// Print what is wrong with the grid, appending it to the existing string
void GridDefinition::PrintError(float originalXrange, float originalYrange, StringRef& r) const
	if (spacing < MinSpacing)
		r.cat("Spacing too small");
	else if (numX == 0)
		r.cat("X range too small");
	else if (numY == 0)
		r.cat("Y range too small");
	else if (   numX > MaxXGridPoints
			 || numX > MaxGridProbePoints || numY > MaxGridProbePoints		// check X and Y individually in case X*Y overflows
			 || NumPoints() > MaxGridProbePoints
		const float totalRange = originalXrange + originalYrange;
		const float area = originalXrange * originalYrange;
		const float minSpacing = (totalRange + sqrtf(fsquare(totalRange) + 4.0 * (MaxGridProbePoints - 1) * area))/(2.0 * (MaxGridProbePoints - 1));
		const float minXspacing = originalXrange/(MaxXGridPoints - 1);
		r.catf("Too many grid points; suggest increase spacing to %.1fmm", max<float>(minSpacing, minXspacing));
		// The only thing left is a bad radius
		r.cat("Bad radius");
void Tool::Print(StringRef& reply)
	reply.printf("Tool %d - drives:", myNumber);
	char sep = ' ';
	for (size_t drive = 0; drive < driveCount; drive++)
		reply.catf("%c%d", sep, drives[drive]);
		sep = ',';

	reply.cat("; heaters (active/standby temps):");
	sep = ' ';
	for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++)
		reply.catf("%c%d (%.1f/%.1f)", sep, heaters[heater], activeTemperatures[heater], standbyTemperatures[heater]);
		sep = ',';

	reply.cat("; xmap:");
	sep = ' ';
	for (size_t xi = 0; xi < MAX_AXES; ++xi)
		if ((xMapping & (1u << xi)) != 0)
			reply.catf("%c%c", sep, GCodes::axisLetters[xi]);
			sep = ',';

	reply.cat("; fans:");
	sep = ' ';
	for (size_t fi = 0; fi < NUM_FANS; ++fi)
		if ((fanMapping & (1u << fi)) != 0)
			reply.catf("%c%u", sep, fi);
			sep = ',';

	reply.catf("; status: %s", active ? "selected" : "standby");
// Load the grid from file, returning true if an error occurred with the error reason appended to the buffer
bool HeightMap::LoadFromFile(FileStore *f, StringRef& r)
	const size_t MaxLineLength = (MaxXGridPoints * 8) + 2;						// maximum length of a line in the height map file, need 8 characters per grid point
	const char* const readFailureText = "failed to read line from file";
	char buffer[MaxLineLength + 1];
	StringRef s(buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer));

	GridDefinition newGrid;

	if (f->ReadLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) <= 0)
	else if (!StringStartsWith(buffer, HeightMapComment))	// check the version line is as expected
		r.cat("bad header line or wrong version header");
	else if (f->ReadLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) <= 0)
	else if (!GridDefinition::CheckHeading(s))				// check the label line is as expected
		r.cat("bad label line");
	else if (f->ReadLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) <= 0)		// read the height map parameters
	else if (!newGrid.ReadParameters(s))
		r.cat("failed to parse grid parameters");
	else if (!newGrid.IsValid())
		r.cat("invalid grid");
		for (uint32_t row = 0; row < def.numY; ++row)		// read the grid a row at a time
			if (f->ReadLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) <= 0)
				return true;								// failed to read a line
			const char *p = buffer;
			for (uint32_t col = 0; col < def.numX; ++col)
				if (*p == '0' && (p[1] == ',' || p[1] == 0))
					// Values of 0 with no decimal places in un-probed values, so leave the point set as not valid
					char* np = nullptr;
					const float f = strtod(p, &np);
					if (np == p)
						r.catf("number expected at line %u column %d", row + 3, (p - buffer) + 1);
						return true;						// failed to read a number
					SetGridHeight(col, row, f);
					p = np;
				if (*p == ',')
		return false;										// success!
	return true;											// an error occurred