	void Render(uint frameTimeMS, double canvasWidth, double canvasHeight, const TConfig& config)
		uint bottom = config.top + config.height;

		const double scaleMin = 0.5;
		const double scaleMax = 1.7;
		const double rotationMaximum = 0.5;// 0 - 1=90 deg.
		const double rotationSpeedX = 0.15;
		const double rotationSpeedY = 0.09;

		const double opacityMin = 0.3;
		const double opacityMax = 0.65;

		const double twinkleSpeed = 0.09;
		const double twinkleThreshold = 0.93;
		// these two will adjust the twinkle effect. it affects opacity of the square, and the color. both of these are 0-1.
		const double maxTwinkleOpacity = 0.5;
		const double twinkleBrightness = 0.5;

	 		squareFieldXFlip(canvasWidth / 2);

		// when modulating envelopes, how much does x/y dimension affect the
		// envelope progression?
		// values 0-20 will be plasma-like; higher can start to look more sharp / twinkly
		double dimensionMult = 20;
		int previousRowWidth = -1;
		int rowWidth = -1;

	 	for(uint y = config.top; y < bottom; y += config.blockSizeY)
	 		uint iy = (y - config.top) / config.blockSizeY;

	 		previousRowWidth = rowWidth;
	 		rowWidth = config.RowWidth(y, config.top, bottom, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
	 		if(previousRowWidth == -1)
 				previousRowWidth = rowWidth;

	 		uint right = config.left + rowWidth;

	 		for(uint x = config.left; x < rowWidth; x += config.blockSizeX)
	 			uint ix = (x - config.left) / config.blockSizeX;
				//squareFieldRenderSquare(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0xff00ff, 0.5, 8);

	 			bool isOdd = ((ix & 1) == (iy & 1));// checkerboard

	 			if(!config.oddFillEnabled && isOdd)
	 			if(!config.evenFillEnabled && !isOdd)

				const TheModColorMixingTable<ColorMixingSteps>& fillColorTable(isOdd ? config.oddColorTable : config.evenColorTable);

	 			double xalphaVary = (config.opacityXEnv.height((dimensionMult * x) + frameTimeMS) + 1) / 2;
	 			double yalphaVary = (config.opacityYEnv.height((dimensionMult * y) + frameTimeMS) + 1) / 2;

	 			double userAlpha = config.Opacity(x, y, config.top, bottom, config.left, right, previousRowWidth, rowWidth, ix, iy);

				double aa = 1.0;// anti-alias damping
				if(((x - config.left) + config.blockSizeX) > rowWidth)
					// "big" anti-alias this block.
					aa = double(rowWidth - (x - config.left)) / config.blockSizeX;

 				double alpha = xalphaVary * yalphaVary * aa;

	 			// now scale alpha to opacityMin / Max
	 			double opacity = opacityMin + (alpha * (opacityMax - opacityMin));

				double blockScale = (scaleMin + ((scaleMax - scaleMin) * alpha * userAlpha));
				double thisBlockSizeX = blockScale * config.blockSizeX;

				// this is actually incorrect; for a true grid use blockSizeX / Y, but this gives a cool effect that things are sorta wavy / bulgy
				double xtrans = (double)x + ((double)thisBlockSizeX / 2);
				double ytrans = (double)y + ((double)config.blockSizeY / 2);

				double twinkleFactor = CachedRandEnvelope(ix, iy, twinkleSpeed).factor(frameTimeMS);
				TheModColor fillStyle;
				double finalOpacity;
				if(twinkleFactor < twinkleThreshold)
					finalOpacity = opacity * userAlpha;
					fillStyle = fillColorTable.c1;
					// scale it to 0-1
					twinkleFactor = (twinkleFactor - twinkleThreshold) / (1.0 - twinkleThreshold);

					double twinkleOpacity = twinkleFactor * maxTwinkleOpacity;

					finalOpacity = (1.0 - (opacity * userAlpha)) * twinkleOpacity;
					finalOpacity += (opacity * userAlpha);
					fillStyle = fillColorTable.GetColor(twinkleFactor * twinkleBrightness);

				double rotation = 2.0 * pi() * finalOpacity;

				squareFieldRenderSquare(finalOpacity, xtrans, ytrans, rotation, fillStyle, -(thisBlockSizeX / 2), thisBlockSizeX);
			}// X
		}// Y
