static void CountOccurrences(int nthreads) { StringTable table; tick_count t0 = tick_count::now(); parallel_for( blocked_range<mystring*>( Data, Data+N, 1000 ), Tally(table) ); tick_count t1 = tick_count::now(); int n = 0; for( StringTable::iterator i=table.begin(); i!=table.end(); ++i ) { if( Verbose && nthreads ) printf("%s %d\n",i->first.c_str(),i->second); n += i->second; } if (is_number_of_threads_set) { printf("threads = %d total = %d unique = %u time = %g\n", nthreads, n, unsigned(table.size()), (t1-t0).seconds()); } else { if ( nthreads == 1 ) { printf("serial run total = %d unique = %u time = %g\n", n, unsigned(table.size()), (t1-t0).seconds()); } else { printf("parallel run total = %d unique = %u time = %g\n", n, unsigned(table.size()), (t1-t0).seconds()); } } }
static void CountOccurrences(int nthreads) { StringTable table; tick_count t0 = tick_count::now(); parallel_for( blocked_range<MyString*>( Data, Data+N, 1000 ), Tally(table) ); tick_count t1 = tick_count::now(); int n = 0; for( StringTable::iterator i=table.begin(); i!=table.end(); ++i ) { if( verbose && nthreads ) printf("%s %d\n",i->first.c_str(),i->second); n += i->second; } if ( !silent ) printf("total = %d unique = %u time = %g\n", n, unsigned(table.size()), (t1-t0).seconds()); }
void Save(const char* filename) { const std::string header("String #"); const std::string header_next(" is "); const char splitter = '~'; if(_origin.empty()) return; std::ofstream fin(filename); fin << "// Total:" << _origin.size() << std::endl; StringTable::iterator itr = _origin.begin(); for(;itr!=_origin.end();itr++) { fin << header << itr->first << header_next << splitter << itr->second << splitter << std::endl; } }
bool ItemReader::readItems(std::map<std::string, ItemBean>& itemMap) const { itemMap.clear(); wstring contents = getFileContentsWide(g_resourceManager->getFilename(ResourceID::Items)); if (contents.empty()) { return false; } StringTable tab; parseCsv((wchar_t *)contents.c_str(), tab); if (tab.size() == 0 || tab[0].size() != COLUMN_COUNT) { g_logger->logError("ItemReader", "Error in item file, incorrect number of columns or no rows"); return false; } int lineNr = 0; for (auto &row : tab) { lineNr++; if (lineNr == 1) { // we skip the first row as it is a description of the colums (title row) continue; } ItemBean item = DEFAULT_ITEM; vector<string> columns; for (auto &col : row) { columns.push_back(string(col.begin(), col.end())); } while (columns.size() < COLUMN_COUNT) { columns.push_back(""); } if (columns.size() != COLUMN_COUNT) { g_logger->logError("ItemReader", "Error in item file, incorrect number of columns"); return false; } // <<<<<<<< PARSE >>>>>>>>> // item id = columns[0]; // item description item.description = columns[1]; // item type item.type = static_cast<ItemType>(atoi(columns[2].c_str())); // icon texture location if (!columns[3].empty() && columns[3].find(",") != string::npos && columns[3].find(",") + 1 < columns[3].size()) { item.iconTextureLocation.x = atoi(columns[3].c_str()); item.iconTextureLocation.y = atoi(columns[3].substr(columns[3].find(",") + 1).c_str()); } // gold value item.goldValue = atoi(columns[4].c_str()); // attributes item.attributes.maxHealthPoints = atoi(columns[5].c_str()); item.attributes.healthRegenerationPerS = atoi(columns[6].c_str()); item.attributes.haste = atoi(columns[7].c_str()); item.attributes.critical = atoi(columns[8].c_str()); item.attributes.damagePhysical = atoi(columns[9].c_str()); item.attributes.damageFire = atoi(columns[10].c_str()); item.attributes.damageIce = atoi(columns[11].c_str()); item.attributes.damageShadow = atoi(columns[12].c_str()); item.attributes.damageLight = atoi(columns[13].c_str()); item.attributes.resistancePhysical = atoi(columns[14].c_str()); item.attributes.resistanceFire = atoi(columns[15].c_str()); item.attributes.resistanceIce = atoi(columns[16].c_str()); item.attributes.resistanceShadow = atoi(columns[17].c_str()); item.attributes.resistanceLight = atoi(columns[18].c_str()); // food duration item.foodDuration = sf::seconds(static_cast<float>(atoi(columns[19].c_str()))); // sprite offset if (!columns[20].empty() && columns[20].find(",") != string::npos && columns[20].find(",") + 1 < columns[20].size()) { item.spriteOffset.x = static_cast<float>(atoi(columns[20].c_str())); item.spriteOffset.y = static_cast<float>(atoi(columns[20].substr(columns[20].find(",") + 1).c_str())); } // level item bounding box if (!columns[21].empty()) { std::stringstream ss(columns[21]); int i; vector<float> boundingBoxValues; while (ss >> i) { boundingBoxValues.push_back(static_cast<float>(i)); if (ss.peek() == ',' || ss.peek() == ' ') ss.ignore(); } if (boundingBoxValues.size() != 2) { g_logger->logError("ItemReader", "Level Item Bounding box could not be parsed!"); return false; } item.boundingBox.left = 0; = 0; item.boundingBox.width = boundingBoxValues[0]; item.boundingBox.height = boundingBoxValues[1]; } // level item texture position(s) if (!columns[22].empty()) { std::stringstream ss(columns[22]); int i; vector<int> texturePositions; while (ss >> i) { texturePositions.push_back(i); if (ss.peek() == ',' || ss.peek() == ' ') ss.ignore(); } if (texturePositions.size() % 4 != 0) { g_logger->logError("ItemReader", "Level Item texture positions could not be parsed!"); return false; } for (int val = 0; val < texturePositions.size();) { sf::IntRect texturePosition; texturePosition.left = texturePositions[val++]; = texturePositions[val++]; texturePosition.width = texturePositions[val++]; texturePosition.height = texturePositions[val++]; item.texturePositions.push_back(texturePosition); } }