isInsideClosedContour( const SbVec3f& pt, const SoMFVec3f& point )
	bool oddNodes = false;

	int numPoints = point.getNum();
	if( numPoints )
		// Shift the vertices so that 'pt' is the origin
		SoMFVec3f tmpPoint;
		tmpPoint.setValues( 0, numPoints, point.getValues(0) );

		SbVec3f* ptr = tmpPoint.startEditing();
		for( int k = 0; k < numPoints; ++ k )
			ptr[k] -= pt;

			if( isZero( ptr[k][0] ) && isZero( ptr[k][1] ) )
				return true;
		for( int i = 0, j = numPoints - 1; i < numPoints; j = i ++ )
			if( ptr[i][1] < 0 && ptr[j][1] >= 0 || ptr[j][1] < 0 && ptr[i][1] >= 0 )
				if( ptr[i][0] < ptr[i][1] / (ptr[j][1] - ptr[i][1]) * (ptr[j][0] - ptr[i][0]) )
					oddNodes = !oddNodes;
	return oddNodes;
SoXipOverlayExtractContour::appendContour( SoXipManipulableShape* shape,
										   SoMFVec3f& accumulatePoint, SoMFInt32& accumulateCoordIndex )
	if( !shape->isClosed() )
		SoDebugError::post( __FILE__, "Contour extraction does not operate on shapes with opened contours" );
		return ;

	int oldNumPoints = accumulatePoint.getNum();
	int oldNumIndices = accumulateCoordIndex.getNum();
	SoMFVec3f linePoints;
	SoMFInt32 lineIndices;
	SbBool closed;
	shape->extractGeometries( linePoints, lineIndices, closed );

	accumulatePoint.setValues( oldNumPoints, linePoints.getNum(), linePoints.getValues(0) );
	accumulateCoordIndex.setValues( oldNumIndices, lineIndices.getNum(), lineIndices.getValues(0) );

	int* indPtr = accumulateCoordIndex.startEditing() + oldNumIndices;
	for( int i = 0; i < lineIndices.getNum(); ++ i, ++ indPtr )
		if( *indPtr != -1 )
			*indPtr += oldNumPoints;		
removeClosePoints( const SoMFVec3f& point, SoMFVec3f& cleanPoints, float minDist )
	cleanPoints.setNum( point.getNum() );
	cleanPoints.setValues( 0, point.getNum(), point.getValues(0) );

	int numPoints = cleanPoints.getNum();
	if( cleanPoints.getNum() >= 2 )
		for( int ni = numPoints - 1, i = 0; i < numPoints; )
			if( (cleanPoints[ni] - cleanPoints[i]).length() <= minDist )
				cleanPoints.deleteValues( i, 1 );
				-- numPoints;
			else // move forward
				ni = i ++;