//!PG main function
  selector (TChain * tree, histos & plots, int if_signal)
 plots.v_hardTAGPt = -99;
 plots.v_softTAGPt = -99;
 plots.v_TAGDProdEta = -99;
 plots.v_TAGDeta = -99;
 plots.v_TAGMinv = -99;
 plots.v_LepLep = -99;
 plots.v_hardLEPPt = -99;
 plots.v_softLEPPt = -99;
 plots.v_LEPDPhi = -99;
 plots.v_LEPDEta = -99;
 plots.v_LEPDR = -99;
 plots.v_LEPMinv = -99;
 plots.v_LEPProdCharge = -99;
 plots.v_hardLEPCharge = -99;
 plots.v_softLEPCharge = -99;
 plots.v_MET = -99;
 plots.v_ojets = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsCJV = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsRegionalCJV = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_01 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_02 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_03 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_04 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_05 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_06 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_07 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_08 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_09 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_10 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_11 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_12 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_13 = -99 ;
 plots.v_ojetsZepp_14 = -99 ;
 plots.v_decay_Channel_e = -99 ;
 plots.v_decay_Channel_mu = -99 ;
 plots.v_decay_Channel_tau = -99 ;
 TClonesArray * genParticles = new TClonesArray ("TParticle") ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("genParticles", &genParticles) ;
//  TClonesArray * tagJets = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; 
//  tree->SetBranchAddress ("tagJets", &tagJets) ;
 TClonesArray * otherJets_temp = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress (g_KindOfJet.c_str(), &otherJets_temp) ;
//  tree->SetBranchAddress ("otherJets", &otherJets_temp) ;
 TClonesArray * electrons = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("electrons", &electrons) ;
 TClonesArray * muons = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("muons", &muons) ;
 TClonesArray * MET = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("MET", &MET) ;
 TClonesArray * tracks = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("tracks", &tracks) ;
 TClonesArray * tagJets = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; 
 TClonesArray * otherJets = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ;
 int EleId[100];
 float IsolEleSumPt_VBF[100];
 int nEle;
 int EleCharge[30];
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("nEle", &nEle) ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("EleId",EleId ) ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("IsolEleSumPt_VBF",IsolEleSumPt_VBF ) ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("EleCharge",EleCharge ) ;
 float IsolMuTr[100];
 int nMu ;
 int MuCharge[30];
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("nMu", &nMu) ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("IsolMuTr",IsolMuTr ) ;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("MuCharge", MuCharge) ;

 int IdEvent;
 tree->SetBranchAddress ("IdEvent", &IdEvent) ;
 int nentries = (int) tree->GetEntries () ;

 plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections = 0;
 plots.analyzed = 0;
 plots.analyzed_ee = 0;
 plots.analyzed_mumu = 0;
 plots.analyzed_tautau = 0;
 plots.analyzed_emu = 0;
 plots.analyzed_etau = 0;
 plots.analyzed_mutau = 0;
 plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_ee = 0;
 plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_mumu = 0;
 plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_tautau = 0;
 plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_emu = 0;
 plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_etau = 0;
 plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_mutau = 0;

 //PG loop over the events
 for (int evt = 0 ; evt < nentries ; ++evt)

  tree->GetEntry (evt) ;
  tagJets -> Clear () ;  
  otherJets -> Clear () ;    
    //---- check if signal ----
  if (if_signal && (IdEvent!=123 && IdEvent!=124)) continue;
   //!---- MC ----

  if (IdEvent==123 || IdEvent==124) { //---- VBF event ----
   plots.v_decay_Channel_e = 0;
   plots.v_decay_Channel_mu = 0;
   plots.v_decay_Channel_tau = 0;
   for (int iGen = 0; iGen < genParticles->GetEntries() ; ++iGen){
    TParticle* myparticle = (TParticle*) genParticles->At(iGen);
    if (abs(myparticle->GetPdgCode()) == 24) { //---- W
     Int_t mother1 = 0;
     mother1 = myparticle->GetMother(0);
     if (mother1 == 25) { //---- mother is higgs ----
      for (int iDaughter = 0; iDaughter<2; iDaughter++){
       if (abs(myparticle->GetDaughter(iDaughter)) == 11) {//---- W -> e
       if (abs(myparticle->GetDaughter(iDaughter)) == 13) {//---- W -> mu    
       if (abs(myparticle->GetDaughter(iDaughter)) == 15) {//---- W -> tau

  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 2) plots.analyzed_ee++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 2) plots.analyzed_mumu++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 2) plots.analyzed_tautau++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 1) plots.analyzed_emu++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 1) plots.analyzed_etau++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 1) plots.analyzed_mutau++;
  int cutId = 0 ;

  plots.increase (cutId++) ; //AM 0 -> total number of events

//   std::cerr << "--- preambolo leptoni " << std::endl;           
  std::vector<lepton> leptons ;
      //PG pour electrons into leptons collection
      //PG ---------------------------------------

      //PG loop over electrons
  for (int iele = 0; iele < electrons->GetEntries () ; ++iele)
   TLorentzVector * theEle = (TLorentzVector*) (electrons->At (iele)) ;
   lepton dummy (theEle, 0, iele) ;
   leptons.push_back (dummy) ;
  } //PG loop over electrons

      //PG loop over muons
  for (int imu = 0 ; imu < nMu ; ++imu)
   TLorentzVector * theMu = (TLorentzVector*) (muons->At (imu)) ;
   lepton dummy (theMu, 1, imu) ;
   leptons.push_back (dummy) ;
  } //PG loop over muons

//PG this check is not necessary
//PG      if (leptons.size () < 2) continue ;

//   std::cerr << "--- inizia leptoni " << std::endl;
      //PG 2 LEPTONS
      //PG ---------

applied after the leptons choice: 
  in this case it is possible to differentiate the selections depending on the 
  position of each lepton in the pt-sorting.
  the algorithm searches the first two most energetic candidates which satisfy 
  the ID selections required for the first and second lepton respectively.
  Then check for channel analysis according to "g_LepLep"
     0 == ee
     1 == mumu
     2 == emu
     3 == mue
  pt ordered

  sort (leptons.rbegin (), leptons.rend (), lessThan ()) ;

  lepton primoLEP ;
  lepton secondoLEP ;

  double first_lepton_charge = 0;
  double second_lepton_charge = 0;
  int lepton_counter = 0;
  int electron_counter = 0;
  int muon_counter = 0;
      //PG find the first lepton
  int ilep = 0 ;
  for ( ; ilep < leptons.size () ; ++ilep)
   if (leptons.at (ilep).m_flav == 0) //PG electron
               //PG iso check
    bool eleIso = (IsolEleSumPt_VBF[leptons.at (ilep).m_index] /  
      leptons.at (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < g_IsoElectron ; // 0.2 per il momento
    if (g_ISO1[0] == 1 && eleIso != 1) continue;
              //PG eleID check
    int eleID = EleId[leptons.at (ilep).m_index] ;
    if      (g_ID1 == 100 && (eleID/100) != 1) continue;
    else if (g_ID1 == 10  && ((eleID%100)/10) != 1) continue;
    else if (g_ID1 == 1   && (eleID%10) != 1) continue;
    first_lepton_charge = EleCharge[leptons.at (ilep).m_index];
   else //PG muon
              //PG iso check
    bool muIso = (IsolMuTr[leptons.at (ilep).m_index] /  
      leptons.at (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < g_IsoMuon ; 
    if (g_ISO1[1] == 1 && muIso != 1) continue;
    first_lepton_charge = MuCharge[leptons.at (ilep).m_index];
   primoLEP = leptons[ilep] ;
   if (leptons.at (ilep).m_flav == 0) electron_counter++;
   else muon_counter++;
   break ;
   } //PG find the first lepton

      //PG find the second lepton
  bool flag_secondoLEP = false;
  for (++ilep ; ilep < leptons.size () ; ++ilep)
   if (leptons.at (ilep).m_flav == 0) //PG electron
               //PG iso check
    bool eleIso = (IsolEleSumPt_VBF[leptons.at (ilep).m_index] /  
      leptons.at (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < g_IsoElectron ; // 0.2 per il momento
    if (g_ISO2[0] == 1 && eleIso != 1) continue;
              //PG eleID check
    int eleID = EleId[leptons.at (ilep).m_index] ;
    if      (g_ID2 == 100 && (eleID/100) != 1) continue;
    else if (g_ID2 == 10  && ((eleID%100)/10) != 1) continue;
    else if (g_ID2 == 1   && (eleID%10) != 1) continue;
    second_lepton_charge = EleCharge[leptons.at (ilep).m_index];
   else //PG muon
              //PG iso check
    bool muIso = (IsolMuTr[leptons.at (ilep).m_index] /  
      leptons.at (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < g_IsoMuon ; 
    if (g_ISO2[1] == 1 && muIso != 1) continue;
    second_lepton_charge = MuCharge[leptons.at (ilep).m_index];
   if (!flag_secondoLEP) {
    secondoLEP = leptons[ilep] ;
    flag_secondoLEP = true;
   if (leptons.at (ilep).m_kine->Pt () > 0) {
    if (leptons.at (ilep).m_flav == 0) electron_counter++;
    else muon_counter++;
  } //PG find the second lepton

 //---- AM 3 --- 2 leptons after Id      
 if (primoLEP.m_flav == -1 || secondoLEP.m_flav == -1) continue ;
 //---- AM 4 check for the two most transverse-energetic leptons have the right flavours
 plots.v_numLep = lepton_counter;
 plots.v_numEle = electron_counter;
 plots.v_numMu = muon_counter; 
 if (primoLEP.m_flav == 0 && secondoLEP.m_flav == 0) plots.v_LepLep = 0 ;
 if (primoLEP.m_flav == 1 && secondoLEP.m_flav == 1) plots.v_LepLep = 1 ;
 if (primoLEP.m_flav == 0 && secondoLEP.m_flav == 1) plots.v_LepLep = 2 ;
 if (primoLEP.m_flav == 1 && secondoLEP.m_flav == 0) plots.v_LepLep = 3 ;

 plots.v_hardLEPPt = primoLEP.m_kine->Pt () ; 
   //---- AM 5 pt_min of the most energetic lepton
 plots.v_softLEPPt = secondoLEP.m_kine->Pt () ;
   //---- AM 6 pt_min of the least energetic lepton
 plots.v_LEPDPhi = deltaPhi (primoLEP.m_kine->Phi (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Phi ()) ;
  //---- AM 7 Delta_phi_min between leptons

 plots.v_LEPDEta = deltaEta (primoLEP.m_kine->Eta (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Eta ()) ;
 plots.v_LEPDR = deltaR (primoLEP.m_kine->Phi (),primoLEP.m_kine->Eta (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Phi (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Eta ()) ;

  TLorentzVector sumLEP = *(primoLEP.m_kine) + *(secondoLEP.m_kine) ;
  plots.v_LEPMinv = sumLEP.M () ;
  //---- AM 9 MInv_min of leptons
  plots.v_LEPProdCharge = first_lepton_charge * second_lepton_charge ;
  plots.v_hardLEPCharge = first_lepton_charge ;
  plots.v_softLEPCharge = second_lepton_charge ;
      //PG MET
      //PG ---

//   std::cerr << "--- finito " << std::endl;
  TLorentzVector* met = ((TLorentzVector*) (MET->At(0))) ;
      //correct for muons
  for (int i = 0 ; i < nMu ; i++)
   TLorentzVector * mu_v = (TLorentzVector*) (muons->At (i)) ;
   if (mu_v->Pt () > 3)
    met->SetPx (met->Px () - mu_v->Px ()) ;
    met->SetPy (met->Py () - mu_v->Py ()) ;
  plots.v_MET = met->Pt () ;

  //---- AM 11 Met_min ----------------> Met correction ?
//      if (((TLorentzVector*) (MET->At (0)))->Pt () < g_METMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 10

      //PG Ztautau vetos
      //PG -------------
      //PG the two electrons should not be opposite to each other
//   TVector2 primoLEPT (primoLEP.m_kine->X (), primoLEP.m_kine->Y ()) ;
//   TVector2 secondoLEPT (secondoLEP.m_kine->X (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Y ()) ;
//   TVector2 METT (met->X (), met->Y ()) ;
//   double Sum = METT * primoLEPT + METT * secondoLEPT / (1 + primoLEPT * secondoLEPT) ;
//   double Dif = METT * primoLEPT - METT * secondoLEPT / (1 - primoLEPT * secondoLEPT) ;
//   TVector2 METT1 = 0.5 * (Sum + Dif) * primoLEPT ;
//   TVector2 METT2 = 0.5 * (Sum - Dif) * secondoLEPT ;
//   double ptNu1 = METT1.Mod () / cos (primoLEP.m_kine->Theta ()) ;
//   double ptNu2 = METT2.Mod () / cos (secondoLEP.m_kine->Theta ()) ;


  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 2) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_ee++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 2) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_mumu++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 2) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_tautau++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 1) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_emu++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 1) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_etau++;
  if (plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 1) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_mutau++;
 } //PG loop over the events


 delete otherJets_temp ;
 delete tagJets  ;  
 delete otherJets  ;
 delete electrons  ;
 delete muons  ;    
 delete MET  ;      
 delete tracks  ;   

 return 0;
kine_tracks(Double_t min_pt,  Double_t min_p,
	    Bool_t   pdg_col, Bool_t   recurse,
	    Bool_t   use_track_refs)
  IlcRunLoader* rl =  IlcEveEventManager::AssertRunLoader();
  IlcStack* stack = rl->Stack();
  if (!stack)
    Error("kine_tracks", "can not get kinematics.");
    return 0;


  TEveTrackList* cont = new TEveTrackList("Kine Tracks");
  TEveTrackPropagator* trkProp = cont->GetPropagator();


  Int_t count = 0;
  Int_t Np = stack->GetNprimary();
  for (Int_t i = 0; i < Np; ++i)
    TParticle* p = stack->Particle(i);
    if (p->GetStatusCode() <= 1)
      if (p->Pt() < min_pt && p->P() < min_p) continue;

      IlcEveTrack* track = new IlcEveTrack(p, i, trkProp);

      //PH The line below is replaced waiting for a fix in Root
      //PH which permits to use variable siza arguments in CINT
      //PH on some platforms (alphalinuxgcc, solariscc5, etc.)
      //PH    track->SetName(Form("%s [%d]", p->GetName(), i));
      char form[1000];
      sprintf(form,"%s [%d]", p->GetName(), i);
      Int_t ml = p->GetMother(0);
      if (ml != -1)
        track->SetTitle(Form("%s\nMother label=%d\nMother Pdg=%d",
                             ml, stack->Particle(ml)->GetPdgCode()));
      set_track_color(track, pdg_col);

      gEve->AddElement(track, cont);

      if (recurse)
	kine_daughters(track, stack, min_pt, min_p, pdg_col, recurse);

  // set path marks
  IlcEveKineTools kt;
  kt.SetDaughterPathMarks(cont, stack, recurse);
  if (use_track_refs && rl->LoadTrackRefs() == 0)
    kt.SetTrackReferences(cont, rl->TreeTR(), recurse);
  kt.SortPathMarks(cont, recurse);

  //PH  const Text_t* tooltip = Form("min pT=%.2lf, min P=%.2lf), N=%d", min_pt, min_p, count);
  char tooltip[1000];
  sprintf(tooltip,"min pT=%.2lf, min P=%.2lf), N=%d", min_pt, min_p, count);
  cont->SetTitle(tooltip); // Not broadcasted automatically ...


  return cont;