bool sMaterial::ConvertMTL(Mtl *mtl) { char filename[64]; char file_ext[16]; char filename_with_ext[128]; m_EmissiveColor = mtl->GetSelfIllumColor(); m_AmbientColor = mtl->GetAmbient(); m_DiffuseColor = mtl->GetDiffuse(); m_SpecularColor = mtl->GetSpecular(); m_fShininess = mtl->GetShininess(); m_iNumTextures = 0; m_BlendMode = "replace"; if ( mtl->ClassID()==Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0) ) { StdMat* std = (StdMat*)mtl; float fOpacity = std->GetOpacity(0); if ( fOpacity < 1.0f ) { switch (std->GetTransparencyType()) { case TRANSP_FILTER: m_BlendMode = "blend"; break; case TRANSP_SUBTRACTIVE: m_BlendMode = "subtract"; break; case TRANSP_ADDITIVE: m_BlendMode = "add"; break; default: m_BlendMode = "replace"; break; } } m_bCullFace = !std->GetTwoSided(); } for (int i=0; i<mtl->NumSubTexmaps(); i++) { Texmap *tex = mtl->GetSubTexmap(i); if ( tex && tex->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0x00) ) { bool valid_channel = false; int texture_type = -1; switch(i) { case 0: // ambientmap/lightmap texture_type = TEXTURE_LIGHTMAP; break; case 1: // diffusemap texture_type = TEXTURE_DIFFUSE; break; case 9: // environment texture_type = TEXTURE_ENVIRONMENT; break; default: // not supported by fixed pipeline 3D rendering break; } if ( texture_type >= 0 ) { TSTR mapName = ((BitmapTex *)tex)->GetMapName(); _splitpath(mapName, NULL, NULL, filename, file_ext); sprintf(filename_with_ext, "%s%s", filename, file_ext); m_Textures[texture_type] = filename_with_ext; m_MapChannel[texture_type] = tex->GetMapChannel()-1; } } } return true; }
void Exporter::DumpMaterial(MaxMaterial *maxm,Mtl* mtl, int mtlID, int subNo, int indentLevel) { int i; TimeValue t = GetStaticFrame(); if (!mtl) return; // for(i=0;i<indentLevel;i++) { log(" "); } // log("material %s adding. type : ",mtl->GetName()); // We know the Standard material, so we can get some extra info if (mtl->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)) { // top level & standard material // log("standard \n"); StdMat* std = (StdMat*)mtl; MaxStdMaterial *stdm=new MaxStdMaterial; strcpy(stdm->name,mtl->GetName()); stdm->Ambient=rvector(std->GetAmbient(t)); stdm->Ambient.x=-stdm->Ambient.x; stdm->Diffuse=rvector(std->GetDiffuse(t)); stdm->Diffuse.x=-stdm->Diffuse.x; stdm->Specular=rvector(std->GetSpecular(t)); stdm->Specular.x=-stdm->Specular.x; // 축의 바뀜때문에 만들어 놓은.. 으흑.. stdm->TwoSide=std->GetTwoSided(); if(std->GetTransparencyType()==TRANSP_ADDITIVE) stdm->ShadeMode=RSSHADEMODE_ADD; else stdm->ShadeMode=RSSHADEMODE_NORMAL; if(rsm->MaxStdMaterialList.GetByName(stdm->name)==-1) // 이미 있는 standard material 이면 더하지 않음. { rsm->MaxStdMaterialList.Add(stdm); stdm->RMLIndex=rsm->MaxStdMaterialList.GetCount()-1; for (i=0; i<mtl->NumSubTexmaps(); i++) { Texmap* subTex = mtl->GetSubTexmap(i); float amt = 1.0f; if (subTex) { // If it is a standard material we can see if the map is enabled. if (mtl->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)) { if (!((StdMat*)mtl)->MapEnabled(i)) continue; amt = ((StdMat*)mtl)->GetTexmapAmt(i, 0); } DumpTexture(stdm, subTex, mtl->ClassID(), i, amt, indentLevel+1); } } } else { delete stdm; } maxm->nSubMaterial=1; maxm->SubMaterials=new int[1]; maxm->SubMaterials[0]=rsm->MaxStdMaterialList.GetByName(mtl->GetName()); } if (mtl->NumSubMtls() > 0) { // log("multi/sub ( count : %d )\n",mtl->NumSubMtls()); maxm->nSubMaterial=mtl->NumSubMtls(); maxm->SubMaterials=new int[maxm->nSubMaterial]; maxm->pSubMaterials=new MaxMaterial*[maxm->nSubMaterial]; for (i=0; i<mtl->NumSubMtls(); i++) { Mtl* subMtl = mtl->GetSubMtl(i); if (subMtl) { maxm->pSubMaterials[i]=new MaxMaterial; DumpMaterial(maxm->pSubMaterials[i],subMtl, 0, i, indentLevel+1); if(subMtl->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)) { maxm->SubMaterials[i]= rsm->MaxStdMaterialList.GetByName(subMtl->GetName()); } else maxm->SubMaterials[i]= maxm->pSubMaterials[i]->SubMaterials[0]; } else { maxm->pSubMaterials[i]=NULL; maxm->SubMaterials[i]=-1; } } } }
P(GmMaterial) GmUtil::createGmMaterial( Mtl* material, Mtl* bakedmaterial ) { require( material ); P(GmMaterial) s = new GmMaterial; // get name static int unnamedCount = 0; if ( material->GetName().data() ) s->name = material->GetName().data(); else s->name = "noname #"+String::valueOf( ++unnamedCount ); // Standard material (+Diffuse) (+ Reflection) if ( material->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID,0) ) { StdMat* stdmat = static_cast<StdMat*>(material); StdMat* bakedmat = static_cast<StdMat*>(bakedmaterial); // StdMat2? StdMat2* stdmat2 = 0; if ( stdmat->SupportsShaders() ) stdmat2 = static_cast<StdMat2*>( stdmat ); // uniform transparency s->opacity = stdmat->GetOpacity(0); // self illumination s->selfIllum = stdmat->GetSelfIllum(0); // two-sided material? s->twosided = ( 0 != stdmat->GetTwoSided() ); // blending mode s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_COPY; if ( s->opacity < 1.f ) s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_MULTIPLY; if ( stdmat->GetTransparencyType() == TRANSP_ADDITIVE ) s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_ADD; // diffuse color s->diffuseColor = toColorf( stdmat->GetDiffuse(0) ); // specular highlights float shinStr = stdmat->GetShinStr(0); s->specular = (shinStr > 0.f); if ( s->specular ) { float shininess = stdmat->GetShininess(0); s->specularExponent = Math::pow( 2.f, shininess*10.f + 2.f ); s->specularColor = toColorf( stdmat->GetSpecular(0) ) * shinStr; } if ( bakedmat ) { shinStr = bakedmat->GetShinStr(0); s->specular = (shinStr > 0.f); if ( s->specular ) { float shininess = bakedmat->GetShininess(0); s->specularExponent = Math::pow( 2.f, shininess*10.f + 2.f ); s->specularColor = toColorf( bakedmat->GetSpecular(0) ) * shinStr; } } // diffuse texture layer BitmapTex* tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_DI ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->diffuseLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // opacity texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_OP ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->opacityLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); // check alpha channel validity Bitmap* bmp = tex->GetBitmap(0); if ( bmp && !bmp->HasAlpha() ) Debug::printlnError( "Material \"{0}\" opacity map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName() ); //throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" opacity map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName()) ); s->blend = GmMaterial::BLEND_MULTIPLY; // check that opacity map is the same as diffuse map if ( s->opacityLayer.filename != s->diffuseLayer.filename ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse bitmap needs to be the same in opacity map.(diffuse map is \"{1}\" and opacity map is \"{2}\")", s->name, s->diffuseLayer.filename, s->opacityLayer.filename) ); if ( s->opacityLayer.coordset != s->diffuseLayer.coordset ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate set needs to be the same in opacity map.", s->name) ); if ( s->opacityLayer.env != s->diffuseLayer.env ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate generator needs to be the same in opacity map.", s->name) ); } // reflection texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_RL ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->reflectionLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // glossiness (shininess strength, SS) texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SS ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->glossinessLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); // check alpha channel validity Bitmap* bmp = tex->GetBitmap(0); //if ( bmp && !bmp->HasAlpha() ) // throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" glossiness map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName()) ); if ( bmp && !bmp->HasAlpha() ) Debug::printlnError("Material \"{0}\" glossiness map \"{1}\" must have image alpha channel.", s->name, tex->GetMapName() ); // check that glossiness map is the same as diffuse map if ( s->glossinessLayer.filename != s->diffuseLayer.filename ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse bitmap needs to be the same in glossiness map.(diffuse map is \"{1}\" and glossiness map is \"{2}\")", s->name, s->diffuseLayer.filename, s->glossinessLayer.filename) ); if ( s->glossinessLayer.coordset != s->diffuseLayer.coordset ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate set needs to be the same in glossiness map.", s->name) ); if ( s->glossinessLayer.env != s->diffuseLayer.env ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" diffuse map texture coordinate generator needs to be the same in glossiness map.", s->name) ); // check that reflection map has been set if ( s->reflectionLayer.filename.length() == 0 ) throw IOException( Format("Material \"{0}\" glossiness map requires reflection map to be set.", s->name) ); } // bump texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_BU ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->bumpLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // specular color texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SP ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->specularColorLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // specular level texture layer tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SH ); if ( tex ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->specularLevelLayer; setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); } // lightmap texture layer ( from self-illumination map of baked material ) tex = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( stdmat, ID_SI ); BitmapTex* tex2 = 0; if ( bakedmat ) tex2 = SceneExportUtil::getStdMatBitmapTex( bakedmat, ID_SI ); if ( tex || tex2 ) { GmMaterial::TextureLayer& layer = s->lightMapLayer; if ( tex && !tex2 ) setLayerTex( layer, tex, s->name ); else if ( tex2 ) setLayerTex( layer, tex2, s->name ); } } return s; }