void UBehaviorTreeManager::DumpUsageStats() const
	FNodeClassCounter AllNodesCounter;
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
		if (It->IsChildOf(UBTNode::StaticClass()) && It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract) == false
			&& !(FKismetEditorUtilities::IsClassABlueprintSkeleton(*It)
				|| It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists))


	UE_LOG(LogBehaviorTree, Display, TEXT("----------------------UBehaviorTreeManager::DumpUsageStats----------------------\nBehavior Trees:"));

	// get all BTNode classes
	for (TObjectIterator<UBehaviorTree> It; It; ++It)
		FNodeClassCounter TreeNodeCounter;
		UE_LOG(LogBehaviorTree, Display, TEXT("--- %s ---"), *(It->GetName()));
		StatNodeUsage(It->RootNode, TreeNodeCounter);
	UE_LOG(LogBehaviorTree, Display, TEXT("--- Total Nodes usage:"));
void AssembleListOfExporters(TArray<UExporter*>& OutExporters)
	auto TransientPackage = GetTransientPackage();

	// @todo DB: Assemble this set once.
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
		if (It->IsChildOf(UExporter::StaticClass()) && !It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract))
			UExporter* Exporter = NewObject<UExporter>(TransientPackage, *It);
void NUTUtil::GetUnitTestClassDefList(TArray<UUnitTest*>& OutUnitTestClassDefaults)
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
		if (It->IsChildOf(UUnitTest::StaticClass()) && *It != UUnitTest::StaticClass() && *It != UClientUnitTest::StaticClass())
			UUnitTest* CurDefault = Cast<UUnitTest>(It->GetDefaultObject());

			if (CurDefault != NULL)
 * Initializes the list of possible level streaming methods.
 * Does nothing if the lists are already initialized.
void InitializeStreamingMethods()
    check( GStreamingMethodStrings.Num() == GStreamingMethodClassList.Num() );
    if ( GStreamingMethodClassList.Num() == 0 )
        // Assemble a list of possible level streaming methods.
        for ( TObjectIterator<UClass> It ; It ; ++It )
            if ( It->IsChildOf( ULevelStreaming::StaticClass() ) &&
                    (It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_EditInlineNew)) &&
                    !(It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Hidden | CLASS_Abstract | CLASS_Deprecated | CLASS_Transient)))
                const FString ClassName( It->GetName() );
                // Strip the leading "LevelStreaming" text from the class name.
                // @todo DB: This assumes the names of all ULevelStreaming-derived types begin with the string "LevelStreaming".
                GStreamingMethodStrings.Add( ClassName.Mid( 14 ) );
                GStreamingMethodClassList.Add( *It );
UObject* UFactory::StaticImportObject
	UClass*				Class,
	UObject*			InOuter,
	FName				Name,
	EObjectFlags		Flags,
	bool&				bOutOperationCanceled,
	const TCHAR*		Filename,
	UObject*			Context,
	UFactory*			InFactory,
	const TCHAR*		Parms,
	FFeedbackContext*	Warn,
	int32				MaxImportFileSize

	CurrentFilename = Filename;

	// Make list of all applicable factories.
	TArray<UFactory*> Factories;
	if( InFactory )
		// Use just the specified factory.
		if (ensureMsgf( !InFactory->SupportedClass || Class->IsChildOf(InFactory->SupportedClass), 
			TEXT("Factory is (%s), SupportedClass is (%s) and Class name is (%s)"), *InFactory->GetName(), (InFactory->SupportedClass)? *InFactory->SupportedClass->GetName() : TEXT("None"), *Class->GetName() ))
			Factories.Add( InFactory );
		auto TransientPackage = GetTransientPackage();
		// Try all automatic factories, sorted by priority.
		for( TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It )
			if( It->IsChildOf( UFactory::StaticClass() ) )
				UFactory* Default = It->GetDefaultObject<UFactory>();
				if (Class->IsChildOf(Default->SupportedClass) && Default->ImportPriority >= 0)
					Factories.Add(NewObject<UFactory>(TransientPackage, *It));

		Factories.Sort([](const UFactory& A, const UFactory& B) -> bool
			// First sort so that higher priorities are earlier in the list
			if( A.ImportPriority > B.ImportPriority )
				return true;
			else if( A.ImportPriority < B.ImportPriority )
				return false;

			// Then sort so that factories that only create new assets are tried after those that actually import the file data (when they have an equivalent priority)
			const bool bFactoryAImportsFiles = !A.CanCreateNew();
			const bool bFactoryBImportsFiles = !B.CanCreateNew();
			if( bFactoryAImportsFiles && !bFactoryBImportsFiles )
				return true;

			return false;

	bool bLoadedFile = false;

	// Try each factory in turn.
	for( int32 i=0; i<Factories.Num(); i++ )
		UFactory* Factory = Factories[i];
		UObject* Result = NULL;
		if( Factory->CanCreateNew() )
			UE_LOG(LogFactory, Log,  TEXT("FactoryCreateNew: %s with %s (%i %i %s)"), *Class->GetName(), *Factories[i]->GetClass()->GetName(), Factory->bCreateNew, Factory->bText, Filename );
			Factory->ParseParms( Parms );
			Result = Factory->FactoryCreateNew( Class, InOuter, Name, Flags, NULL, Warn );
		else if( FCString::Stricmp(Filename,TEXT(""))!=0 )
			if( Factory->bText )
				//UE_LOG(LogFactory, Log,  TEXT("FactoryCreateText: %s with %s (%i %i %s)"), *Class->GetName(), *Factories(i)->GetClass()->GetName(), Factory->bCreateNew, Factory->bText, Filename );
				FString Data;
				if( FFileHelper::LoadFileToString( Data, Filename ) )
					bLoadedFile = true;
					const TCHAR* Ptr = *Data;
					Factory->ParseParms( Parms );
					Result = Factory->FactoryCreateText( Class, InOuter, Name, Flags, NULL, *FPaths::GetExtension(Filename), Ptr, Ptr+Data.Len(), Warn );
				UE_LOG(LogFactory, Log,  TEXT("FactoryCreateBinary: %s with %s (%i %i %s)"), *Class->GetName(), *Factories[i]->GetClass()->GetName(), Factory->bCreateNew, Factory->bText, Filename );
				// Sanity check the file size of the impending import and prompt the user if they wish to continue if the file size is very large
				const int32 FileSize = IFileManager::Get().FileSize( Filename );
				bool bValidFileSize = true;

				if ( FileSize == INDEX_NONE )
					UE_LOG(LogFactory, Error,TEXT("File '%s' does not exist"), Filename );
					bValidFileSize = false;

				TArray<uint8> Data;
				if( bValidFileSize && FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray( Data, Filename ) )
					bLoadedFile = true;
					Data.Add( 0 );
					const uint8* Ptr = &Data[ 0 ];
					Factory->ParseParms( Parms );
					Result = Factory->FactoryCreateBinary( Class, InOuter, Name, Flags, NULL, *FPaths::GetExtension(Filename), Ptr, Ptr+Data.Num()-1, Warn, bOutOperationCanceled );
		if( Result )
			// prevent UTextureCube created from UTextureFactory			check(Result->IsA(Class));

			CurrentFilename = TEXT("");
			return Result;

	if ( !bLoadedFile && !bOutOperationCanceled )
		Warn->Logf( *FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT( "UnrealEd", "NoFindImport", "Can't find file '{0}' for import" ), FText::FromString( FString(Filename) ) ).ToString() );

	CurrentFilename = TEXT("");

	return NULL;