static BOOL DebugInterpreter(THREADID tid, CONTEXT *ctxt, const string &cmd, string *result, VOID *)
    TINFO_MAP::iterator it = ThreadInfos.find(tid);
    if (it == ThreadInfos.end())
        return FALSE;
    TINFO *tinfo = it->second;

    std::string line = TrimWhitespace(cmd);
    *result = "";

    if (line == "help")
        result->append("mappings             -- Mappings.\n");
        return TRUE;
    else if(line == "mappings")
      tinfo->_os << "{"; //open JSON
      for( IMG img= APP_ImgHead(); IMG_Valid(img); img = IMG_Next(img) )
        const string& name = LEVEL_PINCLIENT::IMG_Name(img);
        tinfo->_os <<"\""<< name << "\":{"; //open img
        ADDRINT address = LEVEL_PINCLIENT::IMG_LowAddress(img);
        tinfo->_os << "\"start\":" << address << ",";
        address = LEVEL_PINCLIENT::IMG_HighAddress(img);
        tinfo->_os << "\"end\":" << address << ",";
        tinfo->_os << "\"sections\":" << "{"; //open sections
        for( SEC sec = IMG_SecHead(img); SEC_Valid(sec); sec = SEC_Next(sec))
          const string& name = LEVEL_PINCLIENT::SEC_Name(sec);
          if(name != "")
            tinfo->_os << "\"" << name <<"\":{"; //open section
            ADDRINT address = LEVEL_PINCLIENT::SEC_Address(sec);
            tinfo->_os << "\"start\":" << address << ",";
            USIZE size = LEVEL_PINCLIENT::SEC_Size(sec);
              tinfo->_os << "\"size\":" << size << "},"; //close section
              tinfo->_os << "\"size\":" << size << "}}"; //close section and sections
          tinfo->_os << "},"; //close img
          tinfo->_os << "}}"; //close img and json
      *result = tinfo->_os.str();
      return TRUE;

    return FALSE;   /* Unknown command */
static VOID OnThreadEnd(THREADID tid, const CONTEXT *ctxt, INT32, VOID *)
    TINFO_MAP::iterator it = ThreadInfos.find(tid);
    if (it != ThreadInfos.end())
        delete it->second;
 * This call-back implements the extended debugger commands.
 *  tid[in]         Pin thread ID for debugger's "focus" thread.
 *  ctxt[in,out]    Register state for the debugger's "focus" thread.
 *  cmd[in]         Text of the extended command.
 *  result[out]     Text that the debugger prints when the command finishes.
 * Returns: TRUE if we recognize this extended command.
static BOOL DebugInterpreter(THREADID tid, CONTEXT *ctxt, const string &cmd, string *result, VOID *)
    TINFO_MAP::iterator it = ThreadInfos.find(tid);
    if (it == ThreadInfos.end())
        return FALSE;
    TINFO *tinfo = it->second;

    std::string line = TrimWhitespace(cmd);
    *result = "";

    if (line == "help")
        result->append("stacktrace on        -- Enable tracing of stack usage.\n");
        result->append("stacktrace off       -- Disable tracing of stack usage.\n");
        result->append("stats                -- Show stack usage for current thread.\n");
        result->append("stackbreak newmax    -- Break when any thread stack reaches new maximum usage.\n");
        result->append("stackbreak <number>  -- Break when any thread stack usage exceeds <number> bytes.\n");
        result->append("stackbreak off       -- Disable stack breakpoints.\n");
        return TRUE;
    else if (line == "stats")
        ADDRINT sp = PIN_GetContextReg(ctxt, REG_STACK_PTR);
        if (sp <= tinfo->_stackBase)
            tinfo->_os << "Current stack usage: " << std::dec << (tinfo->_stackBase - sp) << " bytes.\n";
            tinfo->_os << "Current stack usage: -" << std::dec << (sp - tinfo->_stackBase) << " bytes.\n";
        tinfo->_os << "Maximum stack usage: " << tinfo->_max << " bytes.\n";
        *result = tinfo->_os.str();
        return TRUE;
    else if (line == "stacktrace on")
        if (!EnableInstrumentation)
            EnableInstrumentation = true;
            *result = "Stack tracing enabled.\n";
        return TRUE;
    else if (line == "stacktrace off")
        if (EnableInstrumentation)
            EnableInstrumentation = false;
            *result = "Stack tracing disabled.\n";
        return TRUE;
    else if (line == "stackbreak newmax")
        if (!EnableInstrumentation)
            EnableInstrumentation = true;
        BreakOnNewMax = true;
        BreakOnSize = 0;
        *result = "Will break when thread reaches new stack usage max.\n";
        return TRUE;
    else if (line == "stackbreak off")
        BreakOnNewMax = false;
        BreakOnSize = 0;
        return TRUE;
    else if (line.find("stackbreak ") == 0)
        std::istringstream is(&line.c_str()[sizeof("stackbreak ")-1]);
        size_t size;
        is >> size;
        if (!is)
            *result = "Please specify a numeric size (in bytes)\n";
            return TRUE;
        if (!EnableInstrumentation)
            EnableInstrumentation = true;
        BreakOnNewMax = false;
        BreakOnSize = size;
        tinfo->_os << "Will break when thread uses more than " << size << " bytes of stack.\n";
        *result = tinfo->_os.str();
        return TRUE;