FDrawInfo *FDrawInfoList::GetNew() { if (mList.Size() > 0) { FDrawInfo *di; mList.Pop(di); return di; } return new FDrawInfo; }
void gl_InitModels() { int Lump, lastLump; FString path; int index, surface; int i; FSpriteModelFrame smf; lastLump = 0; for(unsigned i=0;i<Models.Size();i++) { delete Models[i]; } Models.Clear(); SpriteModelFrames.Clear(); DeleteModelHash(); // First, create models for each voxel for (unsigned i = 0; i < Voxels.Size(); i++) { FVoxelModel *md = new FVoxelModel(Voxels[i], false); Voxels[i]->VoxelIndex = Models.Push(md); } // now create GL model frames for the voxeldefs for (unsigned i = 0; i < VoxelDefs.Size(); i++) { FVoxelModel *md = (FVoxelModel*)Models[VoxelDefs[i]->Voxel->VoxelIndex]; memset(&smf, 0, sizeof(smf)); smf.modelIDs[1] = smf.modelIDs[2] = smf.modelIDs[3] = -1; smf.modelIDs[0] = VoxelDefs[i]->Voxel->VoxelIndex; smf.skinIDs[0] = md->GetPaletteTexture(); smf.xscale = smf.yscale = smf.zscale = VoxelDefs[i]->Scale; smf.angleoffset = VoxelDefs[i]->AngleOffset.Degrees; if (VoxelDefs[i]->PlacedSpin != 0) { smf.yrotate = 1.f; smf.rotationSpeed = VoxelDefs[i]->PlacedSpin / 55.55f; smf.flags |= MDL_ROTATING; } VoxelDefs[i]->VoxeldefIndex = SpriteModelFrames.Push(smf); if (VoxelDefs[i]->PlacedSpin != VoxelDefs[i]->DroppedSpin) { if (VoxelDefs[i]->DroppedSpin != 0) { smf.yrotate = 1.f; smf.rotationSpeed = VoxelDefs[i]->DroppedSpin / 55.55f; smf.flags |= MDL_ROTATING; } else { smf.yrotate = 0; smf.rotationSpeed = 0; smf.flags &= ~MDL_ROTATING; } SpriteModelFrames.Push(smf); } } memset(&smf, 0, sizeof(smf)); smf.modelIDs[0] = smf.modelIDs[1] = smf.modelIDs[2] = smf.modelIDs[3] = -1; while ((Lump = Wads.FindLump("MODELDEF", &lastLump)) != -1) { FScanner sc(Lump); while (sc.GetString()) { if (sc.Compare("model")) { path = ""; sc.MustGetString(); memset(&smf, 0, sizeof(smf)); smf.modelIDs[1] = smf.modelIDs[2] = smf.modelIDs[3] = -1; smf.xscale=smf.yscale=smf.zscale=1.f; smf.type = PClass::FindClass(sc.String); if (!smf.type || smf.type->Defaults == nullptr) { sc.ScriptError("MODELDEF: Unknown actor type '%s'\n", sc.String); } sc.MustGetStringName("{"); while (!sc.CheckString("}")) { sc.MustGetString(); if (sc.Compare("path")) { sc.MustGetString(); FixPathSeperator(sc.String); path = sc.String; if (path[(int)path.Len()-1]!='/') path+='/'; } else if (sc.Compare("model")) { sc.MustGetNumber(); index = sc.Number; if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_MODELS_PER_FRAME) { sc.ScriptError("Too many models in %s", smf.type->TypeName.GetChars()); } sc.MustGetString(); FixPathSeperator(sc.String); smf.modelIDs[index] = FindModel(path.GetChars(), sc.String); if (smf.modelIDs[index] == -1) { Printf("%s: model not found in %s\n", sc.String, path.GetChars()); } } else if (sc.Compare("scale")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.xscale = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.yscale = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.zscale = sc.Float; } // [BB] Added zoffset reading. // Now it must be considered deprecated. else if (sc.Compare("zoffset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.zoffset=sc.Float; } // Offset reading. else if (sc.Compare("offset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.xoffset = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.yoffset = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.zoffset = sc.Float; } // angleoffset, pitchoffset and rolloffset reading. else if (sc.Compare("angleoffset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.angleoffset = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("pitchoffset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.pitchoffset = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("rolloffset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rolloffset = sc.Float; } // [BB] Added model flags reading. else if (sc.Compare("ignoretranslation")) { smf.flags |= MDL_IGNORETRANSLATION; } else if (sc.Compare("pitchfrommomentum")) { smf.flags |= MDL_PITCHFROMMOMENTUM; } else if (sc.Compare("inheritactorpitch")) { smf.flags |= MDL_USEACTORPITCH | MDL_BADROTATION; } else if (sc.Compare("inheritactorroll")) { smf.flags |= MDL_USEACTORROLL; } else if (sc.Compare("useactorpitch")) { smf.flags |= MDL_USEACTORPITCH; } else if (sc.Compare("useactorroll")) { smf.flags |= MDL_USEACTORROLL; } else if (sc.Compare("rotating")) { smf.flags |= MDL_ROTATING; smf.xrotate = 0.; smf.yrotate = 1.; smf.zrotate = 0.; smf.rotationCenterX = 0.; smf.rotationCenterY = 0.; smf.rotationCenterZ = 0.; smf.rotationSpeed = 1.; } else if (sc.Compare("rotation-speed")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rotationSpeed = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("rotation-vector")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.xrotate = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.yrotate = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.zrotate = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("rotation-center")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rotationCenterX = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rotationCenterY = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rotationCenterZ = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("interpolatedoubledframes")) { smf.flags |= MDL_INTERPOLATEDOUBLEDFRAMES; } else if (sc.Compare("nointerpolation")) { smf.flags |= MDL_NOINTERPOLATION; } else if (sc.Compare("skin")) { sc.MustGetNumber(); index=sc.Number; if (index<0 || index>=MAX_MODELS_PER_FRAME) { sc.ScriptError("Too many models in %s", smf.type->TypeName.GetChars()); } sc.MustGetString(); FixPathSeperator(sc.String); if (sc.Compare("")) { smf.skinIDs[index]=FNullTextureID(); } else { smf.skinIDs[index] = LoadSkin(path.GetChars(), sc.String); if (!smf.skinIDs[index].isValid()) { Printf("Skin '%s' not found in '%s'\n", sc.String, smf.type->TypeName.GetChars()); } } } else if (sc.Compare("surfaceskin")) { sc.MustGetNumber(); index = sc.Number; sc.MustGetNumber(); surface = sc.Number; if (index<0 || index >= MAX_MODELS_PER_FRAME) { sc.ScriptError("Too many models in %s", smf.type->TypeName.GetChars()); } if (surface<0 || surface >= MD3_MAX_SURFACES) { sc.ScriptError("Invalid MD3 Surface %d in %s", MD3_MAX_SURFACES, smf.type->TypeName.GetChars()); } sc.MustGetString(); FixPathSeperator(sc.String); if (sc.Compare("")) { smf.surfaceskinIDs[index][surface] = FNullTextureID(); } else { smf.surfaceskinIDs[index][surface] = LoadSkin(path.GetChars(), sc.String); if (!smf.surfaceskinIDs[index][surface].isValid()) { Printf("Surface Skin '%s' not found in '%s'\n", sc.String, smf.type->TypeName.GetChars()); } } } else if (sc.Compare("frameindex") || sc.Compare("frame")) { bool isframe=!!sc.Compare("frame"); sc.MustGetString(); smf.sprite = -1; for (i = 0; i < (int)sprites.Size (); ++i) { if (strnicmp (sprites[i].name, sc.String, 4) == 0) { if (sprites[i].numframes==0) { //sc.ScriptError("Sprite %s has no frames", sc.String); } smf.sprite = i; break; } } if (smf.sprite==-1) { sc.ScriptError("Unknown sprite %s in model definition for %s", sc.String, smf.type->TypeName.GetChars()); } sc.MustGetString(); FString framechars = sc.String; sc.MustGetNumber(); index=sc.Number; if (index<0 || index>=MAX_MODELS_PER_FRAME) { sc.ScriptError("Too many models in %s", smf.type->TypeName.GetChars()); } if (isframe) { sc.MustGetString(); if (smf.modelIDs[index] != -1) { FModel *model = Models[smf.modelIDs[index]]; smf.modelframes[index] = model->FindFrame(sc.String); if (smf.modelframes[index]==-1) sc.ScriptError("Unknown frame '%s' in %s", sc.String, smf.type->TypeName.GetChars()); } else smf.modelframes[index] = -1; } else { sc.MustGetNumber(); smf.modelframes[index] = sc.Number; } for(i=0; framechars[i]>0; i++) { char map[29]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int c = toupper(framechars[i])-'A'; if (c<0 || c>=29) { sc.ScriptError("Invalid frame character %c found", c+'A'); } if (map[c]) continue; smf.frame=c; SpriteModelFrames.Push(smf); GetDefaultByType(smf.type)->hasmodel = true; map[c]=1; } } else { sc.ScriptMessage("Unrecognized string \"%s\"", sc.String); } } } } } // create a hash table for quick access SpriteModelHash = new int[SpriteModelFrames.Size ()]; atterm(DeleteModelHash); memset(SpriteModelHash, 0xff, SpriteModelFrames.Size () * sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < (int)SpriteModelFrames.Size (); i++) { int j = ModelFrameHash(&SpriteModelFrames[i]) % SpriteModelFrames.Size (); SpriteModelFrames[i].hashnext = SpriteModelHash[j]; SpriteModelHash[j]=i; } }