LiveInBlockWorklist.pop_back_val();

        // The block really is live in here, insert it into the set.  If already in
        // the set, then it has already been processed.
        if (!LiveInBlocks.insert(BB))

        // Since the value is live into BB, it is either defined in a predecessor or
        // live into it to.  Add the preds to the worklist unless they are a
        // defining block.
        for (pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(BB), E = pred_end(BB); PI != E; ++PI) {
            BasicBlock *P = *PI;

            // The value is not live into a predecessor if it defines the value.
            if (DefBlocks.count(P))

            // Otherwise it is, add to the worklist.
void TypeChecker::configureInterfaceType(AbstractFunctionDecl *func) {
  Type funcTy;
  Type initFuncTy;

  auto *sig = func->getGenericSignature();

  if (auto fn = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(func)) {
    funcTy = fn->getBodyResultTypeLoc().getType();
    if (!funcTy) {
      funcTy = TupleType::getEmpty(Context);
    } else {
      funcTy = getResultType(*this, fn, funcTy);

  } else if (auto ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(func)) {
    auto *dc = ctor->getDeclContext();

    funcTy = dc->getSelfInterfaceType();

    // Adjust result type for failability.
    if (ctor->getFailability() != OTK_None)
      funcTy = OptionalType::get(ctor->getFailability(), funcTy);

    initFuncTy = funcTy;
  } else {
    funcTy = TupleType::getEmpty(Context);

  auto paramLists = func->getParameterLists();
  SmallVector<ParameterList*, 4> storedParamLists;

  // FIXME: Destructors don't have the '()' pattern in their signature, so
  // paste it here.
  if (isa<DestructorDecl>(func)) {
    assert(paramLists.size() == 1 && "Only the self paramlist");
    paramLists = storedParamLists;

  bool hasSelf = func->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext();
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = paramLists.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Type argTy;
    Type initArgTy;

    Type selfTy;
    if (i == e-1 && hasSelf) {
      selfTy = func->computeInterfaceSelfType(/*isInitializingCtor=*/false);
      // Substitute in our own 'self' parameter.

      argTy = selfTy;
      if (initFuncTy) {
        initArgTy = func->computeInterfaceSelfType(/*isInitializingCtor=*/true);
    } else {
      argTy = paramLists[e - i - 1]->getInterfaceType(func->getDeclContext());

      if (initFuncTy)
        initArgTy = argTy;

    // 'throws' only applies to the innermost function.
    AnyFunctionType::ExtInfo info;
    if (i == 0 && func->hasThrows())
      info = info.withThrows();

    if (initFuncTy)

    if (sig && i == e-1) {
      funcTy = GenericFunctionType::get(sig, argTy, funcTy, info);
      if (initFuncTy)
        initFuncTy = GenericFunctionType::get(sig, initArgTy, initFuncTy, info);
    } else {
      funcTy = FunctionType::get(argTy, funcTy, info);
      if (initFuncTy)
        initFuncTy = FunctionType::get(initArgTy, initFuncTy, info);

  // Record the interface type.
  if (initFuncTy)

  if (func->getGenericParams()) {
    // Collect all generic params referenced in parameter types,
    // return type or requirements.
    SmallPtrSet<GenericTypeParamDecl *, 4> referencedGenericParams;

    auto visitorFn = [&referencedGenericParams](Type t) {
      if (auto *paramTy = t->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>())


    auto requirements = sig->getRequirements();
    for (auto req : requirements) {
      if (req.getKind() == RequirementKind::SameType) {
        // Same type requirements may allow for generic
        // inference, even if this generic parameter
        // is not mentioned in the function signature.
        // TODO: Make the test more precise.
        auto left = req.getFirstType();
        auto right = req.getSecondType();
        // For now consider any references inside requirements
        // as a possibility to infer the generic type.

    // Find the depth of the function's own generic parameters.
    unsigned fnGenericParamsDepth = func->getGenericParams()->getDepth();

    // Check that every generic parameter type from the signature is
    // among referencedArchetypes.
    for (auto *genParam : sig->getGenericParams()) {
      auto *paramDecl = genParam->getDecl();
      if (paramDecl->getDepth() != fnGenericParamsDepth)
      if (!referencedGenericParams.count(paramDecl)) {
        // Produce an error that this generic parameter cannot be bound.
        diagnose(paramDecl->getLoc(), diag::unreferenced_generic_parameter,
/// runOnLoop - Remove dead loops, by which we mean loops that do not impact the
/// observable behavior of the program other than finite running time.  Note
/// we do ensure that this never remove a loop that might be infinite, as doing
/// so could change the halting/non-halting nature of a program.
/// NOTE: This entire process relies pretty heavily on LoopSimplify and LCSSA
/// in order to make various safety checks work.
bool LoopDeletion::runOnLoop(Loop *L, LPPassManager &LPM) {
  // We can only remove the loop if there is a preheader that we can
  // branch from after removing it.
  BasicBlock *preheader = L->getLoopPreheader();
  if (!preheader)
    return false;

  // If LoopSimplify form is not available, stay out of trouble.
  if (!L->hasDedicatedExits())
    return false;

  // We can't remove loops that contain subloops.  If the subloops were dead,
  // they would already have been removed in earlier executions of this pass.
  if (L->begin() != L->end())
    return false;

  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 4> exitingBlocks;

  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 4> exitBlocks;

  // We require that the loop only have a single exit block.  Otherwise, we'd
  // be in the situation of needing to be able to solve statically which exit
  // block will be branched to, or trying to preserve the branching logic in
  // a loop invariant manner.
  if (exitBlocks.size() != 1)
    return false;

  // Finally, we have to check that the loop really is dead.
  bool Changed = false;
  if (!isLoopDead(L, exitingBlocks, exitBlocks, Changed, preheader))
    return Changed;

  // Don't remove loops for which we can't solve the trip count.
  // They could be infinite, in which case we'd be changing program behavior.
  ScalarEvolution &SE = getAnalysis<ScalarEvolution>();
  const SCEV *S = SE.getMaxBackedgeTakenCount(L);
  if (isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(S))
    return Changed;

  // Now that we know the removal is safe, remove the loop by changing the
  // branch from the preheader to go to the single exit block.
  BasicBlock *exitBlock = exitBlocks[0];

  // Because we're deleting a large chunk of code at once, the sequence in which
  // we remove things is very important to avoid invalidation issues.  Don't
  // mess with this unless you have good reason and know what you're doing.

  // Tell ScalarEvolution that the loop is deleted. Do this before
  // deleting the loop so that ScalarEvolution can look at the loop
  // to determine what it needs to clean up.

  // Connect the preheader directly to the exit block.
  TerminatorInst *TI = preheader->getTerminator();
  TI->replaceUsesOfWith(L->getHeader(), exitBlock);

  // Rewrite phis in the exit block to get their inputs from
  // the preheader instead of the exiting block.
  BasicBlock *exitingBlock = exitingBlocks[0];
  BasicBlock::iterator BI = exitBlock->begin();
  while (PHINode *P = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BI)) {
    int j = P->getBasicBlockIndex(exitingBlock);
    assert(j >= 0 && "Can't find exiting block in exit block's phi node!");
    P->setIncomingBlock(j, preheader);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < exitingBlocks.size(); ++i)

  // Update the dominator tree and remove the instructions and blocks that will
  // be deleted from the reference counting scheme.
  DominatorTree &DT = getAnalysis<DominatorTree>();
  SmallVector<DomTreeNode*, 8> ChildNodes;
  for (Loop::block_iterator LI = L->block_begin(), LE = L->block_end();
       LI != LE; ++LI) {
    // Move all of the block's children to be children of the preheader, which
    // allows us to remove the domtree entry for the block.
    ChildNodes.insert(ChildNodes.begin(), DT[*LI]->begin(), DT[*LI]->end());
    for (SmallVector<DomTreeNode*, 8>::iterator DI = ChildNodes.begin(),
         DE = ChildNodes.end(); DI != DE; ++DI) {
      DT.changeImmediateDominator(*DI, DT[preheader]);


    // Remove the block from the reference counting scheme, so that we can
    // delete it freely later.

  // Erase the instructions and the blocks without having to worry
  // about ordering because we already dropped the references.
  // NOTE: This iteration is safe because erasing the block does not remove its
  // entry from the loop's block list.  We do that in the next section.
  for (Loop::block_iterator LI = L->block_begin(), LE = L->block_end();
       LI != LE; ++LI)

  // Finally, the blocks from loopinfo.  This has to happen late because
  // otherwise our loop iterators won't work.
  LoopInfo &loopInfo = getAnalysis<LoopInfo>();
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 8> blocks;
  blocks.insert(L->block_begin(), L->block_end());
  for (SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*,8>::iterator I = blocks.begin(),
       E = blocks.end(); I != E; ++I)

  // The last step is to inform the loop pass manager that we've
  // eliminated this loop.
  Changed = true;


  return Changed;
文件: Inliner.cpp 项目: jckarter/llvm
bool Inliner::runOnSCC(CallGraphSCC &SCC) {
  CallGraph &CG = getAnalysis<CallGraph>();
  const TargetData *TD = getAnalysisIfAvailable<TargetData>();

  SmallPtrSet<Function*, 8> SCCFunctions;
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Inliner visiting SCC:");
  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();
    if (F) SCCFunctions.insert(F);
    DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << (F ? F->getName() : "INDIRECTNODE"));

  // Scan through and identify all call sites ahead of time so that we only
  // inline call sites in the original functions, not call sites that result
  // from inlining other functions.
  SmallVector<std::pair<CallSite, int>, 16> CallSites;
  // When inlining a callee produces new call sites, we want to keep track of
  // the fact that they were inlined from the callee.  This allows us to avoid
  // infinite inlining in some obscure cases.  To represent this, we use an
  // index into the InlineHistory vector.
  SmallVector<std::pair<Function*, int>, 8> InlineHistory;

  for (CallGraphSCC::iterator I = SCC.begin(), E = SCC.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    Function *F = (*I)->getFunction();
    if (!F) continue;
    for (Function::iterator BB = F->begin(), E = F->end(); BB != E; ++BB)
      for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I) {
        CallSite CS(cast<Value>(I));
        // If this isn't a call, or it is a call to an intrinsic, it can
        // never be inlined.
        if (!CS || isa<IntrinsicInst>(I))
        // If this is a direct call to an external function, we can never inline
        // it.  If it is an indirect call, inlining may resolve it to be a
        // direct call, so we keep it.
        if (CS.getCalledFunction() && CS.getCalledFunction()->isDeclaration())
        CallSites.push_back(std::make_pair(CS, -1));

  DEBUG(dbgs() << ": " << CallSites.size() << " call sites.\n");

  // If there are no calls in this function, exit early.
  if (CallSites.empty())
    return false;
  // Now that we have all of the call sites, move the ones to functions in the
  // current SCC to the end of the list.
  unsigned FirstCallInSCC = CallSites.size();
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < FirstCallInSCC; ++i)
    if (Function *F = CallSites[i].first.getCalledFunction())
      if (SCCFunctions.count(F))
        std::swap(CallSites[i--], CallSites[--FirstCallInSCC]);

  InlinedArrayAllocasTy InlinedArrayAllocas;
  InlineFunctionInfo InlineInfo(&CG, TD);
  // Now that we have all of the call sites, loop over them and inline them if
  // it looks profitable to do so.
  bool Changed = false;
  bool LocalChange;
  do {
    LocalChange = false;
    // Iterate over the outer loop because inlining functions can cause indirect
    // calls to become direct calls.
    for (unsigned CSi = 0; CSi != CallSites.size(); ++CSi) {
      CallSite CS = CallSites[CSi].first;
      Function *Caller = CS.getCaller();
      Function *Callee = CS.getCalledFunction();

      // If this call site is dead and it is to a readonly function, we should
      // just delete the call instead of trying to inline it, regardless of
      // size.  This happens because IPSCCP propagates the result out of the
      // call and then we're left with the dead call.
      if (isInstructionTriviallyDead(CS.getInstruction())) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "    -> Deleting dead call: "
                     << *CS.getInstruction() << "\n");
        // Update the call graph by deleting the edge from Callee to Caller.
      } else {
        // We can only inline direct calls to non-declarations.
        if (Callee == 0 || Callee->isDeclaration()) continue;
        // If this call site was obtained by inlining another function, verify
        // that the include path for the function did not include the callee
        // itself.  If so, we'd be recursively inlining the same function,
        // which would provide the same callsites, which would cause us to
        // infinitely inline.
        int InlineHistoryID = CallSites[CSi].second;
        if (InlineHistoryID != -1 &&
            InlineHistoryIncludes(Callee, InlineHistoryID, InlineHistory))
        // If the policy determines that we should inline this function,
        // try to do so.
        if (!shouldInline(CS))

        // Attempt to inline the function.
        if (!InlineCallIfPossible(CS, InlineInfo, InlinedArrayAllocas,
                                  InlineHistoryID, InsertLifetime))
        // If inlining this function gave us any new call sites, throw them
        // onto our worklist to process.  They are useful inline candidates.
        if (!InlineInfo.InlinedCalls.empty()) {
          // Create a new inline history entry for this, so that we remember
          // that these new callsites came about due to inlining Callee.
          int NewHistoryID = InlineHistory.size();
          InlineHistory.push_back(std::make_pair(Callee, InlineHistoryID));

          for (unsigned i = 0, e = InlineInfo.InlinedCalls.size();
               i != e; ++i) {
            Value *Ptr = InlineInfo.InlinedCalls[i];
            CallSites.push_back(std::make_pair(CallSite(Ptr), NewHistoryID));
      // If we inlined or deleted the last possible call site to the function,
      // delete the function body now.
      if (Callee && Callee->use_empty() && Callee->hasLocalLinkage() &&
          // TODO: Can remove if in SCC now.
          !SCCFunctions.count(Callee) &&
          // The function may be apparently dead, but if there are indirect
          // callgraph references to the node, we cannot delete it yet, this
          // could invalidate the CGSCC iterator.
          CG[Callee]->getNumReferences() == 0) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "    -> Deleting dead function: "
              << Callee->getName() << "\n");
        CallGraphNode *CalleeNode = CG[Callee];
        // Remove any call graph edges from the callee to its callees.
        // Removing the node for callee from the call graph and delete it.
        delete CG.removeFunctionFromModule(CalleeNode);

      // Remove this call site from the list.  If possible, use 
      // swap/pop_back for efficiency, but do not use it if doing so would
      // move a call site to a function in this SCC before the
      // 'FirstCallInSCC' barrier.
      if (SCC.isSingular()) {
        CallSites[CSi] = CallSites.back();
      } else {

      Changed = true;
      LocalChange = true;
  } while (LocalChange);

  return Changed;
// If we can determine that all possible objects pointed to by the provided
// pointer value are, not only dereferenceable, but also definitively less than
// or equal to the provided maximum size, then return true. Otherwise, return
// false (constant global values and allocas fall into this category).
// FIXME: This should probably live in ValueTracking (or similar).
static bool isObjectSizeLessThanOrEq(Value *V, uint64_t MaxSize,
                                     const DataLayout &DL) {
  SmallPtrSet<Value *, 4> Visited;
  SmallVector<Value *, 4> Worklist(1, V);

  do {
    Value *P = Worklist.pop_back_val();
    P = P->stripPointerCasts();

    if (!Visited.insert(P).second)

    if (SelectInst *SI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(P)) {

    if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(P)) {
      for (Value *IncValue : PN->incoming_values())

    if (GlobalAlias *GA = dyn_cast<GlobalAlias>(P)) {
      if (GA->mayBeOverridden())
        return false;

    // If we know how big this object is, and it is less than MaxSize, continue
    // searching. Otherwise, return false.
    if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(P)) {
      if (!AI->getAllocatedType()->isSized())
        return false;

      ConstantInt *CS = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(AI->getArraySize());
      if (!CS)
        return false;

      uint64_t TypeSize = DL.getTypeAllocSize(AI->getAllocatedType());
      // Make sure that, even if the multiplication below would wrap as an
      // uint64_t, we still do the right thing.
      if ((CS->getValue().zextOrSelf(128)*APInt(128, TypeSize)).ugt(MaxSize))
        return false;

    if (GlobalVariable *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(P)) {
      if (!GV->hasDefinitiveInitializer() || !GV->isConstant())
        return false;

      uint64_t InitSize = DL.getTypeAllocSize(GV->getValueType());
      if (InitSize > MaxSize)
        return false;

    return false;
  } while (!Worklist.empty());

  return true;
文件: BDCE.cpp 项目: zaxbbun/llvm
bool BDCE::runOnFunction(Function& F) {
  if (skipOptnoneFunction(F))
    return false;

  AC = &getAnalysis<AssumptionCacheTracker>().getAssumptionCache(F);
  DT = &getAnalysis<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>().getDomTree();

  DenseMap<Instruction *, APInt> AliveBits;
  SmallVector<Instruction*, 128> Worklist;

  // The set of visited instructions (non-integer-typed only).
  SmallPtrSet<Instruction*, 128> Visited;

  // Collect the set of "root" instructions that are known live.
  for (Instruction &I : inst_range(F)) {
    if (!isAlwaysLive(&I))

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "BDCE: Root: " << I << "\n");
    // For integer-valued instructions, set up an initial empty set of alive
    // bits and add the instruction to the work list. For other instructions
    // add their operands to the work list (for integer values operands, mark
    // all bits as live).
    if (IntegerType *IT = dyn_cast<IntegerType>(I.getType())) {
      if (!AliveBits.count(&I)) {
        AliveBits[&I] = APInt(IT->getBitWidth(), 0);


    // Non-integer-typed instructions...
    for (Use &OI : I.operands()) {
      if (Instruction *J = dyn_cast<Instruction>(OI)) {
        if (IntegerType *IT = dyn_cast<IntegerType>(J->getType()))
          AliveBits[J] = APInt::getAllOnesValue(IT->getBitWidth());
    // To save memory, we don't add I to the Visited set here. Instead, we
    // check isAlwaysLive on every instruction when searching for dead
    // instructions later (we need to check isAlwaysLive for the
    // integer-typed instructions anyway).

  // Propagate liveness backwards to operands.
  while (!Worklist.empty()) {
    Instruction *UserI = Worklist.pop_back_val();

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "BDCE: Visiting: " << *UserI);
    APInt AOut;
    if (UserI->getType()->isIntegerTy()) {
      AOut = AliveBits[UserI];
      DEBUG(dbgs() << " Alive Out: " << AOut);
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n");

    if (!UserI->getType()->isIntegerTy())

    APInt KnownZero, KnownOne, KnownZero2, KnownOne2;
    // Compute the set of alive bits for each operand. These are anded into the
    // existing set, if any, and if that changes the set of alive bits, the
    // operand is added to the work-list.
    for (Use &OI : UserI->operands()) {
      if (Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(OI)) {
        if (IntegerType *IT = dyn_cast<IntegerType>(I->getType())) {
          unsigned BitWidth = IT->getBitWidth();
          APInt AB = APInt::getAllOnesValue(BitWidth);
          if (UserI->getType()->isIntegerTy() && !AOut &&
              !isAlwaysLive(UserI)) {
            AB = APInt(BitWidth, 0);
          } else {
            // If all bits of the output are dead, then all bits of the input 
            // Bits of each operand that are used to compute alive bits of the
            // output are alive, all others are dead.
            determineLiveOperandBits(UserI, I, OI.getOperandNo(), AOut, AB,
                                     KnownZero, KnownOne,
                                     KnownZero2, KnownOne2);

          // If we've added to the set of alive bits (or the operand has not
          // been previously visited), then re-queue the operand to be visited
          // again.
          APInt ABPrev(BitWidth, 0);
          auto ABI = AliveBits.find(I);
          if (ABI != AliveBits.end())
            ABPrev = ABI->second;

          APInt ABNew = AB | ABPrev;
          if (ABNew != ABPrev || ABI == AliveBits.end()) {
            AliveBits[I] = std::move(ABNew);
        } else if (!Visited.count(I)) {

  bool Changed = false;
  // The inverse of the live set is the dead set.  These are those instructions
  // which have no side effects and do not influence the control flow or return
  // value of the function, and may therefore be deleted safely.
  // NOTE: We reuse the Worklist vector here for memory efficiency.
  for (Instruction &I : inst_range(F)) {
    // For live instructions that have all dead bits, first make them dead by
    // replacing all uses with something else. Then, if they don't need to
    // remain live (because they have side effects, etc.) we can remove them.
    if (I.getType()->isIntegerTy()) {
      auto ABI = AliveBits.find(&I);
      if (ABI != AliveBits.end()) {
        if (ABI->second.getBoolValue())

        DEBUG(dbgs() << "BDCE: Trivializing: " << I << " (all bits dead)\n");
        // FIXME: In theory we could substitute undef here instead of zero.
        // This should be reconsidered once we settle on the semantics of
        // undef, poison, etc.
        Value *Zero = ConstantInt::get(I.getType(), 0);
        Changed = true;
    } else if (Visited.count(&I)) {

    if (isAlwaysLive(&I))

    Changed = true;

  for (Instruction *&I : Worklist) {

  return Changed;
/// HandleURoRInvokes - Handle invokes of "_Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow" calls. The
/// "unwind" part of these invokes jump to a landing pad within the current
/// function. This is a candidate to merge the selector associated with the URoR
/// invoke with the one from the URoR's landing pad.
bool DwarfEHPrepare::HandleURoRInvokes() {
  if (!EHCatchAllValue) {
    EHCatchAllValue =
    if (!EHCatchAllValue) return false;

  if (!SelectorIntrinsic) {
    SelectorIntrinsic =
      Intrinsic::getDeclaration(F->getParent(), Intrinsic::eh_selector);
    if (!SelectorIntrinsic) return false;

  SmallPtrSet<IntrinsicInst*, 32> Sels;
  SmallPtrSet<IntrinsicInst*, 32> CatchAllSels;
  FindAllCleanupSelectors(Sels, CatchAllSels);

  if (!DT)
    // We require DominatorTree information.
    return CleanupSelectors(CatchAllSels);

  if (!URoR) {
    URoR = F->getParent()->getFunction("_Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow");
    if (!URoR) return CleanupSelectors(CatchAllSels);

  SmallPtrSet<InvokeInst*, 32> URoRInvokes;

  SmallPtrSet<IntrinsicInst*, 32> SelsToConvert;

  for (SmallPtrSet<IntrinsicInst*, 32>::iterator
         SI = Sels.begin(), SE = Sels.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
    const BasicBlock *SelBB = (*SI)->getParent();
    for (SmallPtrSet<InvokeInst*, 32>::iterator
           UI = URoRInvokes.begin(), UE = URoRInvokes.end(); UI != UE; ++UI) {
      const BasicBlock *URoRBB = (*UI)->getParent();
      if (DT->dominates(SelBB, URoRBB)) {

  bool Changed = false;

  if (Sels.size() != SelsToConvert.size()) {
    // If we haven't been able to convert all of the clean-up selectors, then
    // loop through the slow way to see if they still need to be converted.
    if (!ExceptionValueIntrinsic) {
      ExceptionValueIntrinsic =
        Intrinsic::getDeclaration(F->getParent(), Intrinsic::eh_exception);
      if (!ExceptionValueIntrinsic)
        return CleanupSelectors(CatchAllSels);

    for (Value::use_iterator
           I = ExceptionValueIntrinsic->use_begin(),
           E = ExceptionValueIntrinsic->use_end(); I != E; ++I) {
      IntrinsicInst *EHPtr = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(*I);
      if (!EHPtr || EHPtr->getParent()->getParent() != F) continue;

      Changed |= PromoteEHPtrStore(EHPtr);

      bool URoRInvoke = false;
      SmallPtrSet<IntrinsicInst*, 8> SelCalls;
      Changed |= FindSelectorAndURoR(EHPtr, URoRInvoke, SelCalls);

      if (URoRInvoke) {
        // This EH pointer is being used by an invoke of an URoR instruction and
        // an eh.selector intrinsic call. If the eh.selector is a 'clean-up', we
        // need to convert it to a 'catch-all'.
        for (SmallPtrSet<IntrinsicInst*, 8>::iterator
               SI = SelCalls.begin(), SE = SelCalls.end(); SI != SE; ++SI)
          if (!HasCatchAllInSelector(*SI))

  if (!SelsToConvert.empty()) {
    // Convert all clean-up eh.selectors, which are associated with "invokes" of
    // URoR calls, into catch-all eh.selectors.
    Changed = true;

    for (SmallPtrSet<IntrinsicInst*, 8>::iterator
           SI = SelsToConvert.begin(), SE = SelsToConvert.end();
         SI != SE; ++SI) {
      IntrinsicInst *II = *SI;

      // Use the exception object pointer and the personality function
      // from the original selector.
      CallSite CS(II);
      IntrinsicInst::op_iterator I = CS.arg_begin();
      IntrinsicInst::op_iterator E = CS.arg_end();
      IntrinsicInst::op_iterator B = prior(E);

      // Exclude last argument if it is an integer.
      if (isa<ConstantInt>(B)) E = B;

      // Add exception object pointer (front).
      // Add personality function (next).
      // Add in any filter IDs (rest).
      SmallVector<Value*, 8> Args(I, E);

      Args.push_back(EHCatchAllValue->getInitializer()); // Catch-all indicator.

      CallInst *NewSelector =
        CallInst::Create(SelectorIntrinsic, Args.begin(), Args.end(),
                         "eh.sel.catch.all", II);



  Changed |= CleanupSelectors(CatchAllSels);
  return Changed;
// Look up multiple symbols in the symbol table and return a set of
// Modules that define those symbols.
Archive::findModulesDefiningSymbols(std::set<std::string>& symbols,
                                    SmallVectorImpl<Module*>& result,
                                    std::string* error) {
  if (!mapfile || !base) {
    if (error)
      *error = "Empty archive invalid for finding modules defining symbols";
    return false;

  if (symTab.empty()) {
    // We don't have a symbol table, so we must build it now but lets also
    // make sure that we populate the modules table as we do this to ensure
    // that we don't load them twice when findModuleDefiningSymbol is called
    // below.

    // Get a pointer to the first file
    const char* At  = base + firstFileOffset;
    const char* End = mapfile->getBufferEnd();

    while ( At < End) {
      // Compute the offset to be put in the symbol table
      unsigned offset = At - base - firstFileOffset;

      // Parse the file's header
      ArchiveMember* mbr = parseMemberHeader(At, End, error);
      if (!mbr)
        return false;

      // If it contains symbols
      if (mbr->isBitcode()) {
        // Get the symbols
        std::vector<std::string> symbols;
        std::string FullMemberName = archPath.str() + "(" +
          mbr->getPath().str() + ")";
        Module* M = 
          GetBitcodeSymbols(At, mbr->getSize(), FullMemberName, Context,
                            symbols, error);

        if (M) {
          // Insert the module's symbols into the symbol table
          for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator I = symbols.begin(),
               E=symbols.end(); I != E; ++I ) {
            symTab.insert(std::make_pair(*I, offset));
          // Insert the Module and the ArchiveMember into the table of
          // modules.
          modules.insert(std::make_pair(offset, std::make_pair(M, mbr)));
        } else {
          if (error)
            *error = "Can't parse bitcode member: " + 
              mbr->getPath().str() + ": " + *error;
          delete mbr;
          return false;

      // Go to the next file location
      At += mbr->getSize();
      if ((intptr_t(At) & 1) == 1)

  // At this point we have a valid symbol table (one way or another) so we
  // just use it to quickly find the symbols requested.

  SmallPtrSet<Module*, 16> Added;
  for (std::set<std::string>::iterator I=symbols.begin(),
         Next = I,
         E=symbols.end(); I != E; I = Next) {
    // Increment Next before we invalidate it.

    // See if this symbol exists
    Module* m = findModuleDefiningSymbol(*I,error);
    if (!m)
    bool NewMember = Added.insert(m);
    if (!NewMember)

    // The symbol exists, insert the Module into our result.

    // Remove the symbol now that its been resolved.
  return true;
/// HandlePHINodesInSuccessorBlocks - Handle PHI nodes in successor blocks.
/// Emit code to ensure constants are copied into registers when needed.
/// Remember the virtual registers that need to be added to the Machine PHI
/// nodes as input.  We cannot just directly add them, because expansion
/// might result in multiple MBB's for one BB.  As such, the start of the
/// BB might correspond to a different MBB than the end.
bool FastISel::HandlePHINodesInSuccessorBlocks(const BasicBlock *LLVMBB) {
  const TerminatorInst *TI = LLVMBB->getTerminator();

  SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock *, 4> SuccsHandled;
  unsigned OrigNumPHINodesToUpdate = FuncInfo.PHINodesToUpdate.size();

  // Check successor nodes' PHI nodes that expect a constant to be available
  // from this block.
  for (unsigned succ = 0, e = TI->getNumSuccessors(); succ != e; ++succ) {
    const BasicBlock *SuccBB = TI->getSuccessor(succ);
    if (!isa<PHINode>(SuccBB->begin())) continue;
    MachineBasicBlock *SuccMBB = FuncInfo.MBBMap[SuccBB];

    // If this terminator has multiple identical successors (common for
    // switches), only handle each succ once.
    if (!SuccsHandled.insert(SuccMBB)) continue;

    MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = SuccMBB->begin();

    // At this point we know that there is a 1-1 correspondence between LLVM PHI
    // nodes and Machine PHI nodes, but the incoming operands have not been
    // emitted yet.
    for (BasicBlock::const_iterator I = SuccBB->begin();
         const PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I); ++I) {

      // Ignore dead phi's.
      if (PN->use_empty()) continue;

      // Only handle legal types. Two interesting things to note here. First,
      // by bailing out early, we may leave behind some dead instructions,
      // since SelectionDAG's HandlePHINodesInSuccessorBlocks will insert its
      // own moves. Second, this check is necessary because FastISel doesn't
      // use CreateRegs to create registers, so it always creates
      // exactly one register for each non-void instruction.
      EVT VT = TLI.getValueType(PN->getType(), /*AllowUnknown=*/true);
      if (VT == MVT::Other || !TLI.isTypeLegal(VT)) {
        // Promote MVT::i1.
        if (VT == MVT::i1)
          VT = TLI.getTypeToTransformTo(LLVMBB->getContext(), VT);
        else {
          return false;

      const Value *PHIOp = PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(LLVMBB);

      // Set the DebugLoc for the copy. Prefer the location of the operand
      // if there is one; use the location of the PHI otherwise.
      DL = PN->getDebugLoc();
      if (const Instruction *Inst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(PHIOp))
        DL = Inst->getDebugLoc();

      unsigned Reg = getRegForValue(PHIOp);
      if (Reg == 0) {
        return false;
      FuncInfo.PHINodesToUpdate.push_back(std::make_pair(MBBI++, Reg));
      DL = DebugLoc();

  return true;
MachineVerifier::visitMachineBasicBlockBefore(const MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
  FirstTerminator = 0;

  if (MRI->isSSA()) {
    // If this block has allocatable physical registers live-in, check that
    // it is an entry block or landing pad.
    for (MachineBasicBlock::livein_iterator LI = MBB->livein_begin(),
           LE = MBB->livein_end();
         LI != LE; ++LI) {
      unsigned reg = *LI;
      if (isAllocatable(reg) && !MBB->isLandingPad() &&
          MBB != MBB->getParent()->begin()) {
        report("MBB has allocable live-in, but isn't entry or landing-pad.", MBB);

  // Count the number of landing pad successors.
  SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock*, 4> LandingPadSuccs;
  for (MachineBasicBlock::const_succ_iterator I = MBB->succ_begin(),
       E = MBB->succ_end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if ((*I)->isLandingPad())

  const MCAsmInfo *AsmInfo = TM->getMCAsmInfo();
  const BasicBlock *BB = MBB->getBasicBlock();
  if (LandingPadSuccs.size() > 1 &&
      !(AsmInfo &&
        AsmInfo->getExceptionHandlingType() == ExceptionHandling::SjLj &&
        BB && isa<SwitchInst>(BB->getTerminator())))
    report("MBB has more than one landing pad successor", MBB);

  // Call AnalyzeBranch. If it succeeds, there several more conditions to check.
  MachineBasicBlock *TBB = 0, *FBB = 0;
  SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> Cond;
  if (!TII->AnalyzeBranch(*const_cast<MachineBasicBlock *>(MBB),
                          TBB, FBB, Cond)) {
    // Ok, AnalyzeBranch thinks it knows what's going on with this block. Let's
    // check whether its answers match up with reality.
    if (!TBB && !FBB) {
      // Block falls through to its successor.
      MachineFunction::const_iterator MBBI = MBB;
      if (MBBI == MF->end()) {
        // It's possible that the block legitimately ends with a noreturn
        // call or an unreachable, in which case it won't actually fall
        // out the bottom of the function.
      } else if (MBB->succ_size() == LandingPadSuccs.size()) {
        // It's possible that the block legitimately ends with a noreturn
        // call or an unreachable, in which case it won't actuall fall
        // out of the block.
      } else if (MBB->succ_size() != 1+LandingPadSuccs.size()) {
        report("MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but doesn't have "
               "exactly one CFG successor!", MBB);
      } else if (!MBB->isSuccessor(MBBI)) {
        report("MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but its successor "
               "differs from its CFG successor!", MBB);
      if (!MBB->empty() && MBB->back().isBarrier() &&
          !TII->isPredicated(&MBB->back())) {
        report("MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but ends with a "
               "barrier instruction!", MBB);
      if (!Cond.empty()) {
        report("MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but has a condition!",
    } else if (TBB && !FBB && Cond.empty()) {
      // Block unconditionally branches somewhere.
      if (MBB->succ_size() != 1+LandingPadSuccs.size()) {
        report("MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't have "
               "exactly one CFG successor!", MBB);
      } else if (!MBB->isSuccessor(TBB)) {
        report("MBB exits via unconditional branch but the CFG "
               "successor doesn't match the actual successor!", MBB);
      if (MBB->empty()) {
        report("MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't contain "
               "any instructions!", MBB);
      } else if (!MBB->back().isBarrier()) {
        report("MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't end with a "
               "barrier instruction!", MBB);
      } else if (!MBB->back().isTerminator()) {
        report("MBB exits via unconditional branch but the branch isn't a "
               "terminator instruction!", MBB);
    } else if (TBB && !FBB && !Cond.empty()) {
      // Block conditionally branches somewhere, otherwise falls through.
      MachineFunction::const_iterator MBBI = MBB;
      if (MBBI == MF->end()) {
        report("MBB conditionally falls through out of function!", MBB);
      } if (MBB->succ_size() != 2) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but doesn't have "
               "exactly two CFG successors!", MBB);
      } else if (!matchPair(MBB->succ_begin(), TBB, MBBI)) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the CFG "
               "successors don't match the actual successors!", MBB);
      if (MBB->empty()) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but doesn't "
               "contain any instructions!", MBB);
      } else if (MBB->back().isBarrier()) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but ends with a "
               "barrier instruction!", MBB);
      } else if (!MBB->back().isTerminator()) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the branch "
               "isn't a terminator instruction!", MBB);
    } else if (TBB && FBB) {
      // Block conditionally branches somewhere, otherwise branches
      // somewhere else.
      if (MBB->succ_size() != 2) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't have "
               "exactly two CFG successors!", MBB);
      } else if (!matchPair(MBB->succ_begin(), TBB, FBB)) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but the CFG "
               "successors don't match the actual successors!", MBB);
      if (MBB->empty()) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't "
               "contain any instructions!", MBB);
      } else if (!MBB->back().isBarrier()) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't end with a "
               "barrier instruction!", MBB);
      } else if (!MBB->back().isTerminator()) {
        report("MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but the branch "
               "isn't a terminator instruction!", MBB);
      if (Cond.empty()) {
        report("MBB exits via conditinal branch/branch but there's no "
               "condition!", MBB);
    } else {
      report("AnalyzeBranch returned invalid data!", MBB);

  for (MachineBasicBlock::livein_iterator I = MBB->livein_begin(),
         E = MBB->livein_end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(*I)) {
      report("MBB live-in list contains non-physical register", MBB);
    for (const uint16_t *R = TRI->getSubRegisters(*I); *R; R++)
  regsLiveInButUnused = regsLive;

  const MachineFrameInfo *MFI = MF->getFrameInfo();
  assert(MFI && "Function has no frame info");
  BitVector PR = MFI->getPristineRegs(MBB);
  for (int I = PR.find_first(); I>0; I = PR.find_next(I)) {
    for (const uint16_t *R = TRI->getSubRegisters(I); *R; R++)


  if (Indexes)
    lastIndex = Indexes->getMBBStartIdx(MBB);
/// lowerAcrossUnwindEdges - Find all variables which are alive across an unwind
/// edge and spill them.
void SjLjEHPrepare::lowerAcrossUnwindEdges(Function &F,
                                           ArrayRef<InvokeInst *> Invokes) {
  // Finally, scan the code looking for instructions with bad live ranges.
  for (BasicBlock &BB : F) {
    for (Instruction &Inst : BB) {
      // Ignore obvious cases we don't have to handle. In particular, most
      // instructions either have no uses or only have a single use inside the
      // current block. Ignore them quickly.
      if (Inst.use_empty())
      if (Inst.hasOneUse() &&
          cast<Instruction>(Inst.user_back())->getParent() == &BB &&

      // If this is an alloca in the entry block, it's not a real register
      // value.
      if (auto *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(&Inst))
        if (AI->isStaticAlloca())

      // Avoid iterator invalidation by copying users to a temporary vector.
      SmallVector<Instruction *, 16> Users;
      for (User *U : Inst.users()) {
        Instruction *UI = cast<Instruction>(U);
        if (UI->getParent() != &BB || isa<PHINode>(UI))

      // Find all of the blocks that this value is live in.
      SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 32> LiveBBs;
      while (!Users.empty()) {
        Instruction *U = Users.pop_back_val();

        if (!isa<PHINode>(U)) {
          MarkBlocksLiveIn(U->getParent(), LiveBBs);
        } else {
          // Uses for a PHI node occur in their predecessor block.
          PHINode *PN = cast<PHINode>(U);
          for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
            if (PN->getIncomingValue(i) == &Inst)
              MarkBlocksLiveIn(PN->getIncomingBlock(i), LiveBBs);

      // Now that we know all of the blocks that this thing is live in, see if
      // it includes any of the unwind locations.
      bool NeedsSpill = false;
      for (InvokeInst *Invoke : Invokes) {
        BasicBlock *UnwindBlock = Invoke->getUnwindDest();
        if (UnwindBlock != &BB && LiveBBs.count(UnwindBlock)) {
          LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "SJLJ Spill: " << Inst << " around "
                            << UnwindBlock->getName() << "\n");
          NeedsSpill = true;

      // If we decided we need a spill, do it.
      // FIXME: Spilling this way is overkill, as it forces all uses of
      // the value to be reloaded from the stack slot, even those that aren't
      // in the unwind blocks. We should be more selective.
      if (NeedsSpill) {
        DemoteRegToStack(Inst, true);

  // Go through the landing pads and remove any PHIs there.
  for (InvokeInst *Invoke : Invokes) {
    BasicBlock *UnwindBlock = Invoke->getUnwindDest();
    LandingPadInst *LPI = UnwindBlock->getLandingPadInst();

    // Place PHIs into a set to avoid invalidating the iterator.
    SmallPtrSet<PHINode *, 8> PHIsToDemote;
    for (BasicBlock::iterator PN = UnwindBlock->begin(); isa<PHINode>(PN); ++PN)
    if (PHIsToDemote.empty())

    // Demote the PHIs to the stack.
    for (PHINode *PN : PHIsToDemote)

    // Move the landingpad instruction back to the top of the landing pad block.
/// \brief Recursively traverse the CFG of the function, renaming loads and
/// stores to the allocas which we are promoting.
/// IncomingVals indicates what value each Alloca contains on exit from the
/// predecessor block Pred.
void PromoteMem2Reg::RenamePass(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *Pred,
                                RenamePassData::ValVector &IncomingVals,
                                std::vector<RenamePassData> &Worklist) {
  // If we are inserting any phi nodes into this BB, they will already be in the
  // block.
  if (PHINode *APN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BB->begin())) {
    // If we have PHI nodes to update, compute the number of edges from Pred to
    // BB.
    if (PhiToAllocaMap.count(APN)) {
      // We want to be able to distinguish between PHI nodes being inserted by
      // this invocation of mem2reg from those phi nodes that already existed in
      // the IR before mem2reg was run.  We determine that APN is being inserted
      // because it is missing incoming edges.  All other PHI nodes being
      // inserted by this pass of mem2reg will have the same number of incoming
      // operands so far.  Remember this count.
      unsigned NewPHINumOperands = APN->getNumOperands();

      unsigned NumEdges = std::count(succ_begin(Pred), succ_end(Pred), BB);
      assert(NumEdges && "Must be at least one edge from Pred to BB!");

      // Add entries for all the phis.
      BasicBlock::iterator PNI = BB->begin();
      do {
        unsigned AllocaNo = PhiToAllocaMap[APN];

        // Add N incoming values to the PHI node.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumEdges; ++i)
          APN->addIncoming(IncomingVals[AllocaNo], Pred);

        // The currently active variable for this block is now the PHI.
        IncomingVals[AllocaNo] = APN;

        // Get the next phi node.
        APN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(PNI);
        if (!APN)

        // Verify that it is missing entries.  If not, it is not being inserted
        // by this mem2reg invocation so we want to ignore it.
      } while (APN->getNumOperands() == NewPHINumOperands);

  // Don't revisit blocks.
  if (!Visited.insert(BB))

  for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(); !isa<TerminatorInst>(II);) {
    Instruction *I = II++; // get the instruction, increment iterator

    if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I)) {
      AllocaInst *Src = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(LI->getPointerOperand());
      if (!Src)

      DenseMap<AllocaInst *, unsigned>::iterator AI = AllocaLookup.find(Src);
      if (AI == AllocaLookup.end())

      Value *V = IncomingVals[AI->second];

      // Anything using the load now uses the current value.
      if (AST && LI->getType()->isPointerTy())
    } else if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I)) {
      // Delete this instruction and mark the name as the current holder of the
      // value
      AllocaInst *Dest = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(SI->getPointerOperand());
      if (!Dest)

      DenseMap<AllocaInst *, unsigned>::iterator ai = AllocaLookup.find(Dest);
      if (ai == AllocaLookup.end())

      // what value were we writing?
      IncomingVals[ai->second] = SI->getOperand(0);
      // Record debuginfo for the store before removing it.
      if (DbgDeclareInst *DDI = AllocaDbgDeclares[ai->second])
        ConvertDebugDeclareToDebugValue(DDI, SI, DIB);

  // 'Recurse' to our successors.
  succ_iterator I = succ_begin(BB), E = succ_end(BB);
  if (I == E)

  // Keep track of the successors so we don't visit the same successor twice
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 8> VisitedSuccs;

  // Handle the first successor without using the worklist.
  Pred = BB;
  BB = *I;

  for (; I != E; ++I)
    if (VisitedSuccs.insert(*I))
      Worklist.push_back(RenamePassData(*I, Pred, IncomingVals));

  goto NextIteration;
bool TypeChecker::validateGenericFuncSignature(AbstractFunctionDecl *func) {
  bool invalid = false;

  // Create the archetype builder.
  ArchetypeBuilder builder = createArchetypeBuilder(func->getParentModule());

  // Type check the function declaration, treating all generic type
  // parameters as dependent, unresolved.
  DependentGenericTypeResolver dependentResolver(builder);
  if (checkGenericFuncSignature(*this, &builder, func, dependentResolver))
    invalid = true;

  // If this triggered a recursive validation, back out: we're done.
  // FIXME: This is an awful hack.
  if (func->hasType())
    return !func->isInvalid();

  // Finalize the generic requirements.

  // The archetype builder now has all of the requirements, although there might
  // still be errors that have not yet been diagnosed. Revert the generic
  // function signature and type-check it again, completely.
  CompleteGenericTypeResolver completeResolver(*this, builder);
  if (checkGenericFuncSignature(*this, nullptr, func, completeResolver))
    invalid = true;

  // The generic function signature is complete and well-formed. Determine
  // the type of the generic function.

  // Collect the complete set of generic parameter types.
  SmallVector<GenericTypeParamType *, 4> allGenericParams;

  auto sig = builder.getGenericSignature(allGenericParams);

  // Debugging of the archetype builder and generic signature generation.
  if (sig && Context.LangOpts.DebugGenericSignatures) {
    llvm::errs() << "\n";
    llvm::errs() << "Generic signature: ";
    llvm::errs() << "\n";
    llvm::errs() << "Canonical generic signature: ";
    llvm::errs() << "\n";
    llvm::errs() << "Canonical generic signature for mangling: ";
    llvm::errs() << "\n";


  if (invalid) {
    return true;

  // Compute the function type.
  Type funcTy;
  Type initFuncTy;
  if (auto fn = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(func)) {
    funcTy = fn->getBodyResultTypeLoc().getType();
    if (!funcTy) {
      funcTy = TupleType::getEmpty(Context);
    } else {
      funcTy = getResultType(*this, fn, funcTy);

  } else if (auto ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(func)) {
    // FIXME: shouldn't this just be
    // ctor->getDeclContext()->getDeclaredInterfaceType()?
    if (ctor->getDeclContext()->getAsProtocolOrProtocolExtensionContext()) {
      funcTy = ctor->getDeclContext()->getProtocolSelf()->getDeclaredType();
    } else {
      funcTy = ctor->getExtensionType()->getAnyNominal()
    // Adjust result type for failability.
    if (ctor->getFailability() != OTK_None)
      funcTy = OptionalType::get(ctor->getFailability(), funcTy);

    initFuncTy = funcTy;
  } else {
    funcTy = TupleType::getEmpty(Context);

  auto paramLists = func->getParameterLists();
  SmallVector<ParameterList*, 4> storedParamLists;

  // FIXME: Destructors don't have the '()' pattern in their signature, so
  // paste it here.
  if (isa<DestructorDecl>(func)) {
    assert(paramLists.size() == 1 && "Only the self paramlist");
    paramLists = storedParamLists;

  bool hasSelf = func->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext();
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = paramLists.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Type argTy;
    Type initArgTy;

    Type selfTy;
    if (i == e-1 && hasSelf) {
      selfTy = func->computeInterfaceSelfType(/*isInitializingCtor=*/false);
      // Substitute in our own 'self' parameter.

      argTy = selfTy;
      if (initFuncTy) {
        initArgTy = func->computeInterfaceSelfType(/*isInitializingCtor=*/true);
    } else {
      argTy = paramLists[e - i - 1]->getType(Context);

      // For an implicit declaration, our argument type will be in terms of
      // archetypes rather than dependent types. Replace the
      // archetypes with their corresponding dependent types.
      if (func->isImplicit()) {
        argTy = ArchetypeBuilder::mapTypeOutOfContext(func, argTy); 

      if (initFuncTy)
        initArgTy = argTy;

    auto info = applyFunctionTypeAttributes(func, i);

    // FIXME: We shouldn't even get here if the function isn't locally generic
    // to begin with, but fixing that requires a lot of reengineering for local
    // definitions in generic contexts.
    if (sig && i == e-1) {
      if (func->getGenericParams()) {
        // Collect all generic params referenced in parameter types,
        // return type or requirements.
        SmallPtrSet<GenericTypeParamDecl *, 4> referencedGenericParams;
        argTy.visit([&referencedGenericParams](Type t) {
          if (isa<GenericTypeParamType>(t.getCanonicalTypeOrNull())) {
        funcTy.visit([&referencedGenericParams](Type t) {
          if (isa<GenericTypeParamType>(t.getCanonicalTypeOrNull())) {

        auto requirements = sig->getRequirements();
        for (auto req : requirements) {
          if (req.getKind() == RequirementKind::SameType) {
            // Same type requirements may allow for generic
            // inference, even if this generic parameter
            // is not mentioned in the function signature.
            // TODO: Make the test more precise.
            auto left = req.getFirstType();
            auto right = req.getSecondType();
            // For now consider any references inside requirements
            // as a possibility to infer the generic type.
            left.visit([&referencedGenericParams](Type t) {
              if (isa<GenericTypeParamType>(t.getCanonicalTypeOrNull())) {
            right.visit([&referencedGenericParams](Type t) {
              if (isa<GenericTypeParamType>(t.getCanonicalTypeOrNull())) {

        // Find the depth of the function's own generic parameters.
        unsigned fnGenericParamsDepth = func->getGenericParams()->getDepth();

        // Check that every generic parameter type from the signature is
        // among referencedArchetypes.
        for (auto *genParam : sig->getGenericParams()) {
          auto *paramDecl = genParam->getDecl();
          if (paramDecl->getDepth() != fnGenericParamsDepth)
          if (!referencedGenericParams.count(paramDecl)) {
            // Produce an error that this generic parameter cannot be bound.
            diagnose(paramDecl->getLoc(), diag::unreferenced_generic_parameter,

      funcTy = GenericFunctionType::get(sig, argTy, funcTy, info);
      if (initFuncTy)
        initFuncTy = GenericFunctionType::get(sig, initArgTy, initFuncTy, info);
    } else {
      funcTy = FunctionType::get(argTy, funcTy, info);

      if (initFuncTy)
        initFuncTy = FunctionType::get(initArgTy, initFuncTy, info);

  // Record the interface type.
  if (initFuncTy)
  return false;