// Wraps LookupName() to provide a Python method interface.
// Arguments:
//  - address of the device to look up. Note that the address 
//    is expected without colons!! e.g. "000D9319C868"
//  - True/False - if True, performs a remote name request even if the device
//    name is known in the cache from a previous request.
// Returns the name (a Python unicode string).
static PyObject* LightBlue_LookupName(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
    const char *addr;
    bool ignoreCache;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "sb", &addr, &ignoreCache))
        return NULL;

    THostName deviceName;
    TBTDevAddr wantedAddr;
    TBuf16<128> buf;
    TInt err = LookupName(wantedAddr, &deviceName, ignoreCache);
    if (err) 
        return SPyErr_SetFromSymbianOSErr(err);    
    return Py_BuildValue("u#", deviceName.Ptr(), deviceName.Length());