void TPZQuadraticQuad::InsertExampleElement(TPZGeoMesh &gmesh, int matid, TPZVec<REAL> &lowercorner, TPZVec<REAL> &size)
    TPZManVector<REAL,3> co(3),shift(3),scale(3);
    TPZManVector<int64_t,4> nodeindexes(NCornerNodes);
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        scale[i] = size[i]/3.;
        shift[i] = size[i]/2.+lowercorner[i];
    for (int i=0; i<NCornerNodes; i++) {
        ParametricDomainNodeCoord(i, co);
        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
            co[j] = shift[j]+scale[j]*co[j]+(rand()*0.2/RAND_MAX)-0.1;
        nodeindexes[i] = gmesh.NodeVec().AllocateNewElement();
        gmesh.NodeVec()[nodeindexes[i]].Initialize(co, gmesh);
    int64_t index;
    CreateGeoElement(gmesh, EQuadrilateral, nodeindexes, matid, index);
    TPZGeoEl *gel = gmesh.Element(index);
    int nsides = gel->NSides();
    for (int is=0; is<nsides; is++) {
    gel = TPZChangeEl::ChangeToQuadratic(&gmesh, index);
    for (int node = gel->NCornerNodes(); node < gel->NNodes(); node++) {
        TPZManVector<REAL,3> co(3);
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            co[i] += (0.2*rand())/RAND_MAX - 0.1;
TPZDXGraphMesh::TPZDXGraphMesh(TPZCompMesh *cmesh, int dimension, TPZAutoPointer<TPZMaterial> mat, const TPZVec<std::string> &scalarnames, const TPZVec<std::string> &vecnames) :
TPZGraphMesh(cmesh,dimension,mat) {
	fNextDataField = 1;
	fStyle = EDXStyle;
	//	int index = 0;
	TPZCompEl *ce = FindFirstInterpolatedElement(cmesh,dimension);
	fElementType = "noname";
	if(ce) {
		int type = ce->Type();
		if(type == EOned)               fElementType = "lines";
		if(type == ETriangle)           fElementType = "triangles";
		if(type == EQuadrilateral)      fElementType = "quads";
		if(type == ECube)               fElementType = "cubes";
		if(type == EPrisma)             fElementType = "cubes";
		TPZGeoEl *gel = ce->Reference();
		if( type == EDiscontinuous || (type == EAgglomerate && gel) ){
			int nnodes = gel->NNodes();
			if(nnodes==4 && dimension==2) fElementType = "quads";
			if(nnodes==3 && dimension==2) fElementType = "triangles";
			if(dimension==3)              fElementType = "cubes";
	fNumCases = 0;
	fNumConnectObjects[0] = 1;
	fNumConnectObjects[1] = 1;
	fNumConnectObjects[2] = 1;
	fNormalObject = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) fElConnectivityObject[i] = -1;
// Output as Mathematica format
void OutputMathematica(std::ofstream &outMath,int var,int pointsByElement,TPZCompMesh *cmesh) {
	int i, j, k, nnodes;
	int nelem = cmesh->ElementVec().NElements();
	int dim = cmesh->Dimension();   // Dimension of the model
	REAL w;
	if(var-1 < 0) var = 1;
	// Map to store the points and values 
	map<REAL,TPZVec<REAL> > Graph;
	TPZVec<REAL> tograph(4,0.);
	map<TPZVec<REAL>,REAL> Graphics;
	for(i=0;i<nelem;i++) {
		TPZCompEl *cel = cmesh->ElementVec()[i];
		TPZGeoEl *gel = cel->Reference();
		TPZInterpolationSpace * sp = dynamic_cast <TPZInterpolationSpace*>(cel);
		int nstates = cel->Material()->NStateVariables();
		// If var is higher than nstates of the element, go to next element
		if(var > nstates)
		TPZVec<REAL> qsi(3,0.), sol(nstates,0.), outfem(3,0.);
		nnodes = gel->NNodes();
		if(pointsByElement < nnodes) pointsByElement = nnodes;
		for(j=0;j<gel->NNodes();j++) {
			// Get corners points to compute solution on
			// Jointed point coordinates and solution value on			
			for(k=0;k<3;k++) tograph[k] = outfem[k];
			tograph[k] = sol[var-1];
			Graph.insert(pair<REAL,TPZVec<REAL> >(outfem[0],tograph));
			// If cel is point gets one point value
			if(cel->Type() == EPoint) {
		// If cel is point gets one point value
		if(cel->Type() == EPoint) continue;
		// Print another points using integration points
		TPZIntPoints *rule = NULL;
		int order = 1, npoints = 0;
		while(pointsByElement-(npoints+nnodes) > 0) {
			if(rule) delete rule;   // Cleaning unnecessary allocation
			int nsides = gel->NSides();
			// Get the integration rule to compute internal points to print, not to print
			rule = gel->CreateSideIntegrationRule(nsides-1,order);
			if(!rule) break;
			npoints = rule->NPoints();
			order += 2;
		for(j=0;j<npoints;j++) {
			// Get integration points to get internal points
			// Jointed point coordinates and solution value on
			for(k=0;k<3;k++) tograph[k] = outfem[k];
			tograph[k] = sol[var-1];
			Graph.insert(pair<REAL,TPZVec<REAL> >(outfem[0],tograph));
	// Printing the points and values into the Mathematica file
	outMath << "Saida = { ";
	// Formatting output
	outMath << fixed << setprecision(10);
	if(dim<2) {
		map<REAL,TPZVec<REAL> >::iterator it;
		for(it=Graph.begin();it!=Graph.end();it++) {
			if(it!=Graph.begin()) outMath << ",";
			outMath << "{";
				outMath << (*it).second[j] << ",";
			outMath << (*it).second[3] << "}";
		outMath << "};" << std::endl;
		// Choose Mathematica command depending on model dimension
		outMath << "ListPlot[Saida,Joined->True]"<< endl;
	else {
		map<TPZVec<REAL>,REAL>::iterator it;
		for(it=Graphics.begin();it!=Graphics.end();it++) {
			if(it!=Graphics.begin()) outMath << ",";
			outMath << "{";
				outMath << (*it).first[j] << ",";
			outMath << (*it).second << "}";
		outMath << "};" << std::endl;
		outMath << "ListPlot3D[Saida]"<< endl;
void TPZHierarquicalGrid::CreateGeometricElement(int n, int iel,int eldim, int elmatid, int &elid)
    int jump =  fBase->NNodes();
    int dim = fBase->Dimension();
    TPZGeoEl *gel =  fBase->ElementVec()[iel];
    int gelNodes = gel->NNodes();

    // Computing  current topology
    TPZManVector<int64_t,10> CTopology(gelNodes);
    for(int inode = 0; inode < CTopology.size(); inode++)
        CTopology[inode] = gel->Node(inode).Id();
    bool Is1D = false;
    bool Is2D = false;
    bool Is3D = false;
    for(int il = 1; il < (n+1); il++ )
        switch (eldim) {
            case 0:
                //Defining boundaries
                if (dim==0) {
                    if (il==1){
                        TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoPoint > (elid++, Topology, ffrontMatID,*fComputedGeomesh);
                    if (il==n)
                        TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoPoint > (elid++, Topology, fbackMatID,*fComputedGeomesh);
                //                    if (dim==1) {
                //                        if (il==1){
                //                            TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+1);
                //                            Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                //                            Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                //                            new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoLinear > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                //                        }
                //                        if (il==n)
                //                        {
                //                            TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+1);
                //                            Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                //                            Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                //                            new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoLinear > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                //                        }
                //                    }
                TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+1);
                Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoLinear > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                Is1D = true;
            case 1:
                if (dim==1) {
                    if (il==1){
                        TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+1);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoLinear > (elid++, Topology, ffrontMatID,*fComputedGeomesh);
                    if (il==n)
                        TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+1);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoLinear > (elid++, Topology, fbackMatID,*fComputedGeomesh);
                if (fIsQuad) {
                    // quadrilateras
                    TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+2);
                    Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                    Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                    Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                    Topology[3]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                    new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoQuad > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                    // triangles
                    TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+1);
                    Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                    Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                    Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                    new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoTriangle > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                    Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                    Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                    Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                    new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoTriangle > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                Is2D = true;
            case 2:
                if (dim==2) {
                    if (il==1){
                        if (gel->Type() == EQuadrilateral) {
                            // quadrilateras
                            TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+2);
                            Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[3]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[3] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                            new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoQuad > (elid++, Topology, ffrontMatID,*fComputedGeomesh);
                            // triangles
                            TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+1);
                            Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                            new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoTriangle > (elid++, Topology, ffrontMatID,*fComputedGeomesh);
                    if (il==n)
                        if (gel->Type() == EQuadrilateral) {
                            // quadrilateras
                            TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+2);
                            Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[3]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[3] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                            new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoQuad > (elid++, Topology, fbackMatID,*fComputedGeomesh);
                            // triangles
                            TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+1);
                            Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                            Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                            new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoTriangle > (elid++, Topology, fbackMatID,*fComputedGeomesh);
                if (!fIsTetrahedron) {

                    if (fIsPrism) {
                        // Prisms
                        TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(2*gelNodes);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[3]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[4]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[5]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                        // Cubes
                        TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+4);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[3]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[3] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[4]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[5]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[6]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[7]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[3] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoCube > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                    if (fIsPrism) {
                        // Prisms
                        TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(2*gelNodes);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[3]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[4]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[5]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoPrism > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                        // Tetrahedron
                        TPZVec<int64_t> Topology(gelNodes+1);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[3]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoTetrahedra > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[3]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoTetrahedra > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                        Topology[0]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[0] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[1]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[1] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[2]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 0) * jump].Id();
                        Topology[3]=fComputedGeomesh->NodeVec()[CTopology[2] + (il - 1) * jump].Id();
                        new TPZGeoElRefPattern < pzgeom::TPZGeoTetrahedra > (elid++, Topology, elmatid,*fComputedGeomesh);
                Is3D = true;
                std::cout << "Connection not implemented " << std::endl;
    if (Is1D) {
    if (Is2D) {
    if (Is3D) {