bool CCameraController::SetStateFloat(const StateMap& sm,
                                      const std::string& name, float& var)
	StateMap::const_iterator it = sm.find(name);
	if (it != sm.end()) {
		const float value = it->second;
		var = value;
		return true;
	return false;
     * Returns the state with the given ID.
     * If the state doesn't exist, creates a new one and loads it. It will be
     * unloaded when this class is destroyed.
    inline State *getState(StateId id) {
        // Try to find the state. If it isn't found, create a new state with
        // it.
        StateMap::iterator it = _states.find(id);

        if(it == _states.end()) {
            // Create a new state.
            return createState(id);
        else {
            // Return the existing state.
            return it->second;
bool processStateMachineNode(AnimNode::Pointer node, const QJsonObject& jsonObj, const QString& nodeId, const QUrl& jsonUrl) {
    auto smNode = std::static_pointer_cast<AnimStateMachine>(node);

    READ_STRING(currentState, jsonObj, nodeId, jsonUrl, false);

    auto statesValue = jsonObj.value("states");
    if (!statesValue.isArray()) {
        qCCritical(animation) << "AnimNodeLoader, bad array \"states\" in stateMachine node, id =" << nodeId;
        return false;

    // build a map for all children by name.
    std::map<QString, int> childMap;
    buildChildMap(childMap, node);

    // first pass parse all the states and build up the state and transition map.
    using StringPair = std::pair<QString, QString>;
    using TransitionMap = std::multimap<AnimStateMachine::State::Pointer, StringPair>;
    TransitionMap transitionMap;

    using StateMap = std::map<QString, AnimStateMachine::State::Pointer>;
    StateMap stateMap;

    auto statesArray = statesValue.toArray();
    for (const auto& stateValue : statesArray) {
        if (!stateValue.isObject()) {
            qCCritical(animation) << "AnimNodeLoader, bad state object in \"states\", id =" << nodeId;
            return false;
        auto stateObj = stateValue.toObject();

        READ_STRING(id, stateObj, nodeId, jsonUrl, false);
        READ_FLOAT(interpTarget, stateObj, nodeId, jsonUrl, false);
        READ_FLOAT(interpDuration, stateObj, nodeId, jsonUrl, false);
        READ_OPTIONAL_STRING(interpType, stateObj);

        READ_OPTIONAL_STRING(interpTargetVar, stateObj);
        READ_OPTIONAL_STRING(interpDurationVar, stateObj);
        READ_OPTIONAL_STRING(interpTypeVar, stateObj);

        auto iter = childMap.find(id);
        if (iter == childMap.end()) {
            qCCritical(animation) << "AnimNodeLoader, could not find stateMachine child (state) with nodeId =" << nodeId << "stateId =" << id;
            return false;

        AnimStateMachine::InterpType interpTypeEnum = AnimStateMachine::InterpType::SnapshotPrev;  // default value
        if (!interpType.isEmpty()) {
            interpTypeEnum = stringToInterpType(interpType);
            if (interpTypeEnum == AnimStateMachine::InterpType::NumTypes) {
                qCCritical(animation) << "AnimNodeLoader, bad interpType on stateMachine state, nodeId = " << nodeId << "stateId =" << id;
                return false;

        auto statePtr = std::make_shared<AnimStateMachine::State>(id, iter->second, interpTarget, interpDuration, interpTypeEnum);

        if (!interpTargetVar.isEmpty()) {
        if (!interpDurationVar.isEmpty()) {
        if (!interpTypeVar.isEmpty()) {

        stateMap.insert(StateMap::value_type(statePtr->getID(), statePtr));

        auto transitionsValue = stateObj.value("transitions");
        if (!transitionsValue.isArray()) {
            qCritical(animation) << "AnimNodeLoader, bad array \"transitions\" in stateMachine node, stateId =" << id << "nodeId =" << nodeId;
            return false;

        auto transitionsArray = transitionsValue.toArray();
        for (const auto& transitionValue : transitionsArray) {
            if (!transitionValue.isObject()) {
                qCritical(animation) << "AnimNodeLoader, bad transition object in \"transtions\", stateId =" << id << "nodeId =" << nodeId;
                return false;
            auto transitionObj = transitionValue.toObject();

            READ_STRING(var, transitionObj, nodeId, jsonUrl, false);
            READ_STRING(state, transitionObj, nodeId, jsonUrl, false);

            transitionMap.insert(TransitionMap::value_type(statePtr, StringPair(var, state)));

    // second pass: now iterate thru all transitions and add them to the appropriate states.
    for (auto& transition : transitionMap) {
        AnimStateMachine::State::Pointer srcState = transition.first;
        auto iter = stateMap.find(transition.second.second);
        if (iter != stateMap.end()) {
            srcState->addTransition(AnimStateMachine::State::Transition(transition.second.first, iter->second));
        } else {
            qCCritical(animation) << "AnimNodeLoader, bad state machine transtion from srcState =" << srcState->_id << "dstState =" << transition.second.second << "nodeId =" << nodeId;
            return false;

    auto iter = stateMap.find(currentState);
    if (iter == stateMap.end()) {
        qCCritical(animation) << "AnimNodeLoader, bad currentState =" << currentState << "could not find child node" << "id =" << nodeId;

    return true;