          void visit(const char* name, Accelerator& accelerator)
            StringOutputStream modifiers;
            modifiers << accelerator;

              GtkTreeIter iter;
              gtk_list_store_append(m_store, &iter);
              gtk_list_store_set(m_store, &iter, 0, name, 1, modifiers.c_str(), -1);
              m_commandList << makeLeftJustified(name, 25) << " " << modifiers.c_str() << '\n';
				void visit( const char* name, Accelerator& accelerator ){
					StringOutputStream modifiers;
					modifiers << accelerator;

						GtkTreeIter iter;
						gtk_list_store_append( m_store, &iter );
						gtk_list_store_set( m_store, &iter, 0, name, 1, modifiers.c_str(), 2, false, 3, 800, -1 );

					if ( !m_commandList.failed() ) {
						int l = strlen( name );
						m_commandList << name;
						while ( l++ < 25 )
							m_commandList << ' ';
						m_commandList << modifiers.c_str() << '\n';
void Scene_EntitySetClassname_Selected( const char* classname ){
	if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() > 0 ) {
		StringOutputStream command;
		if( string_equal( classname, "worldspawn" ) )
			command << "ungroupSelectedEntities";
			command << "entitySetClass -class " << classname;
		UndoableCommand undo( command.c_str() );
		GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( EntitySetClassnameSelected( classname ) );
void Brush_ConstructPrefab(Brush& brush, EBrushPrefab type, const AABB& bounds, std::size_t sides, const char* shader, const TextureProjection& projection)
  case eBrushCuboid:
      UndoableCommand undo("brushCuboid");

      Brush_ConstructCuboid(brush, bounds, shader, projection);
  case eBrushPrism:
      int axis = GetViewAxis();
      StringOutputStream command;
      command << c_brushPrism_name << " -sides " << Unsigned(sides) << " -axis " << axis;
      UndoableCommand undo(command.c_str());

      Brush_ConstructPrism(brush, bounds, sides, axis, shader, projection);
  case eBrushCone:
      StringOutputStream command;
      command << c_brushCone_name << " -sides " << Unsigned(sides);
      UndoableCommand undo(command.c_str());

      Brush_ConstructCone(brush, bounds, sides, shader, projection);
  case eBrushSphere:
      StringOutputStream command;
      command << c_brushSphere_name << " -sides " << Unsigned(sides);
      UndoableCommand undo(command.c_str());

      Brush_ConstructSphere(brush, bounds, sides, shader, projection);
文件: qe3.cpp 项目: raynorpat/cake
void Sys_SetTitle(const char *text, bool modified)
  StringOutputStream title;
  title << ConvertLocaleToUTF8(text);

    title << " *";

  gtk_window_set_title(MainFrame_getWindow(), title.c_str());
void CPointfile::saxEndElement (message_info_t *ctx, const xmlChar *name)
  if(string_equal(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(name), "polyline"))
    // we are done
  else if(string_equal(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(name), "point"))
    Vector3 v;  
    sscanf(m_characters.c_str(), "%f %f %f\n", &v[0], &v[1], &v[2]);
/// moves selected primitives to entity, which is or its primitive is ultimateSelected() or firstSelected()
void Entity_moveSelectedPrimitives( bool toLast ){
	if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() < 2 ) {
		globalErrorStream() << "Source and target entity primitives should be selected!\n";

	const scene::Path& path = toLast? GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path() : GlobalSelectionSystem().firstSelected().path();
	scene::Node& node = ( !Node_isEntity( path.top() ) && path.size() > 1 )? path.parent() : path.top();

	if ( Node_isEntity( node ) && node_is_group( node ) ) {
		StringOutputStream command;
		command << "movePrimitivesToEntity " << makeQuoted( Node_getEntity( node )->getEntityClass().name() );
		UndoableCommand undo( command.c_str() );
		Scene_parentSelectedBrushesToEntity( GlobalSceneGraph(), node );
	void visit( const char* name, Accelerator& accelerator ){
		if ( !strcmp( name, commandName ) ) {
		if ( !allow ) {
		if ( accelerator.key == 0 ) {
		if ( accelerator == newAccel ) {
			StringOutputStream msg;
			msg << "The command " << name << " is already assigned to the key " << accelerator << ".\n\n"
				<< "Do you want to unassign " << name << " first?";
			EMessageBoxReturn r = gtk_MessageBox( widget, msg.c_str(), "Key already used", eMB_YESNOCANCEL );
			if ( r == eIDYES ) {
				// clear the ACTUAL accelerator too!
				disconnect_accelerator( name );
				// delete the modifier
				accelerator = accelerator_null();
				// empty the cell of the key binds dialog
				GtkTreeIter i;
				if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &i ) ) {
					for (;; )
						GValue val;
						memset( &val, 0, sizeof( val ) );
						gtk_tree_model_get_value( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &i, 0, &val );
						const char *thisName = g_value_get_string( &val );;
						if ( !strcmp( thisName, name ) ) {
							gtk_list_store_set( GTK_LIST_STORE( model ), &i, 1, "", -1 );
						g_value_unset( &val );
						if ( !gtk_tree_model_iter_next( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &i ) ) {
			else if ( r == eIDCANCEL ) {
				// aborted
				allow = false;
gboolean accelerator_window_key_press( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer dialogptr ){
	command_list_dialog_t &dialog = *(command_list_dialog_t *) dialogptr;

	if ( !dialog.m_waiting_for_key ) {
		return false;

#if 0
	if ( event->is_modifier ) {
		return false;
	switch ( event->keyval )
	case GDK_Shift_L:
	case GDK_Shift_R:
	case GDK_Control_L:
	case GDK_Control_R:
	case GDK_Caps_Lock:
	case GDK_Shift_Lock:
	case GDK_Meta_L:
	case GDK_Meta_R:
	case GDK_Alt_L:
	case GDK_Alt_R:
	case GDK_Super_L:
	case GDK_Super_R:
	case GDK_Hyper_L:
	case GDK_Hyper_R:
		return false;

	dialog.m_waiting_for_key = false;

	// 7. find the name of the accelerator
	GValue val;
	memset( &val, 0, sizeof( val ) );
	gtk_tree_model_get_value( GTK_TREE_MODEL( dialog.m_model ), &dialog.m_command_iter, 0, &val );
	const char *commandName = g_value_get_string( &val );;
	Shortcuts::iterator thisShortcutIterator = g_shortcuts.find( commandName );
	if ( thisShortcutIterator == g_shortcuts.end() ) {
		gtk_list_store_set( GTK_LIST_STORE( dialog.m_model ), &dialog.m_command_iter, 2, false, -1 );
		gtk_widget_set_sensitive( GTK_WIDGET( dialog.m_list ), true );
		return true;

	// 8. build an Accelerator
	Accelerator newAccel( event->keyval, (GdkModifierType) event->state );

	// 8. verify the key is still free, show a dialog to ask what to do if not
	class VerifyAcceleratorNotTaken : public CommandVisitor
	const char *commandName;
	const Accelerator &newAccel;
	GtkWidget *widget;
	GtkTreeModel *model;
	bool allow;
	VerifyAcceleratorNotTaken( const char *name, const Accelerator &accelerator, GtkWidget *w, GtkTreeModel *m ) : commandName( name ), newAccel( accelerator ), widget( w ), model( m ), allow( true ){
	void visit( const char* name, Accelerator& accelerator ){
		if ( !strcmp( name, commandName ) ) {
		if ( !allow ) {
		if ( accelerator.key == 0 ) {
		if ( accelerator == newAccel ) {
			StringOutputStream msg;
			msg << "The command " << name << " is already assigned to the key " << accelerator << ".\n\n"
				<< "Do you want to unassign " << name << " first?";
			EMessageBoxReturn r = gtk_MessageBox( widget, msg.c_str(), "Key already used", eMB_YESNOCANCEL );
			if ( r == eIDYES ) {
				// clear the ACTUAL accelerator too!
				disconnect_accelerator( name );
				// delete the modifier
				accelerator = accelerator_null();
				// empty the cell of the key binds dialog
				GtkTreeIter i;
				if ( gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &i ) ) {
					for (;; )
						GValue val;
						memset( &val, 0, sizeof( val ) );
						gtk_tree_model_get_value( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &i, 0, &val );
						const char *thisName = g_value_get_string( &val );;
						if ( !strcmp( thisName, name ) ) {
							gtk_list_store_set( GTK_LIST_STORE( model ), &i, 1, "", -1 );
						g_value_unset( &val );
						if ( !gtk_tree_model_iter_next( GTK_TREE_MODEL( model ), &i ) ) {
			else if ( r == eIDCANCEL ) {
				// aborted
				allow = false;
	} verify_visitor( commandName, newAccel, widget, dialog.m_model );
	GlobalShortcuts_foreach( verify_visitor );

	gtk_list_store_set( GTK_LIST_STORE( dialog.m_model ), &dialog.m_command_iter, 2, false, -1 );
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive( GTK_WIDGET( dialog.m_list ), true );

	if ( verify_visitor.allow ) {
		// clear the ACTUAL accelerator first
		disconnect_accelerator( commandName );

		thisShortcutIterator->second.first = newAccel;

		// write into the cell
		StringOutputStream modifiers;
		modifiers << newAccel;
		gtk_list_store_set( GTK_LIST_STORE( dialog.m_model ), &dialog.m_command_iter, 1, modifiers.c_str(), -1 );

		// set the ACTUAL accelerator too!
		connect_accelerator( commandName );

	g_value_unset( &val );

	dialog.m_model = NULL;

	return true;
void Entity_createFromSelection( const char* name, const Vector3& origin ){
#if 0
	if ( string_equal_nocase( name, "worldspawn" ) ) {
		gtk_MessageBox( GTK_WIDGET( MainFrame_getWindow() ), "Can't create an entity with worldspawn.", "info" );
	const scene::Node* world_node = Map_FindWorldspawn( g_map );
	if ( world_node && string_equal( name, "worldspawn" ) ) {
//		GlobalRadiant().m_pfnMessageBox( GTK_WIDGET( MainFrame_getWindow() ), "There's already a worldspawn in your map!", "Info", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONDEFAULT );
		UndoableCommand undo( "ungroupSelectedPrimitives" );
		Scene_parentSelectedBrushesToEntity( GlobalSceneGraph(), Map_FindOrInsertWorldspawn( g_map ) ); //=no action, if no worldspawn (but one inserted) (since insertion deselects everything)
		//Scene_parentSelectedBrushesToEntity( GlobalSceneGraph(), *Map_FindWorldspawn( g_map ) ); = crash, if no worldspawn

	StringOutputStream command;
	command << "entityCreate -class " << name;
	UndoableCommand undo( command.c_str() );

	EntityClass* entityClass = GlobalEntityClassManager().findOrInsert( name, true );

	const bool isModel = entityClass->miscmodel_is
				   || ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() == 0 && classname_equal( name, "func_static" ) && g_pGameDescription->mGameType == "doom3" );

	const bool brushesSelected = Scene_countSelectedBrushes( GlobalSceneGraph() ) != 0;

	//is important to have retexturing here; if doing in the end, undo doesn't succeed;
	if ( string_compare_nocase_n( name, "trigger_", 8 ) == 0 && brushesSelected && !entityClass->fixedsize ){
		//const char* shader = GetCommonShader( "trigger" ).c_str();
		Scene_PatchSetShader_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), GetCommonShader( "trigger" ).c_str() );
		Scene_BrushSetShader_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), GetCommonShader( "trigger" ).c_str() );

	if ( !( entityClass->fixedsize || isModel ) && !brushesSelected ) {
		globalErrorStream() << "failed to create a group entity - no brushes are selected\n";

	AABB workzone( aabb_for_minmax( Select_getWorkZone().d_work_min, Select_getWorkZone().d_work_max ) );

	NodeSmartReference node( GlobalEntityCreator().createEntity( entityClass ) );

	Node_getTraversable( GlobalSceneGraph().root() )->insert( node );

	scene::Path entitypath( makeReference( GlobalSceneGraph().root() ) );
	entitypath.push( makeReference( node.get() ) );
	scene::Instance& instance = findInstance( entitypath );

	if ( entityClass->fixedsize || ( isModel && !brushesSelected ) ) {

		Transformable* transform = Instance_getTransformable( instance );
		if ( transform != 0 ) {
			transform->setType( TRANSFORM_PRIMITIVE );
			transform->setTranslation( origin );

		GlobalSelectionSystem().setSelectedAll( false );

		Instance_setSelected( instance, true );
		if ( g_pGameDescription->mGameType == "doom3" ) {
			Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "model", Node_getEntity( node )->getKeyValue( "name" ) );

		Scene_parentSelectedBrushesToEntity( GlobalSceneGraph(), node );
		Scene_forEachChildSelectable( SelectableSetSelected( true ), instance.path() );

	// tweaking: when right click dropping a light entity, ask for light value in a custom dialog box
	// see SF bug 105383

	if ( g_pGameDescription->mGameType == "hl" ) {
		// FIXME - Hydra: really we need a combined light AND color dialog for halflife.
		if ( string_equal_nocase( name, "light" )
			 || string_equal_nocase( name, "light_environment" )
			 || string_equal_nocase( name, "light_spot" ) ) {
			int intensity = g_iLastLightIntensity;

			if ( DoLightIntensityDlg( &intensity ) == eIDOK ) {
				g_iLastLightIntensity = intensity;
				char buf[30];
				sprintf( buf, "255 255 255 %d", intensity );
				Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "_light", buf );
	else if ( string_equal_nocase( name, "light" ) ) {
		if ( g_pGameDescription->mGameType != "doom3" ) {
			int intensity = g_iLastLightIntensity;

			if ( DoLightIntensityDlg( &intensity ) == eIDOK ) {
				g_iLastLightIntensity = intensity;
				char buf[10];
				sprintf( buf, "%d", intensity );
				Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "light", buf );
		else if ( brushesSelected ) { // use workzone to set light position/size for doom3 lights, if there are brushes selected
			AABB bounds( Doom3Light_getBounds( workzone ) );
			StringOutputStream key( 64 );
			key << bounds.origin[0] << " " << bounds.origin[1] << " " << bounds.origin[2];
			Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "origin", key.c_str() );
			key << bounds.extents[0] << " " << bounds.extents[1] << " " << bounds.extents[2];
			Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "light_radius", key.c_str() );

	if ( isModel ) {
		const char* model = misc_model_dialog( GTK_WIDGET( MainFrame_getWindow() ) );
		if ( model != 0 ) {
			Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( entityClass->miscmodel_key() , model );