/// Finds the tokens that are consecutive (from the same FileID)
/// creates a single SLocEntry, and assigns SourceLocations to each token that
/// point to that SLocEntry. e.g for
///   assert(foo == bar);
/// There will be a single SLocEntry for the "foo == bar" chunk and locations
/// for the 'foo', '==', 'bar' tokens will point inside that chunk.
/// \arg begin_tokens will be updated to a position past all the found
/// consecutive tokens.
static void updateConsecutiveMacroArgTokens(SourceManager &SM,
                                            SourceLocation InstLoc,
                                            Token *&begin_tokens,
                                            Token * end_tokens) {
  assert(begin_tokens < end_tokens);

  SourceLocation FirstLoc = begin_tokens->getLocation();
  SourceLocation CurLoc = FirstLoc;

  // Compare the source location offset of tokens and group together tokens that
  // are close, even if their locations point to different FileIDs. e.g.
  //  |bar    |  foo | cake   |  (3 tokens from 3 consecutive FileIDs)
  //  ^                    ^
  //  |bar       foo   cake|     (one SLocEntry chunk for all tokens)
  // we can perform this "merge" since the token's spelling location depends
  // on the relative offset.

  Token *NextTok = begin_tokens + 1;
  for (; NextTok < end_tokens; ++NextTok) {
    SourceLocation NextLoc = NextTok->getLocation();
    if (CurLoc.isFileID() != NextLoc.isFileID())
      break; // Token from different kind of FileID.

    int RelOffs;
    if (!SM.isInSameSLocAddrSpace(CurLoc, NextLoc, &RelOffs))
      break; // Token from different local/loaded location.
    // Check that token is not before the previous token or more than 50
    // "characters" away.
    if (RelOffs < 0 || RelOffs > 50)

    if (CurLoc.isMacroID() && !SM.isWrittenInSameFile(CurLoc, NextLoc))
      break; // Token from a different macro.

    CurLoc = NextLoc;

  // For the consecutive tokens, find the length of the SLocEntry to contain
  // all of them.
  Token &LastConsecutiveTok = *(NextTok-1);
  int LastRelOffs = 0;
  SM.isInSameSLocAddrSpace(FirstLoc, LastConsecutiveTok.getLocation(),
  unsigned FullLength = LastRelOffs + LastConsecutiveTok.getLength();

  // Create a macro expansion SLocEntry that will "contain" all of the tokens.
  SourceLocation Expansion =
      SM.createMacroArgExpansionLoc(FirstLoc, InstLoc,FullLength);

  // Change the location of the tokens from the spelling location to the new
  // expanded location.
  for (; begin_tokens < NextTok; ++begin_tokens) {
    Token &Tok = *begin_tokens;
    int RelOffs = 0;
    SM.isInSameSLocAddrSpace(FirstLoc, Tok.getLocation(), &RelOffs);