static bool hasPrivateLoadStore(Loop *L) {
        const std::vector<Loop*> subLoops = L->getSubLoops();
        std::set<BasicBlock*> subBlocks, blocks;

        for(auto l : subLoops)
          for(auto bb : l->getBlocks())
        for(auto bb : L->getBlocks())
          if (subBlocks.find(bb) == subBlocks.end())
        for(auto bb : blocks) {
          for (BasicBlock::iterator inst = bb->begin(), instE = bb->end(); inst != instE; ++inst) {
            unsigned addrSpace = -1;
            if (isa<LoadInst>(*inst)) {
              LoadInst *ld = cast<LoadInst>(&*inst);
              addrSpace = ld->getPointerAddressSpace();
            else if (isa<StoreInst>(*inst)) {
              StoreInst *st = cast<StoreInst>(&*inst);
              addrSpace = st->getPointerAddressSpace();
            if (addrSpace == 0)
              return true;
        return false;
void PropagateJuliaAddrspaces::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
    unsigned AS = SI.getPointerAddressSpace();
    if (!isSpecialAS(AS))
    Value *Replacement = LiftPointer(SI.getPointerOperand(), SI.getValueOperand()->getType(), &SI);
    if (!Replacement)
    SI.setOperand(StoreInst::getPointerOperandIndex(), Replacement);
/// \brief Combine stores to match the type of value being stored.
/// The core idea here is that the memory does not have any intrinsic type and
/// where we can we should match the type of a store to the type of value being
/// stored.
/// However, this routine must never change the width of a store or the number of
/// stores as that would introduce a semantic change. This combine is expected to
/// be a semantic no-op which just allows stores to more closely model the types
/// of their incoming values.
/// Currently, we also refuse to change the precise type used for an atomic or
/// volatile store. This is debatable, and might be reasonable to change later.
/// However, it is risky in case some backend or other part of LLVM is relying
/// on the exact type stored to select appropriate atomic operations.
/// \returns true if the store was successfully combined away. This indicates
/// the caller must erase the store instruction. We have to let the caller erase
/// the store instruction sas otherwise there is no way to signal whether it was
/// combined or not: IC.EraseInstFromFunction returns a null pointer.
static bool combineStoreToValueType(InstCombiner &IC, StoreInst &SI) {
  // FIXME: We could probably with some care handle both volatile and atomic
  // stores here but it isn't clear that this is important.
  if (!SI.isSimple())
    return false;

  Value *Ptr = SI.getPointerOperand();
  Value *V = SI.getValueOperand();
  unsigned AS = SI.getPointerAddressSpace();
  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, MDNode *>, 8> MD;

  // Fold away bit casts of the stored value by storing the original type.
  if (auto *BC = dyn_cast<BitCastInst>(V)) {
    V = BC->getOperand(0);
    StoreInst *NewStore = IC.Builder->CreateAlignedStore(
        V, IC.Builder->CreateBitCast(Ptr, V->getType()->getPointerTo(AS)),
    for (const auto &MDPair : MD) {
      unsigned ID = MDPair.first;
      MDNode *N = MDPair.second;
      // Note, essentially every kind of metadata should be preserved here! This
      // routine is supposed to clone a store instruction changing *only its
      // type*. The only metadata it makes sense to drop is metadata which is
      // invalidated when the pointer type changes. This should essentially
      // never be the case in LLVM, but we explicitly switch over only known
      // metadata to be conservatively correct. If you are adding metadata to
      // LLVM which pertains to stores, you almost certainly want to add it
      // here.
      switch (ID) {
      case LLVMContext::MD_dbg:
      case LLVMContext::MD_tbaa:
      case LLVMContext::MD_prof:
      case LLVMContext::MD_fpmath:
      case LLVMContext::MD_tbaa_struct:
      case LLVMContext::MD_alias_scope:
      case LLVMContext::MD_noalias:
      case LLVMContext::MD_nontemporal:
      case LLVMContext::MD_mem_parallel_loop_access:
      case LLVMContext::MD_nonnull:
        // All of these directly apply.
        NewStore->setMetadata(ID, N);

      case LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load:
      case LLVMContext::MD_range:
    return true;

  // FIXME: We should also canonicalize loads of vectors when their elements are
  // cast to other types.
  return false;
unsigned CostModelAnalysis::getInstructionCost(Instruction *I) const {
  if (!VTTI)
    return -1;

  switch (I->getOpcode()) {
  case Instruction::Ret:
  case Instruction::PHI:
  case Instruction::Br: {
    return VTTI->getCFInstrCost(I->getOpcode());
  case Instruction::Add:
  case Instruction::FAdd:
  case Instruction::Sub:
  case Instruction::FSub:
  case Instruction::Mul:
  case Instruction::FMul:
  case Instruction::UDiv:
  case Instruction::SDiv:
  case Instruction::FDiv:
  case Instruction::URem:
  case Instruction::SRem:
  case Instruction::FRem:
  case Instruction::Shl:
  case Instruction::LShr:
  case Instruction::AShr:
  case Instruction::And:
  case Instruction::Or:
  case Instruction::Xor: {
    return VTTI->getArithmeticInstrCost(I->getOpcode(), I->getType());
  case Instruction::Select: {
    SelectInst *SI = cast<SelectInst>(I);
    Type *CondTy = SI->getCondition()->getType();
    return VTTI->getCmpSelInstrCost(I->getOpcode(), I->getType(), CondTy);
  case Instruction::ICmp:
  case Instruction::FCmp: {
    Type *ValTy = I->getOperand(0)->getType();
    return VTTI->getCmpSelInstrCost(I->getOpcode(), ValTy);
  case Instruction::Store: {
    StoreInst *SI = cast<StoreInst>(I);
    Type *ValTy = SI->getValueOperand()->getType();
    return VTTI->getMemoryOpCost(I->getOpcode(), ValTy,
  case Instruction::Load: {
    LoadInst *LI = cast<LoadInst>(I);
    return VTTI->getMemoryOpCost(I->getOpcode(), I->getType(),
  case Instruction::ZExt:
  case Instruction::SExt:
  case Instruction::FPToUI:
  case Instruction::FPToSI:
  case Instruction::FPExt:
  case Instruction::PtrToInt:
  case Instruction::IntToPtr:
  case Instruction::SIToFP:
  case Instruction::UIToFP:
  case Instruction::Trunc:
  case Instruction::FPTrunc:
  case Instruction::BitCast: {
    Type *SrcTy = I->getOperand(0)->getType();
    return VTTI->getCastInstrCost(I->getOpcode(), I->getType(), SrcTy);
  case Instruction::ExtractElement: {
    ExtractElementInst * EEI = cast<ExtractElementInst>(I);
    ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(I->getOperand(1));
    unsigned Idx = -1;
    if (CI)
      Idx = CI->getZExtValue();
    return VTTI->getVectorInstrCost(I->getOpcode(),
                                    EEI->getOperand(0)->getType(), Idx);
  case Instruction::InsertElement: {
      InsertElementInst * IE = cast<InsertElementInst>(I);
      ConstantInt *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(IE->getOperand(2));
      unsigned Idx = -1;
      if (CI)
        Idx = CI->getZExtValue();
      return VTTI->getVectorInstrCost(I->getOpcode(),
                                      IE->getType(), Idx);
    // We don't have any information on this instruction.
    return -1;