bool FIOSDeviceHelper::InstallIPAOnDevice(const FTargetDeviceId& DeviceId, const FString& IPAPath)
    // check for valid path
    if (IPAPath.Len() == 0)
        return false;
    // check for valid device
    IOSDevice* device = NULL;
    FIOSLaunchDaemonPong DeviceMessage;
    for (auto DeviceIterator = ConnectedDevices.CreateIterator(); DeviceIterator; ++DeviceIterator)
        DeviceMessage = DeviceIterator.Value();
        if (DeviceMessage.DeviceID == DeviceId.ToString())
            device = DeviceIterator.Key();
    if (device == NULL)
        return false;
    // we have the device and a IPA path
    // copy to the stage
    if (device->CopyFileToPublicStaging(IPAPath))
        // install on the device
        return device->TryUpgrade(IPAPath);
    return false;
void UActorComponent::ConsolidatedPostEditChange(const FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)
	FComponentReregisterContext* ReregisterContext = nullptr;
	if(EditReregisterContexts.RemoveAndCopyValue(this, ReregisterContext))
		delete ReregisterContext;

		AActor* MyOwner = GetOwner();
		if ( MyOwner && !MyOwner->IsTemplate() && PropertyChangedEvent.ChangeType != EPropertyChangeType::Interactive )
		// This means there are likely some stale elements left in there now, strip them out
		for (auto It(EditReregisterContexts.CreateIterator()); It; ++It)
			if (!It.Key().IsValid())

	// The component or its outer could be pending kill when calling PostEditChange when applying a transaction.
	// Don't do do a full recreate in this situation, and instead simply detach.
	if( IsPendingKill() )
		// @todo UE4 james should this call UnregisterComponent instead to remove itself from the RegisteredComponents array on the owner?
		World = NULL;
void UDestructibleComponent::UpdateDestructibleChunkTM(const TArray<const PxRigidActor*>& ActiveActors)
	//We want to consolidate the transforms so that we update each destructible component once by passing it an array of chunks to update.
	//This helps avoid a lot of duplicated work like marking render dirty, computing inverse world component, etc...

	TMap<UDestructibleComponent*, TArray<FUpdateChunksInfo> > ComponentUpdateMapping;
	//prepare map to update destructible components
	TArray<PxShape*> Shapes;
	for (const PxRigidActor* RigidActor : ActiveActors)
		if (const FDestructibleChunkInfo* DestructibleChunkInfo = FPhysxUserData::Get<FDestructibleChunkInfo>(RigidActor->userData))
			if (GApexModuleDestructible->owns(RigidActor) && DestructibleChunkInfo->OwningComponent.IsValid())
				int32 NumShapes = RigidActor->getShapes(Shapes.GetData(), Shapes.Num());
				for (int32 ShapeIdx = 0; ShapeIdx < Shapes.Num(); ++ShapeIdx)
					PxShape* Shape = Shapes[ShapeIdx];
					int32 ChunkIndex;
					if (NxDestructibleActor* DestructibleActor = GApexModuleDestructible->getDestructibleAndChunk(Shape, &ChunkIndex))
						const physx::PxMat44 ChunkPoseRT = DestructibleActor->getChunkPose(ChunkIndex);
						const physx::PxTransform Transform(ChunkPoseRT);
						if (UDestructibleComponent* DestructibleComponent = Cast<UDestructibleComponent>(FPhysxUserData::Get<UPrimitiveComponent>(DestructibleActor->userData)))
							if (DestructibleComponent->IsRegistered())
								TArray<FUpdateChunksInfo>& UpdateInfos = ComponentUpdateMapping.FindOrAdd(DestructibleComponent);
								FUpdateChunksInfo* UpdateInfo = new (UpdateInfos)FUpdateChunksInfo(ChunkIndex, P2UTransform(Transform));

				Shapes.Empty(Shapes.Num());	//we want to keep largest capacity array to avoid reallocs
	//update each component
	for (auto It = ComponentUpdateMapping.CreateIterator(); It; ++It)
		UDestructibleComponent* DestructibleComponent = It.Key();
		TArray<FUpdateChunksInfo>& UpdateInfos = It.Value();
		if (DestructibleComponent->IsFracturedOrInitiallyStatic())
			//if we haven't fractured it must mean that we're simulating a destructible and so we should update our ComponentToWorld based on the single rigid body

void EmptyD3DSamplerStateCache()
	for (auto Iter = GSamplerStateCache.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter )
		auto* State = Iter.Value();
		// Manually release

	/** Called once all stats are gathered into the map */
	void Generate()
		// consolidate averages etc.
		for( auto It = ResourceToStatsMap.CreateIterator(); It; ++It )
			It.Value()->InstTriangles	= It.Value()->Count * It.Value()->Triangles;
			It.Value()->LightsTotal		= ( (float)It.Value()->LightsLM + It.Value()->LightsOther ) / (float)It.Value()->Count;
			It.Value()->ObjLightCost	= It.Value()->LightsOther * It.Value()->Sections;
			It.Value()->LightsOther		= It.Value()->LightsOther / It.Value()->Count;
			It.Value()->RadiusAvg		/= It.Value()->Count;
			It.Value()->LMSMResolution	/= It.Value()->Count;
TSharedRef<SWidget> FAnimTransitionNodeDetails::OnGetShareableNodesMenu(bool bShareRules)
	FMenuBuilder MenuBuilder(true, NULL);

	FText SectionText;

	if (bShareRules)
		SectionText = LOCTEXT("PickSharedAnimTransition", "Shared Transition Rules");
		SectionText = LOCTEXT("PickSharedAnimCrossfadeSettings", "Shared Settings");

	MenuBuilder.BeginSection("AnimTransitionSharableNodes", SectionText);

	if (UAnimStateTransitionNode* TransNode = TransitionNode.Get())
		const UEdGraph* CurrentGraph = TransNode->GetGraph();

		// Loop through the graph and build a list of the unique shared transitions
		TMap<FString, UAnimStateTransitionNode*> SharedTransitions;

		for (int32 NodeIdx=0; NodeIdx < CurrentGraph->Nodes.Num(); NodeIdx++)
			if (UAnimStateTransitionNode* GraphTransNode = Cast<UAnimStateTransitionNode>(CurrentGraph->Nodes[NodeIdx]))
				if (bShareRules && !GraphTransNode->SharedRulesName.IsEmpty())
					SharedTransitions.Add(GraphTransNode->SharedRulesName, GraphTransNode);

				if (!bShareRules && !GraphTransNode->SharedCrossfadeName.IsEmpty())
					SharedTransitions.Add(GraphTransNode->SharedCrossfadeName, GraphTransNode);

		for (auto Iter = SharedTransitions.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter)
			FUIAction Action = FUIAction( FExecuteAction::CreateSP(this, &FAnimTransitionNodeDetails::BecomeSharedWith, Iter.Value(), bShareRules) );
			MenuBuilder.AddMenuEntry( FText::FromString( Iter.Key() ), LOCTEXT("ShaerdTransitionToolTip", "Use this shared transition"), FSlateIcon(), Action);

	return MenuBuilder.MakeWidget();
void EmptyD3DSamplerStateCache()
#if LOCK_GSamplerStateCache
	FScopeLock Lock(&GSamplerStateCacheLock);
	for (auto Iter = GSamplerStateCache.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter )
		auto* State = Iter.Value();
		// Manually release

void ACullDistanceVolume::GetPrimitiveMaxDrawDistances(TMap<UPrimitiveComponent*,float>& OutCullDistances)
	// Nothing to do if there is no brush component or no cull distances are set
	if (GetBrushComponent() && CullDistances.Num() > 0 && bEnabled)
		for (auto It(OutCullDistances.CreateIterator()); It; ++It)
			UPrimitiveComponent* PrimitiveComponent = It.Key();

			// Check whether primitive can be affected by cull distance volumes.
			if( ACullDistanceVolume::CanBeAffectedByVolumes( PrimitiveComponent ) )
				// Check whether primitive supports cull distance volumes and its center point is being encompassed by this volume.
				if( EncompassesPoint( PrimitiveComponent->GetComponentLocation() ) )
					// Find best match in CullDistances array.
					float PrimitiveSize			= PrimitiveComponent->Bounds.SphereRadius * 2;
					float CurrentError			= FLT_MAX;
					float CurrentCullDistance	= 0;
					for( int32 CullDistanceIndex=0; CullDistanceIndex<CullDistances.Num(); CullDistanceIndex++ )
						const FCullDistanceSizePair& CullDistancePair = CullDistances[CullDistanceIndex];
						if( FMath::Abs( PrimitiveSize - CullDistancePair.Size ) < CurrentError )
							CurrentError		= FMath::Abs( PrimitiveSize - CullDistancePair.Size );
							CurrentCullDistance = CullDistancePair.CullDistance;

					float& CullDistance = It.Value();

					// LD or other volume specified cull distance, use minimum of current and one used for this volume.
					if (CullDistance > 0)
						CullDistance = FMath::Min(CullDistance, CurrentCullDistance);
					// LD didn't specify cull distance, use current setting directly.
						CullDistance = CurrentCullDistance;
	 * Compare two object property maps
	 * @param OrigName		The name of the original object being compared against
	 * @param OrigMap		The property map for the object
	 * @param CmpName		The name of the object to compare
	 * @param CmpMap		The property map for the object to compare
	static bool ComparePropertyMaps(FName OrigName, TMap<FString, FString>& OrigMap, FName CmpName, FPropertiesMap& CmpMap, FCompilerResultsLog& Results)
		if (OrigMap.Num() != CmpMap.Num())
			Results.Error( *FString::Printf(TEXT("Objects have a different number of properties (%d vs %d)"), OrigMap.Num(), CmpMap.Num()) );
			return false;

		bool bMatch = true;
		for (auto PropIt = OrigMap.CreateIterator(); PropIt; ++PropIt)
			FString Key = PropIt.Key();
			FString Val = PropIt.Value();

			const FString* CmpValue = CmpMap.Find(Key);

			// Value is missing
			if (CmpValue == NULL)
				bMatch = false;
				Results.Error( *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property is missing in object being compared: (%s %s)"), *Key, *Val) );
			else if (Val != *CmpValue)
				// string out object names and retest
				FString TmpCmp(*CmpValue);
				TmpCmp.ReplaceInline(*CmpName.ToString(), TEXT(""));
				FString TmpVal(Val);
				TmpVal.ReplaceInline(*OrigName.ToString(), TEXT(""));

				if (TmpCmp != TmpVal)
					bMatch = false;
					Results.Error( *FString::Printf(TEXT("Object properties do not match: %s (%s vs %s)"), *Key, *Val, *(*CmpValue)) );
		return bMatch;
	UJavascriptDelegate* FindJavascriptDelegateByFunction(Local<Function> function)
		HandleScope handle_scope(isolate_);

		bool bWasSuccessful = false;
		for (auto it = functions.CreateIterator(); it; ++it)
			if (Local<Function>::New(isolate_, it.Value())->Equals(function))
				for (auto obj : DelegateObjects)
					if (obj->UniqueId == it.Key())
						return obj;

		return nullptr;
void FIOSDeviceHelper::DoDeviceDisconnect(void* deviceHandle)
    IOSDevice* device = NULL;
    for (auto DeviceIterator = ConnectedDevices.CreateIterator(); DeviceIterator; ++DeviceIterator)
        if (DeviceIterator.Key()->Handle() == deviceHandle)
            device = DeviceIterator.Key();
    if (device != NULL)
        // extract the device id from the connected list¯
		FIOSLaunchDaemonPong Event = ConnectedDevices.FindAndRemoveChecked(device);
        // fire the event
        // delete the device
        delete device;
 * Construct the final microcode from the compiled and verified shader source.
 * @param ShaderOutput - Where to store the microcode and parameter map.
 * @param InShaderSource - Metal source with input/output signature.
 * @param SourceLen - The length of the Metal source code.
static void BuildMetalShaderOutput(
	FShaderCompilerOutput& ShaderOutput,
	const FShaderCompilerInput& ShaderInput, 
	const ANSICHAR* InShaderSource,
	int32 SourceLen,
	TArray<FShaderCompilerError>& OutErrors
	FMetalCodeHeader Header = {0};
	const ANSICHAR* ShaderSource = InShaderSource;
	FShaderParameterMap& ParameterMap = ShaderOutput.ParameterMap;
	EShaderFrequency Frequency = (EShaderFrequency)ShaderOutput.Target.Frequency;

	TBitArray<> UsedUniformBufferSlots;

	// Write out the magic markers.
	Header.Frequency = Frequency;

	#define DEF_PREFIX_STR(Str) \
		const ANSICHAR* Str##Prefix = "// @" #Str ": "; \
		const int32 Str##PrefixLen = FCStringAnsi::Strlen(Str##Prefix)

	// Skip any comments that come before the signature.
	while (	FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, "//", 2) == 0 &&
			FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, "// @", 4) != 0 )
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != '\n') {}

	// HLSLCC first prints the list of inputs.
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, InputsPrefix, InputsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += InputsPrefixLen;

		// Only inputs for vertex shaders must be tracked.
		if (Frequency == SF_Vertex)
			const ANSICHAR* AttributePrefix = "in_ATTRIBUTE";
			const int32 AttributePrefixLen = FCStringAnsi::Strlen(AttributePrefix);
			while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
				// Skip the type.
				while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != ':') {}
				// Only process attributes.
				if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, AttributePrefix, AttributePrefixLen) == 0)
					ShaderSource += AttributePrefixLen;
					uint8 AttributeIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
					Header.Bindings.InOutMask |= (1 << AttributeIndex);

				// Skip to the next.
				while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != ',' && *ShaderSource != '\n')

				if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

				verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
			// Skip to the next line.
			while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != '\n') {}

	// Then the list of outputs.
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, OutputsPrefix, OutputsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += OutputsPrefixLen;

		// Only outputs for pixel shaders must be tracked.
		if (Frequency == SF_Pixel)
			const ANSICHAR* TargetPrefix = "out_Target";
			const int32 TargetPrefixLen = FCStringAnsi::Strlen(TargetPrefix);

			while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
				// Skip the type.
				while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != ':') {}

				// Handle targets.
				if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, TargetPrefix, TargetPrefixLen) == 0)
					ShaderSource += TargetPrefixLen;
					uint8 TargetIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
					Header.Bindings.InOutMask |= (1 << TargetIndex);
				// Handle depth writes.
				else if (FCStringAnsi::Strcmp(ShaderSource, "gl_FragDepth") == 0)
					Header.Bindings.InOutMask |= 0x8000;

				// Skip to the next.
				while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != ',' && *ShaderSource != '\n')

				if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

				verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
			// Skip to the next line.
			while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource++ != '\n') {}

	bool bHasRegularUniformBuffers = false;

	// Then 'normal' uniform buffers.
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, UniformBlocksPrefix, UniformBlocksPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += UniformBlocksPrefixLen;

		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			FString BufferName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(BufferName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			uint16 UBIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			if (UBIndex >= Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers)
				Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers = UBIndex + 1;
			UsedUniformBufferSlots[UBIndex] = true;
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));
			ParameterMap.AddParameterAllocation(*BufferName, UBIndex, 0, 0);
			bHasRegularUniformBuffers = true;

			// Skip the comma.
			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

		Match(ShaderSource, '\n');

	// Then uniforms.
	const uint16 BytesPerComponent = 4;
	uint16 PackedUniformSize[OGL_NUM_PACKED_UNIFORM_ARRAYS] = {0};
	FMemory::Memzero(&PackedUniformSize, sizeof(PackedUniformSize));
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, UniformsPrefix, UniformsPrefixLen) == 0)
		// @todo-mobile: Will we ever need to support this code path?
		ShaderSource += UniformsPrefixLen;

		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			uint16 ArrayIndex = 0;
			uint16 Offset = 0;
			uint16 NumComponents = 0;

			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			ArrayIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			Offset = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			NumComponents = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

				Offset * BytesPerComponent,
				NumComponents * BytesPerComponent

				PackedUniformSize[ArrayIndex] = FMath::Max<uint16>(
					BytesPerComponent * (Offset + NumComponents)

			// Skip the comma.
			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

		Match(ShaderSource, '\n');

	// Packed global uniforms
	TMap<ANSICHAR, uint16> PackedGlobalArraySize;
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, PackedGlobalsPrefix, PackedGlobalsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += PackedGlobalsPrefixLen;
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			ANSICHAR ArrayIndex = 0;
			uint16 Offset = 0;
			uint16 NumComponents = 0;

			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			ArrayIndex = *ShaderSource++;
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			Offset = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
			NumComponents = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

				Offset * BytesPerComponent,
				NumComponents * BytesPerComponent

			uint16& Size = PackedGlobalArraySize.FindOrAdd(ArrayIndex);
			Size = FMath::Max<uint16>(BytesPerComponent * (Offset + NumComponents), Size);

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			// Skip the comma.
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

		Match(ShaderSource, '\n');

	// Packed Uniform Buffers
	TMap<int, TMap<ANSICHAR, uint16> > PackedUniformBuffersSize;
	while (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, PackedUBPrefix, PackedUBPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += PackedUBPrefixLen;
		FString BufferName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
		verify(BufferName.Len() > 0);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
		uint16 BufferIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
		check(BufferIndex == Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));
		ParameterMap.AddParameterAllocation(*BufferName, Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers++, 0, 0);

		verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
		Match(ShaderSource, ' ');
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

	// Packed Uniform Buffers copy lists & setup sizes for each UB/Precision entry
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, PackedUBCopiesPrefix, PackedUBCopiesPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += PackedUBCopiesPrefixLen;
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			FMetalUniformBufferCopyInfo CopyInfo;

			CopyInfo.SourceUBIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.SourceOffsetInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '-'));

			CopyInfo.DestUBIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName = *ShaderSource++;
			CopyInfo.DestUBTypeIndex = CrossCompiler::PackedTypeNameToTypeIndex(CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.DestOffsetInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.SizeInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);


			auto& UniformBufferSize = PackedUniformBuffersSize.FindOrAdd(CopyInfo.DestUBIndex);
			uint16& Size = UniformBufferSize.FindOrAdd(CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName);
			Size = FMath::Max<uint16>(BytesPerComponent * (CopyInfo.DestOffsetInFloats + CopyInfo.SizeInFloats), Size);

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, PackedUBGlobalCopiesPrefix, PackedUBGlobalCopiesPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += PackedUBGlobalCopiesPrefixLen;
		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			FMetalUniformBufferCopyInfo CopyInfo;

			CopyInfo.SourceUBIndex = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.SourceOffsetInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '-'));

			CopyInfo.DestUBIndex = 0;

			CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName = *ShaderSource++;
			CopyInfo.DestUBTypeIndex = CrossCompiler::PackedTypeNameToTypeIndex(CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.DestOffsetInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));

			CopyInfo.SizeInFloats = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);


			uint16& Size = PackedGlobalArraySize.FindOrAdd(CopyInfo.DestUBTypeName);
			Size = FMath::Max<uint16>(BytesPerComponent * (CopyInfo.DestOffsetInFloats + CopyInfo.SizeInFloats), Size);

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
	Header.Bindings.bHasRegularUniformBuffers = bHasRegularUniformBuffers;

	// Setup Packed Array info
	for (auto Iterator = PackedGlobalArraySize.CreateIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
		ANSICHAR TypeName = Iterator.Key();
		uint16 Size = Iterator.Value();
		Size = (Size + 0xf) & (~0xf);
		CrossCompiler::FPackedArrayInfo Info;
		Info.Size = Size;
		Info.TypeName = TypeName;
		Info.TypeIndex = CrossCompiler::PackedTypeNameToTypeIndex(TypeName);

	// Setup Packed Uniform Buffers info
	for (auto Iterator = PackedUniformBuffersSize.CreateIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
		int BufferIndex = Iterator.Key();
		auto& ArraySizes = Iterator.Value();
		TArray<CrossCompiler::FPackedArrayInfo> InfoArray;
		for (auto IterSizes = ArraySizes.CreateIterator(); IterSizes; ++IterSizes)
			ANSICHAR TypeName = IterSizes.Key();
			uint16 Size = IterSizes.Value();
			Size = (Size + 0xf) & (~0xf);
			CrossCompiler::FPackedArrayInfo Info;
			Info.Size = Size;
			Info.TypeName = TypeName;
			Info.TypeIndex = CrossCompiler::PackedTypeNameToTypeIndex(TypeName);


	// Then samplers.
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, SamplersPrefix, SamplersPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += SamplersPrefixLen;

		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			uint16 Offset = 0;
			uint16 NumSamplers = 0;

			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			Offset = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			NumSamplers = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);

			Header.Bindings.NumSamplers = FMath::Max<uint8>(
				Offset + NumSamplers

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '['))
				// Sampler States
					FString SamplerState = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
					checkSlow(SamplerState.Len() != 0);
				while (Match(ShaderSource, ','));
				verify(Match(ShaderSource, ']'));

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			// Skip the comma.
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

	// Then UAVs (images in Metal)
	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, UAVsPrefix, UAVsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += UAVsPrefixLen;

		while (*ShaderSource && *ShaderSource != '\n')
			uint16 Offset = 0;
			uint16 NumUAVs = 0;

			FString ParameterName = ParseIdentifier(ShaderSource);
			verify(ParameterName.Len() > 0);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, '('));
			Offset = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ':'));
			NumUAVs = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);


			Header.Bindings.NumUAVs = FMath::Max<uint8>(
				Offset + NumUAVs

			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ')'));

			if (Match(ShaderSource, '\n'))

			// Skip the comma.
			verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));

	if (FCStringAnsi::Strncmp(ShaderSource, NumThreadsPrefix, NumThreadsPrefixLen) == 0)
		ShaderSource += NumThreadsPrefixLen;
		Header.NumThreadsX = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
		Match(ShaderSource, ' ');
		Header.NumThreadsY = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, ','));
		Match(ShaderSource, ' ');
		Header.NumThreadsZ = ParseNumber(ShaderSource);
		verify(Match(ShaderSource, '\n'));

	// Build the SRT for this shader.
		// Build the generic SRT for this shader.
		FShaderResourceTable GenericSRT;
		BuildResourceTableMapping(ShaderInput.Environment.ResourceTableMap, ShaderInput.Environment.ResourceTableLayoutHashes, UsedUniformBufferSlots, ShaderOutput.ParameterMap, GenericSRT);

		// Copy over the bits indicating which resource tables are active.
		Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.ResourceTableBits = GenericSRT.ResourceTableBits;

		Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.ResourceTableLayoutHashes = GenericSRT.ResourceTableLayoutHashes;

		// Now build our token streams.
		BuildResourceTableTokenStream(GenericSRT.TextureMap, GenericSRT.MaxBoundResourceTable, Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.TextureMap);
		BuildResourceTableTokenStream(GenericSRT.ShaderResourceViewMap, GenericSRT.MaxBoundResourceTable, Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.ShaderResourceViewMap);
		BuildResourceTableTokenStream(GenericSRT.SamplerMap, GenericSRT.MaxBoundResourceTable, Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.SamplerMap);
		BuildResourceTableTokenStream(GenericSRT.UnorderedAccessViewMap, GenericSRT.MaxBoundResourceTable, Header.Bindings.ShaderResourceTable.UnorderedAccessViewMap);

		Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers = FMath::Max((uint8)GetNumUniformBuffersUsed(GenericSRT), Header.Bindings.NumUniformBuffers);

	const int32 MaxSamplers = GetFeatureLevelMaxTextureSamplers(ERHIFeatureLevel::ES3_1);

	if (Header.Bindings.NumSamplers > MaxSamplers)
		ShaderOutput.bSucceeded = false;
		FShaderCompilerError* NewError = new(ShaderOutput.Errors) FShaderCompilerError();
		NewError->StrippedErrorMessage =
			FString::Printf(TEXT("shader uses %d samplers exceeding the limit of %d"),
				Header.Bindings.NumSamplers, MaxSamplers);
		// at this point, the shader source is ready to be compiled
		FString InputFilename = FPaths::CreateTempFilename(*FPaths::EngineIntermediateDir(), TEXT("ShaderIn"), TEXT(""));
		FString ObjFilename = InputFilename + TEXT(".o");
		FString ArFilename = InputFilename + TEXT(".ar");
		FString OutputFilename = InputFilename + TEXT(".lib");
		InputFilename = InputFilename + TEXT(".metal");
		// write out shader source
		FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(FString(ShaderSource), *InputFilename);
		int32 ReturnCode = 0;
		FString Results;
		FString Errors;
		bool bHadError = true;

		// metal commandlines
		FString Params = FString::Printf(TEXT("-std=ios-metal1.0 %s -o %s"), *InputFilename, *ObjFilename);
		FPlatformProcess::ExecProcess( TEXT("/Applications/"), *Params, &ReturnCode, &Results, &Errors );

		// handle compile error
		if (ReturnCode != 0 || IFileManager::Get().FileSize(*ObjFilename) <= 0)
//			FShaderCompilerError* Error = new(OutErrors) FShaderCompilerError();
//			Error->ErrorFile = InputFilename;
//			Error->ErrorLineString = TEXT("0");
//			Error->StrippedErrorMessage = Results + Errors;
			Params = FString::Printf(TEXT("r %s %s"), *ArFilename, *ObjFilename);
			FPlatformProcess::ExecProcess( TEXT("/Applications/"), *Params, &ReturnCode, &Results, &Errors );

			// handle compile error
			if (ReturnCode != 0 || IFileManager::Get().FileSize(*ArFilename) <= 0)
//				FShaderCompilerError* Error = new(OutErrors) FShaderCompilerError();
//				Error->ErrorFile = InputFilename;
//				Error->ErrorLineString = TEXT("0");
//				Error->StrippedErrorMessage = Results + Errors;
				Params = FString::Printf(TEXT("-o %s %s"), *OutputFilename, *ArFilename);
				FPlatformProcess::ExecProcess( TEXT("/Applications/"), *Params, &ReturnCode, &Results, &Errors );
				// handle compile error
				if (ReturnCode != 0 || IFileManager::Get().FileSize(*OutputFilename) <= 0)
//					FShaderCompilerError* Error = new(OutErrors) FShaderCompilerError();
//					Error->ErrorFile = InputFilename;
//					Error->ErrorLineString = TEXT("0");
//					Error->StrippedErrorMessage = Results + Errors;
					bHadError = false;
					// Write out the header and compiled shader code
					FMemoryWriter Ar(ShaderOutput.Code, true);
					uint8 PrecompiledFlag = 1;
					Ar << PrecompiledFlag;
					Ar << Header;

					// load output
					TArray<uint8> CompiledShader;
					FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(CompiledShader, *OutputFilename);
					// jam it into the output bytes
					Ar.Serialize(CompiledShader.GetData(), CompiledShader.Num());
					ShaderOutput.NumInstructions = 0;
					ShaderOutput.NumTextureSamplers = Header.Bindings.NumSamplers;
					ShaderOutput.bSucceeded = true;
		if (bHadError)
			// Write out the header and shader source code.
			FMemoryWriter Ar(ShaderOutput.Code, true);
			uint8 PrecompiledFlag = 0;
			Ar << PrecompiledFlag;
			Ar << Header;
			Ar.Serialize((void*)ShaderSource, SourceLen + 1 - (ShaderSource - InShaderSource));
			ShaderOutput.NumInstructions = 0;
			ShaderOutput.NumTextureSamplers = Header.Bindings.NumSamplers;
			ShaderOutput.bSucceeded = true;
		// Write out the header and shader source code.
		FMemoryWriter Ar(ShaderOutput.Code, true);
		uint8 PrecompiledFlag = 0;
		Ar << PrecompiledFlag;
		Ar << Header;
		Ar.Serialize((void*)ShaderSource, SourceLen + 1 - (ShaderSource - InShaderSource));
		ShaderOutput.NumInstructions = 0;
		ShaderOutput.NumTextureSamplers = Header.Bindings.NumSamplers;
		ShaderOutput.bSucceeded = true;
void FComponentEditorUtils::CopyComponents(const TArray<UActorComponent*>& ComponentsToCopy)
	FStringOutputDevice Archive;
	const FExportObjectInnerContext Context;

	// Clear the mark state for saving.
	UnMarkAllObjects(EObjectMark(OBJECTMARK_TagExp | OBJECTMARK_TagImp));

	// Duplicate the selected component templates into temporary objects that we can modify
	TMap<FName, FName> ParentMap;
	TMap<FName, UActorComponent*> ObjectMap;
	for (UActorComponent* Component : ComponentsToCopy)
		// Duplicate the component into a temporary object
		UObject* DuplicatedComponent = StaticDuplicateObject(Component, GetTransientPackage(), Component->GetFName(), RF_AllFlags & ~RF_ArchetypeObject);
		if (DuplicatedComponent)
			// If the duplicated component is a scene component, wipe its attach parent (to prevent log warnings for referencing a private object in an external package)
			if (auto DuplicatedCompAsSceneComp = Cast<USceneComponent>(DuplicatedComponent))
				DuplicatedCompAsSceneComp->AttachParent = nullptr;

			// Find the closest parent component of the current component within the list of components to copy
			USceneComponent* ClosestSelectedParent = FindClosestParentInList(Component, ComponentsToCopy);
			if (ClosestSelectedParent)
				// If the parent is included in the list, record it into the node->parent map
				ParentMap.Add(Component->GetFName(), ClosestSelectedParent->GetFName());

			// Record the temporary object into the name->object map
			ObjectMap.Add(Component->GetFName(), CastChecked<UActorComponent>(DuplicatedComponent));

	// Export the component object(s) to text for copying
	for (auto ObjectIt = ObjectMap.CreateIterator(); ObjectIt; ++ObjectIt)
		// Get the component object to be copied
		UActorComponent* ComponentToCopy = ObjectIt->Value;

		// If this component object had a parent within the selected set
		if (ParentMap.Contains(ComponentToCopy->GetFName()))
			// Get the name of the parent component
			FName ParentName = ParentMap[ComponentToCopy->GetFName()];
			if (ObjectMap.Contains(ParentName))
				// Ensure that this component is a scene component
				USceneComponent* SceneComponent = Cast<USceneComponent>(ComponentToCopy);
				if (SceneComponent)
					// Set the attach parent to the matching parent object in the temporary set. This allows us to preserve hierarchy in the copied set.
					SceneComponent->AttachParent = Cast<USceneComponent>(ObjectMap[ParentName]);

		// Export the component object to the given string
		UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice(&Context, ComponentToCopy, NULL, Archive, TEXT("copy"), 0, PPF_ExportsNotFullyQualified | PPF_Copy | PPF_Delimited, false, ComponentToCopy->GetOuter());

	// Copy text to clipboard
	FString ExportedText = Archive;
void FVisualLoggerCanvasRenderer::DrawHistogramGraphs(class UCanvas* Canvas, class APlayerController*)
	struct FGraphLineData
		FName DataName;
		FVector2D LeftExtreme, RightExtreme;
		TArray<FVector2D> Samples;

	struct FGraphData
		FGraphData() : Min(FVector2D(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX)), Max(FVector2D(FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN)) {}

		FVector2D Min, Max;
		TMap<FName, FGraphLineData> GraphLines;

	if (FLogVisualizer::Get().GetTimeSliderController().IsValid() == false)

	TMap<FName, FGraphData>	CollectedGraphs;

	const FVisualLoggerTimeSliderArgs&  TimeSliderArgs = FLogVisualizer::Get().GetTimeSliderController()->GetTimeSliderArgs();
	TRange<float> LocalViewRange = TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get();
	const float LocalViewRangeMin = LocalViewRange.GetLowerBoundValue();
	const float LocalViewRangeMax = LocalViewRange.GetUpperBoundValue();
	const float LocalSequenceLength = LocalViewRangeMax - LocalViewRangeMin;
	const float WindowHalfWidth = LocalSequenceLength * TimeSliderArgs.CursorSize.Get() * 0.5f;
	const FVector2D TimeStampWindow(SelectedEntry.TimeStamp - WindowHalfWidth, SelectedEntry.TimeStamp + WindowHalfWidth);

	const TArray<FVisualLogDevice::FVisualLogEntryItem> &ObjectItems = CurrentTimeLine.Pin()->GetEntries();
	int32 ColorIndex = 0;
	int32 LeftSideOutsideIndex = INDEX_NONE;
	int32 RightSideOutsideIndex = INDEX_NONE;

	for (int32 EntryIndex = 0; EntryIndex < ObjectItems.Num(); ++EntryIndex)
		const FVisualLogEntry* CurrentEntry = &(ObjectItems[EntryIndex].Entry);
		if (CurrentEntry->TimeStamp < TimeStampWindow.X)
			LeftSideOutsideIndex = EntryIndex;

		if (CurrentEntry->TimeStamp > TimeStampWindow.Y)
			RightSideOutsideIndex = EntryIndex;

		const int32 SamplesNum = CurrentEntry->HistogramSamples.Num();
		for (int32 SampleIndex = 0; SampleIndex < SamplesNum; ++SampleIndex)
			FVisualLogHistogramSample CurrentSample = CurrentEntry->HistogramSamples[SampleIndex];

			const FName CurrentCategory = CurrentSample.Category;
			const FName CurrentGraphName = CurrentSample.GraphName;
			const FName CurrentDataName = CurrentSample.DataName;

			FString GraphFilterName = CurrentSample.GraphName.ToString() +TEXT("$") + CurrentSample.DataName.ToString();
			const bool bIsValidByFilter = FCategoryFiltersManager::Get().MatchCategoryFilters(GraphFilterName, ELogVerbosity::All);

			if (bIsValidByFilter)
				FGraphData &GraphData = CollectedGraphs.FindOrAdd(CurrentSample.GraphName);
				FGraphLineData &LineData = GraphData.GraphLines.FindOrAdd(CurrentSample.DataName);
				LineData.DataName = CurrentSample.DataName;

				GraphData.Min.X = FMath::Min(GraphData.Min.X, CurrentSample.SampleValue.X);
				GraphData.Min.Y = FMath::Min(GraphData.Min.Y, CurrentSample.SampleValue.Y);

				GraphData.Max.X = FMath::Max(GraphData.Max.X, CurrentSample.SampleValue.X);
				GraphData.Max.Y = FMath::Max(GraphData.Max.Y, CurrentSample.SampleValue.Y);
	const int32 ExtremeValueIndexes[] = { LeftSideOutsideIndex != INDEX_NONE ? LeftSideOutsideIndex : 0, RightSideOutsideIndex != INDEX_NONE ? RightSideOutsideIndex : ObjectItems.Num() - 1 };
	for (int32 ObjectIndex = 0; ObjectIndex < 2; ++ObjectIndex)
		const FVisualLogEntry* CurrentEntry = &(ObjectItems[ExtremeValueIndexes[ObjectIndex]].Entry);
		const int32 SamplesNum = CurrentEntry->HistogramSamples.Num();
		for (int32 SampleIndex = 0; SampleIndex < SamplesNum; ++SampleIndex)
			FVisualLogHistogramSample CurrentSample = CurrentEntry->HistogramSamples[SampleIndex];

			const FName CurrentCategory = CurrentSample.Category;
			const FName CurrentGraphName = CurrentSample.GraphName;
			const FName CurrentDataName = CurrentSample.DataName;

			FString GraphFilterName = CurrentSample.GraphName.ToString() + TEXT("_") + CurrentSample.DataName.ToString();
			const bool bIsValidByFilter = FCategoryFiltersManager::Get().MatchCategoryFilters(GraphFilterName, ELogVerbosity::All);
			if (bIsValidByFilter)
				FGraphData &GraphData = CollectedGraphs.FindOrAdd(CurrentSample.GraphName);
				FGraphLineData &LineData = GraphData.GraphLines.FindOrAdd(CurrentSample.DataName);
				LineData.DataName = CurrentSample.DataName;
				if (ObjectIndex == 0)
					LineData.LeftExtreme = CurrentSample.SampleValue;
					LineData.RightExtreme = CurrentSample.SampleValue;

	const float GoldenRatioConjugate = 0.618033988749895f;
	if (CollectedGraphs.Num() > 0)
		const FColor GraphsBackgroundColor = ULogVisualizerSettings::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<ULogVisualizerSettings>()->GraphsBackgroundColor;
		const int NumberOfGraphs = CollectedGraphs.Num();
		const int32 NumberOfColumns = FMath::CeilToInt(FMath::Sqrt(NumberOfGraphs));
		int32 NumberOfRows = FMath::FloorToInt(NumberOfGraphs / NumberOfColumns);
		if (NumberOfGraphs - NumberOfRows * NumberOfColumns > 0)
			NumberOfRows += 1;

		const int32 MaxNumberOfGraphs = FMath::Max(NumberOfRows, NumberOfColumns);
		const float GraphWidth = 0.8f / NumberOfColumns;
		const float GraphHeight = 0.8f / NumberOfRows;

		const float XGraphSpacing = 0.2f / (MaxNumberOfGraphs + 1);
		const float YGraphSpacing = 0.2f / (MaxNumberOfGraphs + 1);

		const float StartX = XGraphSpacing;
		float StartY = 0.5 + (0.5 * NumberOfRows - 1) * (GraphHeight + YGraphSpacing);

		float CurrentX = StartX;
		float CurrentY = StartY;
		int32 GraphIndex = 0;
		int32 CurrentColumn = 0;
		int32 CurrentRow = 0;
		bool bDrawExtremesOnGraphs = ULogVisualizerSettings::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<ULogVisualizerSettings>()->bDrawExtremesOnGraphs;
		for (auto It(CollectedGraphs.CreateIterator()); It; ++It)
			TWeakObjectPtr<UReporterGraph> HistogramGraph = Canvas->GetReporterGraph();
			if (!HistogramGraph.IsValid())
			int32 LineIndex = 0;
			UFont* Font = GEngine->GetSmallFont();
			int32 MaxStringSize = 0;
			float Hue = 0;

			auto& CategoriesForGraph = UsedGraphCategories.FindOrAdd(It->Key.ToString());

			for (auto LinesIt(It->Value.GraphLines.CreateConstIterator()); LinesIt; ++LinesIt)
				const FString DataName = LinesIt->Value.DataName.ToString();
				int32 CategoryIndex = CategoriesForGraph.Find(DataName);
				if (CategoryIndex == INDEX_NONE)
					CategoryIndex = CategoriesForGraph.AddUnique(DataName);
				Hue = CategoryIndex * GoldenRatioConjugate;
				if (Hue > 1)
					Hue -= FMath::FloorToFloat(Hue);

				HistogramGraph->GetGraphLine(LineIndex)->Color = FLinearColor::FGetHSV(Hue * 255, 0, 244);
				HistogramGraph->GetGraphLine(LineIndex)->LineName = DataName;
				HistogramGraph->GetGraphLine(LineIndex)->LeftExtreme = LinesIt->Value.LeftExtreme;
				HistogramGraph->GetGraphLine(LineIndex)->RightExtreme = LinesIt->Value.RightExtreme;

				int32 DummyY, StringSizeX;
				StringSize(Font, StringSizeX, DummyY, *LinesIt->Value.DataName.ToString());
				MaxStringSize = StringSizeX > MaxStringSize ? StringSizeX : MaxStringSize;


			FVector2D GraphSpaceSize;
			GraphSpaceSize.Y = GraphSpaceSize.X = 0.8f / CollectedGraphs.Num();

			HistogramGraph->SetGraphScreenSize(CurrentX, CurrentX + GraphWidth, CurrentY, CurrentY + GraphHeight);
			CurrentX += GraphWidth + XGraphSpacing;
			HistogramGraph->SetAxesMinMax(FVector2D(TimeStampWindow.X, It->Value.Min.Y), FVector2D(TimeStampWindow.Y, It->Value.Max.Y));

			HistogramGraph->UseTinyFont(CollectedGraphs.Num() >= 5);
			HistogramGraph->SetStyles(EGraphAxisStyle::Grid, EGraphDataStyle::Lines);
			HistogramGraph->SetLegendPosition(/*bShowHistogramLabelsOutside*/ false ? ELegendPosition::Outside : ELegendPosition::Inside);
			HistogramGraph->bVisible = true;


			if (++CurrentColumn >= NumberOfColumns)
				CurrentColumn = 0;

				CurrentX = StartX;
				CurrentY -= GraphHeight + YGraphSpacing;
void AGameplayDebuggerReplicator::TickActor(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorTickFunction& ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickActor(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	const ENetMode NetMode = GetNetMode();
	if (!World)
		// return without world

	UGameInstance* GameInstance = World->GetGameInstance();
	if (!GameInstance || !World->IsGameWorld())

	if (NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer)
		if (bActivationKeyPressed)
			ActivationKeyTime += DeltaTime;
			if (ActivationKeyTime >= GameplayDebuggerHelpers::ActivationKeyTimePch)
				GEngine->bEnableOnScreenDebugMessages = false;
				if (AHUD* const GameHUD = LocalPlayerOwner ? LocalPlayerOwner->GetHUD() : nullptr)
					GameHUD->bShowHUD = false;

				bActivationKeyPressed = false;

		if (bEnabledTargetSelection)
			if (GetLocalPlayerOwner())

		bool bMarkComponentsAsRenderStateDirty = false;
		for (UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject* Obj : ReplicatedObjects)
			if (Obj && Obj->IsRenderStateDirty())
				if (!bMarkComponentsAsRenderStateDirty)
				bMarkComponentsAsRenderStateDirty = true;

	if (NetMode < NM_Client && LocalPlayerOwner)
		TMap<FString, TArray<UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject*> > CategoryToClasses;
		for (UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject* Obj : ReplicatedObjects)
			if (Obj)
				FString Category = Obj->GetCategoryName();
				if (IsCategoryEnabled(Category))

		for (auto It(CategoryToClasses.CreateIterator()); It; ++It)
			TArray<UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject*>& CurrentObjects = It.Value();
			for (UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject* Obj : CurrentObjects)
				Obj->CollectDataToReplicateOnServer(LocalPlayerOwner, LastSelectedActorToDebug);

void AGameplayDebuggerReplicator::DrawDebugData(class UCanvas* Canvas, class APlayerController* PC, bool bHideMenu)
	if (!LocalPlayerOwner && IsActorTickEnabled())

	const bool bAllowToDraw = Canvas && Canvas->SceneView && (Canvas->SceneView->ViewActor == LocalPlayerOwner->AcknowledgedPawn || Canvas->SceneView->ViewActor == LocalPlayerOwner->GetPawnOrSpectator());
	if (!bAllowToDraw)
		// check for spectator debug camera during debug camera
		if (DebugCameraController.IsValid() == false || Canvas->SceneView->ViewActor->GetInstigatorController() != DebugCameraController.Get())

	const float DebugInfoStartX = UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings>()->DebugInfoStart.X;
	const float DebugInfoStartY = UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings>()->DebugInfoStart.Y;
	const FVector SelectedActorLoc = LastSelectedActorToDebug ? LastSelectedActorToDebug->GetActorLocation() + FVector(0, 0, LastSelectedActorToDebug->GetSimpleCollisionHalfHeight()) : DebugTools::InvalidLocation;
	UGameplayDebuggerHelper::FPrintContext DefaultContext(GEngine->GetSmallFont(), Canvas, DebugInfoStartX, DebugInfoStartY);
	DefaultContext.FontRenderInfo.bEnableShadow = true;
	const bool bDrawFullData = SelectedActorLoc != DebugTools::InvalidLocation;
	const FVector ScreenLoc = SelectedActorLoc != DebugTools::InvalidLocation ? UGameplayDebuggerHelper::ProjectLocation(DefaultContext, SelectedActorLoc) : FVector::ZeroVector;
	UGameplayDebuggerHelper::FPrintContext OverHeadContext(GEngine->GetSmallFont(), Canvas, ScreenLoc.X, ScreenLoc.Y);


	if (DefaultContext.Canvas != nullptr)
		float XL, YL;
		const FString ToolName = FString::Printf(TEXT("Gameplay Debugger [Timestamp: %05.03f]"), GetWorld()->TimeSeconds);
		UGameplayDebuggerHelper::CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, nullptr, ToolName, XL, YL);
		UGameplayDebuggerHelper::PrintString(DefaultContext, FColorList::White, ToolName, DefaultContext.Canvas->ClipX / 2.0f - XL / 2.0f, 0);

	if (!bHideMenu)
		DrawMenu(DefaultContext, OverHeadContext);

	TMap<FString, TArray<UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject*> > CategoryToClasses;
	for (UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject* Obj : ReplicatedObjects)
		if (Obj)
			FString Category = Obj->GetCategoryName();

	for (auto It(CategoryToClasses.CreateIterator()); It; ++It)
		const FGameplayDebuggerCategorySettings* Element = Categories.FindByPredicate([&](const FGameplayDebuggerCategorySettings& C){ return It.Key() == C.CategoryName; });
		if (Element == nullptr || Element->bPIE == false)

		UGameplayDebuggerHelper::PrintString(UGameplayDebuggerHelper::GetDefaultContext(), FString::Printf(TEXT("\n{R=0,G=255,B=0,A=255}%s\n"), *It.Key()));
		TArray<UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject*>& CurrentObjects = It.Value();
		for (UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject* Obj : CurrentObjects)
			Obj->DrawCollectedData(LocalPlayerOwner, LastSelectedActorToDebug);

	const IConsoleVariable* cvarHighlightSelectedActor = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT(""));
	const bool bHighlightSelectedActor = !cvarHighlightSelectedActor || cvarHighlightSelectedActor->GetInt();
	if (LastSelectedActorToDebug && bHighlightSelectedActor)
		FBox ComponentsBoundingBox = LastSelectedActorToDebug->GetComponentsBoundingBox(false);
		DrawDebugBox(GetWorld(), ComponentsBoundingBox.GetCenter(), ComponentsBoundingBox.GetExtent(), FColor::Red, false);
		DrawDebugSolidBox(GetWorld(), ComponentsBoundingBox.GetCenter(), ComponentsBoundingBox.GetExtent(), FColor::Red.WithAlpha(25));
	void FixUpChunkBoneMaps( FSkelMeshChunk & Chunk, const TMap<FBoneIndexType, FBoneIndexType> &BonesToRepair ) override
		// now you have list of bones, remove them from vertex influences
			TMap<uint8, uint8> BoneMapRemapTable;
			// first go through bone map and see if this contains BonesToRemove
			int32 BoneMapSize = Chunk.BoneMap.Num();
			int32 AdjustIndex=0;

			for (int32 BoneMapIndex=0; BoneMapIndex < BoneMapSize; ++BoneMapIndex )
				// look for this bone to be removed or not?
				const FBoneIndexType* ParentBoneIndex = BonesToRepair.Find(Chunk.BoneMap[BoneMapIndex]);
				if ( ParentBoneIndex  )
					// this should not happen, I don't ever remove root
					check (*ParentBoneIndex!=INDEX_NONE);

					// if Parent already exists in the current BoneMap, we just have to fix up the mapping
					int32 ParentBoneMapIndex = Chunk.BoneMap.Find(*ParentBoneIndex);

					// if it exists
					if (ParentBoneMapIndex != INDEX_NONE)
						// if parent index is higher, we have to decrease it to match to new index
						if (ParentBoneMapIndex > BoneMapIndex)

						// remove current chunk count, will replace with parent
						// if parent doens't exists, we have to add one
						// this doesn't change bone map size 
						ParentBoneMapIndex = Chunk.BoneMap.Add(*ParentBoneIndex);

					// first fix up all indices of BoneMapRemapTable for the indices higher than BoneMapIndex, since BoneMapIndex is being removed
					for (auto Iter = BoneMapRemapTable.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter)
						uint8& Value = Iter.Value();

						check (Value != BoneMapIndex);
						if (Value > BoneMapIndex)

					int32 OldIndex = BoneMapIndex+AdjustIndex;
					int32 NewIndex = ParentBoneMapIndex;
					// you still have to add no matter what even if same since indices might change after added
						// add to remap table
						check (OldIndex < 256 && OldIndex >= 0);
						check (NewIndex < 256 && NewIndex >= 0);
						check (BoneMapRemapTable.Contains((uint8)OldIndex) == false);
						BoneMapRemapTable.Add((uint8)OldIndex, (uint8)NewIndex);

					// reduce index since the item is removed

					// this is to adjust the later indices. We need to refix their indices
				else if (AdjustIndex > 0)
					int32 OldIndex = BoneMapIndex+AdjustIndex;
					int32 NewIndex = BoneMapIndex;

					check (OldIndex < 256 && OldIndex >= 0);
					check (NewIndex < 256 && NewIndex >= 0);
					check (BoneMapRemapTable.Contains((uint8)OldIndex) == false);
					BoneMapRemapTable.Add((uint8)OldIndex, (uint8)NewIndex);

			if ( BoneMapRemapTable.Num() > 0 )
				// fix up rigid verts
				for (int32 VertIndex=0; VertIndex < Chunk.RigidVertices.Num(); ++VertIndex)
					FRigidSkinVertex & Vert = Chunk.RigidVertices[VertIndex];

					uint8 *RemappedBone = BoneMapRemapTable.Find(Vert.Bone);
					if (RemappedBone)
						Vert.Bone = *RemappedBone;

				// fix up soft verts
				for (int32 VertIndex=0; VertIndex < Chunk.SoftVertices.Num(); ++VertIndex)
					FSoftSkinVertex & Vert = Chunk.SoftVertices[VertIndex];
					bool ShouldRenormalize = false;

					for(int32 InfluenceIndex = 0;InfluenceIndex < MAX_TOTAL_INFLUENCES;InfluenceIndex++)
						uint8 *RemappedBone = BoneMapRemapTable.Find(Vert.InfluenceBones[InfluenceIndex]);
						if (RemappedBone)
							Vert.InfluenceBones[InfluenceIndex] = *RemappedBone;
							ShouldRenormalize = true;

					if (ShouldRenormalize)
						// should see if same bone exists
						for(int32 InfluenceIndex = 0;InfluenceIndex < MAX_TOTAL_INFLUENCES;InfluenceIndex++)
							for(int32 InfluenceIndex2 = InfluenceIndex+1;InfluenceIndex2 < MAX_TOTAL_INFLUENCES;InfluenceIndex2++)
								// cannot be 0 because we don't allow removing root
								if (Vert.InfluenceBones[InfluenceIndex] != 0 && Vert.InfluenceBones[InfluenceIndex] == Vert.InfluenceBones[InfluenceIndex2])
									Vert.InfluenceWeights[InfluenceIndex] += Vert.InfluenceWeights[InfluenceIndex2];
									// reset
									Vert.InfluenceBones[InfluenceIndex2] = 0;
									Vert.InfluenceWeights[InfluenceIndex2] = 0;

			// @todo fix up RequiredBones/ActiveBoneIndices?
void FRawProfilerSession::ProcessStatPacketArray( const FStatPacketArray& StatPacketArray, FProfilerFrame& out_ProfilerFrame, int32 FrameIndex )
	// @TODO yrx 2014-03-24 Standardize thread names and id
	// @TODO yrx 2014-04-22 Remove all references to the data provider, event graph etc once data graph can visualize.

	// Raw stats callstack for this stat packet array.
	TMap<FName,FProfilerStackNode*> ThreadNodes;

	const FProfilerStatMetaDataRef MetaData = GetMetaData();
	FProfilerSampleArray& MutableCollection = const_cast<FProfilerSampleArray&>(DataProvider->GetCollection());

	// Add a root sample for this frame.
	const uint32 FrameRootSampleIndex = DataProvider->AddHierarchicalSample( 0, MetaData->GetStatByID( 1 ).OwningGroup().ID(), 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1 );

	// Iterate through all stats packets and raw stats messages.
	FName GameThreadFName = NAME_None;
	for( int32 PacketIndex = 0; PacketIndex < StatPacketArray.Packets.Num(); PacketIndex++ )
		const FStatPacket& StatPacket = *StatPacketArray.Packets[PacketIndex];
		FName ThreadFName = StatsThreadStats.Threads.FindChecked( StatPacket.ThreadId );
		const uint32 NewThreadID = MetaData->ThreadIDtoStatID.FindChecked( StatPacket.ThreadId );

		// @TODO yrx 2014-04-29 Only game or render thread is supported at this moment.
		if( StatPacket.ThreadType != EThreadType::Game && StatPacket.ThreadType != EThreadType::Renderer )

		// Workaround for issue with rendering thread names.
		if( StatPacket.ThreadType == EThreadType::Renderer )
			ThreadFName = NAME_RenderThread;
		else if( StatPacket.ThreadType == EThreadType::Game )
			GameThreadFName = ThreadFName;

		FProfilerStackNode* ThreadNode = ThreadNodes.FindRef( ThreadFName );
		if( !ThreadNode )
			FString ThreadIdName = FStatsUtils::BuildUniqueThreadName( StatPacket.ThreadId );
			FStatMessage ThreadMessage( ThreadFName, EStatDataType::ST_int64, STAT_GROUP_TO_FStatGroup( STATGROUP_Threads )::GetGroupName(), STAT_GROUP_TO_FStatGroup( STATGROUP_Threads )::GetGroupCategory(), *ThreadIdName, true, true );
			//FStatMessage ThreadMessage( ThreadFName, EStatDataType::ST_int64, nullptr, nullptr, TEXT( "" ), true, true );
			ThreadMessage.NameAndInfo.SetFlag( EStatMetaFlags::IsPackedCCAndDuration, true );

			// Add a thread sample.
			const uint32 ThreadRootSampleIndex = DataProvider->AddHierarchicalSample
				MetaData->GetStatByID( NewThreadID ).OwningGroup().ID(),

			ThreadNode = ThreadNodes.Add( ThreadFName, new FProfilerStackNode( nullptr, ThreadMessage, ThreadRootSampleIndex, FrameIndex ) );

		TArray<const FStatMessage*> StartStack;
		TArray<FProfilerStackNode*> Stack;
		Stack.Add( ThreadNode );
		FProfilerStackNode* Current = Stack.Last();

		const FStatMessagesArray& Data = StatPacket.StatMessages;
		for( int32 Index = 0; Index < Data.Num(); Index++ )
			const FStatMessage& Item = Data[Index];

			const EStatOperation::Type Op = Item.NameAndInfo.GetField<EStatOperation>();
			const FName LongName = Item.NameAndInfo.GetRawName();
			const FName ShortName = Item.NameAndInfo.GetShortName();

			const FName RenderingThreadTickCommandName = TEXT("RenderingThreadTickCommand");

			// Workaround for render thread hierarchy. EStatOperation::AdvanceFrameEventRenderThread is called within the scope.
			if( ShortName == RenderingThreadTickCommandName )

			if( Op == EStatOperation::CycleScopeStart || Op == EStatOperation::CycleScopeEnd || Op == EStatOperation::AdvanceFrameEventRenderThread )
				//check( Item.NameAndInfo.GetFlag( EStatMetaFlags::IsCycle ) );
				if( Op == EStatOperation::CycleScopeStart )
					FProfilerStackNode* ChildNode = new FProfilerStackNode( Current, Item, -1, FrameIndex );
					Current->Children.Add( ChildNode );

					// Add a child sample.
					const uint32 SampleIndex = DataProvider->AddHierarchicalSample
						MetaData->GetStatByFName( ShortName ).OwningGroup().ID(), // GroupID
						MetaData->GetStatByFName( ShortName ).ID(), // StatID
						MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ChildNode->CyclesStart ), // StartMS 
						MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( 0 ), // DurationMS
					ChildNode->SampleIndex = SampleIndex;

					Stack.Add( ChildNode );
					StartStack.Add( &Item );
					Current = ChildNode;
				// Workaround for render thread hierarchy. EStatOperation::AdvanceFrameEventRenderThread is called within the scope.
				if( Op == EStatOperation::AdvanceFrameEventRenderThread )
					int k=0;k++;
				if( Op == EStatOperation::CycleScopeEnd )
					const FStatMessage ScopeStart = *StartStack.Pop();
					const FStatMessage ScopeEnd = Item;
					const int64 Delta = int32( uint32( ScopeEnd.GetValue_int64() ) - uint32( ScopeStart.GetValue_int64() ) );
					Current->CyclesEnd = Current->CyclesStart + Delta;

					Current->CycleCounterStartTimeMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( Current->CyclesStart );
					Current->CycleCounterEndTimeMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( Current->CyclesEnd );

					if( Current->CycleCounterStartTimeMS > Current->CycleCounterEndTimeMS )
						int k=0;k++;

					check( Current->CycleCounterEndTimeMS >= Current->CycleCounterStartTimeMS );

					FProfilerStackNode* ChildNode = Current;

					// Update the child sample's DurationMS.
					MutableCollection[ChildNode->SampleIndex].SetDurationMS( MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( Delta ) );

					verify( Current == Stack.Pop() );
					Current = Stack.Last();				

	// Calculate thread times.
	for( auto It = ThreadNodes.CreateIterator(); It; ++It )
		FProfilerStackNode& ThreadNode = *It.Value();
		const int32 ChildrenNum = ThreadNode.Children.Num();
		if( ChildrenNum > 0 )
			const int32 LastChildIndex = ThreadNode.Children.Num() - 1;
			ThreadNode.CyclesStart = ThreadNode.Children[0]->CyclesStart;
			ThreadNode.CyclesEnd = ThreadNode.Children[LastChildIndex]->CyclesEnd;
			ThreadNode.CycleCounterStartTimeMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ThreadNode.CyclesStart );
			ThreadNode.CycleCounterEndTimeMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ThreadNode.CyclesEnd );

			FProfilerSample& ProfilerSample = MutableCollection[ThreadNode.SampleIndex];
			ProfilerSample.SetStartAndEndMS( MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ThreadNode.CyclesStart ), MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ThreadNode.CyclesEnd ) );

	// Get the game thread time.
	check( GameThreadFName != NAME_None );
	const FProfilerStackNode& GameThreadNode = *ThreadNodes.FindChecked( GameThreadFName );
	const double GameThreadStartMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( GameThreadNode.CyclesStart );
	const double GameThreadEndMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( GameThreadNode.CyclesEnd );
	MutableCollection[FrameRootSampleIndex].SetStartAndEndMS( GameThreadStartMS, GameThreadEndMS );
	// Advance frame
	const uint32 LastFrameIndex = DataProvider->GetNumFrames();
	DataProvider->AdvanceFrame( GameThreadEndMS - GameThreadStartMS );
	// Update aggregated stats
	UpdateAggregatedStats( LastFrameIndex );
	// Update aggregated events.
	UpdateAggregatedEventGraphData( LastFrameIndex );

	// RootNode is the same as the game thread node.
	out_ProfilerFrame.Root->CycleCounterStartTimeMS = GameThreadStartMS;
	out_ProfilerFrame.Root->CycleCounterEndTimeMS = GameThreadEndMS;

	for( auto It = ThreadNodes.CreateIterator(); It; ++It )
		out_ProfilerFrame.AddChild( It.Value() );

void FAssetTypeActions_SoundCue::ExecuteConsolidateAttenuation(TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<USoundCue>> Objects)
	TMap<FAttenuationSettings*,TArray<USoundCue*>> UnmatchedAttenuations;

	for (auto ObjIt = Objects.CreateConstIterator(); ObjIt; ++ObjIt)
		USoundCue* SoundCue = (*ObjIt).Get();
		bool bFound = false;
		if ( SoundCue && SoundCue->bOverrideAttenuation )
			for (auto UnmatchedIt = UnmatchedAttenuations.CreateIterator(); UnmatchedIt; ++UnmatchedIt)
				// Found attenuation settings to consolidate together
				if (SoundCue->AttenuationOverrides == *UnmatchedIt.Key())
					bFound = true;
			if (!bFound)

	if (UnmatchedAttenuations.Num() > 0)
		FString DefaultSuffix;
		TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToSync;

		FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");
		USoundAttenuationFactory* Factory = ConstructObject<USoundAttenuationFactory>(USoundAttenuationFactory::StaticClass());

		for (auto UnmatchedIt = UnmatchedAttenuations.CreateConstIterator(); UnmatchedIt; ++UnmatchedIt)
			if (UnmatchedIt.Value().Num() > 1)
				FString Name;
				FString PackageName;
				CreateUniqueAssetName("/Game/Sounds/SoundAttenuations/SharedAttenuation", DefaultSuffix, PackageName, Name);

				USoundAttenuation* SoundAttenuation = Cast<USoundAttenuation>(AssetToolsModule.Get().CreateAsset(Name, FPackageName::GetLongPackagePath(PackageName), USoundAttenuation::StaticClass(), Factory));
				if (SoundAttenuation)
					SoundAttenuation->Attenuation = *UnmatchedIt.Key();

					for (int32 SoundCueIndex = 0; SoundCueIndex < UnmatchedIt.Value().Num(); ++SoundCueIndex)
						USoundCue* SoundCue = UnmatchedIt.Value()[SoundCueIndex];
						SoundCue->bOverrideAttenuation = false;
						SoundCue->AttenuationSettings = SoundAttenuation;

		if ( ObjectsToSync.Num() > 0 )
void UActorComponent::PostEditUndo()
	// Objects marked pending kill don't call PostEditChange() from UObject::PostEditUndo(),
	// so they can leave an EditReregisterContexts entry around if they are deleted by an undo action.
	if( IsPendingKill() )
		// The reregister context won't bother attaching components that are 'pending kill'. 
		FComponentReregisterContext* ReregisterContext = nullptr;
		if (EditReregisterContexts.RemoveAndCopyValue(this, ReregisterContext))
			delete ReregisterContext;
			// This means there are likely some stale elements left in there now, strip them out
			for (auto It(EditReregisterContexts.CreateIterator()); It; ++It)
				if (!It.Key().IsValid())
		bIsBeingDestroyed = false;

		Owner = GetTypedOuter<AActor>();
		bCanUseCachedOwner = true;

		// Let the component be properly registered, after it was restored.
		if (Owner)

		TArray<UObject*> Children;
		GetObjectsWithOuter(this, Children);

		for (UObject* Child : Children)
			if (UActorComponent* ChildComponent = Cast<UActorComponent>(Child))
				if (ChildComponent->Owner)
				ChildComponent->Owner = Owner;
				if (Owner)

		if (GetWorld())