TList* extractObjectFromPad(TPad* pad, const char* name) { TList* objects = new TList(); TList* primitivesList = pad->GetListOfPrimitives(); assert(primitivesList); for (int i = 0; i < primitivesList->GetSize(); ++i) { TObject* object = primitivesList->At(i); std::cout << object->ClassName() << ' ' << object->GetName() << std::endl; if (object->InheritsFrom("TPad")) { TList* objectsFromPad = extractObjectFromPad(static_cast<TPad*>(object), name); for (int j = 0; j < objectsFromPad->GetSize(); ++j) objects->Add(objectsFromPad->At(j)); } else if (object->InheritsFrom("THStack")) { TList* hList = (static_cast<THStack*>(object))->GetHists(); for (int j = 0; j < hList->GetSize(); ++j) if (!strcmp(hList->At(j)->GetName(), name)) { objects->Add(hList->At(j)); } } else if (!strcmp(object->GetName(), name)) { std::cout << "--->" << name << std::endl; objects->Add(object); } } return objects; }
TGraph* getContourFilledX(TH2D* inputHisto, TCanvas* goodCanvas, int Width, int Style, int FillStyle, double X){ TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("temp", "temp",600,600); TH2D* histo = (TH2D*)inputHisto->Clone("temp"); double levels[] = {X}; histo->SetContour(1, levels); histo->Draw("CONT LIST"); c1->Update(); TObjArray* contours = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); Int_t ncontours = contours->GetSize(); TList *list = (TList*)contours->At(0); delete c1; goodCanvas->cd(); printf("list size = %i\n", (int)list->GetSize()); if(list->GetSize()<=0)return new TGraph(0); for(unsigned int i=0;i<list->GetSize();i++){ TGraph* EXCLUSION = (TGraph*)(list->At(i)->Clone("copy")); EXCLUSION->SetLineColor(1); EXCLUSION->SetLineWidth(Width); EXCLUSION->SetLineStyle(Style); EXCLUSION->SetFillColor(kBlack); EXCLUSION->SetFillStyle(FillStyle); //EXCLUSION->Draw("CL F same"); } return EXCLUSION; }
TList* contourFromTH2(TH2 *h2in, double threshold) { std::cout << "Getting contour at threshold " << threshold << " from " << h2in->GetName() << std::endl; // Double_t contours[1]; contours[0] = threshold; TH2D *h2 = frameTH2D((TH2D*)h2in); h2->SetContour(1, contours); // Draw contours as filled regions, and Save points h2->Draw("CONT Z LIST"); gPad->Update(); // Needed to force the plotting and retrieve the contours in TGraphs // Get Contours TObjArray *conts = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); TList* contLevel = NULL; if (conts == NULL || conts->GetSize() == 0){ printf("*** No Contours Were Extracted!\n"); return 0; } TList *ret = new TList(); for(int i = 0; i < conts->GetSize(); i++){ contLevel = (TList*)conts->At(i); printf("Contour %d has %d Graphs\n", i, contLevel->GetSize()); for (int j = 0, n = contLevel->GetSize(); j < n; ++j) { TGraph *gr1 = (TGraph*) contLevel->At(j)->Clone(); ret->Add(gr1); } } return ret; }
void collectContours(map<string,TGraph2D *>& m_graphs, const vector<string>& keys, map<string,double>& m_contourlevels, map<string,TList *>& m_contours) { cout << "CollectContours" << endl; TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas("dummy","dummy",100,100); //canv->Divide(3,2); std::cout << "keys.size() = " << keys.size() << std::endl; //process TGraph2Ds into contours at levels m_contourlevels for (size_t i=0; i<keys.size(); i++) { double clev = m_contourlevels[keys[i]]; TGraph2D *gr2d = m_graphs[keys[i]]; std::cout << "gr2d = " << gr2d << std::endl; std::cout << "gr2d->GetN() = " << gr2d->GetN() << std::endl; if (gr2d && (gr2d->GetN() > 0)) { gr2d->GetHistogram()->SetContour(1, &clev); //canv->cd(i+1); cout << "drawing... " << endl; gr2d->Draw("CONT LIST"); // it's stupid, but only "CONT" will generate the list gPad->Update(); TObjArray *contours = (TObjArray *)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); assert(contours); TList *newlist = 0; for (int ci=0; ci<contours->GetEntriesFast(); ci++) { TList *contLevel = (TList*)contours->At(ci); printf("%s: Contour %d has %d Graphs\n", keys[i].c_str(), ci, contLevel->GetSize()); if (contLevel->GetSize()) { assert(contLevel->First()); if (!newlist) newlist = new TList(); TGraph *curv = (TGraph*)(contLevel->First()); for (int j=0; j<contLevel->GetSize(); j++) { newlist->Add((TGraph *)(curv->Clone())); curv=(TGraph *)(contLevel->After(curv)); } } } // contour loop cout << "Inserting contour list for "<< keys[i] << " newlist="<<newlist<<endl; m_contours[keys[i]] = newlist; } // if (gr2d) } // key loop //delete canv; } // collectContours
TList* GetListOfBranches(const char* dataType, TFile* file) { if (TString(dataType) == "HLT") { file->cd("DQMData/Run 1/HLT/Run summary/Muon/MuonTrack"); } else if (TString(dataType) == "RECO") { file->cd("DQMData/Run 1/Muons/Run summary/RecoMuonV/MuonTrack"); } else { cout << "ERROR: Data type " << dataType << " not allowed: only RECO and HLT are considered" << endl; cerr << "ERROR: Data type " << dataType << " not allowed: only RECO and HLT are considered" << endl; return 0; } TDirectory * dir=gDirectory; TList* sl = GetListOfDirectories(dir); if (sl->GetSize() == 0) { cout << "ERROR: No DQM muon reco histos found in NEW file " << endl; cerr << "ERROR: No DQM muon reco histos found in NEW file " << endl; delete sl; return 0; } return sl; }
void testContour() { TFile *file = new TFile("T2tt___sigma_UL_bestexpected.root"); TH2F *h = (TH2F*)file->Get("T2tt__expected_strength_UL"); TGraph2D *tg2d = new TGraph2D(h); //Crea TGraph2D da TH2 Double_t contours[1]; // Crea array con i valori dei contour che vuoi contours[0] = 1.0; tg2d->GetHistogram()->SetContour(1,contours); //SetContour(numero contour,array contour) //tg2d->Draw("cont list"); //Dummy plotting, serve solo per creare la lista di contour TList *contLevel = tg2d->GetContourList(1.); // Prendi quello che ti interessa if(contLevel->GetSize()>0) doContour = true; cout<< doContour << endl; TCanvas *cSmoothed = new TCanvas("test","test",800,600); // Crea canvas cSmoothed->cd(); //TH1F* hrl = cSmoothed->DrawFrame(0.1,0.,1.,0.5); // Commando fondamentale: ti setta il range del Pad, formato (x1,y1,x2,y2) dove (x1,y1) e (x2,y2) sono le coordinate estreme del tuo TH2 h->Draw("colz same"); //prima fa il Draw() del TH2 (o TGraph2D) if (doContour){ TIter next(contLevel); TObject *contour = 0; while (contour = next()){ ((TGraph2D*)contour)->SetLineWidth(3); ((TGraph2D*)contour)->SetLineStyle(2); ((TGraph2D*)contour)->Draw("L"); // poi fa del TGraph del contour, ma senza l'opzione "A" } } //ROOT::gPad::RedrawAxis(); cSmoothed->Update(); cSmoothed->SaveAs(".root"); }
void NtupleChecker(){ TString path = "/uscms_data/d2/uplegger/CMSSW/CMSSW_3_8_0_pre7/src/RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/test/scripts/Ntuples/"; TSystemDirectory sourceDir("fileDir",path); TList* fileList = sourceDir.GetListOfFiles(); TIter next(fileList); TSystemFile* fileName; int fileNumber = 1; int maxFiles = 1000; BeamSpotTreeData aData; while ((fileName = (TSystemFile*)next()) && fileNumber <= maxFiles){ if(TString(fileName->GetName()) == "." || TString(fileName->GetName()) == ".." ){ continue; } TTree* aTree = 0; TFile file(path+fileName->GetName(),"READ");//STARTUP cout << "Opening file: " << path+fileName->GetName() << endl;; // aTree = (TTree*)file.Get("PrimaryVertices"); aTree = (TTree*)file.Get("BeamSpotTree"); cout << (100*fileNumber)/(fileList->GetSize()-2) << "% of files done." << endl; ++fileNumber; if(aTree == 0){ cout << "Can't find the tree" << endl; continue; } aData.setBranchAddress(aTree); for(unsigned int entry=0; entry<aTree->GetEntries(); entry++){ aTree->GetEntry(entry); cout << aData.getRun() << endl; } } }
void dominik() { TH1* matHistogramRoman = static_cast<TH1*>(extractObjectFromFile("lyRoman.root", "lightYieldProjectionY")->At(0)); TList* objects = extractObjectFromFile("c.root", "chargeBins"); TH1* matHistogramDominik = new TH1D("matHistogramDominik", ";channel;light yield / pixels", 512, -0.5, 512-0.5); int sipmIt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objects->GetSize(); ++i) { TH1* h = static_cast<TH1*>(objects->At(i)); if (h->GetLineColor() == 8) { for (int bin = 1; bin <= 128; ++bin) { matHistogramDominik->SetBinContent(512 - (sipmIt * 128 + bin - 1), h->GetBinContent(bin)); if (h->GetBinError(bin) > 0) matHistogramDominik->SetBinError(512 - (sipmIt * 128 + bin - 1), h->GetBinError(bin)); } ++sipmIt; } } TCanvas* c = new TCanvas; c->Divide(1, 2); c->cd(1); matHistogramDominik->Draw(); matHistogramRoman->Draw("SAME"); c->cd(2); TH1* h = static_cast<TH1*>(matHistogramDominik->Clone()); h->Add(matHistogramRoman, -1); h->Draw(); }
void make_histos_syst_rawyield(TString file_syst, TString file_default, TString out_tag){ TFile *f1 = new TFile(file_syst.Data(),"read"); TFile *f2 = new TFile(file_default.Data(),"read"); TDirectoryFile *dir1 = (TDirectoryFile*)(f1->Get("effunf")); TDirectoryFile *dir2 = (TDirectoryFile*)(f2->Get("effunf")); TList *list = dir1->GetListOfKeys(); TFile *f = new TFile(Form("plots/ratiosyst_%s.root",out_tag.Data()),"recreate"); for (int i=0; i<list->GetSize(); i++){ TString name = dir1->GetListOfKeys()->At(i)->GetName(); if (!(name.Contains("hreco_"))) continue; TObject *obj1 = dir1->Get(name.Data()); assert(obj1); TObject *obj2 = dir2->Get(name.Data()); assert(obj2); TString newname = name; newname.Append("_ratiosyst"); if (name.EndsWith("_0")) newname.ReplaceAll("_0_","_EBEB_"); if (name.EndsWith("_1")) newname.ReplaceAll("_1_","_EBEE_"); if (name.EndsWith("_2")) newname.ReplaceAll("_2_","_EEEE_"); TH1F *h = (TH1F*)(((TH1F*)obj1)->Clone(newname.Data())); h->SetTitle(h->GetName()); h->Divide((TH1F*)obj2); for (int j=0; j<h->GetNbinsX(); j++) h->SetBinError(j+1,0); for (int j=0; j<h->GetNbinsX(); j++) h->SetBinContent(j+1,1+fabs(1-h->GetBinContent(j+1))); f->cd(); h->Write(); } }
UInt_t GetListOfJobs( TFile* file, TList& jobdirs) { // get a list of all jobs in all method directories // based on ideas by Peter and Joerg found in macro deviations.C TIter next(file->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key(0); while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (TString(key->GetName()).BeginsWith("Method_")) { if (gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName())->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) { TDirectory* mDir = (TDirectory*)key->ReadObj(); TIter keyIt(mDir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *jobkey; while ((jobkey = (TKey*)keyIt())) { if (!gROOT->GetClass(jobkey->GetClassName())->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) continue; TDirectory *jobDir = (TDirectory *)jobkey->ReadObj(); cout << "jobdir name " << jobDir->GetName() << endl; jobdirs.Add(jobDir); } } } } return jobdirs.GetSize(); }
// Save to .root file void SaveOutput(TString name,TList &list) { TFile *out = new TFile(name,"RECREATE"); TDirectory *pwd = gDirectory; for(int i=0;i<list.GetSize();i++) { TDecayMode *dm = list.At(i); TDirectory *subdir = out->mkdir(dm->GetName()); subdir->cd(); subdir->Append(dm); subdir->Append(dm->histograms); pwd->cd(); } if(!genDesc) cout<<"WARNING! No Generator description in files!"<<endl; else out->Append(genDesc); if(userHisto) { TDecayMode *uh = (TDecayMode*) userHisto; cout<<"INFO: Appending user histograms"<<endl; TDirectoryFile *histos = out->mkdir("USER_HISTOGRAMS"); TIter nexthist(uh->histograms); TKey *key_hist=0; TH1D *h; while(h=(TH1D*)nexthist()) histos->Append(h); } out->Write(); out->Close(); delete out; }
void TTree_UnfriendAll(TTree *tree) { TList *friends = tree->GetListOfFriends(); while(friends->GetSize() != 0) { friends->RemoveLast(); } }
Bool_t KVLVContainer::HandleButton(Event_t* event) { // Override TGContainer method in order to set fControlClick flag fControlClick = kFALSE; if (event->fCode == kButton1 && (event->fState & kKeyControlMask)) fControlClick = kTRUE; if (event->fCode == kButton3) { TList* list = GetSelectedItems(); if (list->GetSize() == 0) { fContextMenu->Popup(event->fXRoot, event->fYRoot, this); delete list; return kTRUE; } else if (list->GetSize() == 1) { return TGLVContainer::HandleButton(event); } delete list; } return TGLVContainer::HandleButton(event); }
TGraph* GetContour(TGraph2D *g, TString name){ TGraph *gnew; //cout << g->GetName() << " " << g->GetN() << endl; TH2D *temp = (TH2D*)g->GetHistogram();//need this for list to work? //g->Draw("alp");//need this for list to work? TList *glist = (TList*)g->GetContourList(1.0); if(glist == nullptr) return gnew; int max_points = -1; int nn = glist->GetSize(); //cout << "number of entries in list " << nn << endl; for(int i = 0; i<glist->GetSize(); ++i){ TGraph *gtemp = (TGraph*)glist->At(i); int Npoints = gtemp->GetN(); if(Npoints>max_points){ gnew = (TGraph*)gtemp->Clone(name); max_points = Npoints; } } return gnew; }
TPaveStats* GetStatPad(TH1* hst) { TList *lst = hst->GetListOfFunctions(); if (!lst) return 0; int nf = lst->GetSize(); for (int i=0;i<nf;i++) { TPaveStats *fnc = (TPaveStats*) lst->At(i); if (fnc->InheritsFrom("TPaveStats")) return fnc; } return 0; // }
TList* extractObjectFromFile(const char* fileName, const char* name) { TList* objects = new TList(); TFile file(fileName); gROOT->cd(); TList* keyList = file.GetListOfKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keyList->GetSize(); ++i) { TKey* key = static_cast<TKey*>(keyList->At(i)); std::cout<< key->GetName()<< std::endl; if (!strcmp(key->GetName(), name)) { objects->Add(key->ReadObj()->Clone()); } else if (!strcmp(key->GetClassName(), "TCanvas")) { TCanvas* canvas = static_cast<TCanvas*>(key->ReadObj()); if (!strcmp(canvas->GetName(), name)) objects->Add(canvas->Clone()); TList* objectsFromPad = extractObjectFromPad(canvas, name); for (int j = 0; j < objectsFromPad->GetSize(); ++j) objects->Add(objectsFromPad->At(j)); } } file.Close(); return objects; }
TFrame* GetFrame(TPad* pad) { if (!pad) pad = (TPad*)gPad; if (!pad) return 0; TList* lst = pad->GetListOfPrimitives(); int size = lst->GetSize(); TFrame* frm=0; for (int i=0;i<size;i++) { TObject* obj = lst->At(i); if (!obj) continue; if (obj->InheritsFrom("TFrame")) {frm = (TFrame*)obj; break;} } return frm; }
TH1* GetBaseHisto(TPad* pad) { if (!pad) pad = (TPad*)gPad; if (!pad) return 0; TList* lst = pad->GetListOfPrimitives(); int size = lst->GetSize(); TH1* hst=0; for (int i=0;i<size;i++) { TObject* obj = lst->At(i); if (!obj) continue; if (obj->InheritsFrom("TH1")) {hst = (TH1*)obj; break;} } return hst; }
std::vector<TGraph *> SetupHist(TH2D *hist, TGraph2D *graph) { for (int i = 1; i <= hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++i) { for (int j = 1; j <= hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++j) { hist->SetBinContent( i, j, graph->Interpolate(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i), hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j))); if (hist->GetBinContent(i, j) == 0.) hist->SetBinContent(i, j, 1E-6); } } TList *conts = contourFromTH2(hist, 0.05); std::vector<TGraph *> cgraphs; for (int i = 0; i < conts->GetSize(); ++i) { cgraphs.push_back((TGraph *)conts->At(i)); } return cgraphs; }
TGraph* ContourGraph( TH2F* hist) { TGraph* gr0 = new TGraph(); TH2F* h = (TH2F*)hist->Clone(); gr = (TGraph*)gr0->Clone(h->GetName()); // cout << "==> Will dumb histogram: " << h->GetName() << " into a graph" <<endl; h->SetContour( 1 ); double pval = CombinationGlob::cl_percent[1]; double signif = TMath::NormQuantile(1-pval); h->SetContourLevel( 0, signif ); h->Draw("CONT LIST"); h->SetDirectory(0); gPad->Update(); TObjArray *contours = gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); Int_t ncontours = contours->GetSize(); TList *list = (TList*)contours->At(0); Int_t number_of_lists = list->GetSize(); gr = (TGraph*)list->At(0); TGraph* grTmp = new TGraph(); for (int k = 0 ; k<number_of_lists ; k++){ grTmp = (TGraph*)list->At(k); Int_t N = gr->GetN(); Int_t N_tmp = grTmp->GetN(); if(N < N_tmp) gr = grTmp; // mg->Add((TGraph*)list->At(k)); } gr->SetName(hist->GetName()); int N = gr->GetN(); double x0, y0; // for(int j=0; j<N; j++) { // gr->GetPoint(j,x0,y0); // cout << j << " : " << x0 << " : "<<y0 << endl; // } // // gr->SetMarkerSize(2.0); // gr->SetMarkerSize(2.0); // gr->SetMarkerStyle(21); // gr->Draw("LP"); // cout << "Generated graph " << gr << " with name " << gr->GetName() << endl; return gr; }
void SetGStyle(TGraph* hst,int col,int mark,float mrsize) { hst->SetLineColor(col); hst->SetMarkerColor(col); hst->SetFillColor(col); hst->SetMarkerStyle(mark); hst->SetMarkerSize(mrsize); TList *lst = hst->GetListOfFunctions(); if (lst) { int nf = lst->GetSize(); for (int i=0;i<nf;i++) { TObject *fnc = lst->At(i); if (fnc->InheritsFrom("TF1")) { ((TF1*)fnc)->SetLineColor(col); ((TF1*)fnc)->SetLineWidth(1); ((TF1*)fnc)->ResetBit(TF1::kNotDraw); } else if (fnc->InheritsFrom("TPaveStats")) { ((TPaveStats*)fnc)->SetTextColor(col); } } } }
TList* getContours(const TH2* hist,double contourLevel,const TString filename) { TH2* h = (TH2*)hist->Clone("_clone"); double limitValue[1] = {contourLevel}; h->SetContour(1,limitValue); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("contour_canvas","Contour List",0,0,600,600); h->Draw("CONT LIST"); c->Update(); TList* contours = (TList*)((TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"))->At(0); TGraph* contour = (TGraph*)contours->First(); if(filename!="") { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < contours->GetSize(); j++) { TString newFilename = filename+"_"; newFilename+=j; contour->SaveAs(newFilename+".C"); contour = (TGraph*)contours->After(contour); // Get Next graph } } delete h; delete c; return contours; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This function goes to the right branch inside the file // looking for branches having branchContent. // It returns a list with all those branches, // TList* getListOfBranches(const char* dataType, TFile* file, const char* branchContent) { if (TString(dataType) == "RECO") { if(! file->cd("DQMData/Run 1/Muons/Run summary")) { cout << "ERROR: Muon Histos for " << dataType << " not found" << endl; return 0; } } else { cout << "ERROR: Data type " << dataType << " not allowed: only RECO is considered" << endl; return 0; } TDirectory * dir=gDirectory; TList* sl = GetListOfDirectories(dir, branchContent); if (sl->GetSize() == 0) { cout << "ERROR: No DQM muon reco histos found in NEW file " << endl; delete sl; return 0; } return sl; }
void plottingmacro_IVF() { double fa = 0.46502; double fb = 0.53498; bool debug_ = true; // std::string path("Nov10thFall11Plots/"); // std::string path("Nov10Fall1160MTopSlimPlots/"); std::string path("Nov10Fall1160MTopIVFPlots_b/"); if(debug_) std::cout << "Init the style form setTDRStyle" << std::endl; setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetErrorX(0.5); gROOT->ForceStyle(); initOptions(); if(debug_) std::cout << "Init the sample" << std::endl; // std::vector<Sample> s = Nov10thDiJetPtUpdatedSlimHistos(); //std::vector<Sample> s = Nov10Fall1160MTopSlimHistos(); std::vector<Sample> s = Nov10Fall1160MTopIVFHistos(); Sample data(1,"fake data","S1.root",0,true,1000); if(debug_) std::cout << "Init the data sample" << std::endl; for(size_t i=0;i< s.size();i++) if(s[i].data) {data=s[i];break;} if(debug_) std::cout << "Ls data sample" << std::endl; data.file()->ls(); if(debug_) std::cout << "Init the mc sample" << std::endl; for(size_t i=0;i< s.size();i++) s[i].dump(1,fa,fb); std::vector<std::string> names; if(debug_) std::cout << "Get List of Keys" << std::endl; TList * subs = data.file()->GetListOfKeys(); for(size_t i=0;i< subs->GetSize();i++) { TString nn = subs->At(i)->GetName(); if( nn.Contains(TRegexp("Count*")) ) continue; if(debug_) std::cout << "Get List of Keys in subdirs" << std::endl; TList * objs = ((TDirectoryFile *)data.file()->Get(subs->At(i)->GetName()))->GetListOfKeys(); for(size_t j=0;j< objs->GetSize();j++) { if(debug_) std::cout << "Name = " << subs->At(i)->GetName()+std::string("/") + objs->At(j)->GetName() << std::endl; names.push_back(subs->At(i)->GetName()+std::string("/") + objs->At(j)->GetName()); // std::cout << subs->At(i)->GetName() << "/" << objs->At(j)->GetName() << std::endl; //TODO: select plots via regexp } } if(debug_) std::cout << "Starting plotting" << std::endl; std::string process; for(size_t i = 0 ; i < names.size() ; i++) { std::map<std::string,TH1F *> grouped; TString n=names[i]; // if(!n.Contains(TRegexp("VlightRegionHZee/HiggsPtVlightRegionHZee"))) continue; // if(!n.Contains(TRegexp("VlightRegionHZee/ZPtVlightRegionHZee"))) continue; // if(!n.Contains(TRegexp("VlightRegionHZee"))) continue; // if(!n.Contains(TRegexp("ZSVRegionZmmSV"))) continue; // if(!n.Contains(TRegexp("ZSVRegionZeeSV"))) continue; // if(!n.Contains(TRegexp("ZSVRegionZcombSV"))) continue; // if(!n.Contains(TRegexp("ZSVPureRegionZcombSV"))) continue; // if(!n.Contains(TRegexp("ZSVTTbarPureRegionZcombSV"))) continue; if(!n.Contains(TRegexp("TTbarRegionZeeSVJets"))) continue; if(n.Contains(TRegexp("RegionHZcomb"))) process = "Z(l^{+}l^{-})H(b#bar{b})"; if(n.Contains(TRegexp("RegionHZmm"))) process = "Z(#mu^{+}#mu^{-})H(b#bar{b})"; if(n.Contains(TRegexp("RegionHZee"))) process = "Z(e^{+}e^{-})H(b#bar{b})"; if(debug_) std::cout << "Creating the Canvas" << std::endl; TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(); c->SetLogy(false); c->SetTitle(names[i].c_str()); if(debug_) std::cout << "Creating histograms" << std::endl; TH1F *hd = ((TH1F*)data.file()->Get(names[i].c_str())); hd->Sumw2(); Options o=options[names[i]]; // hd->Rebin(o.rebin); hd->SetMarkerStyle(20); hd->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(99); hd->SetYTitle(o.yaxis.c_str()); double nbin = hd->GetNbinsX(); double min_bin = hd->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); double max_bin = hd->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); TH1F *hmc = new TH1F("hmc","hmc", nbin, min_bin, max_bin); hmc->SetFillColor(kWhite); hmc->Sumw2(); // hmc->Rebin(o.rebin); if(debug_) std::cout << "Creating the THStack and Legend" << std::endl; THStack * sta = new THStack("sta",hd->GetTitle()); TLegend * l = new TLegend(o.legendx1,o.legendy1,o.legendx2,o.legendy2); //0.7,0.1,0.9,0.6); l->SetFillColor(kWhite); l->SetBorderSize(0); l->SetTextFont(62); l->SetTextSize(0.03); if(debug_) std::cout << "Adding data to the legend" << std::endl; l->AddEntry(hd, "Data","P"); if(debug_) std::cout << "Adding MC to the THStack" << std::endl; //with the proper trigger eff // double SF[] = {1.01,1.03,1.00}; // double SF[] = {1.03,1.054,1.032}; double SF[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0}; if(debug_){ for(int i = 0; i< 3; ++i) std::cout << "SF [" << i << "] = " << SF[i] << std::endl; } double mcIntegral=0; for(size_t j=0;j< s.size() ;j++) { if(!s[j].data) { if(debug_) std::cout << "Creating TH1F from file " << s[j].name << std::endl; TH1F * h = ((TH1F*)s[j].file()->Get(names[i].c_str())); h->Sumw2(); if(debug_){ std::cout << "TH1F created from file " << s[j].name << std::endl; std::cout << "Scaling : " << s[j].scale(data.lumi(),fa,fb) << std::endl; std::cout << "Scaling with SF : " << s[j].scale(data.lumi(),fa,fb,SF) << std::endl; std::cout << "Histo integral before scaling = " << h->Integral() << std::endl; } h->Scale(s[j].scale(data.lumi(),fa,fb,SF)); if(debug_){ std::cout << "Histo integral after scaling = " << h->Integral() << std::endl; std::cout << "Managing style... " << std::endl; } h->SetLineWidth(1.); h->SetFillColor(s[j].color); h->SetLineColor(s[j].color); // h->Rebin(options[names[i]].rebin); if(debug_) std::cout << "Cloning and update legend " << std::endl; if(grouped.find(s[j].name) == grouped.end()){ l->AddEntry(h,s[j].name.c_str(),"F"); } std::cout << "Sample : " << s[j].name << " - Integral for plot " << names[i] << " = " << h->Integral(-10000,10000) << std::endl; mcIntegral += h->Integral(); sta->Add(h); hmc->Add(h); //TO FIX grouped map // sovrascrive histo con lo stesso nome tipo VV o ST etc... grouped[s[j].name]=(TH1F *)h->Clone(("_"+names[i]).c_str()); } } if(debug_){ std::cout << "Data total = " << hd->Integral() << std::endl; std::cout << "MC = " << mcIntegral << std::endl; std::cout << "Data/MC = " << hd->Integral()/mcIntegral << std::endl; } TPad * TopPad = new TPad("TopPad","Top Pad",0.,0.3,1.,1. ) ; TPad * BtmPad = new TPad("BtmPad","Bottom Pad",0.,0.,1.,0.313 ) ; TopPad->SetBottomMargin(0.02); BtmPad->SetTopMargin(0.0); BtmPad->SetFillStyle(4000); TopPad->SetFillStyle(4000); BtmPad->SetFillColor(0); BtmPad->SetBottomMargin(0.35); TopPad->Draw() ; BtmPad->Draw() ; std::cout << "hd maximum = " << hd->GetMaximum() << " sta maximum = " << sta->GetMaximum() << std::endl; double maxY; if(hd->GetMaximum() > sta->GetMaximum()) maxY = (hd->GetMaximum())*1.5; else maxY = (sta->GetMaximum())*1.5; TopPad->cd(); hd->Draw("E1X0"); sta->Draw("sameHIST"); hmc->Draw("sameE2"); hmc->SetFillColor(2); hmc->SetMarkerSize(0); hmc->SetFillStyle(3013); hd->Draw("E1X0same"); l->Draw("same"); std::cout << "Set Maximum to = " << maxY << std::endl; hd->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,maxY); hd->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(options[names[i]].min,options[names[i]].max); BtmPad->cd(); std::cout << "Division" << std::endl; TH1D * divisionErrorBand = (TH1D*)(hmc)->Clone("divisionErrorBand"); divisionErrorBand->Sumw2(); divisionErrorBand->Divide(hmc); divisionErrorBand->Draw("E2"); divisionErrorBand->SetMaximum(2.49); divisionErrorBand->SetMinimum(0); divisionErrorBand->SetMarkerStyle(20); divisionErrorBand->SetMarkerSize(0.55); divisionErrorBand->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.12); divisionErrorBand->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.12); divisionErrorBand->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.5); divisionErrorBand->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Data/MC"); divisionErrorBand->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.12); divisionErrorBand->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.12); divisionErrorBand->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.40); divisionErrorBand->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); //divisionErrorBand->UseCurrentStyle(); divisionErrorBand->SetFillColor(2); divisionErrorBand->SetFillStyle(3001); divisionErrorBand->SetMarkerSize(0.); TH1D * division = (TH1D*)(hd)->Clone("division"); division->Sumw2(); division->Divide(hmc); // division->SetMaximum(2.5); // division->SetMinimum(0); // division->SetMarkerStyle(20); // division->SetMarkerSize(0.55); // division->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.12); // division->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.14); // division->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.10); // division->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.10); // division->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Data/MC"); Double_t min = division->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Double_t max = division->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); division->Draw("E1X0same"); TLine *line = new TLine(min, 1.0, max, 1.0); line->SetLineColor(kRed); line->Draw("same"); TLegend * leg3 =new TLegend(0.50,0.86,0.69,0.96); leg3->AddEntry(divisionErrorBand,"MC uncert. (stat.)","f"); leg3->SetFillColor(0); leg3->SetLineColor(0); leg3->SetShadowColor(0); leg3->SetTextFont(62); leg3->SetTextSize(0.06); leg3->Draw(); TPaveText *pave = new TPaveText(0.15,0.85,0.32,0.96,"brNDC"); pave->SetTextAlign(12); pave->SetLineColor(0); pave->SetFillColor(0); pave->SetShadowColor(0); //TText *text = pave->AddText(Form("#chi_{#nu}^{2} = %.3f, K_{s} = %.3f",histDt->Chi2Test(histCopyMC5,"UWCHI2/NDF"),histDt->KolmogorovTest(histCopyMC5))); // stat + sys TText *text = pave->AddText(Form("#chi_{#nu}^{2} = %.3f, K_{s} = %.3f",hd->Chi2Test(hmc,"UWCHI2/NDF"),hd->KolmogorovTest(hmc))); // stat only text->SetTextFont(62); text->SetTextSize(0.08); pave->Draw(); TopPad->cd(); TLatex latex; latex.SetNDC(); latex.SetTextAlign(12); latex.SetTextSize(0.052); latex.DrawLatex(0.17,0.89,"CMS Preliminary"); latex.SetTextSize(0.04); latex.DrawLatex(0.17,0.84,"#sqrt{s} = 7 TeV, L = 4.7 fb^{-1}"); // latex.DrawLatex(0.17,0.79,"Z(e^{+}e^{-})H(b#bar{b})"); latex.DrawLatex(0.17,0.79,process.c_str()); c->Update(); std::string cName= hd->GetName(); cName += "_bare.pdf"; cName = path+cName; c->Print(cName.c_str(),"pdf"); // std::cout << names[i] << " d: " << hd->Integral() << " "; // THStack * sta2 = new THStack("sta2",hd->GetTitle()); // float tot=0; // float toterr2=0; // if(debug_) // std::cout << "Putting the iterator in the for loop" << std::endl; // for(std::map<std::string,TH1F *>::reverse_iterator it=grouped.rbegin(); it!=grouped.rend();++it) // { // if(debug_) // std::cout << "Using the iterator" << std::endl; // std::cout << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second->Integral() << " | " << std::endl ; // if((*it).second->GetEntries() > 0) { // float er=1.*sqrt((*it).second->GetEntries())/(*it).second->GetEntries()*(*it).second->Integral(); // toterr2+=er*er; // } // tot+=(*it).second->Integral(); // sta2->Add(it->second); // } // std::cout << " Tot: " << tot << "+-" << sqrt(toterr2) << " SF: " << hd->Integral()/tot << std::endl; // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(); // c2->SetTitle(names[i].c_str()); // std::cout << "hd maximum = " << hd->GetMaximum() << " sta2 maximum = " << sta2->GetMaximum() << std::endl; // if(hd->GetMaximum() > sta2->GetMaximum()) maxY = hd->GetBinContent(hd->GetMaximumBin()) * 1.5; // else maxY = ( sta2->GetMaximum())*1.5; // // hd->Draw("E1"); // sta2->Draw("PADSHIST"); // // hd->Draw("E1same"); // // l->Draw("same"); // std::cout << "Set Maximum to = " << maxY << std::endl; // hd->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,maxY); // hd->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(options[names[i]].min,options[names[i]].max); // c2->Update(); // std::string c2Name = hd->GetName(); // c2Name = path+c2Name; // c2Name += "_norm.pdf"; // c2->Print(c2Name.c_str(),"pdf"); } }
void long_Ay_nu_05() { gROOT->SetStyle("HALLA"); TCanvas *cn = new TCanvas("cn","cn",540,360); cn->Draw(); cn->UseCurrentStyle(); TH1F *frm = new TH1F("frm","",100,0.,10.); frm->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#nu (GeV)"); frm->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Ay for Q2=0.456 (GeV/c)2"); frm->SetMinimum(0); // frm->SetMinimum(0); // frm->SetMaximum(1.0); frm->SetMaximum(0.35); frm->UseCurrentStyle(); frm->Draw(); frm->SetAxisRange(0.120,0.350,"X"); // frm->SetAxisRange(0.5,1.1,"X"); // TF1* galster = new TF1("galster","x/(4.*0.938*.938)*1.91/(1.+x/.71)^2/(1.+5.6*x/(4.*.938*.938))",0.,4.); // galster->SetLineColor(6); // galster->SetLineStyle(3); // galster->SetLineWidth(2); TF1 *genf = new TF1("genf",genff,1.,10.,1); genf->SetLineColor(2); genf->SetLineStyle(2); genf->SetParameter(0,1.); // match to Madey point just below 1.5 // genf->SetParameter(0,.0411/genf->Eval(1.45)); genf->SetParameter(0,-0.558645); // TF1 *bbba05 = new TF1("BBBA05",gen_bbba05,0.,10.,0); // bbba05->SetLineColor(7); // bbba05->SetLineStyle(3); TMultiGraph* mgrDta = new TMultiGraph("Data","G_{E}^{n}"); TLegend *legDta = new TLegend(.54,.6,.875,.90,"","brNDC"); TMultiGraph* wgr = mgrDta; TLegend *wlg = legDta; // the data legDta->SetBorderSize(0); // turn off border legDta->SetFillStyle(0); datafile_t *f = datafiles; TGraph* gr=0; while ( f && f->filename ) { gr=OneGraph(f); if (gr) { if (f->lnpt) { mgrDta->Add(gr,f->lnpt); legDta->AddEntry(gr,f->label,f->lnpt); } else if (gr->GetMarkerStyle()>=20) { mgrDta->Add(gr,"p"); legDta->AddEntry(gr,f->label,"p"); } else { mgrDta->Add(gr,"l"); legDta->AddEntry(gr,f->label,"l"); } } f++; } mgrDta->Draw("p"); // legDta->Draw(); TF1 *theFit = new TF1("theFit","pol0"); gr->Fit(theFit); theFit->Draw("same"); TMultiGraph* mgrThry = new TMultiGraph("Theory","G_{E}^{n}"); TLegend *legThry = new TLegend(.54,.3,.875,.6,"","brNDC"); wgr = mgrThry; wlg = legThry; // the theory wlg->SetBorderSize(0); // turn off border wlg->SetFillStyle(0); f = theoryfiles1; gr=0; while ( f && f->filename ) { gr=OneGraph(f); if (gr) { TGraphAsymmErrors *egr = dynamic_cast<TGraphAsymmErrors*>(gr); if (egr && egr->GetN()>1 && egr->GetEYhigh() && egr->GetEYhigh()[1]>0) { gr = toerror_band(egr); gr->SetFillStyle(3000+f->style); } if (f->lnpt) { wgr->Add(gr,f->lnpt); wlg->AddEntry(gr,f->label,f->lnpt); } else if (gr->GetMarkerStyle()>=20) { wgr->Add(gr,"p"); wlg->AddEntry(gr,f->label,"p"); } else { wgr->Add(gr,"l"); wlg->AddEntry(gr,f->label,"l"); } } f++; } // genf->Draw("same"); mgrThry->Draw("c"); // galster->Draw("same"); // bbba05->Draw("same"); // legThry->AddEntry(genf,"F_{2}/F_{1} #propto ln^{2}(Q^{2}/#Lambda^{2})/Q^{2}","l"); // legThry->AddEntry(galster,"Galster fit","l"); // legThry->AddEntry(bbba05,"BBBA05","l"); // legThry->Draw(); // legDta->Draw(); // draw a line at 1 cn->Modified(); cn->Update(); cn->SaveAs(Form("%s.eps",psfile)); cn->SaveAs(Form("%s.root",psfile)); gSystem->Exec(Form("./ %s.eps",psfile)); return; // LEAVING HERE // now an overlay, hopefully matching dimensions // remove everything but the graph cn->Update(); TList *clist = cn->GetListOfPrimitives(); TFrame* frame = cn->GetFrame(); for (int i=0; i<clist->GetSize(); ) { if (clist->At(i) != frame) { clist->RemoveAt(i); } else i++; } // draw markers in the corners TMarker *mkr = new TMarker(frame->GetX1(),frame->GetY1(),2); mkr->Draw(); mkr = new TMarker(frame->GetX2(),frame->GetY1(),2); mkr->Draw(); mkr = new TMarker(frame->GetX1(),frame->GetY2(),2); mkr->Draw(); mkr = new TMarker(frame->GetX2(),frame->GetY2(),2); mkr->Draw(); frame->SetLineColor(10); cn->Update(); datafile_t miller = { "figure_input/Miller/lattice.GEn.rtf","Miller", "[0]","[1]","[1]-[3]","[2]-[1]",0,0,1,3,"F" }; gr = OneGraph(&miller); TGraphAsymmErrors* egr = dynamic_cast<TGraphAsymmErrors*>(gr); if (egr && egr->GetEYhigh() && egr->GetEYhigh()[egr->GetN()/2]>0) { gr = toerror_band(egr); gr->SetLineStyle(1); gr->SetFillColor(gr->GetLineColor()); gr->SetFillStyle(; } gr->Draw("F"); cn->Update(); cn->SaveAs("gen_Miller_Overlay.eps"); cn->SaveAs("gen_Miller_Overlay.root"); }
void StandardProfileInspectorDemo(const char* infile = "", const char* workspaceName = "combined", const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig", const char* dataName = "obsData"){ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // First part is just to access a user-defined file // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* filename = ""; if (!strcmp(infile,"")) filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root"; else filename = infile; // Check if example input file exists TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename); // if input file was specified byt not found, quit if(!file && strcmp(infile,"")){ cout <<"file not found" << endl; return; } // if default file not found, try to create it if(!file ){ // Normally this would be run on the command line cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl; gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory ."); gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml"); cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl; cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl; cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl; } // now try to access the file again file = TFile::Open(filename); if(!file){ // if it is still not there, then we can't continue cout << "Not able to run hist2workspace to create example input" <<endl; return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tutorial starts here //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the workspace out of the file RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName); if(!w){ cout <<"workspace not found" << endl; return; } // get the modelConfig out of the file ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName); // get the modelConfig out of the file RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName); // make sure ingredients are found if(!data || !mc){ w->Print(); cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl; return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // now use the profile inspector ProfileInspector p; TList* list = p.GetListOfProfilePlots(*data,mc); // now make plots TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ProfileInspectorDemo"); //,800,200); c1->Divide(4,4); // const RooArgSet* nuis_params = mc->GetNuisanceParameters(); for(int i=0; i<list->GetSize(); ++i){ c1->cd(i+1); //RooRealVar* nuis = (RooRealVar*) nuis_params->At(i); TGraph* graph = (TGraph*) list->At(i); std::string y_title = graph->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(); y_title = "Profiled value of: " + y_title; graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(y_title.c_str()); graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); //std::string poi_name = graph->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(); //graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(var->GetName()); graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); graph->Draw("al"); //list->At(i)->Draw("al"); } c1->Print("ProfileInspector.eps"); c1->Print("ProfileInspector.pdf"); cout << endl; }
int main (int argc, char* argv[] ) { cout << endl << "Really, REALLY stupid plotter for producing comparative plots between Edinburgh fit outputs." << endl; cout << endl << "USAGE: merge_plot Output_1.root Output_2.root \"Title 1\" \"Title 2\" " << endl; gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); gStyle->SetFillColor(0); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); if( argc != 5) exit(-1); TCanvas* c3 = new TCanvas("throw2","throw"); TFile* input_1 = new TFile( argv[1], "READ" ); gDirectory->ls(); TH2D* hist_1 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("pllhist");//"Graph2D");//pllhist");//Graph2D_from_nllhist"); TGraph2D* graph_1 = (TGraph2D*)gDirectory->Get("pllhist");//"Graph2D");//pllhist");//Graph2D_from_nllhist"); graph_1->Draw(); c3->Update(); TFile* input_2 = new TFile( argv[2], "READ" ); gDirectory->ls(); TH2D* hist_2 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("pllhist");//"fcnew");//pllhist");//lr_data"); TGraph2D* graph_2 = (TGraph2D*)gDirectory->Get("pllhist");//"fcnew");//pllhist");//lr_data"); graph_2->Draw(); hist_2->Draw(); c3->Update(); TString Plot_Title_1( argv[3] ); TString Plot_Title_2( argv[4] ); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("Output_Plot","Output_Plot",1680,1050); double pllconts[3] = {1.15,2.305,3.0};//,4.61}; //double pll2[3] = {2.3,4.61,6};//,9.62}; //double pll2[3] = {0.68,0.9,0.95}; double confs[3] = {68.0,90.0,95.0};//,99.0}; TList* contLevel = NULL; TGraph* curv = NULL; TGraph* gc = NULL; //gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); //gStyle->SetPalette(1); //gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); //gROOT->ForceStyle(); // gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0); // gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0); // gStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0); // gStyle->SetPadColor(0); // gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); // gStyle->SetStatColor(0); // gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(0); // gStyle->SetFillColor(0); // gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(0); //gStyle->SetFillStyle(0); //gROOT->ForceStyle(); hist_1->SetContour(3,pllconts); hist_1->SetLineWidth(1); c1->cd(); hist_1->Draw("cont2"); // hist_1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3.1,2); hist_1->SetContour(3,pllconts); // c1->cd(); hist_1->Draw("cont2"); // StyleTH2D(hist_2); // c3->cd(); hist_2->Draw(); // hist_2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3.1,2); // hist_2->Draw(); hist_1->Draw("cont2"); // hist_2->Draw("SAME");//cont2"); hist_2->SetContour(3,pllconts);//pll2);//pllconts);//pll2); hist_2->SetLineColor(2); hist_2->SetLineWidth(1); // c3->cd(); c1->Update(); // hist_2->Draw("SAMEcont2"); // hist_2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3.1,1); // hist_2->SetContour(3,pll2);//pllconts);//pll2); // c1->cd(); // hist_2->Draw("SAMEcont2"); // c1->Update(); TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas( "Throw","Throw" ); hist_1->Draw("CONT LIST"); c2->Update(); //addLHCbLabel("NLL Scan")->Draw(); TObjArray *contObjArr = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); int TotalConts = contObjArr->GetSize(); c1->cd(); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.65,0.7,1.1,0.9); leg->SetHeader( Plot_Title_1 ); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0); for(int i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ TString confname = ""; double cl = confs[i]; confname +=cl; confname += "% C.L."; contLevel = (TList*)contObjArr->At(i); for(int j =0; j<contLevel->GetSize(); j++){ curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->At(j); gc = (TGraph*)curv->Clone(); if( i!=3 ) gc->SetLineColor(Color_t(i+2)); else gc->SetLineColor(Color_t(i+3)); gc->Draw("L"); } leg->AddEntry(gc,confname, "L"); } c1->cd(); TLegend *leg2 = new TLegend(0.13,0.7,0.5,0.9); leg2->SetHeader( Plot_Title_2 ); leg2->SetBorderSize(0); leg2->SetFillStyle(0); c2->cd(); hist_2->Draw("CONT LIST"); c2->Update(); contObjArr = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); TotalConts = contObjArr->GetSize(); for(int i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ TString confname = ""; double cl = confs[i]; confname +=cl; confname += "% C.L."; contLevel = (TList*)contObjArr->At(i); for(int j =0; j<contLevel->GetSize(); j++){ curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->At(j); gc = (TGraph*)curv->Clone(); if( i!=3 ) gc->SetLineColor(Color_t(i+2)); else gc->SetLineColor(Color_t(i+3)); gc->SetLineStyle(Style_t(i+2)); c1->cd(); gc->Draw("L"); c2->cd(); } leg2->AddEntry(gc,confname, "L"); } // c1->cd(); // Double_t X_min_1 = strtod( argv[3], NULL ); // Double_t Y_min_1 = strtod( argv[4], NULL ); // Double_t X_min_2 = strtod( argv[5], NULL ); // Double_t Y_min_2 = strtod( argv[6], NULL ); // c1->cd(); // TMarker* new_mark = new TMarker( X_min_1, Y_min_1, 20 ); // new_mark->SetMarkerSize(1); // new_mark->SetMarkerColor(8); //new_mark->Draw("SAME"); // TMarker* new_mark2 = new TMarker( X_min_2, Y_min_2, 20 ); // new_mark2->SetMarkerSize(1); // new_mark2->SetMarkerColor(9); //new_mark2->Draw("SAME"); // c1->Update(); c1->cd(); leg->Draw(); leg2->Draw(); addLHCbLabel("NLL Contours")->Draw(); c1->Update(); c1->Print("Output.png"); c1->Print("Output.pdf"); input_1->Close(); input_2->Close(); return 0; }
void plot_efficiencies( TFile* file, Int_t type = 2, TDirectory* BinDir) { // input: - Input file (result from TMVA), // - type = 1 --> plot efficiency(B) versus eff(S) // = 2 --> plot rejection (B) versus efficiency (S) Bool_t __PLOT_LOGO__ = kTRUE; Bool_t __SAVE_IMAGE__ = kTRUE; // the coordinates Float_t x1 = 0; Float_t x2 = 1; Float_t y1 = 0; Float_t y2 = 0.8; // reverse order if "rejection" if (type == 2) { Float_t z = y1; y1 = 1 - y2; y2 = 1 - z; // cout << "--- type==2: plot background rejection versus signal efficiency" << endl; } else { // cout << "--- type==1: plot background efficiency versus signal efficiency" << endl; } // create canvas TCanvas* c = new TCanvas( "c", "the canvas", 200, 0, 650, 500 ); // global style settings c->SetGrid(); c->SetTicks(); // legend Float_t x0L = 0.107, y0H = 0.899; Float_t dxL = 0.457-x0L, dyH = 0.22; if (type == 2) { x0L = 0.15; y0H = 1 - y0H + dyH + 0.07; } TLegend *legend = new TLegend( x0L, y0H-dyH, x0L+dxL, y0H ); legend->SetTextSize( 0.05 ); legend->SetHeader( "MVA Method:" ); legend->SetMargin( 0.4 ); TString xtit = "Signal efficiency"; TString ytit = "Background efficiency"; if (type == 2) ytit = "Background rejection"; TString ftit = ytit + " versus " + xtit; if (TString(BinDir->GetName()).Contains("multicut")){ ftit += " Bin: "; ftit += (BinDir->GetTitle()); } // draw empty frame if(gROOT->FindObject("frame")!=0) gROOT->FindObject("frame")->Delete(); TH2F* frame = new TH2F( "frame", ftit, 500, x1, x2, 500, y1, y2 ); frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( xtit ); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( ytit ); TMVAGlob::SetFrameStyle( frame, 1.0 ); frame->Draw(); Int_t color = 1; Int_t nmva = 0; TKey *key, *hkey; TString hNameRef = "effBvsS"; if (type == 2) hNameRef = "rejBvsS"; TList hists; TList methods; UInt_t nm = TMVAGlob::GetListOfMethods( methods ); // TIter next(file->GetListOfKeys()); TIter next(&methods); // loop over all methods while (key = (TKey*)next()) { TDirectory * mDir = (TDirectory*)key->ReadObj(); TList titles; UInt_t ninst = TMVAGlob::GetListOfTitles(mDir,titles); TIter nextTitle(&titles); TKey *titkey; TDirectory *titDir; while ((titkey = TMVAGlob::NextKey(nextTitle,"TDirectory"))) { titDir = (TDirectory *)titkey->ReadObj(); TString methodTitle; TMVAGlob::GetMethodTitle(methodTitle,titDir); TIter nextKey( titDir->GetListOfKeys() ); while ((hkey = TMVAGlob::NextKey(nextKey,"TH1"))) { TH1 *h = (TH1*)hkey->ReadObj(); TString hname = h->GetName(); if (hname.Contains( hNameRef ) && hname.BeginsWith( "MVA_" )) { h->SetLineWidth(3); h->SetLineColor(color); color++; if (color == 5 || color == 10 || color == 11) color++; h->Draw("csame"); hists.Add(h); nmva++; } } } } while (hists.GetSize()) { TListIter hIt(&hists); TH1* hist(0); Double_t largestInt=-1; TH1* histWithLargestInt(0); while ((hist = (TH1*)hIt())!=0) { Double_t integral = hist->Integral(1,hist->FindBin(0.9999)); if (integral>largestInt) { largestInt = integral; histWithLargestInt = hist; } } if (histWithLargestInt == 0) { cout << "ERROR - unknown hist \"histWithLargestInt\" --> serious problem in ROOT file" << endl; break; } legend->AddEntry(histWithLargestInt,TString(histWithLargestInt->GetTitle()).ReplaceAll("MVA_",""),"l"); hists.Remove(histWithLargestInt); } // rescale legend box size // current box size has been tuned for 3 MVAs + 1 title if (type == 1) { dyH *= (1.0 + Float_t(nmva - 3.0)/4.0); legend->SetY1( y0H - dyH ); } else { dyH *= (Float_t(nmva - 3.0)/4.0); legend->SetY2( y0H + dyH); } // redraw axes frame->Draw("sameaxis"); legend->Draw("same"); // ============================================================ if (__PLOT_LOGO__) TMVAGlob::plot_logo(); // ============================================================ c->Update(); TString fname = "plots/" + hNameRef; if (TString(BinDir->GetName()).Contains("multicut")){ TString fprepend(BinDir->GetName()); fprepend.ReplaceAll("multicutMVA_",""); fname = "plots/" + fprepend + "_" + hNameRef; } if (__SAVE_IMAGE__) TMVAGlob::imgconv( c, fname ); return; }
void plotMSSM(const TString& what="(ggA+bbA)*BRAZh*BRhbb"){ const double BRZll=0.06726; const double fb2pb=1000; //TString scale(Form("*%f*%f",BRZll,fb2pb)); TString scale(""); TString cname(what); cname.ReplaceAll("*","x"); cname.ReplaceAll("(","U"); cname.ReplaceAll(")","U"); cname+="_MSSM_mhmax"; // TString goodName(what); goodName.ReplaceAll("mh","m_{h}"); goodName.ReplaceAll("ggA","#sigma_{gg#rightarrowA}"); goodName.ReplaceAll("bbA","#sigma_{bb#rightarrowA}"); goodName.ReplaceAll("BRAZh","B(A#rightarrowZh)"); goodName.ReplaceAll("BRhbb","B(h#rightarrowbb)"); //goodName+=("*B(Z#rightarrowll)"); //goodName+=("[pb] "); goodName+=("[GeV] "); TString goodType("MSSM m_{h}^{max}"); //goodName=("#sigma*B(pp#rightarrowA#rightarrowZh#rightarrowllbb) [fb]"); //goodName=("#sigma*B(pp#rightarrowA) [fb]"); //goodName=("BR(A#rightarrowZh)"); //goodName=("BR(h#rightarrowbb)"); //if (m>0) mass=(Form(" * (mA==%d)",m)); //TString ok(" * validity * stability * perturbativity * unitarity "); //TString ok(" * unitarity"); TString ok(""); TChain* ch=new TChain("TreeMSSM"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M225_20636539/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M250_20636540/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M275_20636541/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M300_20636542/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M325_20636543/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M350_20636544/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M400_20636545/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M500_20636546/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M600_20636547/parameter_MSSM.root"); //double tanbeta[30]={1,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,10000}; //double tanbeta[51]={0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,320,340,360,380,400,420,440,460,480,500,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000}; double tanbeta[51]={0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,320,340,360,380,400,420,440,460,500,550,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000}; Double_t bin_tb[50]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<50; i++) { bin_tb[i]=0.005*(tanbeta[i]+tanbeta[i+1]); //cout << "bin_tb[" << i << "]=" << bin_tb[i] << " " << tanbeta[i+1]/100. << endl; } double mA[11]={200,225,250,275,300,325,350,400,500,600,700}; Double_t bin_mA[10]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<=10; ++i) { bin_mA[i]=0.5*(mA[i]+mA[i+1]); //cout << "bin_mA["<<i<<"]=" << bin_mA[i] << endl; } bin_mA[10]=650; TH2F* hggA=new TH2F("hggA","ggA cross section vs tan#beta,m_{A}; m_{A} GeV; tan#beta",9,bin_mA,49,bin_tb); hggA->Sumw2(); //hggA->Draw(); TString cut=what+scale+ok; cout << "CUT: " << cut << endl; ch->Project("hggA","tb:mA",cut); TStyle *tdrStyle = gROOT->GetStyle("tdrStyle"); // Double_t level[15]={.01,.02,.05,.1,.2,.5,1.,2.,5.,10.,20.,50.,100.,200.,500.}; // hggA->SetContour(14,level); // hggA->SetMinimum(level[0]); // //Double_t level[10]={1.,5.,10.,20.,50.,100.,200.,500.,800.,1000.}; // for x-section //Double_t level[10]={100,105,110.,115.,120.,123,125.7,127,130.,135.}; // for mh Double_t level[10]={1,2,3.,4.,120.,123,125.7,127,130.,135.}; // for mh //Double_t level[10]={.01,.1,.2,0.5,0.6,0.65,0.7,0.75,0.8,0.9}; // for BR //Double_t level[10]={.01,.02,.05,.07,.1,.15,0.2,0.5,0.75,1.}; // for BR hggA->SetContour(9,level); hggA->SetMinimum(level[0]); Double_t level[7]={122.7.,123.7,125.4,126.0,127.7,128.7.,150}; // for mh hggA->SetContour(6,level); hggA->SetMinimum(90); Int_t colors[7] = {kWhite,kGreen,kGreen+2,kBlack,kGreen+2,kGreen,kWhite}; tdrStyle->SetPalette((sizeof(colors)/sizeof(Int_t)), colors); // DRAW tdrStyle->SetOptStat(0); // tdrStyle->SetPadGridX(true); // tdrStyle->SetPadGridY(true); // tdrStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.05); // tdrStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.13); tdrStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.3); tdrStyle->SetTitleXOffset(1.6); tdrStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.3,"Z"); // tdrStyle->SetOptLogz(1); // tdrStyle->SetOptLogy(1); tdrStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.14); //tdrStyle->SetPalette(1); tdrStyle->cd(); gROOT->ForceStyle(); cout << "Creating canvas " << cname << endl; TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas(cname,goodName,1200,600); cout << " done " << c1->GetName() << endl; c1->Divide(2); c1->cd(1); hggA->DrawCopy("lego2"); gPad->SetLogz(); gPad->SetLogy(); //gPad->SetPhi(120); gPad->SetPhi(-150); //gPad->SetTheta(30); gPad->UseCurrentStyle(); gPad->Update(); TLatex tl; tl.SetTextSize(0.04); tl.SetNDC(); tl.DrawLatex(0.1,0.95,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(11); tl.DrawLatex(0.1,0.89,goodType); c1->cd(2); // tdrStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.25); gPad->UseCurrentStyle(); gPad->Update(); hggA->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(100); //hggA->Smooth(); gPad->SetLogy(kFALSE); hggA->DrawCopy("zcont1"); tl.DrawLatex(0.15,0.97,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(11); tl.DrawLatex(0.2,0.9,goodType); TCanvas* ctmp=new TCanvas(cname,goodName,600,600); hggA->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1,10.); hggA->DrawCopy("zcont1"); tl.DrawLatex(0.83,0.97,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(11); tl.DrawLatex(0.2,0.9,goodType); pCan(ctmp,cname+"_Lin"); // TH1F* test=new TH1F("test","ggA cross section vs tan#beta; tan#beta",27,bin_tb); // ch->Project("test","tb",what); // test->Draw(); TCanvas* c2=new TCanvas(cname+"Obs",goodName,800,800); gPad->UseCurrentStyle(); gPad->Update(); hggA->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->DrawCopy("cont list"); gPad->Update(); //return; // Get Contours TObjArray *conts = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); TList* contLevel = NULL; TGraph* curv = NULL; TGraph* gc = NULL; Int_t nGraphs = 0; Int_t TotalConts = 0; if (conts == NULL){ printf("*** No Contours Were Extracted!\n"); TotalConts = 0; return; } else { TotalConts = conts->GetSize(); } printf("TotalConts = %d\n", TotalConts); for(i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ contLevel = (TList*)conts->At(i); printf("Contour %d has %d Graphs\n", i, contLevel->GetSize()); nGraphs += contLevel->GetSize(); } nGraphs = 0; TH2F *hr = new TH2F("hr", ";m_{A};tan#beta", 2, 225, 600, 2, 0.1, 100); hr->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hr->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(200,650); hr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); hr->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(110,kFALSE); hr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(20205,kFALSE); hr->Draw(); Double_t x0, y0, z0; TLatex l; l.SetTextSize(0.03); l.SetTextAlign(32); char val[20]; for(i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ contLevel = (TList*)conts->At(i); z0 = level[i]; printf("Z-Level Passed in as: Z = %f\n", z0); // Get first graph from list on curves on this level curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->First(); for(j = 0; j < contLevel->GetSize(); j++){ // last point //curv->GetPoint(curv->GetN()-1, x0, y0); // first point curv->GetPoint(2, x0, y0); // if (z0<0) curv->SetLineColor(kRed); // if (z0>0) curv->SetLineColor(kBlue); nGraphs ++; printf("\tGraph: %d -- %d Elements\n", nGraphs,curv->GetN()); // Draw clones of the graphs to avoid deletions in case the 1st // pad is redrawn. gc = (TGraph*)curv->Clone(); gc->Draw("C"); if (z0>=.01) sprintf(val,"%0.2f",z0); if (z0>=.1) sprintf(val,"%0.2f",z0); if (z0>=1) sprintf(val,"%0.0f",z0); l.DrawLatex(x0*0.99,y0,val); curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->After(curv); // Get Next graph } } gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetGridx(); gPad->SetGridy(); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.05); gPad->SetTopMargin(0.10); c2->Update(); printf("\n\n\tExtracted %d Contours and %d Graphs \n", TotalConts, nGraphs ); tl.SetTextAlign(31); tl.DrawLatex(0.8,0.85,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(31); tl.DrawLatex(0.8,0.77,goodType); pCan(c2,cname+"_BW"); c1->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetLogz(); c1->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); c1->Update(); pCan(c1,cname); }
void advancedNoiseAnalysis( unsigned int runNumber, unsigned int loop = 1) { string inputFileName = "./histo/run00" + toString( runNumber ) + "-ped-histo.root"; string outputFileName = "./histo/run00" + toString( runNumber ) + "-adv-noise.root"; // before opening the input and the output files, try to see if they // are not opened yet and in case close them before continue TList * listOfOpenedFile = (TList*) gROOT->GetListOfFiles(); for ( int i = 0; i < listOfOpenedFile->GetSize() ; ++i ) { TFile * file = (TFile*) listOfOpenedFile->At( i ) ; TString fileName(file->GetName()); TString inputFileName1( inputFileName.c_str() ); TString outputFileName1( outputFileName.c_str() ); if ( ( fileName.Contains( inputFileName1 ) ) || ( inputFileName1.Contains( fileName ) ) || ( fileName.Contains( outputFileName1 ) ) || ( outputFileName1.Contains( fileName ) ) ) { cout << "Closing " << fileName << " before reopen " << endl; file->Close(); } } // close also all the previously opened canvas TList * listOfOpenedCanvas = (TList*) gROOT->GetListOfCanvases(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < listOfOpenedCanvas->GetSize() ; ++i ) { TCanvas * canvas = (TCanvas*) listOfOpenedCanvas->At( i ); TString canvasName2 = canvas->GetName(); if ( canvasName2.Contains( "det" ) ) { canvas->Close(); } } // now safely open the file TFile * inputFile = TFile::Open( inputFileName.c_str() ) ; TFile * outputFile = TFile::Open( outputFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE") ; TList * outputHistoList = new TList; // look into the inputFile for a folder named string pedeProcessorFolderName = "PedestalAndNoiseCalculator"; TDirectoryFile * pedeProcessorFolder = (TDirectoryFile*) inputFile->Get( pedeProcessorFolderName.c_str() ); if ( pedeProcessorFolder == 0 ) { cerr << "No pedestal processor folder found in file " << inputFileName << endl; return ; } // this folder should contain one folder for each loop. string loopFolderName = "loop-" + toString( loop ); TDirectoryFile * loopFolder = (TDirectoryFile *) pedeProcessorFolder->Get( loopFolderName.c_str() ); if ( loopFolder == 0 ) { cerr << "No " << loopFolderName << " found in file " << inputFileName << endl; return ; } // guess the number of sensors from the number of subfolder in the loopfolder size_t nDetector = loopFolder->GetListOfKeys()->GetSize(); cout << "This file contains " << nDetector << " detectors" << endl; // prepare arrays to store the mean and the rms of the noise distribution if ( noiseMean == NULL ) { delete [] noiseMean; noiseMean = NULL; } if ( noiseRMS == NULL ) { delete [] noiseRMS; noiseRMS = NULL; } if ( channel == NULL ) { delete [] channel; channel = NULL; } noiseMean = new double[ nDetector * kNChan ]; noiseRMS = new double[ nDetector * kNChan ]; channel = new double[ kNChan ]; string canvasName = "comparison"; string canvasTitle = "Noise comparison"; TCanvas * comparisonCanvas = new TCanvas( canvasName.c_str(), canvasTitle.c_str(), 1000, 500 ); comparisonCanvas->Divide(1,2); TPad * topPad = (TPad*) comparisonCanvas->cd(1); topPad->Divide( nDetector ); TPad * middlePad = (TPad *) comparisonCanvas->cd(2); middlePad->Divide( kNChan ); // for each detector we have to get the noise map and to prepare 4 // separe histos and maps for ( unsigned int iDetector = 0; iDetector < nDetector; iDetector++ ) { // get the noise map. string noiseMapName = "detector-" + toString( iDetector ) ; noiseMapName += "/NoiseMap-d" + toString( iDetector ) ; noiseMapName += "-l" + toString( loop ) ; TH2D * noiseMap = ( TH2D* ) loopFolder->Get( noiseMapName.c_str() ); // create a folder in the output file TDirectory * subfolder = outputFile->mkdir( string( "detector_" + toString( iDetector ) ).c_str(), string( "detector_" + toString( iDetector ) ).c_str() ); subfolder->cd(); string canvasName = "det" + toString( iDetector ); string canvasTitle = "Detector " + toString( iDetector ); TCanvas * canvas = new TCanvas( canvasName.c_str(), canvasTitle.c_str(), 1000, 500 ); canvas->Divide( kNChan, 2 ); // ok now start the loop on channels for ( size_t iChan = 0 ; iChan < kNChan ; ++iChan ) { if ( iDetector == 0 ) channel[iChan] = iChan - 0.5; string tempName = "NoiseMap_d" + toString( iDetector ) + "_l" + toString( loop ) + "_ch" + toString( iChan ) ; string tempTitle = "NoiseMap Det. " + toString( iDetector ) + " - Ch. " + toString( iChan ) ; TH2D * noiseMapCh = new TH2D ( tempName.c_str() , tempTitle.c_str(), kXPixel / kNChan , -0.5 + xLimit[ iChan ] , -0.5 + xLimit[ iChan + 1 ], kYPixel, -0.5, -0.5 + kYPixel ); noiseMapCh->SetXTitle("X [pixel]"); noiseMapCh->SetYTitle("Y [pixel]"); noiseMapCh->SetZTitle("Noise [ADC]"); noiseMapCh->SetStats( false ); outputHistoList->Add( noiseMapCh ) ; tempName = "NoiseDist_d" + toString( iDetector ) + "_l" + toString( loop ) + "_ch" + toString( iChan ) ; tempTitle = "NoiseDist Det. " + toString( iDetector ) + " - Ch. " + toString( iChan ) ; TH1D * noiseDistCh = new TH1D( tempName.c_str(), tempTitle.c_str(), 50, 0., 10. ); noiseDistCh->SetXTitle("Noise [ADC]"); noiseDistCh->SetLineColor( kColor[iDetector] ); noiseDistCh->SetLineStyle( iChan + 2 ); noiseDistCh->SetLineWidth( 2 ); outputHistoList->Add( noiseDistCh ); // let's start looping on pixels now for ( size_t yPixel = 1 ; yPixel <= kYPixel ; ++yPixel ) { for ( size_t xPixel = xLimit[ iChan ] + 1; xPixel <= xLimit[ iChan +1 ] ; ++xPixel ) { double noise = noiseMap->GetBinContent( xPixel , yPixel ); noiseMapCh->Fill( xPixel - 1 , yPixel - 1, noise ); noiseDistCh->Fill( noise ); } } canvas->cd( iChan + 1 ) ; noiseMapCh->Draw("colz"); canvas->cd( iChan + kNChan + 1 ); noiseDistCh->Draw(); topPad->cd( iDetector + 1 ); if ( iChan == 0 ) { noiseDistCh->Draw(); } else { noiseDistCh->Draw("same"); } middlePad->cd( iChan + 1 ); if ( iDetector == 0 ) { noiseDistCh->Draw(); } else { noiseDistCh->Draw("same"); } noiseMean[ kNChan * iDetector + iChan ] = noiseDistCh->GetMean(); noiseRMS[ kNChan * iDetector + iChan ] = noiseDistCh->GetRMS(); } canvas->Write(); } canvasName = "summary"; canvasTitle = "Noise summary"; TCanvas * summaryCanvas = new TCanvas( canvasName.c_str(), canvasTitle.c_str(), 1000, 500 ); summaryCanvas->SetGridx(1); TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.5, 4.8, 1.5, 4.3,"","br");; for ( size_t iDetector = 0 ; iDetector < nDetector ; ++iDetector ) { TGraphErrors * gr = new TGraphErrors( kNChan, channel, &noiseMean[ iDetector * kNChan ], NULL, &noiseRMS[ iDetector * kNChan ] ); gr->SetName( string( "NoisePerChannel_d" + toString( iDetector )).c_str()); gr->SetTitle(string("Detector " + toString( iDetector )).c_str()); gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Channel #"); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Noise [ADC]"); gr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions( 5 ); gr->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize( 0 ); gr->SetMarkerStyle( iDetector + 1 ); gr->SetMarkerColor( kColor[iDetector] ); gr->SetLineColor( kColor[iDetector] ); gr->SetLineWidth( 2 ); legend->AddEntry( gr, string("Detector " + toString( iDetector )).c_str(), "LP"); if ( iDetector == 0 ) { gr->Draw("ALP"); } else { gr->Draw("LP"); } } legend->Draw(); for ( size_t iChan = 0 ; iChan < kNChan ; ++iChan ) { TPaveLabel * label = new TPaveLabel( iChan - 0.75 , 3.2 , iChan -0.25 , 3, string("Ch " + toString( iChan ) ).c_str()); label->Draw(); } summaryCanvas->Write(); comparisonCanvas->Write(); outputHistoList->Write(); }