int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { title("Testing Sockets", '='); try { //Verbose v(true); SocketSystem ss; SocketConnecter si; SocketListener sl(9070, Socket::IP6); ClientHandler cp; sl.start(cp); while (!si.connect("localhost", 9070)) { Verbose::show("client waiting to connect"); ::Sleep(100); } title("Starting string test on client"); clientTestStringHandling(si); title("Starting buffer test on client"); clientTestBufferHandling(si); si.sendString("TEST_STOP"); Verbose::show("\n client calling send shutdown\n"); si.shutDownSend(); } catch (std::exception& ex) { Verbose::show(" Exception caught:", always); Verbose::show(std::string("\n ") + ex.what() + "\n\n"); } }
//----< Test Stub to test the sender>-------------------------------- int main() { title("Message Passing Communication", '='); try { Sender s; Verbose v(true); SocketSystem ss; SocketConnecter si; while (!si.connect("localhost", 9080)) { Verbose::show("client waiting to connect"); ::Sleep(100); } title("Starting string test on client"); std::vector<std::string> messageDetails; messageDetails.push_back("upload"); messageDetails.push_back("localhost"); messageDetails.push_back("9080"); messageDetails.push_back("Delay.pdf"); messageDetails.push_back("localhost"); messageDetails.push_back("9081"); s.clientFileHandling(si, messageDetails, "input/"); si.shutDownSend(); } catch (std::exception& ex) { Verbose::show("Exception caught:", always); Verbose::show(std::string("\n ") + ex.what() + "\n\n"); } }
int main() { title("Testing Sender package ", '='); try { Sender sender; Verbose v(true); SocketSystem ss; SocketConnecter si; Message msg; while (!si.connect("localhost", 9085)) { Verbose::show("client waiting to connect"); ::Sleep(100); } // TODO sent msg.commandType = UPLOAD; msg.senderPort = 9080; msg.destAdd = "localhost"; msg.destPort = 9085; msg.fileName = "demo.txt"; sender.sendFiledata(si, msg, true); Verbose::show("\n client calling send shutdown\n"); si.shutDownSend(); } catch (std::exception& ex) { Verbose::show(" Exception caught:", always); Verbose::show(std::string("\n ") + ex.what() + "\n\n"); } }
//----< interpret sending message >----------------- void Sender::interpretingSendingMessage(Message& msg) { string command = msg.getCommand(); map<string, string> att = msg.getAttributes(); string destIP = att["destIP"]; int destPort = atoi(att["destPort"].c_str()); try{ displayLine('='); Verbose v(true); SocketSystem ss; SocketConnecter si; BlockingQueue<Message> sQueue; while (!si.connect(destIP, destPort)) { Verbose::show("client waiting to connect"); ::Sleep(100); } if (command == "STRING_HANDLING_REQUEST") { displayString("Demonstrating: Sending string to one peer to other peer"); displayLine(' '); stringHandlingRequest(si, msg); } if (command == "STRING_HANDLING_REPLY") { displayString("Demonstrating: Reply from one peer to other peer - String Received"); displayLine(' '); stringHandlingReply(si, msg); } if (command == "FILE_HANDLING_REQUEST") { displayString("Demonstrating: Sending file to one peer to other peer"); displayLine(' '); fileHandlingRequest(si, msg); } if (command == "FILE_HANDLING_REPLY") { displayString("Demonstrating: Reply from one peer to other peer - File Received"); displayLine(' '); fileHandlingReply(si, msg); } si.shutDownSend(); } catch (std::exception& ex){ Verbose::show(" Exception caught:", always); Verbose::show(std::string("\n ") + ex.what() + "\n\n"); } displayLine('-'); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Show::attach(&std::cout); Show::start(); Show::title("Testing Sockets", '='); try { SocketSystem ss; SocketConnecter si; SocketListener sl(9070, Socket::IP6); ClientHandler cp; sl.start(cp); while (!si.connect("localhost", 9070)) { Show::write("\n client waiting to connect"); ::Sleep(100); } Show::title("Starting string test on client"); clientTestStringHandling(si); Show::title("Starting buffer test on client"); clientTestBufferHandling(si); si.sendString("TEST_STOP"); Show::write("\n\n client calling send shutdown\n"); si.shutDownSend(); sl.stop(); } catch (std::exception& ex) { std::cout << "\n Exception caught:"; std::cout << "\n " << ex.what() << "\n\n"; } }