bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::OpenVisualStudioSolutionViaDTE()
	// Initialize the com library, if not already by this thread
	if (!FWindowsPlatformMisc::CoInitialize())
		UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Error, TEXT( "ERROR - Could not initialize COM library!" ));
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = false;

	TComPtr<EnvDTE::_DTE> DTE;
	const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	switch (AccessVisualStudioViaDTE(DTE, SolutionPath, GetPrioritizedVisualStudioVersions(SolutionPath)))
	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsOpen:
			// Set Focus on Visual Studio
			TComPtr<EnvDTE::Window> MainWindow;
			if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_MainWindow(&MainWindow)) &&
				bSuccess = true;
				UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't set focus on Visual Studio."));

	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsNotOpen:
			// Automatically fail if there's already an attempt in progress
			if (!IsVSLaunchInProgress())
				bSuccess = RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolution();

		// Do nothing if we failed the VS detection, otherwise we could get stuck in a loop of constantly 
		// trying to open a VS instance since we can't detect that one is already running

	// Uninitialize the com library, if we initialized it above (don't call if S_FALSE)

	return bSuccess;
bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::OpenVisualStudioFilesInternalViaDTE(const TArray<FileOpenRequest>& Requests, bool& bWasDeferred)
	ISourceCodeAccessModule& SourceCodeAccessModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<ISourceCodeAccessModule>(TEXT("SourceCodeAccess"));

	// Initialize the com library, if not already by this thread
	if (!FWindowsPlatformMisc::CoInitialize())
		UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Error, TEXT( "ERROR - Could not initialize COM library!" ));
		return false;
	bool bDefer = false, bSuccess = false;
	TComPtr<EnvDTE::_DTE> DTE;
	const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath();
	switch (AccessVisualStudioViaDTE(DTE, SolutionPath, GetPrioritizedVisualStudioVersions(SolutionPath)))
	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsOpen:
			// Set Focus on Visual Studio
			TComPtr<EnvDTE::Window> MainWindow;
			if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_MainWindow(&MainWindow)) &&
				// Get ItemOperations
				TComPtr<EnvDTE::ItemOperations> ItemOperations;
				if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_ItemOperations(&ItemOperations)))
					for ( const FileOpenRequest& Request : Requests )
						// Check that the file actually exists first
						if ( !FPaths::FileExists(Request.FullPath) )
							bSuccess |= false;

						// Open File
						auto ANSIPath = StringCast<ANSICHAR>(*Request.FullPath);
						FComBSTR COMStrFileName(ANSIPath.Get());
						FComBSTR COMStrKind(EnvDTE::vsViewKindTextView);
						TComPtr<EnvDTE::Window> Window;
						if ( SUCCEEDED(ItemOperations->OpenFile(COMStrFileName, COMStrKind, &Window)) )
							// If we've made it this far - we've opened the file.  it doesn't matter if
							// we successfully get to the line number.  Everything else is gravy.
							bSuccess |= true;

							// Scroll to Line Number
							TComPtr<EnvDTE::Document> Document;
							TComPtr<IDispatch> SelectionDispatch;
							TComPtr<EnvDTE::TextSelection> Selection;
							if ( SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_ActiveDocument(&Document)) &&
								 SUCCEEDED(Document->get_Selection(&SelectionDispatch)) &&
								 SelectionDispatch && SUCCEEDED(SelectionDispatch->QueryInterface(&Selection)) &&
								 SUCCEEDED(Selection->GotoLine(Request.LineNumber, VARIANT_TRUE)) )
								if ( !SUCCEEDED(Selection->MoveToLineAndOffset(Request.LineNumber, Request.ColumnNumber, false)) )
									UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't goto column number '%i' of line '%i' in '%s'"), Request.ColumnNumber, Request.LineNumber, *Request.FullPath);
								UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't goto line number '%i' in '%s'"), Request.LineNumber, *Request.FullPath);
							UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't open file '%s'."), *Request.FullPath);

					VSLaunchFinished( true );
					UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Log, TEXT("Couldn't get item operations. Visual Studio may still be initializing."));
					bDefer = true;
				UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't set focus on Visual Studio."));

	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsNotOpen:
			bDefer = true;

			// We can't process until we're in the main thread, if we aren't initially defer until we are
			if ( IsInGameThread() )
				// If we haven't already attempted to launch VS do so now
				if ( !IsVSLaunchInProgress() )
					// If there's no valid instance of VS running, run one if we have it installed
					if ( !RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolution() )
						bDefer = false;

	case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsBlocked:
			// VS may be open for the solution we want, but we can't query it right now as it's blocked for some reason
			// Defer this operation so we can try it again later should VS become unblocked
			bDefer = true;

		// Do nothing if we failed the VS detection, otherwise we could get stuck in a loop of constantly 
		// trying to open a VS instance since we can't detect that one is already running
		bDefer = false;
	if ( !bSuccess )
		// If we have attempted to launch VS, and it's taken too long, timeout so the user can try again
		if ( IsVSLaunchInProgress() && ( FPlatformTime::Seconds() - VSLaunchTime ) > 300 )
			// We need todo this in case the process died or was kill prior to the code gaining focus of it
			bDefer = false;

			// We failed to open the solution and file, so lets just use the platforms default opener.
			for ( const FileOpenRequest& Request : Requests )

		// Defer the request until VS is available to take hold of
		if ( bDefer )
			FScopeLock Lock(&DeferredRequestsCriticalSection);
		else if ( !bSuccess )
			UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't access Visual Studio"));

	// Uninitialize the com library, if we initialized it above (don't call if S_FALSE)

	bWasDeferred = bDefer;
	return bSuccess;