void SplitTree::build( FunctionDef* inFunctionDef, const std::vector<SplitNode*>& inArguments )
  // TIM: hack to make temporaries have a shared position stream
  _outputPositionInterpolant = new InputInterpolantSplitNode( -1, 0, kSplitBasicType_Float2 );

  FunctionType* functionType = getFunctionType( inFunctionDef );

  SplitTreeBuilder builder( *this );

//  std::cerr << "function args: " << functionType->nArgs << " args passed: " << inArguments.size();

  assert( functionType->nArgs == inArguments.size() );

  unsigned int i;
  for( i = 0; i < functionType->nArgs; i++ )
    Decl* argumentDecl = functionType->args[i];
    builder.addArgument( argumentDecl, i, inArguments[i] );

  Statement* statement = inFunctionDef->head;
  while( statement )
    statement->buildSplitTree( builder );

    statement = statement->next;

  _resultValue = builder.getResultValue();

  // we were called with arguments
  // thus we don't deal with creating
  // output nodes, or with building
  // the dominator tree...
void SplitTree::build( FunctionDef* inFunctionDef )
  // TIM: hack to make temporaries have a shared position stream
  _outputPositionInterpolant = new InputInterpolantSplitNode( -1, 0, kSplitBasicType_Float2 );

  FunctionType* functionType = getFunctionType( inFunctionDef );
  Statement* headStatement = inFunctionDef->head;

  SplitTreeBuilder builder( *this );
  unsigned int i;
  for( i = 0; i < functionType->nArgs; i++ )
    Decl* argumentDecl = functionType->args[i];
    builder.addArgument( argumentDecl, i );

  Statement* statement = headStatement;
  while( statement )
    statement->buildSplitTree( builder );

    statement = statement->next;

  _pseudoRoot = new SplitRootNode();

  _resultValue = builder.getResultValue();

  for( i = 0; i < functionType->nArgs; i++ )
    Decl* argumentDecl = functionType->args[i];
    Type* argumentType = argumentDecl->form;
    std::string name = argumentDecl->name->name;

    if( (argumentType->getQualifiers() & TQ_Out) != 0 )
      SplitNode* outputValue = builder.findVariable( name )->getValueNode();

      _pseudoRoot->addChild( outputValue );

      _outputList.push_back( outputValue );
      _outputArgumentIndices.push_back( (i+1) );

  if( _resultValue )
    _pseudoRoot->addChild( _resultValue );
    _outputList.push_back( _resultValue );
    _outputArgumentIndices.push_back( 0 );

//  std::cerr << "done" << std::endl;