bool PlayerAI::shouldStop(Actor *me) { TCODList<Actor *> actors = engine.getActorList(); // check if any potential attackers entered FOV for (Actor **iter = actors.begin(); iter != actors.end(); iter++) { Actor *actor = *iter; if (actor == NULL) continue; if (actor == me) continue; if ( !(actor->getAttacker()) ) continue; if (actor->isDead()) continue; if (engine.getMap()->isInFov(actor->getX(), actor->getY())) return true; } int x = me->getX(), y = me->getY(); Map *map = engine.getMap(); // check if next tile is obstructed switch (aiState) { case AUTORUN_LEFT : return !(map->canWalk(x - 1, y)); break; case AUTORUN_RIGHT : return !(map->canWalk(x + 1, y)); break; case AUTORUN_UP : return !(map->canWalk(x, y - 1)); break; case AUTORUN_DOWN : return !(map->canWalk(x, y + 1)); break; default : return false; } }
Actor *PlayerAI::chooseFromInventory(Actor *me, string filter) { static const int INV_WIDTH = 50; static const int INV_HEIGHT = 28; static TCODConsole con(INV_WIDTH, INV_HEIGHT); string title = ""; // determine title of menu based on filter type. defaults to "inventory" if (filter == "") title = "inventory"; else title = filter; con.setDefaultForeground(TCODColor(200, 180, 50)); con.printFrame(0, 0, INV_WIDTH, INV_HEIGHT, true, TCOD_BKGND_DEFAULT, title.c_str()); con.setDefaultForeground(TCODColor::white); int shortcut = 'a'; int y = 1; TCODList<Actor *> inventory = me->getContainer()->getInventory(); Actor *item; for (Actor **iter = inventory.begin(); iter != inventory.end(); iter++) { item = *iter; if (item == NULL) continue; // apply necessary filters if (filter == "equipment") { if (!item->isEquipment()) continue; } else if (filter == "equipped") { if (!me->getEquipment()->isEquipped(me, item)) continue; } string itemName = item->getName(); if (me->getEquipment()->isEquipped(me, item)) itemName += " [equipped]"; con.print(2, y, "(%c) - %s", shortcut, itemName.c_str()); y++; shortcut++; } TCODConsole::blit(&con, 0, 0, INV_WIDTH, INV_HEIGHT, TCODConsole::root, engine.getScreenWidth() / 2 - INV_WIDTH / 2, engine.getScreenHeight() / 2 - INV_HEIGHT / 2); TCODConsole::flush(); TCOD_key_t key; TCODSystem::waitForEvent(TCOD_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, &key, NULL, true); if (key.vk == TCODK_CHAR) { int itemIndex = key.c - 'a'; if (itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < inventory.size()) return inventory.get(itemIndex); } return NULL; }
// export to HTML void genDoc() { // generates the doc for each page for (PageData **it=pages.begin();it!=pages.end();it++) { printf ("Generating %s - %s...\n",(*it)->pageNum,(*it)->title); genPageDocFromTemplate(*it); } genPageDocFromTemplate(root); }
// return the subpage # kidNum PageData *getKidByNum(PageData *father, int kidNum) { for (PageData **it=pages.begin(); it != pages.end(); it++) { if ( (*it)->father == father && (*it)->order == kidNum ) { return *it; } } return NULL; }
// // Retourne la liste des items fixes dans le fov du joueur // TCODList<EntityFixedItem*> Level::getFixedItemsInFov() { TCODList<EntityFixedItem*> result; for (EntityFixedItem* itemFixed: fixedItems_) { if (isInFov(itemFixed->x, itemFixed->y)) result.push(itemFixed); } return result; }
// // Retourne une liste de pointeurs des items d'une case px, py // TCODList<EntityItem*> Level::getItemsFromTile(const int& px, const int& py) { TCODList<EntityItem*> result; for (EntityItem *item: items_) { if (item->x == px && item->y == py) result.push(item); } return result; }
// generate the color table from parsed colors void printColorTable(FILE *f) { fprintf(f,"<table class=\"color\">\n"); bool needHeader=true; int categ=0; for ( Color *col=colors.begin(); col!=colors.end(); col++) { if ( col->category ) { // a color category fprintf(f,"<tr><td></td><th colspan=\"8\">%s</th></tr>\n",col->name); needHeader=true; categ++; } else if ( categ == 1 ){ // computed colors if ( needHeader ) fprintf(f,"<tr><td></td><td>desaturated</td><td>lightest</td><td>lighter</td><td>light</td><td>normal</td><td>dark</td><td>darker</td><td>darkest</td></tr>\n"); needHeader=false; fprintf(f,"<tr><td>%s</td>",col->name); for (int cm =0; cm < NB_COLOR_MOD; cm++ ) { if ( colorModifiers[cm].name[0] != 0 ) col->name[0]=toupper(col->name[0]); float h,s,v; col->col.getHSV(&h,&s,&v); s *= colorModifiers[cm].satCoef; v *= colorModifiers[cm].valCoef; TCODColor modcol; modcol.setHSV(h,s,v); fprintf(f,"<td title=\"%s%s: %d,%d,%d\" style=\"background-color: rgb(%d,%d,%d)\"></td>", colorModifiers[cm].name,col->name,modcol.r,modcol.g,modcol.b, modcol.r,modcol.g,modcol.b); col->name[0]=tolower(col->name[0]); } fprintf(f,"</tr>\n"); } else if (strcmp(col->name,"grey")==0 ) { // grey colors fprintf(f,"<tr><td colspan=\"2\"> </td><td>lightest</td><td>lighter</td><td>light</td><td>normal</td><td>dark</td><td>darker</td><td>darkest</td></tr>\n"); fprintf(f,"<tr><td>grey</td><td> </td><td title=\"lightestGrey: 223,223,223\" style=\"background-color: rgb(223, 223, 223);\"></td><td title=\"lighterGrey: 191,191,191\" style=\"background-color: rgb(191, 191, 191);\"></td><td title=\"lightGrey: 159,159,159\" style=\"background-color: rgb(159, 159, 159);\"></td><td title=\"grey: 127,127,127\" style=\"background-color: rgb(127, 127, 127);\"></td><td title=\"darkGrey: 95,95,95\" style=\"background-color: rgb(95, 95, 95);\"></td><td title=\"darkerGrey: 63,63,63\" style=\"background-color: rgb(63, 63, 63);\"></td><td title=\"darkestGrey: 31,31,31\" style=\"background-color: rgb(31, 31, 31);\"></td></tr>\n"); } else if ( strcmp(col->name,"sepia") == 0 ) { // sepia colors fprintf(f,"<tr><td>sepia</td><td> </td><td title=\"lightestSepia: 222,211,195\" style=\"background-color: rgb(222, 211, 195);\"></td><td title=\"lighterSepia: 191,171,143\" style=\"background-color: rgb(191, 171, 143);\"></td><td title=\"lightSepia: 158,134,100\" style=\"background-color: rgb(158, 134, 100);\"></td><td title=\"sepia: 127,101,63\" style=\"background-color: rgb(127, 101, 63);\"></td><td title=\"darkSepia: 94,75,47\" style=\"background-color: rgb(94, 75, 47);\"></td><td title=\"darkerSepia: 63,50,31\" style=\"background-color: rgb(63, 50, 31);\"></td><td title=\"darkestSepia: 31,24,15\" style=\"background-color: rgb(31, 24, 15);\"></td></tr>"); } else { // miscellaneous colors fprintf(f,"<tr><td>%s</td><td title=\"%s: %d,%d,%d\" style=\"background-color: rgb(%d,%d,%d)\"></td></tr>\n", col->name, col->name,col->col.r,col->col.g,col->col.b, col->col.r,col->col.g,col->col.b); } } fprintf(f,"</table>"); }
bool Pickable::use(Actor *owner, Actor *wearer) { TCODList<Actor *> list; if (selector) { selector->selectTargets(wearer, list); } bool succeed = false; for (Actor **it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) { if (effect->applyTo(*it)) { succeed = true; } } if (succeed) { if (wearer->container) { wearer->container->remove(owner); delete owner; } } return succeed; }
bool TCODBsp::traverseLevelOrder(ITCODBspCallback *listener, void *userData) { TCODList<TCODBsp *> stack; stack.push(this); while ( ! stack.isEmpty() ) { TCODBsp *node=stack.get(0); stack.remove(node); if ( node->getLeft() ) stack.push(node->getLeft()); if ( node->getRight() ) stack.push(node->getRight()); if (!listener->visitNode(node,userData)) return false; } return true; }
void DamagingAura::apply(Actor *target){ TCODRandom *rng = TCODRandom::getInstance(); int realDamage = rng->getInt(bonus*0.8,bonus*1.25); TCODList<Actor *> inRadius; if (!smart){ engine.getAllActorsInRadius(inRadius,target->x, target->y, radius); } else { engine.getAllActorsInRadius(inRadius,target->x, target->y, radius, SpellCastingConstants::ENEMY, target->hostile); } if (!inRadius.isEmpty()){ for (Actor **iter = inRadius.begin(); iter != inRadius.end(); iter++) { Actor *act1 = *iter; if (act1->destructible) act1->destructible->takeDamage(act1, target, realDamage); } } inRadius.clearAndDelete(); }
bool Pickable::use(Actor *owner, Actor *wearer){ bool succeed = false; if(!effect){ engine.gui->message(TCODColor::lightGrey, "This item does nothing"); return false; } if(effect->targetType == Effect::ACTOR){ TCODList<Actor *> list; if(selector){ selector->selectTargets(wearer, list); }else{ list.push(wearer); } for(Actor **it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++){ if(effect->applyTo(*it)){ succeed = true; } } }else if(effect->targetType == Effect::POSITION){ int x,y; printf("%d, %d", x, y); if(selector){ if(selector->selectPosition(x,y)){ if(effect->applyTo(x,y)) succeed = true; } } } if(succeed){ if(wearer->container){ wearer->container->remove(owner); delete owner; } } return succeed; }
// computes the page tree and auto-numbers pages void buildTree() { // get the list of root (level 0) pages TCODList<PageData *>rootPages; for (PageData **it=pages.begin();it!=pages.end();it++) { // page requires at least a @PageName and @PageTitle if (! (*it)->name ) { printf ("ERROR : page #%d (%s) in %s has no @PageName\n", (*it)->fileOrder,(*it)->name ? (*it)->name : "null", (*it)->filename); it=pages.remove(it); continue; } if (! (*it)->title ) { printf ("ERROR : page #%d (%s) in %s has no @PageTitle\n", (*it)->fileOrder,(*it)->name ? (*it)->name : "null",(*it)->filename); it=pages.remove(it); continue; } if ( (*it)->fatherName == NULL ) rootPages.push(*it); } // first, order the level 0 pages according to their category int categId=0; while ( categs[categId] ) { for (PageData **it=pages.begin();it!=pages.end();it++) { if ( (*it)->fatherName == NULL && strcmp((*it)->categoryName,categs[categId]) == 0 ) { // new root page root->numKids++; (*it)->father=root; (*it)->order=root->numKids; char tmp[1024]; sprintf(tmp,"%d",(*it)->order); (*it)->pageNum=strdup(tmp); sprintf(tmp,"doc/html2/%s.html",(*it)->name); (*it)->url=strdup(tmp); sprintf(tmp,"<a onclick=\"link('../index2.html')\">Index</a> > <a onclick=\"link('%s.html')\">%s. %s</a>", (*it)->name,(*it)->pageNum,(*it)->title); (*it)->breadCrumb=strdup(tmp); rootPages.remove(*it); } } categId++; } // pages with unknown categories for ( PageData **it=rootPages.begin(); it != rootPages.end(); it++) { printf ("ERROR : unknown category '%s' in page '%s'\n",(*it)->categoryName,(*it)->name); pages.remove(*it); } // build the subpages tree for (PageData **it=pages.begin();it!=pages.end();it++) { if ( (*it)->fatherName != NULL ) { // sub-page. find its daddy and order (*it)->father=getPage((*it)->fatherName); if ( ! (*it)->father ) { printf ("ERROR : unknown father '%s' for page '%s'\n", (*it)->fatherName,(*it)->name); it=pages.remove(it); continue; } (*it)->father->numKids++; (*it)->order=(*it)->father->numKids; } } // now compute sub-page numbers TCODList<PageData *> hierarchy; bool missing=true; while ( missing ) { missing=false; for (PageData **it=pages.begin();it!=pages.end();it++) { if ((*it)->pageNum == NULL ) { PageData *page=*it; if ( page->father->pageNum == NULL ) { missing=true; } else { char tmp[256]; sprintf(tmp,"%s.%d", page->father->pageNum,page->order); page->pageNum = strdup(tmp); sprintf(tmp,"doc/html2/%s.html",page->name); page->url=strdup(tmp); } } } } // now compute prev/next links and breadcrumbs for sub pages for (PageData **it=pages.begin();it!=pages.end();it++) { PageData *page=*it; page->prev=getPrev(page); // prev link if ( page->prev ) { char tmp[1024]; sprintf (tmp, "<a class=\"prev\" onclick=\"link('%s.html')\">%s. %s</a>", page->prev->name,page->prev->pageNum,page->prev->title); page->prevLink=strdup(tmp); } // next link page->next=getNext(page); if ( page->next ) { char tmp[1024]; sprintf (tmp, "%s<a class=\"next\" onclick=\"link('%s.html')\">%s. %s</a>", page->prev ? "| " : "", page->next->name,page->next->pageNum,page->next->title); page->nextLink=strdup(tmp); } // breadCrumb if (! page->breadCrumb ) { char tmp[1024]; TCODList<PageData *> hierarchy; PageData *curPage=page; while ( curPage ) { hierarchy.push(curPage); curPage=curPage->father; } char *ptr=tmp; ptr[0]=0; while ( ! hierarchy.isEmpty() ) { curPage=hierarchy.pop(); if ( curPage == root ) { sprintf(ptr, "<a onclick=\"link('../%s.html')\">%s</a>", curPage->name,curPage->title); } else { sprintf(ptr, " > <a onclick=\"link('%s.html')\">%s. %s</a>", curPage->name,curPage->pageNum,curPage->title); } ptr += strlen(ptr); } page->breadCrumb =strdup(tmp); } } }
// parse a .hpp file and generate corresponding PageData void parseFile(char *filename) { printf ("INFO : parsing file %s\n",filename); char *buf=loadTextFile(filename); if ( ! buf ) return; // now scan javadocs int fileOrder=1; char *ptr = strstr(buf,"/**"); while (ptr) { char *end = strstr(ptr,"*/"); if ( end ) { // parse the javadoc *end=0; char *directive = strchr(ptr,'@'); while ( directive ) { if ( startsWith(directive,"@PageName") ) { char *pageName=NULL; directive = getIdentifier(directive+sizeof("@PageName"),&pageName); curPage=getPage(pageName); curFunc=NULL; if(!curPage) { // non existing page. create a new one curPage=new PageData(); pages.push(curPage); curPage->filename = strdup(filename); curPage->fileOrder=fileOrder++; curPage->name=pageName; curFunc=NULL; } } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@PageTitle") ) { directive = getLineEnd(directive+sizeof("@PageTitle"),&curPage->title); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@PageDesc") ) { directive = getParagraph(directive+sizeof("@PageDesc"),&curPage->desc); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@PageFather") ) { directive = getIdentifier(directive+sizeof("@PageFather"),&curPage->fatherName); if ( strcmp(curPage->fatherName,curPage->name) == 0 ) { printf ("ERROR : file %s : page %s is its own father\n", filename, curPage->name); exit(1); } } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@PageCategory") ) { directive = getLineEnd(directive+sizeof("@PageCategory"),&curPage->categoryName); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@FuncTitle") ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); directive = getLineEnd(directive+sizeof("@FuncTitle"),&curFunc->title); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@ColorTable") ) { directive += sizeof("@ColorTable"); curPage->colorTable=true; } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@ColorCategory") ) { Color col; directive=getLineEnd(directive+sizeof("@ColorCategory"),&; col.category=true; colors.push(col); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@Color") ) { Color col; directive=getIdentifier(directive+sizeof("@Color"),&; sscanf(directive,"%d,%d,%d",&col.col.r,&col.col.g,&col.col.b); colors.push(col); while (! isspace(*directive)) directive++; } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@FuncDesc") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getParagraph(directive+sizeof("@FuncDesc"),&curFunc->desc); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@CppEx") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@CppEx")-1,&curFunc->cppEx); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@C#Ex") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@C#Ex")-1,&curFunc->csEx); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@CEx") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@CEx")-1,&curFunc->cEx); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@PyEx") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@PyEx")-1,&curFunc->pyEx); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@LuaEx") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@LuaEx")-1,&curFunc->luaEx); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@Cpp") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@Cpp")-1,&curFunc->cpp); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@C#") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@C#")-1,&curFunc->cs); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@C") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@C")-1,&curFunc->c); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@Py") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@Py")-1,&curFunc->py); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@Lua") ) { if (! curFunc ) { curFunc=new FuncData(); curPage->funcs.push(curFunc); } directive = getCodeParagraph(directive+sizeof("@Lua")-1,&curFunc->lua); } else if ( startsWith(directive,"@Param") ) { ParamData *param=new ParamData(); curFunc->params.push(param); directive = getIdentifier(directive+sizeof("@Param"),¶m->name); directive = getParagraph(directive,¶m->desc); } else { char *tmp; directive = getIdentifier(directive,&tmp); printf ("WARN unknown directive '%s'\n",tmp); free(tmp); } directive = strchr(directive,'@'); } ptr=strstr(end+2,"/**"); } else ptr=NULL; } }
// find the next page of same level (NULL if none) PageData *getNext(PageData *page) { for (PageData **it=pages.begin();it!=pages.end();it++) { if ( (*it)->father == page->father && (*it)->order == page->order+1 ) return *it; } return NULL; }
// get a page by its name or NULL if it doesn't exist PageData *getPage(const char *name) { for (PageData **it=pages.begin();it!=pages.end();it++) { if (strcmp((*it)->name,name)==0) return *it; } return NULL; }
/** @PageName list_list @FuncTitle Concatenating two lists @FuncDesc You can concatenate two lists. Every element of l2 will be added to current list (or l in the C version) : @Cpp template <class T> void TCODList::addAll(const TCODList &l2) @C void TCOD_list_add_all(TCOD_list_t l, TCOD_list_t l2) @Param l The list inside which elements will be added. @Param l2 the list handler containing elements to insert. @CppEx TCODList<int> intList; intList.set(1,3); // intList contains 2 elements : 0, 3 TCODList<int> intList2; // intList2 is empty intList2.set(0,1); // intList2 contains 1 element : 1 intList2.addAll(intList); // intList2 contains 3 elements : 1, 0, 3 @CEx TCOD_list_t intList = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList,1,(const void *)3); TCOD_list_t intList2 = TCOD_list_new(); TCOD_list_set(intList2,0,(const void *)1); TCOD_list_add_all(intList2,intList); */ void addAll(const TCODList<T> &l2) { for (T *t=l2.begin(); t!= l2.end(); t++) { push(*t); } }
void TargetSelector::selectTargets(Actor *wearer, TCODList<Actor *> &list) { switch (type) { case SELF: { list.push(wearer); } break; case CLOSEST_MONSTER: { Actor *closestMonster = engine.getClosestMonster(wearer->x, wearer->y, range); if (closestMonster) { list.push(closestMonster); } } break; case SELECTED_MONSTER: { int x, y; engine.gui->message(TCODColor::cyan, "Left-click to select an enemy,\nor right-click to cancel "); if (engine.pickATile(&x, &y, range)) { Actor *actor = engine.getActor(x, y); if (actor) { list.push(actor); } } } break; case WEARER_RANGE: { for (Actor **iterator = engine.actors.begin(); iterator != engine.actors.end(); iterator++) { Actor *actor = *iterator; if (actor != wearer && actor->destructible && !actor->destructible->isDead() && actor->getDistance(wearer->x, wearer->y) <= range) { list.push(actor); } } } break; case SELECTED_RANGE: { int x, y; engine.gui->message(TCODColor::cyan, "Left-click to select an enemy,\nor right-click to cancel "); if (engine.pickATile(&x, &y)) { for (Actor **iterator = engine.actors.begin(); iterator != engine.actors.end(); iterator++) { Actor *actor = *iterator; if (actor->destructible && !actor->destructible->isDead() && actor->getDistance(x, y) <= range) { list.push(actor); } } } } break; } if (list.isEmpty()) { engine.gui->message(TCODColor::lightGrey, "No enemy is close enough"); } }