TH2* doSmooth (TH2* hRaw, bool useLog = true) { // // smooth histogram // TH2* hSmooth = (TH2*)hRaw->Clone("hSmooth"); hSmooth->SetTitle("hSmooth"); if ( useLog ) { for ( int ix=1; ix<=hSmooth->GetNbinsX(); ++ix ) { for ( int iy=1; iy<=hSmooth->GetNbinsY(); ++iy ) { double c = hSmooth->GetBinContent(ix,iy); c = c>0. ? log(c) : -100.; hSmooth->SetBinContent(ix,iy,c); } } } fitLinear(hSmooth,hRaw); if ( useLog ) { for ( int ix=1; ix<=hSmooth->GetNbinsX(); ++ix ) { for ( int iy=1; iy<=hSmooth->GetNbinsY(); ++iy ) { double craw = hRaw->GetBinContent(ix,iy); double c = hSmooth->GetBinContent(ix,iy); c = craw>0. ? exp(c) : 0.; hSmooth->SetBinContent(ix,iy,c); } } } hSmooth->SetName(hRaw->GetName()); return hSmooth; }
void SF_TH2F_And_Eff::init(string filename,string effdata,string effmc,string errordata,string errormc) { f = TFile::Open(filename.c_str() ) ; if (f == NULL){ Log(__FUNCTION__,"ERROR","file '" + filename + "' does not exist"); throw abortException() ; } TH2 * hDataEff = getHisto(effdata); TH2 * hDataErr = NULL; if (errordata != "" ) hDataErr = getHisto(errordata); TH2 * hMcEff = getHisto(effmc); TH2 * hMcErr = NULL; if (errormc != "" ) hMcErr = getHisto(errormc); for( int aetabin =1; aetabin <= hDataEff->GetNbinsX() ; ++aetabin) for( int ptbin =1; ptbin <= hDataEff->GetNbinsY() ; ++ptbin) { float ptmin = hDataEff->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ptbin); float ptmax = hDataEff->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ptbin+1); float aetamin = hDataEff->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(aetabin); float aetamax = hDataEff->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(aetabin+1); float effData = hDataEff->GetBinContent(aetabin,ptbin); float errData = 0.0 ; if (hDataErr) err=hDataErr->GetBinContent(aetabin,ptbin); else errData = hDataEff->GetBinError(aetabin,ptbin); float effMc = hMcEff->GetBinContent(aetabin,ptbin); float errMc = 0.0; if (hMcEff) errMc = hMcEff->GetBinContent(aetabin,ptbin); else errMc = hMcEff->GetBinError(aetabin,ptbin); if (ptbin == hDataEff->GetNbinsY() ) ptmax = 8000.; // highest is open, current recommendation if (aetabin == hDataEff->GetNbinsX() ) aetamax = aetamax+0.0001; // put it slightly larger to get 2.4 as well add(ptmin,ptmax,aetamin,aetamax,effData,effMc,errData,errMc); } f->Close(); // delete? delete f; f = NULL; }
void SetBorders( TH2 &hist, Double_t val=0 ) { int numx = hist.GetNbinsX(); int numy = hist.GetNbinsY(); for(int i=0; i <= numx+1 ; i++){ hist.SetBinContent(i,0,val); hist.SetBinContent(i,numy+1,val); } for(int i=0; i <= numy+1 ; i++) { hist.SetBinContent(0,i,val); hist.SetBinContent(numx+1,i,val); } }
// normalize migmatrix column-wise TH2* normalizeMigMat(TH2* h) { TH2* hclone = (TH2*) h->Clone(); const int xbins = hclone->GetNbinsX(); const int ybins = hclone->GetNbinsY(); for(int x=0; x<xbins; x++) { double integ = hclone->Integral(x+1, x+1, 1, ybins); for(int y=0; y<ybins; y++) { hclone->SetBinContent(x+1,y+1, hclone->GetBinContent(x+1, y+1)/integ); } } return hclone; }
void MirrorBorders( TH2& hist ) { int numx = hist.GetNbinsX(); int numy = hist.GetNbinsY(); Float_t val; // corner points hist.SetBinContent(0,0,hist.GetBinContent(1,1)); hist.SetBinContent(numx+1,numy+1,hist.GetBinContent(numx,numy)); hist.SetBinContent(numx+1,0,hist.GetBinContent(numx,1)); hist.SetBinContent(0,numy+1,hist.GetBinContent(1,numy)); for(int i=1; i<=numx; i++){ hist.SetBinContent(i,0, hist.GetBinContent(i,1)); hist.SetBinContent(i,numy+1, hist.GetBinContent(i,numy)); } for(int i=1; i<=numy; i++) { hist.SetBinContent(0,i, hist.GetBinContent(1,i)); hist.SetBinContent(numx+1,i, hist.GetBinContent(numx,i)); } }
TH2* smoothHoles(const TH2* originalHist) { TH2* hist = (TH2*)originalHist->Clone("_smoothed"); int xMax = hist->GetNbinsX(); int yMax = hist->GetNbinsY(); int xMin = 0; for(int xBin = 1; xBin <= xMax; xBin++) { for(int yBin = 1; yBin <= yMax; yBin++) { if(hist->GetBinContent(xBin,yBin)>0) { xMin = xBin; yBin = yMax+1; xBin = xMax+1; } } } // for(unsigned int i = 0; i< 1000; i++) smoothHistAcross(hist,xMin); for(unsigned int i = 0; i< 1000; i++) interpolateHistAcross(hist,xMin); return hist; }
TH1 * UnfoldMe_MB2(const Char_t *data, const Char_t *mc, const Char_t *anatag, Int_t bin, Bool_t useMBcorr , Bool_t usecorrfit , Bool_t ismc , Float_t smooth , Int_t iter , Int_t regul , Float_t weight , Bool_t bayesian , Int_t nloop ) { // MF comments: // usedMBcorr: changes the matrix used for unfonding, from effMatrix to bin matrix (I think this is just to use mult dependent v s mb correction_) // usecorrfit: if I understand correctly, fits the response matrix and uses fit to extrapolate it TFile *fdt =0; if (ismc) fdt = TFile::Open(data); else fdt = TFile::Open(data); TFile *fmc = TFile::Open(mc); TList *ldt = (TList *)fdt->Get(Form("%s", anatag)); TList *lmc = (TList *)fmc->Get(Form("%s", anatag)); TH2 *hmatdt = (TH2 *)ldt->FindObject(Form(responseMatrix, bin)); TH2 *hmatmc = 0; if (useMBcorr){ hmatmc = (TH2 *)lmc->FindObject("effMatrix"); std::cout << "USING MB" << std::endl; } else { hmatmc = (TH2 *)lmc->FindObject(Form(responseMatrix, bin)); } TH1 *hdata = hmatdt->ProjectionY("hdata"); // TH1 *hdata = hmatdt->ProjectionY("htrue"); // For truth Only Calculations hdata->Sumw2(); hdata->SetBinContent(1, 0.); hdata->SetBinError(1, 0.); // hdata->Scale(1. / hdata->Integral()); hdata->SetMarkerStyle(25); TH1 *htrue = hmatdt->ProjectionX("htrue"); htrue->Sumw2(); // htrue->Scale(1. / htrue->Integral()); htrue->SetMarkerStyle(7); htrue->SetMarkerColor(2); htrue->SetBinContent(1, 0.); htrue->SetBinError(1, 0.); TH2 *hcorr = (TH2 *)hmatmc->Clone("hcorr"); TH1 *hinit = (TH1 *)hdata->Clone("hinit"); TH1 *hresu = (TH1 *)hdata->Clone("hresu"); TH1 *hbias = (TH1 *)hdata->Clone("hbias"); hresu->SetMarkerStyle(20); hresu->SetMarkerColor(4); hresu->Reset(); TH1 *hnum = hcorr->ProjectionY("hnum"); TH1 *hden = hcorr->ProjectionY("hden"); TH1 *heff = hcorr->ProjectionY("heff"); hnum->Reset(); hnum->Sumw2(); hden->Reset(); hden->Sumw2(); heff->Reset(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < heff->GetNbinsX(); i++) { Float_t int1 = hcorr->Integral(i + 1, i + 1, 0, -1); if (int1 <= 0.) continue; Float_t int2 = hcorr->Integral(i + 1, i + 1, 2, -1); hnum->SetBinContent(i + 1, int2); hnum->SetBinError(i + 1, TMath::Sqrt(int2)); hden->SetBinContent(i + 1, int1); hden->SetBinError(i + 1, TMath::Sqrt(int1)); } TCanvas *cEfficiency = new TCanvas("cEfficiency", "cEfficiency"); cEfficiency->SetLogx(); cEfficiency->SetLogy(); heff->Divide(hnum, hden, 1., 1., "B"); heff->Draw(); #if 0 for (Int_t ii = 0; ii < heff->GetNbinsX(); ii++) { heff->SetBinContent(ii + 1, 1.); heff->SetBinError(ii + 1, 0.); } #endif for (Int_t i = 0; i < hcorr->GetNbinsX(); i++) { hcorr->SetBinContent(i + 1, 1, 0.); hcorr->SetBinError(i + 1, 1, 0.); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < hcorr->GetNbinsY(); i++) { hcorr->SetBinContent(1, i + 1, 0.); hcorr->SetBinError(1, i + 1, 0.); } TH2 *hcorrfit = ReturnCorrFromFit(hcorr); // Docs from AliUnfolding //Int_t AliUnfolding::Unfold(TH2* correlation, TH1* efficiency, TH1* measured, TH1* initialConditions, TH1* result, Bool_t check) // unfolds with unfolding method fgMethodType // // parameters: // correlation: response matrix as measured vs. generated // efficiency: (optional) efficiency that is applied on the unfolded spectrum, i.e. it has to be in unfolded variables. If 0 no efficiency is applied. // measured: the measured spectrum // initialConditions: (optional) initial conditions for the unfolding. if 0 the measured spectrum is used as initial conditions. // result: target for the unfolded result // check: depends on the unfolding method, see comments in specific functions for (Int_t iloop = 0; iloop < nloop; iloop++) { if (bayesian) { AliUnfolding::SetUnfoldingMethod(AliUnfolding::kBayesian); AliUnfolding::SetBayesianParameters(smooth, iter); } else { AliUnfolding::SetUnfoldingMethod(AliUnfolding::kChi2Minimization); AliUnfolding::SetChi2Regularization(AliUnfolding::RegularizationType(regul), weight); } AliUnfolding::SetSkip0BinInChi2(kTRUE); AliUnfolding::SetSkipBinsBegin(1); AliUnfolding::SetNbins(150, 150); AliUnfolding::Unfold(usecorrfit ? hcorrfit : hcorr, heff, hdata, hinit, hresu); hinit = (TH1 *)hresu->Clone(Form("hinit_%d", iloop)); } printf("hdata->Integral(2, -1) = %f\n", hdata->Integral(2, -1)); printf("hresu->Integral(2, -1) = %f\n", hresu->Integral(2, -1)); TCanvas *cUnfolded = new TCanvas ("cUnfolded", "cUnfolded", 400, 800); cUnfolded->Divide(1, 2); cUnfolded->cd(1)->SetLogx(); cUnfolded->cd(1)->SetLogy(); hdata->Draw(); hresu->Draw("same"); htrue->Draw("same"); cUnfolded->cd(2)->SetLogx(); cUnfolded->cd(2)->DrawFrame(1., 0, 300., 10); TH1 *hrat = (TH1 *)hresu->Clone("hrat"); hrat->Divide(htrue); hrat->Draw("same"); TH1 *htrig = (TH1 *)hresu->Clone("htrig"); htrig->Multiply(heff); Float_t dndeta_resu = 0.; Float_t integr_resu = 0.; Float_t dndeta_trig = 0.; Float_t integr_trig = 0.; for (Int_t i = 1; i < hresu->GetNbinsX(); i++) { dndeta_resu += hresu->GetBinContent(i + 1) * hresu->GetBinLowEdge(i + 1); integr_resu += hresu->GetBinContent(i + 1); dndeta_trig += htrig->GetBinContent(i + 1) * htrig->GetBinLowEdge(i + 1); integr_trig += htrig->GetBinContent(i + 1); } cUnfolded->SaveAs("unfold_efficiency.pdf"); integr_eff = integr_trig / integr_resu; integr_eff_err = TMath::Sqrt(integr_eff * (1. - integr_eff) / integr_resu); dndeta_eff = dndeta_trig / dndeta_resu; dndeta_eff_err = TMath::Sqrt(dndeta_eff * (1. - dndeta_eff) / dndeta_resu); printf("INEL > 0 efficiency: %.3f +- %.3f\n", integr_eff, integr_eff_err); printf("dN/dEta correction: %.3f +- %.3f\n", dndeta_eff, dndeta_eff_err); return hresu; }
TH1 * UnfoldMe(Char_t *data, Char_t *mc, Char_t *anatag, Int_t bin, Bool_t useMBcorr = kTRUE, Bool_t usecorrfit = kFALSE, Bool_t ismc = kFALSE, Float_t smooth = 0.001, Int_t iter = 50, Int_t regul = AliUnfolding::kPowerLaw, Float_t weight = 100., Bool_t bayesian = kTRUE, Int_t nloop = 1) { if (ismc) TFile *fdt = TFile::Open(data); else TFile *fdt = TFile::Open(data); TFile *fmc = TFile::Open(mc); TList *ldt = (TList *)fdt->Get(Form("clist_%s", anatag)); TList *lmc = (TList *)fmc->Get(Form("clist_%s", anatag)); TH2 *hmatdt = (TH2 *)ldt->FindObject(Form("b%d_corrMatrix", bin)); if (useMBcorr) TH2 *hmatmc = (TH2 *)lmc->FindObject("effMatrix"); else TH2 *hmatmc = (TH2 *)lmc->FindObject(Form("b%d_corrMatrix", bin)); TH1 *hdata = hmatdt->ProjectionY("hdata"); hdata->Sumw2(); hdata->SetBinContent(1, 0.); hdata->SetBinError(1, 0.); // hdata->Scale(1. / hdata->Integral()); hdata->SetMarkerStyle(25); TH1 *htrue = hmatdt->ProjectionX("htrue"); htrue->Sumw2(); // htrue->Scale(1. / htrue->Integral()); htrue->SetMarkerStyle(7); htrue->SetMarkerColor(2); htrue->SetBinContent(1, 0.); htrue->SetBinError(1, 0.); TH2 *hcorr = (TH2 *)hmatmc->Clone("hcorr"); TH1 *hinit = (TH1 *)hdata->Clone("hinit"); TH1 *hresu = (TH1 *)hdata->Clone("hresu"); TH1 *hbias = (TH1 *)hdata->Clone("hbias"); hresu->SetMarkerStyle(20); hresu->SetMarkerColor(4); hresu->Reset(); TH1 *hnum = hcorr->ProjectionY("hnum"); TH1 *hden = hcorr->ProjectionY("hden"); TH1 *heff = hcorr->ProjectionY("heff"); hnum->Reset(); hnum->Sumw2(); hden->Reset(); hden->Sumw2(); heff->Reset(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < heff->GetNbinsX(); i++) { Float_t int1 = hcorr->Integral(i + 1, i + 1, 0, -1); if (int1 <= 0.) continue; Float_t int2 = hcorr->Integral(i + 1, i + 1, 2, -1); hnum->SetBinContent(i + 1, int2); hnum->SetBinError(i + 1, TMath::Sqrt(int2)); hden->SetBinContent(i + 1, int1); hden->SetBinError(i + 1, TMath::Sqrt(int1)); } new TCanvas("cEfficiency"); heff->Divide(hnum, hden, 1., 1., "B"); heff->Draw(); #if 0 for (Int_t ii = 0; ii < heff->GetNbinsX(); ii++) { heff->SetBinContent(ii + 1, 1.); heff->SetBinError(ii + 1, 0.); } #endif for (Int_t i = 0; i < hcorr->GetNbinsX(); i++) { hcorr->SetBinContent(i + 1, 1, 0.); hcorr->SetBinError(i + 1, 1, 0.); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < hcorr->GetNbinsY(); i++) { hcorr->SetBinContent(1, i + 1, 0.); hcorr->SetBinError(1, i + 1, 0.); } TH2 *hcorrfit = ReturnCorrFromFit(hcorr); for (Int_t iloop = 0; iloop < nloop; iloop++) { if (bayesian) { AliUnfolding::SetUnfoldingMethod(AliUnfolding::kBayesian); AliUnfolding::SetBayesianParameters(smooth, iter); } else { AliUnfolding::SetUnfoldingMethod(AliUnfolding::kChi2Minimization); AliUnfolding::SetChi2Regularization(regul, weight); } AliUnfolding::SetSkip0BinInChi2(kTRUE); AliUnfolding::SetSkipBinsBegin(1); AliUnfolding::SetNbins(150, 150); AliUnfolding::Unfold(usecorrfit ? hcorrfit : hcorr, heff, hdata, hinit, hresu); hinit = (TH1 *)hresu->Clone(Form("hinit_%d", iloop)); } printf("hdata->Integral(2, -1) = %f\n", hdata->Integral(2, -1)); printf("hresu->Integral(2, -1) = %f\n", hresu->Integral(2, -1)); TCanvas *cUnfolded = new TCanvas ("cUnfolded", "", 400, 800); cUnfolded->Divide(1, 2); cUnfolded->cd(1)->SetLogx(); cUnfolded->cd(1)->SetLogy(); hdata->Draw(); hresu->Draw("same"); htrue->Draw("same"); cUnfolded->cd(2)->SetLogx(); cUnfolded->cd(2)->DrawFrame(1., 0.75, 300., 1.25); TH1 *hrat = (TH1 *)hresu->Clone("hrat"); hrat->Divide(htrue); hrat->Draw("same"); TH1 *htrig = (TH1 *)hresu->Clone("htrig"); htrig->Multiply(heff); Float_t dndeta_resu = 0.; Float_t integr_resu = 0.; Float_t dndeta_trig = 0.; Float_t integr_trig = 0.; for (Int_t i = 1; i < hresu->GetNbinsX(); i++) { dndeta_resu += hresu->GetBinContent(i + 1) * hresu->GetBinLowEdge(i + 1); integr_resu += hresu->GetBinContent(i + 1); dndeta_trig += htrig->GetBinContent(i + 1) * htrig->GetBinLowEdge(i + 1); integr_trig += htrig->GetBinContent(i + 1); } // dndeta_resu /= integr_resu; // dndeta_trig /= integr_trig; integr_eff = integr_trig / integr_resu; integr_eff_err = TMath::Sqrt(integr_eff * (1. - integr_eff) / integr_resu); dndeta_eff = dndeta_trig / dndeta_resu; dndeta_eff_err = TMath::Sqrt(dndeta_eff * (1. - dndeta_eff) / dndeta_resu); printf("INEL > 0 efficiency: %.3f +- %.3f\n", integr_eff, integr_eff_err); printf("dN/dEta correction: %.3f +- %.3f\n", dndeta_eff, dndeta_eff_err); return hresu; }
void TestSPD(const TString& which, Double_t nVar=2) { TFile* file = TFile::Open("forward.root", "READ"); if (!file) return; Bool_t spd = which.EqualTo("spd", TString::kIgnoreCase); TList* l = 0; if (spd) l = static_cast<TList*>(file->Get("CentralSums")); else l = static_cast<TList*>(file->Get("ForwardSums")); if (!l) { Warning("", "%sSums not found", spd ? "Central" : "Forward"); return; } TList* ei = static_cast<TList*>(l->FindObject("fmdEventInspector")); if (!l) { Warning("", "fmdEventInspector not found"); return; } TObject* run = ei->FindObject("runNo"); if (!run) Warning("", "No run number found"); ULong_t runNo = run ? run->GetUniqueID() : 0; TH2* h = 0; if (spd) h = static_cast<TH2*>(l->FindObject("nClusterVsnTracklet")); else { TList* den = static_cast<TList*>(l->FindObject("fmdDensityCalculator")); if (!den) { Error("", "fmdDensityCalculator not found"); return; } TList* rng = static_cast<TList*>(den->FindObject(which)); if (!rng) { Error("", "%s not found", which.Data()); return; } h = static_cast<TH2*>(rng->FindObject("elossVsPoisson")); } if (!h) { Warning("", "%s not found", spd ? nClusterVsnTracklet : "elossVsPoisson"); return; } gStyle->SetOptFit(1111); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", Form("Run %u", runNo)); c->Divide(2,2); TVirtualPad* p = c->cd(1); if (spd) { p->SetLogx(); p->SetLogy(); } p->SetLogz(); h->Draw("colz"); TObjArray* fits = new TObjArray; h->FitSlicesY(0, 1, -1, 0, "QN", fits); TF1* mean = new TF1("mean", "pol1"); TF1* var = new TF1("var", "pol1"); // mean->FixParameter(0, 0); // var->FixParameter(0, 0); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { p = c->cd(2+i); if (spd) { p->SetLogx(); p->SetLogy(); } TH1* hh = static_cast<TH1*>(fits->At(i)); hh->Draw(); if (i == 0) continue; hh->Fit((i == 1? mean : var), "+Q"); } TGraphErrors* g1 = new TGraphErrors(h->GetNbinsX()); g1->SetFillColor(kBlue-10); g1->SetFillStyle(3001); g1->SetLineStyle(1); TGraph* u1 = new TGraph(h->GetNbinsX()); TGraph* l1 = new TGraph(h->GetNbinsX()); u1->SetLineColor(kBlue+1); l1->SetLineColor(kBlue+1); u1->SetName("u1"); l1->SetName("l1"); TGraphErrors* g2 = new TGraphErrors(h->GetNbinsX()); g2->SetFillColor(kRed-10); g2->SetFillStyle(3001); g2->SetLineStyle(2); TGraph* u2 = new TGraph(h->GetNbinsX()); TGraph* l2 = new TGraph(h->GetNbinsX()); u2->SetLineColor(kRed+1); l2->SetLineColor(kRed+1); u2->SetName("u2"); l2->SetName("l2"); for (Int_t i = 1; i <= h->GetNbinsX(); i++) { Double_t x = hh->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); Double_t y = mean->Eval(x); Double_t e = var->Eval(y); Double_t e1 = nVar * e; if (spd) e1 *= TMath::Log10(e); // Printf("%10e -> %10e +/- %10e", x, y, ee); g1->SetPoint(i-1, x, y); g1->SetPointError(i-1, 0, e1); u1->SetPoint(i-1, x, y+e1); l1->SetPoint(i-1, x, y-e1); // Printf("%3d: %f -> %f +/- %f", i, x, y, ee); Double_t e2 = nVar*0.05*x; g2->SetPoint(i-1, x, x); g2->SetPointError(i-1, 0, e2); u2->SetPoint(i-1, x, x+e2); l2->SetPoint(i-1, x, x-e2); } p = c->cd(1); c->Clear(); c->cd(); c->SetLogz(); h->Draw("colz"); g1->Draw("3 same"); u1->Draw("l same"); l1->Draw("l same"); g2->Draw("3 same"); u2->Draw("l same"); l2->Draw("l same"); Double_t ly = 0.9; Double_t dy = 0.06; TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(0.15, ly, Form("#LTy#GT = %f + %f x", mean->GetParameter(0), mean->GetParameter(1))); ltx->SetNDC(); ltx->SetTextSize(dy); ltx->SetTextAlign(13); ltx->Draw(); ly -= dy + 0.01; ltx->DrawLatex(0.15, ly, Form("#sigma_{y} = %f + %f x", var->GetParameter(0), var->GetParameter(1))); ly -= dy + 0.01; ltx->DrawLatex(0.15, ly, Form("#delta = %f #sigma %s", nVar, (spd ? "log_{10}(#sigma" : ""))); }
// // fill missing bins in histogram h fitting a plane to the // surrounding bins // void fitQuadratic (TH2* h, TH2* refHisto, int nmin=9, int nmin2=12) { // // prepare histogram // TH2* hOrig = (TH2*)h->Clone(); int nbx = hOrig->GetNbinsX(); int nby = hOrig->GetNbinsY(); // // matrix and vector for fit // TMatrixD mat(6,6); TVectorD cvec(6); // // loop over histogram // for ( int ix=1; ix<=nbx; ++ix ) { for ( int iy=1; iy<=nby; ++iy ) { // clear matrix and vector used for fit int nn(0); for ( int i=0; i<6; ++i ) { cvec(i) = 0.; for ( int j=0; j<6; ++j ) mat(i,j) = 0.; } // loop over neighbours for ( int jx=-1; jx<2; ++jx ) { for ( int jy=-1; jy<2; ++jy ) { if ( (ix+jx)<1 || (ix+jx)>nbx ) continue; if ( (iy+jy)<1 || (iy+jy)>nby ) continue; // fill vector and matrix fillForQuadFit(hOrig,refHisto,ix,iy,jx,jy,nn,mat,cvec); } } for ( int jx=1; jx<6; ++jx ) { for ( int jy=0; jy<jx; ++jy ) mat(jx,jy) = mat(jy,jx); } // if < nmin neighbours in delta_i==1: try to add delta_i==2 if ( nn<nmin ) { // loop over neighbours for ( int jx=-2; jx<3; ++jx ) { for ( int jy=-2; jy<3; ++jy ) { // skip the central bin (the one to be filled) if ( abs(jx)<2 && abs(jy)<2 ) continue; if ( (ix+jx)<1 || (ix+jx)>nbx ) continue; if ( (iy+jy)<1 || (iy+jy)>nby ) continue; // fill vector and matrix fillForQuadFit(hOrig,refHisto,ix,iy,jx,jy,nn,mat,cvec); } } for ( int jx=1; jx<6; ++jx ) { for ( int jy=0; jy<jx; ++jy ) mat(jx,jy) = mat(jy,jx); } // drop bin if <nmin2 in 5x5 area if ( nn<nmin2 ) continue; } // cout << "x / y = " << h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix) << " " // << h->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy) << endl; // // linear 2D fit to neighbours (in units of bin number): // par(0)*(x-ix)+par(1)*(y-iy)+par(2) // double det = mat.Determinant(); if ( det < 1.e-6 ) std::cout << "************* " << det << std::endl; if ( det < 1.e-6 ) continue; // TMatrixD mat1(mat); mat.Invert(&det); TVectorD par = mat*cvec; // TVectorD tmp = mat1*par; h->SetBinContent(ix,iy,par(5)); } } delete hOrig; }
void fullPedestalAnalysis(string inputDIR, string outputDIR, string inputCablingMap, string outputFileName){ gROOT->ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 1"); // open the file and prepare the cluster tree, adding the other trees as frined --> memory consuming std::cout<<"##################################"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"###### fullPedestalAnalysis ######"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"##################################"<<std::endl; clock_t tStart = clock(); // prepare style and load macros setTDRStyle(); gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE); system(("mkdir -p "+outputDIR).c_str()); ifstream file; std::cout<<"### Make input file list"<<std::endl; system(("find "+inputDIR+" -name \"*.root\" > file.temp").c_str()); std::ifstream infile; string line; vector<string> fileList;"file.temp",ifstream::in); if(infile.is_open()){ while(!infile.eof()){ getline(infile,line); if(line != "" and TString(line).Contains(".root") and line !="\n"){ fileList.push_back(line); } } } system("rm file.temp"); std::sort(fileList.begin(),fileList.end()); TFile* cablingFile = TFile::Open(inputCablingMap.c_str(),"READ"); cablingFile->cd(); TTree* readoutMap = (TTree*) cablingFile->FindObjectAny("readoutMap"); TTreeReader reader(readoutMap); TTreeReaderValue<uint32_t> detid (reader,"detid"); TTreeReaderValue<uint16_t> fecCrate (reader,"fecCrate"); TTreeReaderValue<uint16_t> fecSlot (reader,"fecSlot"); TTreeReaderValue<uint16_t> fecRing (reader,"fecRing"); TTreeReaderValue<uint16_t> ccuAdd (reader,"ccuAdd"); TTreeReaderValue<uint16_t> ccuChan (reader,"ccuChan"); TTreeReaderValue<uint16_t> lldChannel (reader,"lldChannel"); TTreeReaderValue<uint16_t> fedId (reader,"fedId"); TTreeReaderValue<uint16_t> fedCh (reader,"fedCh"); // output tree TFile* ouputTreeFile = new TFile((outputDIR+"/"+outputFileName).c_str(),"RECREATE"); ouputTreeFile->cd(); ouputTreeFile->SetCompressionLevel(0); TTree* outputTree = new TTree("pedestalFullNoise","pedestalFullNoise"); // branches uint32_t detid_,fedKey_; uint16_t fecCrate_,fecSlot_, fecRing_, ccuAdd_, ccuChan_, lldChannel_, fedId_, fedCh_, apvId_, stripId_; float noiseMean_,noiseRMS_, noiseSkewness_, noiseKurtosis_; float fitChi2_, fitChi2Probab_, fitStatus_; float fitGausMean_, fitGausSigma_, fitGausNormalization_; float fitGausMeanError_, fitGausSigmaError_, fitGausNormalizationError_; float noiseIntegral3Sigma_, noiseIntegral3SigmaFromFit_; float noiseIntegral4Sigma_, noiseIntegral4SigmaFromFit_; float noiseIntegral5Sigma_, noiseIntegral5SigmaFromFit_; float kSValue_, kSProbab_, jBValue_, jBProbab_, aDValue_, aDProbab_; vector<float> noiseDistribution_, noiseDistributionError_; float xMin_, xMax_, nBin_ ; outputTree->Branch("detid",&detid_,"detid/i"); outputTree->Branch("fedKey",&fedKey_,"fedKey/i"); outputTree->Branch("fecCrate",&fecCrate_,"fecCrate/s"); outputTree->Branch("fecSlot",&fecSlot_,"fecSlot/s"); outputTree->Branch("fecRing",&fecRing_,"fecRing/s"); outputTree->Branch("ccuAdd",&ccuAdd_,"ccuAdd/s"); outputTree->Branch("ccuChan",&ccuChan_,"ccuChan/s"); outputTree->Branch("lldChannel",&lldChannel_,"lldChannel/s"); outputTree->Branch("fedId",&fedId_,"fedId/s"); outputTree->Branch("fedCh",&fedCh_,"fedCh/s"); outputTree->Branch("apvId",&apvId_,"apvId/s"); outputTree->Branch("stripId",&stripId_,"stripId/s"); outputTree->Branch("noiseMean",&noiseMean_,"noiseMean/F"); outputTree->Branch("noiseRMS",&noiseRMS_,"noiseRMS/F"); outputTree->Branch("noiseSkewness",&noiseSkewness_,"noiseSkewness/F"); outputTree->Branch("noiseKurtosis",&noiseKurtosis_,"noiseKurtosis/F"); outputTree->Branch("fitGausNormalization",&fitGausNormalization_,"fitGausNormalization/F"); outputTree->Branch("fitGausMean",&fitGausMean_,"fitGausMean/F"); outputTree->Branch("fitGausSigma",&fitGausSigma_,"fitGausSigma/F"); outputTree->Branch("fitGausNormalizationError",&fitGausNormalizationError_,"fitGausNormalizationError/F"); outputTree->Branch("fitGausMeanError",&fitGausMeanError_,"fitGausMeanError/F"); outputTree->Branch("fitGausSigmaError",&fitGausSigmaError_,"fitGausSigmaError/F"); outputTree->Branch("fitChi2",&fitChi2_,"fitChi2/F"); outputTree->Branch("fitChi2Probab",&fitChi2Probab_,"fitChi2Probab/F"); outputTree->Branch("fitStatus",&fitStatus_,"fitStatus_F"); outputTree->Branch("noiseIntegral3Sigma",&noiseIntegral3Sigma_,"noiseIntegral3Sigma/F"); outputTree->Branch("noiseIntegral3SigmaFromFit",&noiseIntegral3SigmaFromFit_,"noiseIntegral3SigmaFromFit/F"); outputTree->Branch("noiseIntegral4Sigma",&noiseIntegral4Sigma_,"noiseIntegral4Sigma/F"); outputTree->Branch("noiseIntegral4SigmaFromFit",&noiseIntegral4SigmaFromFit_,"noiseIntegral4SigmaFromFit/F"); outputTree->Branch("noiseIntegral5Sigma",&noiseIntegral4Sigma_,"noiseIntegral5Sigma/F"); outputTree->Branch("noiseIntegral5SigmaFromFit",&noiseIntegral4SigmaFromFit_,"noiseIntegral5SigmaFromFit/F"); outputTree->Branch("kSValue",&kSValue_,"kSValue/F"); outputTree->Branch("jBValue",&jBValue_,"jBValue/F"); outputTree->Branch("aDValue",&aDValue_,"aDValue/F"); outputTree->Branch("kSProbab",&kSProbab_,"kSProbab/F"); outputTree->Branch("jBProbab",&jBProbab_,"jBProbab/F"); outputTree->Branch("aDProbab",&aDProbab_,"aDProbab/F"); outputTree->Branch("xMin",&xMin_,"xMin/F"); outputTree->Branch("xMax",&xMax_,"xMax/F"); outputTree->Branch("nBin",&nBin_,"nBin/F"); bool histoBranches = false; // Loop on the file list to extract each histogram 2D DQM histo with full noise distribution TH1F* histoNoiseStrip = NULL; TF1* fitFunc = NULL; TH1F* randomHisto = NULL; TFitResultPtr result; for(auto file : fileList){ cout<<"input file: "<<file<<endl; TFile* inputFile = TFile::Open(file.c_str(),"READ"); inputFile->cd(); // take into account that the DQM file structure for strips is always the same --> use cabling map to browse the histograms reader.SetEntry(0); TH2* histoNoise = NULL; long int iChannel = 0; int noFitResult = 0; while(reader.Next()){ cout.flush(); if(iChannel %10 == 0) cout<<"\r"<<"iChannel "<<100*double(iChannel)/(readoutMap->GetEntries()/reductionFactor)<<" % "; if(iChannel > double(readoutMap->GetEntries())/reductionFactor) break; iChannel++; TString objName; uint32_t fedKey = SiStripFedKey(*fedId,SiStripFedKey::feUnit(*fedCh),SiStripFedKey::feChan(*fedCh)).key(); std::stringstream stream; stream << std::hex << fedKey; string fedKeyStr = stream.str(); if(fedKeyStr.size() == 4) objName = Form("DQMData/SiStrip/ControlView/FecCrate%d/FecSlot%d/FecRing%d/CcuAddr%d/CcuChan%d/ExpertHisto_PedsFullNoise_FedKey0x0000%s_LldChannel%d_Noise2D",*fecCrate,*fecSlot,*fecRing,*ccuAdd,*ccuChan,fedKeyStr.c_str(),*lldChannel); else if(fedKeyStr.size() == 5) objName = Form("DQMData/SiStrip/ControlView/FecCrate%d/FecSlot%d/FecRing%d/CcuAddr%d/CcuChan%d/ExpertHisto_PedsFullNoise_FedKey0x000%s_LldChannel%d_Noise2D",*fecCrate,*fecSlot,*fecRing,*ccuAdd,*ccuChan,fedKeyStr.c_str(),*lldChannel); else cerr<<"hex number to short "<<fedKeyStr<<" --> please check "<<endl; inputFile->GetObject(objName.Data(),histoNoise); // extract single strip noise histogram --> loop on the y-axis uint16_t apvID = 0; uint16_t stripID = 0; if(histoNoiseStrip == 0 or histoNoiseStrip == NULL){ histoNoiseStrip = new TH1F ("histoNoiseStrip","",histoNoise->GetNbinsX(),histoNoise->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),histoNoise->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); histoNoiseStrip->Sumw2(); } for(int iBinY = 0; iBinY < histoNoise->GetNbinsY(); iBinY++){ histoNoiseStrip->Reset(); histoNoiseStrip->SetDirectory(0); // two multiplexed APV per line if(iBinY < histoNoise->GetNbinsY()/2) apvID = 1; else apvID = 2; // strip id stripID++; if(stripID > 128) stripID = 1; // loop on x-axis bin for(int iBinX = 0; iBinX < histoNoise->GetNbinsX(); iBinX++){ histoNoiseStrip->SetBinContent(iBinX+1,histoNoise->GetBinContent(iBinX+1,iBinY+1)); histoNoiseStrip->SetBinError(iBinX+1,histoNoise->GetBinError(iBinX+1,iBinY+1)); } // to initialize branches detid_ = 0; fedKey_ = 0; fecCrate_ = 0; fecSlot_ = 0; fecRing_ = 0; ccuAdd_ = 0; ccuChan_ = 0; lldChannel_ = 0; fedId_ = 0; fedCh_ = 0; apvId_ = 0; stripId_ = 0; noiseMean_ = 0.; noiseRMS_ = 0.; noiseSkewness_ = 0.; noiseKurtosis_ = 0.; fitGausMean_ = 0.; fitGausSigma_ = 0.;fitGausNormalization_ = 0.; fitGausMeanError_ = 0.; fitGausSigmaError_ = 0.;fitGausNormalizationError_ = 0.; fitChi2_ = 0.; fitChi2Probab_ = 0.; fitStatus_ = -1.; noiseIntegral3Sigma_ = 0.; noiseIntegral3SigmaFromFit_ = 0.; noiseIntegral4Sigma_ = 0.; noiseIntegral4SigmaFromFit_ = 0.; noiseIntegral5Sigma_ = 0.; noiseIntegral5SigmaFromFit_ = 0.; kSProbab_ = 0.; jBProbab_ = 0.; kSValue_ = 0.; jBValue_ = 0.; aDValue_= 0.; aDProbab_ = 0.; nBin_ = 0.; xMin_ = 0.; xMax_ = 0.; // basic info detid_ = *detid; fedKey_ = fedKey; fecCrate_ = *fecCrate; fecSlot_ = *fecSlot; fecRing_ = *fecRing; ccuAdd_ = *ccuAdd; ccuChan_ = *ccuChan; lldChannel_ = *lldChannel; fedId_ = *fedId; fedCh_ = *fedCh; apvId_ = apvID; stripId_ = stripID; // basic info of nioise distribution noiseMean_ = histoNoiseStrip->GetMean(); noiseRMS_ = histoNoiseStrip->GetRMS(); noiseSkewness_ = histoNoiseStrip->GetSkewness(); noiseKurtosis_ = histoNoiseStrip->GetKurtosis(); float integral = histoNoiseStrip->Integral(); noiseIntegral3Sigma_ = (histoNoiseStrip->Integral(histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_+noiseRMS_*3),histoNoiseStrip->GetNbinsX()+1) + histoNoiseStrip->Integral(0,histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_-noiseRMS_*3)))/integral; noiseIntegral4Sigma_ = (histoNoiseStrip->Integral(histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_+noiseRMS_*4),histoNoiseStrip->GetNbinsX()+1) + histoNoiseStrip->Integral(0,histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_-noiseRMS_*4)))/integral; noiseIntegral5Sigma_ = (histoNoiseStrip->Integral(histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_+noiseRMS_*5),histoNoiseStrip->GetNbinsX()+1) + histoNoiseStrip->Integral(0,histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_-noiseRMS_*5)))/integral; // make a gaussian fit if(fitFunc == NULL or fitFunc == 0){ fitFunc = new TF1 ("fitFunc","gaus(0)",histoNoise->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),histoNoise->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); } fitFunc->SetRange(histoNoise->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),histoNoise->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); fitFunc->SetParameters(histoNoiseStrip->Integral(),noiseMean_,noiseRMS_); result = histoNoiseStrip->Fit(fitFunc,"QSR"); if(result.Get()){ fitStatus_ = result->Status(); fitGausNormalization_ = fitFunc->GetParameter(0); fitGausMean_ = fitFunc->GetParameter(1); fitGausSigma_ = fitFunc->GetParameter(2); fitGausNormalizationError_ = fitFunc->GetParError(0); fitGausMeanError_ = fitFunc->GetParError(1); fitGausSigmaError_ = fitFunc->GetParError(2); fitChi2_ = result->Chi2(); fitChi2Probab_ = result->Prob(); noiseIntegral3SigmaFromFit_ = (histoNoiseStrip->Integral(histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_+fitGausSigma_*3),histoNoiseStrip->GetNbinsX()+1) + histoNoiseStrip->Integral(0,histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_-fitGausSigma_*3)))/histoNoiseStrip->Integral(); noiseIntegral4SigmaFromFit_ = (histoNoiseStrip->Integral(histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_+fitGausSigma_*4),histoNoiseStrip->GetNbinsX()+1) + histoNoiseStrip->Integral(0,histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_-fitGausSigma_*4)))/histoNoiseStrip->Integral(); noiseIntegral5SigmaFromFit_ = (histoNoiseStrip->Integral(histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_+fitGausSigma_*5),histoNoiseStrip->GetNbinsX()+1) + histoNoiseStrip->Integral(0,histoNoiseStrip->FindBin(noiseMean_-fitGausSigma_*5)))/histoNoiseStrip->Integral(); jBValue_ = (histoNoiseStrip->Integral()/6)*(noiseSkewness_*noiseSkewness_+(noiseKurtosis_*noiseKurtosis_)/4); jBProbab_ = ROOT::Math::chisquared_cdf_c(jBValue_,2); if(randomHisto == 0 or randomHisto == NULL) randomHisto = (TH1F*) histoNoiseStrip->Clone("randomHisto"); randomHisto->Reset(); randomHisto->SetDirectory(0); if(integral != 0){ if(generateRandomDistribution){ randomHisto->FillRandom("fitFunc",histoNoiseStrip->Integral()); kSValue_ = histoNoiseStrip->KolmogorovTest(randomHisto,"MN"); kSProbab_ = histoNoiseStrip->KolmogorovTest(randomHisto,"N"); aDValue_ = histoNoiseStrip->AndersonDarlingTest(randomHisto,"T"); aDProbab_ = histoNoiseStrip->AndersonDarlingTest(randomHisto); } else{ randomHisto->Add(fitFunc); kSValue_ = histoNoiseStrip->KolmogorovTest(randomHisto,"MN"); kSProbab_ = histoNoiseStrip->KolmogorovTest(randomHisto,"N"); // AD test ROOT::Fit::BinData data1; ROOT::Fit::BinData data2; ROOT::Fit::FillData(data1,histoNoiseStrip,0); data2.Initialize(randomHisto->GetNbinsX()+1,1); for(int ibin = 0; ibin < randomHisto->GetNbinsX(); ibin++){ if(histoNoiseStrip->GetBinContent(ibin+1) != 0 or randomHisto->GetBinContent(ibin+1) >= 1) data2.Add(randomHisto->GetBinCenter(ibin+1),randomHisto->GetBinContent(ibin+1),randomHisto->GetBinError(ibin+1)); } double probab; double value; ROOT::Math::GoFTest::AndersonDarling2SamplesTest(data1,data2,probab,value); aDValue_ = value; aDProbab_ = probab; } } } else noFitResult++; if(not histoBranches){ noiseDistribution_.clear(); noiseDistributionError_.clear(); outputTree->Branch("noiseDistribution","vector<float>",&noiseDistribution_); outputTree->Branch("noiseDistributionError","vector<float>",&noiseDistributionError_); histoBranches = true; } // set histogram noiseDistribution_.clear(); noiseDistributionError_.clear(); for(int iBin = 0; iBin < histoNoiseStrip->GetNbinsX(); iBin++){ noiseDistribution_.push_back(histoNoiseStrip->GetBinContent(iBin+1)); noiseDistributionError_.push_back(histoNoiseStrip->GetBinError(iBin+1)); } nBin_ = histoNoiseStrip->GetNbinsX(); xMin_ = histoNoise->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1); xMax_ = histoNoise->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(histoNoise->GetNbinsX()+1); // fill all branches for each strip ouputTreeFile->cd(); outputTree->Fill(); } } inputFile->Close(); std::cout<<std::endl; cout<<"No fit results found for "<<100*double(noFitResult)/iChannel<<endl; } outputTree->BuildIndex("detid"); outputTree->Write(outputTree->GetName(),TObject::kOverwrite); ouputTreeFile->Close(); cablingFile->Close(); /* Do your stuff here */ cout<<"Time taken: "<<(double)(clock() - tStart)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<endl; }