// TLevelProgressDialog
// --------------------
void DrawIconicGauge(TDC &dc, int yPosition, int Width, int Height, int Value)
	TBrush BleueBrush(TColor(0,0,255));
	TPen BleuePen (TColor(0,0,255));
	// TBrush GrayBrush (TColor(200,200,200));
	TPen WhitePen (TColor(255,255,255));
	TPen GrayPen (TColor(100,100,100));
	// TPen GrayPen (TColor(0,0,0));

	// Draw upper left white border
	dc.MoveTo(0, yPosition + Height - 1);
	dc.LineTo(0, yPosition);
	dc.LineTo(Width - 1, yPosition);

	// Draw lower right border
	dc.LineTo(Width - 1, yPosition + Height - 1);
	dc.LineTo(0, yPosition + Height - 1);

	// Draw gauge
	dc.Rectangle(1, yPosition + 1, (Width - 1) * Value / 100, yPosition + Height - 1);

/// Paints a maximize box on the tiny caption bar.
TTinyCaption::PaintMaxBox(TDC& dc, TRect& boxRect, bool pressed)
    // Fill the box with light gray & draw bevel if possible
    PaintButton(dc, boxRect, pressed);

    if (pressed)

    // Down triangle
    int bh = boxRect.Height();
    int bw = boxRect.Width();

    if (IsZoomed()) {
        TPoint begPt = boxRect.BottomLeft().OffsetBy((bw+1)/4, -bh*3/8);
        TPoint endPt = begPt.OffsetBy((bw+1)/2, 0);
        while (begPt.x < endPt.x) {

    // Up triangle
        TPoint begPt = boxRect.TopLeft().OffsetBy((bw+1)/4, IsZoomed() ? bh*3/8 : bh*2/3);
        TPoint endPt = begPt.OffsetBy((bw+1)/2, 0);
        while (begPt.x < endPt.x) {
            begPt.Offset(1, -1);
            endPt.Offset(-1, -1);
/// Puts the font into the device context and calls PaintGadgets.
/// Respond to virtual TWindow Paint call. Call our own virtual PaintGadgets
/// to actually perform the painting of the gadgets
TGadgetWindow::Paint(TDC& dc, bool erase, TRect& rect)
  if (IsBackgroundThemed())
    TThemePart part(GetHandle(), (LPCWSTR) L"REBAR", 0, 0);
    part.DrawBackground(dc, GetClientRect(), rect);
    erase = false;

  PaintGadgets(dc, erase, rect);

#if defined(__TRACE) || defined(__WARN)
  // Highlight the tools of this gadgetwindow for debugging purposes.
  // Especially useful for docking windows which undergo internal state
  // changes
  TProfile iniFile(_T("Diagnostics"), _T(OWL_INI));

  bool useDiagColor = iniFile.GetInt(_T("DiagToolbarBorders")) != 0;

  if (useDiagColor && Tooltip && Tooltip->IsWindow()) {
    uint count = Tooltip->GetToolCount();
    if (count) {
      TPen redPen(TColor(0xff, 0, 0));

      TToolInfo ti;
      while (count) {
        if (Tooltip->EnumTools(--count, ti)) {
          dc.MoveTo(ti.rect.left, ti.rect.top);
          dc.LineTo(ti.rect.left, ti.rect.bottom);
          dc.LineTo(ti.rect.left, ti.rect.top);
/// Paints a minimize box on the tiny caption bar.
TTinyCaption::PaintMinBox(TDC& dc, TRect& boxRect, bool pressed)
    // Fill the box with light gray & draw bevel if possible
    PaintButton(dc, boxRect, pressed);

    if (pressed)

    int bh = boxRect.Height();
    int bw = boxRect.Width();

    TPoint begPt = boxRect.TopLeft().OffsetBy((bw+1)/4, (bh+2)/3);
    TPoint endPt = begPt.OffsetBy((bw+1)/2,0);
    while (begPt.x < endPt.x) {
// TBitmap256Control
// -----------------
//  Display bitmap in DC
void TBitmap256Control::DisplayBitmap (TDC& dc, TRect &rect)
	// Display a cross if no bitmap
	if ( pDIBInfo == 0 )
		dc.MoveTo (0, 0);
		dc.LineTo (MaxWidth, MaxHeight);
		dc.MoveTo (0, MaxHeight);
		dc.LineTo (MaxWidth, 0);
		char tmp[40];
		if ( BitmapName[0] != '\0' && BitmapName[0] != '-' )
			wsprintf (tmp, "No picture (%s)", BitmapName);
			wsprintf (tmp, "No picture");
		dc.TextOut (MaxWidth / 2, MaxHeight / 2 - 6, tmp);

	assert (pBitmapPalette != NULL);

	// pBitmapPalette->UnrealizeObject();
	dc.SelectObject (*pBitmapPalette);
	dc.SetStretchBltMode (COLORONCOLOR);

#if 1
	TRect ZoomRect;
	ZoomRect.left   = rect.left;
	ZoomRect.top    = rect.top;
	ZoomRect.right  = rect.right;
	ZoomRect.bottom = rect.bottom;

	// Convert the rect. size to a rect in the sprite
	rect.left   /= ZoomFactor;
	rect.top    /= ZoomFactor;
	rect.right  /= ZoomFactor;
	rect.bottom /= ZoomFactor;

	TRect DIBRect;
	DIBRect.left   = rect.left;
	DIBRect.top    = BitmapYSize - rect.bottom; 	// DIBs are Y inversed
	DIBRect.right  = DIBRect.left + rect.Width();
	DIBRect.bottom = DIBRect.top + rect.Height();

	dc.StretchDIBits (ZoomRect,
					  pDIBits, *pDIBInfo,
	// Create memory DC and display bitmap
	TMemoryDC mdc (dc);
	mdc.SelectObject (*pBitmapPalette);
	mdc.SelectObject (*pBitmap);
	dc.StretchBlt(0, 0, ZoomXSize,   ZoomYSize,
				  0, 0, BitmapXSize, BitmapYSize,

	// Restore GDI objects
void TFuncSpecView::Paint(TDC& dc, bool erase, TRect& rect)
  TSwitchMinApp* theApp = TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST(GetApplication(), TSwitchMinApp);
  if (theApp) {
    // Only paint if we're printing and we have something to paint, otherwise do nothing.
    if (theApp->Printing && theApp->Printer && !rect.IsEmpty()) {
      // Use pageSize to get the size of the window to render into.  For a Window it's the client area,
      // for a printer it's the printer DC dimensions and for print preview it's the layout window.
      TSize   pageSize(rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);

      TPrintDialog::TData& printerData = theApp->Printer->GetSetup();

      // Get area we can draw in
      TRect drawingArea(swdoc->PaintHeader(dc, rect, "", 0, 0, false), rect.BottomRight());

      TEXTMETRIC tm;
      dc.SelectObject(TFont("Arial", -12));
      if (!dc.GetTextMetrics(tm)) {
        dc.SelectObject(TFont("Arial", -12));
      int fHeight=tm.tmHeight+tm.tmExternalLeading;

      unsigned long inputs=swdoc->GetSystem()->GetInputs();

      XPosVector xpos;
      uint divider;
      char* data;

      Print_CreateWidths(xpos, divider, dc);
      if (xpos.back().x < rect.Size().cx) {  // put space in structure to stretch across page
        uint spacing=(rect.Size().cx - xpos.back().x)/(xpos.size()+1);
        uint space_inc=spacing;
        for(XPosVector::size_type i=0; i<xpos.size(); i++) {
          if (i==inputs) {  // after inputs section, increase divider
            divider += space_inc;
            space_inc += spacing;
          xpos[i].x += space_inc;
          space_inc += spacing;

      data=new char[xpos.size()];

      unsigned long PagesDown=1+pow(2,inputs)/( (drawingArea.Size().cy/fHeight) - 2);  // 2 lines for header and horz divider
      unsigned long PagesAcross=1+xpos.back().x/drawingArea.Size().cx;
      unsigned long Pages=1+PagesDown*PagesAcross;

      // Compute the number of pages to print.
      printerData.MinPage = 1;
      printerData.MaxPage = Pages;

      int fromPage = printerData.FromPage == -1 ? 1 : printerData.FromPage;
      int toPage = printerData.ToPage == -1 ? 1 : printerData.ToPage;
      int currentPage = fromPage;

      TPoint p;


      while (currentPage <= toPage) {
        swdoc->PaintHeader(dc, rect, "Specification", currentPage, Pages, true);
        if (currentPage==1) Print_Summary(dc, drawingArea);
        else {
          // Calculate origin of line by page number
            // x
            int col=((currentPage-2) ) % PagesAcross;
            p.x=drawingArea.left - col * drawingArea.Size().cx;
            // y
            int row=floor((currentPage-2)/PagesAcross);
            p.y=drawingArea.top/* - row * drawingArea.Size().cy*/;

          // Calculate starting and ending input states
          CELL_TYPE state, stateEnd;
          if (stateEnd >= (pow(2,inputs)-1) ) stateEnd=pow(2,inputs)-1;

          // Draw header and lines

          // Vertical
          if ( ((p.x+divider) > drawingArea.left) && ((p.x+divider)<drawingArea.right) ) {
            dc.MoveTo(p.x+divider, p.y);
            dc.LineTo(p.x+divider, p.y+((stateEnd-state)+3)*fHeight);

          // Labels
          for(XPosVector::size_type i=0; i<xpos.size(); i++)
            dc.TextOut(TPoint(xpos[i].x, p.y), xpos[i].s.c_str());
          p.y += fHeight;

          // Horizontal
          dc.MoveTo(drawingArea.left, p.y + fHeight/2);
          dc.LineTo(p.x+xpos.back().x, p.y + fHeight/2);
          p.y += fHeight;

          // Draw each line
          while(state <= stateEnd) {
            Print_GenerateLine(data, state);
            Print_Line(dc, p, xpos, data);
            p.y += fHeight;


      delete[] data;
    else {
      // INSERT>> Normal painting code goes here.
      wTabs->InvalidateRect(rect, erase);
void npredictMDIChild::Paint ( TDC& dc , BOOL , TRect& )
	int i, j, n, b, row, col, rstart, rstop, cstart, cstop, prevcol ;
	int xlab_height, xlab_width, ylab_height, ylab_width, wide ;
	int xlab_lw, xlab_rw, tick_height, font_height, r0, r1, c0 ;
	double xscale, yscale, xtickscale, ytickscale, *sig, val ;
   double x, xfac ;
	char msg[256] ;
	TRect rect ;
	SIZE size ;
	TColor bkgnd, *lines ;
	TBrush *brush ;
	TPen *pen, *second_pen ;
   TFont *font ;

	n = istop - istart + 1 ;
	sig = signal->sig ;
	dc.SetMapMode ( MM_TEXT ) ;
	dc.SetROP2 ( R2_COPYPEN ) ;
	dc.SetBkMode ( OPAQUE ) ;
	bkgnd = dc.GetNearestColor ( TColor ( background_color ) ) ;
	dc.SetBkColor ( bkgnd ) ;
	GetClientRect ( rect ) ;
	b = rect.bottom ;   // We use origin at bottom, so b-y adapts to Windows

	Paint the background

	brush = new TBrush ( bkgnd ) ;
	dc.SelectObject ( *brush ) ;
	pen = new TPen ( bkgnd ) ;
	dc.SelectObject ( *pen ) ;
	dc.Rectangle ( rect ) ;
	dc.RestoreBrush () ;
	delete brush ;
	dc.RestorePen () ;
	delete pen ;
   Setup main drawing pen and secondary pen for hash lines

   lines = new TColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
	pen = new TPen ( *lines , 1 , PS_SOLID ) ;
	second_pen = new TPen ( *lines , 1 , PS_DASH ) ;

	Compute the maximum height and width of the axis tick labels.
	This lets us position the graph optimally.
	xlab_height = xlab_width = ylab_height = ylab_width = xlab_lw = xlab_rw = 0 ;
	font_height = rect.bottom / 20 ;
	if (rect.right / 24 < font_height)
		font_height = rect.right / 24 ;

	if (font_height < 8)
      font_height = 0 ;

	if (font_height) {
		font = new TFont ( "Helvetica" , font_height ) ;
		dc.SelectObject ( *font ) ;
   	for (i=0 ; i<xnticks ; i++) {
   		sprintf ( msg , "%*.*lf", xndigits, xnfrac, xmin + i * xdif ) ;
   		GetTextExtentPoint ( dc , msg , strlen(msg) , &size ) ;
   		if (! i)
   			xlab_lw = size.cx ;      // Width of leftmost x label
   		if (i == xnticks-1)
   			xlab_rw = size.cx ;      // And rightmost x label
   		if (size.cx > xlab_width)
   			xlab_width = size.cx ;
   		if (size.cy > xlab_height)
   			xlab_height = size.cy ;

   	for (i=0 ; i<ynticks ; i++) {
   		sprintf ( msg , "%*.*lf", yndigits, ynfrac, ymin + i * ydif ) ;
   		GetTextExtentPoint ( dc , msg , strlen(msg) , &size ) ;
			if (size.cx > ylab_width)
				ylab_width = size.cx ;
			if (size.cy > ylab_height)
				ylab_height = size.cy ;

		tick_height = xlab_height / 2 ;

	else {
		tick_height = rect.bottom / 64  +  2 ;
      font = NULL ;

   Last check on label display.  Are X-axis labels to wide?

   if ((xlab_width * xnticks) > (3 * rect.right / 4)) {
      font_height = 0 ;
	   xlab_height = xlab_width = ylab_height = ylab_width = 0 ;
      xlab_lw = xlab_rw = 0 ;
		tick_height = rect.bottom / 64  +  2 ;
      if (font != NULL) {
	      dc.RestoreFont () ;
      	delete font ;
         font = NULL ;

	Compute the graph extent based on these label metrics

	rstart = tick_height + xlab_height + 1  ;  // Ticks, X tick labels
	rstop = rect.bottom - ylab_height/2 - 2 ;  // Top half of topmost label

	if (xlab_lw / 2  >  ylab_width)            // If left half of X label biggest
		cstart = xlab_lw / 2 + 1 ;              // Use it for offset
		cstart = ylab_width + 2 ;               // Otherwise Y labels determine it

	cstop = rect.right - xlab_rw / 2 - 2 ;     // Leave room for rightmost label
	Compute scales for data and ticks

   xscale = (double) (cstop - cstart) / (xmax - xmin) ;
   xfac = (rightx - leftx) / (n-1) ;
	yscale = (double) (rstop - rstart) / (ymax - ymin) ;

	xtickscale = (double) (cstop-cstart) / (double) (xnticks-1) ;
	ytickscale = (double) (rstop-rstart) / (double) (ynticks-1) ;

	Outline the graph, draw ticks, and write their labels

	dc.SelectObject ( *pen ) ;
	dc.MoveTo ( cstart , b-rstart ) ;
	dc.LineTo ( cstop , b-rstart ) ;
	dc.LineTo ( cstop , b-rstop ) ;
	dc.LineTo ( cstart , b-rstop ) ;
	dc.LineTo ( cstart , b-rstart ) ;
	dc.RestorePen () ;

	for (i=0 ; i<ynticks ; i++) {                 /* Y ticks */
		row = rstart + i * ytickscale + 0.5 ;
		if (i  &&  (i < ynticks-1)) {  // Horizontal interior lines
         dc.SelectObject ( *second_pen ) ;
			dc.MoveTo ( cstart , b-row ) ;
			dc.LineTo ( cstop , b-row ) ;
         dc.RestorePen () ;
      if (font_height) {
   		sprintf ( msg , "%*.*lf", yndigits, ynfrac, ymin + i * ydif ) ;
   		rect.bottom = b - (row - ylab_height / 2) ;
   		rect.top = rect.bottom - ylab_height - 1 ;
   		rect.right = cstart - 1 ;
   		rect.left = rect.right - ylab_width - 1 ;
         dc.SelectObject ( *pen ) ;
   		dc.DrawText ( msg , -1 , rect , DT_SINGLELINE | DT_BOTTOM | DT_RIGHT );
         dc.RestorePen () ;

   dc.SelectObject ( *pen ) ;
	prevcol = 0 ;
	for (i=0 ; i<xnticks ; i++) {                         /* X ticks */
		col = cstart + i * xtickscale + 0.5 ;
		dc.MoveTo ( col , b-rstart ) ;
		dc.LineTo ( col , b-(rstart - tick_height) ) ;
		if (i) {  /* Make an additional, unlabeled tick between main ones */
			dc.MoveTo ( (col + prevcol) / 2  , b-rstart ) ;
			dc.LineTo ( (col + prevcol) / 2 , b-(rstart - tick_height/2) ) ;
		prevcol = col ;
		if (font_height) {
			sprintf ( msg , "%*.*lf", xndigits, xnfrac, xmin + i * xdif ) ;
         while (*msg == ' ')          // Remove leading blanks
            strcpy ( msg , msg+1 ) ;
			rect.top = b - (rstart - tick_height) ;
			rect.bottom = rect.top + xlab_height - 1 ;
			rect.right = col + xlab_width / 2 ;
			rect.left = rect.right - xlab_width - 1 ;
			dc.DrawText ( msg , -1 , rect , DT_SINGLELINE | DT_BOTTOM | DT_CENTER);
   dc.RestorePen () ;

   if (font_height) {
	   dc.RestoreFont () ;
   	delete font ;

   Draw the graph

   if ((signal->type == DataSignal)  ||  (signal->type == SpectrumSignal)
    || (signal->type == SpectrumDevSignal)) {
      if ((command_id == ID_PRED_DISPLAY_CONFIDENCE) && // Draw confidence first
          (signal->known_n <= istop)) {                 // If visible
         delete second_pen ;    // No longer needed for hash lines, so use for
         second_pen = new TPen ( *lines , 1 , PS_DOT ) ; // Confidence lines
         dc.SelectObject ( *second_pen ) ;
         i = signal->known_n - 1 ;
         if (i >= istart)
            r0 = rstart + (int) ((sig[i] - ymin) * yscale) ;
         else {
            i = istart ;
            j = i - signal->known_n ;
            if (signal->mult_conf)
               val = sig[i] * signal->intervals[2*j] ;
               val = sig[i] + signal->intervals[2*j] ;
            r0 = rstart + (int) ((val - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ;
         if (r0 < rstart)
            r0 = rstart ;
         if (r0 > rstop)
            r0 = rstop ;
         r0 = b - r0 ;
         x = (i - istart) * xfac + leftx ;
         c0 = cstart + (int) (xscale * (x-xmin) + 0.5) ;
         dc.MoveTo ( c0 , r0 ) ;
         for (i=i+1 ; i<signal->known_n+signal->npred ; i++) {
            if (i > istop)
               break ;
            j = i - signal->known_n ;
            if (signal->mult_conf)
               val = sig[i] * signal->intervals[2*j] ;
               val = sig[i] + signal->intervals[2*j] ;
            r0 = rstart + (int) ((val - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ;
            if (r0 < rstart)
               r0 = rstart ;
            if (r0 > rstop)
               r0 = rstop ;
            r0 = b - r0 ;
            x = (i - istart) * xfac + leftx ;
            c0 = cstart + (int) (xscale * (x-xmin) + 0.5) ;
      		dc.LineTo ( c0 , r0 ) ;

         i = signal->known_n - 1 ;
         if (i >= istart)
            r0 = rstart + (int) ((sig[i] - ymin) * yscale) ;
         else {
            i = istart ;
            j = i - signal->known_n ;
            if (signal->mult_conf)
               val = sig[i] * signal->intervals[2*j] ;
               val = sig[i] + signal->intervals[2*j] ;
            r0 = rstart + (int) ((val - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ;
         if (r0 < rstart)
            r0 = rstart ;
         if (r0 > rstop)
            r0 = rstop ;
         r0 = b - r0 ;
         x = (i - istart) * xfac + leftx ;
         c0 = cstart + (int) (xscale * (x-xmin) + 0.5) ;
         dc.MoveTo ( c0 , r0 ) ;
         for (i=signal->known_n ; i<signal->known_n+signal->npred ; i++) {
            if (i > istop)
               break ;
            j = i - signal->known_n ;
            if (signal->mult_conf)
               val = sig[i] * signal->intervals[2*j+1] ;
               val = sig[i] + signal->intervals[2*j+1] ;
            r0 = rstart + (int) ((val - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ;
            if (r0 < rstart)
               r0 = rstart ;
            if (r0 > rstop)
               r0 = rstop ;
            r0 = b - r0 ;
            x = (i - istart) * xfac + leftx ;
            c0 = cstart + (int) (xscale * (x-xmin) + 0.5) ;
      		dc.LineTo ( c0 , r0 ) ;
         dc.RestorePen () ;

      if (signal->type == SpectrumDevSignal) {
         delete second_pen ;    // No longer needed for hash lines, so use for
         second_pen = new TPen ( *lines , 1 , PS_DOT ) ; // Confidence lines
         dc.SelectObject ( *second_pen ) ;
         row = rstart + (int) ((corrlim - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ; // Confidence
         if ((row >= rstart)  &&  (row <= rstop)) {
            dc.MoveTo ( cstart , b-row ) ;
            dc.LineTo ( cstop , b-row ) ;
         row = rstart + (int) ((-corrlim - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ; // Confidence
         if ((row >= rstart)  &&  (row <= rstop)) {
            dc.MoveTo ( cstart , b-row ) ;
            dc.LineTo ( cstop , b-row ) ;
         dc.RestorePen () ;

      dc.SelectObject ( *pen ) ;
      r0 = rstart + (int) ((sig[istart] - ymin) * yscale) ;
      if (r0 < rstart)
         r0 = rstart ;
      if (r0 > rstop)
         r0 = rstop ;
      r0 = b - r0 ;
      x = leftx ;
      c0 = cstart + (int) (xscale * (x-xmin) + 0.5) ;
      dc.MoveTo ( c0 , r0 ) ;
   	for (i=istart+1 ; i<=istop ; i++) {
         r0 = rstart + (int) ((sig[i] - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ;
         if (r0 < rstart)
            r0 = rstart ;
         if (r0 > rstop)
            r0 = rstop ;
         r0 = b - r0 ;
         x = (i - istart) * xfac + leftx ;
         c0 = cstart + (int) (xscale * (x-xmin) + 0.5) ;
   		dc.LineTo ( c0 , r0 ) ;
      dc.RestorePen () ;
      } // If DataSignal or SpectrumSignal

   else if (signal->type == CorrelationSignal) {
      delete second_pen ;    // No longer needed for hash lines, so use for
      second_pen = new TPen ( *lines , 1 , PS_DOT ) ; // Confidence lines
      dc.SelectObject ( *second_pen ) ;
      row = rstart + (int) ((corrlim - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ; // Confidence
      if ((row >= rstart)  &&  (row <= rstop)) {
         dc.MoveTo ( cstart , b-row ) ;
         dc.LineTo ( cstop , b-row ) ;
      row = rstart + (int) ((-corrlim - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ; // Confidence
      if ((row >= rstart)  &&  (row <= rstop)) {
         dc.MoveTo ( cstart , b-row ) ;
         dc.LineTo ( cstop , b-row ) ;
      dc.RestorePen () ;
      wide = (cstop - cstart) / n ;
      r0 = rstart + (int) ((0.0 - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ;
      for (i=0 ; i<ynticks ; i++) {            // Search all horizontal ticks
         row = rstart + i * ytickscale + 0.5 ; // Because rounding error
         if (abs ( r0 - row ) <= 1) {          // Might make 0 off by one
            r0 = row ;                         // Which looks ugly
            break ;
      if (r0 < rstart)
         r0 = rstart ;
      if (r0 > rstop)
         r0 = rstop ;
      r0 = b - r0 ;
      dc.SelectObject ( *pen ) ;
   	for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
         c0 = cstart + (int) (xscale * (i+1) + 0.5) ;
         r1 = rstart + (int) ((sig[i] - ymin) * yscale + 0.5) ;
         if (r1 < rstart)
            r1 = rstart ;
         if (r1 > rstop)
            r1 = rstop ;
         r1 = b - r1 ;
         dc.MoveTo ( c0 , r0 ) ;
   		dc.LineTo ( c0 , r1 ) ;
         if (wide && (c0 > cstart)) {
            dc.MoveTo ( c0-1 , r0 ) ;
            dc.LineTo ( c0-1 , r1 ) ;
         if (wide && (c0 < cstop)) {
            dc.MoveTo ( c0+1 , r0 ) ;
            dc.LineTo ( c0+1 , r1 ) ;
         if ((wide > 9)  &&  (c0 > cstart+1)) {
            dc.MoveTo ( c0-2 , r0 ) ;
            dc.LineTo ( c0-2 , r1 ) ;
         if ((wide > 9)  &&  (c0 < cstop-1)) {
            dc.MoveTo ( c0+2 , r0 ) ;
            dc.LineTo ( c0+2 , r1 ) ;
      dc.RestorePen () ;

	delete pen ;
	delete second_pen ;
	delete lines ;