void IniConfig::Read(const FileSystem::FileData &data)
	StringRange buffer = data.AsStringRange();
	buffer = buffer.StripUTF8BOM();

	while (!buffer.Empty()) {
		StringRange line = buffer.ReadLine().StripSpace();

		// if the line is a comment, skip it
		if (line.Empty() || (line[0] == '#')) continue;
		const char *kend = line.FindChar('=');
		// if there's no '=' sign, skip the line
		if (kend == line.end) {
			fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: ignoring invalid line in config file:\n   '%.*s'\n", int(line.Size()), line.begin);

		StringRange key(line.begin, kend);
		StringRange value(kend + 1, line.end);
		// strip whitespace
		key.end = key.RFindNonSpace();
		value = value.StripSpace();

		m_map[key.ToString()] = value.ToString();
	static void normalise_path(std::string &result, const StringRange &path)
		StringRange part(path.begin, path.end);
		if (!path.Empty() && (path[0] == '/')) {
			result += '/';
		const size_t initial_result_length = result.size();
		while (true) {
			part.end = part.FindChar('/'); // returns part.end if the char is not found
			if (part.Empty() || (part == ".")) {
				// skip this part
			} else if (part == "..") {
				// pop the last component
				if (result.size() <= initial_result_length)
					throw std::invalid_argument(path.ToString());
				size_t pos = result.rfind('/');
				if (pos == std::string::npos) { pos = 0; }
				assert(pos >= initial_result_length);
			} else {
				// push the new component
				if (result.size() > initial_result_length)
					result += '/';
				result.append(part.begin, part.Size());
			if (part.end == path.end) { break; }
			assert(*part.end == '/');
			part.begin = part.end + 1;
			part.end = path.end;
void IniConfig::Read(const FileSystem::FileData &data)
	StringRange buffer = data.AsStringRange();
	buffer = buffer.StripUTF8BOM();

	std::string section_name;
	MapType *section_map = 0;

	while (!buffer.Empty()) {
		StringRange line = buffer.ReadLine().StripSpace();

		// if the line is a comment, skip it
		if (line.Empty() || (line[0] == '#')) continue;

		// check for a section header
		if ((line.Size() >= 2) && (line[0] == '[') && (line.end[-1] == ']')) {
			section_name = line.ToString();
			section_map = 0;

		const char *kend = line.FindChar('=');
		// if there's no '=' sign, skip the line
		if (kend == line.end) {
			Output("WARNING: ignoring invalid line in config file:\n   '%.*s'\n", int(line.Size()), line.begin);

		StringRange key(line.begin, kend);
		StringRange value(kend + 1, line.end);
		// strip whitespace
		key.end = key.RFindNonSpace();
		value = value.StripSpace();

		if (!section_map)
			section_map = &m_map[section_name];

		(*section_map)[key.ToString()] = value.ToString();
float IniConfig::Float(const std::string &section, const std::string &key, float defval) const
	SectionMapType::const_iterator secIt = m_map.find(section);
	if (secIt == m_map.end()) return defval;
	MapType::const_iterator it = secIt->second.find(key);
	if (it == secIt->second.end()) return defval;

	const StringRange val = StringRange(it->second.c_str(), it->second.size()).StripSpace();
	if (val.Empty()) return defval;
	char *end = 0;
	float x = strtod(val.begin, &end);
	if (end != val.end) return defval;
	return x;