Stock PgsqlDataProvider::getStock(uint32_t id)
  nontransaction command(*conn);  
  string query = "SELECT id, price FROM get_stock(" + to_string(id) + ");";
  result queryResult(command.exec(query));
  if (verbose)
    cout << "Result of " << query << ": " << endl;

  if (queryResult.size() != 1)
    cerr << "getStock: Incorrect number of results: " << queryResult.size() << endl;
    throw invalid_argument("getStock: Incorrect number of results.");

  if (queryResult[0][0].is_null())
    cerr << "getStock: Stock id = " << id << " does not exist." << endl;
    throw invalid_argument("getStock: Stock does not exist.");

  Stock stock;
  if (verbose)
    cout << "Stock: id = " << stock.getId() << ", price = " << stock.getPrice() << endl;

  return stock;
 * The interactive function allowing the user to
 * buy and sell stocks
void stocksBuySell()
   // instructions
   cout << "This program will allow you to buy and sell stocks. "
        << "The actions are:\n";
   cout << "  buy 200 $1.57   - Buy 200 shares at $1.57\n";
   cout << "  sell 150 $2.15  - Sell 150 shares at $2.15\n";
   cout << "  display         - Display your current stock portfolio\n";
   cout << "  quit            - Display a final report and quit the program\n";

   // your code here...

   string command; //check the command
   int amount = 0; //bought stock amount
   Dollars price;  //bought stock price
   int sAmount = 0;//sold stock price
   Dollars sPrice; //sold stock price
   Dollars total;  //bought stock total
   Dollars sTotal; //sold stock total

   Stock bStock; //one element of the bought stocks
   Stock sStock; //one element of the sold stocks

   //the check if we have bought or sold at all
   bool buy = false;
   bool sell = false;

   Queue <Stock> bStocks; //one queue for bought stocks
   Queue <Stock> sStocks; //one queue for sold stocks
   Queue <Dollars> profit; //one queue for profits
      //create a copy for bought stocks
      Queue <Stock> stocks1(bStocks);
      //create a copy for sold stocks
      Queue <Stock> stocks2(sStocks);

      cout << "> ";
      cin >> command;
      if (command == "quit" || command == "display")
         if (buy && sell)
            int i;
            int j;
            cout << "Currently held:\n";
            for (i = 0; !stocks1.empty(); i++)
               bStock = stocks1.front();
               cout << "\tBought "
                    << bStock.getAmount() << " shares at "
                    << bStock.getPrice() << endl;
            cout << "Sell History:\n";
            for (j = 0; !stocks2.empty(); j++)
               sStock = stocks2.front();
               cout << "\tSold "
                    << sStock.getAmount() << " shares at "
                    << sStock.getPrice() << " for a profit of ";
               cout << (sTotal - total) << endl;
         else if(buy)
            int i;
            cout << "Currently held:\n";
            for (i = 0; !stocks1.empty(); i++)
               bStock = stocks1.front();
               cout << "\tBought " << bStock.getAmount() << " shares at "
                    << bStock.getPrice() << endl;
         else if(sell)
            sStock = stocks2.front();

         cout << "\nProceeds: " << (sTotal - total) << endl;
      else if (command == "buy")
         //get bought amount and price from user
         cin >> amount >> price;
         //add to bought total
         total += (price * amount);

         //amount and price of current bought stock transaction
         //we did buy stock
         buy = true;
         //add to the bought stock queue
      else if (command == "sell")
         //get sell amount and price from user
         cin >> sAmount >> sPrice;
         //add to sell total
         sTotal += (sPrice * sAmount);

         //amount and price of current sold stock transaction

         //we did sell stock
         sell = true;

         //add sold stock to queue

         //to allow us to go into the loop to find total sold stocks
         int tmp = 1;

         // should to handle the selling of stocks
         for (; tmp != 0;)
            //if there are no more bought stocks left leave
            if (bStocks.empty())
            bStock = bStocks.front();
            tmp = (sStock.getAmount() - bStock.getAmount());
            Dollars tmpD = sStock.getPrice() - bStock.getPrice();

            //if we didn't finish selling one bought transaction
            //we save that number into bought stock
            if (tmp < 0)
               tmp *= -1;
               bStocks.front() = bStock;
               tmp = 0;
            else if (tmp > 0)
            Dollars Profit = tmpD * bStock.getAmount();
         //while (tmp == 0);
void SetStockPricesEqual( Stock & s1, Stock & s2 )
	s1.setPrice( s2.getPrice() );
void DisplayStock( Stock & s ) //NOTE(SighPhy): took out const
	cout << "\nStock: " << s.getStockSymbol()
	     << " Shares: " << s.getShares() 
         << " Price: "  << s.getPrice() << endl;	