void CLocationCriteriaTableEntry::InitSelector (SSelectorInitCtx &InitCtx, CCompositeImageSelector *retSelector)

//	InitSelector
//	Initializes the selector

	int i;

	//	Generate the table based on criteria and location

	TProbabilityTable<int> ProbTable;
	for (i = 0; i < m_Table.GetCount(); i++)
		//	Compute the probability of this entry at the
		//	given location.

		int iChance = m_Table[i].Criteria.CalcLocationWeight(InitCtx.pSystem, InitCtx.sLocAttribs, InitCtx.vObjPos);
		if (iChance > 0)
			ProbTable.Insert(i, iChance);

	//	If none match, then add the default element

	if (ProbTable.GetCount() == 0 && m_iDefault != -1)
		ProbTable.Insert(m_iDefault, 1000);

	//	Roll

	if (ProbTable.GetCount() > 0)
		int iRoll = ProbTable.RollPos();
		int iIndex = ProbTable[iRoll];
		retSelector->AddVariant(GetID(), iIndex);
		m_Table[iIndex].pImage->InitSelector(InitCtx, retSelector);
CSoundType *CSoundtrackManager::CalcGameTrackToPlay (const CString &sRequiredAttrib)

//	CalcGameTrackToPlay
//	Calculates a game track to play.

	int i;
	CSystem *pSystem = g_pUniverse->GetCurrentSystem();

	//	Create a probability table of tracks to play.

	TSortMap<int, TProbabilityTable<CSoundType *>> Table(DescendingSort);
	for (i = 0; i < g_pUniverse->GetSoundTypeCount(); i++)
		CSoundType *pTrack = g_pUniverse->GetSoundType(i);

		//	If this is not appropriate music then skip it

		if (!pTrack->HasAttribute(sRequiredAttrib))

		//	If this is a system track and we've already played a
		//	system track, then skip it.

		else if (m_bSystemTrackPlayed
				&& pTrack->HasAttribute(ATTRIB_SYSTEM_SOUNDTRACK))

		//	Calculate the chance for this track based on location
		//	criteria.

		int iChance = (pSystem ? pSystem->CalcMatchStrength(pTrack->GetLocationCriteria()) : 1000);
		if (iChance == 0)

		//	Adjust probability based on when we last played this tack.

		switch (GetLastPlayedRank(pTrack->GetUNID()))
			case 0:
				iChance = 0;

			case 1:
				iChance = iChance / 10;

			case 2:
				iChance = iChance / 5;

			case 3:
			case 4:
				iChance = iChance / 3;

			case 5:
			case 6:
			case 7:
				iChance = iChance / 2;

			case 8:
			case 9:
			case 10:
				iChance = 2 * iChance / 3;

		if (iChance == 0)

		//	Add to the probability table

		TProbabilityTable<CSoundType *> *pEntry = Table.SetAt(pTrack->GetPriority());
		pEntry->Insert(pTrack, iChance);

	//	If the table is empty, then there is nothing to play.

	if (Table.GetCount() == 0)
		return NULL;

	//	Otherwise, roll out of the first table.

	TProbabilityTable<CSoundType *> &Entry = Table[0];
	return Entry.GetAt(Entry.RollPos());