StreamingTerrainNode::updateTraversal( osg::NodeVisitor& nv )
    // this stamp keeps track of when requests are dispatched. If a request's stamp gets too
    // old, it is considered "expired" and subject to cancelation
    int stamp = nv.getFrameStamp()->getFrameNumber();

    // update the frame stamp on the task services. This is necessary to support 
    // automatic request cancelation for image requests.
        ScopedLock<Mutex> lock( _taskServiceMutex );
        for (TaskServiceMap::iterator i = _taskServices.begin(); i != _taskServices.end(); ++i)
            i->second->setStamp( stamp );

    // next, go through the live tiles and process update-traversal requests. This
    // requires a read-lock on the master tiles table.
        Threading::ScopedReadLock tileTableReadLock( _tilesMutex );

        for( TileTable::const_iterator i = _tiles.begin(); i != _tiles.end(); ++i )
            StreamingTile* tile = static_cast<StreamingTile*>( i->second.get() );

            // update the neighbor list for each tile.
            refreshFamily( _update_mapf.getMapInfo(), tile->getKey(), tile->getFamily(), true );

            tile->servicePendingElevationRequests( _update_mapf, stamp, true );                   
            tile->serviceCompletedRequests( _update_mapf, true );