int main() { Station test; cout << "Station name:" << << endl; return 0; }
void LastFmUserSettings::addRecentStation( const Station& station ) { MyQSettings s( this ); QList<Station> stations = recentStations(); // remove duplicates for ( int i = 0; i < stations.count(); ++i ) if ( stations[i].url() == station.url() ) stations.removeAt( i-- ); stations.prepend( station ); s.remove( "RecentStations" ); s.beginGroup( "RecentStations" ); int j = stations.count(); while (j--) s.setValue( QString::number( j ), stations[j].url() ); s.endGroup(); s.setValue( "StationNames/" + station.url(), ); s.sync(); emit userChanged( username() ); emit historyChanged(); }
void Ratp::retrieveJourneysFromStation(const QString &request, const Station &station, int limit) { Q_UNUSED(limit) QString fileName = QString(":/data/backward/%1.xml").arg(; QVariantMap disambiguation; disambiguation.insert("id", "org.SfietKonstantin.publictransportation.ratp"); Company company (disambiguation, "RATP", QVariantMap()); bool ok; QString error; QList<InfoJourneys> infoJourneysList = OfflineXmlJourneysFromStationHelper::journeysFromStation(fileName, station, disambiguation, company, &ok, &error); if (!ok) { emit errorRetrieved(request, BACKEND_WARNING, error); return; } debug("ratp-plugin") << infoJourneysList.count(); emit journeysFromStationRetrieved(request, infoJourneysList); }
void CashReconcile::slotShiftClose() { QDate date = _date->getDate(); Id station_id = stationId(); Id employee_id = employeeId(); // Posting time is current time if closing for today or 11:59:59 PM QTime time = QTime::currentTime(); if (date != QDate::currentDate()) time = QTime(23, 59, 59); QString name; if (station_id != INVALID_ID) { Station station; _quasar->db()->lookup(station_id, station); name =; } else if (employee_id != INVALID_ID) { Employee employee; _quasar->db()->lookup(employee_id, employee); name = employee.nameFL(); } else { name = "<None>"; } if (name.isEmpty()) name = tr("<blank>"); QString message = "Are you sure you want to ringoff \n\"" + name + "\""; int choice = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Ringoff?"), message, tr("Yes"), tr("No")); if (choice != 0) return; // Create the shift Shift shift; shift.setStoreId(_store->getId()); shift.setStationId(station_id); shift.setEmployeeId(employee_id); shift.setPostDate(date); shift.setPostTime(time); if (!_quasar->db()->create(shift)) { message = tr("Failed creating shift close transaction"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } QApplication::setOverrideCursor(waitCursor); qApp->processEvents(); bool result = _quasar->db()->shiftClose(shift); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); if (!result) { message = tr("Failed setting shift in transactions"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); } else { message = "The shift for \"" + name + "\"\nhas been closed"; QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), message); slotRefresh(); } }
void StationsPluginLondon::handleInfos(const QByteArray & data) { QRegExp re_stations("station\\=\\{(.*)\\}\\;"); QRegExp re_items("\\s*(\\w+)\\s*:(.*),"); int ofs = 0; re_stations.setMinimal(true); re_items.setMinimal(true); while ((ofs = re_stations.indexIn(data, ofs)) >= 0) { bool ok; int id; QPointF pos; Station *station; QMap<QString, QString> values; ofs += re_stations.matchedLength(); int station_ofs = 0; QString station_data = re_stations.capturedTexts().at(1); while ((station_ofs = re_items.indexIn(station_data, station_ofs)) >= 0) { QStringList capt = re_items.capturedTexts(); if (capt.size() < 3) continue ; station_ofs += re_items.matchedLength(); values[] =; values[].replace("\"", ""); } id = values["id"].toInt(&ok); pos = QPointF(values["lat"].toDouble(), values["long"].toDouble()); if (!ok) continue ; station = getOrCreateStation(id); if (station->name().isEmpty()) station->setName(values["name"]); if (station->pos().isNull()) station->setPos(pos); station->setBikes(values["nbBikes"].toInt()); station->setFreeSlots(values["nbEmptyDocks"].toInt()); station->setTotalSlots(station->bikes() + station->freeSlots()); storeOrDropStation(station); } emit stationsCreated(stations.values()); emit stationsUpdated(stations.values()); }
void StationsPluginWien::handleInfos(const QByteArray & data) { QDomDocument doc; QDomNode node; doc.setContent(data); node = doc.firstChildElement("stations").firstChildElement("station"); while (!node.isNull()) { Station *station; QDomNamedNodeMap attrs = node.attributes(); int id; bool ok; qreal lat, lng; id = node.firstChildElement("id").text().toInt(&ok); if (!ok) continue ; station = getOrCreateStation(id); station->setData(node.firstChildElement("internal_id").text().toInt()); if (station->name().isEmpty()) station->setName(node.firstChildElement("name").text()); if (station->description().isEmpty()) station->setDescription(node.firstChildElement("description").text()); lng = node.firstChildElement("longitude").text().toDouble(); lat = node.firstChildElement("latitude").text().toDouble(); if (station->pos().isNull()) station->setPos(QPointF(lat, lng)); station->setBikes(node.firstChildElement("free_bikes").text().toInt()); station->setFreeSlots(node.firstChildElement("free_boxes").text().toInt()); station->setTotalSlots(node.firstChildElement("boxes").text().toInt()); storeOrDropStation(station); node = node.nextSiblingElement("station"); } emit stationsCreated(stations.values()); emit stationsUpdated(stations.values()); }
void CashReconcile::slotReconcile() { if (_lines->selectedItem() == NULL) { QString message; if (_company.shiftMethod() == Company::BY_STATION) { message = tr("A station must be picked"); } else { message = tr("An employee must be picked"); } QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } Id station_id = stationId(); Id employee_id = employeeId(); Id store_id = _store->getId(); Id safe_store_id = _safeStore->getId(); Id safe_id = _safeId->getId(); Id adjust_id = _adjust->getId(); Id transfer_id = _transfer->getId(); Id safe_station_id; Id safe_employee_id; if (_company.shiftMethod() == Company::BY_STATION) safe_station_id = safe_id; else safe_employee_id = safe_id; if (store_id == INVALID_ID) { QString message = tr("A store must be entered"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); _store->setFocus(); return; } if (safe_store_id == INVALID_ID) { QString message = tr("A safe store must be entered"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); _tabs->showPage(_setup); _safeStore->setFocus(); return; } if (safe_id == INVALID_ID) { QString message = tr("A safe must be entered"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); _tabs->showPage(_setup); _safeId->setFocus(); return; } if (adjust_id == INVALID_ID) { QString message = tr("An over/short account must be entered"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); _tabs->showPage(_setup); _adjust->setFocus(); return; } if (transfer_id == INVALID_ID) { QString message = tr("A transfer account must be entered"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); _tabs->showPage(_setup); _transfer->setFocus(); return; } if (_shifts.size() == 0) { QString message = tr("You must have at least one shift"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } QDate date = _date->getDate(); if (date.isNull()) { QString message = tr("The date to reconcile is required"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); _date->setFocus(); return; } // Posting time is current time if closing for today or 11:59:59 PM QTime time = QTime::currentTime(); if (date != QDate::currentDate()) time = QTime(23, 59, 59); vector<Shift> shifts = _shifts; vector<TenderCount> counts = _counts; if (shifts.size() > 1 || counts.size() > 1) { // TODO: ask which shifts/counts to use } QApplication::setOverrideCursor(waitCursor); qApp->processEvents(); Id shift_id = shifts[0].id(); _tenders.clear(); _summary.clear(); // Process shifts and add tenders to summary unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < shifts.size(); ++i) { const Shift& shift = shifts[i]; GltxSelect conditions; conditions.shift_id =; conditions.activeOnly = true; vector<Gltx> gltxs; _quasar->db()->select(gltxs, conditions); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < gltxs.size(); ++j) { const Gltx& gltx = gltxs[j]; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < gltx.tenders().size(); ++k) { Id tender_id = gltx.tenders()[k].tender_id; fixed amount = gltx.tenders()[k].conv_amt; if (gltx.tenders()[k].voided) continue; addShiftAmt(tender_id, amount); } } } // Process counts and add tenders to summary for (i = 0; i < counts.size(); ++i) { const TenderCount& count = counts[i]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < count.tenders().size(); ++j) { const TenderInfo& info = count.tenders()[j]; addCountAmt(info.tender_id, info.amount); } } // Sort tenders by menu number std::sort(_summary.begin(), _summary.end()); // Prepare over/short transaction TenderAdjust adjustment; adjustment.setPostDate(date); adjustment.setPostTime(time); adjustment.setMemo(tr("Over/Short")); adjustment.setStoreId(store_id); adjustment.setStationId(station_id); adjustment.setEmployeeId(employee_id); adjustment.setShiftId(shift_id); adjustment.setAccountId(adjust_id); // Prepare transfer out transaction TenderAdjust transOut; transOut.setPostDate(date); transOut.setPostTime(time); transOut.setMemo(tr("Deposit to safe")); transOut.setStoreId(store_id); transOut.setStationId(station_id); transOut.setEmployeeId(employee_id); transOut.setShiftId(shift_id); transOut.setAccountId(transfer_id); // Memo for transfer in depends on method QString memo; if (station_id != INVALID_ID) { Station station; _quasar->db()->lookup(station_id, station); memo = tr("Deposit from: %1").arg(; } else { Employee employee; _quasar->db()->lookup(employee_id, employee); memo = tr("Deposit from: %1").arg(employee.nameFL()); } // Prepare transfer in transaction TenderAdjust transIn; transIn.setPostDate(date); transIn.setPostTime(time); transIn.setMemo(memo); transIn.setStoreId(safe_store_id); transIn.setStationId(safe_station_id); transIn.setEmployeeId(safe_employee_id); transIn.setAccountId(transfer_id); // Setup screen QDialog* dialog = new QDialog(this, "Summary", true); dialog->setCaption(tr("Reconcile Summary")); ListView* tenderList = new ListView(dialog); tenderList->addTextColumn(tr("Tender"), 20); tenderList->addMoneyColumn(tr("Shifts")); tenderList->addMoneyColumn(tr("Counts")); tenderList->addMoneyColumn(tr("Over/Short")); tenderList->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); tenderList->setSorting(-1); QFrame* buttons = new QFrame(dialog); QPushButton* post = new QPushButton(tr("Reconcile"), buttons); QPushButton* cancel = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"), buttons); cancel->setDefault(true); connect(post, SIGNAL(clicked()), dialog, SLOT(accept())); connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), dialog, SLOT(reject())); QGridLayout* buttonGrid = new QGridLayout(buttons); buttonGrid->setSpacing(3); buttonGrid->setMargin(3); buttonGrid->setColStretch(0, 1); buttonGrid->addWidget(post, 0, 1); buttonGrid->addWidget(cancel, 0, 2); QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(dialog); grid->setSpacing(3); grid->setMargin(3); grid->setRowStretch(0, 1); grid->setColStretch(0, 1); grid->addWidget(tenderList, 0, 0); grid->addWidget(buttons, 1, 0); // Process summary info fixed shiftsTotal = 0.0; fixed countsTotal = 0.0; fixed overShort = 0.0; fixed transferAmt = 0.0; ListViewItem* last = NULL; for (i = 0; i < _summary.size(); ++i) { const Tender& tender = _summary[i].tender; fixed shiftsAmt = _summary[i].shiftsAmt; fixed countsAmt = _summary[i].countsAmt; fixed overShortAmt = countsAmt - shiftsAmt; // Add to table to show to user ListViewItem* item = new ListViewItem(tenderList, last); last = item; item->setValue(0,; item->setValue(1, shiftsAmt); item->setValue(2, countsAmt); item->setValue(3, overShortAmt); // Add to over/short if there is an amount if (overShortAmt != 0.0) { TenderLine info; info.tender_id =; info.conv_amt = overShortAmt; info.conv_rate = tender.convertRate(); info.amount = overShortAmt * tender.convertRate(); info.amount.moneyRound(); info.is_change = false; info.voided = false; adjustment.tenders().push_back(info); overShort += info.amount; } // Add counted to transfer in/out TenderLine info; info.tender_id =; info.conv_amt = countsAmt; info.conv_rate = tender.convertRate(); info.amount = countsAmt * tender.convertRate(); info.amount.moneyRound(); info.is_change = false; info.voided = false; transIn.tenders().push_back(info); transferAmt += info.amount; info.amount = -info.amount; info.conv_amt = -info.conv_amt; transOut.tenders().push_back(info); shiftsTotal += shiftsAmt; countsTotal += countsAmt; } // Add total line ListViewItem* item = new ListViewItem(tenderList, last); item->setValue(0, tr("Total")); item->setValue(1, shiftsTotal); item->setValue(2, countsTotal); item->setValue(3, countsTotal - shiftsTotal); // Show table to user and allow cancel or post QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); int ch = dialog->exec(); if (ch != QDialog::Accepted) return; // Check total over/short if (overShort > 5.0 || overShort < -5.0) { QString message = tr("Warning - your over/short is large.\n" "Are you sure you mean to post this?"); int ch = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Post?"), message, QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); if (ch != QMessageBox::Yes) return; } QApplication::setOverrideCursor(waitCursor); qApp->processEvents(); // Add accounts to adjustment adjustment.accounts().push_back(AccountLine(adjust_id, -overShort)); for (i = 0; i < adjustment.tenders().size(); ++i) { Id tender_id = adjustment.tenders()[i].tender_id; fixed amount = adjustment.tenders()[i].amount; Tender tender; findTender(tender_id, tender); Id tender_acct = tender.accountId(); if (_company.shiftMethod() == Company::BY_STATION) { if (adjustment.stationId() == safe_station_id) if (tender.safeId() != INVALID_ID) tender_acct = tender.safeId(); } else { if (adjustment.employeeId() == safe_employee_id) if (tender.safeId() != INVALID_ID) tender_acct = tender.safeId(); } adjustment.accounts().push_back(AccountLine(tender_acct, amount)); } // Add accounts to transfer out transOut.accounts().push_back(AccountLine(transfer_id, transferAmt)); for (i = 0; i < transOut.tenders().size(); ++i) { Id tender_id = transOut.tenders()[i].tender_id; fixed amount = transOut.tenders()[i].amount; Tender tender; findTender(tender_id, tender); Id tender_acct = tender.accountId(); if (_company.shiftMethod() == Company::BY_STATION) { if (transOut.stationId() == safe_station_id) if (tender.safeId() != INVALID_ID) tender_acct = tender.safeId(); } else { if (transOut.employeeId() == safe_employee_id) if (tender.safeId() != INVALID_ID) tender_acct = tender.safeId(); } transOut.accounts().push_back(AccountLine(tender_acct, amount)); } // Add accounts to transfer in transIn.accounts().push_back(AccountLine(transfer_id, -transferAmt)); for (i = 0; i < transIn.tenders().size(); ++i) { Id tender_id = transIn.tenders()[i].tender_id; fixed amount = transIn.tenders()[i].amount; Tender tender; findTender(tender_id, tender); Id tender_acct = tender.safeId(); if (tender_acct == INVALID_ID) tender_acct = tender.accountId(); transIn.accounts().push_back(AccountLine(tender_acct, amount)); } // Post adjustment if any tenders if (adjustment.tenders().size() > 0) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); if (!_quasar->db()->create(adjustment)) { QString message = tr("Failed creating over/short transaction"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); return; } } // Post transfers if (!_quasar->db()->create(transOut)) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); QString message = tr("Failed creating transfer out transaction"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); if ( != INVALID_ID) _quasar->db()->remove(adjustment); return; } if (!_quasar->db()->create(transIn)) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); QString message = tr("Failed creating transfer in transaction"); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), message); if ( != INVALID_ID) _quasar->db()->remove(adjustment); _quasar->db()->remove(transOut); return; } // Link the transfers _quasar->db()->linkTx(,; // Set shift in shifts for (int cnt = shifts.size() - 1; cnt >= 0; --cnt) { Shift shift = shifts[cnt]; shift.setShiftId(shift_id); shift.setAdjustmentId(; shift.setTransferId(; _quasar->db()->update(shifts[cnt], shift); } // Set shift in counts for (i = 0; i < counts.size(); ++i) { TenderCount count = counts[i]; count.setShiftId(shift_id); _quasar->db()->update(counts[i], count); } Company orig, company; _quasar->db()->lookup(orig); company = orig; company.setSafeStore(safe_store_id); company.setSafeStation(safe_station_id); company.setSafeEmployee(safe_employee_id); company.setOverShortAccount(adjust_id); company.setTransferAccount(transfer_id); _quasar->db()->update(orig, company); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); slotRefresh(); }