double Prediction::GetLimitedRatio(TH1D* h1, TH1D* h2, float min, float max, bool binomial, float &relerror){ if(h1->GetNbinsX() != h2->GetNbinsX()){cout << "GetIntegral ERROR! " << endl; exit(-1);} TH1D* h1cp = h1->Clone("h1cp"); TH1D* h2cp = h2->Clone("h2cp"); for(int i=1; i<=h1cp->GetNbinsX(); ++i){ if(h1cp->GetBinLowEdge(i) <min || h1cp->GetBinLowEdge(i)+h1cp->GetBinWidth(i) >max){ h1cp->SetBinContent(i, 0); h1cp->SetBinError(i, 0); h2cp->SetBinContent(i, 0); h2cp->SetBinError(i, 0); } } TH1D* h1cp_2 = GetScaledHisto(h1cp, 1, 0, h1cp->GetNbinsX()); TH1D* h2cp_2 = GetScaledHisto(h2cp, 1, 0, h1cp->GetNbinsX()); TH1D* r = h1cp_2->Clone("r"); r->Divide(h1cp_2, h2cp_2, 1, 1, binomial? "B":""); *fLogStream << "Getting Limited Ratio for " << h1->GetName() << " " << h2->GetName() << endl; *fLogStream << ">>> ratio = " << r->GetBinContent(1) << " pm " << r->GetBinError(1) << endl; if(fDoRatioStatErr){ relerror = r->GetBinError(1)/r->GetBinContent(1); } double ratio = r->GetBinContent(1); delete h1cp; delete h2cp; delete h1cp_2; delete h2cp_2; delete r; return ratio; }
TH1D* Prediction::GetScaledHisto(TH1D* histo, float scale_fact, float scale_fact_err){ // takes histo, scale factor and uncertainty on scale factor // and returns scaled and rebinned histo with 1 bin with uncertainty on scale factor propagated. TH1D *h = (TH1D*) histo->Clone(histo->GetName()); h->Rebin(h->GetNbinsX()); h->SetBinError(1, sqrt(h->GetBinError(1)* h->GetBinError(1) *scale_fact *scale_fact + h->GetBinContent(1)*h->GetBinContent(1) *scale_fact_err*scale_fact_err)); h->SetBinContent(1, h->GetBinContent(1)*scale_fact); return h; }
TH1D* Prediction::GetScaledHisto(TH1D* histo, float scale_fact, float scale_fact_err, int ngroup){ // takes histo, scale factor and uncertainty on scale factor // and returns scaled and rebinned histo with ngroup bins merged into 1 with uncertainty on scale factor propagated. if(ngroup>=histo->GetNbinsX()) ngroup=histo->GetNbinsX(); TH1D *h = (TH1D*) histo->Clone(histo->GetName()); h->Rebin(ngroup); for(int i=1; i<=h->GetNbinsX(); ++i){ h->SetBinError(i, sqrt(h->GetBinError(i)* h->GetBinError(i) *scale_fact *scale_fact + h->GetBinContent(i)*h->GetBinContent(i) *scale_fact_err*scale_fact_err)); h->SetBinContent(i, h->GetBinContent(i)*scale_fact); } return h; }
TH1D * GetITSTPCSpectrum(TFile *file, Int_t part, Int_t charge, Int_t cent) { TList *list = (TList *)file->Get("output"); TH1D *hin = (TH1D *)list->FindObject(Form("h_%s_%s_cen_%d", ITSTPCPartName[part], ITSTPCChargeName[charge], cent + 1)); if (!hin) return NULL; TH1D *h = new TH1D(Form("hITSTPC_cent%d_%s_%s", cent, AliPID::ParticleName(part), chargeName[charge]), "ITSTPC", NptBins, ptBin); Double_t pt, width, value, error; Int_t bin; for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < NptBins; ipt++) { /* get input bin */ pt = h->GetBinCenter(ipt + 1); width = h->GetBinWidth(ipt + 1); bin = hin->FindBin(pt); /* sanity check */ if (TMath::Abs(hin->GetBinCenter(bin) - pt) > 0.001 || TMath::Abs(hin->GetBinWidth(bin) - width) > 0.001) continue; /* copy bin */ value = hin->GetBinContent(bin); error = hin->GetBinError(bin); h->SetBinContent(ipt + 1, value); h->SetBinError(ipt + 1, error); } #if 0 /* add systematic error */ Double_t sys; if (part == 2) sys = 0.5; else sys = 0.1; Double_t cont, conte; for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < h->GetNbinsX(); ipt++) { cont = h->GetBinContent(ipt + 1); conte = h->GetBinError(ipt + 1); conte = TMath::Sqrt(conte * conte + sys * sys * cont * cont); h->SetBinError(ipt + 1, conte); } #endif h->SetTitle("ITSTPC"); h->SetLineWidth(1); h->SetLineColor(1); h->SetMarkerStyle(21); h->SetMarkerColor(2); h->SetFillStyle(0); h->SetFillColor(0); return h; }
void MergeOverflow(TH1D &h, bool merge_underflow, bool merge_overflow) { if(merge_underflow) { h.SetBinContent(1, h.GetBinContent(0)+h.GetBinContent(1)); h.SetBinContent(0, 0.); h.SetBinError(1, hypot(h.GetBinError(0), h.GetBinError(1))); h.SetBinError(0, 0.); } int nbins = h.GetNbinsX(); if(merge_overflow) { h.SetBinContent(nbins, h.GetBinContent(nbins)+h.GetBinContent(nbins+1)); h.SetBinContent(nbins+1, 0.); h.SetBinError(nbins, hypot(h.GetBinError(nbins), h.GetBinError(nbins+1))); h.SetBinError(nbins+1, 0.); } }
TH1D* ratio_hist_to_func(TH1D* num, double par0, double par1, double par2) { cout<<"[Ratio to fit used]"<<endl; TH1D *hRatio = (TH1D*) num->Clone("hRatio"); TF1 *f3 = new TF1("f3","[0]*(1+(sqrt(0.1396**2+x**2)-0.1396)/([1]*[2]))**(-[2])",0,6.5); f3->SetParameters(par0,par1,par2); //f3->SetLineColor(2); int nbin = num->GetEntries(); for(int i=0; i<nbin; i++) { double cms_value = (double) f3->Eval(hRatio->GetBinCenter(i+1)); if(hRatio->GetBinCenter(i+1)>0.4 && hRatio->GetBinCenter(i+1)<6.0) { //double ratio = cms_value/hRatio->GetBinContent(i+1); //double ratio_err = cms_value/hRatio->GetBinError(i+1); double ratio = hRatio->GetBinContent(i+1)/cms_value; double ratio_err = hRatio->GetBinError(i+1)/cms_value; } else { double ratio = -999; double ratio_err = 0.0; } //double ratio = hRatio->GetBinContent(i+1)/cms_value; //double ratio_err = hRatio->GetBinError(i+1)/cms_value; hRatio->SetBinContent(i+1,ratio); hRatio->SetBinError(i+1,ratio_err); } return hRatio; }
void createSysStatErrorHist(TH1D *hist_pre){ TH1D *histErr = (TH1D*) hist_pre->Clone("histErr"); hsyserr = (TH1D*) hist_pre->Clone("hsyserr"), hsyserr->Reset(); hsyserr->Sumw2(); cout<<""<<endl; for(int i=0;i<histErr->GetNbinsX();i++){ // last bin is meaningless double pt = histErr->GetBinCenter(i+1); double statferr = histErr->GetBinError(i+1)/histErr->GetBinContent(i+1); if(i==(histErr->GetNbinsX()-1)) statferr = 0.9; //double sysferr = fsyserr->Eval(pt); double sysferr = returnCombinedSysError(pt); double sumferr = sqrt(statferr*statferr + sysferr*sysferr); //double sumerr = 1.*(sumferr/100); double sumerr = 1.*sumferr; hsyserr->SetBinContent(i+1,1); hsyserr->SetBinError(i+1,sumerr); //hsyserr->SetBinError(i+1,0.5); cout<<"[setSysStatError] stat err (frac): "<<statferr<<" syst err (fac): "<<sysferr<<" combined (frac): "<<sumferr<<endl; } //tsyserr = (TGraphErrors*) TgraphIt(hsyserr); }
void QinvKstar (const char* filename, const char* histname) { TFile* fileIn = new TFile(filename,"update"); TH1D* hist = (TH1D*)fileIn->Get(histname); TH1D* histnew = new TH1D(Form("kstar_%s",histname),"",hist->GetNbinsX(),0,0.25);//(TH1D*)fileIn->Get(histname); // for (int ibins = 1; ibins <= hist->GetNbinsX()*2; ibins++ ) { // hist->SetBinContent(ibins, hist->GetBinContent(ibins)); // // hist->SetBinContent(ibins, hist->GetBinContent(ibins)); // } int bin=2;//1 for (double kstar = 0.00375; kstar <= 0.25; kstar += 0.0025 ) { // for (double kstar = 0.00375; kstar <= 0.25; kstar += 0.0025 ) { // for (double kstar = 0.005; kstar <= 0.25; kstar += 0.01 ) { // hist->Fill(kstar,hist->GetBinContent(hist->FindBin(kstar*2))); histnew->SetBinContent(bin,hist->GetBinContent(hist->FindFixBin(kstar*2))); histnew->SetBinError(bin++,hist->GetBinError(hist->FindFixBin(kstar*2))); // hist->SetBinContent(ibins, hist->GetBinContent(ibins)); // hist->SetBinContent(ibins, hist->GetBinContent(ibins)); } TFile* fileOut = new TFile(Form("kstar_%s",filename), "update"); hist->Write(); histnew->Write(); }
CombineSpectra(TH1D *h, TObjArray *oa) { /* combine with weighted mean */ Double_t ptcen, w, sumw, mean, meane, cont, conte, syse, tote, minvalue, maxvalue, maxerror, maxmindiff; Int_t ptbin; TH1D *hin; for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < h->GetNbinsX(); ipt++) { mean = 0.; sumw = 0.; minvalue = kMaxInt; maxvalue = 0.; maxerror = 0.; ptcen = h->GetBinCenter(ipt + 1); TProfile prof(Form("prof_%d", ipt), "", 1, 0., 1.); /* to get RMS */ for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < oa->GetEntries(); ih++) { hin = (TH1D *)oa->At(ih); ptbin = hin->FindBin(ptcen); if (ptbin <= 0.) continue; cont = hin->GetBinContent(ptbin); conte = hin->GetBinError(ptbin); if (cont == 0. || conte == 0.) continue; w = 1. / (conte * conte); mean += cont * w; sumw += w; if (cont < minvalue) minvalue = cont; if (cont > maxvalue) maxvalue = cont; if (conte > maxerror) maxerror = conte; prof.Fill(0., cont); } if (sumw == 0.) { mean = 0.; meane = 0.; syse = 0.; tote = 0.; } else { mean /= sumw; meane = TMath::Sqrt(1. / sumw); syse = 0.5 * (maxvalue - minvalue); tote = TMath::Sqrt(meane * meane + syse * syse); // if (tote < maxerror) // tote = maxerror; } // printf("pt = %f, mean = %f, meane = %f, syse = %f, tote = %f\n", ptcen, mean, meane, syse, tote); // syse = prof.GetBinError(1); h->SetBinContent(ipt + 1, mean); h->SetBinError(ipt + 1, tote); // h->SetBinError(ipt + 1, TMath::Sqrt(meane * meane + syse * syse + mean * mean * 0.1 * 0.1)); /* add extra 10% systematics */ } }
void XS1S_Rap(){ TFile *f = new TFile("XSection.root"); TH1D *H; H = (TH1D*)gFile->Get("S1YieldEta"); double tot(0.); double totE(0.); ofstream OUT("XS_1S_rap.tex"); OUT << "% ----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; OUT << "% -- Yields" << endl; for ( int x = 1; x <= H->GetNbinsX(); ++x ){ OUT << Form("\\vdef{XS_rap%iS_bin%iContent} {\\ensuremath{ {%.3f } } }",1, x, H->GetBinContent(x)*H->GetBinWidth(x) ) << endl; OUT << Form("\\vdef{XS_rap%iS_bin%iError} {\\ensuremath{ {%.3f } } }",1, x, H->GetBinError(x)*H->GetBinWidth(x) ) << endl; tot += H->GetBinContent(x)*H->GetBinWidth(x); totE += (H->GetBinError(x)*H->GetBinWidth(x)*H->GetBinWidth(x)*H->GetBinError(x)); } OUT << Form("\\vdef{sum%iS} {\\ensuremath{ {%.4f } } }",1, tot) << endl; OUT << Form("\\vdef{sum%iSError} {\\ensuremath{ {%.4f } } }",1 , TMath::Sqrt(totE) ) << endl; OUT.close(); }
TH1D * GetITSsaSpectrum(TFile *file, Int_t part, Int_t charge, Int_t cent, Bool_t cutSpectrum = kTRUE, Bool_t addSystematicError = kTRUE) { /* pt limits for combined spectra */ Double_t ptMin[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {0., 0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3}; Double_t ptMax[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {0., 0., 0.6, 0.5, 0.6}; TList *list = (TList *)file->Get("output"); TH1D *hin = (TH1D *)list->FindObject(Form("h_%s_%s_cen_%d", ITSsaPartName[part], ITSsaChargeName[charge], cent)); if (!hin) return NULL; /* get systematics */ TFile *fsys = TFile::Open("SPECTRASYS_ITSsa.root"); TH1 *hsys = fsys->Get(Form("hSystTot%s%s", ITSsaChargeName[charge], ITSsaPartName[part])); TH1D *h = new TH1D(Form("hITSsa_cent%d_%s_%s", cent, AliPID::ParticleName(part), chargeName[charge]), "ITSsa", NptBins, ptBin); Double_t pt, width, value, error, sys; Int_t bin; for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < NptBins; ipt++) { /* get input bin */ pt = h->GetBinCenter(ipt + 1); width = h->GetBinWidth(ipt + 1); bin = hin->FindBin(pt); /* sanity check */ if (TMath::Abs(hin->GetBinCenter(bin) - pt) > 0.001 || TMath::Abs(hin->GetBinWidth(bin) - width) > 0.001) continue; /* check pt limits */ if (cutSpectrum && (pt < ptMin[part] || pt > ptMax[part])) continue; /* copy bin */ value = hin->GetBinContent(bin); error = hin->GetBinError(bin); /*** TEMP ADD SYS ***/ if (addSystematicError) { sys = hsys->GetBinContent(bin) * value; error = TMath::Sqrt(error * error + sys * sys); } h->SetBinContent(ipt + 1, value); h->SetBinError(ipt + 1, error); } h->SetTitle("ITSsa"); h->SetLineWidth(1); h->SetLineColor(1); h->SetMarkerStyle(20); h->SetMarkerColor(1); h->SetFillStyle(0); h->SetFillColor(0); return h; }
UpsilonYields getValFromTH1D(TString kineLabel) { UpsilonYields yields; TString fname = Form("fitResults/fixParam1MuPt4_Feb02/fitresults_upsilon_singleCB_%s.root",kineLabel.Data()); cout << "opening " << fname << " ....." <<endl; TFile* f1 = new TFile(fname.Data() ); if ( f1->IsZombie() ) { cout << " no such a file exists..." << endl << endl; yields.yield1s = -1 ; yields.err1s = -1 ; yields.yield2s = -1 ; yields.err2s = -1 ; yields.yield3s = -1 ; yields.err3s = -1 ; } else { TH1D* h = (TH1D*)f1->Get("fitResults"); yields.yield1s = h->GetBinContent(1); yields.err1s = h->GetBinError (1); yields.yield2s = h->GetBinContent(2); yields.err2s = h->GetBinError (2); yields.yield3s = h->GetBinContent(3); yields.err3s = h->GetBinError (3); yields.r23o123 = h->GetBinContent(4); yields.err23o123 = h->GetBinError(4); yields.r23o1 = h->GetBinContent(5); yields.err23o1 = h->GetBinError(5); cout << " 1s = " << yields.yield1s << " +/- " << yields.err1s << endl; cout << " 2s = " << yields.yield2s << " +/- " << yields.err2s << endl; cout << " 3s = " << yields.yield3s << " +/- " << yields.err3s << endl; cout << " (2S+3S)/(1S+2S+3S) = " << yields.r23o123 << " +/- " << yields.err23o123 << endl; cout << " (2S+3S)/1S = " << yields.r23o1 << " +/- " << yields.err23o1 << endl; f1->Close(); } cout << "*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*===*"<<endl; return yields; }
void Yield1S_1D(){ TFile *f = new TFile("SigmaDATA_RapInt_3SBin.root"); TH1D *H; H = (TH1D*)gFile->Get("hYield1S"); double tot(0.); double totE(0.); ofstream OUT("Yield_1S_1D.tex"); OUT << "% ----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; OUT << "% -- Yields" << endl; for ( int x = 1; x <= H->GetNbinsX(); ++x ){ OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_bin%iLowEdge} {\\ensuremath{ {%.2f } } }",1, x, H->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(x) ) << endl; if ( x == H->GetNbinsX() ) OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_bin%iHighEdge} {\\ensuremath{ {%.2f } } }",1 , x, H->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(x) ) << endl; OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_bin%iContent} {\\ensuremath{ {%.0f } } }",1, x, H->GetBinContent(x) ) << endl; OUT << Form("\\vdef{%iS_bin%iError} {\\ensuremath{ {%.0f } } }",1, x, H->GetBinError(x) ) << endl; tot += H->GetBinContent(x); totE += (H->GetBinError(x)*H->GetBinError(x)); } OUT << Form("\\vdef{sum%iS} {\\ensuremath{ {%.0f } } }",1, tot) << endl; OUT << Form("\\vdef{sum%iSError} {\\ensuremath{ {%.0f } } }",1 , TMath::Sqrt(totE) ) << endl; OUT.close(); }
double countDataError(TChain* chain, TCut cut) { // Create temporary histogram TH1D* tmp = new TH1D("tmp", "tmp", 30, 0, 1000); double DataError = 0; tmp->Sumw2(); chain->Draw("Njet>>tmp", cut, "goff"); for(int i=0; i<=(tmp->GetNbinsX()+1); i++) DataError += tmp->GetBinError(i); delete tmp; return DataError; }
void AdjustDensityForBinWidth(TH1D &h) { double entries = h.GetEntries(); int nbins = h.GetNbinsX(); double low = h.GetBinLowEdge(1); double high = h.GetBinLowEdge(nbins+1); double width = (high-low)/nbins; for(int bin = 1; bin <= nbins; ++bin) { double content = h.GetBinContent(bin); double error = h.GetBinError(bin); double this_width = h.GetBinWidth(bin); double scale = width/this_width; h.SetBinContent(bin, content*scale); h.SetBinError(bin, error*scale); } h.SetEntries(entries); }
/** Personalized build a TGraphError starting from a TH1F */ TGraphErrors buildGEfromH_Personalized (const TH1D & histo) { TVectorF xV(histo.GetNbinsX()); TVectorF yV(histo.GetNbinsX()); TVectorF errxV(histo.GetNbinsX()); TVectorF erryV(histo.GetNbinsX()); for (int iBin = 0; iBin<histo.GetNbinsX(); iBin++){ xV[iBin] = histo.GetBinCenter(iBin); yV[iBin] = histo.GetBinContent(iBin); errxV[iBin] = 0; // histo.GetBinWidth(iBin); erryV[iBin] = histo.GetBinError(iBin); } TGraphErrors g (xV, yV, errxV, erryV) ; return g ; }
// Rebin first histogram to match the second TH1D *tools::Rebin(const TH1D *h, const TH1D* href) { //assert(href->GetNbinsX()<=h->GetNbinsX()); if (!(href->GetNbinsX()<=h->GetNbinsX())) { cout << "Histo has less bins than ref: " << h->GetNbinsX() << " vs " << href->GetNbinsX() << " for " << h->GetName() << endl; } // First, we need to rebin inclusive jets to match b-tagged jets TH1D *hre = (TH1D*)href->Clone(Form("%s_rebin",h->GetName())); hre->Reset(); for (int i = 1; i != h->GetNbinsX()+1; ++i) { double x = h->GetBinLowEdge(i); int j = hre->FindBin(x); // Check that h is fully contained within href bin if (h->GetBinContent(i)!=0) { if (!(h->GetBinLowEdge(i)>=hre->GetBinLowEdge(j) - 1e-5 && h->GetBinLowEdge(i+1)<=hre->GetBinLowEdge(j+1) + 1e-5)) { cerr << Form("Warning, bin edges overlapping: h=[%1.0f,%1.0f]," " hre=[%1.0f,%1.0f] (%s)", h->GetBinLowEdge(i), h->GetBinLowEdge(i+1), hre->GetBinLowEdge(j), hre->GetBinLowEdge(j+1), h->GetName()) << endl; } double y = ( hre->GetBinContent(j)*hre->GetBinWidth(j) + h->GetBinContent(i)*h->GetBinWidth(i) ) / hre->GetBinWidth(j); //double ey = ( hre->GetBinError(j)*hre->GetBinWidth(j) // + h->GetBinError(i)*h->GetBinWidth(i) ) // / hre->GetBinWidth(j); double ey = sqrt( pow(hre->GetBinError(j)*hre->GetBinWidth(j),2) + pow(h->GetBinError(i)*h->GetBinWidth(i),2) ) / hre->GetBinWidth(j); hre->SetBinContent(j, y); hre->SetBinError(j, ey); } } // for i return hre; } // Rebin
// A function to make a new histogram by combining the contents of selected // consecutive bins in an input histogram. Useful to produce variable-bin-size // histograms from fixed-bin-size ones, particularly for regions of phase space // which lack statistics. TH1D* CombineBins(TH1D inhisto, float xmin, float xmax) { int startbin = inhisto.FindBin(xmin); int endbin = inhisto.FindBin(xmax); if (startbin >= endbin) return 0; const int newNbins = inhisto.GetNbinsX() - endbin + startbin; Double_t edgeArr[newNbins+1]; for (int i=0; i<=newNbins; ++i) { int skipbin = 0; if (i>=startbin) skipbin = endbin - startbin; edgeArr[i] = inhisto.GetBinLowEdge(i+1+skipbin); } TH1D *newhist = new TH1D("newhist",inhisto.GetTitle(),newNbins,edgeArr); newhist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(inhisto.GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); newhist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(inhisto.GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); bool sw2 = ( inhisto.GetSumw2N() != 0 ); // Starting from the new underflow bin, up to the new overflow bin, // copy contents for the "untouched" bins. For the new "combination" // bin, copy only the startbin for (int i=0; i<=newNbins+1; ++i) { int skipbin = 0; if (i>startbin) skipbin = endbin - startbin; newhist->SetBinContent(i, inhisto.GetBinContent(i+skipbin)); if ( sw2 ) newhist->SetBinError(i, inhisto.GetBinError(i+skipbin)); } // Now we have to handle the "combination" bin. We need to add // everything from startbin+1 to endbin. for (int i=startbin+1; i<=endbin; ++i) { newhist->SetBinContent(startbin, newhist->GetBinContent(startbin) +inhisto.GetBinContent(i)); if ( sw2 ) newhist->SetBinError(startbin, sqrt(pow(newhist->GetBinError(startbin),2)+ pow(inhisto.GetBinError(i),2))); } return newhist; }
TH1D * GetTPCTOFSpectrum(TFile *file, Int_t part, Int_t charge, Int_t cent, Bool_t cutSpectrum = kTRUE) { /* pt limits for combined spectra */ Double_t ptMin[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}; Double_t ptMax[AliPID::kSPECIES] = {0., 0., 1.2, 1.2, 1.8}; TH1D *hin = (TH1D *)file->Get(Form("%sFinal%s%d", TPCTOFPartName[part], TPCTOFChargeName[charge], cent)); if (!hin) return NULL; TH1D *h = new TH1D(Form("hTPCTOF_cent%d_%s_%s", cent, AliPID::ParticleName(part), chargeName[charge]), "TPCTOF", NptBins, ptBin); Double_t pt, width, value, error; Int_t bin; for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < NptBins; ipt++) { /* get input bin */ pt = h->GetBinCenter(ipt + 1); width = h->GetBinWidth(ipt + 1); bin = hin->FindBin(pt); /* sanity check */ if (TMath::Abs(hin->GetBinCenter(bin) - pt) > 0.001 || TMath::Abs(hin->GetBinWidth(bin) - width) > 0.001) continue; /* check pt limits */ if (cutSpectrum && (pt < ptMin[part] || pt > ptMax[part])) continue; /* copy bin */ value = hin->GetBinContent(bin); error = hin->GetBinError(bin); h->SetBinContent(ipt + 1, value); h->SetBinError(ipt + 1, error); } h->SetTitle("TPCTOF"); h->SetLineWidth(1); h->SetLineColor(1); h->SetMarkerStyle(22); h->SetMarkerColor(8); h->SetFillStyle(0); h->SetFillColor(0); return h; }
Spectrum roothist_to_spectrum(const TH1D & hist, const TH2D * cov, bool use_hist_uncertainties){ const int n = hist.GetNbinsX(); if(cov){ if(cov->GetDimension() != 2 || cov->GetNbinsX() != n || cov->GetNbinsY() != n){ throw runtime_error(string("covariance histogram '") + cov->GetName() + "' has wrong dimension"); } } Spectrum s(n); for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ double c = hist.GetBinContent(i+1); if(!isfinite(c)){ throw runtime_error(string("non-finite entry in histogram '") + hist.GetName() + "'"); } s[i] = c; if(use_hist_uncertainties){ double e = hist.GetBinError(i+1); if(!isfinite(e)){ throw runtime_error(string("non-finite error in histogram '") + hist.GetName() + "'"); } s.cov()(i,i) += e*e; } } if(cov){ for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ for(int j=0; j<n; ++j){ double c_ij = cov->GetBinContent(i+1, j+1); double c_ji = cov->GetBinContent(j+1, i+1); if(!isfinite(c_ij)){ throw runtime_error(string("covariance histogram '") + cov->GetName() + "' does have non-finite entry"); } if(fabs(c_ij - c_ji) > 1e-8 * max(fabs(c_ij), 1.0)){ cerr << "covariance histogram '" << cov->GetName() << "' is not symmetric: C(" << i << ","<< j << ") = " << c_ij << "; transposed: " << c_ji << "; diff = " << (c_ij - c_ji) << endl; } s.cov()(i,j) += c_ij; } } } return s; }
void fitpapvar(const char* infilename, const char* histname) { TFile* infile = new TFile(Form("%s",infilename),"read"); TH1D* hcf = (TH1D*)infile->Get(histname); hcf->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,2); TF1 *fc2 = new TF1("fc2","[3]+[2]*TMath::Gaus(x,[0],[1])",0.4,1); fc2->SetParameters(1.5,0.3,-0.2,1); // TF1 *fc2 = new TF1("fc2","[1]+[0]*x*x",0,1); // fc2->SetParameters(-0.01,1.0); // TF1 *fc2 = new TF1("fc2","[2]+[1]*x*x*x*x*x",0,1); // fc2->SetParameters(-0.01,0.01,1.0); // TF1 *fc2 = new TF1("fc2","[3]+[2]*x*x+[1]*x*x*x+[0]*x*x*x*x",0.,1); // fc2->SetParameters(-0.01,0.01,1.0,1.0); hcf->Fit("fc2","r","",0.3,1); TH1D* hnew = new TH1D("hnew","hnew",hcf->GetNbinsX(),0,1); for(int i=1;i<=hcf->GetNbinsX();++i){ // cout << i << endl; // cout << hcf->GetBinContent(i)/fc2->Eval(2.*i/hcf->GetNbinsX()) << endl; // cout << hcf->GetBinContent(i) << endl; // cout << fc2->Eval(2.*i/hcf->GetNbinsX()) << endl << endl; hnew->SetBinContent(i, hcf->GetBinContent(i)/fc2->Eval(1.*i/hcf->GetNbinsX())); hnew->SetBinError(i, hcf->GetBinError(i)); } hnew->Draw("same"); fc2->Draw("same"); hnew->SetName(Form("divp4%s",histname)); TFile* ofile = new TFile(Form("divp4%s",infilename),"update"); hnew->Write(); hcf->Write(); ofile->Close(); }
TCanvas *drawRatioPlot(TH1D *prediction, TH1D *sr, TH1D *data, TString xTitle, TString filename, double ecaloCut){ gStyle -> SetPadLeftMargin(0.20); data->SetMarkerStyle(20); data->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); data->SetLineColor(kGreen); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c"+filename,"c",0,0,500,500); float y = 0.3; TPad *pad1 = new TPad("pad1", "Control Plots 1", 0.01, y, 0.99, 0.99); TPad *padRatio = new TPad("rp1", "Ratio1", 0.01, 0.01, 0.99, y-0.01); pad1->SetNumber(100); pad1->SetTicks(0,1); cout<<"number pad1 = "<<pad1->GetNumber()<<endl; cout<<"number padRatio = "<<padRatio->GetNumber()<<endl; TH1D *ratio = 0; //ratio = (TH1D*) sr->Clone(); //ratio->Divide(prediction); ratio = (TH1D*) prediction->Clone(); ratio->Divide(data); for(int i=1; i<=ratio->GetNbinsX();i++){ if(ratio->GetBinContent(i) != 0){ cout<<"N in CR in "<<i<<". bin ="<<prediction->GetBinContent(i)<<endl; cout<<"N in SR in "<<i<<". bin ="<<sr->GetBinContent(i)<<endl; cout<<"Rel. difference in "<<i<<". bin ="<<(1./ratio->GetBinContent(i)-1.)*100<<"%"<<endl; } else if(sr->GetBinContent(i) == 0 && prediction->GetBinContent(i) !=0) cout<<"Scaling Factor in "<<i<<". bin <"<<prediction->GetBinContent(i)/1.15<<" +/- "<<ratio->GetBinError(i)<<endl; else if(sr->GetBinContent(i) != 0 && prediction->GetBinContent(i) ==0) cout<<"Scaling Factor in "<<i<<". bin <"<<(sr->GetEntries()/prediction->GetEntries())/sr->GetBinContent(i)<<" +/- "<<ratio->GetBinError(i)<<endl; } ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{CR (MC)}{CR (data)}"); ratio->SetTitle(""); ratio->SetLabelSize(0.1,"X"); ratio->SetLabelSize(0.1,"Y"); ratio->SetTitleOffset(0.5,"Y"); ratio->SetTitleSize(0.15,"Y"); padRatio->cd(); //ratio->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,2); ratio->Draw("e"); // Draw line at one! float xmin = ratio->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); float xmax = ratio->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); TLine *line = new TLine(xmin,1,xmax,1); line->SetLineWidth(2); line->Draw("same"); padRatio->Modified(); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.5,0.7,0.9,0.9); leg->AddEntry(sr,"SR (MC)","l"); leg->AddEntry(prediction,"lepton CR (MC)","pel"); pad1->cd(); pad1->SetLogy(); // pad1->SetLogx(); sr->SetLineColor(kRed); sr->SetMarkerColor(kRed); sr->SetMarkerStyle(20); sr->SetTitle(""); prediction->SetMarkerStyle(20); prediction->SetTitle(""); prediction->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xTitle); sr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xTitle); prediction->SetTitleSize(0.07,"X"); prediction->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7); sr->SetTitleSize(0.07,"X"); sr->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7); double maximum = 0; double minimum = 1000000; if(sr->GetMinimum()!=0 && sr->GetMinimum()<minimum){ minimum=sr->GetMinimum()*0.5; } if(prediction->GetMinimum()!=0 && prediction->GetMinimum()<minimum){ minimum=prediction->GetMinimum()*0.5; } if(data->GetMinimum()!=0 && data->GetMinimum()<minimum){ minimum=data->GetMinimum()*0.5; } if(sr->GetMaximum()>maximum){ maximum=sr->GetMaximum()*2.5; } if(prediction->GetMaximum()>maximum){ maximum=prediction->GetMaximum()*2.5; } if(data->GetMaximum()>maximum){ maximum=data->GetMaximum()*2.5; } prediction->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(minimum,maximum); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,2); prediction->Draw("e"); sr->Draw("e same"); leg->AddEntry(data,"lepton CR (data)","pel"); data->Draw("e same"); leg->Draw("same"); TLatex* info1 = new TLatex(); info1->SetTextFont(132); info1-> SetNDC(); info1->SetTextSize(0.06); info1->DrawLatex(0.55,0.62,Form("E_{calo}<%.0fGeV",ecaloCut)); // Draw both pads to canvas c->cd(); pad1->Draw(); padRatio->SetGridy(); padRatio->Draw(); c->SaveAs(filename); return c; }
void fitDstar5pMinpt(Bool_t genmatchpoint=true) { gStyle->SetTextSize(0.05); gStyle->SetTextFont(42); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.043); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.18); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.1); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.145); gStyle->SetTitleX(.0f); void clean0(TH1D* h); TF1* fitDstar(TTree* nt, TTree* ntMC, Float_t ptmin, Bool_t plotgenmatch); TFile* infData = new TFile(infnameData5p[isData].Data()); TFile* infMC = new TFile(infnameMC5p[isData].Data()); TTree* ntData = (TTree*)infData->Get("ntDD0kpipipipi"); TTree* ntMC = (TTree*)infMC->Get("ntDD0kpipipipi"); TTree* ntGen = (TTree*)infMC->Get("ntGen"); ntData->AddFriend("ntHlt"); if(isData!=Data_MB&&isData!=Data) ntData->AddFriend("ntHi"); ntMC->AddFriend("ntHlt"); ntMC->AddFriend("ntHi"); ntGen->AddFriend("ntHlt"); ntGen->AddFriend("ntHi"); Float_t aZero[nBins]; for(int i=0;i<nBins;i++) aZero[i]=0; Float_t aPt[nBins],aPtErr[nBins],aGen[nBins],aGenErr[nBins]; TH1F* hPt = new TH1F("hPt","",nBins,ptBinsPlus); TH1F* hGen = new TH1F("hGen","",nBins,ptBinsPlus); for(int i=0;i<nBins;i++) { TF1* fData = fitDstar(ntData,ntMC,ptBins[i],genmatchpoint); Float_t yieldData = fData->Integral(BINMIN,BINMAX)/BINWID; Float_t yieldDataErr = fData->Integral(BINMIN,BINMAX)/BINWID*fData->GetParError(0)/fData->GetParameter(0); aPt[i] = yieldData; aPtErr[i] = yieldDataErr; hPt->SetBinContent(i+1,aPt[i]); hPt->SetBinError(i+1,aPtErr[i]); TH1D* hGenFill = new TH1D(Form("hGenFill_%.0f",ptBins[i]),"",1,ptBins[i],1.e+3); hGenFill->Sumw2(); ntGen->Project(Form("hGenFill_%.0f",ptBins[i]),"Gpt",TCut("%s",weightmc[isData].Data())*Form("%s&&%s",selgen5p.Data(),triggerselectionmc[isData].Data())); aGen[i] = hGenFill->GetBinContent(1); aGenErr[i] = hGenFill->GetBinError(1); hGen->SetBinContent(i+1,aGen[i]); hGen->SetBinError(i+1,aGenErr[i]); } TGraphErrors* gPt = new TGraphErrors(nBins,ptBins,aPt,aZero,aPtErr); gPt->SetName("gPt"); TGraphErrors* gGen = new TGraphErrors(nBins,ptBins,aGen,aZero,aGenErr); gGen->SetName("gGen"); TFile* outputfile = new TFile(Form("outputfiles/output_5p_%s_Minpt.root",texData[isData].Data()),"recreate"); outputfile->cd(); gPt->Write(); gGen->Write(); hPt->Write(); hGen->Write(); outputfile->Close(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); ProgramOptions options(argc, argv); double lumi = options.lumi; // input datasets Datasets datasets(options.iDir); datasets.readFile(options.datasetFile); std::string oDir_Plot = options.oDir+std::string("/ZBackground"); boost::filesystem::path opath(oDir_Plot); if (!exists(opath)) { std::cout << "Creating output directory : " << oDir_Plot << std::endl; boost::filesystem::create_directory(opath); } if (options.doMCFMWeights) std::cout << "Going to apply MCFM weights" << std::endl; // output file TFile* ofile = TFile::Open( (options.oDir+std::string("/ZBackground.root")).c_str(), "RECREATE"); // cuts Cuts cuts; unsigned nCutsZMuMu = cuts.nCutsZMuMu(); TCut puWeight("puWeight"); TCut trigCorr( "(trigCorrWeight>0) ? trigCorrWeight : 1." ); TCut METNoMuon130("metNoMuon>130."); // add here later for VBF efficiency when MET>35, MET>70 (QCD estimation) TCut METNo2Muon130("metNo2Muon>130."); TCut cutLoDPhi = cuts.cut("dPhiJJ"); // For lepton weights TCut lVetoWeight = cuts.elVetoWeight(options.leptCorr) * cuts.muVetoWeight(options.leptCorr); TCut muTightWeight = cuts.muTightWeight(options.leptCorr); // histograms double dphiEdges[4] = { 0., 1.0, 2.6, TMath::Pi() }; //double metEdges[13] = { 0., 10., 20., 30., 40., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100., 110., 120. }; // signal MET>130 TH1D* hZ_DY_C_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_DY_C_DPhi", "", 3, dphiEdges); // Z+jets MC ctrl region TH1D* hZ_BG_C_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_BG_C_DPhi", "", 3, dphiEdges); // background MC ctrl region TH1D* hZ_Data_C_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Data_C_DPhi", "", 3, dphiEdges); // Data ctrl region TH1D* hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_D = new TH1D("hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_N = new TH1D("hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_D = new TH1D("hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_N = new TH1D("hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); // combine eps_VBF_C * eps_mumu which remove canceling term (denominator is Z->uu gen level cut) TH1D* hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_D = new TH1D("hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_N = new TH1D("hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_D = new TH1D("hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_N = new TH1D("hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); // cutflow histograms TH1D* hZ_CutFlow_Data = new TH1D("hZ_CutFlow_Data", "", nCutsZMuMu, 0., nCutsZMuMu); TH1D* hZ_CutFlow_DY = new TH1D("hZ_CutFlow_DY", "", nCutsZMuMu, 0., nCutsZMuMu); TH1D* hZ_CutFlow_SingleTSum = new TH1D("hZ_CutFlow_SingleTSum", "", nCutsZMuMu, 0., nCutsZMuMu); TH1D* hZ_CutFlow_Diboson = new TH1D("hZ_CutFlow_Diboson", "", nCutsZMuMu, 0., nCutsZMuMu); // Hists to calculate DY normalisation factor TH1D* hZ_DY_NoVBFNoWeight = new TH1D("hZ_DY_NoVBFNoWeight","", 1, 0., 1.); // DY MC yield after dimuon and dijet selection without y* and mjj weighting TH1D* hZ_DY_NoVBFWeight = new TH1D("hZ_DY_NoVBFWeight", "", 1, 0., 1.); // DY MC yield after dimuon and dijet selection with y* and mjj weighting // loop over MC datasets for (unsigned i=0; i<datasets.size(); ++i) { Dataset dataset = datasets.getDataset(i); TCut cutD = cuts.cutDataset(; TCut yStarWeight(""); TCut mjjWeight(""); // check if it's DYJets bool isDY = false; if (,2,"DY")==0) { isDY = true; std::cout << "Analysing DY->ll MC : " << << std::endl; // check if it's QCD if ( !(>11 &&,14,"EWK")==0) ) { if (options.doMCFMWeights) { yStarWeight = TCut("(0.849667 + (0.149687*abs(log((sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt*cosh(zgeneta)*cosh(zgeneta)) + zgenpt*sinh(zgeneta))/sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt)) - 0.5*(genJet1Eta + genJet2Eta))))"); mjjWeight = TCut("0.392568 + (0.120734*log(genVBFM)) - (0.000255622*genVBFM)"); } std::cout << "Analysing QCD DY MC " << std::endl; } } else if (dataset.isData) { std::cout << "Analysing Data : " << << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Analysing BG MC : " << << std::endl; } TCut otherWeight = puWeight * yStarWeight * mjjWeight; // get file & tree TFile* file = datasets.getTFile(; TTree* tree = (TTree*) file->Get("invHiggsInfo/InvHiggsInfo"); // set up cuts TCut cutZMuMu_C = otherWeight * trigCorr * (cutD + cuts.zMuMuVBF() + METNo2Muon130); TCut cutEfficiencyMuMu_D = otherWeight * (cutD + cuts.zMuMuGen()); //TCut cutEfficiencyMuMu_N = otherWeight * (cutD + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco()); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFS_D = otherWeight * (cutD + cuts.zMuMuGenMass()); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFS_N = otherWeight * trigCorr * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGenMass() + cuts.vbf() + METNoMuon130 + cutLoDPhi); //TCut cutEfficiencyVBFC_D = otherWeight * (cutD + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco()); TCut cutEfficiencyVBFC_N = otherWeight * trigCorr * (cutD + cuts.HLTandMETFilters() + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco() + cuts.vbf() + METNo2Muon130 + cutLoDPhi); // re-weighting TCut cutDYNoVBFNoWeight = puWeight * trigCorr * (cutD + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco() + cuts.cutZMuMu("dijet")); TCut cutDYNoVBFWeight = otherWeight * trigCorr * (cutD + cuts.zMuMuGen() + cuts.zMuMuReco() + cuts.cutZMuMu("dijet")); if(!(dataset.isData)) { cutZMuMu_C *= muTightWeight; cutEfficiencyVBFC_N *= muTightWeight; cutDYNoVBFNoWeight *= muTightWeight; cutDYNoVBFWeight *= muTightWeight; } // fill tmp histograms for BG estimation TH1D* hZ_C_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_C_DPhi", "", 3, dphiEdges); // this is for the actual BG estimation // fill tmp histograms for efficiency calculation TH1D* hZ_EffVBFS_D = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFS_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFS_N = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFS_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFC_D = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFC_D", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EffVBFC_N = new TH1D("hZ_EffVBFC_N", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_DY_NoWeight = new TH1D("hZ_DY_NoWeight", "", 1, 0, 1); TH1D* hZ_DY_Weight = new TH1D("hZ_DY_Weight", "", 1, 0, 1); if (isDY) { tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hZ_C_DPhi", cutZMuMu_C); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFS_D", cutEfficiencyVBFS_D); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFS_N", cutEfficiencyVBFS_N); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFC_D", cutEfficiencyMuMu_D); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_EffVBFC_N", cutEfficiencyVBFC_N); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_DY_NoWeight", cutDYNoVBFNoWeight); tree->Draw("0.5>>hZ_DY_Weight", cutDYNoVBFWeight); // tree->Draw("abs((log((sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt*cosh(zgeneta)*cosh(zgeneta)) + zgenpt*sinh(zgeneta))/(sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt)))) - 0.5*(genJet1Eta + genJet2Eta))>>hYStar", cutDYNoVBFNoWeight); // tree->Draw("abs((log((sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt*cosh(zgeneta)*cosh(zgeneta)) + zgenpt*sinh(zgeneta))/(sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt)))) - 0.5*(genJet1Eta + genJet2Eta))>>hYStarC", cutZMuMu_C); } else { tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>hZ_C_DPhi", cutZMuMu_C); //tree->Draw("met:vbfDPhi>>hZ_C_METDPhi", cutZMuMu_MET0_C); } // weight to lumi double weight = (dataset.isData) ? 1. : lumi * dataset.sigma / dataset.nEvents; hZ_C_DPhi->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFS_D->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFS_N->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFC_D->Scale(weight); hZ_EffVBFC_N->Scale(weight); hZ_DY_NoWeight->Scale(weight); hZ_DY_Weight->Scale(weight); // add to output histograms if (dataset.isData) { hZ_Data_C_DPhi->Add(hZ_C_DPhi); } else if (isDY) { hZ_DY_C_DPhi->Add(hZ_C_DPhi); hZ_DY_NoVBFNoWeight->Add(hZ_DY_NoWeight); hZ_DY_NoVBFWeight->Add(hZ_DY_Weight); if( == "DYJetsToLL_NoTrig" || == "DYJetsToLL_PtZ-100_NoTrig") { hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_D->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_D); hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_N->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_N); hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_D->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_D); hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_N->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_N); } if( == "DYJetsToLL_EWK_NoTrig") { hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_D->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_D); hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_N->Add(hZ_EffVBFS_N); hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_D->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_D); hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_N->Add(hZ_EffVBFC_N); } } else { hZ_BG_C_DPhi->Add(hZ_C_DPhi); } std::cout << " N ctrl (dphi<1.0) : " << hZ_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_C_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; delete hZ_C_DPhi; delete hZ_EffVBFS_D; delete hZ_EffVBFS_N; delete hZ_EffVBFC_D; delete hZ_EffVBFC_N; delete hZ_DY_NoWeight; delete hZ_DY_Weight; ofile->cd(); // cut flow histograms std::string hname = std::string("hZ_CutFlow_"); TH1D* hZ_CutFlow = new TH1D(hname.c_str(), "", nCutsZMuMu, 0., nCutsZMuMu); for (unsigned c=0; c<nCutsZMuMu; ++c) { TCut cut; if(c == nCutsZMuMu-1) cut = otherWeight * trigCorr * (cutD + cuts.cutflowZMuMu(c)); else cut = otherWeight * (cutD + cuts.cutflowZMuMu(c)); if(!(dataset.isData)) cut *= muTightWeight; TH1D* h = new TH1D("h","", 1, 0., 1.); tree->Draw("0.5>>h", cut); hZ_CutFlow->SetBinContent(c+1, h->GetBinContent(1)); hZ_CutFlow->SetBinError(c+1, h->GetBinError(1)); delete h; } hZ_CutFlow->Scale(weight); if (dataset.isData) { hZ_CutFlow_Data->Add(hZ_CutFlow); } if (,2,"DY")==0) { hZ_CutFlow_DY->Add(hZ_CutFlow); } if (,7,"SingleT")==0) { hZ_CutFlow_SingleTSum->Add(hZ_CutFlow); } if (,2,"WW")==0 ||,2,"WZ")==0 ||,2,"ZZ")==0 ||,2,"WG")==0) { hZ_CutFlow_Diboson->Add(hZ_CutFlow); } hZ_CutFlow->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); delete hZ_CutFlow; // Z control plots TCut cutPlots = otherWeight * trigCorr * (cutD + cuts.zMuMuVBFLoose()); if(!(dataset.isData)) cutPlots *= muTightWeight; TFile* ofile_Plot = TFile::Open( (oDir_Plot+std::string("/")".root")).c_str(), "RECREATE"); TH1D* ZCtrlZMass = new TH1D("ZCtrlZMass", "", 30, 60., 120.); TH1D* ZCtrlZpT = new TH1D("ZCtrlZpT", "", 50, 0., 1000.); TH1D* ZCtrlJet1pT = new TH1D("ZCtrlJet1pT", "", 50, 0., 1000.); TH1D* ZCtrlJet1Eta = new TH1D("ZCtrlJet1Eta", "", 50, -5., 5.); TH1D* ZCtrlJet2pT = new TH1D("ZCtrlJet2pT", "", 50, 0., 1000.); TH1D* ZCtrlJet2Eta = new TH1D("ZCtrlJet2Eta", "", 50, -5., 5.); TH1D* ZCtrlCenJetpT = new TH1D("ZCtrlCenJetpT", "", 50, 0., 400.); TH1D* ZCtrlDEtajj = new TH1D("ZCtrlDEtajj", "", 50, 0., 8.); TH1D* ZCtrlMjj = new TH1D("ZCtrlMjj", "", 30, 0., 3000.); TH1D* ZCtrlMET = new TH1D("ZCtrlMET", "", 25, 10., 510.); TH1D* ZCtrlDPhijj = new TH1D("ZCtrlDPhijj", "", 50, 0., TMath::Pi()); TH1D* ZCtrlYStar = new TH1D("ZCtrlYStar", "", 50, 0., 5.); TH1D* ZCtrlYStarWt = new TH1D("ZCtrlYStarWt", "", 50, 0., 2.); TH1D* ZCtrlMjjWt = new TH1D("ZCtrlMjjWt", "", 50, 0., 2.); TH1D* ZCtrlYStarMjjWt = new TH1D("ZCtrlYStarMjjWt", "", 50, -1., 5.); tree->Draw("zMass>>ZCtrlZMass" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("zPt>>ZCtrlZpT" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("jet1Pt>>ZCtrlJet1pT" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("jet1Eta>>ZCtrlJet1Eta" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("jet2Pt>>ZCtrlJet2pT" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("jet2Eta>>ZCtrlJet2Eta" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("cenJetEt>>ZCtrlCenJetpT" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("vbfDEta>>ZCtrlDEtajj" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("vbfM>>ZCtrlMjj" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("metNo2Muon>>ZCtrlMET" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("vbfDPhi>>ZCtrlDPhijj" , cutPlots); if (options.doMCFMWeights) { tree->Draw("abs(log((sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt*cosh(zgeneta)*cosh(zgeneta)) + zgenpt*sinh(zgeneta))/sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt)) - 0.5*(genJet1Eta + genJet2Eta))>>ZCtrlYStar" , cutPlots); tree->Draw("(0.849667 + (0.149687*abs(log((sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt*cosh(zgeneta)*cosh(zgeneta)) + zgenpt*sinh(zgeneta))/sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt)) - 0.5*(genJet1Eta + genJet2Eta))))>>ZCtrlYStarWt", cutPlots); tree->Draw("(0.392568 + (0.120734*log(genVBFM)) - (0.000255622*genVBFM))>>ZCtrlMjjWt", cutPlots); tree->Draw("(0.849667 + (0.149687*abs(log((sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt*cosh(zgeneta)*cosh(zgeneta)) + zgenpt*sinh(zgeneta))/sqrt(zgenmass*zgenmass + zgenpt*zgenpt)) - 0.5*(genJet1Eta + genJet2Eta))))*(0.392568 + (0.120734*log(genVBFM)) - (0.000255622*genVBFM))>>ZCtrlYStarMjjWt", cutPlots); } if (!dataset.isData) { ZCtrlZMass->Scale(weight); ZCtrlZpT->Scale(weight); ZCtrlJet1pT->Scale(weight); ZCtrlJet1Eta->Scale(weight); ZCtrlJet2pT->Scale(weight); ZCtrlJet2Eta->Scale(weight); ZCtrlCenJetpT->Scale(weight); ZCtrlDEtajj->Scale(weight); ZCtrlMjj->Scale(weight); ZCtrlMET->Scale(weight); ZCtrlDPhijj->Scale(weight); ZCtrlYStar->Scale(weight); ZCtrlYStarWt->Scale(weight); ZCtrlMjjWt->Scale(weight); ZCtrlYStarMjjWt->Scale(weight); } ofile_Plot->cd(); ZCtrlZMass->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlZpT->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlJet1pT->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlJet1Eta->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlJet2pT->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlJet2Eta->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlCenJetpT->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlDEtajj->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlMjj->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlMET->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlDPhijj->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlYStar->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlYStarWt->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlMjjWt->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ZCtrlYStarMjjWt->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ofile_Plot->Close(); // clean up delete tree; file->Close(); } // re-weighting : will be 1 if re-weighting is off TH1D* hZ_DYNorm = new TH1D("hZ_DYNorm", "", 1, 0, 1); hZ_DYNorm->Add(hZ_DY_NoVBFNoWeight); hZ_DYNorm->Divide(hZ_DY_NoVBFWeight); double dyNorm = hZ_DYNorm->GetBinContent(1); // numbers - calculate these from MC in this program later! double ratioBF = constants::ratioZToNuNuZToLL; // efficiencies (these will all have syst uncertainty only) TH1D* hZ_QCD_EffVBFS = new TH1D("hZ_QCD_EffVBFS", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_QCD_EffVBFC = new TH1D("hZ_QCD_EffVBFC", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EWK_EffVBFS = new TH1D("hZ_EWK_EffVBFS", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_EWK_EffVBFC = new TH1D("hZ_EWK_EffVBFC", "", 1, 0., 1.); TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFS = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFS", "", 1, 0., 1.); // epsilon_s_vbf TH1D* hZ_DY_EffVBFC = new TH1D("hZ_DY_EffVBFC", "", 1, 0., 1.); // epsilon_c_vbf TH1D* hZ_DY_TotalEff = new TH1D("hZ_DY_TotalEff", "", 1, 0., 1.); // for stat only calculation TH1D* hZ_Eff_S_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Eff_S_DPhi", "", 3, dphiEdges); TH1D* hZ_Est_C_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Est_C_DPhi", "", 3, dphiEdges); TH1D* hZ_Est_S_DPhi = new TH1D("hZ_Est_S_DPhi", "", 3, dphiEdges); // for syst only calculation TH1D* hZ_BG_C_DPhi_Syst = new TH1D("hZ_BG_C_DPhi_Syst", "", 3, dphiEdges); TH1D* hZ_Data_C_DPhi_Syst = new TH1D("hZ_Data_C_DPhi_Syst", "", 3, dphiEdges); TH1D* hZ_Eff_S_DPhi_Syst = new TH1D("hZ_Eff_S_DPhi_Syst", "", 3, dphiEdges); TH1D* hZ_Est_C_DPhi_Syst = new TH1D("hZ_Est_C_DPhi_Syst", "", 3, dphiEdges); TH1D* hZ_Est_S_DPhi_Syst = new TH1D("hZ_Est_S_DPhi_Syst", "", 3, dphiEdges); // calculate efficiencies for QCD and EWK processes hZ_QCD_EffVBFS->Add(hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_N); hZ_QCD_EffVBFS->Divide(hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_D); hZ_EWK_EffVBFS->Add(hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_N); hZ_EWK_EffVBFS->Divide(hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_D); hZ_QCD_EffVBFC->Add(hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_N); hZ_QCD_EffVBFC->Divide(hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_D); hZ_EWK_EffVBFC->Add(hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_N); hZ_EWK_EffVBFC->Divide(hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_D); // combine QCD Zll and EWK Zll with correct weights hZ_DY_EffVBFS->Add(hZ_QCD_EffVBFS,constants::sigma_Zvv_QCD); hZ_DY_EffVBFS->Add(hZ_EWK_EffVBFS,constants::sigma_Zvv_EWK); hZ_DY_EffVBFC->Add(hZ_QCD_EffVBFC,constants::sigma_Zuu_QCD); hZ_DY_EffVBFC->Add(hZ_EWK_EffVBFC,constants::sigma_Zuu_EWK); hZ_DY_TotalEff->Add(hZ_DY_EffVBFS); hZ_DY_TotalEff->Divide(hZ_DY_EffVBFC); for(int ibin = 1; ibin <= hZ_Eff_S_DPhi->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin) { hZ_Eff_S_DPhi->SetBinContent(ibin,hZ_DY_TotalEff->GetBinContent(1)); hZ_Eff_S_DPhi->SetBinError(ibin,0.); hZ_Eff_S_DPhi_Syst->SetBinContent(ibin,hZ_DY_TotalEff->GetBinContent(1)); hZ_Eff_S_DPhi_Syst->SetBinError(ibin,hZ_DY_TotalEff->GetBinError(1)); } // do stat only version hZ_BG_C_DPhi_Syst->Add(hZ_BG_C_DPhi, 1.); // copy MC BG histogram for syst calculation for (int i=1; i<=hZ_BG_C_DPhi->GetNbinsX(); ++i) hZ_BG_C_DPhi->SetBinError(i,0.); // set MC BG errors to zero for stat only hZ_Est_C_DPhi->Add(hZ_Data_C_DPhi, hZ_BG_C_DPhi, 1., -1.); hZ_Est_S_DPhi->Add(hZ_Est_C_DPhi); hZ_Est_S_DPhi->Multiply(hZ_Eff_S_DPhi); // do syst only version hZ_Data_C_DPhi_Syst->Add(hZ_Data_C_DPhi, 1.); for (int i=1; i<=hZ_Data_C_DPhi_Syst->GetNbinsX(); ++i) hZ_Data_C_DPhi_Syst->SetBinError(i,0.); hZ_Est_C_DPhi_Syst->Add(hZ_Data_C_DPhi_Syst, hZ_BG_C_DPhi, 1., -1.); hZ_Est_S_DPhi_Syst->Add(hZ_Est_C_DPhi_Syst); hZ_Est_S_DPhi_Syst->Multiply(hZ_Eff_S_DPhi_Syst); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "##################################### MET > 130 #####################################" << std::endl; std::cout << "dphi<1.0" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Numerator_s_vbf : " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_N->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_N->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Deno_s_vbf : " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_D->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_D->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_s_vbf (QCD) : " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFS->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFS->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Numerator_s_vbf : " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_N->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_N->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Deno_s_vbf : " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_D->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_D->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_s_vbf (EWK) : " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFS->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFS->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Numerator_c_vbf : " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_N->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_N->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Deno_c_vbf : " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_D->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_D->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_c_vbf (QCD) : " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFC->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_QCD_EffVBFC->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Numerator_c_vbf : " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_N->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_N->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Deno_c_vbf : " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_D->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_D->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_c_vbf (EWK) : " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFC->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_EWK_EffVBFC->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_s_vbf : " << hZ_DY_EffVBFS->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_EffVBFS->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " eps_c_vbf : " << hZ_DY_EffVBFC->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_EffVBFC->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " total eff : " << hZ_DY_TotalEff->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_TotalEff->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " DY+jets MC ctrl region : " << hZ_DY_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_C_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Background ctrl region : " << hZ_BG_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_BG_C_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << " Data ctrl region : " << hZ_Data_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_Data_C_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Z in ctrl region : " << hZ_Est_C_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_C_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << " (stat.) + " << hZ_Est_C_DPhi_Syst->GetBinError(1) << " (syst)" << std::endl; std::cout << " Z in sgnl region : " << hZ_Est_S_DPhi->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_Est_S_DPhi->GetBinError(1) << " (stat.) + " << hZ_Est_S_DPhi_Syst->GetBinError(1) << " (syst)" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; //std::cout << " N_DY^No VBF (no y* or mjj weight) : " << hZ_DY_NoVBFNoWeight->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_NoVBFNoWeight->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; //std::cout << " N_DY^No VBF(with y* and mjj weight): " << hZ_DY_NoVBFWeight->GetBinContent(1) << " +/- " << hZ_DY_NoVBFWeight->GetBinError(1) << std::endl; //std::cout << " norm eff (unweighted DY, no VBF / weighted DY, no VBF): " << dyNorm << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "#####################################################################################" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; // write the cutflow table std::cout << "Writing cut flow TeX file" << std::endl; ofstream effFile;"/cutflowZMuMu.tex")); effFile << "Cut & N(data) & N(DY\\rightarrow\\ell\\ell) & N($t\\bar{t}$) & N(single $t$) & N(diboson) \\\\" << std::endl; TH1D* hZ_CutFlow_TTBar = (TH1D*) ofile->Get("hZ_CutFlow_TTBar"); // cutflow table for (unsigned i=0; i<nCutsZMuMu; ++i) { effFile << cuts.cutNameZMuMu(i) << " & "; effFile << "$" << hZ_CutFlow_Data->GetBinContent(i+1) << " \\pm " << hZ_CutFlow_Data->GetBinError(i+1) << "$ & "; effFile << "$" << hZ_CutFlow_DY->GetBinContent(i+1) << " \\pm " << hZ_CutFlow_DY->GetBinError(i+1) << "$ & "; effFile << "$" << hZ_CutFlow_TTBar->GetBinContent(i+1) << " \\pm " << hZ_CutFlow_TTBar->GetBinError(i+1) << "$ & "; effFile << "$" << hZ_CutFlow_SingleTSum->GetBinContent(i+1) << " \\pm " << hZ_CutFlow_SingleTSum->GetBinError(i+1) << "$ & "; effFile << "$" << hZ_CutFlow_Diboson->GetBinContent(i+1) << " \\pm " << hZ_CutFlow_Diboson->GetBinError(i+1) << "$ & "; effFile << std::endl; } effFile << std::endl << std::endl; effFile.close(); // list histograms for dataset summing std::vector<std::string> hists; hists.push_back("ZCtrlZMass"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlZpT"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlJet1pT"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlJet1Eta"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlJet2pT"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlJet2Eta"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlCenJetpT"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlDEtajj"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlMjj"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlMET"); hists.push_back("ZCtrlDPhijj"); // check whether we have NoTrig histograms or normal bool noTrig = false; std::string dyJetsName = oDir_Plot+std::string("/DYJetsToLL.root"); std::string dyJetsPtZName = oDir_Plot+std::string("/DYJetsToLL_PtZ-100.root"); struct stat buffer; if (stat (dyJetsName.c_str(), &buffer) != 0) { noTrig = true; dyJetsName = oDir_Plot+std::string("/DYJetsToLL_NoTrig.root"); dyJetsPtZName = oDir_Plot+std::string("/DYJetsToLL_PtZ-100_NoTrig.root"); } std::cout << "Getting histograms for plots from " << dyJetsName << " and " << dyJetsPtZName << std::endl; // re-scale QCD DY histograms TFile* qcdDYFile = TFile::Open(dyJetsName.c_str(), "UPDATE"); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator hname=hists.begin(); hname!=hists.end(); ++hname) { TH1D* h = (TH1D*) qcdDYFile->Get(hname->c_str()); //std::cout << "Integral before : " << h->Integral() << std::endl; h->Scale(dyNorm); //std::cout << "Integral after : " << h->Integral() << std::endl; h->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); } qcdDYFile->Close(); qcdDYFile = TFile::Open(dyJetsPtZName.c_str(), "UPDATE"); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator hname=hists.begin(); hname!=hists.end(); ++hname) { TH1D* h = (TH1D*) qcdDYFile->Get(hname->c_str()); h->Scale(dyNorm); h->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); } qcdDYFile->Close(); // sum DY datasets std::vector<std::string> DYDatasets; if (noTrig) { DYDatasets.push_back(std::string("DYJetsToLL_NoTrig")); DYDatasets.push_back(std::string("DYJetsToLL_PtZ-100_NoTrig")); DYDatasets.push_back(std::string("DYJetsToLL_EWK_NoTrig")); } else { DYDatasets.push_back(std::string("DYJetsToLL")); DYDatasets.push_back(std::string("DYJetsToLL_PtZ-100")); DYDatasets.push_back(std::string("DYJetsToLL_EWK")); } SumDatasets(oDir_Plot, DYDatasets, hists, "DY+jets"); // sum single top datasets std::vector<std::string> topDatasets; topDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleT_t")); topDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleTbar_t")); topDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleT_s")); topDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleTbar_s")); topDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleT_tW")); topDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleTbar_tW")); topDatasets.push_back(std::string("TTBar")); SumDatasets(oDir_Plot, topDatasets, hists, "SingleT+TTbar"); // sum diboson datasets std::vector<std::string> dibDatasets; dibDatasets.push_back(std::string("WW")); dibDatasets.push_back(std::string("WZ")); dibDatasets.push_back(std::string("ZZ")); dibDatasets.push_back(std::string("WG")); SumDatasets(oDir_Plot, dibDatasets, hists, "DiBoson"); // sum SM backgrounds std::vector<std::string> bgDatasets; bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("WW")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("WZ")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("ZZ")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("WG")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleT_t")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleTbar_t")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleT_s")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleTbar_s")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleT_tW")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("SingleTbar_tW")); bgDatasets.push_back(std::string("TTBar")); SumDatasets(oDir_Plot, bgDatasets, hists, "tt+VV"); // make plots std::cout << "Making plots" << std::endl; StackPlot plots(oDir_Plot); plots.setLegPos(0.70,0.60,0.93,0.89); //plots.setLegPos(0.62,0.62,0.89,0.89); // Note that here I've used the overloaded method addDataset, which allows you to specify a filename for the input ROOT file // *and* also allows you to specify what to put in the TLegend. (By default, it uses the filename as the TLegend entry) // This is because the Tlegend entry involves some odd characters, which are best not used in filenames for safety // plots.addDataset("DiBoson", kViolet-6, 0); plots.addDataset("tt+VV", "t#bar{t}, tW, VV", kAzure-2, 0); plots.addDataset("DY+jets", "DY(ll)+jets", kPink-4, 0); plots.addDataset("METABCD", kBlack, 1); plots.setScaleMCtoData(true); //rescale MC to data plots.draw("ZCtrlZpT", "Z_p_{T} [GeV]", "N_{events}" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.draw("ZCtrlJet1pT", "Leading jet p_{T} [GeV]", "N_{events}" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.draw("ZCtrlJet1Eta", "Leading jet #eta", "N_{events}" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.draw("ZCtrlJet2pT", "Sub-leading jet p_{T} [GeV]", "N_{events}" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.draw("ZCtrlJet2Eta", "Sub-leading jet #eta", "N_{events}" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.draw("ZCtrlCenJetpT", "Central jet p_{T} [GeV]", "N_{events}" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.draw("ZCtrlDEtajj", "#Delta #eta_{jj}", "N_{events}" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.setYMax(5.e2); plots.setXMin(1100.); plots.setXMax(2600.); plots.draw("ZCtrlMjj", "M_{jj} [GeV]", "Events / 100 GeV" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.setYMax(5.e2); plots.setXMin(130.); plots.draw("ZCtrlMET", "E_{T}^{miss} [GeV]", "Events / 20 GeV" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.draw("ZCtrlDPhijj", "#Delta #phi_{jj}", "Events" ,1,"RATIO_Z"); plots.setYMax(80.); plots.setYMin(0.); plots.draw("ZCtrlZMass", "M_{#mu#mu} [GeV]", "Events / 5 GeV" ,0,"RATIO_Z"); //store histograms ofile->cd(); hZ_DY_C_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_BG_C_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Data_C_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Est_C_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Est_C_DPhi_Syst->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Est_S_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Est_S_DPhi_Syst->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Eff_S_DPhi->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_Eff_S_DPhi_Syst->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_D->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_QCD_EffVBFS_N->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_D->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_QCD_EffVBFC_N->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_D->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_EWK_EffVBFS_N->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_D->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_EWK_EffVBFC_N->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_EffVBFS->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_EffVBFC->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_DY_TotalEff->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_CutFlow_Data->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_CutFlow_DY->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_CutFlow_SingleTSum->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); hZ_CutFlow_Diboson->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite); ofile->Close(); }
//_______________________________________________________________________________ void makeZinvFromDY( TFile* fData , TFile* fZinv , TFile* fDY ,TFile* fTop, vector<string> dirs, string output_name ) { // Generate histogram file with Zinv prediction based on DYData * R(Zinv/DY) TFile * outfile = new TFile(output_name.c_str(),"RECREATE") ; outfile->cd(); const unsigned int ndirs = dirs.size(); // // Obtain inclusive templates // int lastmt2_VL23J=0, lastmt2_VL2J=0, lastmt2_VL4J=0; // int lastmt2_L23J=0, lastmt2_L26J=0, lastmt2_L46J=0, lastmt2_L7J=0; // int lastmt2_M23J=0, lastmt2_M26J=0, lastmt2_M46J=0, lastmt2_M7J=0; // int lastmt2_H23J=0, lastmt2_H26J=0, lastmt2_H46J=0, lastmt2_H7J=0; // int lastmt2_UH=0; // TH1D* h_TemplateVL23J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins23J"); // int lastbin_VL23J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateVL23J, "crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins23J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_VL23J); // TH1D* h_TemplateVL2J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins"); // int lastbin_VL2J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateVL2J, "crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_VL2J); // TH1D* h_TemplateVL4J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins4J"); // int lastbin_VL4J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateVL4J, "crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins4J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_VL4J); // TH1D* h_TemplateL23J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseL/h_mt2bins23J"); // int lastbin_L23J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateL23J, "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins23J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_L23J); // TH1D* h_TemplateL26J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseL/h_mt2bins26J"); // int lastbin_L26J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateL26J, "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins26J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_L26J); // TH1D* h_TemplateL46J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseL/h_mt2bins46J"); // int lastbin_L46J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateL46J, "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins46J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_L46J); // TH1D* h_TemplateL7J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseL/h_mt2bins7J"); // int lastbin_L7J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateL7J, "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins7J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_L7J); // TH1D* h_TemplateM23J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseM/h_mt2bins23J"); // int lastbin_M23J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateM23J, "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins23J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_M23J); // TH1D* h_TemplateM26J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseM/h_mt2bins26J"); // int lastbin_M26J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateM26J, "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins26J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_M26J); // TH1D* h_TemplateM46J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseM/h_mt2bins46J"); // int lastbin_M46J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateM46J, "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins46J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_M46J); // TH1D* h_TemplateM7J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseM/h_mt2bins7J"); // int lastbin_M7J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateM7J, "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins7J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_M7J); // TH1D* h_TemplateH23J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseH/h_mt2bins23J"); // int lastbin_H23J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateH23J, "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins23J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_H23J); // TH1D* h_TemplateH26J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseH/h_mt2bins26J"); // int lastbin_H26J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateH26J, "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins26J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_H26J); // TH1D* h_TemplateH46J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseH/h_mt2bins46J"); // int lastbin_H46J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateH46J, "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins46J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_H46J); // TH1D* h_TemplateH7J = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseH/h_mt2bins7J"); // int lastbin_H7J = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateH7J, "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins7J", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_H7J); // TH1D* h_TemplateUH = (TH1D*) fData->Get("crdybaseUH/h_mt2bins"); // int lastbin_UH = purityRandNorm(h_TemplateUH, "crdybaseUH/h_mt2bins", fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2_UH); for ( unsigned int idir = 0; idir < ndirs; ++idir ) { TString srname =; TString directory = "sr"; TString directoryDY = "crdy"; TString fullhistname = directory + "/h_mt2bins"; TString fullhistnameDY = directoryDY + "/h_mt2bins"; TString fullhistnameEM = directoryDY + "/h_mt2binsemu"; TH1D* hData = (TH1D*) fData->Get(fullhistnameDY); TH1D* hDY = (TH1D*) fDY->Get(fullhistnameDY); TH1D* hDataEM = (TH1D*) fData->Get(fullhistnameEM); TH1D* hZinv = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistname); TH1D* hTop = (TH1D*) fTop->Get(fullhistnameDY); TH1D* hDY_lepeff_UP = (TH1D*) fDY->Get(fullhistnameDY+"_lepeff_UP"); TH1D* hDY_lepeff_DN = (TH1D*) fDY->Get(fullhistnameDY+"_lepeff_DN"); TH1D* hDY_trigeff_UP = (TH1D*) fDY->Get(fullhistnameDY+"_trigeff_UP"); TH1D* hDY_trigeff_DN = (TH1D*) fDY->Get(fullhistnameDY+"_trigeff_DN"); TH1D* hDY_ZNJet_UP = (TH1D*) fDY->Get(fullhistnameDY+"_ZNJet_UP"); TH1D* hDY_ZNJet_DN = (TH1D*) fDY->Get(fullhistnameDY+"_ZNJet_DN"); TH1D* hZinv_ZNJet_UP = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistname+"_ZNJet_UP"); TH1D* hZinv_ZNJet_DN = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistname+"_ZNJet_DN"); TH1D* hDY_renorm_UP = (TH1D*) fDY->Get(fullhistnameDY+"_renorm_UP"); TH1D* hDY_renorm_DN = (TH1D*) fDY->Get(fullhistnameDY+"_renorm_DN"); TH1D* hZinv_renorm_UP = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistname+"_renorm_UP"); TH1D* hZinv_renorm_DN = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistname+"_renorm_DN"); // If Zinv or DY histograms are not filled, just leave (shouldn't happen when running on full stat MC) if(!hDY || !hZinv || !hData){ cout<<"could not find histogram "<<fullhistname<<endl; continue; } if (hDY->GetNbinsX() != hZinv->GetNbinsX() ) { cout<<"different binning for histograms "<<fullhistname<<endl; continue; } // Make directory and plot(s) in the output file TDirectory* dir = 0; dir = (TDirectory*)outfile->Get(directory.Data()); if (dir == 0) { dir = outfile->mkdir(directory.Data()); } dir->cd(); cout<<"Looking at histo "<<fullhistname<<endl; int lastbin_hybrid = 1; int lastmt2val_hybrid = 200; int ht_LOW = 0, ht_HI = 0, njets_LOW = 0, njets_HI = 0, nbjets_LOW = 0, nbjets_HI = 0; TH1D* h_MT2Template = (TH1D*) hZinv->Clone("h_MT2Template"); TString inclusiveTemplateName = ""; TH1D *h_ht_LOW, *h_ht_HI, *h_njets_LOW, *h_njets_HI, *h_nbjets_LOW, *h_nbjets_HI; if (doHybridInclusiveTemplate) { // Inclusive template: use inclusive template corresponding to this region //Get variable boundaries for signal region. h_ht_LOW = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directory+"/h_ht_LOW"); h_ht_HI = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directory+"/h_ht_HI"); if (h_ht_LOW) ht_LOW = h_ht_LOW->GetBinContent(1); if (h_ht_HI) ht_HI = h_ht_HI->GetBinContent(1); h_njets_LOW = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directory+"/h_njets_LOW"); h_njets_HI = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directory+"/h_njets_HI"); if (h_njets_LOW) njets_LOW = h_njets_LOW->GetBinContent(1); if (h_njets_HI) njets_HI = h_njets_HI->GetBinContent(1); h_nbjets_LOW = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directory+"/h_nbjets_LOW"); h_nbjets_HI = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directory+"/h_nbjets_HI"); if (h_nbjets_LOW) nbjets_LOW = h_nbjets_LOW->GetBinContent(1); if (h_nbjets_HI) nbjets_HI = h_nbjets_HI->GetBinContent(1); //Determine which inclusive template to use. If none works, this reverts to HybridSimple, taking template from its own TopoRegion // Start from the Aggregate Regions (hardcoded, since they can partially overlap with the standard regions) if (srname == "20") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy20/h_mt2bins"; // self (2j, HT1200) else if (srname == "base") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybase/h_mt2bins"; else if (srname == "baseVL") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins"; else if (srname == "baseL") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins"; else if (srname == "baseM") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins"; else if (srname == "baseH") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins"; else if (srname == "baseUH") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseUH/h_mt2bins"; else if (srname == "21") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy21/h_mt2bins"; // self (2j, HT1500) else if (srname == "22") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy22/h_mt2bins"; // self (4j, HT1200) else if (srname == "23") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy21/h_mt2bins"; // from 21 else if (srname == "24") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy24/h_mt2bins"; // self (7J, HT1200) else if (srname == "25") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy21/h_mt2bins"; // from 21 else if (srname == "26") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy20/h_mt2bins"; // from 20 else if (srname == "27") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy21/h_mt2bins"; // from 21 else if (srname == "28") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy20/h_mt2bins3J"; // need a 3J histogram within SR20 // else if (srname == "28") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy20/h_mt2bins"; // test else if (srname == "29") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy21/h_mt2bins"; // from 21 else if (srname == "30") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy24/h_mt2bins"; // from 24 else if (srname == "31") inclusiveTemplateName = "crdy21/h_mt2bins"; // from 21 // Now the standard regions else if (ht_LOW == 250) { if (njets_LOW == 2 && nbjets_LOW==3) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins36J"; else if (njets_LOW == 2 && njets_HI==7) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins26J"; else if (njets_LOW == 2) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins23J"; else if (njets_LOW == 4) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins46J"; else if (njets_LOW == 7) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseVL/h_mt2bins7J"; } else if (ht_LOW == 450) { if (njets_LOW == 2 && nbjets_LOW==3) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins36J"; else if (njets_LOW == 2 && njets_HI==7) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins26J"; else if (njets_LOW == 2) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins23J"; else if (njets_LOW == 4) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins46J"; else if (njets_LOW == 7) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseL/h_mt2bins7J"; } else if (ht_LOW == 575) { if (njets_LOW == 2 && nbjets_LOW==3) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins36J"; else if (njets_LOW == 2 && njets_HI==7) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins26J"; else if (njets_LOW == 2) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins23J"; else if (njets_LOW == 4) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins46J"; else if (njets_LOW == 7) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins79J"; else if (njets_LOW == 10) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseM/h_mt2bins10J"; } else if (ht_LOW == 1200) { if (njets_LOW == 2 && nbjets_LOW==3) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins36J"; else if (njets_LOW == 2 && njets_HI==7) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins26J"; else if (njets_LOW == 2) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins23J"; else if (njets_LOW == 4) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins46J"; else if (njets_LOW == 7) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins79J"; else if (njets_LOW == 10) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseH/h_mt2bins10J"; } else if (ht_LOW == 1500) inclusiveTemplateName = "crdybaseUH/h_mt2bins"; if (inclusiveTemplateName == "") { cout<< "Can't find template for region: HT "<<ht_LOW<<"-"<<ht_HI<<" and NJ "<<njets_LOW<<"-"<<njets_HI<<endl; lastbin_hybrid = 1; h_MT2Template = 0; cout<<"h_MT2Template is 0, using hybrid within this region (no external templates)"<<endl; } else { cout<< "Using inclusive template "<<inclusiveTemplateName<<" for region: HT "<<ht_LOW<<"-"<<ht_HI<<" and NJ "<<njets_LOW<<"-"<<njets_HI<<endl; // Get the template lastbin_hybrid = makeHybridTemplate(srname, h_MT2Template, inclusiveTemplateName , fData, fZinv, fDY, lastmt2val_hybrid); cout<<"lastbin_hybrid "<<lastbin_hybrid<<" and lastmt2val_hybrid "<<lastmt2val_hybrid<<endl; if (h_MT2Template!=0) h_MT2Template->Print(); else cout<<"h_MT2Template is 0, using hybrid within this region (no external templates)"<<endl; } } // If there is no template for this region, go back to the standard hybrid if (doHybridSimple || (doHybridInclusiveTemplate && h_MT2Template == 0)) { // hybrid method: use nominal MC CR yield histogram to determine how many MT2 bins to use // by default: use all MT2 bins integrated (no bin-by-bin). // choose the last bin to try to have at least hybrid_nevent_threshold integrated events // Calculate last bin on local histogram for ( int ibin=1; ibin <= hDY->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin ) { float top = 0, integratedYield = 0; //if (hDataEM) top = hDataEM->Integral(ibin,-1)*rSFOF; integratedYield = hDY->Integral(ibin,-1) - top; if (integratedYield < hybrid_nevent_threshold) { if (ibin == 1) lastbin_hybrid = 1; else { lastbin_hybrid = ibin-1; lastmt2val_hybrid = hDY->GetBinLowEdge(ibin); } break; } } cout<<"lastbin_hybrid for doHybridSimple: "<<lastbin_hybrid<<endl; } TH1D* ratio = (TH1D*) hZinv->Clone("ratio"); ratio->Divide(hDY); double errNum, errDen; float ratioValue = hZinv->IntegralAndError(1,-1,errNum) / hDY->IntegralAndError(1,-1,errDen); float ratioErr = ratioValue*sqrt(pow(errNum/hZinv->Integral(), 2) + pow(errDen/hDY->Integral(),2)); TH1D* CRyield = (TH1D*) hData->Clone("h_mt2binsCRyield"); TH1D* purityMC = (TH1D*) hDY->Clone("h_mt2binsPurityMC"); if (hTop) purityMC->Add(hTop, -1); purityMC->Divide(hDY); TH1D* purityData = (TH1D*) hData->Clone("h_mt2binsPurityData"); if (hDataEM) purityData->Add(hDataEM, -1*rSFOF); purityData->Divide(purityData, hData, 1, 1, "B"); TH1D* Stat = (TH1D*) CRyield->Clone("h_mt2binsStat"); Stat->Multiply(purityData); Stat->Multiply(ratio); TH1D* Syst = (TH1D*) Stat->Clone("h_mt2binsSyst"); TH1D* pred = (TH1D*) Stat->Clone("h_mt2bins"); for ( int ibin = 0; ibin <= Stat->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin) { Syst->SetBinError(ibin, (1-purityData->GetBinContent(ibin))*0.2*Stat->GetBinContent(ibin)); double quadrature = Stat->GetBinError(ibin)*Stat->GetBinError(ibin) + Syst->GetBinError(ibin)*Syst->GetBinError(ibin); pred->SetBinError(ibin, sqrt(quadrature)); } //pred->Print("all"); // Inputs to cardMaker TH1D* ratioCard = (TH1D*) ratio->Clone("ratioCard"); TH1D* purityCard = (TH1D*) purityData->Clone("purityCard"); TH1D* CRyieldCard = (TH1D*) CRyield->Clone("CRyieldCard"); TH1D *CRyieldEM = 0, *CRyieldEMCard = 0; if (hDataEM){ CRyieldEM = (TH1D*) hDataEM->Clone("h_mt2binsCRyieldEM"); CRyieldEMCard = (TH1D*) CRyieldEM->Clone("CRyieldEMCard"); } if ( doHybridSimple || (doHybridInclusiveTemplate && h_MT2Template==0) ) { // purity needs to describe the integrated purity of the CR // ratio needs to be modified so that the last N bins include kMT2 // CRyield needs to be modified so that the last N bins have the same yield (which is the integral over those N bins) if (verbose) cout<<" Implementing simple hybrid "<<endl; for ( int ibin=1; ibin <= hZinv->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin ) { if (ibin < lastbin_hybrid) continue; double integratedYieldErr = 0; float integratedYield = CRyield->IntegralAndError(lastbin_hybrid,-1,integratedYieldErr); CRyieldCard->SetBinContent(ibin, integratedYield); CRyieldCard->SetBinError(ibin, integratedYieldErr); float integratedDen = integratedYield; double EM = 0, errEM = 0; if (hDataEM) EM = hDataEM->IntegralAndError(lastbin_hybrid, -1, errEM) * rSFOF; if (hDataEM) CRyieldEMCard->SetBinContent(ibin, EM); if (hDataEM) CRyieldEMCard->SetBinContent(ibin, errEM); float integratedNum = integratedDen - EM; if (integratedNum < 0) integratedNum = 0; float integratedPurity = integratedNum/integratedDen; float integratedPurityErr = sqrt(integratedPurity*(1-integratedPurity)/integratedDen);// sqrt(e(1-e)/N) purityCard->SetBinContent(ibin, integratedPurity); purityCard->SetBinError(ibin, integratedPurityErr); float integratedZinv = 1; float kMT2 = 0; integratedZinv = hZinv->Integral(lastbin_hybrid, -1); kMT2 = hZinv->GetBinContent(ibin) / integratedZinv; ratioCard->SetBinContent(ibin, ratioCard->GetBinContent(ibin) * kMT2); ratioCard->SetBinError(ibin, ratioCard->GetBinError(ibin) * kMT2 ); // just rescale the error by the same amount } } else if (doHybridInclusiveTemplate && h_MT2Template!=0) { // For Inclusive template: // CRyield: this is flat, just the integral // purity: also flat // ratio: this contains the normalized template scaled by the Zinv/DY ratio for this control region // Template should be rebinned to match this region. lastbin_hybrid will have to be updated to refer to the new binning if (verbose) cout<<" Implementing hybrid with template "<<endl; // // MT2template needs to be rebinned for this topological region Rebin // double *TopoRegionBins = hZinv->GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->fArray; // int nTopoRegionBins = hZinv->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); // h_MT2Template->Print("all"); // TH1D* h_MT2TemplateRebin = (TH1D*) h_MT2Template->Rebin(nTopoRegionBins, "h_MT2TemplateRebin", TopoRegionBins); // int newlastbin = h_MT2TemplateRebin->FindBin(lastmt2val_hybrid-1); // if (newlastbin == 0) newlastbin = 1; // 1 is the lowest // if (verbose) cout<<"Rebinning moved lastbin_hybrid from "<<lastbin_hybrid<<" to "<<newlastbin<<". lastmt2val_hybrid="<<lastmt2val_hybrid<<endl; // lastbin_hybrid = newlastbin; // if (verbose) h_MT2TemplateRebin->Print("all"); if (verbose) cout<<"Ratio for this control region is "<<ratioValue<<endl; double integratedYieldErr = 0; float integratedYield = CRyield->IntegralAndError(0,-1,integratedYieldErr); float integratedDen = integratedYield; double EM = 0, errEM=0; if (hDataEM) EM = hDataEM->IntegralAndError(0, -1, errEM)*rSFOF; float integratedNum = integratedDen - EM; if (integratedNum < 0) integratedNum = 0; float integratedPurity = integratedNum/integratedDen; // float integratedPurityErr = sqrt(integratedPurity*(1-integratedPurity)/integratedDen);// sqrt(e(1-e)/N) // this isn't a proportion (OF/SF are statistically independent regions). Makes no sense to do this // what we want is the error on (SF - R*OF). Three sources: dSF, OF*dR, and R*dOF // first comes from gmN error in the cards on the main CR yield // second comes from special RSFOF handling in cardmaker // third should be: R*dOF/(SF-R*dOF). Use proper poissonian error on OF yield errEM = ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile_c((1-0.6828)/2, int(EM)+1, 1) - EM; float integratedPurityErr = rSFOF*errEM / integratedNum * integratedPurity; if(integratedDen==0.0){ // if CR is 0, assume purity of 1.0 and give it a big error (this basically assumes that SF=1 and OF=0) integratedPurity = 1.0; errEM = ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile_c((1-0.6828)/2, int(0)+1, 1) - 0; integratedPurityErr = rSFOF*errEM; } if (verbose) cout<<"Found SF="<<integratedYield<<" and OF="<<EM<<", so purity is "<<integratedPurity<<endl; for ( int ibin=1; ibin <= hZinv->GetNbinsX()+1; ++ibin ) { CRyieldCard->SetBinContent(ibin, integratedYield); CRyieldCard->SetBinError(ibin, integratedYieldErr); if (hDataEM) CRyieldEMCard->SetBinContent(ibin, EM); if (hDataEM) CRyieldEMCard->SetBinContent(ibin, errEM); ratioCard->SetBinContent(ibin, ratioValue * h_MT2Template->GetBinContent(ibin)); float err = 0.0; if(ratioValue>0.0 && h_MT2Template->GetBinContent(ibin)>0.0) err = ratioValue * h_MT2Template->GetBinContent(ibin) * sqrt(pow(ratioErr/ratioValue,2) + pow(h_MT2Template->GetBinError(ibin)/h_MT2Template->GetBinContent(ibin),2)); ratioCard->SetBinError(ibin, err); purityCard->SetBinContent(ibin, integratedPurity); purityCard->SetBinError(ibin, integratedPurityErr); } } TH1D* ratioCard_lepeff_UP = (TH1D*)ratioCard->Clone("ratioCard_lepeff_UP"); TH1D* ratioCard_lepeff_DN = (TH1D*)ratioCard->Clone("ratioCard_lepeff_DN"); if(hDY_lepeff_UP) ratioCard_lepeff_UP->Scale(hDY->Integral() / hDY_lepeff_UP->Integral()); if(hDY_lepeff_DN) ratioCard_lepeff_DN->Scale(hDY->Integral() / hDY_lepeff_DN->Integral()); TH1D* ratioCard_trigeff_UP = (TH1D*)ratioCard->Clone("ratioCard_trigeff_UP"); TH1D* ratioCard_trigeff_DN = (TH1D*)ratioCard->Clone("ratioCard_trigeff_DN"); if(hDY_trigeff_UP) ratioCard_trigeff_UP->Scale(hDY->Integral() / hDY_trigeff_UP->Integral()); if(hDY_trigeff_DN) ratioCard_trigeff_DN->Scale(hDY->Integral() / hDY_trigeff_DN->Integral()); TH1D* ratioCard_ZNJet_UP = (TH1D*)ratioCard->Clone("ratioCard_ZNJet_UP"); TH1D* ratioCard_ZNJet_DN = (TH1D*)ratioCard->Clone("ratioCard_ZNJet_DN"); if(hDY_ZNJet_UP && hZinv_ZNJet_UP) ratioCard_ZNJet_UP->Scale(hDY->Integral() / hDY_ZNJet_UP->Integral() * hZinv_ZNJet_UP->Integral() / hZinv->Integral()); if(hDY_ZNJet_DN && hZinv_ZNJet_DN) ratioCard_ZNJet_DN->Scale(hDY->Integral() / hDY_ZNJet_DN->Integral() * hZinv_ZNJet_DN->Integral() / hZinv->Integral()); TH1D* ratioCard_renorm_UP = (TH1D*)ratioCard->Clone("ratioCard_renorm_UP"); TH1D* ratioCard_renorm_DN = (TH1D*)ratioCard->Clone("ratioCard_renorm_DN"); if(hDY_renorm_UP && hZinv_renorm_UP) ratioCard_renorm_UP->Scale(hDY->Integral() / hDY_renorm_UP->Integral() * hZinv_renorm_UP->Integral() / hZinv->Integral()); if(hDY_renorm_DN && hZinv_renorm_DN) ratioCard_renorm_DN->Scale(hDY->Integral() / hDY_renorm_DN->Integral() * hZinv_renorm_DN->Integral() / hZinv->Integral()); TH1D* hybridEstimate = (TH1D*) CRyieldCard->Clone("hybridEstimate"); hybridEstimate->Multiply(purityCard); hybridEstimate->Multiply(ratioCard); TH1D* h_lastbinHybrid = new TH1D("h_lastbinHybrid",";last bin",1,0,1); h_lastbinHybrid->SetBinContent(1,lastbin_hybrid); TH1D* h_lastmt2Hybrid = new TH1D("h_lastmt2Hybrid",";last M_{T2} value",1,0,1); h_lastmt2Hybrid->SetBinContent(1,lastmt2val_hybrid); pred->Write(); Stat->Write(); Syst->Write(); purityMC->Write(); purityData->Write(); ratio->Write(); CRyield->Write(); ratioCard->Write(); ratioCard_lepeff_UP->Write(); ratioCard_lepeff_DN->Write(); ratioCard_trigeff_UP->Write(); ratioCard_trigeff_DN->Write(); ratioCard_ZNJet_UP->Write(); ratioCard_ZNJet_DN->Write(); ratioCard_renorm_UP->Write(); ratioCard_renorm_DN->Write(); purityCard->Write(); CRyieldCard->Write(); h_lastbinHybrid->Write(); hybridEstimate->Write(); h_lastmt2Hybrid->Write(); if (hDataEM) CRyieldEM->Write(); if (hDataEM) CRyieldEMCard->Write(); hDY->Write("h_mt2binsMCCR"); hZinv->Write("h_mt2binsMCSR"); if(!directoryDY.Contains("J")){ // we want these for crdy (not saved for monojet, but they're the same as SR anyway) h_ht_LOW = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directoryDY+"/h_ht_LOW"); h_ht_HI = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directoryDY+"/h_ht_HI"); h_njets_LOW = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directoryDY+"/h_njets_LOW"); h_njets_HI = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directoryDY+"/h_njets_HI"); h_nbjets_LOW = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directoryDY+"/h_nbjets_LOW"); h_nbjets_HI = (TH1D*) fData->Get(directoryDY+"/h_nbjets_HI"); } if(h_ht_LOW) h_ht_LOW->Write(); if(h_ht_HI) h_ht_HI->Write(); if(h_njets_LOW) h_njets_LOW->Write(); if(h_njets_HI) h_njets_HI->Write(); if(h_nbjets_LOW) h_nbjets_LOW->Write(); if(h_nbjets_HI) h_nbjets_HI->Write(); } // loop over signal regions return; }
//_______________________________________________________________________________ void makeZinvFromGJets( TFile* fZinv , TFile* fGJet , TFile* fZll , vector<string> dirs, string output_name, float kFactorGJetForRatio = 1.0 ) { // Generate histogram file with Zinv prediction based on GJetsData * R(Zinv/GJ) TFile * outfile = new TFile(output_name.c_str(),"RECREATE") ; outfile->cd(); const unsigned int ndirs = dirs.size(); // Do the inclusive ones vector<TString> inclPlots; inclPlots.push_back("h_njbins"); inclPlots.push_back("h_nbjbins"); inclPlots.push_back("h_htbins"); inclPlots.push_back("h_htbins2"); inclPlots.push_back("h_mt2bins"); inclPlots.push_back("h_bosonptbins"); for ( unsigned int incl = 0; incl < inclPlots.size(); ++incl ) { TH1D* hGJetIncl = (TH1D*) fGJet->Get("crgjbaseIncl/"+inclPlots[incl])->Clone(); TH1D* hZllIncl = (TH1D*) fZll->Get("crdybaseIncl/"+inclPlots[incl])->Clone(); if(!hGJetIncl || !hZllIncl){ cout<<"could not find histogram "<<inclPlots[incl]<<endl; continue; } if (hGJetIncl->GetNbinsX() != hZllIncl->GetNbinsX() ) { cout<<"different binning for histograms "<<inclPlots[incl]<<endl; continue; } outfile->cd(); hGJetIncl->Scale(kFactorGJetForRatio); // The goal is LO(Z) / LO(gamma) // Since we're working on MC, let's set poissionian errors by hand hZllIncl->Sumw2(0); hZllIncl->Sumw2(1); hGJetIncl->Sumw2(0); hGJetIncl->Sumw2(1); TH1D* ratioIncl = (TH1D*) hZllIncl->Clone(inclPlots[incl]+"Ratio"); ratioIncl->Divide(hGJetIncl); ratioIncl->Write(); } // end of inclusive plots for ( unsigned int idir = 0; idir < ndirs; ++idir ) { TString directory = "sr"; TString directoryGJ = "crgj"; cout<<"Looking at directory "<<directory<<endl; TString fullhistname = directory + "/h_mt2bins"; TString fullhistnameHT = directory + "/h_htbins"; TString fullhistnameHT2 = directory + "/h_htbins2"; TString fullhistnameNJ = directory + "/h_njbins"; TString fullhistnameNB = directory + "/h_nbjbins"; // TString fullhistnamePT = directory + "/h_bosonptbins"; TString fullhistnameGJ = directoryGJ + "/h_mt2bins"; TH1D* hGJet = (TH1D*) fGJet->Get(fullhistnameGJ); TH1D* hZinv = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistname); TH1D* hZinvHT = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistnameHT); TH1D* hZinvHT2 = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistnameHT2); TH1D* hZinvNJ = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistnameNJ); TH1D* hZinvNB = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistnameNB); // TH1D* hZinvPT = (TH1D*) fZinv->Get(fullhistnamePT); // If Zinv or GJet histograms are not filled, just leave (shouldn't happen when running on full stat MC) if(!hGJet ){ cout<<"could not find histogram "<<fullhistnameGJ<<endl; continue; } if(!hZinv){ cout<<"could not find histogram "<<fullhistname<<endl; continue; } // if(!hZinvPT){ // cout<<"could not find histogram "<<fullhistnamePT<<" in file "<<fZinv->GetName()<<endl; // continue; // } cout<<"Looking at histo "<<fullhistname<<endl; if (hGJet->GetNbinsX() != hZinv->GetNbinsX() ) { cout<<"different binning for histograms "<<fullhistname<<endl; continue; } //hGJet->Print("all"); hGJet->Scale(kFactorGJetForRatio); // The goal is LO(Z) / LO(gamma) // Make directory and plot(s) in the output file TDirectory* dir = 0; dir = (TDirectory*)outfile->Get(directory.Data()); if (dir == 0) { dir = outfile->mkdir(directory.Data()); } dir->cd(); TH1D* Stat = (TH1D*) hZinv->Clone("h_mt2binsStat"); for ( int ibin = 0; ibin <= Stat->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin) { // "<=" to deal with overflow bin if (hGJet->GetBinContent(ibin) > 0) Stat->SetBinError(ibin, hZinv->GetBinContent(ibin)/sqrt( hGJet->GetBinContent(ibin) )); else Stat->SetBinError(ibin, hZinv->GetBinContent(ibin)); } // Zgamma ratio in each MT2bin -> to get MC stat error on ratio TH1D* ratio = (TH1D*) hZinv->Clone("h_mt2binsRatio"); //ratio->Print("all"); //hGJet->Print("all"); ratio->Divide(hGJet); //ratio->Print("all"); TH1D* ratioInt = (TH1D*) hZinv->Clone("h_mt2binsRatioInt"); double nGammaErr = 0; double nGamma = hGJet->IntegralAndError(0, -1, nGammaErr); for ( int ibin = 0; ibin <= ratioInt->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin) { if (nGamma>0) { ratioInt->SetBinContent(ibin, ratioInt->GetBinContent(ibin)/nGamma); float errOld = ratioInt->GetBinError(ibin)/nGamma; float errNew = (nGammaErr/nGamma) * ratioInt->GetBinContent(ibin); //cout<<nGamma<<" "<<nGammaErr<<" "<<errOld<<" "<<errNew<<endl; ratioInt->SetBinError(ibin, sqrt( errOld*errOld + errNew*errNew ) ); } else { ratioInt->SetBinContent(ibin, 0); ratioInt->SetBinError(ibin, 0); } } //ratioInt->Print("all"); // MCStat: use relative bin error from ratio hist, normalized to Zinv MC prediction TH1D* MCStat = (TH1D*) hZinv->Clone("h_mt2binsMCStat"); for ( int ibin = 0; ibin <= Stat->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin) { MCStat->SetBinError(ibin, MCStat->GetBinContent(ibin) * ratio->GetBinError(ibin) / ratio->GetBinContent(ibin) ); } TH1D* Syst = (TH1D*) Stat->Clone("h_mt2binsSyst"); TH1D* pred = (TH1D*) Stat->Clone("h_mt2bins"); for ( int ibin = 0; ibin <= Stat->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin) { Syst->SetBinError(ibin, 0.); double quadrature = Stat->GetBinError(ibin)*Stat->GetBinError(ibin) + Syst->GetBinError(ibin)*Syst->GetBinError(ibin); pred->SetBinError(ibin, sqrt(quadrature)); } //pred->Print("all"); TH1D* CRyield = (TH1D*) hGJet->Clone("h_mt2binsCRyield"); // Extrapolation to next bin: just a ratio of GJet_i/GJet_i-1, so that we can later obtain bin i prediction from bin i-1 yield // Instead of : GJet_i * R(Zinv_i/GJet_i), we will do GJet_i-1 * R(GJet_i/GJet_i-1) * R(Zinv_i/GJet_i) TH1D* PreviousBinRatio = (TH1D*) hGJet->Clone("h_mt2binsPreviousBinRatio"); for ( int ibin = 0; ibin <= Stat->GetNbinsX(); ++ibin) { if (ibin<=1) PreviousBinRatio->SetBinContent(ibin, 1.); else { PreviousBinRatio->SetBinContent(ibin, hGJet->GetBinContent(ibin)/hGJet->GetBinContent(ibin-1)); PreviousBinRatio->SetBinContent(ibin, hGJet->GetBinContent(ibin)/hGJet->GetBinContent(ibin-1)); } PreviousBinRatio->SetBinError(ibin, 0.); // Ignore uncertainty (just MC anyway) } pred->Write(); Stat->Write(); Syst->Write(); CRyield->Write(); MCStat->Write(); PreviousBinRatio->Write(); ratio->Write(); ratioInt->Write(); if(hZinvHT) hZinvHT->Write(); if(hZinvHT2) hZinvHT2->Write(); if(hZinvNJ) hZinvNJ->Write(); if(hZinvNB) hZinvNB->Write(); // hZinvPT->Write(); } // loop over signal regions return; }
int calculateSignificance(double metCut, double ecaloCut, TString region, TString folder = "NLostOuterGe0") { TString nlost = ""; if(folder.Contains("NLostOuterGe0")) nlost="0"; else if(folder.Contains("NLostOuterGe1")) nlost="1"; else if(folder.Contains("NLostOuterGe2")) nlost="2"; else if(folder.Contains("NLostOuterGe3")) nlost="3"; gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TeresaPlottingStyle2d::init(); gStyle -> SetTitleSize(0.05,"Z"); gStyle -> SetTitleOffset(1.2,"Z"); gStyle -> SetOptTitle(1); gStyle -> SetNdivisions(505,"Z"); gStyle->SetTitleStyle(1); gStyle->SetStatStyle(0); gROOT->ForceStyle(); //gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0); //gStyle -> SetPadRightMargin(0.20); //gStyle->SetTitleFont(42,""); vector<TString> samples; vector<TString> titles; TString sig_m100_ct1 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_100_ctau_1cm"; samples.push_back(sig_m100_ct1); titles.push_back("mass=100GeV, c#tau=1cm"); TString sig_m100_ct5 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_100_ctau_5cm"; samples.push_back(sig_m100_ct5); titles.push_back("mass=100GeV, c#tau=5cm"); TString sig_m100_ct10 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_100_ctau_10cm"; samples.push_back(sig_m100_ct10); titles.push_back("mass=100GeV, c#tau=10cm"); TString sig_m100_ct50 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_100_ctau_50cm"; samples.push_back(sig_m100_ct50); titles.push_back("mass=100GeV, c#tau=50cm"); TString sig_m200_ct1 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_200_ctau_1cm"; //samples.push_back(sig_m200_ct1); TString sig_m200_ct5 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_200_ctau_5cm"; //samples.push_back(sig_m200_ct5); TString sig_m200_ct50 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_200_ctau_50cm"; //samples.push_back(sig_m200_ct50); TString sig_m300_ct5 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_300_ctau_5cm"; //samples.push_back(sig_m300_ct5); TString sig_m300_ct10 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_300_ctau_10cm"; //samples.push_back(sig_m300_ct10); TString sig_m300_ct50 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_300_ctau_50cm"; //samples.push_back(sig_m300_ct50); TString sig_m500_ct1 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_500_ctau_1cm"; //samples.push_back(sig_m500_ct1); //titles.push_back("mass=500GeV, c#tau=1cm"); TString sig_m500_ct5 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_500_ctau_5cm"; samples.push_back(sig_m500_ct5); titles.push_back("mass=500GeV, c#tau=5cm"); TString sig_m500_ct10 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_500_ctau_10cm"; samples.push_back(sig_m500_ct10); titles.push_back("mass=500GeV, c#tau=10cm"); TString sig_m500_ct50 = "Madgraph_signal_mass_500_ctau_50cm"; samples.push_back(sig_m500_ct50); titles.push_back("mass=500GeV, c#tau=50cm"); for(unsigned int i=0; i<samples.size(); i++) { TH2D* sig1 = new TH2D("significance",samples[i] + ": s/#Delta b_{stat}",9,20,65,9,0.00,0.45); sig1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} cut [GeV]"); sig1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("I_{as} cut"); //sig1->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("minimum possible x-sec to discover [pb]"); sig1->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("minimal discoverable x-sec [pb]"); sig1->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); sig1->SetTitle(titles[i]); // TH2D* sig2 = new TH2D("significance",samples[i]+ ": s/#sqrt((#Delta b_{stat})^{2} + (#Delta b_{sys}^{fake})^{2} + (10 #upoint #Delta b_{sys}^{lepton})^{2})",7,30,65,9,0.00,0.45); TH2D* sig2 = new TH2D("significance",samples[i]+ ": s/#Delta b_{stat + sys}",9,20,65,9,0.00,0.45); sig2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} cut [GeV]"); sig2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("I_{as} cut"); sig2->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("minimal discoverable x-sec [pb]"); sig2->GetZaxis()->CenterTitle(); //sig2->SetTitle(titles[i] + ", N_{lost}^{outer}#geq" + nlost); sig2->SetTitle(titles[i]); sig2->GetZaxis()->SetNoExponent(kTRUE); //sig2->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.5,2.5); TH2D* hBkgYield = new TH2D("hBkgYield","Bkg Yield",9,20,65,9,0.00,0.45); hBkgYield -> GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} cut [GeV]"); hBkgYield -> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("I_{as} cut"); hBkgYield -> GetZaxis()->SetTitle("bkg yield"); TH2D* hBkgUnc = new TH2D("hBkgUnc","Bkg Unc",9,20,65,9,0.00,0.45); hBkgUnc -> GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} cut [GeV]"); hBkgUnc -> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("I_{as} cut"); hBkgUnc -> GetZaxis()->SetTitle("bkg uncertainty [%]"); TH2D* hSignalYield = new TH2D("hSignalYield",samples[i] + ": Signal Yield",9,20,65,9,0.00,0.45); hSignalYield -> GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} cut [GeV]"); hSignalYield -> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("I_{as} cut"); hSignalYield -> GetZaxis()->SetTitle("signal yield"); hSignalYield -> SetTitle(titles[i]); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get theory cross-section: cout<<"######################################################"<<endl; cout<<"Get theory cross section:"<<endl; ifstream inputFile("xsectionsUpdated.txt"); int it=0; TString name; double xsec,err; while(inputFile>>name>>xsec>>err) { TString aux = "mass_" + name; cout<<"aux = "<<aux<<endl; if ( samples[i].Contains(aux) ) { cout<<endl<<name<<": "<<xsec<<" pb"<<endl<<endl; break; } it++; } inputFile.close(); xsec = xsec/1000.; // xsection in pb cout<<"######################################################"<<endl; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for(int l=0; l<9; l++) { // for(int l=0; l<9; l++){ double ptCut = 20 + l*5; //for(int j=0; j<9; j++){ for(int j=0; j<9; j++) { double iasCut = 0.00 + j*0.05; cout<<"---------------------------------------------"<<""<<endl; cout<<"pt cut = "<<ptCut<<", Ias Cut = "<<iasCut<<endl; //TFile *fBkg = new TFile(Form("totalBkg" + folder + "/TotalBkg_metCutEq%.0f_ptCutEq%0.f_ECaloCutEq%.0f_IasCutEq0p%02.0f_",metCut,ptCut,ecaloCut,iasCut*100) + region +".root" ,"READ"); //TString filename = "signal" + folder + "/Signal_" + samples[i] + Form("_metCutEq%.0f_ptCutEq%.0f_ECaloCutEq%.0f_IasCutEq0p%02.0f.root",metCut,ptCut,ecaloCut,iasCut*100); TFile *fBkg = new TFile(Form("totalBkg" + folder + "/TotalBkg_metCutEq%.0f_ptGt%.0f_Le50000_ECaloCutEq%.0f_IasGt0p%02.0f_Le0p99_",metCut,ptCut,ecaloCut,iasCut*100) + region +".root" ,"READ"); TString filename = "signal" + folder + "/Signal_" + samples[i] + Form("_metCutEq%.0f_ptGt%.0f_Le50000_ECaloCutEq%.0f_IasGt0p%02.0f_Le0p99.root",metCut,ptCut,ecaloCut,iasCut*100); TFile *fSignal = new TFile(filename,"READ"); TH1D *hBkg = 0; TH1D *hLepton = 0; TH1D *hFake = 0; TH1D *hSignal = 0; fBkg -> GetObject("totalBkg",hBkg); fBkg -> GetObject("leptonBkg",hLepton); fBkg -> GetObject("fakeBkg",hFake); fSignal -> GetObject(samples[i],hSignal); cout.precision(3); double nAll = 0; double nAllErrorUp = 0; double nAllErrorLow = 0; double n, nErrorUp, nErrorLow; TString eq = "="; int bin = hBkg->GetXaxis()->FindBin(region); n = hBkg->IntegralAndError(bin,bin,nErrorUp); nErrorLow = nErrorUp; if(nErrorUp==0) eq = "<"; else eq = "="; nAll = n ; nAllErrorUp = nErrorUp; nAllErrorLow = nErrorLow; cout<<"nAll = "<<nAll<<endl; cout<<"nAllErrorUp = "<<nAllErrorUp<<endl; cout<<"One Sided Upper 68% limit of bkg = "<<getOneSidedUpperLimit(nAll,0.6827)-nAll<<endl; cout<<"Total bkg = "<<nAll<<" + "<<nAllErrorUp<<" - "<<nAllErrorLow<<""<<endl; cout<<samples[i]<<" = "<<hSignal->GetBinContent(1)<<" +/- "<<hSignal->GetBinError(1)<<endl; cout<<"Statistics of signal = "<<pow(hSignal->GetBinContent(1),2)/pow(hSignal->GetBinError(1),2)<<endl; hBkgYield -> SetBinContent(l+1,j+1,n); hBkgUnc -> SetBinContent(l+1,j+1,nErrorUp/n); hSignalYield -> SetBinContent(l+1,j+1,hSignal->GetBinContent(1)); double sOverDeltabUp = hSignal->GetBinContent(1)/(getOneSidedUpperLimit(nAll,0.6827)-nAll); double sOverDeltabError = 0; sig1->SetBinContent(l+1,j+1,sOverDeltabUp); sig1->SetBinError(l+1,j+1,sOverDeltabError); double leptonStatError = hLepton -> GetBinError(bin); double fakeStatError = hFake -> GetBinError(bin); cout<<"leptonStatError = "<<leptonStatError<<endl; cout<<"fakeStatError = "<<fakeStatError<<endl; double leptonSysError = hLepton -> GetBinContent(bin)*1.0; // 100% error double fakeSysError = hFake -> GetBinContent(bin)*0.2; // 20% error cout<<"leptonSysError = "<<leptonSysError<<endl; cout<<"fakeSysError = "<<fakeSysError<<endl; // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // Vary now signal x-sec and don't take the one given from theory -> model independent optimisation double sOverDeltabUpStatPlusSys = 0; double sOverDeltabUpStatPlusSysError = 0; double minExcludedXsec = 0; for(int k=0; k<1000; k++) { sOverDeltabUpStatPlusSys = k/sqrt( pow( getOneSidedUpperLimit(nAll,0.6827)-nAll ,2) + pow(fakeStatError ,2) + pow(leptonStatError ,2) + pow(fakeSysError ,2) + pow(leptonSysError ,2)); if(sOverDeltabUpStatPlusSys>5) { cout<<"Dicovery possible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"<<endl; minExcludedXsec =1.*k/hSignal->GetBinContent(1)*xsec; cout<<"minimal xsec = "<<minExcludedXsec<<endl; cout<<"theory xsec = "<<xsec<<endl; break; } } sig2->SetBinContent(l+1,j+1,minExcludedXsec); // sig2->SetBinError(l+1,j+1,sOverDeltabUpStatPlusSysError); cout<<"s/(Delta b_stat) = "<<sOverDeltabUp<<" +/- "<<sOverDeltabError<<endl; cout<<"s/sqrt(Delta b_stat**2 + (Delta b_sys**2) = "<<sOverDeltabUpStatPlusSys<<" +/- "<<sOverDeltabUpStatPlusSysError<<endl; //fBkg->Close(); //fSignal->Close(); for(int k=0; k<1000; k++) { sOverDeltabUp = k/sqrt( pow( getOneSidedUpperLimit(nAll,0.6827)-nAll ,2)); if(sOverDeltabUp>5) { cout<<"Dicovery possible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"<<endl; minExcludedXsec =1.*k/hSignal->GetBinContent(1)*xsec; cout<<"minimal xsec = "<<minExcludedXsec<<endl; cout<<"theory xsec = "<<xsec<<endl; break; } } sig1->SetBinContent(l+1,j+1,minExcludedXsec); cout<<"s/(Delta b_stat) = "<<sOverDeltabUp<<" +/- "<<sOverDeltabError<<endl; cout<<"s/sqrt(Delta b_stat**2 + (Delta b_sys**2) = "<<sOverDeltabUpStatPlusSys<<" +/- "<<sOverDeltabUpStatPlusSysError<<endl; fBkg->Close(); fSignal->Close(); } } TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(samples[i],samples[i],500,500); sig1->Draw("COLZ"); c->SaveAs(Form("plots" + folder + "/" + samples[i] + "_ECaloLe%.0f" + "_SOverDeltaBStat.pdf", ecaloCut)); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(samples[i],samples[i],500,500); sig2->Draw("COLZ"); //c1->SaveAs(Form("plots" + folder + "/" + samples[i] + "_ECaloLe%.0f" + "_SOverDeltaBStatPlusSys_" + nlost+ ".pdf",ecaloCut)); c1->SaveAs(Form("plots" + folder + "/" + samples[i] + "_ECaloLe%.0f" + "_SOverDeltaBStatPlusSys.pdf",ecaloCut)); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(samples[i],samples[i],500,500); hBkgYield->Draw("COLZ"); c2->SaveAs(Form("plots" + folder + "/BkgYield" + "_ECaloLe%.0f" + ".pdf",ecaloCut)); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas(samples[i],samples[i],500,500); hBkgUnc->Draw("COLZ"); c3->SaveAs(Form("plots" + folder + "/BkgUncertainty" + "_ECaloLe%.0f" + ".pdf",ecaloCut)); TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas(samples[i],samples[i],500,500); hSignalYield->Draw("COLZ"); c4->SaveAs(Form("plots" + folder + "/" + samples[i] + "_ECaloLe%.0f" + "_SignalYield.pdf",ecaloCut)); } return 0; }
void produceROOT_stat(std::string var, bool update=false) { TH1D* hraw; std::string rawName; std::string anilName; std::string xtitle; if(var=="h_ystar") { rawName = "Ydiff_Z1Jet"; anilName = "EfficienyVsYdif"; xtitle = "0.5|Y_{Z}-Y_{jet}|"; } else if(var=="h_yB") { rawName = "Ysum_Z1Jet"; anilName = "EfficienyVsYsum"; xtitle = "0.5|Y_{Z}+Y_{jet}|"; } else if(var=="h_jety") { rawName = "FirstJetY_1jet"; anilName = "EfficienyVsYjet"; xtitle = "|Y_{jet}|"; } else if(var=="h_zy") { rawName ="ZRap_1jet"; anilName ="EfficienyVsYz"; xtitle = "|Y_{Z}|"; } // first get the histogram files std::string var1=var; std::string remword1 ="h_"; size_t pos1 = var1.find(remword1); if(pos1!= std::string::npos) var1.replace(pos1,remword1.length(),""); TFile *fraw = TFile::Open("/afs/" "VJets_Analysed_ElecData_ZCut_Jes0.root"); cout << "Opening " << fraw->GetName() << endl; hraw = (TH1D*)(fraw->Get(; hraw -> SetName(Form("hraw_%s",; hraw -> SetXTitle(; hraw -> Sumw2(); int binLo = -1; int binHi = -1; int nbins = hraw->GetNbinsX(); binLo = 1; binHi = nbins; TH1D* r_corr =(TH1D*) hraw->Clone(Form("stat_%s_corr",; r_corr->Reset(); r_corr->SetYTitle("statistical"); r_corr->SetXTitle(; r_corr->SetTitle(""); for(int i=binLo;i<= binHi; i++){ if(hraw->GetBinContent(i)<1e-6)continue; r_corr->SetBinContent(i,1.0); double relative_error = hraw->GetBinError(i)/hraw->GetBinContent(i); r_corr->SetBinError(i,relative_error); } std::string command = "recreate"; if(update)command = "update"; TFile* outFile = new TFile(Form("electron_forSteve.root"),; r_corr->Write(); outFile->Close(); }
void compareSysts(){ setTDRStyle(); double width[6] = {25, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100}; TString Syst[22] = {"JES_up_dir/JES_up","JES_down_dir/JES_down", "BJet_up_dir/BJet_up", "BJet_down_dir/BJet_down", "PU_up_dir/PU_up", "PU_down_dir/PU_down", "Scale_up_tt_dir/Scale_up_tt", "Scale_down_tt_dir/Scale_down_tt","Scale_up_dir/Scale_up","Scale_down_dir/Scale_down", "Match_up_tt_dir/Match_up_tt", "Match_down_tt_dir/Match_down_tt" , "Match_up_dir/Match_up", "Match_down_dir/Match_down", "UnclusteredEnUp_dir/UnclusteredEnUp", "UnclusteredEnDown_dir/UnclusteredEnDown", "TauEnUp_dir/TauEnUp", "TauEnDown_dir/TauEnDown", "MuonEnUp_dir/MuonEnUp", "MuonEnDown_dir/MuonEnDown", "ElectronEnUp_dir/ElectronEnUp", "ElectronEnDown_dir/ElectronEnDown"}; std::cout.setf(std::ios::fixed); std::cout.precision(1); for(int sys = 0; sys < 22; sys++){ TH1D * central = getSysts("central_dir/central"); TH1D * syst_up = getSysts(Syst[sys]);//up_tt for ttbar // TH1D * syst_down = getSysts("Scale_down_dir/Scale_down"); cout << Syst[sys] << " & " ; for(int i=1; i <= 6; i++){ //loops over met bins central->SetBinContent(i,central->GetBinContent(i)/width[i-1]); central->SetBinError(i,central->GetBinError(i)/width[i-1]); syst_up->SetBinContent(i,syst_up->GetBinContent(i)/width[i-1]); // syst_down->SetBinContent(i,syst_down->GetBinContent(i)/width[i-1]); syst_up->SetBinError(i,0.); //syst_down->SetBinError(i,0.); cout << 100*(central->GetBinContent(i)-syst_up->GetBinContent(i))/central->GetBinContent(i) << " & " ; } cout << " " << endl; if(sys==21){ cout << "Stat: & " ; for(int i=1; i <= 6; i++){ cout << 100*central->GetBinError(i)/central->GetBinContent(i) << " & " ; } } delete syst_up, central; }//end systs loop // //do the plots // TCanvas *c= new TCanvas("c","c",10,10,800,600); // // central->SetMarkerStyle(20); // central->Draw("E"); // central->SetMaximum(central->GetBinContent(central->GetMaximumBin())*1.3); // central->SetMinimum(0.); // // syst_up->SetLineColor(kRed); // syst_down->SetLineColor(kBlue); // // syst_up->Draw("same"); // syst_down->Draw("same"); // // TLegend *tleg; // tleg = new TLegend(0.6,0.75,0.85,0.9); // tleg->SetTextSize(0.03); // tleg->SetBorderSize(0); // tleg->SetFillColor(10); // // tleg->AddEntry(central , "nominal" , "lep"); // //tleg->AddEntry(syst_up , "JES up" , "l"); // //tleg->AddEntry(syst_down , "JES down" , "l"); // tleg->AddEntry(syst_up , "Q^{2} up" , "l"); // tleg->AddEntry(syst_down , "Q^{2} down" , "l"); // // tleg->Draw(); // //titles // central->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{1}{#sigma} #frac{#partial #sigma}{#partial MET} [GeV^{-1}]"); central->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); // //central->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("N t#bar{t} fit"); central->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); // // // central->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("MET [GeV]"); central->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); // // // //c->SaveAs("plots/compare/JEScompare.png"); // c->SaveAs("plots/compare/Scalecompare.png"); // // delete c; }
void PostFitCombine(TString Plots = "fit_s", TString InpDir = "FitResults_DataCardFixbtagSysVisPhSp_hSF-PreApp-v0_Tree_LepJets_NewJEC-OldKinFit_v8-0-6_Spring16-80X_36814pb-1_2btag", TString FitDir = "OBSERVED"){ TString PlotsFileName; if(FitDir == "OBSERVED") PlotsFileName = "obs"; if(FitDir == "EXPECTED") PlotsFileName = "exp"; TString inputfile = "CombineResults/" + InpDir + "/" + FitDir + "/fitDiagnostics" + PlotsFileName + "MLF.root"; setTDRStyle(); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetOptFit(1000); gStyle->SetOptStat("emruo"); gStyle->SetOptStat(kFALSE); gStyle->SetPadTickY(1); gStyle->SetPadTickX(1); int col_ttbb = TColor::GetColor("#660000"); int col_ttb = TColor::GetColor("#ffcc00"); int col_ttcc = TColor::GetColor("#cc6600"); int col_ttc = TColor::GetColor("#cc6600"); int col_ttLF = TColor::GetColor("#ff0000"); int col_tt = TColor::GetColor("#FF7F7F"); int col_ttbarBkg = TColor::GetColor("#ff6565"); int col_SingleTop = TColor::GetColor("#ff00ff"); int col_WJets = TColor::GetColor("#33cc33"); int col_ZJets = TColor::GetColor("#3366ff"); int col_QCD = TColor::GetColor("#ffff00"); int col_ttbarV = TColor::GetColor("#e75c8d"); int col_ttbarH = TColor::GetColor("#e5c4f4"); int col_VV = TColor::GetColor("#ffffff"); TFile *hfile = NULL; hfile = TFile::Open(inputfile); cout << "file loaded: " << inputfile << endl; std::vector<TString> hNamefile; std::vector<int> hColor; hNamefile.push_back("ttbar_LepJetsPowhegPythiattbb"); // 0 hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#660000")); hNamefile.push_back("ttbar_LepJetsPowhegPythiattbj"); // 1 hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#ffcc00")); hNamefile.push_back("ttbar_LepJetsPowhegPythiattcc"); // 2 hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#cc6600")); hNamefile.push_back("ttbar_LepJetsPowhegPythiattLF"); // 3 hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#ff0000")); hNamefile.push_back("ttbar_PowhegPythiaBkgtt"); hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#FF7F7F")); hNamefile.push_back("ttHbb_PowhegPythia"); hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#e5c4f4")); hNamefile.push_back("ttV_Madgraph"); hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#e75c8d")); hNamefile.push_back("WJets_aMCatNLO"); hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#33cc33")); hNamefile.push_back("QCD"); hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#ffff00")); hNamefile.push_back("SingleTop"); hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#ff00ff")); hNamefile.push_back("VV"); hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#ffffff")); hNamefile.push_back("ZJets_aMCatNLO"); hColor.push_back(TColor::GetColor("#3366ff")); hNamefile.push_back("total"); hColor.push_back(1); hNamefile.push_back("total_signal"); hColor.push_back(1); hNamefile.push_back("total_background"); hColor.push_back(1); //TString dirname[2] = {"Name1","Name2"}; //{mu,e} TString dirname[2] = {"ch1","ch2"}; //{mu,e} TString titlechname[2] = {"#mu+Jets","e+Jets"}; TString chname[2] = {"mujets","ejets"}; std::vector<TH1D*> hInput[2]; TH1D *hData[2], *hData_reg[2][20]; THStack *AllMC[2], *AllMC_reg[2][20]; THStack *AllMC_CSV1[2], *AllMC_CSV2[2]; // THStack Initialization for(int ich=0;ich<2;ich++){ AllMC[ich] = new THStack("PostFit_"+chname[ich], "CSV Distribution Post-Fit ("+titlechname[ich]+")"); for(int ireg=0;ireg<20;ireg++){ TString RegNum; RegNum.Form("%i",ireg); AllMC_reg[ich][ireg] = new THStack("PostFit_"+chname[ich]+RegNum, "CSV Distribution Post-Fit ("+titlechname[ich]+") for "+RegNum); } // for(ireg) } // for(ich) cout << "Loading histograms... " << endl; // MC Profiles for(int ich=0;ich<2;ich++){ for(int ih=0;ih<hNamefile.size();ih++){ cout << "shapes_"+Plots+"/"+dirname[ich]+"/" + << endl; TH1D *htemp = (TH1D*) hfile->Get("shapes_"+Plots+"/"+dirname[ich]+"/" +>Clone("c" +; htemp->SetFillColor(; htemp->SetLineColor(1); hInput[ich].push_back(htemp); cout << << " = " << htemp->Integral() << endl; if(ih==0) AllMC[ich]->SetHistogram((TH1D*)htemp->Clone("FirstStack")); if (!"total")) AllMC[ich] -> Add(htemp); // Data // Clone Histo Structure only once if(ih==0){ hData[ich] = (TH1D *) htemp->Clone("data_"+dirname[ich]); hData[ich]->Reset(); } } // for(ih) // Data TGraph TGraphAsymmErrors *DataFull = (TGraphAsymmErrors *) hfile->Get("shapes_"+Plots+"/"+dirname[ich]+"/data")->Clone("data_"+dirname[ich]); for(int ibin=1;ibin<=hData[ich]->GetNbinsX();ibin++){ double igb, EvtBinData, EvtErrBinData; DataFull->GetPoint((ibin-1),igb,EvtBinData); hData[ich]->SetBinContent(ibin,EvtBinData); EvtErrBinData = DataFull->GetErrorY((ibin-1)); hData[ich]->SetBinError(ibin,EvtErrBinData); } // Histograms for each region for(int ih=0;ih<hNamefile.size();ih++){ TH1D *htemp = (TH1D*) hfile->Get("shapes_"+Plots+"/"+dirname[ich]+"/" +>Clone("c_reg" +; for(int ireg=0;ireg<20;ireg++){ TH1D *htempreg = new TH1D ("","",20,0,20); for(int ibin=1;ibin<=20;ibin++){ //if ( (ibin+20*ireg) == 181) cout << << " " << ibin+20*ireg << " : " << htemp->GetBinContent(ibin+20*ireg) << " ; " << htemp->GetBinError(ibin+20*ireg) << endl; htempreg->SetBinContent(ibin,htemp->GetBinContent(ibin+20*ireg)); htempreg->SetBinError(ibin,htemp->GetBinError(ibin+20*ireg)); htempreg->SetFillColor(; } // for(ibin) if(ih==0) AllMC_reg[ich][ireg]->SetHistogram((TH1D*)htempreg->Clone("FirstStack")); if (!"total")) AllMC_reg[ich][ireg] -> Add(htempreg); } // for(ireg) } // for(ih) // Data for(int ireg=0;ireg<20;ireg++){ TString RegNum; RegNum.Form("%i",ireg); hData_reg[ich][ireg] = new TH1D ("hData_"+chname[ich]+RegNum,"Data Histogram "+titlechname[ich]+" for "+RegNum,20,0,20); // Data for(int ibin=1;ibin<=20;ibin++){ double igb, EvtBinData, EvtErrBinData; DataFull->GetPoint(((ibin-1)+(20*ireg)),igb,EvtBinData); hData_reg[ich][ireg]->SetBinContent(ibin,EvtBinData); EvtErrBinData = DataFull->GetErrorY((ibin-1)); hData_reg[ich][ireg]->SetBinError(ibin,EvtErrBinData); hData_reg[ich][ireg]->SetMarkerStyle(20); hData_reg[ich][ireg]->SetMarkerSize(0.5); } // for(ibin) } // for(ireg) // Recover basic CSV plots // -- MC TH1D *GlobalCSVJet[12][2]; // 12 components AllMC_CSV1[ich] = new THStack("CSV1_"+chname[ich], "CSV-AddJet1 Distribution Post-Fit ("+titlechname[ich]+")"); AllMC_CSV2[ich] = new THStack("CSV2_"+chname[ich], "CSV-AddJet2 Distribution Post-Fit ("+titlechname[ich]+")"); for(int ih=0;ih<12;ih++){ GlobalCSVJet[ih][0] = new TH1D("GlobalCSVJet1_" +, "CSV distribution for AddJet-1", 20, 0.0, 1.0); GlobalCSVJet[ih][1] = new TH1D("GlobalCSVJet2_" +, "CSV distribution for AddJet-2", 20, 0.0, 1.0); RecoverCSVHisto (hInput[ich].at(ih), GlobalCSVJet[ih][0], GlobalCSVJet[ih][1]); GlobalCSVJet[ih][0]->SetFillColor(; GlobalCSVJet[ih][1]->SetFillColor(; if(ih==0) AllMC_CSV1[ich]->SetHistogram((TH1D*)GlobalCSVJet[ih][0]->Clone("FirstStack")); if(ih==0) AllMC_CSV2[ich]->SetHistogram((TH1D*)GlobalCSVJet[ih][1]->Clone("FirstStack")); AllMC_CSV1[ich] -> Add(GlobalCSVJet[ih][0]); AllMC_CSV2[ich] -> Add(GlobalCSVJet[ih][1]); } // -- Data TH1D *GlobalCSVJet_Data[2]; // 12 components GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] = new TH1D("GlobalCSVJet1_Data", "CSV distribution for AddJet-1", 20, 0.0, 1.0); GlobalCSVJet_Data[1] = new TH1D("GlobalCSVJet2_Data", "CSV distribution for AddJet-2", 20, 0.0, 1.0); RecoverCSVHisto (hData[ich], GlobalCSVJet_Data[0], GlobalCSVJet_Data[1]); // ----------- // Plotting // ----------- TH1D *hstyle = new TH1D ("","", hData[ich]->GetNbinsX(), hData[ich]->GetBinLowEdge (1), hData[ich]->GetBinLowEdge (hData[ich]->GetNbinsX()+1)); hstyle -> SetMaximum(1.1*hInput[ich].at(12)->GetMaximum()); hstyle -> GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(42); hstyle -> GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.7); hstyle -> GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); hstyle -> GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42); hstyle -> GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045); hstyle -> GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(607); hstyle -> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events / unit"); hData[ich] -> SetMarkerStyle(20); hData[ich] -> SetMarkerSize(0.4); hData[ich] -> SetLineWidth(1); hData[ich] -> SetTitle(""); TCanvas *cPlots;//histos cPlots = new TCanvas("cPlots"+dirname[ich] ,"Plots"); cPlots->Divide(1,2); TPad *pad[4], *glpad[2]; // Global Pad glpad[0] = (TPad*)cPlots->GetPad(1); glpad[0]->Divide(1,2); glpad[1] = (TPad*)cPlots->GetPad(2); glpad[1]->Divide(1,2); //Plot Pad pad[0] = (TPad*)glpad[0]->GetPad(1); pad[0]->SetPad(0.01, 0.23, 0.99, 0.99); pad[0]->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad[0]->SetRightMargin(0.04); //Ratio Pad pad[1] = (TPad*)glpad[0]->GetPad(2); pad[1]->SetPad(0.01, 0.02, 0.99, 0.3); gStyle->SetGridWidth(1); gStyle->SetGridColor(14); pad[1]->SetGridx(); pad[1]->SetGridy(); pad[1]->SetTopMargin(0.05); pad[1]->SetBottomMargin(0.4); pad[1]->SetRightMargin(0.04); //Plot Pad pad[2] = (TPad*)glpad[1]->GetPad(1); pad[2]->SetPad(0.01, 0.23, 0.99, 0.99); pad[2]->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad[2]->SetRightMargin(0.04); //Ratio Pad pad[3] = (TPad*)glpad[1]->GetPad(2); pad[3]->SetPad(0.01, 0.02, 0.99, 0.3); gStyle->SetGridWidth(1); gStyle->SetGridColor(14); pad[3]->SetGridx(); pad[3]->SetGridy(); pad[3]->SetTopMargin(0.05); pad[3]->SetBottomMargin(0.4); pad[3]->SetRightMargin(0.04); pad[0]->cd(); hstyle->Draw(); AllMC[ich] -> Draw("HISTSAME"); hData[ich] -> Draw("PSAME"); TH1D *RatioFull = HistoRatio (hData[ich] , (TH1D*) AllMC[ich]->GetStack()->Last()); TGraphErrors *gRatioFull = new TGraphErrors(RatioFull); gRatioFull->SetFillStyle(1001); gRatioFull->SetFillColor(chatch); gRatioFull->SetName("gRatioFull"); TLegend *leg; float legPos[4] = {0.70, // x_o 0.40, // y_o 0.94, // x_f 0.87}; // y_f leg = new TLegend(legPos[0],legPos[1],legPos[2],legPos[3]); leg->SetFillColor(0); leg->SetLineColor(0); leg->SetLineWidth(0.0); leg->SetTextFont(62); leg->SetTextSize(0.03); leg->SetNColumns(2); leg->AddEntry(hData[ich], "Data","PL"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(11), "Z+Jets","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(10), "VV","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(9), "Single t","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(8), "QCD","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(7), "W+Jets","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(6), "t#bar{t}+V","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(5), "t#bar{t}+H","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(4), "t#bar{t}+other","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(3), "t#bar{t}+LF","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(2), "t#bar{t}+cc","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(1), "t#bar{t}+bj","F"); leg->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(0), "t#bar{t}+bb","F"); leg->AddEntry(gRatioFull, "Stat. Unc.","F"); leg->Draw("SAME"); TLatex *titlePr; titlePr = new TLatex(-20.,50.,"35.9 fb^{-1} (13TeV)"); titlePr->SetNDC(); titlePr->SetTextAlign(12); titlePr->SetX(0.78); titlePr->SetY(0.935); titlePr->SetTextFont(42); titlePr->SetTextSize(0.05); titlePr->SetTextSizePixels(24); titlePr->Draw("SAME"); TLatex *title; //title = new TLatex(-20.,50.,"CMS(2016) #sqrt{s} = 13TeV, L = 35.9 fb^{-1}"); title = new TLatex(-20.,50.,"CMS"); title->SetNDC(); title->SetTextAlign(12); title->SetX(0.13); title->SetY(0.84); title->SetTextFont(61); title->SetTextSize(0.06); title->SetTextSizePixels(24); title->Draw("SAME"); TLatex *chtitle; chtitle = new TLatex(-20.,50.,titlechname[ich]+""); chtitle->SetNDC(); chtitle->SetTextAlign(12); chtitle->SetX(0.14); chtitle->SetY(0.74); chtitle->SetTextFont(42); chtitle->SetTextSize(0.05); chtitle->SetTextSizePixels(24); chtitle->Draw("SAME"); pad[2]->cd(); pad[2]->cd()->SetLogy(); TH1D *hstyleLog = (TH1D *)hstyle->Clone(); hstyleLog -> SetMaximum(10.0*hInput[ich].at(12)->GetMaximum()); hstyleLog -> SetMinimum(0.8); hstyleLog -> Draw(); AllMC[ich] -> Draw("HISTSAME"); hData[ich] -> Draw("PSAME"); titlePr->Draw("SAME"); title->Draw("SAME"); chtitle->Draw("SAME"); pad[1]->cd(); RatioFull ->Draw("HIST"); gRatioFull->Draw("e2"); RatioFull ->Draw("HISTSAME"); pad[3]->cd(); RatioFull ->Draw("HIST"); gRatioFull->Draw("e2"); RatioFull ->Draw("HISTSAME"); TString dirfigname_pdf = "CombineResults/Figures_" + InpDir + Plots + FitDir + "/"; // make a dir if it does not exist!! gSystem->mkdir(dirfigname_pdf, kTRUE); cPlots->SaveAs(dirfigname_pdf + "FullHisto_" + dirname[ich] + "_NormLog.pdf"); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only Log Plots // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TCanvas *cPlotsLog;//histos cPlotsLog = new TCanvas("cPlotsLog"+dirname[ich] ,"Plots"); cPlotsLog->Divide(1,2); TPad *padLog[2]; //Plot Pad padLog[0] = (TPad*)cPlotsLog->GetPad(1); padLog[0]->SetPad(0.01, 0.23, 0.99, 0.99); padLog[0]->SetTopMargin(0.1); padLog[0]->SetRightMargin(0.04); //Ratio Pad padLog[1] = (TPad*)cPlotsLog->GetPad(2);; padLog[1]->SetPad(0.01, 0.02, 0.99, 0.3); gStyle->SetGridWidth(1); gStyle->SetGridColor(14); padLog[1]->SetGridx(); padLog[1]->SetGridy(); padLog[1]->SetTopMargin(0.05); padLog[1]->SetBottomMargin(0.4); padLog[1]->SetRightMargin(0.04); padLog[0]->cd(); padLog[0]->cd()->SetLogy(); hstyleLog -> Draw(); AllMC[ich] -> Draw("HISTSAME"); hData[ich] -> Draw("PSAME"); titlePr->Draw("SAME"); title->Draw("SAME"); chtitle->Draw("SAME"); TLegend *legLog; legLog = new TLegend(0.70,0.60,0.94,0.87); legLog->SetFillColor(0); legLog->SetLineColor(0); legLog->SetLineWidth(0.0); legLog->SetTextFont(62); legLog->SetTextSize(0.03); legLog->SetNColumns(2); legLog->AddEntry(hData[ich], "Data","PL"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(11), "Z+Jets","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(10), "VV","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(9), "Single t","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(8), "QCD","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(7), "W+Jets","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(6), "t#bar{t}+V","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(5), "t#bar{t}+H","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(4), "t#bar{t}+other","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(3), "t#bar{t}+LF","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(2), "t#bar{t}+cc","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(1), "t#bar{t}+bj","F"); legLog->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(0), "t#bar{t}+bb","F"); legLog->AddEntry(gRatioFull, "Stat. Unc.","F"); legLog->Draw("SAME"); padLog[1]->cd(); RatioFull ->Draw("HIST"); gRatioFull->Draw("e2"); RatioFull ->Draw("HISTSAME"); cPlotsLog->SaveAs(dirfigname_pdf + "FullHisto_" + dirname[ich] + "_OnlyLog.pdf"); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plots by Regions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ireg = 0; for(int ican=0;ican<5;ican++){ TString CanNum; CanNum.Form("%i",ican); TCanvas *cPlots_reg;//histos cPlots_reg = new TCanvas("cPlots_reg" + CanNum + dirname[ich] ,"Plots By regions"); cPlots_reg->Divide(2,2); for(int icr=1;icr<=4;icr++){ //cPlots_reg->cd(icr); TPad *glpad_reg = (TPad*)cPlots_reg->cd(icr); glpad_reg->Divide(2,1); TPad *pad_reg[2]; //Plot Pad pad_reg[0] = (TPad*)glpad_reg->GetPad(1); pad_reg[0]->SetPad(0.01, 0.23, 0.99, 0.99); pad_reg[0]->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad_reg[0]->SetRightMargin(0.04); //Ratio Pad pad_reg[1] = (TPad*)glpad_reg->GetPad(2); pad_reg[1]->SetPad(0.01, 0.02, 0.99, 0.3); gStyle->SetGridWidth(1); gStyle->SetGridColor(14); pad_reg[1]->SetGridx(); pad_reg[1]->SetGridy(); pad_reg[1]->SetTopMargin(0.05); pad_reg[1]->SetBottomMargin(0.4); pad_reg[1]->SetRightMargin(0.04); pad_reg[0]->cd(); pad_reg[0]->SetLogy(); TH1D *hstyle_reg = (TH1D*)AllMC_reg[ich][ireg]->GetHistogram(); hstyle_reg -> Reset(); hstyle_reg -> SetMaximum(10.0*hData_reg[ich][ireg]->GetMaximum()); hstyle_reg -> SetMinimum(0.7); hstyle_reg -> GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); hstyle_reg -> GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); hstyle_reg -> GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); hstyle_reg -> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events"); pad_reg[0]->cd(); hstyle_reg->Draw(); AllMC_reg[ich][ireg] -> Draw("HISTSAME"); hData_reg[ich][ireg] -> Draw("E1SAME"); titlePr->Draw("SAME"); title->Draw("SAME"); chtitle->Draw("SAME"); TH1D *RatioFull_reg = HistoRatio (hData_reg[ich][ireg] , (TH1D*) AllMC_reg[ich][ireg]->GetStack()->Last()); TGraphErrors *gRatioFull_reg = new TGraphErrors(RatioFull_reg); gRatioFull_reg->SetFillStyle(1001); gRatioFull_reg->SetFillColor(chatch); gRatioFull_reg->SetName("gRatioFull"); pad_reg[1]->cd(); RatioFull_reg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.25); RatioFull_reg->Draw("HIST"); gRatioFull_reg->Draw("e2"); RatioFull_reg->Draw("HISTSAME"); ireg++; } // for(ireg) cPlots_reg->SaveAs(dirfigname_pdf + "RegionHisto_" + CanNum + "_" + dirname[ich] + "_NormLog.pdf"); } // for(ican) TCanvas *cPlotsI; cPlotsI = new TCanvas("cPlotsI"+dirname[ich] ,"Plots"); cPlotsI->Divide(1,2); TPad *padI[4]; //Plot Pad padI[0] = (TPad*)cPlotsI->GetPad(1); padI[0]->SetPad(0.01, 0.23, 0.99, 0.99); padI[0]->SetTopMargin(0.1); padI[0]->SetRightMargin(0.04); //Ratio Pad padI[1] = (TPad*)cPlotsI->GetPad(2); padI[1]->SetPad(0.01, 0.02, 0.99, 0.3); gStyle->SetGridWidth(1); gStyle->SetGridColor(14); padI[1]->SetGridx(); padI[1]->SetGridy(); padI[1]->SetTopMargin(0.05); padI[1]->SetBottomMargin(0.4); padI[1]->SetRightMargin(0.04); TCanvas *cPlotsII; cPlotsII = new TCanvas("cPlotsII"+dirname[ich] ,"Plots"); cPlotsII->Divide(1,2); //Plot Pad padI[2] = (TPad*)cPlotsII->GetPad(1); padI[2]->SetPad(0.01, 0.23, 0.99, 0.99); padI[2]->SetTopMargin(0.1); padI[2]->SetRightMargin(0.04); //Ratio Pad padI[3] = (TPad*)cPlotsII->GetPad(2); padI[3]->SetPad(0.01, 0.02, 0.99, 0.3); gStyle->SetGridWidth(1); gStyle->SetGridColor(14); padI[3]->SetGridx(); padI[3]->SetGridy(); padI[3]->SetTopMargin(0.05); padI[3]->SetBottomMargin(0.4); padI[3]->SetRightMargin(0.04); TH1D *hstyleI = new TH1D ("hstyleI","", GlobalCSVJet_Data[1]->GetNbinsX(), GlobalCSVJet_Data[1]->GetBinLowEdge (1), GlobalCSVJet_Data[1]->GetBinLowEdge (GlobalCSVJet_Data[1]->GetNbinsX()+1)); hstyleI -> SetMaximum(1.1*GlobalCSVJet_Data[1]->GetMaximum()); hstyleI -> GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); hstyleI -> GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); hstyleI -> GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); hstyleI -> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events"); GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] -> SetMarkerStyle(20); GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] -> SetMarkerSize(0.4); GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] -> SetLineWidth(1); GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] -> SetTitle(""); padI[0]->cd(); padI[0]->cd()->SetLogy(); hstyleI -> SetMaximum(100.0*GlobalCSVJet_Data[0]->GetMaximum()); hstyleI -> SetMinimum(0.7); hstyleI -> Draw(); AllMC_CSV1[ich] -> Draw("HISTSAME"); GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] -> SetMarkerStyle(20); GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] -> SetMarkerSize(0.6); GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] -> SetLineWidth(1); GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] -> SetTitle(""); GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] -> Draw("SAME"); titlePr->Draw("SAME"); title->Draw("SAME"); chtitle->Draw("SAME"); TLegend *legI; legI = new TLegend(0.70,0.64,0.93,0.87); legI->SetFillColor(0); legI->SetLineColor(0); legI->SetLineWidth(0.0); legI->SetTextFont(62); legI->SetTextSize(0.03); legI->SetNColumns(2); legI->AddEntry(hData[ich], "Data","PL"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(11), "Z+Jets","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(10), "VV","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(9), "Single t","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(8), "QCD","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(7), "W+Jets","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(6), "t#bar{t}+V","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(5), "t#bar{t}+H","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(4), "t#bar{t}+other","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(3), "t#bar{t}+LF","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(2), "t#bar{t}+cc","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(1), "t#bar{t}+bj","F"); legI->AddEntry(hInput[ich].at(0), "t#bar{t}+bb","F"); legI->AddEntry(gRatioFull, "Stat. Unc.","F"); legI->Draw("SAME"); TH1D *RatioFullJet1 = HistoRatio (GlobalCSVJet_Data[0] , (TH1D*) AllMC_CSV1[ich]->GetStack()->Last()); TGraphErrors *gRatioFullJet1 = new TGraphErrors(RatioFullJet1); gRatioFullJet1->SetFillStyle(1001); gRatioFullJet1->SetFillColor(chatch); gRatioFullJet1->SetName("gRatioFullJet2"); padI[1]->cd(); RatioFullJet1 ->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.25); RatioFullJet1 ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("CSVv2"); RatioFullJet1 ->Draw("HIST"); gRatioFullJet1->Draw("e2"); RatioFullJet1 ->Draw("HISTSAME"); padI[2]->cd(); padI[2]->cd()->SetLogy(); // No Log TH1D *hstyleII = (TH1D *)hstyleI -> Clone("StyleII"); hstyleII -> SetMaximum(100.0*GlobalCSVJet_Data[1]->GetMaximum()); hstyleII -> SetMinimum(0.7); hstyleII -> Draw(); AllMC_CSV2[ich] -> Draw("HISTSAME"); GlobalCSVJet_Data[1] -> SetMarkerStyle(20); GlobalCSVJet_Data[1] -> SetMarkerSize(0.5); GlobalCSVJet_Data[1] -> SetLineWidth(1); GlobalCSVJet_Data[1] -> SetTitle(""); GlobalCSVJet_Data[1] -> Draw("SAME"); titlePr->Draw("SAME"); title->Draw("SAME"); chtitle->Draw("SAME"); legI->Draw("SAME"); TH1D *RatioFullJet2 = HistoRatio (GlobalCSVJet_Data[1] , (TH1D*) AllMC_CSV2[ich]->GetStack()->Last()); TGraphErrors *gRatioFullJet2 = new TGraphErrors(RatioFullJet2); gRatioFullJet2->SetFillStyle(1001); gRatioFullJet2->SetFillColor(chatch); gRatioFullJet2->SetName("gRatioFullJet2"); padI[3]->cd(); RatioFullJet2 ->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.25); RatioFullJet2 ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("CSVv2"); RatioFullJet2 ->Draw("HIST"); gRatioFullJet2->Draw("e2"); RatioFullJet2 ->Draw("HISTSAME"); cPlotsI ->SaveAs(dirfigname_pdf + "CSVHistosJet1_" + dirname[ich] + "_Log.pdf"); cPlotsII->SaveAs(dirfigname_pdf + "CSVHistosJet2_" + dirname[ich] + "_Log.pdf"); // ttbb Shape }// for(ich) }